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Andrew Koppelman Responds to Critics of His Book on Libertarianism [Updated]
The response is part of the Balkinization blog symposium on his book " Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed," in which I was among the participants.
Andrew Koppelman has posted a response to participants in the Balkinization symposium on his recent book Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed. I myself was one of the participants (see my contribution here), as were co-blogger Jonathan Adler, Richard Epstein, Christina Mulligan, James Hackney, and others. I thought that Adler and Mulligan developed particularly compelling critiques of key aspects of the book.
Overall, I think Koppelman's response was not especially successful in rebutting the criticisms. But readers will have to judge that for themselves. In fairness, some of the wide-ranging issues raised cannot easily be addressed in a short essay! Here, I offer a brief rejoinder to the part of Koppelman's response addressing my own contribution:
Libertarians are typically drawn to the hypothesis that a nongovernmental solution is always better. It is an hypothesis worth testing, and I say that libertarians have made and continue to make important contributions by insisting upon it (pp. 52-53). Sometimes it is correct. Sometimes it is a disastrous mistake.
Ilya Somin, my old friend and sometime collaborator, falls into that trap. He acknowledges my dissection of the classic libertarian writers, Hayek, Rothbard, Nozick, and Rand, but laments my "neglect of more recent and more sophisticated thinkers…." At 237 pages, the book is necessarily compressed. I wrote it because there existed no short introduction to libertarianism for the general reader that was not written by enthusiasts. The "missed opportunity" Somin describes would have been a different book than I was attempting….
I will say that contemporary libertarians, including Somin, make the same mistakes as their predecessors whom I do describe, preeminently exaggerated trust in unregulated markets and exaggerated distrust of government. Somin is particularly troubled by my "neglect of modern libertarian critiques of democratic government, particularly those focused on voter ignorance and bias." Some modern libertarians, prominently including Somin himself, have argued that this fact is a reason to reject legislation in favor of "private-sector solutions to public goods problems and externalities." I acknowledge the possibility of such solutions…., but I say that "whether this is so in any particular case cannot be resolved without attention to the local evidence…"
The real gap between me and Somin is what I say next: "More fundamentally, the networks of mutual trust that facilitate such cooperation don't develop in nations where government is distrusted. Across prosperous democratic nations, and over time, trust in government and interpersonal trust are tightly correlated." Somin is committed to a picture in which government cannot be trusted to do anything right: given the effect on policy of voter ignorance and bias, "the quality of those policies is likely to be greatly reduced." For reasons I elaborate in the book, that picture is not only destructive to cooperation in markets; it is at some remove from reality. Despite voter ignorance and bias, Congress did manage to enact protections against death in the workplace and foul air, protections that the market was never going to supply, and which the Supreme Court has lately been gutting in the name of liberty.
I agree that "nongovernmental solutions" are not always better than government. However, the points I made about political ignorance as a shortcoming of government relative to foot voting amount to a systematic relative advantage of the private sector that should create a presumption against state control. The problem isn't limited to one or a few specific areas of government policy. The same goes for the points I raised about property rights.
That presumption becomes stronger when we add in a range of other issues raised by the modern libertarian literature on government, markets, and public goods that Koppelman largely overlooks in his book. At the very least, as noted in my contribution to the symposium, these issues pose a formidable challenge to thinkers - including Koppelman himself - who acknowledge many of the important advantages of the private sector, but believe large-scale government intervention can still be justified so long as it is carefully calibrated to address harm caused by market failures, while avoiding creating great new harm of its own. Political ignorance and related issues raised by libertarian scholars (and others) undercut the plausibility of claims that such careful calibration is even remotely possible. It doesn't necessarily follow that we should abjure all government regulation. But it does follow that its scope must be severely limited. Koppelman may have responses to these concerns. But developing them effectively requires grappling with modern libertarian scholarship on these topics.
The issue of trust is one I cannot do justice to here. I will only note that the extent to which trust matters to important social outcomes is highly contested by experts in the field. I summarize some of the literature in chapter 6 of my recent book Free to Move, where I criticize arguments that immigration must be restricted in order to preserve trust. Moreover, it could be that government will be more trustworthy if its powers are strictly limited, and therefore easier for "rationally ignorant" voters to monitor effectively. The immense size and scope of modern government makes political ignorance and resulting demagoguery and abuses of power far more dangerous than they would be otherwise. I discuss those dynamics in more detail in Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Goverment is Smarter, and in this more recent article.
