A Private Libertarian City in Honduras
Próspera Inc. is creating a voluntary free market mini-state inside one of Latin America's poorest nations.
HD Download"Próspera is the first time in human history that a group of people has said there's a way to deliver governing services, privatized for profit in a completely free market way," says Joel Bomgar, a Mississippi state representative and president of Próspera Inc., the company that's building a privately run charter city on the Honduran island of Roatán called Próspera Village.
In Honduras, about half of the population lives in extreme poverty, and gross domestic product per capita is 25 times higher than in the United States. And yet the country has abundant natural resources and is close to major shipping lanes.
The problem is governance: Nobody wants to invest in Honduras because the country has a long history of political instability, expropriating private land, and legal agreements that aren't particularly binding. Honduras is ranked 154th out of 190 countries in contract enforcement on the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index and 133rd overall in ease of doing business.
Narco gangs once made Honduras the murder capital of the world, and though crime has dropped in the last 12 years, life there is still extremely dangerous in comparison to the U.S., which is one reason so many Hondurans make the risky journey to immigrate. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported more than 73,000 encounters with Hondurans at the U.S.-Mexico border so far this year.
Recently, the country's politics have been especially turbulent: A president was ousted by the military in 2009, and another was extradited to the U.S. for drug trafficking.
The nation recently elected its first democratic socialist president, Xiomara Castro, who has called for a "refounding." She wants to rewrite the constitution to recognize that "the capitalist system doesn't work for the majority" of people. She's calling for electricity to become a "public good…and a human right" and is laying the groundwork for the outright nationalization of the entire energy sector. And she's spending billions on cash transfers.
"Every millimeter of the [Honduran] homeland that [capitalists] took over on behalf of the sacrosanct free market…was watered with the blood of the native people," said Castro, who ran on abolishing the very law that authorized Próspera and similar zones in Honduras, in a September 2022 speech to the United Nations. "My government has embarked upon a process of national rebirth and is bringing profound change."
Meanwhile, a group of foreign investors has embarked on its own "refounding" of sorts. They've started a radical experiment in private governance, which they hope will become a model for how to create prosperity in poor countries all over the world.
"The concept of free private cities and charter cities, specifically what Próspera is trying to do, is the most transformative project in the world," says Bomgar. "There's not a big financial hub in Central America. There's not a sort of Singapore of Central America right now. And so that's what we're trying to create."
On the island of Roatán, a tourist hub with a land mass similar to Hong Kong, a group of libertarian entrepreneurs, including Bomgar, are trying to build a country within a country that's free of the dysfunction that hobbles the national government. And they're starting with a clean slate.
Próspera is based on the principle of true voluntarism, they say: All who live and work there have opted into the rules that govern the land, and they can change their minds and opt out at any time.
The first location being developed as part of this privately run charter city is called Próspera Village, but the project's co-founder and CEO, Erick Brimen, says that the particular plot of land doesn't matter as much as the rules governing it.
"Próspera is not a location. Próspera is a platform that delivers governance as a service in partnership with host governments that create a legal framework that allows that public-private partnership to emerge," says Brimen.
In 2017, the company began acquiring its first 58 acres, which at the time was mostly an undeveloped jungle. Today, Próspera Village is occupied by an office building, a schoolhouse, a factory for prefabricated building materials that's under construction, and a shared workspace for remote office workers. A 14-story luxury condo tower is also nearly complete. Development is happening here at a pace unheard of in a country where it can take years and several well-placed bribes to obtain a permit to put up a building of that size.
Próspera has so much autonomy thanks to a 2013 law authorizing Zones for Economic Development and Employment, or ZEDEs.
ZEDEs don't merely have favorable business and labor regulations, like China's Shenzhen. They make their own laws and regulations. Próspera created its own zoning code and levies its own taxes. Only the country's criminal laws still apply.
