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Fifth Circuit Refuses to Let Navy Enforce Vaccination Rules Against Religious Objectors
From U.S. Navy Seals 1-26 v. Biden, decided yesterday by the Fifth Circuit (by Judges Edith Jones, Kyle Duncan, and Kurt Engelhardt):
The district court preliminarily enjoined the Department of Defense … from enforcing certain COVID-19 vaccination requirements against 35 Navy special warfare personnel and prohibited any adverse actions based on their religious accommodation requests. It later declined to stay the injunction. Defendants now seek a partial stay pending appeal insofar as the injunction precludes them from considering Plaintiffs' vaccination statuses "in making deployment, assignment and other operational decisions." The Navy has granted hundreds of medical exemptions from vaccination requirements, allowing those service members to seek medical waivers and become deployable. But it has not accommodated any religious objection to any vaccine in seven years, preventing those seeking such accommodations from even being considered for medical waivers. We DENY Defendants' motion….
As the Supreme Court has noted, RFRA affords even "greater protection for religious exercise than is available under the First Amendment[]" and provides that the:
Government may substantially burden a person's exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.
"[T]he 'exercise of religion' often involves not only belief and profession but the performance of (or abstention from) physical acts[.]" And "a government action or regulation creates a 'substantial burden' on a religious exercise if it truly pressures the adherent to significantly modify his religious behavior and significantly violates his religious beliefs." Once a plaintiff demonstrates a substantial burden on his exercise of religion, "RFRA requires the Government to demonstrate that the compelling interest test is satisfied through application of the challenged law 'to the person'—the particular claimant whose sincere exercise of religion is being substantially burdened." This already high bar is raised even higher "[w]here a regulation already provides an exception from the law for a particular group[.]"
The Navy does not even dispute that its COVID-19 vaccination requirements substantially burden each Plaintiff's free exercise of religion, but the nature of the injury bears emphasis. Plaintiffs have thoughtfully articulated their sincere religious objections to taking the vaccine itself. Accepting the vaccine would directly burden their respective faiths by forcing them to inject an unremovable substance at odds with their most profound convictions. This injury would outlast their military service, making the decision whether to acquiesce far more difficult than just choosing between "their job(s) and their jab(s)." The vaccine requirements principally compete against their faiths and secondarily against their livelihoods. These circumstances impose a substantial burden on Plaintiffs.
In an attempt to subordinate Plaintiffs' protected interest, the Navy focuses instead on its institutional interests. Defendants' position is that:
The Navy has an extraordinarily compelling interest in requiring that service members generally—and these plaintiffs in particular—be vaccinated against COVID-19, both (1) to reduce the risk that they become seriously ill and jeopardize the success of critical missions and (2) to protect the health of their fellow service members.
The Navy has been extraordinarily successful in vaccinating service members, as at least 99.4% of whom are vaccinated. {As the district court explained in denying Defendants' stay motion, statistically speaking, "vaccinated servicemembers are far more likely to encounter other unvaccinated individuals off-base among the general public than among their ranks."} But that general interest is nevertheless insufficient under RFRA. The Navy must instead "scrutinize[] the asserted harm of granting specific exemptions to particular religious claimants." "The question, then, is not whether [the Navy has] a compelling interest in enforcing its [vaccination] policies generally, but whether it has such an interest in denying an exception to [each Plaintiff]." And RFRA "demands much more[]" than deferring to "officials' mere say-so that they could not accommodate [a plaintiff's religious accommodation] request." That is because "only the gravest abuses, endangering paramount interests, give occasion for permissible limitation[]" on the free exercise of religion.
Defendants have not demonstrated "paramount interests" that justify vaccinating these 35 Plaintiffs against COVID-19 in violation of their religious beliefs. They insist that "given the small units and remote locations in which special-operations forces typically operate, military commanders have determined that unvaccinated service members are at significantly higher risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19 and are therefore medically unqualified to deploy." But "[r]outine [Naval Special Warfare] mission risks include everything from gunshot wounds, blast injuries, parachute accidents, dive injuries, aircraft emergencies, and vehicle rollovers to animal bites, swimming or diving in polluted waters, and breathing toxic chemical fumes." There is no evidence that the Navy has evacuated anyone from such missions due to COVID-19 since it instituted the vaccine mandate, but Plaintiffs engage in life-threatening actions that may create risks of equal or greater magnitude than the virus.
More specifically, multiple Plaintiffs successfully deployed overseas before and after the vaccine became available, and one even received a Joint Service Commendation Medal for "safely navigating restricted movement and distancing requirements" while deployed in South Korea between January and June 2020. {During this deployment, [Plaintiff] Navy EOD Technician 1 completed 76 joint service engagements with 21 U.S. and Korean partner forces, all while maintaining effective COVID-19 mitigation tactics in compliance with CDC guidelines.} Plaintiffs also trained other SEALs preparing for deployments at various points during the pandemic while remaining unvaccinated.
