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Does Diversity Training Work? Does Anyone Know?
A Princeton phsychologist suggests there is little evidence that corporate DEI programs do much to enhance diversity or inclusion.
Princeton psychology professor Betsy Levy Paluck has an op-ed in today's Washington Post pointing out the dearth of research showing that diversity training programs do much to enhance diversity or inclusion within organizations.
The piece begins:
What have we achieved with all this effort? In 2022, this question has special significance, as measures to increase diversity and racial equity have come under political attack, often by people who believe those shouldn't be goals in the first place. But even among people who believe in the basic mission, common questions about diversity training have shifted from "Which training is best?" to "Is the training even a good idea?" and "Does the training have negative effects?"
The problem is that the real answer to all three of these questions is: We don't know.
Professor Paluck bases this conclusion, in part, on a literature review she co-authored, "Prejudice Reduction: Progress and Challenges," published in the Annual Review of Psychology. The abstract for that paper reads:
The past decade has seen rapid growth in research that evaluates methods for reducing prejudice. This essay reviews 418 experiments reported in 309 manuscripts from 2007 to 2019 to assess which approaches work best and why. Our quantitative assessment uses meta-analysis to estimate average effects. Our qualitative assessment calls attention to landmark studies that are noteworthy for sustained interventions, imaginative measurement, and transparency. However, 76% of all studies evaluate light touch interventions, the long-term impact of which remains unclear. The modal intervention uses mentalizing as a salve for prejudice. Although these studies report optimistic conclusions, we identify troubling indications of publication bias that may exaggerate effects. Furthermore, landmark studies often find limited effects, which suggests the need for further theoretical innovation or synergies with other kinds of psychological or structural interventions. We conclude that much research effort is theoretically and empirically ill-suited to provide actionable, evidence-based recommendations for reducing prejudice.
Professor Paluck ackowledges that measuring the impact of such programs is difficult, but she does not believe that is the problem. Rather, she suggests there is something of a collective action problem. Meaningful research would require collecting data across multiple firms and corporations that contract for DEI programs are reluctant to share data or information (including employee opinions that they fear could produce PR or legal risks).
She concludes:
Collective action problems require collective solutions. Studies that combine multiple corporations and trainings could shelter participants from legal and PR risks. My research team and other behavioral and social scientists are eagerly waiting to help design these kinds of trials. Because if we don't study what works when it comes to diversity initiatives, we know what will almost surely follow: another crime of hate, followed by a surge in diversity trainings that might not help at all.
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Does diversity training work?
It's a stupid question, like asking whether math classes work. Some may work. Others not. Across the board, my guess is that they are largely useless, with occasional exceptions.
I agree. I taught cultural diversity when I was a 911 supervisor in a DC suburb, but a lot of the emphasis of that was practical. How do you question elderly people? How do you deal w/folks who may have come here from countries where they are justifiably suspicious of the police? There was some of the usual DEI material, but it's main affect was less to change people's mindset (although hopefully that happened) and more to emphasize the values of the agency in terms of serving all of the public.
There's also a CYA component to it. If someone sued us claiming that they had been discriminated against or treated improperly on a call due to cultural, racial, religious, etc. issues, we could point to the training we did to mitigate or shift liability.
Also agree with bernard. Not too useful as a blanket statement, still my guess is that the lack of efficacy is largely true.
Corporations and Agencies wanting a quick box to check hardest hit.
Haven't corporations had ethics training for years, and we can tell how well that works.
"It’s a stupid question, like asking whether math classes work. Some may work. Others not."
Huh? We can measure whether math classes work. Can we measure whether these trainings work?
Same way -- tests. Teach to the test.
Other than that, and bridges not falling down, how would you tell whether math classes "work"?
What does a DIE advocate test, though: The ability to repeat cant, or the behaviors that could supposedly be oppressive or exclusive? The latter is quite difficult to test objectively and reproducibly without it being an obvious test -- in which case it would often turn into a test of performative behavior rather than of meaningful impact.
The ability to solve mathematical problems or puzzles is much easier to test.
