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Ilya Shapiro makes the libertarian case for Brett Kavanaugh
The upside greatly outweighs any downside
Just as no major party is perfectly libertarian, neither party is likely to appoint judges who will please all libertarians. In part, this is because libertarians--like others--often judge the courts by their results, not how those results are reached. I myself do not look for a libertarian judge. Instead, I look for a judge who (a) will seek to follow the original meaning of the text of the Constitution, (b) has the intestinal fortitude to invalidate the acts of the majoritarian branches, (c) understands that judges are agents of the people, to whom they owe a duty to hold the other branches within their constitutional powers. (And to my mind this includes recognizing that the original meaning of the "due process of law" includes providing a judicial forum in which to contest whether a legislature has exceeded its just powers in a constitutional republic where first comes the rights of We the People, and then comes government "to secure these rights.")
As I explain in Restoring the Lost Constitution, what matters for constitutional legitimacy is that a constitution establishes a law-making process by which laws imposed on the people are likely to be necessary and proper. A judicial branch that holds legislatures to the letter and spirit of the text of the Constitution will yield more "libertarian" results than "the constitution" now given us by the Supreme Court. So I just want judges who will consider such originalist arguments in good faith. That requires them to put interpretive "method" over their own political preferences, which I admit is very hard for everyone to do--myself included.
Is Brett Kavanaugh such a nominee? Some libertarians have been skeptical of this, and I have been spending a bit of time bringing myself up to speed on his record. There are a few sour notes--two in particular--but on balance, his record is strong. He is pretty ardently committed to textualism--more on this below--and the separation of powers. And he is skeptical about judicial deference to administrative agencies. He has a superb Second Amendment opinion in Heller 2 in which he rejects the tiers of scrutiny approach that many circuits have been using to gut the Supreme Court's decisions in Heller and McDonald. These are not just good, they are very good.
Now comes Cato's Ilya Shapiro to make The Libertarian Case For Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Nomination. And it is a strong one. Here are some excepts.
In a 2009 law review article, he wrote that "constitutional text makes clear that the President does not enjoy unilateral authority with respect to all incidents of war. The Constitution gives the Congress not only the power to declare war . . . but also the power to raise armies, to fund wars and armies, and to regulate captures, among other powers."
Accordingly, Kavanaugh has both rejected executive supremacy in favor of judicial review and praised Justice Antonin Scalia's dissent in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004), which argued that the military can't detain U.S. citizens absent a congressional suspension of habeas corpus. Simply put, Kavanaugh takes an originalist and textualist approach to the powers asserted and statutes at issue, rather than blindly deferring to the executive as many judges might.
Kavanaugh has also made some important Fourth Amendment rulings: "Most notably, in Jones v. United States (2010), he explained in dissent that the Fourth Amendment protects property and privacy interests in the context of the government's physical intrusion on a defendant's car to install a GPS device. Kavanaugh's reasoning was vindicated two years later when Justice Scalia adopted his approach for a Supreme Court majority."
Kavanaugh is a fan of Justice Scalia's that most acknowledge to have been solicitous of defendant's rights. For example, he "lauded Scalia's role as the court's 'most tireless advocate for the right to trial by jury [under the Sixth Amendment].'" In his own right,
"in United States v. Moore (2011), Kavanaugh found that a criminal defendant's Confrontation Clause rights had been violated when the government introduced Drug Enforcement Agency reports at trial without allowing the defendant to confront the report's author. In United States v. Nwoye (2016), he reversed the denial of a defendant's ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim in a case where her lawyer had failed to present expert testimony on battered-woman syndrome.
I have been very impressed with Kavanaugh's concern in his rulings for mens rea requirements and his skepticism of strict liability crimes--an important but underappreciated issue. So is Ilya:
Kavanaugh has also been a leading advocate of interpreting statutes to incorporate robust mens rea requirements, protecting individuals from criminal sanction unless the government establishes a "guilty mind." See for example his dissent in United States v. Burwell (2012), in which he argued that a defendant could not face a mandatory 30-year sentence for carrying a machine gun during a crime because the government had not proven that he knew the weapon to be a machine gun. Or his concurrence in United States v. Williams (2016), where he commended a majority opinion that reversed the conviction of a gang member involved in a hazing ritual "to underscore the critical importance of accurate instructions to the jury on mens rea requirements."