Finally, workplace safety was improving (largely due to increased societal wealth) for decades before the development of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other modern regulatory regimes. The establishment of OSHA in 1970 does not seem to have increased the pace of change. And, as libertarians often point out, workers should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they wish to accept increased risk in exchange for increased pay or benefits. The Clean Air Act is a much stronger case for Koppelman's thesis. But, as Jonathan Adler points out in his contribution to the symposium, it is also something of an anomaly.
Much more can be said. But, for now, I will stop here. Despite our many disagreements, Koppelman has performed a valuable service by highlighting some key areas of disagreement between libertarians and their critics, especially those on the political left. I hope and expect we will debate these issues further, in the future.
UPDATE: Koppelman responds to this post here:
Somin does not dispute my claim that sometimes, large regulatory programs are justified. But, he says, the characteristic failures of democratic governance "amount to a systematic relative advantage of the private sector that should create a presumption against state control. The problem isn't limited to one or a few specific areas of government policy." This is not, however, the sort of question that is appropriately addressed with presumptions. As I say in the book, "whether this is so in any particular case cannot be resolved without attention to the local evidence." (69) Presumptions are not a substitute for such evidence….
Asymmetries of information create another appropriate occasion for intervention. Addressing workplace safety, Somin writes that "workers should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they wish to accept increased risk in exchange for increased pay or benefits." But of course there are some risks, such as exposure to toxic chemicals, that workers will not even know about, and which therefore cannot influence the terms of employment.
Given constraints of time and space, I will not attempt a comprehensive response. But I will note that presumptions are an essential element of governance when case-by-case decision-making has severe systematic flaws - including those caused by political ignorance. Koppelman himself accepts such presumptions with respect to a wide range of (mostly non-economic) constitutional rights.
In addition, information asymmetries are a poor justification for government intervention when even larger asymmetries exist between largely ignorant voters on the one hand, and government regulators (and special interests that influence them) on the other. On the whole, workers have far stronger incentives to learn about the potential risks of their jobs than voters do to learn about the risks created by government policy. Introducing government regulation into the mix doesn't reduce information asymmetries. It increases them - often enormously so.
Finally, I'm not much moved by evidence that government officials concluded that their regulations passed cost-benefit analysis. I won't attempt a deep dive into the literature here. But analyses by economists outside government routinely paint a far different picture.
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The government that governs least governs best.
Thomas Jefferson
"However, the points I made about political ignorance as a shortcoming of government relative to foot voting..."
Déformation professionnelle is a stinky cologne.
workers should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they wish to accept increased risk in exchange for increased pay or benefits.
Wait. so voters are so hopelessly ignorant we must limit their control of government, but when they put on their worker hats they suddenly become sophisticated analysts of workplace risks. And they do this analysis on an ongoing basis, because things change, not just when deciding to accept a job offer. And of course they have enough opportunities that they can carefully measure and choose the job that best matches their risk preferences.
What horseshit that argument is.
When was the last time Ilya checked the wiring in his building, or made sure the sprinkler system was working, and the fire exits weren't blocked? And if he determined that conditions were too risky how easily and quickly could he jump to a different job?
Now ask the same questions about less-educated workers, in less skilled jobs.
It really is complete nonsense. Almost as bad as "we don't need regulations, because there is always tort law."
You get that strawman. Teach him what's what.
That's exactly what I came here to write. I would've tried to put it in a nicer way, though. But that contradiction struck me too. Perhaps since he worded that sentence " libertarians often point out," he is saying that some libertarians make that argument, but not necessarily him.
Another comment on that. Somin speaks as someone whose insight into dangerous workplaces seems largely imaginary.
In more-dangerous work situations, collective safety is absolutely dependent on collective effort. If the guy working next to me takes the guard off his pneumatic angle grinder, I become as likely as he is to get my liver shredded if the grinding stone disintegrates.
In places where workers struggle routinely against physical happenstance, every hazard left unaddressed by one worker menaces everyone else. That creates a situation where employers set up shop rules which pit workers against each other, to lower costs and reap competitive advantage by reducing safety.