To become a full-time resident of Próspera, you just fill out an online application and pay a $1,300 fee, though Honduran nationals get an 80 percent discount. In lieu of a court system, they have access to the Próspera Arbitration Center to resolve any civil disputes, or they can opt for a different arbiter.
Companies can select their own regulation from a menu of options. Like Japan's biotech regulation? Use that. Singapore's banking laws? Use those. Or mix and match.
Depending on what industry they're in, some companies can opt out of regulation altogether, though at a cost.
"Then you're under common law legal liabilities, which can be very harsh. So you do have an incentive to be under regulation, and you need to have liability insurance that covers you," says Niklas Anzinger, who runs Infinita VC, a venture capital fund based in Próspera.
"So this way you have insurance [companies] looking at what you're doing in your regulation and like, 'Yeah, this [regulatory scheme] has been done multiple times before [in] multiple jurisdictions, it's cheap. And this one, ah, that's quite new, right? It's not been really tested. So there's gonna be a higher premium because we have to pay experts to assess the risk of what you're doing.' So, this way you have an open process to improve and develop and find the right kind of regulations for different businesses."
When Reason visited, Anzinger was hosting a seminar for companies that operate or are interested in operating here, including a biotech firm, which found it easier to run gene therapy trials at Próspera than in the U.S.
But President Castro has vowed to repeal the ZEDE law, calling it "criminal" legislation and an attempt to "steal our sovereignty."
Brimen says that even if a repeal vote is ratified by the Honduran congress, Próspera is protected by international treaties, and the government will risk paying damages of over $10 billion if it violates them. Brimen says he expects the Honduran government to back down.
"It's not just the cash cost to us [that will stop them]. It's the message that the Honduran government is appropriating a U.S. investment," says Brimen."So, on the one hand, you have this very bad outcome, and on the other, which I think they're starting to realize, begrudgingly to some extent, you have not [only] $10 billion [in damages] but a multiple of that in upside benefits in not just direct investment but of jobs, positive externalities…what would you do?"
Fernando Garcia, a former economic Minister whom Castro appointed as presidential commissioner against the ZEDEs, says what Brimen and his company are trying to pull off in Honduras is outrageous.
"It is as if I came to the United States with $500 million or $1 billion and asked for a constitutional amendment to buy Central Park in New York, to create a state within a state," says Garcia, speaking in Spanish.
He says that President Castro is defending the Honduran constitution and its national sovereignty by dismantling the ZEDE law because zones like Próspera "will later become free states, independent of her [political] process" if she doesn't act now. Brimen says ZEDEs are far from a threat to political sovereignty.
"It's the opposite. It's an exercise of sovereignty" says Brimen. "One has to more fully understand what sovereignty is to begin with. Sovereignty is about self-determination. And the power to be self-determined properly rests upon the people, not upon some institution that rules them."
Jorge Colindres is the technical secretary of Próspera ZEDE,* roughly the equivalent of its mayor. He says that his experience running a law firm in Honduras has made him acutely aware of the ways in which corruption and weak rule of law have crippled the country, which is why he became involved with the project early on.
"I've seen corruption at almost every government or institution. I've seen it at the municipalities, I've seen it with the prosecutor and the judges, at the environmental agency, at the health care agencies, essentially all over," says Colindres. "And on top of that, you have people demanding bribes and payments. It's horrible."
Colindres says that because Próspera must work to attract and keep investors and citizens, it's incentivized to eliminate corruption from its governance. Bomgar says this competitive structure will make all the difference.
"Unlike other governments, we don't have a monopoly of the use of force and coercion," says Bomgar. "So we live by the principles of nonaggression, self-ownership, and the rule of law and property rights. And unique to Próspera is the right to join but also the right to exit."
Voice matters here at Próspera—residents will be allowed to elect five of the nine members of the city council once the population surpasses 10,000—but political power mostly derives from exit, or voting with your feet. Colindres says that, for example, in a 10-story building, floor seven could be in Próspera, floor six in the general free zone regime of Honduras, and the remaining floors governed by the national regime.