When your basis of faith are the evil of Western society, microaggressions and unconscious bias there is no possible test beyond "is the world burning" and if it's not that's the fault of White Supremacy or misogyny or transphobia or whatever bugaboo you can use to attack others in the oppression paradigm.
What about those of us who do/have done this training for whom that does not reflect our basis of faith?
Actual, practical cultural sensitivity, recognition and appreciation is fine but DIE is as far from that as you get.
Except that for math, there are actual concepts and skills that we would like someone to come out of an algebra two class understanding and able to do.
A test can determine whether that is in fact the case. How do you test for racial bias?
With a Pantone chart, duh.
Just more evidence you never actually think about your responses. You just try to be the first to be the cleverest.
People fail math classes. So, obviously, math classes do not “work.”
By similar argument, what has failed when somebody makes a really dumb argument on the Internet?
Some people need remedial classes, and some just won't meet the standard. Not everyone will pass tests at the end of a semester for graduate courses on topology or software compilers, but those courses "work" nonetheless.
To take it even further and not just pick on DEI, my experience when I was working was that all of these efforts related to “soft stuff” - DEI, team building, leadership, whatever - are seen as distracting wastes of time by most of the people.
I worked with groups that were heavily dominated by technical people. Engineers and geologists mostly. So maybe that was a factor in why we saw them that way, but the general attitude was “I’m bored because this isn’t technical and I’m wasting time while my work piles up”.
DEI wouldn’t be much differently regarded than the others, perhaps a little extra aggravation because it can come across as pretty preachy, but mostly they were regarded all the same.
my experience when I was working was that all of these efforts related to “soft stuff” – DEI, team building, leadership, whatever – are seen as distracting wastes of time by most of the people.
That's my experience also.
Do you think it is intended to? Why?
Funny how all these diversity experts are never very diverse. You don't see too many Rizzos or Murphys as Diversity experts, do you? Often, they are from two very liberal left wing academic groups. DIE is just cultural marxism..lets be frank about it. Just like organized crime is the mob.
One of the most prominent (and best compensated) diversity experts is a white woman named Robin DiAngelo.
"DiAngelo" is just how she identifies now. When she was born, she was assigned the identity of Taylor.
(/s, halfway)
Do religious invocations preceding government meetings work? Are clingers similarly bothered by that gigantic waste of time?
Did it ever occur to you that there is an intrinsic (non-religious) value in calming conflict via these religious proceedings?
Did it ever occur to you (or other who advocate for official superstition) that diversity training would be better in that regard?
Did it ever occur to you that you are a "reverend" telling us that prayer is a waste of time?
The difference is when people invoke God, they are humbling themselves, but when they invoke DIE, they are exalting themselves.
Pride is a sin to the religious. To the woke, it’s a badge of honor.
When I was teaching Cultural Diversity, how was I exalting myself?
"The difference is when people invoke God, they are humbling themselves "
That right there is some prime bullshit, the type commonly associated with gullibility and disingenuousness.
Carry on, clingers.
"Do religious invocations preceding government meetings work? "
No way to test that, either.
But I'd much rather waste 1 minute (or less, generally) listening to some religious invocation than 8 hours of DIE class.
How `bout you, Artie?
1 minute, or 480 minutes?
Seems one of these things is not like the other.
I thought we weren't supposed to do whataboutism.
If I wanted to create racist bigots, I would design a curriculum along the lines of this diversity training garbage. If I wanted to create homophobes, I'd have "Drag Queen Story Hours" and the rest. I'd have the in-your-face stuff and I'd make it clear that Heterosexual White Males were third class citizens.
Force can be used to compel behavior, it can NOT be used to compel beliefs -- and there's a growing groundswell of resentment because of all of this stuff. A backlash is coming and it won't be pretty.
Planning on adding that to your skill set, next "holocaust apologia" and "punishing child rape victims"?
Take a few Ed Psych courses and then we can chat...
Just not enough half-educated, antisocial, obsolete bigots left in modern America to generate the backlash you claim to envision, clinger.
None of these things create bigots. They just piss off people who are already bigots.
Dumb classes and Drag Queen story hour are not applications of force.
I’m a straight white guy and if you are the same and feel third class that’s on you.
There will be no backlash, just sad frustrated wankers posting that the revolution is coming that will make them feel confident again.
