The Volokh Conspiracy
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Making Sense Of The Apparent Leaked Opinion In Dobbs
My instant reaction to Leakgate.
By now, you should have seen the Politico story that links to a purported majority opinion in Dobbs. Yes, there was a leak. No, I am not going to link to the story. Here are my tentative thoughts.
First, where did the leak come from? Most people are presuming this leak came from someone with access to the opinion, such as a Justice or a clerk. That presumption is probably correct, but it is also possible there was some illegal exfiltration of the document. I don't want to make light of the situation, but a person self-immolated on the steps of the Supreme Court to draw attention to environmental justice. People who are fanatical about abortion may go to great lengths to support their cause.
Second, Roberts has an absolute obligation to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation. And at the end of that investigation, Roberts must publicly identify the persons who are responsible for this leak--that includes Justices and clerks. Heads must roll. Clerks cannot fall on their swords to save their bosses. Anyone implicated in Leakgate (yes, I dubbed a term) should be referred to the Department of Justice for potential criminal activity, including theft of government property. And now there may actually be a need for impeachment proceedings. If Roberts cannot resolve this situation, he must resign. Yes, I said he should resign two years ago, but now I really mean it. A resignation would mean giving Biden another Supreme Court nomination. So be it. I don't care. Roberts has been an utterly ineffective Chief, who will never fill the shoes of his predecessor, Chief Justice Rehnquist. It's time to hang 'em up, Johnny. Not even Warren Burger presided over such a dysfunctional building. Can anyone say Chief Justice Garland?
Third, we may not be done with leaks. Politico only published a purported majority opinion from Justice Alito. And per Politico, it was joined by Justices Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. We do not know how the Chief will vote. What if subsequent to this draft, one of the votes in the majority changed--as WSJ warned about? What if there is another circulating concurrence, or plurality opinion? If the majority opinion leaked, other separate writings may leak.
Fourth, Politico got the scoop. Not the Washington Post or New York Times or WSJ or NPR. Or, perhaps other outlets had a copy of the opinion, but only Politico was willing to run it. I still think WSJ had the opinion last week, in light of their editorial. The Supreme Court is in worse shape than I could have imagined.
Fifth, the Court should issue the Dobbs opinion as soon as possible. Do it tomorrow. Don't wait till Thursday, or next Monday, or the end of June. The longer this process drags on, the worse the Court will be.
Sixth, if any members of the majority changed their vote in response to the leak, that change will be seen as a direct response to this leak. I can't quote Chief Justice Rehnquist's admonition in Casey enough.
The joint opinion's insistence on preserving the form, if not the substance of the rule, can just as easily be viewed as a surrender to those who have brought political pressure in favor of that decision. Once the Court starts looking to the currents of public opinion regarding a particular judgment, it enters a truly bottomless pit from which there is simply no extracting itself.
At this point, the Court is stuck. The only way to escape the bottomless pit is to fight back against a campaign to alter votes.
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“ conduct a thorough and transparent investigation. And at the end of that investigation, Roberts must publicly identify the persons who are responsible for this leak--that includes Justices and clerks. Heads must roll.”
So what happened to the clerk who was leaking ACA deliberations in an effort to overturn it?
You know- that led law professors on this blog to target their rhetoric leading up to the opinion?
Asking for a friend.
Is the Supreme Court a government agency? Should its deliberations be secret? Are they spies? Do they hold nuclear codes? No, they are lawyer dumbasses. Cameras should stream every word uttered, including from urinal conferences. Every word is paid for and belongs to the public. Josh needs to calm down.
This leak is nothing compared to fabricated rape and gang rape accusations.
We are probably just barely getting started here. Especially with the wholly fake, yet fervently sacralized constitutional right to abortion on the chopping block.
If true the practical result will be almost nothing. Anyone wanting an abortion may have to travel a bit farther.
A pathetically ignorant comment.
In what way? The post is completely accurate. Therefore it can’t be what you call “ignorant.”
Just because everyone you know is merely inconvenienced by having 'to travel a bit farther' doesn't mean this is a substantial burden to many many women.
Prove it. Where in the country is the cost of a birthing person’s travel from where abortion is proscribed to where It is allowed greater than the cost of the abortion.
There is a difference between an incidental cost and a substantial cost.
Are you asking me to prove that plenty of women don't have the resources to travel out of state???
