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Univ. of Florida Blocks Professors' Expert Witness Work in Case Against Florida Government
A clear academic freedom violation, and likely a First Amendment violation as well: "A concept of loyalty that sweeps so broadly is not one that may legitimately trump compelling interests in speaking on matters of public concern."
The job of a modern American university—and the purpose of its guarantees of academic freedom—is to promote the development and dissemination of expert knowledge, including opinions based on that knowledge. And that's so regardless of whom the knowledge reflects well or badly on.
Say a University of California professor's research uncovers that California government policy is bad for business, compared, to, say, the policy of Texas. Publishing that research may drive businesses away from California, thus harming the California economy and indirectly the University of California itself. Yet it's the professor's job to publish it nonetheless. In the long term, disclosing these policy problems may help California, because identifying the problem is a necessary step towards fixing it. But in any event, the professor's job is to discover and disclose the truth.
Or say the professor uncovers what he believes to be problems with the UC itself—for instance, that its approaches to race-based affirmative action or to athletic scholarships or to educational policy are unsound in various ways. And say he testifies to Congress or the legislature about it.
That might be bad for the university, at least in the short term, in that it may reduce federal funding or state funding or alumni donations or applications from prospective students. Or it might simply undermine, by criticizing, the policies that the Chancellor or the Regents or the Legislature seek to pursue. Or it might be used against the university or the state in litigation. But his job is to tell it like it is.
That's why the University of Florida's action here strikes me as wrong. To quote Politico (Gary Fineout & Marc Caputo):
Florida's flagship university is under fire for violating the free speech rights of three professors it blocked from testifying in a lawsuit challenging the state's new law voting restrictions.
Top University of Florida officials asserted that it was a conflict of interest for professors to testify in the lawsuit because they're state employees. It's a notable turnaround in university policy, which for years allowed professors to testify in lawsuits against the state—including one that unsuccessfully challenged the state law that restricted voting rights for convicted felons.
The University's ostensible rationale is that "Outside activities that may pose a conflict of interest to the executive branch of the State of Florida create a conflict for the University of Florida." But this wrongly assumes that the job of university professors is to promote the interests of the Florida government in particular litigation, or to promote the interests of the University in particular litigation, or at least not to express views that run contrary to the Florida government's or University's.
And of course this rationale would justify restrictions not just on expert witness work, but to state or federal legislative testimony, to op-eds, to scholarly articles, and the like. Indeed, it might apply to speech that "may pose a conflict of interest to the executive branch of the [United States government]" as well: After all, state universities get a great deal of funding from the federal government, and the federal government might well want to impose similar constraints on university professors whom it directly or indirectly funds, if it sees Florida is being allowed to do so. And it would apply to speech that suggests the impropriety of the University administration's policies at least as much as to speech that suggests the impropriety of the state or federal governments' policies. That's a rule of academic subservience to political institutions' policies, not of academic freedom.
Indeed, if anything, expert witness work in court should be seen as especially protected from restriction. It provides extra information to courts resolving legal claims. It is considered in the relatively calm and thoughtful environment of the judicial process. It is subject to rebuttal by the state's own expert witnesses. And presumably the state of Florida should have a broader interest in following the law, including federal law when it trumps state law (see the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause). Professors' conveying their expert knowledge to judges is thus especially valuable to the pursuit of truth (as well as to the administration of justice), though I think the same should apply to other forms of commentary as well.
Unsurprisingly, courts have indeed rejected such restrictions on expert testimony by faculty members. In Hoover v. Morales (1998), the federal court of appeals for the Fifth Circuit expressly struck down Texas policies which "prohibit[] state employees"—including, in that case, university employees—"from acting as consultants or expert witnesses on behalf of parties opposing the State in litigation":
The notion that the State may silence the testimony of state employees simply because that testimony is contrary to the interests of the State in litigation or otherwise, is antithetical to the protection extended by the First Amendment.
