The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
'Area man pickets [museum] because he hates French Impressionist paintings of Renoir'
Apparently not an Onion article - from WBUR-FM (Greg Cook):
On Monday, beginning around noon, Max Geller led six friends and a couple strangers in a protest at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. The target of their ire? The art of the celebrated French Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, who's been dead since 1919.
"Rosy cheeks are for clowns, do your job take them down," they chanted as they stood at the end of the museum's horseshoe driveway on Huntington Avenue for about an hour. Signs they held read: "Treacle harms society! Remove all Renoir Now," "God hates Renoir," "Renoir sucks!" …
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