Yes but that's not how liberals think. Even if it ends just one baby's life that otherwise would have lived, they are willing to do almost anything and it will all have been worth it just for that one innocent baby's blood.
Just start calling liberals demons and insist they be sent back to Hell.
If you're going to be this much of a dumbass, go all the way.
Before bringing up war crimes, mass murders, Commies, Nazis, Hutus, Kmer Rouge, remember the American lawyer dumbass killed 60 million people, with 18 million being black, double their fraction in the population.
The lawyer dumbass outdid itself in 2020. It shut down the American economy to get rid of Trump, a shoo in for re-election. The shutdown was upheld by the fucks on the federal bench. The World GDP dropped $4 trillion, and 200 million died of starvation. Do you think we should get to hear their deliberations, and fucked up, sicko, delusional thinking? You betcha.
Yeah! And what about those evil people who support your right to refuse to donate organs or tissues for life-saving transplants, even if a patient depends specifically on your donation, and cannot be saved by anyone else's organ or tissue? Those medical "ethicists" have killed a lot of people too, with their fetishistic insistence on personal autonomy and ownership of the insides of your body. After all, what good is a right to liberty if you don't have a right to life? BAD libertarians! NAUGHTY respecters of personal freedom and self-ownership! GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!!!
The shutdown caused more deaths, not fewer. They allowed infected, asymptomatic young people to travel, to provide intimate care to nursing home patients, wiping them out. The tighter the lockdown, the more the deaths from COVID.
Toadie. Highly dramatic. Who is proposing taking organs without consent from living donors? I do support presumptive donations by the deceased. I even support using Kelo to seize the chattel of a corpse, and to save thousands of people instead of providing food to worms or to just burn useful organs. The families of the deceased should be crushed if they object.
Those medical "ethicists" have killed a lot of people too
Need to look at the other side of that counterfactual ledger as well, chief. How many lives have been saved by disallowing quack remedies?
What about quack medical 'protections'? I can't donate blood or organs, because I had lymphoma over a decade ago. The medical science is clear: If I had not been completely cured, 100%, I'd have been a decade in my grave by now, that's how aggressive that cancer was. In fact, my oncologist tells me the chemo actually reduced my chance of leukemia below baseline!
I had to give up a decades long habit of donating blood because they're idiots, and bye bye organ donor card, too.
Let both sides work out some arrangement by which each side gets to leak one opinion per term.
This seems like the most reasonable solution.
How do you decide the sides? Despite the press' love for highlighting the "liberal/conservative split", the majority of Supreme Court decisions are unanimous and the vast majority of the remainder split along lines other than the "liberal/conservative".
And what happened to the point-man-in-charge-of-timing-illegal-leaks in Kenneth Starr's investigation of President Clinton - the point man who calculated when to publish which leaks in order to maximize the undermining of Clinton's reputation?
He's now an associate justice on the Supreme Court, that's what happened to him.
Irish Alzheimer's - forget everything except the grudges.
People are still wheezing about Bork, for Xenu's sake.
Bork? I'm still pissed the Senate rejected William Hornblower.
I would prefer Horatio Hornblower.
We only bring up Bork when you Lefties whine about us rejecting your nominees.
Apparently you're not clear on the reality that "once you've taken a protection away from us, it no longer protects you, either"
LOL - 'Bork is useful for whattboutism purposes only.'
"So what happened to the clerk who was leaking ACA deliberations..."
Cue the folks who police the blog to call out whataboutism in 3...2...1...
Your side uses whataboutism too.
But whatabout your whataboutisms?
So I gather that leaking an opinion (or votes, or an expected result) is seen as a way of undermining it and trying to reverse it before it becomes final? Is that right?
Interesting stuff. Should one expect then, that some time in the future the same thing will be done with regard to "left" leaning opinions/votes?
Lol. There will likely not be any "left" leaning opinions/votes for a very long time.
Bostock was a horribly left-leaning decision
There's been multiple others.
It's a 3 - 3 - 3 Court. That means sometimes you bad guys win
Thomas probably doesn't have too much longer to live, and him being replaced will likely bring it back to 4 lefties, 4 righties , and Roberts who will almost always vote with the left.
And even then, Kavanaugh is pretty suspect. I'm surprised he voted for this.
He only has to live to November to guarantee a conservative will replace him.
He only has to live to November to guarantee a conservative will replace him.