The Navy's alleged compelling interest is further undermined by other salient facts. It has granted temporary medical exemptions to 17 Special Warfare members, yet no reason is given for differentiating those service members from Plaintiffs. That renders the vaccine requirements "underinclusive." And "underinclusiveness … is often regarded as a telltale sign that the government's interest in enacting a liberty-restraining pronouncement is not in fact 'compelling.'" See also Holt v. Hobbs (2015) (a policy was substantially underinclusive where a prison "denied petitioner's request to grow a ½-inch beard [for religious reasons] [while permitting] prisoners with a dermatological condition to grow ¼-inch beards."). Moreover, in none of the letters denying religious accommodations to these Plaintiffs has the Navy articulated Plaintiff-specific reasons for its decisions. {On the contrary, some of the remarks uttered by superior officers to Plaintiffs could be regarded as outright hostile to their desire for religious accommodations.} Further evidencing that there is a pattern of disregard for RFRA rights rather than individualized consideration of Plaintiffs' requests, the Navy admits it has not granted a single religious accommodation. Yet surely, had the Navy been conscientiously adhering to RFRA, it could have adopted least restrictive means to accommodate religious objections against forced vaccinations, for instance, to benefit personnel working from desks, warehouses, or remote locations.
Considering the record as a whole, we agree with the district court that Defendants have not shown a compelling interest to deny religious accommodations to each of these 35 Plaintiffs. Indeed, the "marginal interest" in vaccinating each Plaintiff appears to be negligible; consequently, Defendants lack a sufficiently compelling interest to vaccinate Plaintiffs….
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Now that the whole mask/vax regime is starting to crumble, this mandate is pointless.
The court is finally starting to adapt to the new reality.
That's probably true. Regardless of what the law actually says, courts in 2020 were extremely deferential to government actions. Now that we're getting to the endgame that deference is waning.
Last week the High Court of New Zealand struck down that country's vaccine mandate for police and defense forces, holding that it violated various fundamental rights, including the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to manifest religion.
As darth Cholcolate noted
two separate issues
1) Whether the mandate is valid exercise of statutory language
2) Whether the vaccine is actually an effective medical procedure.
At this point of the covid pandemic, the answer is an absolute no
a) omicron is now the dominant strain of which the vaccines have very limited effectiveness
b) all three major waves of the covid pandemic are remarkably similar to all three major waves of the 1918 spanish flu. We are currenlty on the back side of the 3rd wave, which means that the vaccine are for the most part no longer needed - except for those who zero risk tolerance
"2) Whether the vaccine is actually an effective medical procedure.
At this point of the covid pandemic, the answer is an absolute no"
Your statement (2) is demonstrably false. Although the vaccines (and boosters) have had minimal effect at preventing or slowing the rates of infection due to Omicron. they jsut as clearly have had a large effect at minimizing the seriousness of infections that do develop.
Your statement (3) is also very far afiled from the epidemiological statistics of this pandemic in either a general global sense or a US specific sense. One can see this by running a fast Fourier transform of the time series of infections in individual countries. Although there are some qualitative similarities, the are also quite distinct and statistically significant differences country to country.
Don - I am going to disagree slightly
A) the Minnesota data for Jan & Feb 2022 shows virtually no difference in per captia infection rates and hospitalization rates between vaxed and unvaxed and approx 50% lower per capital death rates. Note that I am using MN data because we have a couple of individuals publishing much more detail data instead of the santized version of data, where per capita data is harder to obtain. I doubt if other regions are experiences significant differences in relative infection/hospitalization and death rates than minnesota
2) Most of the northern hemishere/ US/ Canada/europe is on the tail end of the third major wave. Its pretty rare for an pandemic to have a major 4th wave. I am not counting the multitude of mini / minor waves since those waves in the grand scheme tend to have little effect on the overall trajectory
Forget Minnesota. There are not a special subspecies of humans there. If you want to claim scandanavians are such then look at Denmank, Sweden and Norway. I have. The influnces of vaccination and boosters are just as I have described and published.
As for the wave theory, it is simply wrong and disagrees with ground truth, the number of distinct variants, and any credible physio-mathematical models of disease propagation including those that explicity model recurrances of "waves of infection."
Don I am using MN data since A) it should be fairly consistent with the rest of the US and North American and Europe and B) and there a a couple of people who have the ability to pour into the raw data which gives a more accurate picture of the case rates instead of the sanatized version than are being publish.
Germany' Sweden , denmark are very similar to minnesota data, ( i am not using norway since its results tend to be an anomily
The Waves I described are pretty consistent with every pandemic since the early 1800's and remarkably similar to the 1918 spanish flu.
