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Assessing an Alternative Legal Justification for Biden's Student Loan Debt Cancellation Policy
Relying on Section 432(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as some propose, has many of the same flaws as the Administration's emergency powers theory.
In my last post about President Biden's plan to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt, I criticized the administration's claims that the policy is authorized by an emergency power provision of the 2003 HEROES Act. But there is an alternative potential legal justification for the policy: Section 432(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, (now codified as 20 U.S.C. Section 1082(a)(6), which authorizes the Secretary of Education to "enforce, pay, compromise, waive, or release any right, title, claim, lien, or demand, however acquired, including any equity or any right of redemption" related to loans authorized by the Federal Direct Loan Program.
Fordham law Professor Jed Shugerman, who is highly critical of the administration's HEROES Act theory, argues that the Higher Education Act (HEA) provides a much stronger rationale for Biden's plan. Earlier, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and others argued that Section 432(a) could even justify a much larger debt cancellation program. Last year, the administration viewed this theory with skepticism. But should Biden's plan be challenged in court, they could potentially still resort to it.
In some ways, the HEA argument is indeed superior to the HEROES Act theory. Taken in in isolation from the rest of the Act, Section 432(a) does appear to grant the executive the power to cancel as much student loan debt as it wants. That can be extrapolated from the power to "waive…or release any right, title, claim, lien, or demand" (emphasis added). Moreover, unlike the HEROES Act theory, the HEA justification isn't confined to emergency situations or to borrowers who can plausibly claim that an emergency or disaster has made it more difficult for them to pay their debts. If the argument is correct, the administration can cancel any amount of federal student loan debt, at any time, for virtually any reason.
But a closer look suggests that the HEA theory is flawed for may of the same reasons as the HEROES Act rationale. Indeed, its breath-taking scope contributes to its undoing.
The HEA rationale was examined in some detail in a January 2021 memorandum written by then-Education Department Deputy General Counsel Reed Rubinstein, for outgoing Trump Administration Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (Secretary DeVos actually resigned in protest of Trump's role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol, a few days before the memo was officially submitted to her; but I don't think this changes its status). I don't agree with everything Rubinstein says. But he does make several strong points against the idea that Section 432(c) gives the Secretary of Education a blank check to cancel student loan debt.
As Rubinstein points out, "reading 20 U.S.C. § 1082(a)(6) to permit the Secretary [of Education], on a blanket or mass basis, to cancel, compromise, discharge, or forgive student loan principal balances" would render superfluous various other provisions of the HEA and later statutes, which give the Secretary the power to cancel or limit debt in more limited circumstances. And, as he rightly explains, there is a longstanding presumption against interpreting statutes in a way that renders parts of them superfluous. The Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed this principle.
To avoid this and other problems, Rubinstein suggests that it makes more sense to construe Section 432(c) as only giving the Secretary the authority to waive or release student loan debt "on a case-by-case basis and then only under those circumstances specified by Congress." In such situations, the provision serves to eliminate any ambiguity about the Education Department's ability to forego any rights in question and to do so in whatever way the Department sees fit.
Like the HEROES Act theory, the HEA rationale for Biden's plan is vulnerable to attack under the "major questions" and nondelegation doctrines. The former requires Congress to "speak clearly when authorizing an [executive branch] agency to exercise powers of vast economic and political significance." If a statute is ambiguous, courts must presume that Congress has not given the agency the power in question.
Jed Shugerman rightly argues that the HEROES Act argument runs afoul of the Supreme Court's recent major questions rulings. The authority to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt under an expansive definition of what qualifies as an "emergency" surely qualifies as a power of "vast economic and political significance." But that's even more true of the HEA theory, which would give the executive the power to cancel any amount of student loan debt at any time, for any reason.
Under the HEA approach, there would essentially be no limit to the executive's power to cancel student loan debt. If the major questions doctrine applies anywhere, it surely does here. And Rubinstein's analysis suggests there is at least some significant ambiguity about whether Section 432(c) - read in conjunction with the rest of the Higher Education Act - actually gives the administration such vast power. If so, the major questions doctrine requires federal courts to rule against the executive.
What is true of the major questions doctrine is also true of nondelegation. In my earlier post, I explained why, if there are meaningful constitutional limits to Congress' power to delegate its authority to the executive, the HEROES Act theory likely runs afoul of them. That reasoning applies with even greater force to the HEA rationale, which would give the executive still greater discretionary authority. The Constitution gives Congress, not the president, the power to allocate federal funds. Giving the president unfettered authority to deprive the treasury of hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt is a truly enormous delegation.
