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Ninth Circuit Allowing Video Oral Argument
in at least some cases (for now).
At least two orders from last week state,
The court understands that local health directives, personal preference, and other conditions may make travel inadvisable for certain attorneys, especially those located in the Puget Sound area. Any attorney wishing to appear at argument via telephone conference is permitted to do so. Any attorney wishing to appear at argument via video is permitted to do so, so long as the video connection is compatible with the courts system. Attorneys from Washington State may also appear via video from the Nakamura US Court of Appeals Courthouse in Seattle, Washington. Any attorney wishing to appear via telephone or video shall advise the clerk of the court no later than March 16 via a written request.
Last week's reference to the Puget Sound now sounds quaintly old-fashioned, though note that even then the order applied to "Any attorney."
In both cases, argument was postponed rather than going on by video, but presumably the court is open to conducting video arguments in the months to come. If you know of any appellate video arguments that have already taken place, please let me know. No videos of arguments have been posted to the Ninth Circuit site since March 12, though I'm not sure if that means that no arguments have taken place, or if there is just a delay in posting.
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