"The basis of the legitimacy of government is consent of the people," says Colindres. "We do have consent of 100 percent of our residents, and that's where our powers stem from."
This opt-in arrangement has allowed Próspera to expand from five acres to 58, and then, during the height of the pandemic, the project expanded to more than 1,000 acres of a nearby resort and villa called Pristine Bay. The hotel at the center of that development remains outside Próspera's jurisdiction, and individual homeowners in the villas will be able to opt in or out.
Another major problem that many South and Central American countries have faced is runaway inflation. In the '90s, Honduras' inflation peaked at around 34 percent; it currently stands at about 9 percent. Próspera will have its own financial overseer who will make sure businesses have selected an applicable regulation standard for themselves, and Próspera is home to a bitcoin cafe and education center devoted to promoting the use of the cryptocurrency on Roatán.
"We provide educational support, technical support setting up [point-of-sale bitcoin infrastructure]," says Dusan Matuska, who runs the Roatán Bitcoin Center and says more than 50 merchants currently accept bitcoin on the island. "I think Próspera's main payment infrastructure will be bitcoin over time."
Próspera is primarily a governance model, so its territory doesn't have to be contiguous. We took a ferry ride to the mainland city of La Ceiba to visit another large territory that's participating in the project.
Though everything about Próspera has been voluntary to date, it's no wonder that Hondurans are worried about foreign businessmen violating their national sovereignty. La Ceiba happens to also be a key battlefield in a successful 1911 coup backed by the American business magnate Sam Zemurray, who would later become the president of the United Fruit Company. Concerned that the president was hostile to his expansion plans, Zemurray used his wealth and influence to bring about regime change in a foreign country.
We drove along an unpaved road once partly occupied by railroad tracks that used to carry banana harvests to the port. The land was eventually abandoned and now is part of Próspera, which hopes to develop it into a major manufacturing hub.
Eric Paz manages the site, which is currently occupied by a tiny office building, a rundown schoolhouse, and several single-room homes lacking electricity and running water.
"Historically, this has been a community that has had a great lack of opportunities to develop, to be able to study, to be able to have access to health care, to be able to have access to decent work or to decent housing," says Paz.
Paz says Próspera has letters of interest from three companies eyeing the site—a medical supplies manufacturer, a maker of prefabricated housing materials, and an aeroponic farmer.
"Próspera is an opportunity for the region, and I could dare to say that it is an opportunity for the country, because we are trying to do something different," says Paz.
The ZEDE law made it through Congress on the grounds that it would attract investment and bring new opportunities. Garcia says that it hasn't made good on that promise because Próspera said it would generate 10,000 jobs by December 2021 but has only reported 1,000 to the government.
But Colindres says that it's absurd for the Castro regime, which has hamstrung special economic zones and imposed economically destructive policies after several years of COVID pandemic stagnation, to criticize the rate of job growth within the ZEDEs.
"Frankly, the Honduran population, they're not happy with this new socialist government," says Colindres. "In their first year, they butchered over 100,00 jobs and left tens of thousands of people without a formal job. While we are seeing an economic and democratic deterioration at the national level, here in Próspera, we're still creating jobs."
Back on the island of Roatán, some of those jobs have gone to locals from the island, like a carpenter who repurposes excess construction material to make furniture. Or Virginia Cecilia-Mann, Próspera's head cook, who lives in the neighboring village of Crawfish Rock.
"Until Próspera came here, there are moms that never had a job in their life," says Cecilia-Mann. "They don't have the educational level. Or maybe they don't speak the language that they need or just maybe other things, like they have kids at home and there's no one to watch them so they can't get a job that offers mother hours. All of those things, Próspera is offering to them."
