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I Anticipated Chief Justice Roberts's Lonely, Failed Saving Construction of Roe
I held the essay in reserve, waiting to see what would happen in oral arguments, but decided not to use it.
On April 27, 2022, the Wall Street Journal editorial page worried that Chief Justice Roberts was "trying to turn another Justice." At the time, I speculated on the blog that the WSJ received a leak from the Court, and was trying to affect internal deliberations. But internally, I had an inkling what could be going on. No, I did not have a leak. Rather, I know Chief Justice Roberts--and his attempts to save things--extremely well.
Back in October 2021, I wrote a draft blog post about what the Chief's preferred middle ground in Dobbs could look like. I understood that this approach would be pure sophistry, but I take that premise as a given for the Chief. Here is an excerpt from the draft post, which should look familiar. I only made slight alterations for readability:
With rational basis review the relevant line would not be based on the viability of the fetus or some arbitrary trimester framework. Rather the line will be drawn based on whether the woman knows or reasonably should have known she was pregnant. At that point, she would have had a meaningful opportunity to terminate the pregnancy. But that notice doesn't need to be the full nine months of the pregnancy. According to a 2017 study, "gestational age at time of pregnancy awareness was 5.5 weeks (standard error = 0.04) and the prevalence of late pregnancy awareness was 23% (standard error = 1 %)." And the "average gestational age at time of pregnancy awareness has not changed over the last two decades." Given these numbers, under S.B. 8 women may have an exceedingly short period of time to actually obtain the abortion. Moreover, cardiac activity may be detected before six-week mark. Or a woman may learn about her pregnancy after the six-week mark. The Texas six-week limit would not be sufficient because many women do not even know they're pregnant at that point. But the 15-week Mississippi ban would afford women the opportunity to learn of their pregnancy.
Here is what Roberts wrote in Dobbs:
I agree with the Court that the viability line established by Roe and Casey should be discarded under a straightforward stare decisis analysis. That line never made any sense. Our abortion precedents describe the right at issue as a woman's right to choose to terminate her pregnancy. That right should therefore extend far enough to ensure a reasonable opportunity to choose, but need not extend any further—certainly not all the way to viability. Mississippi's law allows a woman three months to obtain an abortion, well beyond the point at which it is considered "late" to discover a pregnancy. See A. Ayoola, Late Recognition of Unintended Pregnancies, 32 Pub. Health Nursing 462 (2015) (pregnancy is discoverable and ordinarily discovered by six weeks of gestation). I see no sound basis for questioning the adequacy of that opportunity.
Yes, I anticipated--almost to a tee--what the Chief was cooking up. You're welcome. So whenever I wrote about the "blue-plate special" over the past few months, this was precisely what I had in mind. No party advanced this argument, but I deduced it based on every Roberts opinion I've ever read. I knew Roberts would have to use some line other than viability. The only somewhat objective rule would be when women learn of their pregnancies. This tweet comes to mind:
Roberts concurrence says it should be on the 30.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) June 27, 2022
The Chief's moves are entirely predictable.
Consider this passage:
To be sure, in reaffirming the right to an abortion, Casey termed the viability rule Roe's "central holding." Other cases of ours have repeated that language. But simply declaring it does not make it so.
It doesn't matter if Congress labelled Section 5000A as a penalty. "Simply declaring it does not make it so." Ditto in NFIB:
No one would doubt that this law imposed a tax, and was within Congress's power to tax. That conclusion should not change simply because Congress used the word "penalty" to describe the payment.
Indeed, Roberts actually "excised" the viability line from Roe and Casey:
Applying principles of stare decisis, I would excise that additional rule—and only that rule—from our jurisprudence.
Just like he eliminated the requirement to purchase insurance from Section 5000A, and made the Medicaid expansion optional. Same script, different cast. But unlike with NFIB, the Chief garnered zero other votes. In Dobbs, we were left with the lonely, failed saving construction of Roe.
If you doubt me, I shared this proposal with several people who can attest that it is authentic. I held the essay in reserve, waiting to see what would happen in oral arguments, but I decided not to use it. On some level, I was afraid to write it, lest it become true. I didn't want to jinx it. Thankfully, no other Justice took the bait.
I'll discuss the Roberts concurrence further in another post.
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" I held the essay in reserve "
That's Volokh-level cowardice.
That might have been what inclined Prof. Volokh to invite this clown to entertain at his party for the unpopular kids.
