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Whites from Africa Claiming African-American Status
One hears many anecdotes about white Africans claiming African-American status to benefit from affirmative action; does it ever actually happen?
In the course of telling various acquaintances about my book on racial classifications, I have heard in response a lot of anecdotes about people of African descent who are not "black" successfully claiming African American status when applying to college or graduate school to benefit from affirmative action. Sometimes, the purported beneficiary is North African--North Africans, such as Egyptians and Morroccans, are officially classified as white. Sometimes the purported beneficiary is a white South African.
Such stories are entirely plausible. The Department of Education, like all federal agencies, defines the African American/Black category as involving descent from "one of the black races of Africa." Colleges are required to use that definition in reporting statistics to the DOE.
However, the Common Application for college, though implicitly adopting the standard definition, does not provide that definition to applicants. Rather, it asks whether the applicant identifies as "Black or African American (including Africa and Caribbean)." It's entirely possible that a naive or willful non-black applicant could conclude that since his ancestors recently lived in Africa, he can justifiably claim African-American status.
Nevertheless, despite all the anecdotes I have heard, and despite their plausibility, in the course of my voluminous research I came across only one documented example of a non-black applicant claiming African American status, described in the Chronicle of Higher Education in 1994. It involved an applicant to Georgetown University Law Center named Raymond Tittmann, who checked off the Black/African American box and was admitted:
Mr. Tittmann who is white, later wrote Georgetown to explain that he considered himself African American because several generations of his father's family had lived in Tanzania. Not so fast, said Georgetown, which told Mr. Tittmann in May that it would not allow him to enroll until the case was investigated.
Georgetown sent his case to the Law School Admissions Council, which unsurprisingly decreed that it would be improper for Georgetown to classify him as an African American applicant. Mr. Tittmann ultimately withdrew his Georgetown application and decided to attend Notre Dame Law School, where he was on the Dean's List. It's not clear from the story whether he was admitted to Notre Dame, where he had also attended college, as an African American.
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My daughter looks Irish. She did this at a top MBA school. She got a full ride of $130000. She attended the meetings of the African American Student Association. No one said a word. I love the woke people.
The above case was in 1994. Her case was in the late 2010's.
Today, I would not bother to claim any connection whatsoever, as a white. I would say, I identify as black. You do not get to define me. This insanity is all case. Schools do not want ruinous litigation by the thievin', scumbag lawyer profession, and its thugs in court.
If the Mafia came by to sell "insurance" to make sure no firebombing happens to your store, would it be justified to capture them, torture them, and then to kill them? To deter? Now explain the difference between Mafia protection racket and education law litigation. The Mafia has men with guns. The scumbag lawyer profession has men with guns. Those are the sole validation of their 100% quack profession.
The Mafia does not have legal immunity. The scumbag lawyer profession has given itself totally unjustified immunity. That immunity 100% justifies violence in formal logic. Formal logic is supreme over all rules and ratified treaties.
I've got an Irish last name, still Jewish, helps keep the Goyem on their toes while I continue my place in the International Jewish Conspiracy (along with Co-Conspirators Rod Carew, Harrison Ford, and that weasel Pauly Shore)
Frank "have a friend who's 1/2 Jew, 1/2 Japanese, he was circumcised at Benihana!"
Today, you can identify as Irish, if you choose. Sue anyone who questions you, for creating a hostile environment. They keep calling you, Jew, instead of Irish, your self identification. Indeed, a law should be enacted to send them to jail, like those people mispronouning mentally ill, delusional people in Cali.
I've always wanted to know: technically, we're all descendants of "one of the black races of Africa." The definition doesn't seem to have a date attached to it that I've been able to find. Obviously it's not the intention, but if Sephardic Jews are Hispanic based on a 500 year prior ancestor, is there a legal reason stopping someone from claiming African American status based on a 60,000 year old African ancestor?
That is correct, one black lady from the hood in Kenya. All of us are her chillen'.
Does it add to, or detract from lawyers' abilities to buy yachts?
So somebody actually from Africa and an Amurican Citizen (for the uninitiated I spell it that way because Chris Me-thews pronounced it that way, miss that blowhard, he should be put in a Museum in the "Old Liberal" exhibit)
isn't "African-Amurican" and somebody not from Africa is,
pure Idiocy, almost makes me rend my Scrubs as much as the improper use of Significant Figures,
Frank "Amurican-Amurican"
I've never liked "African-American" as a racial category. As it implies that a black US citizen emigrates their race changes. It is fine as an ethnic category though.