Cecilia-Mann also spearheaded the creation of Próspera's on-site school, which teaches local kids using Khan Academy virtual learning. Victor Andino, who lives with his family in a house on the beach that directly abuts Próspera, sends his kids to the school.
"Nobody [else] is going to give you a teacher, who teaches English for free," says Andino. "I don't know much English. I can learn from my boy."
Andino is an electrician, and his wife works maintaining Próspera's many plants.
The company fills many of the location's administrative, security, and construction jobs with workers from the mainland. A mason from the mainland told us that work dried up during the pandemic and that outside of Próspera new construction projects tend to get held up by red tape.
"The permitting process is really slow," he said, speaking in Spanish. "You have to make bribes."
At a fork in the road at the top of a hill leading down into Próspera Village is a small convenience store where construction workers congregate at the end of the work day.
The owner, Lorena Webster, has lived here for 36 years. She's suspicious of her new neighbors.
"[Próspera's leadership] used to come and eat with us and talk with us and talk about the development that they [would] bring in [a] project to benefit the community in the future," says Webster. "So then we [were] always, well, happy because, at last, the place is going to grow, you know?"
Webster says members of the community changed their minds when they found out that the ZEDE law allows companies like Próspera to partner with the government to expropriate their land.
"Never again will the stereotype of a banana republic wear heavy upon us," said Castro in her U.N. speech. She regularly compares ZEDEs like Próspera to the United Fruit Company, which took advantage of politically weak Central American countries to boost its profits in banana cultivation.
Forty-three years after financing a coup in Honduras, United Fruit CEO Sam Zemurray helped orchestrate covert CIA operations in neighboring Guatemala, which led to the removal of another president he considered hostile to his company's business interests.
This legacy of corrupt governments colluding with powerful private landowners has left many locals wary of the ZEDEs.
"Maybe [at] the beginning it will benefit us because they may give us jobs. But in the future, the laws give them the privilege to take our land," she says, though she told Reason that nobody from Próspera has ever threatened to take her home or even offered to buy it.
"They say 'No, we won't [take your land.]' But does that guarantee that they won't? No," she says.
In the adjacent fishing village of Crawfish Rock, a store owner expressed the same fears.
"We live here. We [were] born here, we [were raised] here, and this is what we have," she says. She believes Próspera plans to take all of Crawfish Rock but told Reason they haven't done anything yet to make life worse in her village.
"They haven't bothered us, not at all," she says.
Though Prospera prohibits expropriation in its charter, the ZEDE law does permit the zones to partner with the government to take private lands for public infrastructure development.
Brimen says that Próspera's charter prohibits expropriation and that anyone who attempted to do so on behalf of the organization could be held personally liable. He says he's long supported a reform to the ZEDE law that would make the practice illegal.
"Próspera specifically cannot receive expropriated land into its jurisdiction, period. End of story. It's in our charter, it's in our bylaws, and, if we did, the people involved are personally liable," says Brimen. "I'm against expropriation as a matter of principle."
Brimen is originally from Venezuela, where socialist President Hugo Chávez became notorious for expropriating land and businesses, which eviscerated the economy.
"I think [seeing Venezuela's collapse under socialism] was a very visceral experience of what otherwise would've been read in a book and not understood firsthand," says Brimen.
Brimen says that when he enrolled in college, he wanted to study economic development and poverty to figure out why some countries get rich while others, like Venezuela, stay poor despite having abundant natural resources.
"I thought that what I wanted to do in my life was somehow eradicate poverty," says Brimen. "Yet I realized that I was asking the wrong question. It's not about how you end poverty but rather how you catalyze prosperity."
He says that when he studied the problem from this new perspective that the answer became obvious.
"I was unavoidably led to the empirical evidence that shows that in order for there to be maximized human prosperity, you need freedom. You need economic freedom," says Brimen. "And so the invention of Próspera is mostly around the business model, the public-private partnership approach to deploying an economic system with rule of law that is proven throughout history to unleash human potential."