I disagree and Fourier analysis shows that this claim of "three" waves in the present pandemic is false.
3 major waves , obviously multiple smaller wavers
The US has had 3 major waves along the the 2 summer waves in the SE US which is consitent with the hope simpson observation, so Yes 3 major waves.
By deciding to call some surges major and some minor, you are only manipulating terminology to get to a results that you have pre-decided on. The mathematics of the spread in space and time of infections does not rely on such subjective descriptions.
Don the terminology I am using to describe the various waves reflects the general history of most every pandemic including this one. It is very consistent with Europe, and the US. less so with the middle east.
Why quibble with the description of the general trend and the limited effectiveness of the vaccines at this stage of the pandemic.
Don's comment - ". Although the vaccines (and boosters) have had minimal effect at preventing or slowing the rates of infection due to Omicron. they jsut as clearly have had a large effect at minimizing the seriousness of infections that do develop."
Don - your statement has certainly been the general consensus , though there is emerging evidence that the large benefit may be much smaller than promoted.
During the height of the second major wave Nov2020-Jan 2021, the US death rate ranged between .95 to 1.1 per 100k. That was during a period with the vax rate was close to zero (vax rate among the vunerable was at best 10%).
During the 3rd major wave, Dec 2021-Jan 2022, the US death rate for the Unvaxed ranged 4.0-5.0 per 100k. That is assuming the data was correct. Comparing only the death rate among the unvaxed, Any increase in death rate from the 2nd wave to the 3rd wave is rarely the norm. In the case of Covid, an increase of 4x-5x is highly dubious for a number of reasons, A) the omicron much less lethal, b) the pool of vunerable have been paired down and c) the individuals who remain unvaxed tend to be much healthier and therefore less vunerable.
Look for a significant revision in the relative death rates attributed to the unvaxed within the next 3-4 months. Minnesota has been quietly revising their data over the last couple weeks
See healthy skeptic .com
"though there is emerging evidence that the large benefit may be much smaller than promoted. "
What emerging evidence are you referring to. The Omicron spike has passed in the vast majority of countries world wide.
Plots of cases numbers, hospital admissions, and ICU admissions vs vaccination rates, booster rates and calendar dates support my statement unambiguously.
The revisions that take months to produce are to me highly suspect as they usually are the product of bureaucratic manipulation. Moreover why look at deaths per capita when what wants to look at is Case fatality rates or (with much greater systematic errors) infection fatality rates? What you are doing by starting with your metric is obfuscating the linkage of dependent and independent variables and then hoping that manipulations of the data by bureaucrats gives an accurate result. If us want to know the effects of x on y, measure x and y directly.
As for your website, I don't use tertiary sources in my research
Don Nico
March.2.2022 at 3:46 pm
Flag Comment Mute User
"though there is emerging evidence that the large benefit may be much smaller than promoted. "
What emerging evidence are you referring to. The Omicron spike has passed in the vast majority of countries world wide.
Plots of cases numbers, hospital admissions, and ICU admissions vs vaccination rates, booster rates and calendar dates support my statement unambiguously.
BAsed on the published data, your statement is absolutely correct. However, the data is correct, then the per capital daily death rate among the unvaxed jumped from approx 1.0 per 100k during the peak Nov 2020-jan 2021 time frame to a daily rate of 4.0-5.0 per 100k during the Nov 2021 - Jan 2022 time frame. Any jump in daily rate is unusual especially with a milder strain, An increase of 4.x-5.x is highly unlikey. Which is why the data is likely off
From the Navy POV:
In support of the mandate, the Justice Department filed five declarations from high-ranking Navy officers: Admiral Daryl L. Caudle, Vice Admiral William Merz, Captain Joon Yun, Rear Admiral Gayle D. Shaffer, and Captain Christopher Brown.
These leaders explained that O’Connor’s order poses a direct threat to the military’s readiness and lethality. Service members in the Navy, they wrote, live in extremely close quarters with one another for lengthy periods. An outbreak on a ship or submarine can thwart an entire mission. O’Connor’s reasoning— “that the incremental impact” of adding a few unvaccinated members—is thus “incorrect and dangerous logic.” With each additional unvaccinated member, “the risk to personnel and risk to mission increases exponentially and unacceptably.” The mandate is thus “the most effective and readily available tool the Armed Forces has” to “protect vital United States’ national interests. Simply put, the less people who are vaccinated, the less ready the Navy is to deter aggression and, if required, fight and win in combat.”
“The bottom line,” these admirals and captains testified, “is the COVID-19 vaccine is keeping ships at sea, submarines on patrol and aircraft flying to protect and defend the Nation’s and our partners’ and allies’ interests.” Forcing the Navy to deploy unvaccinated members “puts the Nation’s ability to respond to crises around the world at unnecessary and self-inflicted risk.”