So too in white-collar cases, where regulatory "crimes" have ballooned in recent years. In Lorenzo v. SEC (2017), Kavanaugh dissented from a decision upholding the Securities and Exchange Commission's broad theory of liability in enforcing fraud laws against a broker who transmitted a fraudulent statement dictated by his boss. Last month, the Supreme Court agreed to review the case (although of course Kavanaugh will be recused from it if he is confirmed).
So what's not to like? First and foremost is an opinion in "Klayman v. Obama, where the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit rejected on standing grounds a 2015 challenge to the National Security Agency's telephony-metadata collection. Kavanaugh wrote separately to say the program passed constitutional muster regardless. . . . Kavanaugh wrote that the NSA's suspicion-less collection of metadata is 'entirely consistent' with the Fourth Amendment and 'fits comfortably within the Supreme Court precedents applying the special needs doctrine.' (The 'special needs' doctrine relates to government actions beyond normal law enforcement practice, such as at borders or drunk-driving roadblocks.)." Klayman is indeed a bad opinion that has given me great pause. But it is just one. And, as Ilya notes, "this was a two-page opinion as part of an emergency appeal," one that was likely written in a 24-hour time frame. The offending passage consists of a couple (very bad) sentences.
More importantly, it is a decision "that has likely been superseded by Carpenter v. United States, where the Supreme Court this past term ruled that police need a warrant to access cellphone location data." Ilya notes a recent piece by Sharon Bradford Franklin on Carpenter and the End of Bulk Surveillance of Americans. Franklin served as executive director of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, an independent federal agency that reviews counterterrorism programs to ensure that they include appropriate safeguards for privacy and civil liberties. (And she happens to be a law school classmate and friend of Brett Kavanaugh's.) As she reads Carpenter,
it provides a clear answer to the constitutionality question: Under Carpenter, the third-party doctrine does not extend to the type of collection conducted under the former Section 215 program, and that program would violate the Fourth Amendment. The bulk collection of call detail records, which show over time who calls whom and when, exposing intimate personal details and patterns of association, creates the same privacy risks as the cell site location information that is protected by the Fourth Amendment under Carpenter. . . .
Further, Carpenter puts to rest a second aspect of the third-party doctrine, namely the bright-line distinction between the contents of communications and metadata. . . . Cell site location information, like telephone calling records, is a type of metadata. Although it did not explicitly say so, the Carpenter court recognized that metadata at scale implicates protected privacy interests, noting that CSLI provides "a detailed chronicle of a person's physical presence compiled every day, every moment, over several years."
I am hopeful that, when he is a justice, Brett Kavanaugh will see things the same way, notwithstanding the sentence or two he wrote to the contrary in Klayman. At any rate, this is a matter that should be explored in his nomination hearing.
My final--and bigger--concern has been Kavanaugh's reluctance to use the label "originalist" to describe himself. This goes to criterion (a) above. Nonoriginalists like Eric Posner have also noticed this (see Is Brett Kavanaugh an Originalist?). On the other hand, he has not only written originalist opinions--for example in Heller 2--but his description of his own approach, which he has called "constitutional textualism" is indistinguishable from originalism. Indeed, the approach he has described is original public meaning originalism--(the very best kind of originalism!).
I can appreciate why he might have avoided the label "originalism" before the label became cool. Once upon a time, I avoided the label "libertarian" in favor of "classical liberal," which I soon came to regret as a mistake. What will matter a great deal to me is that he affirms at his hearings--readily and without apology--that he is a public meaning originalist. And, having investigated his record since his nomination, I am now confident that he will.
Unlike every other Republican Supreme Court nominee after Robert Bork and before Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh has a record of commitment as a judge and lecturer to originalism in substance if not in name. I have no doubt that, when he publicly uses the label "originalism," he will have a better idea than most of what that label stands for. They say nomination hearings are meaningless rituals, and I tend to agree. But such a public affirmation that he is an originalist will be highly meaningful.
