The Volokh Conspiracy
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Now there's a court filing that's unlikely to get granted
The Post's Abby Ohlheiser (Morning Mix) blogs about one Tamah Jada Clark's "Notice 'To F*ck This Court and Everything that it Stands For.'" (The asterisk is in the original motion, though somehow I don't think it softens the impact of the vulgarity much, especially given the substance of the rest of the motion; the Morning Mix post has the full document.)
This of course reminds me of the Motion to Kiss My Ass, in which Matthew Washington moved "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you." And then there's the nonjudicial motion by boxer Juan Manuel Marquez, who said,
Trainer Freddie] Roach told me if I would would come out clean in the anti-doping tests, he would kiss my ass. The Nevada Commission has announced that both Pacquiao and I were negative for doping. That means Roach has to kiss my ass, and then some. He openly said that I had doped, and now he has to pay the consequences.
And then there is the ironically named Judith A. Law, who wrote "Kiss My Ass" on her probation revocation order. Pro tip: Don't do that.
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