At the very least, as the Rubinstein Memorandum points out, courts must apply the Supreme Court's longstanding canon against interpreting federal statutes in ways that raise constitutional problems. In his controlling opinion in NFIB v. Sebelius (2012), Chief Justice John Roberts famously emphasized that this rule requires courts to reject "the most natural" reading of a statute if there is any "fairly possible" interpretation that would avoid the risk of rendering it unconstitutional. Rubinstein's interpretation of Section 432(c) is at least a "fairly possible" one, and it would enable courts to avoid confronting a massive constitutional nondelegation problem.
I'm no great fan of the constitutional avoidance canon, especially Roberts' very broad view of it. But the Supreme Court doesn't seem likely to curb it anytime soon, and lower courts are required to follow it.
In sum, the HEA rationale for Biden loan cancellation plan has some advantages over the HEROES Act theory advanced by the administration. But the enormous scope of the power the theory gives the executive should lead courts to reject it.
UPDATE: I plan to write one more post in this series, addressing the question of whether anyone has standing to sue to challenge the loan debt cancellation policy.
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"now codified as 20 U.S.C. Section 1082(a)(6), which authorizes the Secretary of Education to "enforce, pay, compromise, waive, or release any right, title, claim, lien, or demand, however acquired, including any equity or any right of redemption" related to loans authorized by the Federal Direct Loan Program."
The rational that congress authorized wholesale cancellation of student debt under section 1082 is dubious. Consider the additional hurdles that have to be overcome to get student debt discharged in bankruptcy suggests that Congress never intended to authorize wholesale cancellation. Major questions doctrine would seem to apply
But Joe, it's a declared emergency and it's for the General Welfare. He can do what he wants. It's in the Constitution.
An interesting thought - if you subscribe to a purposivist method of statutory interpretation. But any faithful textualist would give effect to the plain meaning of “waive or release any right, title, claim etc.” Any means any, end of story.
Textualism does not involve reading individual clauses in isolation from each other.
The second point is that schools enjoyed the benefit via the inflated tuition revenue, especially for many of the worthless degrees (gender studies, psychology, social sciences, etc).
Let the schools bear the costs of the debt forgiveness instead of unfairly punishing the taxpayers. Reduce the taxpayer funding to the schools, cut the bloated administrative costs. Lots of methods to avoid punishing the taxpayers.
Psychology is not a worthless degree, and it’s extremely ignorant to claim otherwise.
What do you think psychiatrists commonly major or minor in before taking the MCAT?
Everything is relative.
Gender fluidentity degrees are useful to the marginal student who gets a job because of it, fractionally useful to the marginal professors who taught the drivel, as useful as any other degree to the college.
STEM degrees are far more useful to the student who actually learned something useful, and useful to society.
Psychology? Somewhere in between.
for those studying to become psychiatrists its a very useful degree. However, a large majority of psych majors are studying to become psychiatrists. There is heavy emphasis by college counselors to steer undecideds into psychology degrees, a reasonable estimate is 2/3 of psych majors are steered into the major and have no intention or mental aptitude for that profession.
Typo - should read "are not" However, a large majority of psych majors are NOT studying to become psychiatrists.
My primary point remains valid
I'd like to see your source for your claim.
Beyond that, are you even aware that psychology is considered a social science? Your claim that it, and (among others) law, education, history, geography, and economics are all 'worthless' degrees.
Talk about a bad take.
History, economics geography are all good subjects to understand
Economics especially is good - understanding cause and effect. Especially since If progressives understood supply and demand curves / micro economics then they wouldn’t be progressives
Economics is cool, but only the parts where it agrees with noted economics expert Joe_dallas. You don't want science, you want your own beliefs to be indulged.
Or what if we had a better understanding of the Middle East political culture before we decided to go nation building! But nah, social science is for loser who don't go into STEM.
How many Federals have student loan debt and benefit from this?
Remember how the Federals got an extra $5k a month during COVID and didn't have to even work?
It's a corrupt, illegal vote buying scheme. Let's stop with the dancing angels on the head of a pin nonsense.