I've pointed out to you that the 'anti-CRT' laws you attack are literally just prohibiting government employees from engaging in the worst sort of bigotry themselves. I've quoted the text of the laws to prove it.
You don't mind bigots, Sarcastr0. "Bigot" is just an epithet you deploy against people who don't share your politics. And people get pissed off being called "bigots" just because they don't sign on to the left's latest cause, or adopt the left's newest cant.
I’ve pointed out those laws are some pretty hard censorship of some pretty true historical facts and some quite mainstream opinions.
You don’t see it because you don’t like the opinions. And so let’s bring in big government.
And let’s cal, everyone bigots.
Ed is the one saying we are forcing people to become a bigots, Brett. Not me.
See, you defend it, even when I've quoted the language of the law to show that all it prohibits is the worst sort of bigotry. You make up just so stories where it somehow does something else.
Is birtherism the worst sort of bigotry or the best sort of bigotry, in your judgment, Mr. Bellmore?
I'd say Buggerers who only target one race, like a certain former Penn State Coach.
See, YOU defend it, even when I point out that the stuff you argue is anodyne covers plenty of mainstream beliefs. Like systemic racism is a thing that exists. Or affirmative action is good.
YOU are the one defending the broad boot of government regulation here. Think on that.
"Systemic racism" and "affirmative action" are both motte-and-bailey contraptions. Most people have vaguely positive impressions of "affirmative action", but stumble when trying to define what it means in practice without violating employment law. The motte is the idea of helping underrepresented or oppressed people have a better opportunity to get the job/promotion/whatever. The bailey is retreating from the idea of quotas or "plus factors" or similar thumbs on the scale that illegally discriminate based on protected classes.
Right. You don't like them so you're OK with censoring any statements by techers that disagree with your take.
I'd expect no better.
The teachers aren't being censored. It's just that the voters think that they're assholes and they're showing them the door.
For example: What do most Americans think about restricting jobs like tenure-track economics professors to particular racial groups -- good or bad?
Do I have to cite the legislative text yet again? Which of these do you consider "anodyne"? (Florida's 'anti-CRT' bill.)
"760. Unlawful employment practices.—
(8)(a) Subjecting any individual, as a condition of employment, membership, certification, licensing, credentialing, or passing an examination, to training, instruction, or any other required activity that espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels such individual to believe any of the following concepts constitutes discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin under this section:
1. Members of one race, color, sex, or national origin are morally superior to members of another race, color, sex, or national origin.
2. An individual, by virtue of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.
3. An individual’s moral character or status as either privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by his or her race, color, sex, or national origin.
4. Members of one race, color, sex, or national origin cannot and should not attempt to treat others without respect to race, color, sex, or national origin.
5. An individual, by virtue of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin, bears responsibility for, or should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment because of actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, sex, or national origin.
6. An individual, by virtue of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin, should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment to achieve diversity, equity, or inclusion.
7. An individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin.
8. Such virtues as merit, excellence, hard work, fairness, neutrality, objectivity, and racial colorblindness are racist or sexist, or were created by members of a particular race, color, sex, or national origin to oppress members of another race, color, sex, or national origin."
"None of these things create bigots. They just piss off people who are already bigots."
To some extent, Sarcast0's right on that.
More often, though, the person either has no opinion at all, or an opinion based on ignorance. What the DIE curriculum does is make these beliefs rigid.
You know how there is no good data on any upshots to these programs?
No good data for your take either.
I think these programs are dumb and largely ineffectual, as the OP posits. Going further to say they make people worse is going to require actual evidence, Ed. And I don't mean another of your overly convenient anecdotes.
Did you bother to read the article linked above? No, these trainings do not merely "piss off people who are already bigots". They antagonize people in the middle and even piss off some of the people who would otherwise be your advocates and supporters. There is already backlash. And if you don't see it, it's because you're being willfully blind to it.
“I was a peaceful and godly man. I loved my neighbor regardless of class, status, or skin color. Then my new employer made me attend a two-hour diversity seminar. Five weeks later I’m the Grand Dragon of my local chapter…”
Don't laugh. I've seen it happen with UMass undergrads.