For instance, consider underground mines which operate by allocating access to work on a piecework payment basis. In an underground mine, safety for everyone depends on faithful routine performance of unremunerative safety procedures. Neglecting those frees time to increase personal productivity, usually without delivering personal disaster. But a system which operates that way drives collective risk steadily upward.
Only two solutions have yet been found to address problems of that kind. The first is union organization, to take on neglected safety standards shop-by-shop. The second is government imposed safety rules, which assure some measure of competitive parity among shops. Eliminate those collectively-based protections, and an individualist race to the bottom becomes likely, putting all workers at increased hazard.
Interesting point. The situation you describe is not unlike the tragedy of the commons, where the "commons" is the overall safety of the workplace, and workers can grab a chunk of it for themselves.
I check that fire exits aren't blocked whenever I walk by them. I don't inspect the wiring in my house or workplace because the wires are behind drywall. I don't test the fire sprinkler because that would be a huge mess.
Do you have any analogies that are not stupid?
So you really don't know how safe your building is.
Try to actually understand the argument.
Because my vote has an infinitesimal chance of deciding the election, rationally, I only put an infinitesimal effort into evaluating how I should cast it. "Rational voter ignorance."
Because my choice of job has a very high probability of deciding where I'll work, rationally, I put a very high effort into evaluating where I work.
Now, I'll freely admit this theory has severe problems: If we were to take it seriously, who'd vote? Only irrational people who thought it was worthwhile to expend the effort! And who might thus expend the effort to become informed, too.
But that IS the theory.
rationally, I put a very high effort into evaluating where I work.
Yes, Brett, I understand, and it's a reasonable point. But people don't do that, even if they know how and are able to do it, which, as Michael P. tells us, is often impossible impractical.
Before taking your current job did you carefully check out the safety standards of the building?
Do you do it regularly and demand a raise if you find a problem?
I'm an engineer, Bernard. When I was interviewing for my present job, part of it was a tour of the plant. So, yes to question 1.
And I'm actually supposed to point out any hazards I see as part of my job; Every employee here is encouraged to do so, we have a quarterly bonus that is based in part on keeping workplace accidents down.
Because my vote has an infinitesimal chance of deciding the election, rationally, I only put an infinitesimal effort into evaluating how I should cast it. “Rational voter ignorance.”
Looking only at the chance for an election to come down to a single vote really misunderstands how elections work at a fundamental level. Let's consider this extremely unlikely situation. The race that a voter was most interested in does come down to a single vote. 503,682 to 503,681. Which of the 503,682 voters that cast their ballot for the winning candidate was the deciding vote? Which of the people that preferred the losing candidate that didn't bother to vote should hold themselves responsible for the loss?
It is not rational ignorance to think that one's vote is unlikely to make a difference. It is an irrational misconception of the process. Elections are fundamentally a collective act, not an individual one. Each person's incentive to understand the issues, policies, and positions of candidates is tied to that of every other voter. A rational voter would realize that as more voters are ill informed about the issues, it becomes that much more important for them to be informed so that the ratio of informed voters to "low information" voters increases.
Bernard referenced the tragedy of the commons, but that is a failure of the people involved to think rationally. When facing a collective problem, the rational thing to do is to work together, not to think only of one's own personal interest. The libertarian mindset seems to be to try and avoid collective problems in the first place precisely because people tend to act irrationally. I think that might be Koppelman's point. Some problems simply are collective problems and can't be broken down into individual ones.
Nope. Becoming personally informed does virtually nothing to make the outcome any different. A rational voter realizes that there's essentially zero return on that investment. "Elections" may be a collective act, but voting is an individual act.
The tragedy of the commons — which Bernard correctly identified — is not a failure of rationality. It's a failure of incentives.
The tragedy of the commons — which Bernard correctly identified — is not a failure of rationality. It’s a failure of incentives.
This is where libertarians go wrong. The tragedy of the commons is popular among them and other free market advocates, but the original essay and the principle more broadly are bunk.* When any group of people have access to a shared resource (the commons), the rational thing to do for both their short term and long term benefit is for those people to negotiate and work together to formalize how to manage that resource. Why would they lack an incentive to do that?