Roberts is an Ivy indoctrinated part of the failed elite. The Rev does not understand. Despite flaws, the public sent Trump to get rid of all of them. Trump was a weak leader. He got played by the vile smarmy lawyers. He should have fired all them Inauguration Day.
You have absolutely no self awareness of the fact that it is YOU who are the clown show, do you?
Wow, you're pretty testy. Bad week for you?
I highlight the bigotry, hypocrisy, and cowardice of clingers for sport -- and to inform the marketplace of ideas.
Is this satire?
I think it's kind of sad that I knew who had penned this post as soon as I read the title.
I mean, yeah, Blackman nailed it. Congratulations on that. But it seems a petty thing to be bragging about.
I’m not even a Blackman hater. But this just seems odd. Bragging about a supposed draft essay that you never published? (And being so insecure that you write “I told some random people about it at the time, in case you think I’m making it up”?) Also, most people thought it was a possibility that Roberts would try to stake out this middle ground position—I’m not sure what is so impressive about Blackman having a similar concern as almost every other conservative court watcher. A psychologist could have a field day analyzing the motive for this post.
Yeah, this is just really weird and kind of scary in some ways. I'm not a Blackman hater either - there are a lot of things about his enthusiasm and energy that I admire, and I suspect he's a good prof. But this post indicates a pretty deep-seated insecurity of some kind.
Are you a Democrat?
I dunno, Daivd. Are you Josh's alt?
Dave: Reading your comments, I picture you as Major Fambrough from the beginning of Dances With Wolves:
“I've just pissed in my pants, and nobody can do anything about it.”
Roberts decided the case based on the question, argument, and conclusion made by the petitioner in their Petition for Certiorari. The petitioner expressly stated that it was not necessary to overrule Roe and Casey in this case. Apparently, Roberts was the only one that actually read that petition.
I would think the fact that Roberts held to his position, despite it being unpopular, means he displayed "judicial courage."
Perhaps he was the only one who thought the petitioner was right about that? The Justices aren't obligated to treat the petitioners as being right, after all.
I think that at times Roberts goes a bit too far with the judicial minimalism shtick. Results in wasting people's time, and the parties' finances, on maintaining legal "volleys" as long as possible.
Might be nice to address arguments that are pled.
Not needed, of course, you have the power you can write what you want. But if you want a decision that'll stand, maybe do some boring homework alongside your sweeping new doctrines.
"But if you want a decision that'll stand"
Let's be serious. The reasoning behind Dobbs has nothing at all to do with whether or how long it will stand. Even pro-choice legal scholars thought Roe was a steaming heap in terms of everything but the outcome, and it stood for half a century.
Dobbs will stand until there's a majority of liberals on the Court, no longer, and that was going to be the case utterly without regard to the reasoning, because the actual reasoning for overturning it will be, "We want abortion to be a right, so there!"
Which was the original reasoning
Actually that is the activist liberal judge mindset. To hell with the law
"We want , <> to be a right, so there!"
Good one. I'm stealing it.
You can take refuge in pure legal realism all you want. You're clearly right on this decision, but who knows on the next one. I think legal realism isn't all there is in the calculation.
And I think it's shameful how little Alito dealt with the usual dialogue with past precedents. Within the rules, but not very judicial.
And there is a functional upshot you shouldn't be a fan of - it's tabula rasa approach gives more leeway to the lower courts since they're basically addressing new cases with a new legal paradigm they need to figure out without the guidance of decades of fact-specific reasoning.
Roe WAS pure legal realism, Sarcastr0. As I pointed out, even a lot of legal scholars who liked the outcome thought the reasoning sucked. It takes a pretty bad case before even the people who like it diss the reasoning.
No, it was not. It was jurisprudence you don't agree with based on predents you don't agree with.
Whereas Dobbs is jurisprudence I don't agree with based on no real precedents at all.
Readers complete the following trite admonition
"Josh, you're ging to get callouses on your hand if you continue to..."
The Roberts opinion was no great surprise. Most would have assumed that he wanted a saving construction for Roe and Casey.
He wanted to uphold the Gestational Age Act AND he did not want to overrule Roe nor did he want to return to the discarded viability standard. The obvious solution was that the 15 weeks of the AGG was enough for the reasonable woman to know she was pregnant and therefore that deciding on an abortion by 15 week was not an undue burden.
Correction: Roberts did want to overrule Roe. He just wanted to do it in a procedurally proper way.