I don't like race based affirmative action particularly (economically based is OK by me), but think people trying to game the system get what they deserve if found out. This mind you should include my "Native American" senator...
Hence the importance of "personal interview" so you can mark down Asian-Americans and distinguish whites born in Africa from REAL African-Americans.
Elon Musk is African-American?
Elon's kids get affirmative action scholarships, and count toward diversity scores for the school. It is mutually beneficial.
I used to work with a South African who would joke about his "Southern Accent". Nice guy.
He is the world's richest African American
So, Georgetown implicitly admitted that it only let Mr. Tittmann in because they thought that he was black. And yet the vacuous lefties continue to lecture normal Americans about thier racism. What a joke.
Regardless of whether affirmative action is a useful enterprise, this is not correct. When I applied to college, I said that I played piano and flute. If that had proved false (or, true only in some technical non-ordinary-usage non-plain-meaning-in-the context-of-our-society sense of the words “play” and “piano” and “flute”), I think my college would have been justified in revoking my admission, regardless of whether those musical talents had been a but-for cause of my acceptance. And it wouldn’t be an implicit “admission” that pianists and flautists have an advantage in college admissions, even if such an advantage exists. In fact, the affair would imply only that (1) *I* believed those things were important to admissions and (2) my college did not tolerate untruthfulness.
"Mr. Tittmann ultimately withdrew his Georgetown application"
Just heard Lizzie "Poke-a-hontas" Warren is claiming 1,024th African Amurican Ancestry, apparently she had a Grandparent with Flaring Nostrils...
Ha ha thats what happens when you misuse the language. African American means an American who was originally from Africa.
Africa is a continent and it has people of all skin colors from it.
Elon Musk is African American. If all you're worried about is skin color then just say black or the correct term is Negro vs Caucasian
What did it matter to Georgetown that Mr. Tittmann was or wasn't "African American?" How does that categorization change anything for anyone--unless there are certain quotas that must be met (and he's messing with the numbers in those quotas), or there is some advantage being offered to that category. How does choosing that category influence Georgetown's reaction/action/view of him in any way (and isn't that racism, to suggest that they would treat him in some way because of that race-choice)?
Is there any other reading of the significance of his "race" in this situation?
Was this parade of downscale comments from awkward, vaguely bigoted, disaffected, antisocial losers what you intended to precipitate, Prof. Bernstein?
If not, did you expect it?
Back to the parade, clingers!
Remember when an "SUV" took out some parade goers and the media didn't publish a darn thing about the person who drove it? Is that what you were referencing? Is it your hope that something similar happen to the commenters here?
Guys already out of jail, probably working on VPOTUS Common-Law Harris's "re-thinking Policing" panel.
No. In fact, you're lying once again. Every single time you say, "The media didn't cover X," it's a story you know about because the media covered X.
Back to the Scullery!!!! at
"Reverend" !!!!!(we all know you're Jerry Sandusky, just come out of the closet already) (Closet only, Confinement no)
Frank "can spot em even over AlGores Internets"
Rev. Great legal analysis, Bro. You learned great skills at your Top Tier school.
The pederast is back proclaiming the glorious future that awaits us once we hand over our country to the deadbeats, criminals, perverts, and shrews that constitute his/her/its allies. For Ms. Kirkland, the future is not a boot stamping on a human face forever.
It is, instead, obese women twerking, drag queens stripping, and adult males diddling children. Welcome to the Enlightened Age, according to Ms. K.
I know someone, who about 20 years ago, was applying to grad school that had almost the same facts apply to their situation. He put in a "joke" application (this was before everything was a uniform single application) to a school where he had moderate interest and selected the African American box.
He would go on to describe the next few months as "bizarre" as the recruitment and review process was completely different when compared to the other schools. Almost immediately after mailing in his application (again this was a long time ago) he was contacted by an admissions official who would be his "mentor" and he got invited to several events, on campus, with travel covered. He declined all of this, but they still would call him about once a week.
Finally, as admission decisions started to get released he was one of the first to get accepted and with a full ride too. Although tempted, he did decline the offer to attend another school.
I'm not sure if this is representative of current admissions systems, but my guess is that they work even more pervasively like this today, but it would be hard to actually argue that there is not a two track system based almost solely upon race.
All hail the New Jim Crow!
I have heard an Egyptian man claim "African American", but I've never heard any white Africans call themselves that outside of jokes. Even my Egyptian friend got pushback since he was clearly of Arab descent.