Kazinski, you might better wait for the dust to settle. Given an overturn of Roe, and a backlash, possible vulnerable R Senators:
In 2022:
Ron Johnson
Rob Portman
Pat Toomey
Richard Barr
Marco Rubio
In 2024:
Ted Cruz
Josh Hawley
Rick Scott
That is 8 possible Senate party switches by 2024. It probably will take only 2 or 3. Give Democrats outright control of the Senate, and an overturn of Roe by SCOTUS, and Republicans will not get another judge confirmed ever, until they get the presidency, and win back control of the senate.
The Republicans taught the rules of the modern judicial game. The Democrats hesitated. Overrule Roe, and the Democrats will not hesitate.
The Supreme Court's legitimacy will no longer be in question, it will be gone. Pure power all the way. Can the Rs really repeal Roe and command a nationwide majority?
I withhold judgment.
TBH I don't know what it's seen as, since it's (an opinion, that is) never happened before.
There have been one or two expected results leaked- famously, actually, Roe v Wade. But never a whole draft opinion.
In this case, it's looking a lot like the leak came from someone supporting the overturning of Roe, because of John Roberts' occasional switching of votes (famously in the 2012 ACA case) and because he may have been working to get one of the 5 current majority votes to support a less far-reaching opinion.
Leaking specifically prevents that outcome. Whereas for the left, there's no difference between a leak in May or the release of the final opinion in June, and no reason to think it would change the minds of any of the rock-solid justices in the majority.
Supreme Court intrigue is Josh's bread-and-butter. I'll bet he churns out at least 15 posts on the leak before the close of the Court's term. He'll also fail at getting "Leakgate" to be a thing.
As if. I'm assuming that bar will be cleared by lunch tomorrow.
He’s going to have 15 posts on it by the close of next week. VC is dying.
Is that why you disappeared? Not that I blame you, but I selfishly wish you'd reconsider.
It's kind of ridiculous to hold Roberts to account for the leak. Does he select the justices? Does he interview and get the right of refusal for all the clerks? Can he suspend or discipline any of the other justices?
And I can't think of a better way to get more leaks than having an idealogically motivated clerk take down a chief justice with a leak and then have a president be nominate a new chief who is presumably more idealogically compatible to the clerk.
I realize you have it out for Roberts, but you really need to think these things through. You don't want to set the precedent that a clerk can take down any justice, let alone the chief by leaking the opinion.
Really the only way for Roberts, if he can't find the leaker, to fight back is to join Alito's opinion.
Kazinski, you are absolutely correct. Plus, (assuming the leak is real) it is ridiculous to ask for Roberts to resign if he can't determine who leaked the opinion. How much of an investigation can he really conduct? Does he any power to punish anyone, other than his own staff, if they don't cooperate with his inquiry? Plus, he's trained as a lawyer, not a cop. Suppose he asks the FBI to investigate the matter, and they do, and they can't find out who was responsible? Roberts should still resign?
It's kind of ridiculous to hold Roberts to account for the leak.
Yes, but consider who posted this.
I doubt it was leaked by anyone working at the court. Leaking a draft opinion just isn't done, even in a case like this. Particularly an old draft that has surely been revised by now. Josh's reasons why neither a liberal nor a conservative would do so seem persuasive to me. I think it's more likely that someone (maybe a judge, but more likely a staff attorney) was dumb enough to put a draft on their PC and brought it home, and a boyfriend/girlfriend/roommate/spouse got hold of it.
What makes you so sure that the leak is real? How hard would it be to produce a fake opinion?
It's a relatively long opinion purportedly by Alito, and Alito is fairly idiosyncratic in his writing. Some of the other Justices have a more generic writing style and it would've been easier to pretend to be them, but every analyst I've seen so far who has regularly read Supreme Court opinions thinks that it really sounds like him.
To get the tone, style, formatting, and citations all right? Quite hard.
This would have taken an astonishing amount of work to fake. It may not be (almost certainly isn't) the final version, but it isn't fake.
You don't think that any of hundreds of constitutional scholars couldn't put together a compelling forgery?
I bet you a well-trained AI with some manual tweaking could do a pretty good job.
AtR (and others), the NYT recently published a deep dive into the current state of natural language AI. My summary: if the Turing test is not already passed, it will be shortly—and passed with flying colors.
