The Volokh Conspiracy

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Volokh Conspiracy

'Law, Borders, and Speech' conference at Stanford on Monday


Twenty years ago, my friend and colleague David Johnson and I published an article in the Stanford Law Review ("Law and Borders: The Rise of Law in Cyberspace") that became - much to our surprise, actually - pretty controversial, generating a very interesting debate among Internet law scholars and practitioners. This Monday (Oct. 24), Stanford's Center for Internet and Society will hold a conference revisiting the questions we raised in light of all that has happened on, and what we learned about, the Internet in the intervening years. From the description on the conference's Web page:

"Twenty years have passed since Johnson and Post's seminal Law and Borders article appeared in the Stanford Law Review. Its core questions about the Internet, the rule of law, and national sovereignty remain largely unanswered. Today's headlines and court dockets regularly highlight disputes about which countries' laws and values will govern Internet users' online behavior, including their free expression rights."

The program and list of speakers suggest that it could be a very interesting day, and I invite any interested VC readers who are in the area to drop by.