Will this ambitious experiment catalyze prosperity in Honduras? Can a properly designed private government thrive and avoid the corrupt and violent fates of the 20th-century banana republics?
A lot is riding on Próspera's success or failure: the future of ZEDEs in Honduras, the promise or folly of separating governance and state. It's a bold test of the limits of the proposition that the private sector does everything better and that the profit motive is less corrupting than political processes for obtaining state power.
Brimen and his team say they'll deliver on the promise of creating a bastion of freedom and prosperity, just as long as the national government holds up its end of the deal.
"My vision for the next one to five years is you come back and see as big a leap it was to go from nothing to 1,000 acres," says Bomgar. "Perhaps not in just sort of geographic size but in vertical development…building the city toward the sky."
Brimen says that growth and investment are accelerating and that their biggest obstacle in the near term isn't economic or physical but political.
"The main wild card is how the Honduran government chooses to proceed," says Brimen.
*CORRECTION: The video version of this story originally identified Jorge Colindres as the "technical secretary of Prospera Inc." He is the technical secretary of Prospera ZEDE, which is a different legal entity.
Photos: TEDxJackson/Flickr/Creative Commons; TEDxJackson/Flickr/Creative Commons; Everett Collection/Newscom; Everett Collection/Newscom; Inti Oncon/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom; Camilo Freedman/SOPA Images/Si/Newscom; Inti Oncon/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom; Simon Liu/Flickr/Creative Commons; Seth Sidney Berry/SOPA Images//Newscom; Seth Sidney Berry/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Milo Espinoza/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Milo Espinoza/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Gustavo Amador/EFE/Newscom; Milo Espinoza/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Humberto Espinoza/EFE/Newscom; Seth Sidney Berry/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Seth Sidney Berry / SOPA Images//Newscom; Album/Oronoz/Newscom; Gustavo Amador/EFE/Newscom; 總統府/Flickr/Creative Commons; 總統府/Flickr/Creative Commons; Seth Sidney Berry/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom
- Editor: John Osterhoudt
- Graphics: Isaac Reese
- Translation: María Jose Inojosa Salina
- Camera: Jim Epstein
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The smell of failure is in the air.
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The smell of utopia is in the air. I certainly hope they succeed, but it seems like they're one election away from the surrounding territory sending in a bunch of guys wearing military uniforms, aviator shades, epaulettes and smoking cigars to come roaring through the jungle in a convoy of jeeps, crashing the... *checks notes* gates of their social construct and confiscating everything.
That was my thought as well.
America's Libertarian Paradise.
No. "Progressive" paradise. Read the actual title. Libertarians believe in enforcing laws against crimes with victims - theft, assault, etc. The anti-libertarians have to lie or misrepresent to attack libertarianism.
If the politicians let this experiment be carried out and it's successful, then it would endanger their power and control. People would see they are better off with freedom and capitalism, and they don't need politicians to "protect" them from freedom, peace, and prosperity.
That's not failure, it's Honduran plumbing.
More oriented to British Honduras than Latin America, Roatan filled with English speaking Confederate refugees after the Civil War, and ended up using US currency to the exclusion of Honduran notes and coin.
The diving is superb, but so are the hurricanes-
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The second paragraph of the article:
"In Honduras, about half of the population lives in extreme poverty, and gross domestic product per capita is 25 times higher than in the United States."
seems to be in error. I don't think the word "than" was intended. The GDP in the U.S. is 25 times higher than in Honduras.
I believe he was trying to say it's 25 times higher in the US.
The last attempt didn't even last a month.
The half dozen before that fell apart before a year was up.
Its Hilarious.
Banana freepublic
Próspera is based on the principle of true voluntarism, they say: All who live and work there have opted into the rules that govern the land, and they can change their minds and opt out at any time.
I don't know what this means.