Ilya concludes:
In sum, libertarians aren't going to agree with Kavanaugh on everything—we don't agree on everything ourselves!—but he's a big step forward for constitutional liberty. An exhaustive treatment of his record is beyond the scope of this essay, but suffice it to say that while questions about the Fourth Amendment, privacy, and criminal justice may be worth pursuing at his confirmation hearings, they're no reason to oppose his nomination.
This is pretty much where I am as well. The more I have studied Brett Kavanaugh's record, the more I have warmed to this pick. Having three committed original public meaning originalists on the Court--a majority of the conservative majority--promises to transform the practice of law at the Supreme Court and create a ripple effect in inferior courts. This, in turn, may even lead law schools to accept they they have a responsibility to teach originalism to their students.
Stranger things have happened.
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Popehat's Ken White wrote a post suggesting he's pretty good on 1A, too. So that's nice.
As a non-lawyer, one thing (out of many) I've always appreciated about this blog since its inception was how well, and clearly, Eugene was able to articulate both his legal opinion (given his interpretation of what the law IS) and his policy preferences, so that the reader was able to learn both without confusing the two.
I believe Ilya (and others) often do a good job of it as well. Ilys especially did an excellent job with this on the topic of legalizing gay marriage, and even went one step FURTHER: he tried to think up a legitimate legal opinion that would RESULT in his policy preferences... and succeeded! (In my humble, non-lawyer opinion, even though Ilya's approach wasn't utilized to bring about our preferred outcome).
But I might be misunderstanding him here; or maybe not.
ILYA: are you saying; that you'd PREFER him to ALWAYS vote on the side of legitimacy?
For example, I don't know your LEGAL opinion on R v W, but let's pretend for a sec that you found the court's ruling to be completely illegitimate... but like the result.
Would you WANT him to vote to overturn it?
I know this really doesn't matter, but I'm curious.
This post is by randy Barnett, quoting Ilya Shapiro, not somin.
I've come to the conclusion that the best reason to appoint Judge Kavanaugh to SCOTUS is that it will piss off the Democrats.
Can someone help me understand how an originalist can get from the text of the 4th amendment to gov't collection of cell phone metadata or cell tower location records being unconstitutional? Or, for that matter, from the text to a protection of an "expectation of privacy" per the Katz decision?
Can someone help me understand how an originalist can get from the text of the 4th amendment to gov't collection of cell phone metadata or cell tower location records being unconstitutional? Or, for that matter, from the text to a protection of an "expectation of privacy" per the Katz decision?
Yes. Someone can.
There was a lot of discussion here and elsewhere of these issues, not to mention that the actual opinions are readily available.
Start there.
Thanks, but for what it's worth, chances are good (not certain) that I've read the actual opinions. And, I have no idea of what search terms would bring up the discussions relevant to my inquiry.
To restate: some (not all) originalists claim that the 4th Amendment prevents government collection of cell carrier metadata and/or tower-based location data. I don't see how this can be based on anything other than a Katz-like abstraction of the 4th Amendment to prevent incursions on "expectations of privacy" regardless whether they are incursions on the "persons, houses, papers, and effects" of the aggrieved. But I don't see how such an abstraction is consistent with original-public-meaning originalism.
(I am personally against gov't warrantless collection of the data in question. But in my current state of ignorance it seems to me that it must be prevented by Congress, not by the Constitution.)
As I recall, Orin Kerr blogged about the case. He knows a thing two about the 4th Amendment, so maybe you could look up those posts.
Okay, Professor Barnett has convinced me. I do not want Judge Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. And by the way, originalism as a label still isn't cool.
How can you say that about a nominee who was chosen after the most extensive, careful, thorough, thoughtful search in the history of the universe?
" this is because libertarians--like others--often judge the courts by their results, not how those results are reached."
Congratulations: You just validated the attack every living constitutionalist makes against every originalist: That we're living constitutionalists, too.
No, actually I DO judge them by how they arrive at their results. A judge who arrives at results you like by dodgy means in one case, is liable to arrive at results you hate in another case by equally dodgy means. And even if he doesn't, is eroding the rule of law, which is an important restraint on government.
The Constitution isn't perfect, but it's not remotely so bad that we should want judges who will violate it. Even on our own behalf.
Given the amount of disagreement and squabbles among the drafters, then even more so the various state ratification processes, it is really hard to buy originalism claims.
