The Volokh Conspiracy
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Beauty Pageants Have First Amendment Right to Limit Contestants to "Natural Born Females"
So holds the Ninth Circuit; Hamilton plays a major role.
From Green v. Miss United States of America LLC, decided today by the Ninth Circuit (Judge Lawrence VanDyke, joined by Judge Carlos Bea, with Judge Susan Graber dissenting):
Anita Green, who self-identifies as "an openly transgender female," sued the Miss United States of America pageant, alleging that the Pageant's "natural born female" eligibility requirement violates the Oregon Public Accommodations Act ("OPAA"). The district court granted the Pageant's motion for summary judgment, holding that the First Amendment protects the Pageant's expressive association rights to exclude a person who would impact the group's ability to express its views.
We conclude that the district court was correct to grant the Pageant's motion for summary judgment, but reach this conclusion not under the First Amendment's protection of freedom of association but rather under the First Amendment's protection against compelled speech….
As with theater, cinema, or the Super Bowl halftime show, beauty pageants combine speech with live performances such as music and dancing to express a message. And while the content of that message varies from pageant to pageant, it is commonly understood that beauty pageants are generally designed to express the "ideal vision of American womanhood." In doing so, pageants "provide communities with the opportunity to articulate the norms of appropriate femininity both for themselves and for spectators alike."
Equally important to this case is understanding the method by which the Pageant expresses its view of womanhood. Given a pageant's competitive and performative structure, it is clear that who competes and succeeds in a pageant is how the pageant speaks. Put differently, the Pageant's message cannot be divorced from the Pageant's selection and evaluation of contestants. This interdependent dynamic between medium and message is well-established and well-protected in our caselaw….
Many pageants deploy a similar approach. For example, "Miss Asian America" attempts to honor "Asian culture, beauty, and intelligence," in part by limiting its contestants to only those who have at least one-fourth Asian ancestry. The "Christian Miss" pageant strives to "help[] young women shine bright in this world," in part by limiting contestants to only those who can affirm certain Christian doctrines. Finally, "Miss International Queen" hopes "[t]o create equal[ity] and acceptance in society" for individuals who identify as transgender, in part by limiting contestants to members of that community….
The [Miss United States of America] Pageant would not be able to communicate "the celebration of biological women" if it were forced to allow Green to participate. As the district court explained, the Pageant's decision to limit contestants to "natural born female[s]" undoubtedly conveys that message, because:
Someone viewing the decision to exclude transgender women (and cisgender males) from a beauty pageant would likely understand that the pageant organizers wished to convey some message about the meaning of gender and femininity, and would probably also grasp the specific implication that the pageant organizers did not believe transgender women qualified as female.
The First Amendment affords the Pageant the ability to voice this message, and to enforce its "natural born female" rule.
There's a lot more (the opinion is 106 pages long), including the discussion of Hamilton, but I'm on the run and thought I'd just post this. Note that my UCLA Amicus Brief Clinic students and I filed a brief in this case on behalf of the Libertarian Law Council and the Institute for Free Speech.
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Where’s the good Reverand and his irrelevant rant about bitter clingers and culture war betters?
P.S. The file at the dropbox link has been deleted.
Live copy here.
Sorry, thought I'd fixed that, but hadn't hit "publish" -- should work now.
perhaps the good reverend would enjoy a lap dance from the young man - oops young lady!
You are the commenter this blog wants, attracts, and deserves.
"Chicks" definitely going to win the "Writing your name in Snow" competition, if you Nome'Sane
Good. Now do wedding cakes.
The problem with the wedding cake was the baker categorically rejected making the cake if he knew it was going to be used in a same-sex wedding. It didn't matter if the cake was blank. Eugene argues, at least reasonably in my view, such a cake isn't inherently expressive. The counter argument that its use is what makes it expressive would apply equally to the limo driver, which strikes me as a line too far.