In 2017, the company began acquiring its first 58 acres, which at the time was mostly an undeveloped jungle. Today, Próspera Village is occupied by an office building, a schoolhouse, a factory for prefabricated building materials that's under construction, and a shared workspace for remote office workers. A 14-story luxury condo tower is also nearly complete. Development is happening here at a pace unheard of in a country where it can take years and several well-placed bribes to obtain a permit to put up a building of that size.
How is all this happening inside a country where contract enforcement is nearly non-existent?
It'll be interesting to see what level your social construct will be respected around its edges, or at all.
Shared workspace = Communism.
"It is as if I came to the United States with $500 million or $1 billion and asked for a constitutional amendment to buy Central Park in New York, to create a state within a state," says Garcia, speaking in Spanish.
So ixnay on IsneyDay moving to Honduras.
Honduras sounds like the kind of country Progressives would love. Maybe they should foot vote and head down there to be part of its glorious Socialist future.
Actually it sounds like the wild west that Republicans would love to live tax free and without gun laws.
They might be upset that they won't be permitted to kill women who have abortions though.
"In Honduras...gross domestic product per capita is 25 times higher than in the United States."
Is this a typo, or was the author high when he wrote this? The link is to poverty rates, not GDP per capita, and there is no way Honduras has a higher GDP per capita than the US.
It is yet more gawdawful editing from Reason. Later in the article they refer to 100,00 (instead of 100,000...or 10,000?) jobs.
It is bad enough that these editors can't challenge the flawed logic and assumed narratives in these articles, but stupid mistakes like this are conclusive proof that KMW is just phoning it in.
The Reason Board of Directors should fire her, and until they do they have lost this Torchbearer as a donor.
You don't switch horses mid-DeSantis.
Make money by creating an easy and quick strategy to work part time and get extra 30k or more on the internet. (y6 I earned 30,485 in my overtime in the previous month and am extremely happy with this work now. You can try this now by:-
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Reason doesn’t exist to provide information. It exists to produce pro-corporate, pro-Fascist propaganda.
It’s done for the $$ paid to them by corporate donors who want to shift more of your tax money into their pockets.
That is what all Libertarian propaganda exists to facilitate.
Do you hold and express your particular political views because someone paid you to do so? There's a lot more money to be made writing for the left or the right or the mainstream than obscure libertarian publications like reason.
As opposed to your pockets. Libertarians don't want there to be tax money, or a lot less of it.
Why are you lefties so obsessed with money? You guys like to think everyone's bought, like marionettes on financial strings. Maybe you're projecting upon us your own willingness to sell out for the money. We're not the one's expecting free stuff from the government.
Are you sure you're not a paid troll by Soros or Bloomberg or some other lefty billionaire or organization? Works both ways.
That is what goes for Libertarian research.
Just write nonsense.
From the Libertarian Party Platform...
We call for the repeal of all laws establishing criminal or civil penalties for the use of drugs and of "anti-crime" measures restricting individual rights to be secure in our persons, homes, and property; limiting our rights to keep and bear arms; or vote.
It looks like it has coastline, which is good. Landlocked = Instant Doom.
TBH though I’m not sure why you couldn’t do the same thing here in the US. Create a 503c, buy some land in the less desirable parts of Galveston/Gulf Coast.
I guess what I’m musing upon is; isn’t this just a commune?
Yes. Probably has more in kind with a communist commune funded by a few rich assholes. Fwiw, I actually hope it works, but this doesn't sound like a libertopia project to me.
They couldn't opt out of state and federal regulations in the states. How crucial is doing so to their plans? Unclear.
Right, unless you actually avoid surrounding federal laws like taxes, drug restrictions, import restrictions, etc., you aren't really doing something "libertarian".
Hell I live in a town so small that we don't have our own police force and while in theory we have the county sheriffs, in practice we are effectively self-policed. And that works fine tbh. But we are nowhere close to a "libertopia" because we still all have to pay state and federal taxes... They may leave us alone for services but they ain't going to leave us alone for revenue collection, and neither will a host country to one of these libertopia attemps (including the FSP).
