The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
Saikrishna Prakash (University of Virginia School of Law) joining us as a co-blogger
I'm delighted to report that Saikrishna Prakash, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, is joining us as a co-blogger. Prakash is one of the country's leading scholars of the law and history of presidential power; he is the author of "Imperial from the Beginning: The Constitution of the Original Executive" (Yale University Press 2015), and the author or coauthor of "Congress & the Reconstruction of Foreign Affairs Federalism" (Mich. L. Rev. 2016); "50 States, 50 Attorneys General, and 50 Approaches to the Duty to Defend" (Yale L.J. 2015); "The Sweeping Domestic War Powers of Congress" (Mich. L. Rev. 2015); "The Imbecilic Executive" (Va. L. Rev. 2013); "The Indefensible Duty to Defend" (Colum. L. Rev. 2012); "Reverse Advisory Opinions" (U. Chi. L. Rev. 2013); and many more articles published from 1993 on. I am very much looking forward to his posts!
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