The military leaders also testified that O’Connor’s order had grievously undermined the chain of command. “In the deadly business of protecting our national security,” they wrote, “we cannot have a Sailor who disobeys a lawful order to receive a vaccine because they harbor a personal objection any more than we can have a Sailor who disobeys the technical manual for operating a nuclear reactor because he or she believes they know better. Our success, our national security, and the safety of our people depends on instinctive compliance with orders.” O’Connor’s injunction invites service members “to challenge a commander’s professional military judgment, whether it concerns training, assignment of duties, or other everyday orders essential to the Navy’s mission that they might find to be objectionable.”
March.1.2022 at 2:29 pm
Flag Comment Mute User
From the Navy POV:
In support of the mandate, the Justice Department filed five declarations from high-ranking Navy officers: Admiral Daryl L. Caudle, Vice Admiral William Merz, Captain Joon Yun, Rear Admiral Gayle D. Shaffer, and Captain Christopher Brown.
These leaders explained that O’Connor’s order poses a direct threat to the military’s readiness and lethality. "
The problem with the DoD statement is that statement is no longer valid based on the current state of the pandemic. Arguably true during late 2020/ early 2021. completely invalid in Feb 2022
Maybe Congress needs to exempt the military from parts of the RFRA, or maybe an appeals court can overturn this decision without needing change to the RFRA. But anyone serious about defending this country cannot allow this decision to stand.
In battle, you need confidence that the guy to your left, the guy to your right, and the one behind you are all taking their orders from the same chain of command. That confidence breaks down if one of them takes his orders from whatever foreign intelligence agency controls his Internet feed this week. This argument applies especially to officers.
The "religious" arguments against vaccination are bullsh*t, rejected by all major religions, used simply as legal pretext to cover Internet paranoia. The argument is made that so what-- Covid is relatively benign with "only" a 0.6% death rate. But even that is enough to cause major harm to military readiness
And imagine the carnage if a precedent set by this decision were applied to a disease with a 20% or 50% death rate.
you miss the point on the effectiveness of the vaccine
1) the vaccine is only effective for approx 6 months against the delta and alpha strains and only effective for 2-3 months against the omicron strain which is currently the dominant strain.
so effectively, the vaccine mandate is equivalent to mandating last years flu shot.
2) We are currently at the tail end of the 3rd major wave which means the pandemic is for all practical purposes over and done with. Note that the 3 major waves of covid are remarkably similar to the 3 major waves of the 1918 spanish flu
You miss the point of creating immunity. What diminishes with a roughly 6-month time constant are the anti-body levels. The T-cell derived immune response and especially the B-Bell derived immunity are far longer lasting. B-cell immunity may be effective a decade later.
In fact, it is the diminishing of B-cell immunity by immuno-suppressive therapy against hematological cancers that makes SARS-CoV-2 infections so dangerous to this sector of the population.
Your point about 3rd waves is just inconsistent with the epidemilogical data as I have pointed out avove.
Civilian judges are not competent to evaluate these kind of medical tradeoffs for the military, even if they hold a BCS (Bachelor of Creation Science) degree from Bob Jones University. But, possibly, Congress needs to revise RFRA to make that clear.
"disobeys a lawful order "
Assumes the conclusion.
Its not a lawful order if one has a religious objection.
"The Navy has granted hundreds of medical exemptions from vaccination requirements, allowing those service members to seek medical waivers and become deployable. "
How do the admirals explain why this fact does not compromise their mission, but providing religious exemptions does? That seems to be the nub of the issue.
I'm quite familiar with disease on ships- particularly submarines. The worst being from improperly refrigerated steak teriyaki, thereafter known onboard as steak veryyucki, served as midrats. I had a large bowl, and was fine. But when I got up at about 0300 for a head call, people were sitting outside the head with buckets, waiting for their turn to vomit and dump their buckets in the crapper. Nailed about half the crew. We survived.
In the age range of sailors- even the first covid variant was pretty much nothing more than a bad flu. Every patrol I went on, the first two weeks or so everyone would end up with some sort of URI, flu or cold, that they got from someone else. Know what happens when you're underway and get the flu? You get OTC meds from the corpsman, and sleep, stand watch, eat, and maintain your normal routine with whatever symptoms you have. Until you're over it. You have to be really sick to end up SIQ (sick in quarters) underway. Passing a kidney stone will do it- didn't happen to me. He was on morphine for 5 days until it passed- said the morphine didn't stop the pain, just made him not care. Flu, cold, or fever? Live with it- you're nothing special.
BS excuse. As I said, first two weeks on patrol, we all share what we have with others. Then pretty much no gets sick for the rest of patrol. Then, on return to port- everyone gets sick the first two weeks back, with all the new stuff out there. With only a hundred or so onboard, the URIs die out before they mutate into new forms.