The Founders themselves had interpretative differences on what the words meant at the time. So how can one claim to be true to the Founders intent (or original meaning) in the face of such ambiguity?
The problem is that when ambiguity is used as an excuse not to be bound by text, suddenly everything becomes "ambiguous". I think we can be reasonably confident that, for instance, the range of 'ambiguity' concerning the interstate commerce clause did not reach as far as Wickard v. Filburn. Or that the N&P clause did not grant Congress a general police power.
Living constitutionalists don't reject Originalism because it's radically indeterminate. They reject it because you can, in fact, clearly settle a lot of questions where they don't like the answer.
The problem is that it is not an "excuse not to be bound by the text" but a matter of you disagreeing on what the text means. Thus, you provide a narrower version of the Emoluments Clause or the religious clauses of the First Amendment or the Equal Protection Clause, which the government is "bound" by, but I don't think you are using it as an "excuse." I think you are wrong.
Being wrong and making shit up isn't the same thing. I know when it seems so obvious that the other side seems not just wrong but a liar. But, we always had strong disagreements with one side thinking the other is deluded, which is not the same as being a liar. Madison and Hamilton etc.
Those who disagree with originalism reject it for a variety of reasons. It being indeterminate is a reason, particularly since a major claim is its restraining qualities. This was not shown to be true in the decades of modern usage. Other views "clearly settle a lot of questions" too. You don't agree with how they do it. I personally am wary about "clearly" since the Constitution from the very beginning had various shades of gray. A range of questions were left to experience and are a matter of judgment.
But, there are various questions fairly "clearly" provided.
I think we can be reasonably confident that, for instance, the range of 'ambiguity' concerning the interstate commerce clause did not reach as far as Wickard v. Filburn.
No. Actually, we can't be "reasonably confident" of that at all. How could we be?
While the Constitution clearly authorizes government involvement in interstate agricultural markets, it is far from clear what the limits of that authority are. Nor does "original public meaning" help.
That's because, as is often the case, the question under consideration was not one that the framers would have anticipated or thought about. Any argument that is based on what the framers "would have thought" is nonsense.
That's not to say there is no room for debate over the issue, just that that particular claim has no merit.
I hear ya. I guess my skeptical side sees judges who are originalist/textualist/federalist when that supports their desired outcome ... and will use other rationale(s) when it doesn't. I acknowledge that this effect is in full force on both sides of the ideological spectrum.
Why does your skeptical side see it that way?
Do you have another side that also reads opinions?
Do you think e.g., that Scalia's 1st and 4th amendment decisions reflected his political preferences?; or that Roberts thought Obamacare was a swell solution to the problem of health insurance?
Personally, I think that Roberts thought upholding Obamacare was a swell solution to the problem of not losing his adopted kids.
Right-wing law professor endorses right-wing judicial nominee.
With the usual 'I'm not a right-winger' masquerade.
Right-wing law professor endorses right-wing judicial nominee.
With the usual 'I'm not a right-winger' masquerade.
And yet you endorse leftists who hate the Constitution, and America.
Constitutional libertarians do NOT judge decisions by their results.
Which is nice and all, but doesn't mean what you pretend to think it means.
"Originalism" was ALSO opposed by JEFFERSON!
Come now. Jefferson opposed letting one generation command the next. He wanted each generation to have the opportunity to set the basic law that would govern that generation. So he argued in favor of changing the basic law by democratic means on a regular basis.
But show me where Jefferson asserted that the written law should not be interpreted and understood the same way it was originally interpreted and understood. And show me where Jefferson said that the judiciary should arrive at a different interpretation from the original one, without any democratic input.
Was Jefferson really OK with the judiciary ignoring the original meaning of the constitution?
The normal way libertarians avoid two different rights conflicting, is by refusing to view "positive rights" as real rights. Negative rights never fall into conflict, because they are merely rights that other people not interfere with you in particular ways. Positive rights generate conflicts because they obligate actions on the part of other people, and people have finite capacities.
Positive rights are to moral theory what division by zero is to math: Tempting, but they make any theory that permits them into an incoherent mess.
My reply is that you're a delusional nut, since I didn't say any of those things.
(As for what the Treaty means, it says it very clearly: there is no inherent religious conflict between the U.S. and Muslim nations.)
