The Volokh Conspiracy
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Vladimir v. Vladimir
The leaders of the two antagonists in the Russia-Ukrainian war share the same name, albeit with some differences to account for the different languages (Volodymyr / Vladimir). If you prefer, you can say that each name is the commonly accepted translation of the other. In what other wars can the same be said of the heads of state, or heads of government (de facto or de jure), of at least two antagonists?
My nephew Charlie noted that George Washington and King George III shared the same name; that's close, but George Washington, though the commander-in-chief during the Revolutionary War, wasn't at the time the head of government or of state. Charlie also noted another example, much less well-known but likely squarely on point.
Bonus points if these were, as with the Russian-Ukrainian war, the heads of the two primary antagonists, rather than just minor partners in one of those massive coalition wars.
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" George Washington, though the commander-in-chief during the Revolutionary War, wasn't at the time the head of government or of state"
That's debatable -- if Washington wasn't then who was?
And back then, wasn't the Commander in Chief considered to be the head of the government?
I think the President of the Continental Congress would have been the head of the government.
Good idea, McCarthy or Marjorie Taylor Green (funny, she doesn't look Jewish) would be an improvement over Senescent Joe or Common-Law Harris
It’s not debatable. At all.
Facts are 'debatable' to flat-earther types like Dr Ed.
Also, Zelensky isn't the head of a primary antagonist, Joe Biden is.
Ah, yes, everything is about Joe Biden. I doubt the Ukrainians would agree with you.
That would depend on whether the Ukrainians in question are aware that the Ukraine and Russia had worked out a peace deal just a few weeks after the war started, only for the US empire to order Zelensky to fight to the last Ukrainian.
Right, and the deal was witnessed by Elvis and the UFO alien whose picture used to grace the cover of the Weekly World News.
If you really believe such nonsense, there's nothing I can do about it.
He doesn't believe it, but the roubles keep him in vodka and potatoes.
Another Vladimir Lenin (coined a great term for you and others like you, such as Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson. "Useful Idiot."
The US is one of many allies and sympathizers of Ukraine, along with EU, NATO and especially former Eastern Bloc subjects like Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, none of whom want to go back, which could happen if Putin is appeased. Give up not one angry inch.
Acting like US alone is backing Ukraine is way out of touch with reality on the ground. Sweden and Finland are joining NATO and Biden is not responsible for that decision. Putin destroyed peace and neutrality in Europe.
That's a dumb comment. Had Ukraine fallen on the first few days, Biden wouldn't have done much.
Biden missed a golden opportunity to send a message to Putin. Early in his presidency, the Belarussians committed air piracy when they forced a RyanAir jet (with American citizens as passengers) to land in Minsk. Thus, a foreign government interfered with the rights of Americans, and we thus had the right to retaliate. We should have demanded reparations of $10MM per passenger, the extradition of the military pilot who forced the airliner to land (as well as anyone who helped vector him) and we should have told the Belarussians that the airbase from which the military plane took off would be leveled if they didn't comply with our demands.
That's how you deal with thugs.
Real tough guy!
He ain't wrong. You don't have to be a Biden lover to know you give no quarter to dictators.
Is there a dictator Senescent Joe hasn't fellated?
Trump did that. Actually, what Trump did to many dictators could be crudely characterized as a reach around. Trump put the screws to Putin, Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping. But he also publicly praised them. Weird. Even the execrable Alexander Vindman conceded that Trump did more for Ukraine than Obama/Biden.
Trump blew smoke up their … skirts. Biden breaks out his kneepads (and his son’s bank account details).
Just business. Thugs need to know that Americans are off-limits.
Unless they're Caucasian Amurican US Marines, fuck them.
"Biden missed a golden opportunity to send a message to Putin."
Perhaps, but he sent a doozy of a message with his chaotic pullout from Afghanistan.
Does Louis Napoléon Bonaparte versus Louis Philippe work? Louis Napoléon was head of a movement while Louis Philippe was a head of a state.
Spy vs. Spy
Post of the year candidate!!
Henry III of France and Henry III of Navarre (the future Henry IV of France) in several wars of religion.