Meant to add- the Navy missed a big opportunity to discover at the beginning of the covidiocy when covid actually got here. There submarined on spec-ops and patrols in early 2020 when they weren't sure if it was here or not. Blood samples should have been taken from every returning submariner on those spec-ops and patrols immediately on return to port to see if they had covid antibodies. If it had been out in the general population- it would have been aboard the subs. And- this was suggested at the time in public forums. And on milblogs.
Gospace, like so many, your comments rely on specific premises tailored to reach conclusions your prefer. Reality cannot be counted upon to do likewise. Re-cast your scenarios with a disease as contagious and deadly as smallpox, and you are looking at mission failure, at best. The navy needs policy and legal scope to protect its ability to stay mission ready, whatever comes.
Gospace, like so many, your comments rely on specific premises tailored to reach conclusions your prefer. Reality cannot be counted upon to do likewise.
The hypocrisy of that statement immediately preceding this one cannot be overstated:
Re-cast your scenarios with a disease as contagious and deadly as smallpox
In other words, ignore reality and change the facts of the case to ones that better support your position.
That testimony was heard, assessed and determined to be not credible because those same military leaders issued or supported orders and policies which directly contradicted the arguments made in their testimony.
Specifically, the Navy is already deploying unvaccinated members - they were just unvaccinated for non-religious reasons. The Navy was unable to present any credible argument why those were safe but the religious-exception members were unsafe.
The 'instinctive compliance' argument has not been true or a valid part of US military ethics training since My Lai. Soldiers explicitly are expected and required to evaluate the lawfulness of their orders and to dispute (and if necessary, disobey) unlawful orders.
My impression is that they're phasing that demand for unquestioning obedience back in.
Whoever said "a direct threat" there should be fired. Or court-martialed, if it was any of those officers. That person terribly misunderstands what "direct" means, or is lying about it.
What about those of us who object to religious hypocrits who claim to have decency, compassion and love but really want to infect their fellow members of the community with a serious and sometimes deadly disease.
Oh right, we have no rights, only those with a self proclaimed set of sincere religious beliefs have any rights in a legal system that allows such a claim to gain exemptions from the law and disassociation with any kind of decency.
"but really want to infect their fellow members of the community with a serious and sometimes deadly disease."
Stop smoking whatever you are smoking.
I respect your belief that these people and their beliefs about the vaccine are wrong. But to say that they want to infect others is rather offensive. Even if you think that infecting others is a likely result, which I'll accept arguendo, there's a world of difference between a collateral effect and intentional action.
But to say that they want to infect others is rather offensive.
He's a babbling partisan idiot. To him, being offensive...and stupid, for that matter...isn't exactly a reason to not say something.
...but really want to infect their fellow members of the community with a serious and sometimes deadly disease.
Unfortunately, we have little recourse to Biden & co dumping a million unvaccinated illegal aliens throughout the US.
"but really want to infect their fellow members of the community with a serious and sometimes deadly disease."
That is such a BS charge that you should be ashamed of yourself. You have NO evidence what so ever of that intentionality
The Judicial Resistance is all fun and games until the Counter-resistance occurs.
5th is the new 9th.
LOL....that was funny.
Various Democrats yesterday, seemingly in unison, announced they were dropping some vaccine and mask mandates. I wonder if they, like Ron DeSantis, will be sued by the ACLU. Somehow, I doubt it.
But what are we to make of all these absurd court decisions, from all of a month ago, that federal disability law actually requires mask mandates? Oh, well, now that Democrats no longer consider them desirable (much less critically essential), I imagine our totally non-partisan judiciary will interpret federal law differently. What a difference a month [of bad polling] makes.
This opinion is, to use the technical term, a bunch of horseshit.
Soldiers have to take lots of vaccines and other shots as part of their deployments. Unvaccinated soldiers present a risk of infection to others and themselves that impairs readiness.
The notion that the defense department cannot mandate shots is ridiculous and another example of an utterly lawless judiciary.
Well, then it's a good thing that the decision in this case has nothing to do with the strawman you laid out.
I don't think it's a strawman. At any other point in our history, this suit would have not found a receptive federal judge, let alone a receptive 3 judge panel. The military deference doctrine is as well established a principle as there is in the federal courts.
The liberal-libertarian mainstream will put these disaffected, bigoted hayseeds in their place (authoring seething, inconsequential dissents for so long as they choose to remain on the bench) in due time.
The culture war isn't over but it has been settled. Eventually, the half-century-and-counting tide of modern American progress will reach even the most desolate corner of every can't-keep-up backwater.
Dilan, would you attempt to answer my question to the admirals above.
I'll repeat it here:
"The Navy has granted hundreds of medical exemptions from vaccination requirements, allowing those service members to seek medical waivers and become deployable. "
How do the admirals explain why this fact does not compromise their mission, but providing religious exemptions does? That seems to be the nub of the issue.
