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Why the IRA Does Not "Grant" the EPA "Broad Authority to Shift America Away from Burning Fossil Fuels"
A New York Times story creates a false impression about the effects of the Inflation Reduction Act's Climate Provisions
On Monday, the New York Times published a story proclaiming that the Inflation Redution Act is a "game changer" because it amended the Clean Air Act to "make new regulations much tougher to challenge in court." This would be an incredibly important development if it were true, but it's not, for reasons I will explain.
Here is how the NYT story begins:
When the Supreme Court restricted the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to fight climate change this year, the reason it gave was that Congress had never granted the agency the broad authority to shift America away from burning fossil fuels.
Now it has.
Throughout the landmark climate law, passed this month, is language written specifically to address the Supreme Court's justification for reining in the E.P.A., a ruling that was one of the court's most consequential of the term. [West Virginia v. EPA, which I discussed here.] The new law amends the Clean Air Act, the country's bedrock air-quality legislation, to define the carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels as an "air pollutant."
That language, according to legal experts as well as the Democrats who worked it into the legislation, explicitly gives the E.P.A. the authority to regulate greenhouse gases and to use its power to push the adoption of wind, solar and other renewable energy sources.
There is quite a bit that is problematic about this framing, and what follows.
The IRA does include multiple provisions designed to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, including multiple provisions (in Title VI of the law) that amend the Clean Air Act to create various incentive programs. Most of these are various types of subsidy programs, though one authorizes a "waste emissions charge" on excess methane emissions from oil and gas facilities. The IRA does not grant the EPA new regulatory authority with regard to GHGs. Nor does it address the Supreme Court's reasons for rejecting a broad view of EPA's regulatory authority in West Virginia v. EPA.
Nor is it quite accurate to say the IRA "amends the Clean Air Act . . . to define the carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels as an 'air pollutant.'" Nothing in the IRA modifies the CAA's existing definition of air pollutant in Section 302 of the Act.
What the IRA does instead is to provide several section-specific definitions of greenhouse gases that read like this:
Definition of Greenhouse Gas.--In this section, the term `greenhouse gas' means the air pollutants carbon dioxide, hydrofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.
This language does not speak at all to the issues in WVa v. EPA, as nothing in that case turned on whether greenhouse gases are air pollutants. Moreover, these definitional provisions - which refer to various air pollutants as greenhouse gases for the purposes of the specific sections of the CAA in which they are included - do not address or adjust any of the CAA provisions at issue in WVa. Nor do these provisions alter or affect any of the CAA provisions at issue in prior legal challenges to GHG regulations, nor do they address any of the provisions the EPA is likely to use for future GHG regulations.
Later on in the article, it is suggested that because these provisions define greenhouse gases as a set of air pollutants, this makes clear that GHGs may be considered air pollutants under the Act, and that this will be "'a powerful disincentive' to new lawsuits." Don't bet on it.
In Massachusetts v. EPA the Supreme Court concluded that the CAA's definition of "air pollutant" is sufficiently broad to include greenhouse gases, at least for the purposes of Section 202. This conclusion was reaffirmed in the Supreme Court's UARG v. EPA decision, albeit with the important caveat that just because GHGs are air pollutants under some provisions of the CAA, they are not air pollutants under other portions of the Act.
The new IRA provisions are certainly consistent with the Mass v. EPA holding, but they are consistent with the UARG holding as well. Indeed, because the relevant definitional provisions in the IRA are all section-specific, they actually reinforce UARG's conclusion that GHGs may be air pollutants for some portions of the Act, but not others. In other words, these provisions will not stop red-state AGs and others from challenging efforts to regulate GHGs through provisions of the CAA that had not been used previously for that purpose. There is one provision in the IRA that references EPA's use of "existing authorities" of the CAA to reduce GHGs, but that too is as consistent with UARG and WVa. as it is with Mass v. EPA, and so does not move the needle much either.
These provisions are not going to discourage litigation, nor do they do much of anything to protect future EPA regulation of GHGs from legal attack. Serious challenges to future EPA regulations will not seek to overturn Mass v. EPA or claim that the EPA has no authority to regulate GHGs. Rather, these suits will (as in UARG) challenge the EPA's authority to regulate GHGs under specific provisions of the CAA, argue that the EPA's regulations are arbitrary or unreasonable, or (as in WVA v. EPA) that the manner in which the EPA is seeking to regulate GHGs exceeds the scope of the EPA's power. Nothing in the IRA will help the EPA fend against these sorts of arguments.
