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Sixth Circuit Rules Government Cannot Seize $300,000 in Home Equity to Pay $22,000 Tax Debt
Doing so qualifies as a taking requiring "just compensation" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
As co-blogger Jonathan Adler points out, the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit recently ruled, in Hall v. Meisner, that the government cannot seize $300,000 in home equity to pay off a $22,000 property tax delinquency. Such "home equity theft" qualifies as a taking and therefore requires payment of "just compensation" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The ruling was written by prominent conservative Judge Raymond Kethledge, who is sometimes considered a potential Republican Supreme Court nominee.
In some key ways, this ruling follows the reasoning of Rafaeli, LLC v. Oakland County, a 2020 decision by the Michigan Supreme Court, which reached a similar conclusion under the Michigan state constitution in a case with facts even more egregious than those of Hall (Oakland County, Michigan had seized the entire value of a $24,500 home in order to pay off a mere $8.41 tax delinquency).
There are two notable differences between the two cases. First, the Sixth Circuit decided the case under the Takings Clause of Fifth Amendment of the federal constitution, not merely a state constitution. Second, the Sixth Circuit makes clear that states cannot avoid takings liability by passing a law redefining "long-established" property interests. The government had argued that this latter consideration differentiated Hall from the state supreme court case:
The government may not decline to recognize long-established interests in property as a device to take them. That was the effect of the Michigan Act as applied to the plaintiffs here; and we agree with the plaintiffs that, on the facts alleged here, the County took their property without just compensation….
The Fifth Amendment's Takings Clause provides that "private property" shall not "be taken for public use, without just compensation…" The plaintiffs argue that Oakland County did precisely that when it took "absolute title" to their homes as payment for tax delinquencies that amounted to a mere fraction of their homes' values. Specifically, they argue that they each had a vested property right in what is ordinarily called the equity in one's home—meaning the property's value beyond any liens or other encumbrances upon it.
The district court, for its part, disagreed….. Specifically, the court held that, in the event of foreclosure, the former property owner has a property right only to any surplus proceeds (meaning proceeds in excess of the tax delinquency) obtained by the "foreclosing governmental unit" after a foreclosure sale—if in fact there was one. For that proposition the court relied upon the Michigan Supreme Court's opinion in Rafaeli, which arguably said as much… And here the foreclosing governmental unit—the County—had not obtained any surplus at all from its disposition of the plaintiffs' homes, because it conveyed them (to the City of Southfield) for merely the amounts of their tax delinquencies.
Where we respectfully disagree with the district court, however, is in its assumption that the question whether the County took the plaintiffs' property is answered solely by reference to Michigan law. True, the federal "Constitution protects rather than creates property interests," which means that "the existence of a property interest," for purposes of whether one was taken, "is determined by reference to existing rules or understandings that stem from an independent source such as state law." Phillips v. Washington Legal Foundation, 524 U.S. 156, 164 (1998… But the Takings Clause would be a dead letter if a state could simply exclude from its definition of property any interest that the state wished to take. To the contrary, rather, "a State may not sidestep the Takings Clause by disavowing traditional property interests long recognized under state law…"Id. at 167.
The question, then, is whether Michigan likewise disavowed traditional property interests merely by defining them away in its General Property Tax Act. The interest that the plaintiffs invoke here, again, is an entitlement to the equity in their homes—pursuant to principles long articulated by courts of equity, before their merger centuries later with courts of law….
Judge Kethledge goes on to explain that longstanding principles of the Anglo-American legal tradition hold that foreclosure does not entitle the government to appropriate the entire home equity held by the owners, as opposed to merely the amount needed to pay off the tax delinquency or other obligation at issue.
This ruling is part of a longstanding debate over the extent to which the property rights protected by the Takings Clause are purely defined by state law (in which case the state can often avoid takings liability simply by redefining them), or whether they are also defined by some combination of general legal tradition and natural law. The Sixth Circuit is right to conclude that broader legal principles constrain the states here. But I would add that, at least as a matter of original meaning, states are also constrained by natural law understandings of property rights. I briefly cover this point in this article (pp. 52-53), and also in Chapter 2 of my book The Grasping Hand.
Given the high value the Founders placed on property rights, it would be strange - to say the least - if these constitutional rights were left entirely at the mercy of state governments to redefine as they please, because state law protects them and plays a key role in defining their scope. The same logic would equally justify allowing states to redefine the scope of many other constitutional rights. For example, rights to speech and bodily autonomy could similarly be left to the discretion of the states on the theory that state law historically defined the scope of protection against assault and battery, and the extent to which speech could be restricted by laws against libel, slander, sedition, and blasphemy.
