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Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Overgrown grass, recording the police, and lying officers who lie and ruin people's lives and get away with it.
Please enjoy the latest edition of Short Circuit, a weekly feature from the Institute for Justice.
New cert petition: Does the Fourteenth Amendment require meaningful review of restrictions on the right to engage in a common occupation? IJ says yes, and that Kentucky's restrictions on home health agencies, which are preventing a pair of entrepreneurs from opening a new agency that caters to Louisville's large Nepali-speaking community, don't make a lick of sense. Click here to learn more.
- FCC officials suspect some radio broadcasts are secretly paid for by the Chinese and Russian governments. So it issues an order requiring licensed broadcasters to independently verify that sponsors of broadcasts aren't having foreign governments foot the bill. The only problem, says the D.C. Circuit, is that that's "not the law that Congress wrote." The FCC has authority to require licensees to ask employees and sponsors about foreign governments, but not to force licensees to do independent research.
- Congressional committee tries to subpoena then-President Trump's personal accounting firm. Now on remand from SCOTUS, the committee's chairwoman has explained in more detail why they want what they want: to craft new legislation on presidential self-dealing. D.C. Circuit: There's still separation-of-powers concerns, but the post hoc explanations are okay and the subpoena is basically okay. However, we'll narrow it a bit. Concurrence: Wow, these are big issues. How 'bout one of you try and go en banc? (Note: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson arguably "rode circuit" in this case as she was a member of the panel at argument and was a justice by the time it was issued (although she did not participate in the writing of the opinion)).
- Does it violate the Second Amendment for the NYPD to deny a Bronx man a license to have a shotgun or rifle in his home because of his 2011 arrest, which did not result in a conviction, for domestic violence? The district court said no, but we're sending it back down for another look, says the Second Circuit, in light of a recent Supreme Court ruling.
- Anonymous internet users upload instructions for 3D printing gun parts and accessories with marks belonging to Everytown for Gun Safety, an anti-gun-violence group. Protected parody? Trademark infringement? Second Circuit: Back to the district court to determine if defendants can proceed anonymously.
- Last year, Suffolk County, N.Y. police sent letters threatening to arrest and criminally prosecute owners of a particular firearm if they failed to turn them in within 15 days. Second Circuit: No one's actually been arrested or had their guns forcibly taken yet, so these plaintiffs don't have standing to sue.
- Journalist makes Freedom of Information Act request of the Secret Service for records relating to President-elect Trump prior to his taking the oath of office on January 20, 2017. Second Circuit: Those aren't "agency records," as neither a presidential campaign nor a presidential transition is an "agency." And even if they were, they'd be covered by the "unwarranted invasion of personal privacy" exception to FOIA.
- Like newborn babes swaddled in the cashmere blanket of ignorance, a panel of the Fourth Circuit finds it "perplexing" that the government would oppose the vacatur of a 2003 firearms conviction for a man whom the government concedes is actually innocent. But though we may never know why the government does the things it does, here, at least, it is the criminal defendant who prevails.
- In the summer 2019, Corpus Christi, Tex. police sought to round up gang members with outstanding criminal warrants. One of those gang members was described only as a Hispanic male who, at some unidentified point, had been seen riding a bicycle in the "area of Leopard and Up River" with large handlebars. Police spot a man in the area matching the meager description, stop him, and frisk him. Uh oh! It's the wrong guy, but he is a felon in possession. The man moves to suppress the handgun, arguing there was no reasonable suspicion for the stop. Fifth Circuit (over a dissent): He's right. We've rejected even more extensive descriptions as too scanty to justify an investigatory stop.
- Though court orders man who is incompetent to stand trial to be civilly committed or released, he remains in Clay County, Miss. jail for six years (until local news starts asking questions). Fifth Circuit: And not only that, but the current and former sheriffs lied to the court about it. No qualified immunity for the sheriffs.
- In 2014, Texas prison officials banned Nation of Gods and Earths religious group from gathering. Officials: We have a new policy that lifts the ban. The case is moot. Fifth Circuit: On the contrary, the policy merely allows these inmates to apply to congregate. Judge Ho, concurring: "We cannot allow government officials to unilaterally avoid judicial review—and especially not when they openly admit that their change in behavior is strategic rather than sincere."