The Fifth Circuit held the same, sitting en banc, in Kinney v. Weaver (2004), where college instructors in a program that trained police officers were retaliated against for providing expert testimony against a police department in a case:
The record shows that the Police Officials see a conflict of interest whenever and wherever a police trainer testifies against police officers. Regardless of whether one uses the label "code of silence," we believe that, on this record, the defendants' asserted notion of "conflicts of interest" sweeps so broadly as to undermine its status as a legitimate government interest that can properly weigh in the [First Amendment] balance….
The Police Officials' charge of disloyalty makes sense only if Kinney and Hall owe fealty to law enforcement universally. Indeed, the Police Officials' stated view is that one is disloyal—and has committed an unforgivable "sin"—whenever one testifies against law enforcement officers anywhere. A concept of loyalty that sweeps so broadly is not one that may legitimately trump compelling interests in speaking on matters of public concern.
The same principle has been applied outside educational institutions as well, see, e.g., Clairmont v. Sound Mental Health (9th Cir. 2011), though the matter is less clear there, see Mikko v. City of Atlanta (11th Cir. 2017) (providing government officials with qualified immunity against such a claim, because, though "[w]e do not mean to say that Mikko's report or his intended testimony was notprotected by the First Amendment, which is an issue we need not decide," past precedent in the circuit "did not put the constitutional issue in this case 'beyond debate'"). But when it comes to universities and their tradition of academic freedom, the government may not impose "[a] concept of loyalty" "to the interests of the State" that trumps professors' academic freedom rights.
Now I should note that the University's arguments here may be limited to paying expert witness work; it appears that the University policy requires approval only for "Professional compensated activities, including but not limited to, activities for which travel expenses, travel support, and honoraria are paid, teaching at another institution, or employment as an expert witness." But in the words of the Fifth Circuit in Hoover, written in a section of the opinion titled "Is Speech Still Free If You Get Paid For It?,"
If all it takes to make speech commercial [and thus less constitutionally protected] is that the speaker is paid to say it, then every writer with a book deal, every radio D.J., and every newspaper and television reporter is engaged in commercial speech. "It is well settled that a speaker's rights are not lost merely because compensation is received; a speaker is no less a speaker because he or she is paid to speak." Likewise, the fact that one is paid to be an expert witness, does not make his testimony commercial speech. Therefore, the defining element of commercial speech is not that the speaker is paid to speak, but rather that the speech concerns the "economic interests of the speaker and its audience."
Perhaps a content-neutral rule generally prohibiting certain kinds of compensated outside activities might be permissible (though there are limits even on that, see U.S. v. NTEU (1995)). But here it's clear that the state's objection isn't that, say, the draw of big money would lead a professor to devote too much time to expert witness work to the detriment of teaching and scholarship. Rather, it's to the professor's expressing views that would undermine the Florida Executive Branch's litigation positions.
(Thanks to my coblogger Keith Whittington, wearing his hat as the Chair of the Academic Freedom Alliance's Academic Committee, for pointers to some of the cases I cited above. I expect a statement from the AFA soon on this very subject.)
UPDATE: A University of Florida faculty member writes:
Just to clarify the policy—which was adopted in the past 2-4 years (not sure how long, but it is new)—about which you cogently wrote earlier today, it does not hinge on whether the employee has a financial interest. As the form states, notice and then permission are required of "any activity or financial interest." When it was introduced to the faculty, we were informed by university counsel and our Dean that any activity, even those for which we would not receive any compensation (e.g., signing onto an amicus brief) requires advance permission.
{This is from Regulation 1.011, which is incorporated by reference on the form (and consistent with how the form was presented to faculty, at least at the Law School) (emphasis added):
(2) Definitions.
(a) "Outside activity" shall mean any private practice, private consulting, employment, teaching, research, business (including managerial interests or positions), or other activity, compensated or uncompensated, which is not part of the employee's assigned duties and for which the University provides no compensation.}
[The policy] was presented more as something to provide the university administration with notice, and its main intent, so we were told, was to document outside activities that might occupy an employee's time or, as in work for foreign nations and companies (specifically, given recent controversies, China), that might create legal and/ or political problems for the university and employee.