NOTE: Both the Sixth Circuit case and the Michigan Supreme Court case were litigated on behalf of the property owners by the Pacific Legal Foundation, which is also my wife's employer. She, however, was not involved in either case.
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...and this was the result if what is probably one of the most regressive taxes in America: property taxes.
True, but irrelevant. Even a progressive tax would be invalid under these circumstances, and rightly so.
You're right, irrelevant to the case at hand. I was just trying to point out the general unfairness of property taxes as a way to fund local governments.
Let's start with the following. Property taxes "may" be regressive, but they are hardly the "most" regressive tax. Those would likely be something like tobacco or gasoline. In general, being much richer does not lead to buying much more tobacco or gasoline. It does tend to lead to buying more expensive houses.
That being said, local governments do need to fund themselves with taxes to provide services. And property taxes has the advantage that they are relatively simple to administer, and quite difficult to avoid. You can hide income. You can't hide a million dollar mansion in the town. That has major advantages for a local government with limited administrative staff.
If local governments didn't use property taxes, they'd need to use something else. Sales taxes potentially (which could be avoided, especially on a local level) or income taxes (which are difficult to administer accurately on a local level). Sales taxes are often quite regressive as well...often more so than property taxes.
All of your points are well taken, but I'll agree to disagree. In too many jurisdictions non of the taxes you mentioned come close to a homeowner's annual property tax bill and many of them can be avoided or reduced; not so with property taxes.
My main argument in calling them regressive is that unless you have 100% equity in your (million dollar) home you are being subject to a type of "wealth tax" based on an artificial value assigned to your property (its "assessed" value).
The true value of a home is what a willing buyer and a willing seller will agree upon not an arbitrary assessment. No two homes are alike (even in a tract development) so that value can vary significantly for any property and over time. Yes, the tax rate can be adjusted up or down, but down almost never happens. Meanwhile unless you pay on time (notice there were no property tax moratoriums during the Covid "emergency") your million dollar home (which can be pretty modest in many areas) will be claimed by your "landlord government"
So how would you fund local government?
Well, first by reining in spending by all levels of government and funding only those things that they are constitutionally responsible for, starting with the Federal government. Start by leaving more money available locally to address local issues and mandating on size fits all programs.
Seems like a bit of a non sequitur. What mechanism would you propose that the local government use to collect the newly available money?
Vague generalities, no real answer to my question.
Stammering anti-government cranks are among my favorite culture war casualties . . . and an important part of this white, male, right-wing blog's target audience.
Until replacement, anyway.
You are a tedious shit, spamming us with nothing to say about the subject under discussion.
It is not a wealth tax and why would having 100% equity make a difference
Also, it is very easy to reduce your property tax bill. Move
And most of the property tax revenue goes to public union employees and insane pension guarantees.
why would having 100% equity make a difference
Also, it is very easy to reduce your property tax bill. Move
And most of the property tax revenue goes to public union employees and insane pension guarantees.
As an aside, (not really all that germane to the dispute at hand) property taxes in Michigan are more regressive than you might be aware. If the property is owner-occupied, it's taxed at one half the rate as rental property. Since landlords simply pass the property tax onto tenants, the upshot is that renters pay property tax at twice the rate of those of us who can afford to buy our own home.
Except for federal income tax on W2 earnings, virtually all taxes, federal, state, and local, are regressive or flat. The paragraph above is simply one example.
Guessing you’ve never been a landlord…
I can only guess what you might be suggesting when you don't spit it out.
chem's primary point is that MI has very high property tax rates for non homestead's
Real estate values in the UP, just across the WI border are significantly lower for similar properties , partially due to the property tax issues in MI.
That landlords only pass property taxes on to tenants is, strictly speaking, false, even if it is in this case only marginally false. Potential tenants can avoid the rental market in various ways: Mom's basement, buying a house, ....
A $278,000 penalty for an unpaid $22,000 tax debt?
Sounds like an excessive fine to me.
I recall a much more egregious case in MI 10 or years back.
Elderly individual (wayne county) paid his property tax late including payment of the late payment penalties, but because the payment was received a couple days late, he got hit with an extra months penalties. Total unpaid penalties was less than $500, property was worth $70k-$100k and county forclosed, sold the property for around $30k and kept the money.
note with the caveat that I am writing from memory.