Just remember why tuition rates are increasing so rapidly:
“We studied the effects of a student credit expansion on tuition costs using a difference-in- differences approach around changes in federal loan program maximums to undergraduate stu- dents in the academic years 2007-08 and 2008-09. Consistent with the prediction of the illustra- tive model, institutions that were most exposed to these program maximums ahead of the policy changes experienced disproportionate tuition increases. We estimate tuition effects of changes in institution-specific program maximums of about 60 cents on the dollar for subsidized loans…”
Credit Supply and the Rise in College Tuition: Evidence from the Expansion in Federal Student Aid Programs
David O. Lucca, Taylor Nadauld, and Karen Shen
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 733
July 2015; revised February 2017
Same thing with the 2008 financial crisis
Cause by too much money in the system. ( Alan Greenspan)
The the relaxing of standards / risks were caused by the increase in funds available. The reduction in credit standards relaxing of risks standard did not create the increase in funds available for lending ( confusion on which comes first, the chicken or the egg). In the blame game for the the 2008 financial crisis and all other financial crisises, the increase in money available for lending always precedes the drop in credit/risk standards.
In short, nobody wants to pay an additional $2000 for a fancy radio for their car, but an additional $25 a month, sure!
Who cares if your loan payment goes up a little bit each year!
Politicians benefit, by guaranteeing loans, get to brag about college participation rates.
Professors benefit by it.
Students benefit by first.
And none of the above care about mathematical consequences as if it all falls apart, the government will pick up the tab.
The solution? Refuse to guarantee loans to any institution that raises costs by more than the lesser of 2% a year, or inflation. And hold for 20 years.
Easy. Simple. Not painful. Just putting the process that got us here in reverse.
But this only benefits one of those three groups above. Guess which two will resist?
Michael D
Additional concurrence - Most everyone knew by the 1980's when student loan / tuition tax credits/ education credits etc expanded, that tuition rates would skyrocket.
Likewise very similar to the tax credits for renewable energy , solar tax credits, credits for EV's. Most of the tax credits benefit the seller in the form of higher sale prices for the goods ( reasonable estimate is that 70%-90% of the total credit goes to the seller.)
Most everyone knew by the 1980's when student loan / tuition tax credits/ education credits etc expanded, that tuition rates would skyrocket.
I wasn't around back then, but I'm skeptical of this ipse dixit - the education market in the 1980s was very much not like it is today. Were there similar fears about other loans?
Likewise very similar to the tax credits for renewable energy , solar tax credits, credits for EV's. Most of the tax credits benefit the seller in the form of higher sale prices for the goods
Now do pharma. The government subsidizing heavy R&D industries has a long and fruitful history.
This Supreme Court has re-imagined the major questions doctrine to demand Congress speak so clearly on policies they don't agree with politically it's impossible for them grant any discretion at all. Any claim 'major questions' actually represent major questions or 'speak clearly' is assessed honestly flew out the window in WV vs EPA. It's now like the "Framer's Intent"... just something they hold out as supporting their decision no matter how much it doesn't actually fit the analysis they're claiming to perform.
This is more banana republic-ism from the Brandon administration. Now he is literally buying votes and will do it again probably six months before the election.
It is time to depose Evil Brandon and restore the legitimacy of government.
Democrats are genuinely evil monsters.
I've been saying it for a long time - you have to take these people at their word. They say they hate this country, it is built of white supremacy, and the only remedy is to tear it all down. They really do mean that. Top that off with the sheer wacko-ness of the current "green" movement and you have a vile, dangerous combination that is going to get real people killed. If something isn't done soon we are going to have people starving in the streets, unable to afford the basics of life, and a banana republic might actually be better off.
Wow, literally buying votes? Could you imagine? A politician trying to gain political support by implementing a policy that improves people’s material conditions? That’s cheating! Real, proper politics is when you yell that your opponent is either a racist redneck asshole or a globalist liberal pussy, do nothing for anyone except your donors, and leave it at that.
This doesn't improve anyone's condition. It just makes us all a little more poor and now makes people think that if they get a worthless degree eventually the government will bail them out. Feeding the leftist indoctrination machine is bad for freedom and bad for everyone. Plus Brandon is a global liberal pussy.
This doesn't improve anyone's condition
Really? Getting rid of 20K of debt is nothing to everyone?
now makes people think that if they get a worthless degree eventually the government will bail them out
Assumes facts not in evidence.
In this very comment you vacillate between some degrees and all degrees being worthless. Your vapid hostility has made you pretty sloppy in your thinking.
Well, as this comment amply demonstrates, you’re a partisan zealot whose brain has been hollowed out by the Republican Party and its media auxiliaries. But for the vast majority of people, yes, 10-20 thousand dollars in loan cancellations does in fact improve their material conditions. If you want to assert that people having less debt somehow makes them poorer, you’re going to need to show your work.
You do know that this is jus a giant money redistribution scheme, right? No debt is actually going away. The colleges that peddled useless Degrees for the last two decades made off scot free. Considering the left is now all about business ethics and investigating for-profit companies that might have made minor errors on tax returns, you would think they would be interested in actually locking up real business criminals like those in the leftist indoctrination machines who continue to conspire on how to rip off young people.