Which would've meant either waiting for a case where that question was actually presented to the Court, or — if one really thinks no halfway decision was feasible here — ordered a second round of briefing and argument on whether to overturn Roe.
I'll by that hypothetical. But he did not want to overturn Roe in ths case; that was all that I claimed
I agree that the judicial minimalism wastes time and money, but I do think it is necessary in many instances. Radical change can lead to radical response, and sometimes the path of least resistance is beneficial--even from the Supreme Court.
But with Roberts it has become more of a spinal reflex than a reasoned decision. Even where the lower courts are obviously resisting falling into line, he pushes for returning cases to them rather than just deciding them.
Roberts' preferred path would have had the lowest political cost.
My guess is that the leak got Kav to dig in his heels.
"Roberts' preferred path would have had the lowest political cost."
Let me guess: You're the sort of fellow who pulls bandaids off gradually, right?
You the kind of guy who uses a cleaver to cut the steak on your plate.
It explains why you are not a political consultant.
You're putting unwarranted emphasis on a strategic declaration by the petitioner. Saying that overturning Roe was not necessary -- even though it was the preferred outcome -- was a mechanism to protect the chance of a grant of certiorari and to provide a fallback option for the Court.
That’s why you’re the Court Watcher whose opinion they value the most…
I've come to a realization: Blackman is the Conspiracy's official Supreme court Kremlinologist. And to be fair, he IS very good at that, even if people who don't like Kremlinology don't appreciate it.
Um, the thing he's claiming to have predicted (but of course didn't tell us about) was something that every knowledgeable legal observer knew.
Exactly, David
Once during a convulsive spasm of Blackman posting, I suggested we all get together (wild-eyed Liberals & zombie-undead Conservatives alike) to guess at an over-under of the total. But now? It would be like grains of sand in a beach or stars in the sky....
You are repeating yourself more than the joint dissent in Dobbs.
The joint dissent in Dobbs recalls the joint dissent in NFIB v. Sebelius. I imagine this has happened other times, though I am unaware of any, though I am not exactly a voracious reader of Supreme Court opinions.
In Dobbs, as Prof. Blackman has noted, different sections of the opinion seem to exhibit the writing styles of the various dissenters: Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor. Like the Murder on the Orient Express, they did it together.
But NFIB was different. Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito dissented jointly, but, rumor has it, none of them took credit because none of them actually wrote it. Roberts was the author. But he lost his nerve and switched sides. So, the majority opinion became the lead dissenting opinion. And of course, the four liberals, to save Obamacare, signed on to his "the mandate is a tax" claptrap.
And once you pull a stunt like that, you're never going to get respect from anyone. I've described his judicial philosophy, insofar as he has one, as "don't make waves", but I prefer the description recently used by Prof. Blackman, something like "the jurisprudence of public relations".
I do like how you're spinning your Roberts hate-fic off into a Roberts Hate cinematic universe, but you'll never compete with Blackman's serialized mania.
This is the second time you have accused me of "hating" somebody. I do not "hate" Chief Justice Roberts or any other member of the Court. I simply do not care for his work as a judge. You're projecting again.
Hide behind 'it's the job not the man' but my point about your spinning out stories based on rumors that comfort with your general feels about Roberts is silly.
Most people, I believe, can separate the individual and his performance at his job. I accept that you cannot. Roberts may be a perfectly swell fellow. I have no idea.
Roberts has few professional admirers on the Left or Right. The rumor, which I acknowledged was a rumor, is likely believed by so many (particularly in Washington) because it comports, not with "my feels" about Roberts, but with his pattern of behavior over many years.
Roberts once again as he did regarding the ACA overstepping. Roe is garbage and has no basis. Trying to fix the garbage is not SCOTUS responsibility.
AKA lets still invent a new right out of thin air that fixes the original thing we invented out of thin air.
It's called a constitutional amendment. Start one. See how it goes.
"Roberts concurrence says it should be on the 30."
Good twittering right there. Gets his essence.
No you didn't anticipate Robert's opinion. You expected it. (Or so you say.)
To "anticipate" means to "get in first". Anticipating it would have involved posting this before his opinion came down.
I don't think the Left is even remotely aware of how unpopular it has become over the last two years. These people are stuck in an echo chamber of the worst kind. Remarks like "if you don't like paying $6/gallon for gas get an electric car" smack of elitism and lack of any kind of understanding how real Americans live their lives. Also, the endless quest to get children to change their sex is off putting to most Americans with a vast majority thinking this is simply the will of perverts that have been put in charge of the kids.