The problem with the wedding cake case was the need to shoehorn it into a 1st amendment case, when what we were really talking about was involuntary servitude. But the government is extraordinarily reluctant to admit that it is violating the 13th amendment with public accommodation laws, by forcing individuals to work for people they don't want to work for.
Most people who are not gay see immediately the injustice done to the baker and the hateful aggression of the lovely gay couple.
At my wedding I would NEVER have tainted it with some contention about a cake.
"Involuntary servitude" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means, Brett. We have had this discussion before.
compare (source):
Yeah, and the Nazis in Skokie were Nazis! If rights are only to be upheld so long as nobody obnoxious claims them, we'll all be in fetters.
Sorry, I wasn't clear.
I agree with both you and the dissenting Washington Supreme Court justice.
The second part that is overlooked in Phillip gay cake controversy is the behavior of the particular gay couple involved.
My firm has several gay clients which we welcome, also have several competitive bridge partners that are gay. That being said, the reported behavior of that gay couple was such that I would have refused all service to them, not just the wedding cake.
You mean like when they had sex in the middle of the bakery? Oh, no, that isn't happen. What "reported behavior"? Who reported it? Gateway Pundit, which also "reported" that Nancy Pelosi's husband's attacker was his gay lover?
david - gotta love your honesty - implying I said something I didnt say.
fwiw - the reported behavior is that the couple were just plain jerks.
Sorry, missed when the USA turned into the USSR ( or is it Russia? This isn't Russia), I'll make or not make a cake for whoever the fuck I want thank you very little
Frank "In Roosha Cake Eat You!!"
Dude, get over it.
Bake the cake or else -- it's the libertarian way.
Why mention libertarianism at this faux libertarian, authoritarian right-wing blog?
To trigger you into replaying one of your scripts.
Ever get the feeling the "Reverend" is a Roosh-un "Bot"??? Doesn't talk like a "real" Amurican
He's an American NPC robot. Not Russian.
Being called a robot by on-the-spectrum right-wing misfits is always a hoot.
It's hard to "get over" something that is still going on.
10 years after it began, Phillips is still being harassed.
Uh, Phillips never baked the damn cake.
He didn't say he never baked the damn cake, said he was still being her-assed, and he is. Pretty sure having to go to the Surpreme Court isn't free.
The problem with my wedding cake was that it was exceptionally decorated, beautiful and very sweet on the outside, but rather blah, dry and flaky on the inside.
Now that I think of it the cake wasn't the only thing like that at my wedding...
My wedding cake was delicious. Pays to have a caterer in the family.
Utterly unsurprising. If a local Nazi group organized a beauty contest designed to promote Aryan ideas of womanly beauty, women (natural-born or otherwise) from lots of identifiable groups wouldn't be allowed to compete. And they would have a right to do that.
The rest of us would, however, have a right to point and laugh.
We all know that is the ideal standard. Many just can't admit or accept that.
We do?
Beauty is objective? Huh. News to a lot of people.
Over in England, they've "progressed" far beyond us. Not only would "Ms." Green win the lawsuit; if you tried to "point & laugh" at a beauty pageant that included "Ms." Green, you'd be hauled off to prison.
I know that English protections for free speech are not quite as robust as ours, but I'd appreciate a reference to anything -- like, say, an actual law -- that would clap a random Englishperson into the slammer for pointing and laughing. From what I see of British television, pointing and laughing is a low-risk enterprise, legally speaking.
Who is the target audience if beauty pageants?
Like the KOAM said, Lesbians get ratings
Meanwhile Miss Universe has been bought by a trans "woman", so I think we can guess what their policy will be. Only question is whether they'll settle for just allowing fake women, or refuse to accept entrants from national competitions that don't also allow them.
Hm, that's probably pretty obvious, too.
Will it be discrimination when no sane person wants anything to do with the Miss Universe pageant from now on?
When I am grading meat on the hoof what species it is matters.
So does its gender. So does its medical history.