I didn't defend the Constitution on the basis that it has some theoretical authority to bind a present generation that didn't consent to it; It obviously, as Lysander Spooner pointed out, does not. Implied consent is no consent at all.
I defended it on the basis that,
1. It binds people in the government, who have all sworn to be so bound in order to exercise the power of the government it constituted. THEY are bound, even if we are not. All their claims to power come from the constitution they've sworn to uphold, without that constitution they're just common criminals.
2. It is good that these people are so bound, much better than if they weren't.
The Constitution is not so awful that being without a constitution would be better. The practical alternative to the rule of law isn't, unfortunately, no rule. It's lawless rule. The left decry "the dead hand of the past" not because they want to be constrained by the living, but because they don't want to be constrained. Having tossed the Constitution aside, they don't mean to replace it with anything but their own whims.
You ask on what basis I oppose a constitutional convention each generation. Where have I? On the contrary, I think we're overdue for a constitutional convention. I personally doubt the product of such a convention would be better, or even as good, as our present Constitution, but of what significance is my judgment on that score? At least it might be fresh enough that anybody who tries to pervert the new one would get shouted down.
You're both authoritarian. Defending "consent of the dead" -- in Jefferson's own words. Governing by "force not of right."
It it more authoritarian to be stuck with the original meaning or to allow an unelected judiciary to modify that original meaning based on nothing more than their own personal preference?
Check out the libertarian case for originalism. The basic problem is that if you don't interpret the constitution the way it was interpreted by those who ratified it, then by what criteria is it to be interpreted and were those criteria ever subjected to democratic scrutiny?
Granted that Jefferson wanted each generation to have input into the basic law, but short of that is it preferable to allow the judiciary to arrive at an interpretation that we know was not the original meaning (guided by values peculiar to whomever happens to occupy the judiciary at that time) than it is to be stuck with the original meaning?
On what basis do you oppose a Constitutional Convention within every generation, requiring any debt to be fully repaid in (say) 20 years,.not rolled over, and no law automatically in effect for longer than 20 years.
One problem with a constitution that expires after 20 years is that people can't plan beyond the expiration of the current constitution. Suppose that next year is the 20th year. Nobody knows what kind of political system will be in place the year after next. What is the value of societal stability as you see it? A balanced budget amendment is a different thing.
Strange. I've often pondered on whether Democrats have moral principles, or just slogans and memes.
So, Libertarians = 0? Generally that's the amount of real policy influence they end up having by opposing everything.
"That's why God invented libertarians."
He did so purely to entertain the rest of us.
I'll grant, in this case, that the use of all caps was perfectly appropriate.
People who swear/affirm to follow the Constitution have a duty to follow it and it is good that they do.
Okay. Moving past such pablum, we move to the real debate -- that the philosophy you disagree with is not the "rule of law" and so forth. This is fictional. Others are constrained in a variety of ways and in practice "originalism" can be less restraining than some alternative. At best it is a wash.
The Constitution was not "tossed aside." Plus, there is the problem that even going by original understanding, it was well understood (besides it being reality) that the Constitution will depend on developing reality as the terms of the document was experience over the years.
This is what Madison, Marshall et. al. repeatedly said.
"libertarian values" does not equal "libertarians".
People who call themselves "Libertarians" are clowns. The Libertarian Part is the new Ringling Brothers.
Well, you're half right.
Rev. Arthur is not a libertarian. I suspect you are not either.
What percentage of so called libertarians support laws forcing bakers to make "wedding" cakes for sexual deviants?
I must say that a desire that, whatever the Constitution happens to command, the government actually obey it, strikes me as an awfully counter-intuitive "authoritarian priority".
Eh, I just find it a more plausible explanation for his change of heart than the supposed legal reasoning he gave.
So-called "originalism" is actually authoritarian
Do you distinguish between (a) a written law should be interpreted as it was understood by those who ratified it, and (b) every written law should expire after 20 years? I understand that you support (b). Do you support (a)? Is (a) authoritarian?
No, judges do not "invent" rights, but they RECOGNIZE rights for about 500 years now. And clearly what the Founders intended with 9A.
Do you assert that the constitutional scheme that the founders had in mind was a system under which the federal judiciary was tasked with protecting rights but not told what those rights were?