Given the quite obvious political nature of the litigation (and recent disclosures about the process by which the state's new surgeon general was hired by UF's medical school), it is highly unlikely that the university's posture is at all related to the paid nature of the expertise its faculty members were retained to provide.
FURTHER UPDATE [Nov. 3, 2021]: Politico (Andrew Atterbury) reports that the University of Florida "softened its initial stance and said that the professors can provide expert testimony as long as they do it pro bono and on their own time," though for reasons I give above this doesn't fully resolve the problem.
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Your "ostensible rationale" link is a dud.
Whoops, fixed, thanks.
And, why "ostensible"?
Perhaps Eugene thinks (rightly, IMO) that the university's response here is not in good faith.
Perhaps I missed it, but EV's good faith ought to have required him to print, or art least luink to, the Universiy opf Florida's statement on this matter:
The information that EV posts about the University purporting to require permission for unpaid "activities" is new to me, but such overbrad demands are aopparently not what is being enforced here.
Ab I observed on a previous thread, my ex-wife (20 or so years ago) worked as an admin at UC San Francisco, and full-time professors' contracts required them to turn over outside earnings to the University and, I believe, get University permission to enter into any such arrangements. It was a big struggle all the time to oversee this. And it is anyway not a new issue or one only a few years old.
Rather than calling you a liar, I will simply say that I think you're mistaken.
I will simply suggest that your beliefs about full-time appointment contract provisions in academic research medical institutions isn't based on any personal knowledge.
Mine is second hand, but from a very credible source over a considerable period of time.
I know a lot of academics, so I posed the question to them. None of them had ever heard of any such thing. Preapproval, sure. But turning over the money, no. (One speculated that maybe it could have happened at some religious institution where the religious faculty were expected to contribute to the religious order, but you said UCSF, so that's not the situation. Are you sure it wasn't USF rather than UCSF?)
The claim isn't logical; what full-time professor would take on outside work if they couldn't earn anything from it?
If only there were some way to verify a claims veracity by looking at source materials...
Interestingly, the UCSF outside work policy is very similar to the one in Florida, though it limits it to conflict with the University, not the entire state.
So if you look at that first link, it refers to the Guidelines on Occasional Outside Professional Activities by Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants. And if one reads the underlying policy which it mentions — which your second link relates to — people covered by this policy (only med school faculty) can keep all income from activities unrelated to their professional expertise, and can keep income up to a specified threshold from activities related to their professional expertise. And do not even need advance permission for activities like consulting or expert witnessing.
Interestingly, googling led me to this story: Medical Professors Are Supposed to Share Their Outside Income With the University of California. But Many Don’t, which says:
(Emphasis added.)
So apparently there's some specific issue relating to med school faculty at UC that requires a special policy for them, and the actual purpose is to discourage too much outside work.
Yes, which is exactly what the original commenter said, which you called may be correct that it's not generalized, but the original comment was easily verifiable, which we both did.
The University of Florida policy that I can find online also (not surprisingly) limits it to conflict with the University:
(Emphasis added.) And that was approved just a year ago. It seems like UF just made up a special new rule for this lawsuit, claiming that anything the state government didn't like was a conflict with the university's interests.
?Regulation 1.011, linked in the OP, clearly lists State of Florida as part of the conflicts.
It has the effect of denying them their 1A rights. And they would have been allowed to pursue outside work had their testimony been favorable to Florida. So it’s content based. Obviously the problem is speech.
If Florida arrested a bunch of protesters and threw them in jail to shut them up, then Florida could simply say “we didn’t deny them their 1A rights, we simply arrested them”. Guess you’d be swell with that too.