I think Charles the Bad of Navarre and Burgundy and Charles the Wise of France fought a war or two, but Charles the Bad was so busy switching sides between England and France that it's hard to tell. They definitely had a war while Charles the Wise was ruling France as regent, but John II would have been the actual king, though in captivity.
How about the War of the Two Peters?
Full disclosure, I had never heard of this until I was looking up my other guess which turned out to bewrong.
Did they have a Sword Fight??? Hey-Ohhhh!!!!!!!!
I had not heard of it either. Funny that Peter of Castile is known as both Peter the Just and Peter the Cruel.
I'll top that with the War of the Three Henries, although only two of them were kings.
Some famous ones:
Harold Godwinson King of England vs Harald Hardrada King of Norway. "I will give him seven feet of English ground, or as much more as he may be taller than other men."
Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) Emir of Nejd vs Abdulaziz (Ibn Rashid) Emir of Jabal Shammar. "From Abdulaziz the living to Abdulaziz the dead."
The War of the Three Henrys (France, Navarre, Guise).
Harold Godwinson was a serious badass.
The Harolds were the ones I was thinking of. I'm not a Chelsea supporter, I hasten to add!
Wiki says the commanders were named Abdulaziz Ibn Saud and Saud bin Abdulaziz, which is an equally interesting pair of names.
**For those who may not know, Ibn and bin are different romanizations of the same Arabic word, which means "son of." I do not know why Ibn is typically capitalized and bin is not.
Charlemagne and Carloman (his younger brother) almost went to war but by a twist of fate Carloman unexpectedly died.
Before European states were unitary sons in possession of their own titles frequently fought their fathers. Not quite the same though.
George V was George Frederick Ernest Albert; Wilhelm II was Frederick William Victor Albert.
Wouldn't Abraham Lincoln technically still have been Head of State of the Confederacy, at least if we go by the Union's position that was ultimately ratified by SCOTUS that secession is no allowed?
You just blew my mind
The Confederacy wasn't a state, so yes, he was still head of state of the United States that the traitors tried to secede from. That's obvious even to children. What are you trying to sealion here?
It was a "Confederacy" of States, funny that they didn't think to call themselves that. "Victors write History" so yes, Jeffy Davis was tried as a Traitor, if Lee had played his land a little better, it'd been Lincoln (and Grant and Sherman) in the Dock, (would have saved him from that idiot Booth ironically) Funny when you Yankees try to sealion (see what I did there? I stuck your Yankee Dildo up your own Yankee Asshole) us Southerners about the "Wah of Naw-thun Aggression" We grow up on this shit, like the A-rabs, we just don't fly Jets into the WTC, and hey, by taking 1/2 or our Slaves, you made the South a more pleasant place to live.
Frank (CSA (ret))
You're an idiot. If the CSA existed, then it was independent and has its own President Jefferson. If it was still part of the USA, then Lincoln was still its President, and he was President of only one country.
Can't have it both ways.
Michinomiya was the original first name of Emperor Hirohito, and is probably just, "Franklin," translated into Japanese.
To be fair, Vladimir in eastern Europe is like Nguyen in Vietnam--you can't swing a cat without hitting one. If the English names Kyle, Brandon and John were all the same name, it would be kind of like Vladimir in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Belarus, etc. So it would be more surprising if the Russian and Ukrainian leaders weren't both called Vladimir.
Curiously, not too many eastern European NHL hockey players are named Vladimir.
How many are named "Lebron"??
The NY Rangers have one.
And then there is always Vladimir Guerrero (pere et fils), although I am unsure what oblast they hail from.
Last 10 POTUS's " (Senescent) Joe", "(the) Donald" "(Barry) Barack Hussein Obama II (from the "Birth Certificate") why isn't the "II" ever mentioned", makes Him sound even more pretentious than he already is. "George", "William", "George", "Ronald", "James", "Gerald", "Richard", "Lyndon" "Liberal" don't think he'd be really happy with his current party.
When I was in Leningrad, I had a friend - a bit of a wag - whose name was Vladimir, and his father's name was Ilya. He used to sign people's yearbooks : Тебе лично, - Владимир Ильич ("To you, personally, [from] Vladimir Ilych [Lenin]").
Not likely. And don't we want tinpot thugs like Lukashenko to fear us, rather than the other way around?
So what should the US response have been?