Self-teaching AI algorithms have allegedly gone as far as teaching themselves programming, without being asked to do it. No supporting examples for that one, yet, so I suspect it is more a rudimentary beginning than a threat to STEM fans today—but it already looks like something to consider before committing to a programming career. Maybe the same for writing legal briefs.
There were quite striking examples of multi-paragraph text utterly recognizable as real human writing—except it isn't. And the subject matter the AI commands is seemingly limitless. Ask it for an academic-style essay on some obscure classical figure, and you get one, written in a style appropriate for the subject matter. But with maybe a few socially inappropriate remarks thrown in. The program learns the culture, along with the words and concepts, and it keep tabs on the internet.
I was staggered by examples the NYT article published. I remain cautious that maybe what I saw were cherry-picked examples of success, with notable failures excluded.
I suggest everyone ought to Google that article and see what you make of it.
And not have a single one of them spill the beans?
Give it time ... but I admit that it is also possible that it is real. At the very least, Alito should have come out and called it a fake otherwise.
I think hundreds of constitutional scholars intentionally forging the leaked opinion would take longer to write it than dozens chimpanzees randomly banging at typewriters using only their cocks.
NToJ! Haven't seen you around in a long while.
No. It's not that easy to write 70 pages in someone else's voice.
And it would have to be someone who could get the document to Politico in such a way that Politico thinks it’s the actual opinion. And what would be the point?
You don't think that any of hundreds of constitutional scholars couldn't put together a compelling forgery?
You need to have someone sit down and explain to you the difference between "possibility" and "probability".
I don't really care that much about abortion. it is a bogus constitutional "right" but we have so many of those absent chucking out the entire system fighting to get it back piecemeal doesn't really make sense or matter.
This does bode well though for the guns case. I'm hoping they keep with it and stick that to the states that are openly defying the 2nd Amendment. In the end, it is really only speech and guns that matter.
Actually if you read this opinion Alito provides the framework to eventually overrule Heller/McDonald. Those decisions are as equally absurd as Roe/Casey. Next time we have 5 liberals expect Heller/McDonald to be overruled if these 6 justices push their luck with regulation of guns outside the home. Of course I think this court will effectively limit the RKBA outside the home so much that liberals will take it as a win and move on.
The whole Heller has no basis in originalism argument is lame and pathetic. What has no basis in any type of rational argument is that claim.
Also, liberals never needed any kind of "framework" to overrule anything. If they have 5 votes to do it in the future, they just will do so. That is why we can NEVER put them in a position of power again.
Judgement Day is coming and soon.
Heller is an absurd opinion…I think the conservative justices know it is absurd and will tread very lightly with respect to guns outside the home.
There have been corpus analysis of historical texts, my understanding is those decisively come down in favor of the 2A being an individual right, at least at the federal level.
Now, I conceed, those texts are considerably more mixed about McDonald, so you might be right in arguing that maybe it shouldn't extend to the states. But Heller seems like solid law.
I have pointed out numerous times that Volokh made a fairly obvious mistake in one of his law review articles concerning the 2A when he posited that the fact the federal government could call forth the state militias undermined the state militias’ capacity to provide a check on tyranny. So how did the Framers make sure the state militias would always remain loyal to the states?? In the Militia Clause the states are given the power to appoint officers. So just like the federal officer RE Lee remained loyal to his state the state appointed militia officers would always remain loyal to the state even when called forth by the federal government.
Btw, I believe we have a RKBA…I just don’t think it derives from the 2A.
"Btw, I believe we have a RKBA…I just don’t think it derives from the 2A."
Correct. The 2A protects the RKBA.
AC — The notion of corpus linguistics is built on a mistaken historical premise—that a modern reader can analyze historical context using a push-button database, plus his own present-minded critique. The database is what it is, but the present-mindedness rules out cogent analysis.
Corpus linguistics lacks any means to exclude spurious contextual implications contributed by striking occurrences and notable publications dating from the interval between then and now. Those, willy-nilly, become the cognitive furniture of present thought. All of that stuff was utterly unknown during the era under study. Everything contributed during that later time—within an interval which preceded this time—would have been a source of bafflement, had it somehow been made known earlier.
Unfortunately, that logically-forbidden interval of time, between then and now, is the source of almost everything possible in a present-minded contextual analysis. Which is the only kind of analysis corpus linguistics clients are capable of.