If so, then is there any limit on the authority of the federal courts to recognize new rights? Were the civil war amendments necessary or could the federal courts simply have abolished slavery (13A), guaranteed due process and equal protection (14A) and the right to vote regardless of race (15A)? And while they were at it, the court could have granted the right to vote regardless of sex (19A) or age if at least 18 (26A), repealed prohibition (21A), given the presidential vote to D.C. (23A), and eliminated the poll tax (24A)?
What criteria was it intended that the courts use in recognizing these rights?
Would you say that while the purpose of the Bill of Rights was to limit the federal government, the purpose of the ninth amendment was to confer unlimited federal judicial power to create new "rights"?
That would be an interesting title for a case. Pretty sure you're referring to Schenck v. US, in which the Supreme Court upheld a defendant's criminal conviction for "undermining the war effort" because he had mailed flyers opposing the draft. In dicta, Chief Justice Holmes reasoned that "[t]he most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic." But it's certainly false that the Court ruled that people have no right to yell fire in a crowded theatre.
That "crowded theater" aside is one of the worst statements ever made in a Supreme Court opinion, Schenck is one of the worst ever written, and the statement is routinely mis-quoted by ignorant people attempting to justify whatever speech restrictions suit their fancy. If* you value your reputation, don't quote it again.
* I know, but I needed a laugh, y'all.
But suppose there is insufficient support for a new constitution every 20 years. Are you saying that nevertheless we should not feel constrained to interpret laws as understood by those who passed them, and in this way get around the problem of the dead writing laws for the living? Would it be necessary to first have this approach approved democratically?
Not remotely relevant to what I said. And then you go off the rails entirely.
But what is your answer to the question? Is it more authoritarian to be stuck with the original meaning or to allow an unelected judiciary to modify that original meaning based on nothing more than their own personal preference?
I'll be generous and assume you don't understand the issue at all. And the Federalist Society -- explicitly --- does NOT take policy positions, and not libertarian.
Are you saying that the Federalist Society piece purporting to make a libertarian case for originalism fails to do that? How does the position of that article differ from a truely libertarian position?
IOW, you made it up. Like pretty much everything else you believe to be true.
You do a pretty good job of that yourself. Obama spied on the Trump campaign? Sicced the IRS on his political enemies?
Fox News bullshit.
Have you ever been on a forum that discusses physics and run into one of the nuts convinced he has discovered something revolutionary that physicists just refuse to grasp? That's Hihn.
Ummm, then it wouldn't be adopted, and your point would be moot.
But the TOPIC is that it has been adopted.
You are proposing a 20 year constitution. If this is not adopted (which it won't be) then should laws be interpreted as they were understood by those who passed them (i.e. in an originalist way) or not?
"Democratically" is a poor word, since it's most often applied to elections, not the constitution, unless the Constitution says it must be "ratified" by a popular vote.
If the constitution is not interpreted as it was originally understood then who determines the new meaning? Should it be up to the federal judiciary or should the people have a say in the matter?
It's not an assertion. It's the Supreme Law of the Land.
If the founders wanted to establish constitutional right X why wouldn't they establish it as they did with the first eight amendments? Did they feel that they weren't up to the task and that only the federal judiciary could do the job properly?
Checks and Balances. The ruling can be "checked" by ... amending the Constitution.
Of course, amending the constitution is extraordinarily difficult, making it almost impossible to reverse a Supreme Court constitutional interpretation via that method. So you think that the intent of the founders was to give a free hand to the Supreme Court to recognize any new rights that it chooses, and that this can only be restrained by a contrary constitutional amendment?
Slavery was authorized in the Constitution, requiring amendments to change that.
Wait, are you citing originalism? Are you saying that the correct interpretation of the current constitution is that the court is limited to the original understanding of the founders and ratifiers? And as far as the other rights I mentioned, a constitutional amendment wasn't necessary since the court could have simply declared them as rights?
The court. Self-evident.
The question was not who makes the ruling. Of course it is the court. The question is this: how should the court go about determining that X should be a new right and Y should not? Should they take public opinion into consideration?
You need to read and ponder the 9th Amendment.
