The Volokh Conspiracy
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Polling our GOP-leaning readers: Who do you support for president?
With the GOP presidential race in the news these days, I'm curious about who our GOP-leaning readers support for the presidential race. So here's a reader poll for readers who consider themselves Republicans.
Who is your top pick for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination? Trump Carson Rubio Cruz Bush Paul Kasich Fiorina Other Free polls from
Obviously this is isn't a scientific poll. It's just a ballpark effort to figure out where the blog's GOP-leaning readers might be. Void where prohibited, etc.
UPDATE: Donald Trump had very low numbers in the first few hours of the poll, and those numbers have since changed dramatically: They more than doubled over night. Either Trump has been surging in popularity dramatically hour-by-hour during the last few hours, or else some Trump supporters are visiting in unusual numbers now to help Trump's numbers.
SECOND UPDATE: For the first few hours of the poll, Trump registered at about 5% of the vote. By Saturday morning, he tripled that to reach 15%. And as of 7:30pm on Saturday, he is at 37%.
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