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Sixth Circuit Concludes Challenge to Michigan Mask Mandate Is Moot
The en banc Sixth Circuit concludes that the lawsuit seeking an injunction against Michigan's mask mandate is now moot.
On Wednesday, the en banc U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit rejected an appeal filed by a private religious school and some school parents seeking an injunction against Michigan's statewide mask mandate. In Resurrection School v. Hertel, the court split 12-1-3, concluding that both the plaintiffs' interlocutory appeal and underlying appeal were both moot, as the state had already repealed the mandate.
Judge Kethledge wrote the opinion for the court. The opinion is short, direct, and clear. (Seven pages is quite short for an en banc opinion.) It points out that cases typically become moot if circumstances change during the pendency of litigation such that a favorable judgment would have no practical effect. There are potential exceptions to the mootness bar, such as when there are reasons to believe the controversy could repeat while also evading judicial review, but Judge Kethledge explained why none of these exceptions apply here.
Judge Kethledge's opinion was joined by Chief Judge Sutton and Judges Moore, Cole, Clay Gibbons, White, Stranch, Donald, Thapar, Larsen, Nalbandian, and Murphy. Judge Readler joined in part, and wrote a separate opinion concurring in part and dissenting in part. Judge Moore concurred, joined by Judges White, Stranch and Donald. Judge Bush dissented, joined by Judges Siler and Griffin.
Judge Moore's concurrence highlights some of the reasons the case had become moot:
Three facts convince me that this claim is moot. First, in the months since the State lifted the mask mandate, the Centers for Disease Control has approved a vaccine for school-age children. . . . Second, the State declined to reimpose a mask mandate during the spikes in COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta and Omicron variants. . . . Third, and relatedly, the State has now gone close to a year without reimposing a similar mask mandate. Therefore, I concur in the majority opinion.
Judge Readler agreed with the majority opinion that the preliminary injunction appeal was moot, but not the appeal seeking declaratory relief and a permanent injunction. On the latter question. Judge Readler noted his agreement with many of the arguments made by Judge Bush in dissent.
Judge Bush's dissent is the longest opinion in the case; indeed at 31 pages it is longer than all of the other opinions combined. In Judge Bush's view, the case is not moot. His opinion begins:
"Article III judges should not be in the business of declaring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic[.]" Memphis A. Philip Randolph Inst. v. Hargett, 2 F.4th 548, 572 (6th Cir. 2021) (Moore, J., dissenting). Rather, we should be willing to acknowledge "the thing about a once-in-a-century crisis"—that "it is hard to know how it will develop over the coming months and years, particularly when COVID-19 has defied expectations to this point[,] with new variants and seasonal surges threatening to undo hard-won progress." Id. at 573 (cleaned up). In this case, however, it appears that these principles will not carry the day. A court majority instead deems moot not merely plaintiffs' preliminary-injunction request, but their entire case. Thus extinguished is plaintiffs' opportunity to litigate their claims on the merits under a proper interpretation of the First Amendment. That unfortunate result rests, in my view, on a score of mistaken factual and legal premises. Our collective experience with two years of on-again-off-again masking mandates demonstrates that there is at least a reasonable possibility this dispute could recur. For that matter, the recent masking reimpositions in Ingham County itself show that this dispute could reasonably recur. . . .
And Judge Bush concludes:
I hope that I am eventually proven wrong. I would be quite pleased if COVID-19 were to permanently enter humanity's rear-view mirror. But the point is that I—just like the majority— have no basis upon which to proclaim that my hopes today will surely become realities tomorrow. Because I would hold that the present controversy is not moot, I respectfully dissent.
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Mask are a useful tool. They identify the Democrat douche bag in the room. They do not prevent the spread of airborne viruses. Some were designed to keep out construction dust, others, bodily fluids, others bacteria. None was designed to block viruses or prions. And, none does.
There is not a single study that shows masks are effective in reducing the spread of covid in a school environment ( other than the seriously flawed study from Arizona that the CDC promoted).
the empirical data shows virtually no correlation between mask wearing and the infection rates between mask mandated counties and no mask mandate counties. Granted there are several studies that show limited reduction, though those studies have very short time periods which renders the conclusions suspect. Case in point is the kanas mask study that cutoff the study period when it became evident that the mask mandated counties began having higher infection rates. The kansas study also being promoted by the CDC
I have pointed out to you many times that you comment here is both one of and about sloppy "science" as you imply that masking cannot reduce the spread of disease. That is clearly false on the basis of carefully designed and controlled experiments.
What is demonstrable based on statistical data from many countries worldwide is that national COVID transmission rates as well as the case fatality rates are uncorrelated with the the stringency of public health measures promulgated by those governments.
You can use the University of Oxford stringency index and the relevant infection rates, hospitalization rates and death rates to analyze national data yourself. Our World in Data is a trusted source for all these statistics.
Don - its not sloppy science - there are numerous studies showing mask reduce spread and there are numerous data showing virtually no difference in the infection rates.