- Officers flag down a motorist leaving a Lake Charles, La. rest area. A search reveals contraband. Was flagging him down a stop for Fourth Amendment purposes? District court: No, officers didn't physically step in front of his car. He was free to go. Fifth Circuit: It was a stop, not least because state law requires motorists to stop at an officer's command. Take another look at that motion to suppress.
- Fifth Circuit: You can't vacate a five-year-old judgment just because the SEC bullied you into giving up your First Amendment rights as a condition of settlement. Concurrence: True enough, but bullying people into giving up their First Amendment rights sure seems like the sort of thing that's bound to have consequences one day.
- District court: Coryell County, Tex. jail officials responded to a disruptive detainee with reasonable, measured force, removing the force once she was restrained. Qualified immunity. Fifth Circuit: Yeah, that's the defendants' version of events, which we can't review at the summary judgment stage. Plaintiff's facts show the detainee was tapping her hairbrush on her cell door, so officers repeatedly pepper sprayed her, punched her multiple times, and then, even after she was handcuffed and prone, pressed their 230- and 390-pound bodies into her back and neck until she was lifeless. On that version of events, no qualified immunity.
- In 2017, Detroit officials—who have a habit of forcing people into foreclosure over inflated tax bills—mailed out 260k property tax assessments that tell homeowners they have at most four days to challenge those assessments or forever lose their chance at judicial review. The deadline does get extended, but officials do not individually notify homeowners, relying instead on an announcement at a city council meeting and local news coverage. Might that violate due process? Congress passed a law saying local tax issues like this have to go to state court, says the Sixth Circuit, unless there is no clear path to review in state court. Which (over a dissent) there isn't here. Case undismissed.
- Does it violate the First Amendment for Westfield, Ind. officials to bar a large digital billboard from being put up on private property in town? The district court said yes, because the city's distinction between on-premises and off-premises signs allows officials to discriminate based on the content of speech. Seventh Circuit: But, since the Supreme Court just torpedoed that line of reasoning, this goes back down for another look (and another chance to develop the record).
- St. Paul, Minn. police officer Heather Weyker, who was also a deputized federal task force agent, framed dozens of innocent people in the course of fabricating a non-existent interstate sex-trafficking ring. One of her victims, who spent years in federal custody before being acquitted, sues, arguing that Weyker's lies violated the Constitution. Eighth Circuit: You can't sue her in her capacity as a federal agent because federal agents have de facto absolute immunity. And you also can't sue her in her capacity as a local officer because her fake investigation was a federal one. (N.B.: This week, in a case involving a different victim, IJ asked the Supreme Court to tell the Eighth Circuit to take another look at Weyker's federal immunity.)
- Is there a First Amendment right to record the police? Tenth Circuit (2021): Can't say. Won't say. Tenth Circuit (2022): There absolutely is, and it's a clearly established right. So no qualified immunity for this Lakewood, Colo. officer, who allegedly shined a flashlight into citizen-journalists' phones and cameras and, after being told to knock it off by a fellow officer, then drove his patrol car straight at the journalists, sped away, did a U-turn, gunned it back toward a journalist, swerved to avoid hitting him, and then blasted his air horn.
- After a Utah Highway Patrol Trooper pulls over an out-of-state driver for a suspected window-tint violation, he lets the man go with a warning. But then the trooper contacts a buddy on the force and tells him to "go stop" the driver in order to walk a drug dog around the car. The second trooper does so. The dog alerts on the car, which leads to a search, but no drugs are discovered and the trooper again releases the man with a warning. The man sues, pro se, alleging the successive stops violate his Fourth Amendment rights. District court: Qualified immunity. Tenth Circuit: Take another look at that one.
- Kansas contractors set up a scheme where they'd funnel money to noncitizens without work permits to hang drywall for other companies. Feds prosecute contractors under a statute making it illegal to "encourage" or "induce" illegal entry or presence in the U.S. Is the statute overly broad, making a "substantial amount" of protected speech illegal, regardless of what the defendants themselves ever said? Tenth Circuit: Yep. This law must take the overbreadth L. Dissent: That's pretty strong medicine when we can just read the statute another way.