I know this isn't a satisfying answer to a lot of people, but I don't think the admirals have to explain anything to a federal court. If the admirals say this is necessary for military readiness or combat effectiveness, Article III judges have to accept it even if they think it is complete bunk, because Article III judges don't run the military.
So which of these could a federal court interfere with:
1. Military decision that for combat readiness, gays must be excluded from the military.
2. Military decision that for combat readiness, women must be excluded from combat units.
3. Military decision that for combat readiness, the units must be racially segregated.
I am interested in Dilan's answer. This was a great exchange.
Do you recognize that you are a thoroughgoing bigot, Bored Lawyer? Self-awareness seems to be in short supply among bigoted, worthless clingers.
It's nothing replacement won't solve, thank goodness.
Do you recognize that you are an empty-headed faux intellectual, who thinks that calling the other person a bigot is an argument?
All of the examples I gave were actual policies of the military in history. Have you ever heard of the term "hypothetical?"
I think 1 and 2 are obviously constitutional (2 is even specifically governed by a SCOTUS precedent) and back when 3 was in place, the Korematsu court would have clearly upheld it.
back when 3 was in place, the Korematsu court would have clearly upheld it
Bob and weave, bob and weave...
If you want me to answer it straight out, I can't imagine that in 2022 anyone would reinstate the pre-Truman policy on race, but yeah, I think the military gets deference were it reinstated.
This is what Scalia called an "Our Perfect Constitution" question. The Constitution doesn't provide a remedy for every bad thing the government could do. So yes, in the theoretical situation where the government did something it's never going to do again, yeah, it could do it.
I can't imagine that in 2022 anyone would reinstate the pre-Truman policy on race, but yeah, I think the military gets deference were it reinstated.
That's a rather bizarre reading of the room, as it were.
I'm not reading the room. I'm saying what the law is.
As I think I indicated, it's a stupid hypothetical. It's like asking "what happens if Congress restores the first Copyright Act and reduces terms back down to 14 years". I don't know. What happens? I can tell you what Eldred says, and what the takings cases say, and whatever else that might be relevant to it, but it's a silly hypothetical because that's NOT HAPPENING.
But yeah, you demanded I answer the absolutely stupid hypothetical anyway, so I said, "yeah, the military gets deference". Which is the rule.
My "reading of the room" is that conservatives are trying to poke a hole in one of the most important limits on Article III power that has been recognized. And the only defense seems to be "well what if they do something that they'd never do?". Which is a dumb argument.
We debated this at some length in the last post on this topic. As a reminder, Douglass Laycock (the godfather of religious exemptions) argued that medical exemptions should not trigger religious exemptions because the former enhances health while the latter does not. You countered that Laycock's argument does not hold because the military can just as easily refuse both. I then countered the military needs to balance staffing needs with health and providing only a medical exemption does so because you don't want people to die from getting vaccinated.
Putting it another way, providing an exemption is needed to increase staffing by convincing some to serve who otherwise would not have. But at the same time, an exemption will also result in some people choosing to serve unvaccinated who otherwise would have served vaccinated. Those who make that choice because for anything other than medical reasons degrade health, but those who do so because of medical reasons enhance health.
Bored Lawyer, I will answer your question. A medical exemption question is readily adjustable, to provide whatever specific implementation the medical facts and military necessity dictate. It need not be all one way, all the time.
A religious exemption question, limited only by a doctrine of sincere belief, is comparatively inflexible. It pretty much is all one way, all the time. Also, religious exemption has an added serious downside—that abuse by liars could make religious exemptions far more common, and thus more threatening to mission readiness, than medical exemptions are. Medical exemptions, which can be proved or disproved, are not similarly vulnerable to abuse by liars.
Nor should military leaders be foreclosed from deciding that the two kinds of exemptions, taken together, make the readiness problem larger. Considered separately, the medical exemption will encompass a smaller and objectively measurable population. The religious exemption, with its vulnerability to liars, is inherently unbounded, and thus a much larger threat to readiness than the medical exemption. Granting both kinds of exemptions together will always deliver a greater challenge to readiness than taking either of them separately. Granting only the religious exemption threatens a greater challenge to readiness than granting only the medical exemption does.
Given those considerations, it is not at all unreasonable that for the sake of maximizing mission readiness military leaders might choose to grant vaccination exemptions for proved medical reasons, but not grant exemptions for inherently unfalsifiable religious assertions.
There is a long history of the military and its civilian overseers judging claims of CO status. The military has many in positions very far from combat ready positions and people claiming an objection not based on a physical of mental disability might be assigned to one of these or if the objection render them unsuitable for any service then they could be discharged from the service.
I just see no compelling reason to accept an overarching generalized position such as you are suggesting here.