Which are you going to believe A) The actual empirical data or B) the studies which have numerous flaws - I pointed out two of the studies heavily promoted by the CDC .
Most, if not all, the studies showing positive correlation with masking, do a very poor job accounting for other factors, and in almost all cases , use very short study periods. In fact the Kansas study intentionally cut their study period short when it became apparent that the infection rates in the mask mandated counties exceeded the non mask counties.
the broad point, virtually every county, state has gotten to nearly the same place.
Don's comment -
"That is clearly false on the basis of carefully designed and controlled experiments."
The real world is not a "carefully designed and controlled experiment".
Don you have to use real world data - Real world data shows masks are not very effective, if at all.
this post describes some of the many flaws / deceptions in the studies that show masks work
how someone is so desperate that he keeps citing an unqualified person's random blog as his only source.
Nico - tell me again how the effectiveness of masks has translated into real world effectiveness.
Seems as if the majority just wanted to dispose of the case and did the least possible to justify doing so.
Joe loves to take his one source as authoritative.
Which makes you better than those who believe the CDC you hate so much how? Switching one authority for another does nothing.
Yes, the CDC represents the best of all possible worlds.
May.27.2022 at 3:13 pm
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Sarcastro comment - "Joe loves to take his one source as authoritative."
"Which makes you better than those who believe the CDC you hate so much how? Switching one authority for another does nothing."
A) healthy skeptic provides links to numerous studies, so it is definitely not a single source as you critics claim.
B) The CDC has beclowned themselves with the numerous flawed studies they have relied upon and promoted.
Now you just have to explain how any of that is relevant to the legal question, whether a challenge to a mask mandate is mooted by its repeal.
The legal question is
A) whether the mandate was a valid under the emergency powers.
What is driving the demand for ultra safety is the delusional belief that masking and other protocols will stop the transmission of a respiratory virus - something which has never been done in the history of mankind
In the case of children, it is even more irrational since the risk to children is exceedingly rare and does a great disservice to the development of children's natural immune system.
That question has nothing to do with the OP, which concerned mootness. You just insist on shoehorning your anti-mask arguments everywhere you can, even when it has nothing to do with the post.
Healthy skeptic cherry picks studies, and adds a lot of his own analysis, which is riddled with hidden assumptions.
Like any authority, I suppose. It's your faith in that blog and only that blog that's the issue.
Just go get your next booster and keep wearing your mask.
Healthy skeptic cherrypicks links to un-peer-reviewed studies.
A - peer review is woefully out of date with the emerging developments in knowledge about the virus.
B - most of the "peer reviewed" studies have artificially short study periods - short study periods which deceptively hide the loss in effectiveness of the vaccines.
though you would know that if you were actually current on the emerging knowledge of covid
As noted below - The CDC has lost a lot of credibility with their promotion of deeply flawed and deeply biased studies.
Take for example the numerous studies showing the reduced infection rate and hospitalization rates for the vaxed vs the unvaxed.
Did anyone notice how all the studies promoted by the CDC show a positive benefit from being vaxed use a very short post vax study period of 6 months or less and even shorter follow up periods for the boosters. That is to hide the rapid decline in effectiveness after 6 months and 2-3 months after the first booster.
The blog you read told you that, and since you've outsourced credibility analysis and critical thinking to them, you believe it fervently.
This is not how this should work.
For instance, take your final paragraph here. It assumes all the CDC studies are very short-term AND that all the other nation's studies they cite do too, I guess. It further assumes that the CDC is doing this to hide something that you seem to assume based on this janky negative evidence.
This is bad analysis. It sounds good, but if you think about it for a moment and read outside your dumbass blog, it's pretty bad.
A ) you just demonstrated how poorly informed you are on the current state of the science
B) how you lack the ability to recognize deceptive studies /flawed studies which reach agenda driven conclusions
In the case of the mask studies and the vaccine studies, they frequently cut short the study period to deceptively demonstrate more robustness in the conclusion.
Take almost every pro vax study and every pro mask study and extend the study period by a few weeks / a couple of months and the reported benefits disappear. Surprisingly so few people recognize the deception
Virus-flouting, science-disdaining, antisocial, belligerently ignorant right-wingers are among my favorite culture war casualties.
The coronavirus likes them, too.
Carry on, clingers!
(Well, those of you who still can . . .)
I ROFLed when I saw the statement that COVID-19 was a once-in-a-century emergency. I predict that it will happen again (probably with a different disease threat, either made-up or not really a threat) again within the next 10 years. I also predict that at least some of the authorities who declared it an emergency will try to renew it soon after election day in November if not in advance of then. If it works they can send out tons more mail-in ballots to enable more election fraud.
The argument over the legality of the 1v1 lol is still ongoing, and challengers have already submitted at least one Notice of Application for Stay of the Sixth Circuit Order to the US Supreme Court.
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Well, that's not entirely surprising. With the mask mandate lifted, arguing about it now feels like playing Bitlife after your character's already passed away – the choices don't matter anymore!