It is an assumption that only private ownership provides incentives to manage a resource well. It is an assumption based on a very pessimistic view of human nature, at that. It is the idea that each individual is purely selfish and self-interested. But human nature is not singular like that. People do care about the welfare of others in their community.
It isn't hard to find critiques of the tragedy of the commons idea and especially the original essay. Those critiques point out all of the times in history and the present where people have spontaneously worked together to manage a finite shared resource, including fishing as well as farming resources.
*The original essay, written in 1968 by Garrett Hardin (a biologist, not an economist, by the way), did not give any evidence that it had actually happened that a common pasture was depleted. His argument was entirely hypothetical. People have since then often referred to the pilgrims of the Mayflower and their experience, but that was a plan imposed upon them from their company backers, I believe. It also was not the same problem as in the essay's hypothetical, as the journal of the man that became governor of the colony noted how people were not working hard enough to maintain the common fields, whereas Hardin was saying that each would try and overuse it. Hardin seems to have been practically Malthusian (and racist, by some accounts) and was motivated by concerns of overpopulation, like Paul Ehrlich. The Tragedy of the Commons essay was published the same year as Ehrlich's The Population Bomb, which may not have been a coincidence.
Nope. Becoming personally informed does virtually nothing to make the outcome any different. A rational voter realizes that there’s essentially zero return on that investment. “Elections” may be a collective act, but voting is an individual act.
Why vote at all then? If there is zero return on the investment of being better informed, surely there is nothing to be gained by voting in the first place. You are acting like voting can only be an individual act and not a collective one. Why not some of both? People talk about doing their "civic duty" when they vote for a reason.
Was I unclear? I was explaining the argument to Bernard, who apparently didn't understand why people would be rationally ignorant about voting, and yet not about aspects of their job. It's because they have a great deal more influence over what their job is.
I don't think rational ignorance is the whole story about voting, because people who reacted that way almost certainly wouldn't vote. And yet roughly half of those who could vote, do!
But it's certainly worth getting the theory right, even if you think it's flawed.
In any regime where it’s the worker’s responsibility to assess the health and safety of a workplace, any potential worker poking around and asking questions about the health and safety standards of a workplace is not likely to get the job, or any job.
I think maybe you don't work in industry? Because no workplace I've ever been at acted that way, and I've been working in factories in various capacities since the 70's.
You have to understand that an employee accident is a big deal in industry, even a boss who didn't give a damn about his workers' lives doesn't want what follows one of those accidents.
Now, maybe you can credit OSHA with that, but it's still so.
That's because the postulated regime does not currently exist.
It's mostly because we're far enough from starvation that we can afford safety.
I think the left don't understand that point: The reason wealthy societies have clean environments and employee safety isn't because those things cause wealth, quite the contrary.
It's because they're luxury goods. Of the sort people closer to the edge of survival can't afford.
You want nice things like parks, clean rivers, breathable air, safe workplaces? For God's sake, don't pursue policies that impoverish people! Poor people can't AFFORD to care about that stuff!
Things like OSHA and the EPA didn't cause the trend towards safety and cleanliness, they are expressions of it. They're the government getting out in front of the mob and shouting, "Follow me!"
The reason we have them is unions, made up of poor people who cared, and government regulation. The reason they had and still have to be fought for is because rich people make more money that way. If you think poor people in the wealthiest nation on the planet live in cancer alleys poisoned by industry is because they don’t care because they’re poor, you’re an idiot – it’s because rich people don’t care.
The other thing is that OSHA regs are an objective standard which makes it simpler for everyone.
Do you really, after all this time here, not understand Prof. Somin’s arguments about ignorance?
They are not about voters-are-stupid. They are about rational ignorance: voters individually have so little influence about who wins an election and what those winners will do that they have no reason to study the policies in great depth. But they have 100% influence about what products they buy and what jobs they will take, so they have strong incentive to learn about the costs and benefits of those things.
Which is why voting is best understood as a collective endeavour.
And yet, we have to individually make the decision to vote, and also individually make the decision whether to become informed before voting.
But you don;t have to do it alone, and you can usually join in with groups working to advocate whatever it is you're voting for or oppose what you;re voting against therby reducing ignorance by informing people and raising awareness. The individual vote is only the basic building block of democratic politics.
