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Today in Supreme Court History: December 25, 2009
12/25/2009: Justice Elena Kagan "was probably at a Chinese restaurant."
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So, will she be retiring this year?
Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. v. Gunther, 116 U.S. 113 (decided December 25, 1885) (was this case really "filed" on December 25, as Westlaw has it?): No, this case did not concern the raise given by Scrooge to Bob Cratchit being in violation of some wage and price control (actually that was on December 26), but is a boring matter dealing with expenses of a suit and trustees of a railroad. Merry Christmas to all.
Since Christmas did not become a federal holiday until 1870, I was wondering if prior to that it was just another day as far as the court was concerned?
Thanks for your daily posts filling in the gaps left by Blackman's drivel.
Merry Christmas!
You’re welcome.
She'll probably be at a Chinese Restaurant this year as well.
Billy Crystal says that every Sunday when he was growing up his family would argue about whether to go to a Chinese restaurant or an Italian one.
Because, as he put it,
"Everyone knows that on Sunday, Jews can't eat their own food."
Via Instapundit, a thank you to Jews for their patronage on Christmas:
On December 23, 1921, President Warren G. Harding commuted the sentence of Eugene Debs, effective Christmas Day. Debs’ conviction for sedition under the Espionage Act of 1917 had been upheld by the Supreme Court in Debs v. United States (1919). Debs had served 32 months of his 10-year sentence. Debs would meet privately with Harding at the White House on December 26.
One of the reasons Harding would give for the clemency was Debs' poor health. Debs would pass away on October 20, 1926, a little more than three years after Harding himself died in office of a heart attack.
Thanks !
She was probably carpet munching.
You really should chill and restrain your thoughts on occasion.
I like insulting liberal Jewish women, as they're the lowest form of low.
Most of us think you work hard for that distinction.
I’m sure they consider the source and ignore you. Probably most women do.
and there's NOT anything wrong with that
Merry Christmas VC Conspirators! 🙂
Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra!!!
It's too bad her ancestors weren't killed in pogroms so we wouldn't have to deal with her treasonous rulings today.
The current Supreme Court consists of six Catholics, two Protestants, and one Jew (source). I take it you don't consider the rulings of any of the other justices "treasonous"? Or maybe they don't bother you as much (no Jews being involved)?
On behalf of all the Jews that survived pogroms, and their descendants, let me tell you: go fuck yourself!
Maybe once a year, I agree with Ed Grinberg.
This seems to be the time.
Fuck you, elnurmamedrafiev, and the horse you rode in on. You contribute nothing but hatred and stupidity here, you worthless POS.
You can add my vote to that.
The mute button is very useful.
"Her Ancestors" were my Ancestors, you Moe-hammad Atta fellating faggot(you use-a da F-word, I use-a da F-word) Most amazing thing about 9-11, these A-rab fuckups were able to do something right for a change (well, 3 out of 4)
Again, go the fuck back to "Palestine", Ear-Rock, Ear-Ron, E-gypt, Pock-e-ston, whatever the fuck Ston you came from,
And hey, I don't agree with Elena most of the time, except I think we both enjoy Umm, Chinese Food, Chinese Food,
But go ahead Eichmann, you'll end up like him (No threat, we all will, in the sense that we'll be dead and "swimming with the fishes" (OK, in Eichmann's case, more like Carbon Ashes dis-semen-ated through the Med))
December 24 is actually known as Christmas Eve, whereas December 25, today, is Christmas. Proofread the dates next time?
I'm surprised that Kagan, or any Jews, "celebrate" Christmas by dining out. If you're serious about not celebrating Christmas, then do on December 25 what you'd do any other day.
I wouldn't know when Jewish holidays are unless I looked them up. Recently I shopped at a kosher grocery store and a weird dude followed me to my car and asked if I was Jewish. He said it was "our holiday." I looked up that it was Shemini Atzerat. Is that like the equivalent of All Saints Day or something? Was he offended that I shopped at a Jewish market on a Jewish holiday?
It is 'the solemn gathering' = Shmini Atzeret. It ends the High Holidays. Truthfully, I am surprised the kosher grocer was even open.
My impression is that the custom arose because Chinese restaurants tend to be the only kind open on Christmas, so if you want to eat out that's often your only option.
It also seems to be true that Jews are, for whatever reason, partial to Chinese food, to the extent that I've heard that Jewish neighborhoods are considered particularly good locations for Chinese restaurants.
I've suspected that there are some little-known parts of the Talmud that declare pork and shrimp kosher, but only if eaten in a Chinese restaurant.
That was funnier when Rodney Dangerfield told it
I've read that one reason Jews were attracted to Chinese food was that there's virtually no dairy in Chinese cuisine (at least in the U.S.), so Jews didn't have to worry about that stricture of kashrut.
That is an interesting observation; had not thought of that aspect.
I'm puzzled why Graham went there. It's possible that, being a South Carolinian*, he was genuinely unaware of and curious about the unusual customs of the Hebrews, but it seems more likely that he was dog-whistling: "Kagan is a JEW!"
There were other closet doors he understandably refrained from opening.
* I was traveling in Charleston during a primary ultimately won by Nikki Haley. The local paper thought it necessary not only to explain what a Sikh was, because Haley is or was a Sikh, but what a Catholic was, since her primary opponent was a Catholic.
The courts had to explain to the Marine Corps what a Sikh was.
It is an odd question to ask, but worth noting that Graham was one of 5 Republicans who ended up voting to confirm her. Maybe it was just a softball question intended to draw a laugh and endear her to committee.
Same goes for you.