It is fair to argue that the IRA evinces Congress's intention that the EPA concern itself with greenhouse gas emissions, including from the power sector. But that's not the terrain upon which future challenges to EPA regulation of greenhouse gases will be fought. If, for example, the EPA responds to WVa v. EPA by issuing new regulations mandating co-firing or the use of carbon capture technology at coal-fired power plants, those rules will be challenged on various grounds, and some of these challenges will be serious, but the serious challenges will not include the claim that GHGs cannot be air pollutants under the CAA.
There is one way there IRA may help the EPA make new regulations stick, but it has nothing to do with the new CAA language hyped by the NYT. That is that insofar as the IRA's subsidies reduce the costs of reducing GHG emissions, the EPA may be able to adopt more aggressive regulations without risking judicial invalidation. (Robinson Meyer notes this point here, though I disagree with those portions of the article that echo the NYT's mistaken analysis.)
One other (somewhat pedantic) point about the NYT story is that it misrepresents how endangerment works for purposes of triggering regulation under the CAA. The story claims that the EPA's 2009 conclusion that GHGs could be reasonably anticipated to endanger health or welfare "meant carbon dioxide could be legally defined as a pollutant and regulated." This is backwards. It is not that something must be considered dangerous before it can be considered an air pollutant under the Act. Rather, if something is an air pollutant (because it satisfies the Act's definition, which does not require dangerousness), then the EPA may regulate that pollutant under certain CAA provisions if the EPA subsequently concludes that emissions of that pollutant cause or contribute to air pollution that may endanger health or welfare. In other words, just because something is an air pollutant under the Act does not necessarily mean that it is dangerous or that the EPA can or must regulate it.
None of this means the IRA is not significant climate legislation. It is not only the most significant climate legislation ever enacted by Congress [low bar, admittedly]. It represents the most serious and substantial legislative effort to begin decarbonizing the American economy, and this effort may well bear fruit. (For a sober take on its likely effect, see Ron Bailey's assessment.) But the significance of the IRA as a climate policy measure is not that it bulletproofs the EPA against legal challenges to its regulations, because that is not what the IRA does.
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I like your optimism, but you might have missed all the other non-serious arguments that nonetheless succeeded at the Supreme Court in the last decade or two, up to and including some nonsense about broccoli.
Let me understand correctly. The vile, toxic, scumbag lawyer is saying, the energy needed to take my 4000 lbs car 100 miles at 65 mph is coming from my house electric outlet. You are going to need a bigger generating plant.
Fucking lawyer dumbass. From conception to recycling electric vehicles are an unmitigated ecological catastrophe and a massive crime against humanity. That crime includes suborning child slavery.
Not yours. Yours runs on gas.
Hmm, trying to find an airline with a "Green" jet, seems they all burn Climate-Changing Jet Fuel
Google is your friend:
Did you bother to read the article you linked to? Still hype and vaporware. A few non-production test platforms. And all still ultimately powered from a fossil-fuel dependent electricity grid.
The Federals do whatever they want, no one will stop them.
Remember what I said about the utilitarian analysis of the war in Ukraine.
The most abundant greenhouse gas is water vapor. Drafting a law the defines ghs and leaving H2O out is folly. Without water vapor the earth would be 59 degrees F cooler.
RE: "The most abundant greenhouse gas is water vapor. Drafting a law the defines ghs and leaving H2O out is folly. Without water vapor the earth would be 59 degrees F cooler."
It's not quite that simple, I'm afraid. As it turns out, not all greenhouse gases are the same. Different ones absorb heat-radiation (infra-red radiation) of different wavelengths. (You do know that electromagnetic radiation, including visible light and infra-red (radiated heat) is a wave, and has a wavelength, like any other wave - you don't need me to explain that to you, do you? Well, I'll assume you do, even though your post indicates you might not. If you don't, you might be able to cash in on your ignorance by suing your high-school physics department.) Yes, water vapor blocks a lot of infra-red, but it allows infrared in a certain wavelength-range to pass. So long as the infra-red radiation (radiated heat) whose wavelength is part of the allowed frequency-range (the "wavelength window"), the water vapor doesn't stop it from getting out. Our ability to radiate heat out of the atmosphere into outer space (which is how we get rid of atmospheric heat) depends on keeping the "wavelength window" of water vapor unblocked. And by unfortunate coincidence, CO2 has an absorption peak right where it blocks the wavelength window. So the heat-radiation (infra-red radiation) which WAS able to get out through the water vapor and away from us, is blocked by CO2; also by methane and all the worrisome greenhouse gases mentioned in the law.