Oh, we'll laugh. Because you're making a fool of yourself with yet another story.
All of Dr. Ed's vague, totally unverifiable, hearsay stories are 100% accurate!
Sarcastr0's anecdotes OTOH, totes legit.
Diversity trainings are CYA for discrimination lawsuits.
If you don't believe diversity, equity, and inclusion training work, you're a racist. If you don't believe in the tooth fairy, you're a homophobe.
Off topic, but you should see the Bob Hope PSA he made at his own expense in 1988 after he made a joke about AIDS and the “Staten Island Fairy” and gay activists called him on it. For a guy who was 85 years old and set in his ways it was pretty gutsy.
Define "work" ... they do a pretty good job of making clear to employees who is the boss and stifling dissent on hot-button political issues.
Isn't that what they are designed to do?
No. If CYA is first, second is enriching the "trainers" who have no skills except fear mongering.
What is your position on taxpayer-funded chaplains?
Like taxpayer-funded Prisons, a necessary Evil, for the Evil among us.
Eh, most of the classes I’ve had to take are like remedial don’t be an ass.
They are boring but none of the conservatives in my office felt like they couldn’t still talk about politics.
We must be taking different classes ... mine are hard-core dogma masquerading as legal advise, complete with a political attestation at the end.
That’s a shame.
It does show the variety of classes we are lumping together.
I agree with the statement above that one must define “work” before attempting to answer the question “Do DIE (diversity, inclusion, equity) programs work?”
My gut reaction is that yes, DIE programs work to placate those who demand that DIE programs exist: DIE programs are pacifiers for crybabies and, as such, work quite nicely. As noted in the referenced Amanda Sakuma essay, DIE programs also work to stimulate and unify those who find DIE programs to be an intrusion into matters of personal belief: for example, on the streets of DC, an exasperated female of African descent exclaimed “What has ‘the movement’ done for _me_?” to the DIE megaphonist who was following and preaching to her.
Wear-a-colored-armband syndrome (but not the cost thereof) is ephemeral. Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, yada yada are tantrums and DIE programs are a response as appropriate as is a lollipop.
These classes don’t make advocates happy. They make corporations feel like they are doing something with a small outlay of funds and then they can ignore the issue.
Folks with megaphones are pretty different from these boring classes. Telling you lump them together.
These classes don’t make advocates happy. They make corporations feel like they are doing something with a small outlay of funds and then they can ignore the issue.
The classes are designed to placate advocates. Corporations try to shield themselves from the buffoonery of the advocates. If it wasn't for the buffoonery of the folks with megaphones infecting the politicians, corporations wouldn't give DIE a second thought.
You don't know any advocates if you think these classes are designed to placate them. Much less that they shield corporations from criticism from those corners.
Actually, we do have research:
“Current rates of change suggest that it would take about 70 years for all not-for-profit institutions to reflect underrepresented students fully in their incoming student population, primarily driven by recent increases in Hispanic and Latino student attendance. For Black and Native American students and for faculty from all underrepresented populations, there was effectively no progress from 2013 to 2020.”
Marine Corpse been doing it for years
"Meaningful research would require collecting data across multiple firms and corporations that contract for DEI programs are reluctant to share data or information (including employee opinions that they fear could produce PR or legal risks)."
All major corporations publish their diversity reports on-line for all to see.
Here's one example:
Um, that's not data on DEI programs; that's a propaganda pamphlet.
Yes they tell you all about the indoctrination procedures they have initiated. They do not tell you how they are received in any meaningfully honest manner. They hype the program's existence, don't collect data beyond attendance compliance and employees don't feel they can honestly evaluate the program for fear of reprisal.
What exactly does this say about whether DIE programs "work" (and what is your definition of work?)
Please, feel free to spell it out.
The real question is, does diversity training pay?
DEI is a make work program for all of those people who got useless degrees and haven't yet found a position as a college administrator.
Whatever happened to the good old days when those useless-degrees people all went into sales?
That might be true if preachers with theology degrees from Lower Yahoo Bible Baptist Seminary And Televangelism Studios and the like are deemed to work in sales.