MI also has a very short period from time of unpaid property taxes until forclose, 3years as I recall.
We know a lady here in Western PA who made national news when they took her house for $6 owed. She sued and eventually won but it was ridiculous.
Plaintiff still loses her home and had to pay rent and other expenses that she would not have had to pay i she kept her home. I suppose there would be some justice if she ended up on public assistance.
Of course she lost her home. She didn't pay her property taxes. Unless a property tax bill is to be regarded as a mere suggestion it has to be backed up with foreclosure. Whether or not she should lose her home is not what this case is about. And she probably ended up with some cash even after her lawyers' exactions, so her going on welfare may not be an immediate prospect.
That's funny, they rejected the excessive fines claim. Was this procedural or on the merits?
It's not a fine. It's a taking. These things have definitions even if Roberts ignores such things when convenient.
"Given the high value the Founders placed on property rights, it would be strange—to say the least—if these constitutional rights were left entirely at the mercy of state governments to redefine as they please"
The 5th Amendment did not apply to the states at the founding.
No, but they couldn't impair the obligation of contracts, or mess with creditors by making paper currency into legal tender.
And the creators of the 14th Amendment count as Founders (along with the people who won the Civil War and made the 14th Amendment possible).
No, the 14A was not the product of anyone properly called “Founders”.
More like "vandals".
You have a problem with civil liberties? Which part bothers you — equal protection, or due process?
According to barron v baltimore, none of the BoR applied to the states at ratification.
As noted by Thomas in his concurring opinion in mcDonald (possibly in a footnote ), there is a school of thought that the BoR applied to the states at ratification since the states were a party to the constitution. He did indicate that issue did not need to be addressed since 14A brought the BoR in via ratification.
The BoR was brought in by ratification when those amendments were ratified. The 14A applied them (in part, is the way it actually worked) to the States, which is different than "brought in".
How on earth could any fair-minded person defend this? I understand the purely legal defense offered by the state, but how could anyone argue for that legislation, as interpreted by the state? Reasonable people can disagree about what exactly counts as a public purpose and so forth, but how could anyone think that it is fair to take the entire value of a property for a debt comprising a fraction of it? Where does this position come from?
If you ever find out let me know.
What makes you think fairness had anything to do with it or was anywhere near anybody’s mind?
How many people in this world do things like investigate whether their source of income is fair, decide it isn’t fair, and then give it back and let their children starve? Such people exist, but hardly enough to make anywhere near a majority in any legislature.
A majority of a legislature consisting of fair-minded people?
Legislatures consider fairness all the time. They tax people a percentage of their income, not a flat amount, and they exempt people with income under a certain level. They exempt people's homes and tools and so forth from the property that can be sold in bankruptcy. They also do unfair things, but it isn't crazy to wonder how a government came up with such a patently unfair process.
Yes it is. The examples you give are not instances of government trying to be fair, they're instances of government posing more or less plausibly as fair for other reasons than an actual desire to be fair.
Don't conjure up nonsense. The scummy government orcs who instituted this evasion of the Michigan Supreme Courts precedent by grabbing what they were not entitled to using a cutout to avoid an immediate auction didn't need an investigation to understand their own motivation for doing it nor did they need to do it in order that their children not starve.
how could anyone think that it is fair to take the entire value of a property for a debt comprising a fraction of it?
It is incomprehensible to me.
I understand the purely legal defense offered by the state,
I don't understand how a lawyer can make the argument in court and live with himself afterwards.
The THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX ACT of Michigan was passed in 1893. People had different ideas back then. Not defending it, just stating the history for the record.
The use of a transfer of the property to a cutout to avoid an immediate auction didn't start in 1893.
It clarifies things wonderfully if you just think of governments as an evolved form of protection racket, subject to backsliding.
Government is EVIL. At times necessary, but ALWAYS evil.
Read the opinion for the history of "complete foreclosure" or some such locution. It goes back a far as foreclosure itself, iirc. To before the joining of Courts of Equity (which disfavored it) and Courts of Law (in which it was fine), as I recall.
Not saying it's "fair", but it took considerable time for it to go away.
The interesting question for me is whether the procedure to avoid an immediate auction by giving the property to a cutout for the debt amount was instituted expressly to evade the Michigan Supreme Court ruling mentioned. Slimy, if so.
Why the fuck did this have to be appealed? Who's the piece of shit shyster in the lower court who failed to bitch-slap the thieves at the first hearing?