Nico — Presumably, CO status does not introduce much contagion. By the way, are you suggesting COs ought to be afforded exemptions from vaccination?
With the exception of COs, I am not aware of any military doctrine which presumes any military members, whatever their specialties or locations, can be spared combat duty if their commanders judge that necessary.
Sorry but that's incorrect. There are many points in history when courts have held the military accountable to generally-applicable laws. The RFRA is such a generally-applicable law just like the anti-discrimination laws, fraud laws, drug laws, etc.
The military can get deference when they make a credible case that military readiness and discipline actually depend on the policy they asserting. The prohibition against beards, for example, is regularly upheld because of the need for gas masks to make a proper seal against the face. But it is not, never has been and should not be blind deference. When military leaders contradict themselves, courts (and the rest of us) should take notice.
There are many points in history when courts have held the military accountable to generally-applicable laws.
There are really no points in history where federal courts have interfered with a military decision that relates to combat effectiveness based on a "generally applicable law".
You are assuming the conclusion - that the military decision actually does related to combat effectiveness. That was not only not demonstrated but directly contradicted by the Navy's own policies and practices during the same period.
Again, the military gets considerable deference when the claim of combat effectiveness is substantiated. They get little (and deserve little) for merely uttering "combat effectiveness" as magic words.
Only the last 29 years of our history that are relevant since that's how long the deciding statute has been on the books. The fact is the RFRA doesn't have a carve out for military deference. A constitutional statute passed by Congress should trump any doctrine or principle established by the federal courts.
RFRA did not overturn the military deference doctrine and in fact is not an exercise of congressional power to regulate the armed forces at all. It doesn't need a carve-out.
By your guys logic, a court could literally order a colonel to remedy a supposed RFRA violation in the middle of a firefight even if it gets half the unit killed.
Sorry, that's BS. This is the conservative movement being so upset about a culture war issue that they have forgotten the most basic principles of separation of powers.
an utterly lawless judiciary
You need to stop getting your legal analysis from
How ironic. We'll continue to fight to our last breath about masks and vax. We'll continue right up to the day the authorities say, "Never mind. Forget that."
Seriously, after this blows over, and before the next pandemic, I hope we take a serious look at the way public health is run and how decisions are made by public health authorities.
I'm not sure what that would mean in the long run, even if it did happen.
Remember the panics about SARS-1, MERS, Ebloa, Zika, West Nile, or whatever the plague-of-the-day was? You had some places treating it as nothing, because it wasn't epidemic yet, while others cracked down hard with quarantines or travel restrictions. Immediately afterwards, people looked at what happened, and worried about the heavy-handed and illegal responses, or alternately the lack of preparedness and carelessness.
Some of the groups have switched sides - sometimes more than once! So, no, I don't think there will be anyone learning lessons from all this.
"I don't think there will be anyone learning lessons from all this."
"Anyone" is an extremely broad claim. There are certainly scientist from many fields (including myself) who have switched into SARS-CoV-2 related research and published peer-reviewed scientific papers because of the extreme response to this pandemic.
Now if you restrict "anyone" to politicians, then I might agree with you.
True, there is a lot of fascinating science coming out of these past few years, and the historians will have plenty of material to play with about the results of the all the various things people have done.
Mostly, I was aiming at the political and social groups, both within and without the government, as well as the legal front.
Thinking about it, business might have learned something, too - at least, Amazon has learned that lockdowns mean massive profits, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them lobby for more in the future.
Would someone please tell me what the religious objection is to a COVID vaccine that doesn't also apply to the myriad mandated non-COVID vaccines that most religious anti-COVID-vaxxers never objected to.
My understanding is that a frequent objection is to the use of fetal tissue in the development of these vaccines, which means that taking them is immoral. (I didn't get this from the court briefs so this may or may not be the case here.) Maybe you think this is not reasonable. Under federal law that doesn't matter. It only matters whether the belief is sincerely held. They Navy wasn't contesting the sincerity of the belief. They were arguing over whether they could reasonably accommodate these sincerely held beliefs that were being burdened.
Vaccines for varicella (chicken pox), rubella, and hepatitis A, all required by the US military, also use fetal tissue in their manufacture. Before COVID, was there a comparably scaled history of religiously based refusal to receive those vaccines?
I am skeptical of that claim given that the vaccines you listed were largely developed before fetal tissue research was rolled out.
Don't know why, but the platform keeps rejecting my response with a link to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. If you google "vaccines and fetal tissue" it should be one of the first results.
Here's the first paragraph from the CHOP article:
"Vaccines for varicella (chickenpox), rubella (the “R” in the MMR vaccine), hepatitis A, rabies (one version, called Imovax®) and COVID-19 (one U.S.-approved version, Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen) are all made by growing the viruses in fetal cells. All of these, except the COVID-19 vaccine, are made using fibroblast cells. The COVID-19 vaccine (J&J/Janssen) is made using fetal retinal cells."