In other words, (metaphorically speaking), the dosage makes the poison, but the chemical identity also makes the poison.
Oops I left out a word. I meant to write "Well, I'll assume you do KNOW". I didn't mean "if you do need me to explain it". My error.
Nicely explained.
Intelligent Toad -
That is the theory. However, not well supported by the empirical evidence.
There is a high correlation of increase in co2 and temps
There is also a high correlation of increase in TSI and temps
Read the Bell McDermott Study on 96 US cities Premature mortality due to increases in ground level ozone . That study is considered the gold standard.
Its also a good example of reaching an erroneous conclusion. Increase in ground level ozone had about a 60% correlation ( and negative correlation in several of the cities) while increase in summer heat had a near 100% correlation. Ground level ozone was the bad guy, so the conclusion was that increase in ground level ozone was 100% responsible.
Similar weak attribution in the CO2 cause of AWG. heavy reliance on cherrypicked data throughout climate science.
The main reason the EPA doesn't have broad authority to shift us off fossil fuels is because there is no other source to shift us too.
The green pork in the IRA isn't going to move the needle much if at all, its just going to subsidize electric cars for a few wealthy people that will also have gas powered SUV's for serious driving.
California is asking people not to use aircon today to avoid brown outs or blackouts, I wonder what adding a few hundred thousand electric vehicles a year would do to the grid.
If they started now they'd be able to build enough nuclear power plants by 2050 to generate our current electricity needs carbon free, but there is no way to build enough and efficient enough batteries to convert more than a small fraction of our vehicles to electric too.
If they insist on doing something concentrate on what can be done, not on what can't.
The lesson is, never try.
Well yes, the people concerned about climate change are not trying, as the previous poster observed about not building enough nuclear (or any non-fossil fuel) plants right now to achieve the 2040/50 proclaimed targets. Repeating again, the reason we are not shifting from fossil fuels is that there is no viable technology yet to replace them. That's certainly not for lack of trying.
The lesson is to try something that is likely to work!
Renewables cant.
The 9 day drought of electric generation during Feb 2021 across the north american continent showed that renewables cant ever be a solution. (jacobson, et al not withstanding).
Check out the EIA . gov website for electric generation by source. Anyone with basic science skills can see the frequent 2-4 day droughts of electric generation from renewables.
The De Cordova power plant added 260mw of battery storage capacity which is about 60% of the plants power capacity. However, that total 260mw storage capacity is only for one (1) hour. That means that the other 71 hours in the typical power drought from wind has no electricity.
Practical science is hard
understanding the limitations of reality is hard for a progressive
Doesn't matter. Fossil fuels are destroying the planet right before our very eyes. We have to come off them. If there's a non-planet-destorying alternative, great, if not, well, that sucks, but it'll suck on a planet that isn't being destroyed. At this point it's like refusing to cut off a rotting limb because the medicine to fix gangrene won't quite be ready until after you're dead.
Your starting premise is wrong, therefore your conclusions are invalid. The planet has been warmer than this before many times yet has never been "destroyed" for any credible definition of that term. The current projections of disaster are extrapolations from computer models that are statistically incompetent to generate those extrapolations.
It doesn't matter how warm the planet is; what matters is when the temperature changes. Sure, if the planet were ten degrees warmer than it is, and we had located our homes accordingly, that would be fine. The problem comes when the temperature changes and beachfront homes (for instance) get flooded and Texas gets blizzards for which its people are unprepared and crop-fields located too close to the water get flooded and pathogens mutate and adjust to changing weather-patterns become more virulent or more infectious.
In other words, the "best" temperature for the earth to be tomorrow is whatever temperature it is today. Change is the problem.