- Dunedin, Fla. septuagenarian leaves town for about two months to settle his mother's estate, and the man he paid to mow his lawn dies unexpectedly. Without notice, city officials fine him $500/day for overgrown grass, a total of $28.5k plus interest. He can't come up with the money on time, so officials seek to foreclose on his home. An excessive fine? A violation of due process? Eleventh Circuit: No, state law allows up to $500/day fines for municipal violations, and he should have raised his due process claims in state court. (This is an IJ case.)
- And in amicus brief news, IJ is asking the Supreme Court to tell lower courts to start exercising the full extent of their jurisdiction over federal agencies instead of intuiting an unspoken congressional desire to let agencies proceed unchecked.
Friends, Iowa's Constitution begins with some stirring words: "All men and women are, by nature, free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights — among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness." But do those words actually mean anything? Regrettably, last month the Iowa Supreme Court said no, applying rational basis review and pretty much rendering the clause judicially unenforceable. It's a real shame. Click here to learn about the rights-protecting history of the clause.
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That is what the law is.
One of her victims, who spent years in federal custody before being acquitted, sues, arguing that Weyker's lies violated the Constitution. Eighth Circuit: You can't sue her in her capacity as a federal agent because federal agents have de facto absolute immunity. And you also can't sue her in her capacity as a local officer because her fake investigation was a federal one.
Sure. Then violence should visit these criminals in self help, including the judges protecting them with made up fictitious shit.
Agreed. When the courts refuse to rein in the government, no one should be surprised when the victims take matters into their own hands.
Disney in 2021 at $185 a share. Today? $92. Go woke. Go broke. Scbag President must be fired.
"Last year, Suffolk County, N.Y. police sent letters threatening to arrest and criminally prosecute owners of a particular firearm if they failed to turn them in within 15 days. Second Circuit: No one's actually been arrested or had their guns forcibly taken yet, so these plaintiffs don't have standing to sue."
I'd say "You've got to be kidding!", but I know better.
The truth is, there are so many cert worth 2nd amendment cases out there, (Though this shouldn't be a 2nd amendment case, that it was about guns probably did drive the 2nd circuit's decision.) the Supreme court could do nothing else for the next decade, and still not wade through them all.
" No, officers didn't physically step in front of his car. He was free to go."
And THIS is why cops are constantly badgered with "am I free to go?"
"Dunedin, Fla. septuagenarian leaves town for about two months "
That's a gross misrepresentation of the case. That dude received multiple warnings, citations and hearings over several years.
This is the exact opposite of the kind of thing to defer to some rational basis-like BS.
1. They wanted to use the power of government to hurt a political opponent. You aren't supposed to do that. We The People disallowed this diving right of kings.
2. But you can to gather data for crafting laws.
3. So lie, lie, lie you are doing it to craft laws. Everyone knows you are lying. The judge even acknowledges it here in that you can post hoc rationalize it this way.
And my usual disclaimer: I didn't vote for Donald "Lock Her Up!" Trump, who surely, in some cosmic sense, deserves the investigative power of government turned against him, just as he relied on its rhetoric to use it against his own political opponents.
But We The People said no. The ease to which hacks fall back on this shows the wisdom of including it in the Constitution, and the difficulty of keeping it tamped down.
"who surely, in some cosmic sense, deserves the investigative power of government turned against him,"
In a pretty attenuated cosmic sense, mind you, because he didn't lift a finger to accomplish it.
Everyone has political opponents. Being succeeded in power by those opponents does not mean criminal prosecutions brought by the state are somehow invalid.
Obviously, Trump is guilty of so many crimes under US law that it's not even funny. He has actually committed treason, which is bloody rare. He can't escape the due process of the law simply because he is no longer in power.
Really, your arguments are evidence of a deep deficiency in intellectual honesty on your part. You must be aware that you are constructing your sandcastle on a premise that something that everyone has always agreed is completely right - the rule of law - is in fact wrong. But you're burying your head in the sand, refusing to admit it, and sounding quite, quite mad as a result.