Once the tax bill starts showing up to bail out this small section of mostly middle to upper middle class Americans, tunes will probably start to change.
Perhaps Republicans should have refrained from promoting so many low-quality, private, for-profit diploma mills.
Education-disdaining right-wingers -- especially the knuckle-dragging assholes who prefer nonsense-teaching schools to public schools -- are among my favorite culture war casualties. These downscale, un-American, obsolete clingers can't be replaced fast enough.
So which is it? Is it a massive policy of redistribution, or does it actually not do anything? Is it a bailout for people with worthless degrees, or is it a giveaway to the well-off? How did all these people with gender studies basket weaving degrees make it into the upper middle class?
You probably ought to figure out a narrative that has some basic internal coherence before you start spouting off.
Did you see some Dems are now using, “Let’s go Brandon!” as a rallying cry?
How’s it feel to be a loser?
Makes sense. Biden is so deeply unpopular, might as well confuse the masses into thinking he is actually now someone else.
Under the HEA approach, there would essentially be no limit to the executive's power to cancel student loan debt. If the major questions doctrine applies anywhere, it surely does here.
The HEA text quoted above is without ambiguity. If the major questions doctrine—which has been said to be invoked against ambiguity—applies to that text, then the major questions doctrine itself is boundless.
You could at least pretend to engage with the arguments in the post about why that broad interpretation was not what Congress intended, or how courts are supposed to construe statutes.
I believe that Biden expects the Supreme Court to invalidate his loan forgiveness executive order, and that one goal of the Order is to villianize the Supreme Court, perhaps to soften up the nation for court packing.
Note also, the general tone of Somin's approach. Basically: "There has to be something to invalidate this damned debt forgiveness." That seems heedlessly ideological, and not situationally aware.
I suggest a SCOTUS case postured that way may suffer a timing problem. Now is not a good time to strike another ideological blow from the bench. This is not a Court with a clean slate in front of it, and no baggage. This is not a Court well-situated to grab from tens of millions of literally desperate debtors the relief they thought they had in hand.
This is a Court which has recently handed down highly-politicized and deeply unpopular decisions, especially with Dobbs, and to a lesser extent with West Virginia. Bruen is massively unpopular regionally, in blue states.
A question arises whether it would be wise for the Court to go once again to that reasoning, and issue again what a large portion of the nation will regard as yet another arbitrary power grab, founded again on the recently-made-up, "major questions doctrine." To those who suffer from it, a decision like that will seem utterly ideological and arbitrary.
I personally reckon the Court has already done too much, too carelessly, to save itself from political targeting after Democrats next muster sufficient political power to retaliate. But maybe others think I am mistaken. Or maybe time could dim memories, and lessen support for political counter-measures against the Court. Will those others—presumably better friends of this Court than I am—think it wise to add now another memorable goad to a roster already full-grown of the Court's provocations?
Can this Court and its supporters actually be so tone-deaf to popular reactions? They will have to be, to cancel debt relief for college loans so burdensome that many debtors suffer lifetime loss of personal economic liberty. Those who would rush to blame the debtors themselves add only an extra dollop of bitterness to the debtors' already endless-seeming self-repentance—bitterness which assures the never-ending economic debility hurts maximally. Under what political theory of American constitutionalism would doing that be regarded as either a wise thing, or a conservative thing for the nation's highest court to do?
Would someone send me a backhoe to shovel out all the crap in this post?
Stephen Lathrop
September.5.2022 at 7:57 am
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"Note also, the general tone of Somin's approach. Basically: "There has to be something to invalidate this damned debt forgiveness." That seems heedlessly ideological, and not situationally aware."
Lathrop - Try the correct approach - There has to be something to authorize the student debt forgiveness. 432(a)(6) authorization is limited by the first sentence in 432(a) which limits the cancellation purposes of carrying out the provision of part B chapter 28 , subchapter IV.
There is nothing there that would authorize the wholesale cancelation of student debt. Doesn't even reach the major questions doctrine.
20 US Section 1082(a)General powers
In the performance of, and with respect to, the functions, powers, and duties, vested in him by this part, the Secretary may—
1082(a) (6) cant be taken in isolation. Requires adherence to Part B - sections 1071-1087.
Nothing in Part B remotely suggests the Secretary has to power to the wholesale cancelation of student loans
So Somin has moved in 24 hours from the proposal being a "Trumpian abuse of power" to its merely being "iffy".