So you're not actually concerned with the earth being "destroyed," you just prefer that hyperbolic statement instead of saying "look, we stupidly designed things as if nothing would ever change and we need to look at redesigning to adapt to the changing planet we've always lived on."
gotta wonder how someone can comprehend the complexities of climate science when they have such a poor grasp of the basics
The "world-ending" temperature change we're talking is 2C - which is about is the equivalent of moving about 200 miles south. Roughly the distance of Philadelphia to Richmond or San Francisco to Los Angeles.
Note that (according to the IPCC), we're already about halfway there. In that time, sea levels continued to rise at about the same few millimeters per year that they've been rising since the end of the Little Ice Age. Beachfront homes have been notably unflooded. None of the rest of your catastrophic predictions show any signs of coming to pass either.
The planet is actually quite difficult to destroy the things that live on it not so much.
Kaz - good point on renewables
Here is a link to Skeptical Science and studies supporting renewabls - Its astonishing how detached the "Believers" are from reality.
How can the believers understand the complexities of climate science with they have such delusional grasp of the basic science, engineering , etc
Whether or not they missed their clearly intended target, I think the buried lede here is how anything remotely along these lines was ruled within the ambit of "budget reconciliation."
The IRA? Does this mean Provo Joe has fully embraced his Irish heritage and is finally ready to do what needs done to put an end to the British menace?
Alas, no … the Inflation Reduction Act. These acronyms, man.
My favorite is still proton-enhanced nuclear induction spectroscopy.
What? No. Clearly this is referring to Individual Retirement Accounts.
I don't think the bill could have modified the CAA act and also pass via reconciliation.
Let's make this as clear as it can be. Under this Supreme Court majority, it would not be possible to pass any legislation, however worded, that would allow the EPA to enforce a nationwide changeover from carbon-based fuels to renewables. This is a Court which thinks the Constitution cannot empower doing that, period. If it must, the Court will find a way to vindicate that outcome by changing the subject: (it's a taking!); (such extraordinary power demands extraordinary scientific justification, which doesn't exist!); (the power to regulate commerce does not extend to dictating the fundamentals of commerce!); or by mere circumlocution. This Court majority will not permit mere statutory language, however clearly drafted, to become law to the contrary.
Let's put Adler to the test: what language could be enacted which would not permit opponents to get a hearing to let this majority devise a way to overturn the law. Laws to put the economy on the basis of renewable energy will never pass SCOTUS until these justices no longer command a majority.
"Let's put Adler to the test: what language could be enacted which would not permit opponents to get a hearing to let this majority devise a way to overturn the law."
He told you, if you bothered reading. "Air pollutant" is defined in Section 302 of the Act. Amend that to include C02.
"Laws to put the economy on the basis of renewable energy will never pass SCOTUS until these justices no longer command a majority."
First you have to amend the laws of physics. That is determined by a higher authority than SCOTUS.
If Congress passed a law that ordered that the courts would let it stand.
You’re so unsophisticated as to energy that you can’t comprehend why nobody has tried to pass such a law. It’s because, as Kazinski posts above there’s nothing to shift to that will work. There’s nothing even close. There may never be.
But keep up your ineffectual whining if the false feeling that you’re being cheated and are a true victim makes you feel virtuous.
All Congress would have to do is pass a bill that set a carbon tax at 70$ a ton.
There is no doubt that the Supreme Court would uphold it.
It would increase the price of coal 200%, electricity 50%, and gasoline 20%.
Why doesn't Congress do that if they are serious about reducing carbon emissions? Because they only want to pass pork and regulation bills rather than tax bills, because there is only votes for pork, not taxes.
Your argument is with Congress not the Supreme Court.
Well, and they also don't do that because, if they're going to crash the economy, they don't want their own fingerprints all over it.
RE: "Let's put Adler to the test: what language could be enacted which would not permit opponents to get a hearing to let this majority devise a way to overturn the law."
Maybe a variation on the Texas trick? Instead of having any government or government agency enforce the law, authorize everyone to sue anyone who violates the law, and mandate that every successful lawsuit include punitive damages of seventeen quintillion dollars, with no option to declare bankruptcy?
Lathrop -
there is thingy thing called the constitution which says congress makes the law, not the executive branch nor the courts.
You might read that thingy thing called the constitution
"to define the carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels as an "air pollutant."