All you really need to do is admit to yourself that you were fooled into voting for a crook and a traitor. That will be a lot less embarrassing than what you're doing now.
"Being succeeded in power by those opponents does not mean criminal prosecutions brought by the state are somehow invalid."
But the case in question has absolutely nothing to do with a criminal prosecution.
Eh? We're talking about Trump being brought to justice for his crimes. Criminal prosecutions are ongoing here.
I repeat:
"All you really need to do is admit to yourself that you were fooled into voting for a crook and a traitor. That will be a lot less embarrassing than what you're doing now."
Facts are, Trump is a traitor, you were conned by a traitor, and you therefore obviously don't actually know what it means to be American. Maybe you should just shut up and listen for a bit, traitor-lover?
When a poster begins a sentence with "Facts are" or "The fact is," you can bet the house that what follows will be opinion.
When a poster begins a sentence with "Obviously" or "Clearly," what follows will be neither obvious nor clear.
Anyone else guess that the dissent in the 5th Circuit "large handlebars" case was Edith Jones? She might just as well have said that 4A doesn't apply to "those people" and it would be scarcely less honest.
She did say that. Look, he's a hispanic guy riding a bicycle. In the same neighborhood that some other hispanic guy once rode a bicycle at some time in the past. Close enough!
(I liked how she kept citing the officer's "experience." WTF? Experience at what? Randomly stopping hispanic people?)
It’s what the standard says, isn’t it? Reasonable suSPICion. Can she be blamed for putting special emphasis on the middle syllable?
Right, and if he had refused to stop the cops would have just let him go and forgotten about it. NOT!
In Texas, failing to stop your vehicle when an officer orders you to pull over is a 3rd degree felony carrying a sentence of up to 10 years. I know someone who was charged for driving to their own driveway instead of stopping where the officer told them to.
This Heather Weyker person - leaving aside all the immunities from civil suits, why wasn't she simply arrested and charged with a pile of felonies? If the St. Paul police were too corrupt to do it themselves, why not the feds?
"why not the feds?"
Because she was working for the feds at the time.
"St. Paul, Minn. police officer Heather Weyker, who was also a deputized federal task force agent, framed dozens of innocent people in the course of fabricating a non-existent interstate sex-trafficking ring. One of her victims, who spent years in federal custody before being acquitted, sues, arguing that Weyker's lies violated the Constitution. Eighth Circuit: You can't sue her in her capacity as a federal agent because federal agents have de facto absolute immunity. And you also can't sue her in her capacity as a local officer because her fake investigation was a federal one. (N.B.: This week, in a case involving a different victim, IJ asked the Supreme Court to tell the Eighth Circuit to take another look at Weyker's federal immunity.)"
OK, so the federal courts don't have jurisdiction to hear suits in these cases. So be it.
But nature abhors a vacuum. If the federal courts are unavailable, what about state courts?
Normally the state courts must butt out of federal cases, but that's only because there are federal courts to handle such cases. If the federal courts don't handle such cases, then there's nothing to stop the state courts from stepping in where the feds fear to tread.
Here's a bona fide example of a 9th Amendment right. Both the common good and the original intent of the Founders point to a right to sue for attacks on life, property or reputation.
The simple answer is that she should be sued in her capacity as a private citizen. Even while at work, one is still a private person, with a private person's legal responsibilities.
She might technically be a local cop, but she was working on a federal task force at the time of the incidents in question.
And no, the Feds, including the federal courts are not going to allow a federal agent to be sued in state courts for official acts. If someone tried it, it would get removed to federal court and dismissed so fast it would make your head spin.
Framing people and fabricating evidence is an official act now?
That certainly explains a lot of the anti-Trump stories we hear.
The US Supreme court has long held that federal law enforcement officers are immune to lawsuits for even blatant misconduct on the job.
And the court in this case held that because she was working as part of a federal task force the cop in question was a federal agent for purposes of this suit.
To be fair, there is supporting precedent for that.
"For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:"
Of course they'd try to do that - though the proper response would be for Congress to give the federal courts exclusive jurisdiction in such cases. Presto - a federal remedy, and the state courts wouldn't have to get involved.