Does Hoover v. Morales survive Garcetti? It's not cited in any of the opinions. The notion that this kind of extracurricular work is within the job of the professor actually hurts the argument under Garcetti, though it's hard to square any notion of 1st Amendment protection for public university professors under Garcetti if that were true.
The sweep of that prohibition would be pretty wide if it was ever enforced outside of a politically charged case. Would probably be a blanket prohibition on expert defense testimony in criminal cases.
What about a car accident involving a state vehicle? Is the medical testimony out if your doctor adjuncts at a state medical school? What if it’s a car accident between two private citizens but there is a worker’s comp or state Medicaid lien involved? Is that adverse enough to kick your a potentially state affiliated doctor?
Indeed, if testimony creates a conflict of interest…what about litigation itself? Are law professors not allowed to litigate against the state? Can there not be a criminal defense clinic at the school? Or any litigation clinic that goes against the state?
Your reasonable extensions of the UF policy are indeed quite chilling.
I think the default is that it is a conflict - you are technically representing an interest adverse to your employer. But I think states have dealt with that and allowed it, as noted in the post. See, e.g.
Interesting case, thanks!
A quck glance at the case indicates that the professor was given a fact-specific exemption from a generally applicable (to State employees) law: "We do not believe that the Legislature ever would have intended to disable a clinical education program at our State University." Also, I did not see any indication that the State was the opposing party.
Not seeing how that can have application here, although I can't rule out the existance of dicta.
Wait: state or federal judge who adjuncts at a state law school? Private attorney who adjuncts…can’t sue the state? State legislator who adjuncts? How far does this “pose a conflict of interest to executive branch” rationale extend?
UF statement: "...the university denied requests of these full-time employees to undertake outside paid work that is adverse to the university’s interests as a state[sic] of Florida institution."
Removes some of your horribles.
And what if they’re subpoenaed? Private company employees testify to things that are detrimental to their companies routinely, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes otherwise.
Proving my point that EV was derelict in not including the UF statement: "outside paid work"
No, it proves tie opposite of your point.
Just more “our arguments in favor of this might not stand up under scrutiny so let’s try to limit arguments from the other side”, except this time it’s from the right.
The first amendment is the first amendment and it says what it says and the SC has historically kept any permitted exceptions to it very narrow. One more data point demonstrating that when our political leaders swear an oath to uphold the constitution they don’t really mean it.
AS I understand UF's statement the profs are free to testify, just not accept paid employment on a case targeting the State.
Neither FIRE nor EV communicate this.
The state’s claim goes far further than that.
If accepted, professors are simply mouthpieces for the State of California and must say what their employer tells them.
ANY statement that the employer deems contrary to its interest would be similarly a breech of loyalty.
The State of Florida is proposing to apply the ordinary law of master and servant. That’s how things work in the rest of the employment world.
You can’t get a job in PR and go out and say something that makes your employer look bad.
Why should universities be any different?
The administration is the boss, the professors the hired help. Why shouldn’t the hired help shut up and do what they’re told like the hired help anywhere else?
State of Florida. Dang there’s no edit on this thing.
The contract apparently purports to control "activities", but the denial is defended on narrower grounds.
Glad to see EV post on this incident.
It is a welcome development.
Prof. Volokh's post is excellent, a concise yet easily understandable discussion of the issue and the appropriate citations.
But he may miss a major point in the controversy. It seems as though the University of Florida's new? policy is content driven. The University does not seem to take a position that all testimony, paid or unpaid, is prohibited, but only 'speech' where the content of that speech is in opposition to the position the state of Florida has taken on the issue. This content based suppression by a government actor is clearly and undeniably Unconstitutional, and that point, that this is a content based suppression should be emphasized.
It should also be pointed out that expert witness testimony is not testimony produced by one of the parties in the judiciary process to support that party, but in most if not all cases the expert testimony is for the purpose of supply the court with expert testimony in areas where the court may not have sufficient expertise to make a thorough and complete determination. The fact that the expert is paid by one of the parties is irrelevant, and the expert is considered to provide expert testimony on the issue, not advocacy which is the role of the attorneys.