What present-minded analysts lack is the key ability to forget every premise taught on the basis of cultural experience which cannot have affected the era under study—because that experience post-dated the study era. Until corpus linguistics comes equipped with a neuralyzer, to wipe out anachronistic premises, and mis-applied modern notions, its method will remain a logical contradiction. All that can result are modern prejudices, somewhat obscured by citations to a bygone era which was not yet prepared to share them, or even to imagine them.
So an opinion got leaked, maybe. Aside from Josh's hysteria, who really gives a shit? The leak is not going to change a damn thing.
If Roberts cannot resolve this situation, he must resign.
Give me a fucking break. He's not going to resign, nor should he, much as I would welcome it.
Anyone who cares about the Court.
It will dramatically change the workings of the court.
Anyone who cares about the Court.
It will dramatically change the workings of the court.
How, and why?
The Court should care about the leak. I take that seriously.
But Blackman's opinion is unhinged. There will be a quiet investigation, and if it is traced to a clerk or staffer, I am sure there will be professional consequences. But all this stuff of releasing the opinion tomorrow, public investigations, impeachments, resignations- Blackman's gone to Crazytown.
Exactly correct Dilan.
But then we already knew that JB is unhinged regarding Roberts. In the end he is primus inter pares. And it will stay that way
"...Blackman's gone to Crazytown...."
Poorly written. That sounds like you're saying that Blackman has, *just now*, gone to Crazytown. Would have been much more clear to write, "Blackman went to Crazytown; he started going long ago; he's kept on going; he'll keep on going; and it is telling that for almost all of us conservatives and liberals, we usually respond to some of his posts with, "Well, this one one of the rare Blackman posts that's not batshit crazy." "
As I read his OP, I kept thinking of the Al Gore episode of "South Park." I gather that Blackman, in the past, was cereal about Roberts resigning. Then, he became totally cereal about it. Then, became super-cereal about it. And, only now, Josh has become super-duper cereal about it.
(I had thought about referencing "Animal House" and 'Double-Secret-Probation.' But since Josh's fixation is now multiple steps past "double-secret," he's arrived at an area that is almost beyond parody or ridicule.)
The Court should care about the leak. I take that seriously.
I'll buy that, but not Blackman's hysteria about the whole thing.
I'll buy that, but not Blackman's hysteria about the whole thing.
In other words, your "So an opinion got leaked, maybe. Aside from Josh's hysteria, who really gives a shit? The leak is not going to change a damn thing." comment was just another in a long, unbroken string of ignorant and ill-thought out ones from you.
If draft opinions are being regularly leaked to the public, it's hard to see how the Supreme Court will do their work. Perhaps they would have to go back to each justice issuing an opinion on each case, as was done before Chief Justice Marshall.
Or they can just tighten up security. Jfc
They could pick up their pace, instead of taking forever to issue rulings.
There are too many people who know about decisions to keep them secure if people want to leak them, given modern technology. This isn't like classified information held in a SCIF.
Not sure that, consistent with the 1A, they could criminalize leaks the way they can with classified info. Maybe they could require clerks to sign contracts with massive financial penalties for leaks.
NDAs are all over the place in the government; I actually wonder if there is already one in place for clerks.
An argument can be made that a Justice or clerk on the majority leaked the draft. And, unless the leaker is discovered, the taint and suspicion will consume the Court
No justice or clerk in the majority (assuming by "in the majority" you mean someone who supports this leaked opinion) would have the incentive to do so.
I agree.
This is from a Souter / Sotomayor / (least likely IMO) Kagan clerk, trying to gin up #Resistance!
Whoa. Souter's clerks still get to hang around the building and access confidential documents?
He meant Beyer
You meant Breyer.
Mmm, Breyers.
I disagree. Let's say it is five to four but one of the Justices in the majority may be getting wobbly-kneed. A leak to freeze his/her vote because everyone will know who changed under pressure.
Certainly just as plausible a theory as the one blaming/crediting the liberal side for the leak.
No, it isn't. "Let's put pressure on him to prevent him from succumbing to pressure" is not plausible. "Kavanaugh¹ is willing to take the criticism from the right for not siding with Alito, but he's not willing to take the criticism from the right for bowing to public pressure and not siding with Alito" makes no sense.
¹I'm just picking one. I know it's not Thomas that anyone is worried about.
They would if Roberts was convincing one of the 5 in the current majority to go wobbly.
An argument can be made that a Justice or clerk on the majority leaked the draft.