See this explanation: "The Ninth Amendment was James Madison's attempt to ensure that the Bill of Rights was not seen as granting to the people of the United States only the specific rights it addressed."
Madison said, "It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure.
It is clear from its text and from Madison's statements that the 9A states only a rule of construction, making clear that a Bill of Rights might not by implication be taken to increase the powers of the national government in areas not enumerated, and that it does not contain within itself any guarantee of a right or a proscription of an infringement.
Madison, in the first Congress, said that if the guarantees of the Bill of Rights would be incorporated in the Constitution, the "independent tribunals of justice . . . will be naturally led to resist every encroachment upon rights expressly stipulated for in the Constitution by the Declaration of Rights." Why did he use the language "expressly stipulated"?
That's what I said. Under the current Constitution. "Consent of the dead"
If a law were passed saying that all important decisions were to be taken out of the hands of the voters, you would rightly say that this law was authoritarian. But would you say that it is authoritarian to understand its meaning to be what the drafters or ratifiers meant? How can it be authoritarian to accurately perceive what somebody has said?
They do not take policy positions, stated very explicitly on their web site.
The article was not put forward as the official position of the Federalist Society. It was an opinion piece by Evan Bernick, who is the Assistant Director, Center for Judicial Engagement, of the Institute for Justice. The Federalist Society clearly does not endorse every opinion piece that it runs, and Bernick gives what he calls "compelling reasons for libertarians to embrace originalism." If you do not find the reasons compelling, why not?
So? How does that offset you TOTALLY rejecting "consent of the governed?"
Well aren't you a bit cavalier about the consent of the governed under your proposed system? Suppose a law is enacted which is to be in force for 20 years. What about those who were too young to participate in the original vote. Then during those 20 years your proposal fails to provide these people with the option to approve the laws for a significant period. Can their consent be ignored?
Furthermore, why does a majority vote legitimize laws? What about those who refuse to consent to be bound by the results of the majority vote? Aren't they illegitimately governed? As John Locke put it, "nothing but the consent of the individual can make anything to be the act of the whole." Without the overarching consent of all the people who are governed by a certain political entity, it is not permissible for such an entity to force someone to obey its laws.
So where is your consent of the governed?
"Life and Gun Rights are both negative rights, and they can OBVIOUSLY conflict."
No they can't.
Oh. Finally some self- awareness
Sec.97. And thus every man, by consenting with others to make one body politic under one government, puts himself under an obligation, to every one of that society, to submit to the determination of the majority,
Yes, if he consents with the others. But what if he does not consent?
Please don't bother to respond. Your responses are not useful or productive.
What? Does this retort make sense to you? I'm sure you thought it was cutting and witty, but I've read it about ten times and I just cannot work out what you're trying to say. Maybe just stick to your usual Tourette's in bold?
And like those loons, you're screaming in bold and all caps. You're really convincing people.
Again, Hihn, reply to what people say, not to the voices in your head. I didn't refuse to answer any of those, I simply described you. I wasn't engaging with your argument at all. There's no point, as anyone who has experience with your lunacy knows.
Just a clarification for the benefit of those who happen to be reading this, and this will be my last response to you. The consent Locke is talking about is consent to be bound by the process, not consent to the victor of the election.
Have you ever met anyone who agreed with you? Have you ever persuaded anyone who didn't? I ask because you are--without a doubt--the most obnoxious internet commenter I've ever seen. It's like performance art. It's almost sublime.
The only thing that prevents me from believing that you are an act is that you're too good. Too convincing. No one could actually perfect such impotent, ignorant, rage by working at it. People don't live long enough. No, I assume you must be 50 or so, single, unkempt, and infrequently washed. You maybe have a technical degree from some nowhere college and a long forgotten diagnosis from a doctor you didn't trust. You have too many bumperstickers, your neighbours avoid you, and the local radio DJs shudder every day when they see your number on the switchboard. You're Ignatius J. Reilly without the intellect. You're Donald J. Trump without the wealth. You're a bitter fool and the only person you despise more than everyone else is the inconsequential blowhard who looks back at you in the mirror.
Your alternatIve is to leave. You consent by staying.
Well then everybody who lives under the constitution today, and does not leave, consents to it as well as to the process under which it became law. Problem solved.