This was the fourth appeal. It went through all three state levels, us district, to us 6th circuit before being slapped down hard. Part of me wishes Michigan would try to appeal to SCOTUS for a 9-0 f u from them.
It’s one thing for a court to disallow outlier rules that go against otherwise universally followed longstanding traditional norms well established in the law. It’s quite another for judges to pull “natural law” out of their asses simply because because they don’t like what a legislature did.
“Natural law” simply means “what I think is right.” Nothing more, nothing less. To say ones own view of what is right ought to control over what others think in the complete absence of others’ consent to turn their say over to you is an assertion of raw power over others, not an assertion of right or justice.
Natural law has a lot more substantive content, articulated over time, than terms like "cruel" or, for that matter, "general welfare."
Raw power over others is precisely what the natural law, as opposed to legal positivism, restrains.
Whatever, "raw power over others," is read to mean, it is paradoxical to assert it can be restrained by anything. If you presume constraint, the power capable to do the constraining is the one with the, "raw power over others." Comically, natural law advocacy is always about thunderous arbitrary power, usually asserted vaguely, to avoid coming to terms with the paradox.
I must be slow, because I some difficulty parsing your words and getting at your point.
You aren't slow and are not alone. Thankfully this was one of Stephens shorter posts.
It’s not a paradox at all, as raw power can be diverted by subtle application or diversion of force. This is well established in martial arts and in the law itself.
It’s only a paradox if you’re small minded and think that only raw force can counter raw force.
Observe, for example, the rebellion of America's founders towards the super power of Britain as a simple example of this.
Well, Marxism has a lot of substantive content. So does Christianity. So does laissez-faire. Does the fact that they have well-articulated doctrines with substantive content give Marxists, Christians, or small-l liberals the right to impose their views on others? Then why natural law people?
I had to read back to the original question - the original question was whether natural law meant anything beyond what people want it to mean.
So in answer to *that* question it's a "well-articulated doctrine[] with substantive content" - so it *does* mean something, but it still could be false or in any case not relevant to interpreting the Constitution.
So what *is* relevant?
Any excuse for pretending that taking the equity in a home without any claim on it is not a taking such as referred to in the Constitution is bullshit. There's no need to drag Natural Law into that observation.
What is really disturbing here is that this is not how things work for general creditors. If the plaintiffs owed money to someone, they might be able to get the house sold by the sherriff, and then after deducting what they owe plus the sherriff's expenses, they would get the balance. Probably would lose on the transaction, since it's a sherriff's sale, but still nowhere near as screwed as they were here.
Whoops, just noticed the Sixth Circuit made that point itself:
Beginning to think that government is the problem.
Anti-government cranks aren't so much a problem any more in modern, improving America . . . thanks to replacement.
Wait... you're admitting that the vermin who claim that Replacement is just a conspiracy theory are lying?
But the Sixth Circuit gave a win to the "anti-government cranks" here, so your knee-jerk triumphalism is misplaced.
Your gross stupidity is beyond compare with anything except your brainless repetitiveness.
They should've asked the FBI to seize it with a bogus warrant, then no one would've done anything about it and the judges would've ruled it legal.
I feel like the court took a problematic, roundabout route to get to an obvious result.
Why not just say that any time a state law "redefines" a property interest to itself, that counts as a taking? There's no need to get into "long-established property interests" and natural law. How very Bruen.
I suspect it's because a general rule would sweep in a bunch of stuff like civil forfeiture. Good. All of these "what was briefly your is now mine" laws need to go.
I think they did it as a history exercise to say: This violates about a thousand years of judicial rulings. Stop it.
They don't just say that because the phrase "'redefines' a property interest to itself" is meaningless babble.
Oh, Gandydoofus. Read the OP, or, tell that to the court.
The question, then, is whether Michigan likewise disavowed traditional property interests merely by defining them away in its General Property Tax Act.
Ok. The Civil Rights Laws limited business property owners ability to exclude others from their property. Fire codes and building codes generally limit owners’ ability to build whatever they want. But we’ve got lots and lots of court decisions saying these things aren’t takings. Historically, property use has never been unlimited, especially in cities, where fire and sanitation laws, common carrier laws, etc. have been around for centuries. So there has to be a distinction between new limits on use that aren’t takings and new limits on use that are.
So taking $22k is not a taking, but taking $300k is. I see.
Correct. Taxes are not a Taking.
Collecting taxes is absolutely a taking.
It may be a taking, but it's not a Taking.