But for all the talk of the 9th Amendment guaranteeing abortions and what have you, how can the 9th Amendment *not* protect the right to sue for injury in person/property/reputation? What's the argument that the 9th Amendment *doesn't* apply, other than "the government would ignore it." That argument proves too much, since there's some much more explicit guarantees of rights the government ignores.
"Of course they'd try to do that - though the proper response would be for Congress to give the federal courts exclusive jurisdiction in such cases. Presto - a federal remedy"
And poof the courts would invent a federal immunity the way they invented "qualified immunity" when Congress passed a law saying people could sue state/local officials in federal court for rights violations.
"removed to federal court and dismissed"
See, here I was thinking that the purpose of removing a case to federal court was that the federal court had jurisdiction and was vindicating that jurisdiction in the face of state court meddling.
But what is the justification for removing a case to a federal court which *doesn't* have jurisdiction?
"But what is the justification for removing a case to a federal court which *doesn't* have jurisdiction?"
What federal court doesn't have jurisdiction over federal agents?
Then let them exercise their jurisdiction.
Anyway, I hope you're not confusing the is with the ought. Just because we have laws which purport to protect federal officials' misconduct (at least in the civil realm) doesn't mean these laws are good ideas.
Though I've still to hear an explanation for why the 9th Amendment doesn't apply. More specifically, why does it (according to certain distinguished jurists) protect the right to use a condom but not the right to sue a federal agent who frames you?
John Ross, the good Yuma man. He yumas the guvamint with good yuma and tickles us with his yuma. Meanwhile guvamint remains rotten, altho John and the boys do pop a guvt zit every once in a while. As in:
When We the People speak, creating a constitution, we are forming the government and telling it what it is permitted to do.
This branch ignored that, putting itself in superposition over The People, which The People never authorized it to do. The People have the power.
These judges should be arrested and jailed for literally, not figuratively, literally throwing a coup against The People of Iowa.
"In 2014, Texas prison officials banned Nation of Gods and Earths religious group from gathering. Officials: We have a new policy that lifts the ban. The case is moot. Fifth Circuit: On the contrary, the policy merely allows these inmates to apply to congregate. Judge Ho, concurring: "We cannot allow government officials to unilaterally avoid judicial review—and especially not when they openly admit that their change in behavior is strategic rather than sincere.""
Why doesn't this line of reasoning apply to gun laws, you lying pieces of shit?
"Does it violate the Second Amendment for the NYPD to deny a Bronx man a license to have a shotgun or rifle in his home because of his 2011 arrest, which did not result in a conviction, for domestic violence? The district court said no, but we're sending it back down for another look, says the Second Circuit, in light of a recent Supreme Court ruling."
Time to stop with the remand bullshit. Direct the district courts to enter a judgment for the plaintiff. It's enough already with the delays. Justice delayed is justice denied, but only when a woman wants to kill her baby or when a gay man wants to "marry."
"Officers flag down a motorist leaving a Lake Charles, La. rest area."
So the motorist's rights don't kick in, huh?
Gosh, John, some judicial officials are sooo ________y. And why am I not surprised this violation of rights occurred in the banana republic of Louisiana? OTOH, the defendant was carrying a kilo of heroin. That DCJ was in a quandary of heavy proportions.
It used to be routinely accepted that the uncorroborated, self-serving testimony of a suspect simply wasn’t evidence, or at least wasn’t sufficient evidence to overcome the authoritative, official, professional testimony of a police officer. It was simply standard to accept the police officer’s version of events as what happened for summary judgment and qualified immunity purposes.
The fact that even the 5th Circuit has become willing to take a case to a jury based on a suspect’s say-so means that things really are changing.
“Like newborn babes swaddled in the cashmere blanket of ignorance, a panel of the Fourth Circuit finds it ‘perplexing’ that the government would oppose the vacatur of a 2003 firearms conviction for a man whom the government concedes is actually innocent. But though we may never know why the government does the things it does, here, at least, it is the criminal defendant who prevails.”
Barry Jones, Inmate #114690, Death Row, AZ: “No, no hard feelings. This wasn’t some trifling matter of the state executing an innocent man. This was about the right to own firearms!”