All in all, the blatant violation of the Constitution in the situation is so great that it makes many of the other free speech issues this Forum has published looks like insignificant cases. The outrage of conservatives should reflect that.
Sidney r finkel: I agree that the policy is content-driven, and I think I was trying to get at that throughout the post, and especially in this paragraph:
Actually EV's post has misled you, which callins into question its excellence.
That you missed his objection to content-based application of the policy also calls into question your reading skills.
UF's objection is not to the Prof's "position" (that they have one contradicts the fantasy that what they will emit is not "advocacy" and "not testimony produced by one of the parties in the judiciary process to support that party", btw) but to paid work in opposition to the interests of the State of Florida.
I'll judge my own need for outrage, sonny, not consult Team Stupid members, thank you.
Rich university professors being told they can’t take side jobs for even more money don’t make for very sympathetic victims.
Elites spent the last year and a half sticking it to the rest of America with their bullshit Covid rules and (lately) their climate religion and now they want us to rally for them so they can take extra side jobs? Nah.
"Rich university professors being told they can’t take side jobs for even more money don’t make for very sympathetic victims."
Suppose Elizabeth Loftus was a public university professor. If I am falsely accused as a result of erroneous eyewitness testimony, and her employer won't let her work for me as an eyewitness because her testimony might undercut the state's case, I would argue I am the victim when I get falsely convicted. Society at large may also be a victim because the real crook goes unpunished.
She may also be a lesser victim because she doesn't get the fee I would have paid, but she's not the only (or major) victim.
eyewitness testimony is not "work"
To clarify: I wasn't suggesting that Ms. Loftus was an eyewitness to the crime at hand. She is an expert on the reliability - or lack thereof - of eyewitness testimony.
You can't find any other experts on eyewitness testimony?
To make the comparison more comparable let's assume that she's a full-time employee of the party you injured, and you're guilty.
Would he have to continue to employ her?
Suppose she's not a prof, just a peon like you and I? Does that change anything?
1. Professors aren’t rich, particularly ones at state schools.
2. They want you to rally for academic freedom, and free expression, and supplying knowledge.
3. And like my examples above, you’re actually just screwing over litigants, not “rich” professors.
1. Compared to regular Americans, yes, they are.
2. They usually rally against freedoms for the rest of us.
3. Get your experts somewhere else.
These particular litigants are suing against Florida's voter integrity law. There’s no reason and regular Americans should want to enable or support elites' (often illegal) election scheming.
"Compared to regular Americans, yes, they are."
That might be a faulty comparison. Considering the levels of education and training of poli sci faculty, they are poorly paid in comparison to other professionals. In fact, in many school districts, university faculty make less than public school teachers. Typically, and historically, R1 faculty have traded salary/income for the freedom to pursue research and scholarship. Each of the three faculty members in this case are full profs, so they probably make in the neighborhood of $120K per year. No one in America is "rich" in any sense on $120K a year, however much more that might be than a cashier at Walmart is paid.
Salaries can be looked up. No need to guess:
This did not help your point. The assistant professors in the political science department make like $75K. That’s after at least four years of graduate school making much much less than that (assuming their program was paid for), plus undergrad debt. This is assuming they managed to get a tenure track position at this school right after getting their PhD. Then it takes over a decade of work (publication, teaching, and community service) to get the six figures a full professor makes. They’re solidly middle class.
Leftists would just have lied.
Lookup the actual names of the professors involved.
Daniel A. Smith
Michael McDonald
Sharon Wright Austin
And stop trying to BS everyone.
134K, 125K, 120K. After decades of having a PhD and doing the work to get full professor. First year associates at mid size firms make about that with much less training. First years at big firms make much more.
You’re the only one who is BSing people that professors are “rich.”
Rich people don’t think other rich people are rich. You’re not fooling anyone else.
You think I’m rich?! LMAO.
Who knows? Maybe you fooled some rich people though.