Well, in theory the "taking" is compensated by the government services the taxes pay for. You take money from the general population, and compensate them with expenditures for the general welfare.
It's harder to justify this theory when taxes fall so unevenly as they do today, and benefits are targeted rather than general.
"I see."
No you don't. The Constitution does not prohibit takings, just takings without just compensation. The holding here is that extinguishing a $22k debt is just compensation for a $22k taking but not just compensation for a $300k taking, not that either taking is not a taking.
People have killed for less than $300k.
The more I think about this, the angrier I get.
Every single person who signed off on this should be impeached and imprisoned.
Every clerk, lawyer and judge who stood by and made some excuse about why this was legal or otherwise ok should be held personally accountable.
Somin is such a shithead that I almost didn’t bother to read this, but I was surprised to find nothing egregious here, and should give him credit for that when it’s (so rarely) due.
What I really wanted was to mention the Ben Kingsley movie “House of Sand and Fog”(2003) which I’d previously criticized on the basis that the protagonist would not have been left homeless after her house was foreclosed upon because she’d been ignoring her mail, because the Kingsley character, though he got a bargain, would certainly have paid enough for her house to set her up with funds to rent a place to stay. I’m still not sure that the plot was plausible in San Mateo County, where the film was set (iirc), but maybe the book on which the film was based had been set in Michigan.
>The same logic would equally justify allowing states to redefine the scope of many other constitutional rights. … the extent to which speech could be restricted by laws against libel, slander, sedition, and blasphemy.
I’m not convinced. The reasoning is “you have to look to history to see what counts as property in the first place”, not “you need to look at history to see what property rights the state is permitted to violate”.
You would need to have precedents saying that blasphemy *isn't speech*, not that it’s speech but a prohibited category of speech.
Not following you. Prohibiting sedition and libel doesn't require that it be claimed that they are not speech.
Somin nods in creating the list "libel, slander, sedition, and blasphemy" since redefining blasphemy would be of concern only if it were Constitutional to prohibit blasphemy.
How can the NY AG claim Trump undervalues his property for tax purposes unless he is the only person in the country who gets to determine his own valuation rather than the local assessor,
The claim is NOT that he undervalues his property for tax purposes. That claim would get nowhere for the exact reason you point out.
It's that he over-values his wealth when negotiating with banks.
It anyone was harmed, it would be the banks, which didn't sue.
Reading the complaint confirms that we live in a different world than the rich.
Let’s look at a concrete application of natural law, crime against nature laws, prohibiting sexual intercourse contrary to the order of nature.
A number of judges in the late 20th century took exactly Professor Somin’s view that the constitution incorporates natural law and held that natural law gives the state a compelling interest in enforcing sodomy laws. A seminal example is Judge (James) Barrett’s dissent in National Gay Task Force v. Board of Education, . 729 F2nd 1270 (10th Cir 1984). Judge Barrett held that Brandenberg v. Ohio, which ruled the First Amendment protects advocating the violent overturow of the United States, does not extend to advocating sodomy. The United States is a human creation, a creature of law, and hence its overthrow is a mere malum in quod. But sodomy goes against nature itself. It constitutes a malum in se, an evil inherent in natural law. Brandenburg cannot be used to suggest the First Amendment protects a malum in se. Natural law creates a compelling state interest. This is exactly Professor Somin’s position.
It appears that Professor Somin might have a different view of natural law. He appears to argue that constitutionalizing “natural law” and concepts of “the order of nature” result in constitutionalize protecting “bodily autonomy” rather than a compelling state interest in enforcing laws against “unnatural” sexual conduct.
But if this is so, it rather profoundly reinforces my argument that “natural law” means nothing more than whatever one thinks is right. That “natural law” is used as the basis for exactly opposite arguments on a subject like this suggests it has no definite fixed meaning and provides no independent basis for settling arguments.
In my view, states can enforce morality. And natural law philosophy is a well-established school of moral philosophy, reasonable people believe it. (People like Professor Somin. I’ve disagreed with Professor Somin, but never said his arguments are irrational.) Hence it provides a rational basis for prohibiting conduct deemed unnatural or contrary to natural law. But I absolutely disagree with the idea that the constitution in any way incorporates natural law or that it provides a basis for fundaamental rights or compelling interests. The fact that one judge can think sodomy to be against natural law while another can think it protected by it merely reinforces my argument that “natural law” just means what the speaker thinks is right, and constitutionalizing “natural law” merely constitutionalizes judges’ personal beliefs.