And argument can be made that it was leaked by reptilian aliens from the future. That an argument can be made is not an indication that it is a good argument.
One motive seems almost certain. This was leaked by someone to motivate protesters to scare a judge in the majority to change his mind. Someone may have sacrificed his/her legal career to do this, but only one issue can raise this level emotion.
That seems unlikely to me. My guess would be that some people on the left want abortion to be an issue in the primaries, believing that it will energize their base, and they were worried the opinion wouldn't be released in time to do that. Just my guess.
It's been five months since oral arguments. In recent years, the average time for issuing a decision after oral arguments has been about 70-80 days.
Would a release two weeks (or even two months) from now really not have given enough time to gin up people before the November midterms? It seems to me if the motive were eliciting maximum voter passion before the election, you would want the release relatively close to the election, as passion and anger over an issue will fade with time.
So the Chief Justice, who has zero power to investigate, is expected to find out who did this and if he cannot do so, he should resign?! Hmmmm. How convenient for you.
Fourth, Politico got the scoop. Not the Washington Post or New York Times or WSJ or NPR. Or, perhaps other outlets had a copy of the opinion, but only Politico was willing to run it. I still think WSJ had the opinion last week, in light of their editorial. The Supreme Court is in worse shape than I could have imagined.
If anyone outside teh Court had it, then publishing it is the correct things to do.
It's total BS for "insiders" to know information that's kept from the rest of us
And I HIGHLY doubt that any outlet would have declined to publish it, or at least excerpts of it, if they had it, unless they couldn't authenticate it. (POLITICO apparently could.) Blackman's whole post is unhinged.
"Fifth, the Court should issue the Dobbs opinion as soon as possible. Do it tomorrow."
Prediction: Op drops tomorrow, and leaves Roe and Casey intact.
*largely intact.
Doubtful. Not only the direction of the decision, but also releasing opinions without notice the day before. If it had leaked earlier in the day, maybe.
First and foremost, the leakers should be shown the door, and barred from practicing law.
As much as I would like for the Court to rule, once and for all, that the only rights the Constitution protects are those enumerated therein, it is not even be necessary to overrule Roe to reverse the Fifth Circuit.
By its own terms, the law in question only prohibits abortions after fifteen weeks, also known as the first trimester.
And the Court could issue a more modest ruling saying that the law does not impose an undue burden on abortion and therefore passes muster under Casey. That's what I assumed from the beginning that Roberts would be pushing for. But that's not what this draft opinion does. This entirely deconstitutionalizes abortion. Yes, the Mississippi law in question would be enforceable, but also any law ever passed that banned abortion, from the 17th century to the present, would immediately come into effect unless it had been expressly repealed.
"As much as I would like for the Court to rule, once and for all, that the only rights the Constitution protects are those enumerated therein…"
Ahem. Check out the 9th Amendment:
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
That sure sounds like those other rights are protected, too.
BTW, we're not supposed to be actually surprised by this decision, are we?
The fact that SCOTUS didn't block the Texas abortion suing law was a strong signal that Roe is toast. Which should have been as obvious to all the rest of you as it was to me. 🙂
I'm appalled, but not surprised, that CJ Roberts, the guy who flipped under political pressure to save "It's a tax Obamacare", is now trying to find another SCOTUS member to be as sleazy and political as he is
I love it—a Black guy giving unlucky Americans access to health care is the worst thing that ever happened to you!! Maybe Lez Cheney will one day become president and we will spend another $5 trillion slaughtering innocent Muslims so you can have a little joy in your life. If you pray to Jesus hard enough Lez Cheney will eventually become president and I’m sure she will throw in torturing the wrong Muhammad for free!!!
He didn't give Americans access to health care. He gave Americans access to worthless health insurance. The only ones who got access to health care just so at my expense.
Developing a health care system around individuals’ jobs is asinine—I spoke with a super conservative guy that ran a health care company that laughed at the absurdity of our health care system because it also created a class of people that made it very easy to make money from by providing health care insurance to them because it means they are healthy enough to hold down a full time job!?! Obama fixed it while trying to please Republicans which was dumb. He should have simply increased Medicaid to 250% FPL and called it a day.
"Developing a health care system around individuals’ jobs is asinine"
Absolutely, but Obama didn't fix that, he just added another layer of asinine. Fixing it would require extending the tax status of employer provided health insurance to health insurance no matter where you get it, and ending the state by state balkanization of health insurance, to boot.