Fooled rich people into what?
Thinking University professors aren’t rich
Wait. You think me, who is not rich, know rich people, and then fooled THEM into thinking that university professors who make much less than they do are also rich? For some reason?
University salaries aren’t the sole earnings of these people. That’s what this whole topic is about.
And even if they were, it’s still rich by the standards of regular Americans. Especially in Florida.
Those salary numbers were for 2020, the year where elites got paid every single paycheck and regular Americans didn’t. (Although regular people in Florida lost out on fewer paychecks than in blue states.)
That's just their salary. The objection here is to their getting extra paid work trying to screw over the State and citizens of Florida.
Comparable work calculations like you've employed are invariably BS, btw. People ought to be paid for the value of what they do, not for having gone to school.
Ben is anyway foolish to chase you down your preferred rabbit hole of whether Full Professors are rich. They do fine, full stop. The real issue is whether as peons we ought to care whether nomenklatura get special impunity to work against their employers' interests. I'm happy to extend my rights to them. Beyond that, they can go fuck themselves.
It's hard to see how testifying against unconstitutional laws "screws over" the state, let alone citizens, of Florida. Neither of the two latter groups have any interest, let alone a legitimate one, in enforcing unconstitutional laws.
Tghe claim that the law in question is "unconstitutional" is of course baseless balderdash.
Some of the laws testified against will be unconstitutional, at some point.
That's all that's needed for DMN's argument to have force.
“There’s no reason and regular Americans should want to enable or support elites' (often illegal) election scheming.”
Who do you think is passing the election laws in GOP led states?
Elected representatives.
Right. A sort of select group from society. The kind of people who have the resources and ability to obtain high levels of political power, an elite, if you will.
They are regular Americans. Not Trumpkins.
University professors, rich and poor alike, have first amendment rights just like the rest of us. Even if someone doesn’t like what they have to say.
They can go to court to vindicate their rights. In a few years maybe they can get a ruling, except this specific issue will probably be moot by then. So they'll have the opportunity to experience the same lack of justice Americans have seen over Covid rules and election lawbreaking.
The right to keep your job while also being paid to testify in a suit against your employer isn't as obvious in the text of the First Amendment as you imagine it to be.
You left out that it's a state school.
Wonder why you did that...
Perhaps a friendly subpoena (followed by an "expert" remuneration agreement) might have been the better course given the potential conflict of interest. As opposed to asking an academic administrator to sign off on a pre-litigation "consulting agreement." At least to the administrative mind, there's a difference between explaining the facts and joining the posse.
Just a (likely completely off-base) thought from the cheap seats.
Mr. D.
This is a joke. If it was anybody other than college professors, we wouldn't be having this conversation. This issue has nothing to do with "working against the State of Florida's interests". What it comes down to is that contractually they have to obtain their Employer's permission for paying outside work. The Professors signed their contracts, agreeing to this and the University is exercising it's right to say no.
For about ten years I worked for a company as a designer and had a small business doing consulting. When that job went away, I obtained a new job as an Engineer. When I signed my contract, I was able to negotiate with my Employer the terms of my consulting business. We came to a mutual agreement and I signed the contract. Since my Employer's business is primary electrical and my business is Mechanical I have had very few conflicts and have only turned away one job because of the agreement.
Professors at colleges routinely do outside consulting. It’s as common as breathing air. Sometimes that work involves testimony.
And even so, any contract that may be involved doesn’t matter. You can’t contract away your civil rights.
Sure you can - see, e.g. arbitration clauses, in which parties contract away their rights to a jury trial.
In this case, the policy was added well after the professors were hired, though. Universities get around this by a) having faculties sign off on policy changes, and b) reissuing employment letters each year. But I don't know that that is enough to fundamentally change the terms of employment.
(Not so) sadly, I am shocked and surprised that DaivdBehar didn't begin this thread with his usual screed against the legal profession.
Too busy with kissing Huma Abedin, I guess.