Carbon dioxide has a secret identity. It also goes by the name "plant food".
No CO2, no plants. No plants, no life.
So vote for democrats and help destroy life on earth.
It was plants caused all this mess in the first place, there was plenty of CO2 for them 20 or 30x what they have now, but they got greedy and stashed most of it in coal beds and peat bogs. Although I will admit dinosaurs stashed a good bit in oil and gas reservoirs. Then the coral beds and other marine life laid aside enormous quantities in limestone formations big enough to make entire mountain ranges.
I don't see why its such a terrible idea to recycle all of their garbage, and make it available for them to reuse.
The dosage makes the poison. And the position. Water is not a pollutant when you're drinking it, but it'll sure as heck pollute your basement if it leaks in.
It’s dangerous stuff. It can kill you. People drown in it.
And it will poison you if you drink too much of it.
Yeah but the levels of co2 we are talking about are perfectly natural, in fact 95% of Earth's geologic history over the last 600 million years has higher levels of co2, and life thrived:
Assuming you're correct, that's still a dumb argument. We're not "life." We're people. We want an environment hospitable to us, not to generic "life."
Well, that does require, for instance, that C-3 photosynthesis continue, which came close to ending before we started putting sequestered carbon back in the atmosphere. A lot of people don't appreciate that, thanks first to the formation of limestone by shell forming animals, and then formation of coal seams when woody plants started producing organic material nothing at the time was able to break down, atmospheric levels of CO2 dropped so low during the last bout of glaciation that we were close to the point where C-3 photosynthesis plants would just up and die.
Most of the plants we eat are C-3 photosynthesis, that's practically everything but grasses.
Essentially, we've staved off a major extinction event that was going to happen during the next period of glaciation.
Interestingly, too much carboin dioxide literally makes people stupider. Have you been huffing it?
Yes, it does - at high enough concentrations. There's good research from the Navy on submariners' experiences. Do you know what those concentrations are? Do you know what multiple of the current atmospheric concentration that works out to? Do you know what fraction (multiple really) of the total known fossil fuel reserves would have to be burned (with zero sequestration) in order to reach that concentration in the terrestrial atmosphere?
I can write fairy stories, too.
Professor Adler,
Thank you for the carefully analyzed and well written note.
I was wondering how Congress could change enforcement powers in a budget resolution.
It seems Congress acted with n a way where if you are a judge who thinks addressing climate change is something government should obviously be doing, there are enough hooks here to make it easy to convince you that Congress wants this. The text here is at least as clear as sex discrimination was in Bostock. But if you think addressing climate change is weird shit a few extreme leftists are trying to foist on people, there are enough limitations to suggest Congress didn’t approve it across the board.
"What the IRA does instead is to provide several section-specific definitions of greenhouse gases that read like this:
Definition of Greenhouse Gas.--In this section, the term `greenhouse gas' means the air pollutants carbon dioxide, hydrofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride."
This reminds me a bit of the legal definition of 'armor piercing" ammo:
"(B) The term “armor piercing ammunition” means— (i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium; or (ii) a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber designed and intended for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the projectile. "
What I find reminiscent is that the definition consists of listing instances of greenhouse gases, rather than functionally defining them. Just like with 'armor piercing' ammo, the consequence is that if somebody comes up with a novel greenhouse gas, the definition won't cover it.
Is there some legal reason for this approach, listing examples rather than functionally defining?
The approach resolves doubts in favor of exclusion. Only things that definitely ought to be included are. Unknown and doubtful things aren’t.
The issue of how to resolve doubts when constructingg definitions has some analogy to burdens of proof in litigation. A high burden of proof resolved doubt in favor of the defendant and non-liability; a low burden resolves doubt in favor of the plaintiff and liability.
So much as high burdens of proof mean guilty people sometimes go free, resolving doubt in favor of exclusion means that things that ought to be included sometimes get excluded. And the basis is the same: the cost to society of erring in favor of inclusion is deemed greater than erring in favor of exclusive.
The idea that we can simply expect a novel legislative definition to exactly cover what is desired with no chance of ever misclassifying is as naive an approach to drafting legislation as the idea that we can find out if a woman is a witch by seeing if she weighs the same as a duck.
So, a rule of lenity sort of thing?