Instead Obama created another entitlement program, only one that was offloaded onto the insurance companies, so it wouldn't appear in the federal budget. Classic fascism, really: Retain the outward appearance of private ownership, while dictating what the 'owner' does with their company in such detail that they effectively become an extension of the government.
The abortion-0suing law was decided on procedural grounds.
Other than about military positions during wartime and other truly sensitive national security maters, I'm a big fan of leaks.
"Leaks" is a negative term for the early circulation of information. Generally we all should want as much information as possible as early as possible.
The justices are grown up adults. Most of them couldn't care less about public opinion or even scholarly academic opinion.
Will any anti-abortion fans give their opinion about the substance, rather than mode of circulation? Is this a good first draft?
Well, I'm pro-choice. But the opinion is very well-written, IMO. I happen to think that women should have control over their own bodies, so I like the decision in Roe. But lots of liberals and independents who are pro-choice find the reasoning in Roe troubling and rather weak reeds in many parts. I think this opinion (although I have not finished it, nor will I bother to check each cite, since it's well outside of the types of law I practice) addresses head-on the weaknesses of Roe. The strength of Roe is in how many times it's been challenged...I can't think of another area of law that has been challenged so many times, in so many courts. So, for all 5 of the activist super-conservative Justices (plus perhaps Roberts) to flatly overrule Roe will bother many conservatives who honor and value The Law . . . as these sober people understand that if long-standing rights can be suddenly stripped away, then other such rights can suffer the same fate. (I expect that strictly pragmatic conservatives who are anti-abortion will say, "We're not going to be in the minority at SCOTUS for a few decades at the earliest, so we're not particularly worried about this coming back to bite us in the ass. We'll file that under 'Somebody else's problem.' ")
A right-winger would reason thusly:
1) It should be harder to strip away a right that can actually be found in the Constitution's text, than one the Court just made up. So, in an ideal world, we wouldn't be worried about that.
2) But it won't be harder, because the left doesn't actually give a shit about whether a right is actually found in the Constitution's text, and they're going to go after rights like the RKBA the next time they have the votes regardless of what we do now. So the supposed cost will be incurred regardless of whether we forgo this gain.
to flatly overrule Roe will bother many conservatives who honor and value The Law . . . as these sober people understand that if long-standing rights can be suddenly stripped away, then other such rights can suffer the same fate
Fortunately, honoring and valuing the law does not require that one be so braindead that one cannot distinguish between a right that is actually mentioned by COTUS and one whose protection was spun from whole cloth via a deeply flawed past court decision.
One of my favorite TV quotes, from the great series "Yes, Prime Minister":
"That's one of those irregular verbs, isn't it? I give confidential security briefings. You leak. He has been charged under section 2a of the Official Secrets Act."
While Blackman is hyperventilating about the leak, it's far more important to point out that the concept of stare decisis and 'settled law' went out the window the moment the opportunity was presented.
The GOP Justices who swore otherwise were lying through their teeth. Hardly a backbone to be seen in that political party anymore.
The Court is no less partisan and politically-motivated than any other branch.
“It is a maxim among these lawyers that whatever has been done before, may legally be done again: and therefore they take special care to record all the decisions formerly made against common justice, and the general reason of mankind. These, under the name of precedents, they produce as authorities to justify the most iniquitous opinions; and the judges never fail of directing accordingly."
We have a midterm election coming up—if people are outraged then it will show up in the election. I knew that if Trump won in 2016 this would happen but Democrats didn’t turn out even when a justice appointment was essentially on the ballot.
Hell, stare decisis and settled law went out the window the day Roe was decided, so what's the big deal? Only one side is allowed to violate those principles?
How absurd. Bowers v. Hardwick. Plessy v. Ferguson.
See also here:
It's like you didn't bother reading my post at all.
Did the authors of those rulings recently get confirmed to SCOTUS?
And what difference does when they were confirmed make?
You asserted hypocrisy in ignoring the doctrine of stare decisis. That applies whether you have been on the bench 40 years or 40 minutes.
Please point to any testimony by any of the current justices where they said they would not overturn Roe, or that prior decisions were sacrosanct. Hint: there is none.
Obviously a Trump trick to entice thousands of Brown/Black/Yellows to have Abortions before the Suction Cannister runs out of Vacuum....