Like yourself?? You do seem to be very secretive about the "Institutions" you received your "training" in Law and Religion from. Probably the same ones those Pawn Shop guys in "Pulp Fiction" got theirs (and boy did Butch and Marcellus give them theirs)
I once watched Jerry Falwell just to see how good a salesman he was. He wasn't good enough to convince me, but if you were at all inclined to buy, he was good enough to sell you.
Selling shoddy merchandise to downscale, gullible, uninformed customers is a skill. A deplorable skill, but a skill nonetheless.
I sense the key to success in that context is knowing your customers with exquisite precision. Good products can sell themselves or benefit from accurate information; shitty products need particularized salesmanship and a sheen of bullshit.
I thought they went to law school.
It's usually just other duties as assigned to an existing employee in my experience.
Actual scholars aren't the ones doing this training. At best, they are preparing the materials.
In reality, there are plenty of jobs for these degrees you don't like. Because society is not really aligned with your preferences.
Back in the early 2000s, do you recall communications degrees being mocked? I do. I did. Those classes seemed very silly ivory tower stuff to me.
Now I see them everywhere as support staff in legal, scientific, congressional, and government offices.
To be a little bit of a hater, I maintain the useless degrees are American studies.
If you ostensibly hate capitalism then what better method to drive dysfunction than to mandate lectures and programs where you tell the audience one section of them are irredemibly evil and provide the rest of the audience weapons to use against them.
C'mon, y'all (I'm using it correctly) are supposed to be a bunch of high powered Denny Cranes (Denny Crane!) so nobody here ever pulled the "Mike Hunt" prank?
You know, where you task an obnoxious young XX to go and find "Mike Hunt", at some point the mark will say "Has anyone seen Mike Hunt??" or "I'm looking for Mike Hunt"
The Navy had similar hazing rituals, sending the new Ensign to get some Striped Paint, or the best one for Submariners, ask the Captain for permission to "blow the DCO" (never served on Subs, but understand they're always blowing various acronyms, only the DCO was a Dude)
Frank "Where can I find a Hugh Jass??"
Bart Simpson lives in Frank.
When I was at BigLaw, we had some sensitivity training, and the hypo was that three associates (2M and 1F)--and the two guys decided to go to Hooters after the work was done. I was cool with the idea that that may not be the best decision because the female associate might feel bad, but the training went further--saying that the male associates were engaged in possibly illegal behavior. No. Where associates choose to go after work is their decision, and while boorish, their decision. Full stop. Now I look at this through the lens of woke. The idea that something like this would be actionable is a tyrannical idea.
re: "the real answer to all three of these questions is: We don't know."
That's a bit disingenuous. I'll grant that "don't know" is the right answer to "Which training is best" and "Is the training even a good idea" but we already know that the answer to "Does the training have negative effects" is a very clear "Yes".
Rolling with Ed and the ‘your diversity training made me a bigot’ thesis?
I’d direct you to the OP. And also the first post.
I think probably they "work" somewhat but that the goal is not "to enhance diversity or inclusion within organizations."
For the organization it is a virtue signal and paying of indulgences for absolution of sins, so that they may continue to profiteer for a time lessened disruption, having purchased some modicum of protection from woke mobs and ESG finance cartels.
For the consultant it is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
For the true believers it is evangelism, ritual, community, inquisition, a display of force, reeducation, propaganda, and silencing of opposition.
Awesome, unsupported story full of telepathy that conveniently demonizes who you don’t like.
I don’t think there are many true believers in the panacea of these trainings.
But you did seem to have a good time topping yourself with your faith analogy!
I tend to agree with this assessment. Much as I would wish that a simple training session would change the behavior of those I disagree with, it's not likely to be any more successful than a simple training session presented by people I disagree with that attempted to change my own behavior.
People tend to think for themselves, logically or not, and convincing them to change requires a more, shall we say, subtle nuanced approach than what is typical for DEI "training".
Having sat through more than a few of them myself, I don't think they are in general very effective and are used mainly as an ass-covering exercise by whoever is likely to be held responsible for whatever the target audience might do.
That doesn't mean that the whole exercise is a waste; accurate criticism ultimately helps the goal more than cheerleading for the status quo.