And we all know it was the Arabs who damned near invented the slave trade from Africa.
Slavery as an institution is as as old as the hills. There were black slaves long before the Arabs got into it.
Is Egypt in Africa or not? Your friend was an African American.
Oh there are plenty of stories of white African Americans claiming that they are indeed African American. It's because they are.
I doubt your Egyptian friend was an Arab either.
Just found out, I'm 1,024th "Black Irish"
I have a son-in-law who is white South African. Been here for about a decade. He does not consider himself to be African American and wouldn’t refer to himself as such.
His heritage is actually Hungarian, as is his surname. Twenty or so of his family, including his grandfather and his one year old father, hiked through the snow out of Hungary immediately ahead of the Soviet tanks coming in to crush the Hungarian Uprising in 1956. He considers himself more Hungarian than South African, although his mother is a proud Afrikaaner.
Well he is African American of Hungarian heritage.
My grandparents were born in Ireland and came over. They were Irish American. My mom was just an American of Irish heritage. She lived her while life her.
The redefining of words to match politics drives me nuts.
Elon Musk is African American. Kamela Harris is not.
Similarly, I used to date a woman from Spain who checked the Hispanic block on all her applications. Yet she was as white european as someone can be.
Hispanic = "relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries"
She is hispanic. Have you been in lets say Mexico? I think they are pretty much white, Skin color variance is from European white to Mayan brown but it's like to tone difference between Irish and southern Italian.
But we call all of those folks white.
Not necessarily. In South America all of their neighbors hate the Argentines because they consider themselves to be European and consider all of their neighbors to be Incan, because for the most part they've got a little more Inca in their genetics. Or at least that's what they think in Argentina.
I think that yu need to study racism in Mexico. Those of Aztec, Mayan, Mixtec, Zatopec, background are indiginous americans, not white. And they are discriminated against by those of HIspanic descent.
Don't recall the distinction as native Americans except Mayans. They actually call themselves that. Been to Mexico a lot.
Most consider themselves hispanic no matter,
The point is, she wasn't some disadvantaged minority, she was white European. She had never even been to Mexico or anywhere like that in the Americas.
Maybe these race-distinguishing policies can be undermined if a lot of people identify as African-American.
Maybe these race-distinguishing policies can be undermined if government stops supporting (if not requiring!) them.
(Not as long as Democrats are in charge...)
Theresa Heinz Kerry described herself as African American.
My boss was a Spanish immigrant who delighted in checking the "Hispanic" box.
A survey from Intelligent found that 34 percent of white students who applied to colleges and universities falsely claimed they were a racial minority on their application.
The publication found that 81 percent of students who faked minority status did so to improve their chances of getting accepted. Fifty percent of students who lied said they did it to get minority-focused financial aid.
One famous white student managed to ride fake minority status through college and a career and into the Senate.
If that had been on my college application, I could have claimed both hispanic and black....since my grandparents were born in the Caribbean
Then they should go back, I mean what's keeping them? Oh yeah, no self respecting African Nation's gonna tolerate lets just say certain "Urban Behaviors"
Frank "Likes it here"
Stereotypes are folk statistics, mostly true, most of the time. They are also dynamic. African immigrants outperformed whites in the 2010 Census, now there is a new racism. See someone with super dark skin, you chase him waving wads of cash, for your job or for your student admission. You will get a top performer, with above average morals.
If you entrust your finances to a black man, and hire a Jew for your professional basketball team, for the purpose of equity, you deserve the consequences. You libs will list the great black financiers and great Jewish basketball players. You will not run out of fingers. The obverse list will have thousands in them.
But its laughably mistitled. Because some African Americans are white. Most notably Elon Musk.
If you mean skin color than its Black African Americans. Somehow the word "black" came into disfavor, which is slang for Negro . Same as white is slang for Caucasian. So you drop the adjective Black and now it's just wrong if you intend it to openly amply to blacks.
Say what you mean. Just arbitrarily redefining something doesn't work. Like racism. It's judging folks by the color of their skin. It's not exclusive to white folks judging by the color of others skin.
yet I can point to more than a few islanders, you know, Bahamas and similar, who recoil at being labeled as such because they don't enjoy the association.
interestingly enough those who retained their accents are received differently by many
African immigrants, of course, live in traditional patriarchal families, are Christians, love America, vote Republican. So Queenie is right. It is sociological, not biological.