Does anyone want to argue that a femboi pageant has to include participants born as female? Just doesn't make sense.
Like your attitude, but you've fallen for the Woke misuse of the word "Gender" which is a grammatical term. The correct word for what you're talking about is "Sex" and like the Late/Great George Michaels said, "Sex is Natural, Sex is GOOD"
Frank "All I hear is Sex, Sex, Sex, I've had enough of Sex! not lately though"
I think it is telling that leftist womyn never want to enter these kinds of contests....
footnote 9 cites: ” Eugene Volokh, The Law of Compelled Speech, 97 Tex. L. Rev.
355, 362 (2018). This means that “compelling speakers to include certain material
in their coherent speech product, thus barring them from distributing a speech
product that contains just the content that they want it to contain,” is “presumptively
unconstitutional.” Id. at 360–61. "
I wonder if this case will govern the San Franciscans Supporting Prop. B disclaimer case currently before the 9th circuit. It should.
The disclaimer is compelled speech and presumptively unconstitutional.
Only thing like this I can recall was when the Clinton administration tried to force Hooters to hire male waitresses. They were rightly mocked into submission.
You don't think that by picking a winner, the pageant is determining that in the view of the judges, this is the most beautiful and talented contestant? And that that is expression within the First Amendment?
Like this?
So are you claiming authorship?
It was an Anthropologist and an English professor. You can look at the citations in the linked opinion.
You were close, though.
And the English professor has done a lot of work under the gender rubric.
I think the winners are chosen based on appearance and not after a detailed examination of their genitals to make sure that what they find is "natural born." I don't quibble with the overall conclusion that this is an expressive right; I do seriously doubt that they do anything to actually ensure the contestants are "natural born women" given the very real possibility of someone competing who had gender conforming surgery as an infant to remove unwanted intersex genitalia or test to make sure they don't have a Y chromosome.
"very real possibility of someone competing who had gender conforming surgery as an infant to remove unwanted intersex genitalia"
"very real possibility" is a complete crock. Highly, highly unlikely chance is what you mean.
Actual intersex genitalia is extremely rare -
While believe in false diagnosis of transgender by mental health professionals has become the de jure mental health quackery.
At least joseph megelee knew what he was doing was evil.
Why do you think Trump had to grab them by the pussy? To check if it was real.
But if you don't approve of beauty pageants why does that bind me?
The law does not intend that claiming a 'natural born woman is a claim that they must show evidence of that. No, it is like when my Windex bottle says "Made from 100% Ocean Bound Plastic"
Utterly beyond the ken of 99.99% to know what it means, and how to tell if it complies 🙂
Good proper use of the term "de jure".
de jour -
The point remains. Transgender is one of the many discredited fad diagnosis that the mental health professional has willfully pushed on the mentally ill, - frontal lobotomies, electric shock treatment, repressed memory.
Nor that shame, STDs or suicide rates either.
So what.
Can you list your background and accomplishments in the field that qualifies you to judge him and his statements?
There're those who believe in "live & let live." And then there're: "progressives," feminists, "trans rights activists," etc.
Probably was a "Shocker" for the contestant, get it? a "Shocker"?? I crack myself up...
It's hardly new. Regarding football: "Violent ground-acquisition games are just a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war." Robert Downey, Jr., before he was famous in Back to School
For decades, centuries they pled, "You don't have to approve, just stop throwing us in jail."
I can't feel too bad when the shoe is on the other foot and they struggle to push things as far as they can.
Name one person who pled anything for centuries.
Queen almathea 4 hours ago
Flag Comment Mute User
"I don’t need to because I’m the one agreeing with the experts in that field, clown."
Like the covid experts who got everything wrong on the covid mitigation protocols. The progressives rely on faux experts .
Basic Knowledge of biology and mental health demonstrates that transgender is based on flawed faux diagnosis.
“They” as a group. Not a singular “they” that lived for over a century.
Now that’s cleared up:
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–1895), a pioneer of LGBT+ rights