Keep it up though Left. Please keep it up.
Jimmy, a wiser man than you would realize you're too much of a partisan to have a clear-eyed view of America.
But you're a true believer. True enough to post irrelevant rants on threads like this.
And if things don't go as you are certain they will, you'll just claim fraud or that you were right, but your take only applied to 'Real Americans.'
You are a very unserious man.
Oh I have a clear view of America. Many others do as well. Just because you are stuck in the DC echo chamber unable to get out of your closely guarded and protected political sphere does not mean everyone else in the world is crazy. You have to constantly gaslight people to justify your positions, time and time again. That is the hallmark of mental illness if anything.
I'm not claiming to have a clear view of America. (Though I wouldn't call myself stuck in DC - I'm not the purely political animal you seem to actually be in real life).
I'm claiming that you're so partisan-brained, that you're going to see whatever you've decided to see.
No matter where you go, you're stuck in your head.
And you have no idea what gaslight means, even now.
You are now trying to gaslight people into believing that you don't gaslight people. There is something "meta" about that....
Setting aside the quoted material, there are 33 sentences in this post (including the headline and subhead).
18 of them explicitly use the word "I." At least three others are references to Blackman. Only 8 of them are (loosely speaking) about what Roberts did.
Reminds you of an Obama speech, you're saying?
No it reminds us that the only thing that JB is expert in is himself. And even there he is often wrong.
How so? Maybe try something other than ad hominem. Like bring a point.
Roe seems very analogous to Plessy v Ferguson. Certain folks wanted the right to have Jim Crow segregated schools. "So there"!
There never was such a right. It lasted 58 years.
Outside the scope of the judicial branch
It's almost as if we don't elect presidents that way.
How many of those votes were actually real?
Dred Scott, Plessy there is precedent for garbage rulings from SCOTUS!!
Can you make an actual point? C'mon try
But did any of them allow you to kill the kids if you didn't want them?
Roe was set aside because it was determined that abortion yea/nay was up to the states or the people per 10A. There is no right to abortion in the constitution.
As it should be. Like Plessy was thrown out because there was no right to discriminate by race found in the constitution. See 14A.
I'm not . I'm just stating being super popular in CA and NY doesn't necessarily translate to a win nation wide. So why bring it up?
Funny to you. Not so much for the real Americans out there that wonder if their vote actually counted. Perception is reality and the perception that most people have of Biden and Left is not that great and that, yes, they would totally cheat to beat Trump. So keep on laughing. You will just undo yourself quicker.
So that unstated right for the yet to be born babies is just as clearly stated in the constitution as the right for a woman to kill the baby?
Meaning neither right is there and per 10A its left up to the states or the people.
Setting aside Roe doesn't establish either right.
I highly recommend the "unborn organism" talking point be added to the Democratic platform. Would seem super popular.
Not me. But who equated the popular vote to presidential elections?
Keep on laughing. It probably will get to the part where it isn't really that funny for you anymore soon enough.
Upholding a new law's individual shared responsibility mandate penalty tax was an example of unconservative judicial minimalism.
Which wasn't true. But 58 years prior a SCOTUS thought it was basically an exception to the constitution. It's separate, i.e. you're being treated different based on race, but it's Ok it's still equal trust us "so there".
Brown set it aside,
No, he can't.
Wut? Seriously? What democratic majority did Roe overturn? It did exactly the opposite. That's entirely the point that has people agitated about it being overturned. Because some democratic majorities will choose poorly.
More than Texas; Roe overturned abortion laws in more states than it didn't. From Wikipedia: "Prior to Roe v. Wade, 30 states prohibited abortion without exception, 16 states banned abortion except in certain special circumstances (e.g., rape, incest, health threat to mother), 3 states allowed residents to obtain abortions, and New York allowed abortions generally."
So, basically, Roe v Wade imposed the law of approximately 4 states on the entire nation.
Just like I laugh at people like you who believe in non-sense such as the "insurrection" and whatever other lie the media tells you to believe.
Indeed, the equal was the key point, the problem with Plessy was the fiction that "equal" was actually being delivered, or on the table.
Your reading is not that strong. I said growing increasingly unpopular in the last two years then you reference something (that is already questionable) that happened two years ago to support your position that lefties are still popular.
Um, unlike the election fraud, which was resoundingly disproven, the insurrection happened on live television.