The wiring in your building, the sprinkler system, the fire exits, and so on are regulated and inspected by your local city, township, or village. Those are real representatives that you can go and talk to and that a local community can effect their will through.
The real danger is in ceding authority to a centralized supragovernmental system like the federal government, and thinking that there must be “one size fits all” solutions.
That goes to the point about rational voter ignorance. The more sprawling and centralized the system, the more of a farce the exercise of voting is, and the more rational it is to be ignorant of it. The more decentralized government authority is, the more voters are incentivized to be informed and active, and the more they have actual self-government.
So to an extent I agree with your criticism of the very categorical “libertarian” view.
But I’d also point out that it’s a matter of degrees. There is some point at which even bernard11 would agree that some choices involving risk should be up to individuals. And at that point, someone who favors even more intervention than bernard could respond in the same way. So on either side it just doesn't go very far.
By the way, the Knieser - Leeth article is an unconvincing mish-mash, which might well lead one to conclude that OSHA enforcement should be strengthened.
Their graph of workplace deaths indicates that deaths declined at about 2% a year pre-OSHA, and 3% post-OSHA, at least through 1993.
bernard11 — A topic to investigate might be whether declining union safety contributions began in the late 20th century to offset OSHA safety contributions.
I wonder if workers comp rate increases were a factor...
Ilya is one reasons why I am not a Libertarian. For sure I have quite a few libertarian ideals that I believe in and for a while I thought I was a Libertarian... but the big L Libertarians (like Ilya) have fantasy as their ultimate goal, not reality.
It would be one thing if Ilya actually responded to criticisms of his proposals in comments, but he doesn't ever engage in comments. My only thought is that he can't defend it and so prefers to stay where others validate his work, or he is only here for self promotion.
Frankly that would be my critisizm of a lot of contributers here, there is a comment section for a reason. If all you do is treat the site as self promotion... is there an ignore option for certain conspirator's post seeing as they ignore all readers?
"It would be one thing if Ilya actually responded to criticisms of his proposals in comments, but he doesn’t ever engage in comments"
It would just be hand-waving and rhetorical "keyhole solutions" that are meant dismiss concerns and never intended to be enacted.
Gotta stay theoretical, always. Otherwise he might have to deal with real world situations. Reality is messy. Theory is clean and simple. Real people don’t play their roles according to the story's script.
Political ignorance and related issues raised by libertarian scholars (and others) undercut the plausibility of claims that such careful calibration is even remotely possible. It doesn’t necessarily follow that we should abjure all government regulation. But it does follow that its scope must be severely limited.
Sure, sort of. But why insist on unattainable accurate calibration among an artificially narrow range of policies? An empirical approach to policy can experiment with alternatives, discard what does not work, and improve or optimize policies which work better.
The actual need could be the opposite of what Somin supposes. Maybe the need is to broaden the scope for regulation, but with an eye to improving government responsiveness. Build in methods to measure policy outcomes. Institutionalize periodic assessments which evaluate those methods. Publish the results. Let a political process sort out policy choices.
Of course I can anticipate objection that political ignorance would cripple any such system. Who would read up on policy results?
But Somin should consider whether adopting such a system generally would improve choices available to foot voters, and broaden their scope. After all, when Somin insists the scope for regulation must be severely limited, he tells us nothing about where on the policy spectrum the severe limits must be drawn.
Knowing Somin, we suppose he assumes without reflection that limits he would establish would prescribe individualistic methods as the only policy choices within legitimate limits. Why assume that?
Maybe policy consumers (even foot voters) will prefer policies severely limited to collectivist alternatives. Or prefer alternatives of some other kinds. If so, on what basis can governance of whatever kind choose between such contrasting policy styles? Empirical policy experiments can provide such a basis. But not if the available severely limited policy styles are all founded on a prejudice for one particular ideology.
Somin’s preference for individualism is not founded on practice. It is founded on ideology.
By all means, if Somin thinks individualistic polices will attract more foot voters, try that out and see if it works. But not on a basis which ideologically tyrannizes and excludes collectivist policies, or mixed policies, or whatever other foot-voting magnets might be tried.
Try them all separately and contingently. See which ones can be adjusted to work best for which voters, whether foot voters or any other kind. In short, try political liberty.