Aside: it was Rehnquist who could find no constitutional issue with executing an innocent man if the trial process was ok, and who sided with Scalia's grisly dissent in Edwards v Aguillard, so permit me to question his judicial greatness.
There's no question that Rehnquist was great. He was a great amateur tennis player. No one denies this!
You myst be misrepresenting the opinion.
Um, what? Either you're citing the wrong case, or you don't know what "grisly" means. One can disagree with the dissent, of course, but "grisly"?
Grisly is exactly what I mean. Scalia not only dissented from the undoubtedly correct decision he even attempted to provide a roadmap for legislators to get around separation of church and state. Basically, "this is how you introduce creationism in science classes - lie about your rationale for the legislation."
It was dishonest in the extreme. And Rehnquist went along with it.
Christ, these dweebs are getting everything they ever wanted, and they still can’t stop whining.
You’re terrible at this.
Josh Blackman thinks Justice Roberts should resign even though it would give Joe Biden an opportunity to choose the next Chief???
The guy is clearly reacting in an emotional manner.
No kidding. He wants to replace an unreliable vote with a reliably left-wing vote? Is he secretly playing for the other team, maybe?
This isn't just an emotional demand, it's an utterly irrational emotional demand.
The old saying, "The perfect is the enemy of the good" comes to mind. Conservatives would do well to think about that one.
How is the Chief Justice responsible for the leak? The most likely source is a rogue actor who acted beyond anyone else's control.
But for Professor Blackman, any occasion to bash Roberts is not to be wasted.
Good lord, take joy in better things you Roberts-hating drama goblin.
The Court gets to police it's own norms, and this seems a big one so I'm pretty sure they're taking this seriously.
But this also looks like a one-off, so it's not really on the top of my list of issues here.
"But this also looks like a one-off"
You have no basis for saying that, since this is less than 24 hours old. Now that it happened once, it will be easier to do it the second and third time. Not for the run of the mill case, but for controversial ones.
Now that it happened once, it will be easier to do it the second and third time.
If there was no reaction or investigation, maybe. But the seismic reaction makes your take here incorrect, practically and culturally. It's not going to be easier.
It may happen again - that's why I said looks like. But consider a moment what would happen both inside and outside the Court if this occurs again in the near future. That's my basis, and that's what you're missing.
As long as I'm here, I also don't buy that the bond of trust between Justices and their clerks is forever broken nonsense. I've worked plenty of places with NDAs and security measures and it does not prevent a culture of trust in the slightest. Just make sure the Justices are part of the same deal.
Assume the decision is like the draft or close too it. What will happen next?
(1) A number of states will outlaw abortion, at least after a certain period. Other states, though, will not. The political winds are very divided on this.
(2) There is talk about Congress passing a federal abortion protection law. Politically, seems like a loser. Constitutionally, I have my doubts. The Court already held in City of Boerne v. Flores that Congress lacks the power to expand rights under the 14th Amendment. Maybe the Commerce Clause can be stretched even further to cover it.
(3) Given (1), expect abortion tourism to flourish. Even today, there are cheap jaunts to Las Vegas for a weekend of gambling. No reason the same thing cannot be done for abortion.
(4) Some states may try to restrict abortion tourism, but I doubt the courts will allow that. Right of interstate travel is pretty well-established.
1) There are a lot of laws currently on the books that outlaw abortion. If I'm reading this opinion correctly (and the actual opinion when published is sufficiently similar) all those laws become effective immediately. No need to pass additional laws, although that won't stop many state legislatures.
4) "Touriism" may work both ways: Here's a hypothetical: some states ban implantation methods of birth control such as the IUD because "life begins at conception" and those methods allow conception but prevent the zygote from developing. If a woman from, say California, travels to Alabama with an IUD can she be arrested and convicted? Will there be inspections at the border or in airports? Will women be forced to remove their IUD if they connect through the Atlanta airport?
Everyone listen: there's a good point here- who the hell would leak this to politico?
Honestly, only a conservative with no clue what's going on would think anyone reads that drivel. A conservative who wanted to make it look like the left leaked the opinion. A conservative who preferred the freak out to occur over a supposed leak so that when the real opinion comes down everyone is expecting it.
The one who needs to resign is Josh Blackman. His blind hatred of Chief Justice Roberts infects everything he writes with a fatal sickness. Please Josh, just go away!
You always can just not read his posts. That's how the marketplace of ideas works.