>forcing them to inject an unremovable substance
False. Absolutely false. The very opposite of the truth. A particular hard part of mRNA vaccine research was getting the mRNA to last long enough to do some good before the body recycles it for parts. It's gone within days. After that there is nothing left but memories -- memory B cells and memory T cells. Common sense: if it has to be transported in deep freezes, how long will it last at body temperature? Around enzymes specifically optimized to break it into pieces?
As a matter of strategy, I wonder why the Navy didn't address the issue of their sincerity. If they are not members of the Dutch Reformed Church, if they took the other vaccines required by the service, if they've ever taken a medication developed with fetal cells in the picture, then at the very least they owe the court an explanation.
Keep up with the studies. It is not false, absolutely false.
That article does not describe what you think it does.
I want to make sure I understand some things about the members of the military:
1) The mission of the US military is to defend the country.
2) The military is an all volunteer force.
3) Defending the country may require a voluntary member of the military to kill someone.
4) Nearly all religions, usually expressly, forbid killing. For example, the Sixth commandment in the bible states "Thou shalt not kill (murder). Straight forward with no exceptions.
In this case, the military members are using religion as an excuse to avoid the vaccine. I am assuming that their religion forbids killing, yet they do not seek a religious exemption for killing.
Therefore, it appears as if the sailors are cherry-picking their religious exemptions. This makes the request disingenuous at best.
You're several thousand years too late to that argument, sorry.
Just killings and unjust killings are differentiated in almost every religion, and have been for recorded history.
Just a note as to military readiness- as of today we've lost many more active duty personnel from being kicked out for refusing the vaccine THAT DOESN'T PREVENT YOU FROM GETTING COVID then we've lost from the dreaded covid itself.
How do I know the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid? Because on Hulu (or whatever the streaming service with commercials my wife has on) NY State Health Commissioner Mary T Bassett is on every 15 minute exhorting you to get a vaccine if you haven't had one, and to get a booster if you have because the vaccinated can still get covid. Also- the boosted can still get covid, but she doesn't mention that. And you can still die if you've been vaccinated and boosted- but she doesn't day that.
The vaccines drastically reduce the severity of having COVID.
No vaccine can prevent you from getting a virus so you're demanding an impossible standard of this one.
I won't disagree that there's lots of court created "rights". But the RFRA is pretty clearly not a creation of the judicial branch. Congress passed legislation that provides this level of protection for religious beliefs.
that and the omicron peak is over making all these mandates a pointless power grab for now.
That's pretty much it: Just party of the ongoing effort to purge the military of anyone who might have any loyalties or values higher that obeying orders.
Because, I presume, they want a military that won't evaluate the morality of their orders, just obey.
It's a political purge.
I would say "unreliable" rather than "disloyal". They are not active enemies (supporters of ISIS or Vladimir Putin,etc.), but they cannot be counted on to carry out lawful orders, due to the nonsense they absorb from the Internet.
I think this needs to be revisited, across the many political purges that have been done for "vaccination" which may not have strictly been required.
"The disease that's no deadly than the yearly flu"
There is no evidence at all for your statement. Even the omicron variant is slightly more deadly than seasonal flu.
Try getting your medical facts correct before the political screeds.
About 60% of active duty personnel are 18-24. <10% over 40. Making 90% under 40. The comorbidity that seems to most affect death from the dreaded covid is obesity. According to standards for all military services and the Coast Guard (which is currently Homeland Security, not a military service) you cannot be obese- or you'll be discharged. The statement about omicron deadliness is, to put it mildly, nothing more and nothing less than a lie.
Further, any of the other comorbidities that contribute to death from covid are disqualifying for military service. So for active duty servicemembers, actually contracting the dreaded covid is likely less dangerous than receiving the "vaccine". There is at least a two order of magnitude difference between the death rate of active duty personnel and the general public. (and AD numbers are included in the general public numbers, not separated out, meaning the difference is even greater.) There is a significant difference between AD death rates and Reserve/NG rates. Reserve and NG forces tend to be older- a risk factor, and fatter. Despite requirements otherwise.
As far as all these flag and general officers being concerned about military health- they're not. One of the other things known about the dreaded covid is that there is an inverse relationship between Vitamin D blood level and disease outcome. And that's true of every other URI, from colds to flu to even TB. And- there have been studies, decades old, showing military personnel have sub-optimal levels of Vitamin D. Especially submariners. And what kind of supplements do they ensure we get to keep us healthy? None. What kind of monitoring of Vitamin D blood level do they do to see we have enough? None.
You could, if you want, look up all the links. Or you could go to the link I have below- which contains links to many, but not all the studies. Educate yourself.
You’re emittimg nonsense on the internet.