""But President Castro has vowed to repeal the ZEDE law, calling it "criminal" legislation and an attempt to "steal our sovereignty.""'
I like the way socialist want the government to own everything but make it sound like the term "our" includes the peasants.
Give everything to me and it will be ours.
"the company began acquiring 58 acres... Today, occupied by an office building, a schoolhouse,... and a shared workspace for remote office workers. A 14-story luxury condo tower is also nearly complete."
Don't forget the fence and the gate
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It's an interesting experiment, for sure.
I don't know, even if it's relatively successful, whether it scales up. beyond city-state level - which might be an argument against anything larger than city-states, of course.
Scaling is always the problem with utopian-ish schemes. If this does scale up, it will be interesting to watch how it plays out.
Scaling is always the problem with utopian-ish schemes
Yup. Hell, even socialism works when scales are small enough - low-tech village-sized.
I don't know about village-sized. Medieval villages were often pretty socialistic, but they only worked for a rather low value of "worked". Productivity was much, much higher on farms in the British colonies in America than back in the villages in Great Britain, because the colonists were working for themselves rather than the village.
OTOH, a well-running family is internally Communist. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" only works when everyone knows everyone's ability and needs, which is only possible in a group of less than 20 people who live together, and will fail horribly if the leadership is corrupt or inept - but when it does work well, the results are great.
But Marx was an utter idiot to extrapolate from a family to a nation. Not only is the intimate knowledge required lacking once you go bigger than a family, but the larger the group, the faster the scum rises to the top. Your worst people will be your leaders unless there are severe constraints on the leadership - constraints that cannot hold in a society that gives the leaders too much power, such as the power to decide what one's abilities and needs are.
I've always considered the United Fruit Company to have been the good guys. With a wood chipper.
Próspera is the first time in human history that a group of people has said there's a way to deliver governing services, privatized for profit in a completely free market way
Well - except for all the East India Companies, the US colonies until their charters were revoked, the Southern filibusters, the hacendados, United Fruit, and I suspect Venice/Genoa, etc. I like the idea of another experiment but, like all the other 'privatized governance' I suspect they ain't interested in telling the history of what happens. So if it fails, then the next group can claim 'first time in human history'. From what I know of those histories, they fail when:
a)they have a private military and find that the whole point of that is to coerce outsiders.
b)resources and land. It is ALWAYS about willful failure to understand those because that's where the profits are.
She believes Próspera plans to take all of Crawfish Rock but told Reason they haven't done anything yet to make life worse in her village. "They haven't bothered us, not at all," she says.
Well golly. I just searched Prospera and found an article on Bloomberg from a couple years ago that describes a serious water conflict between the two. Double golly - resources and coercion already.
The East India companies were a government enforced monopoly. They weren’t an exercise of free market principles. Anyone who tried to establish a competing venture in East India company territory forfeited their assets to the crown.
Not really the best historical example you could have drawn on.
They were not government enforced for 150+ years when the corporation went broke and got a bailout. And you are completely misunderstanding what monopoly really meant for EIC or Prospera.
The BEIC monopoly was on trade with England not governance of Asia or trade with others. There were many East India Cos – English, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese, Genoese, French, etc. All of which competed. And if the competition was so heated that it drew violence, then the various governments would be drawn into war or would try to settle the conflict among their citizens.
Prospera does have a monopoly. Based, as is always the case, on the reality that land ownership is titled. A monopoly Not created.
And BTW, did you know the US flag is based on the BEIC flag? Franklin wanted both to declare independence at the same time.
I can’t really speak to how Prospera is going to work, structurally. It might actually work as a free market autonomous zone, or it might be monopolistic. More likely it’s going to be seized by wealth redistributing socialist central governing agents.
The fact that there was also a Dutch East India Company doesn’t make the British one not a monopoly. It meant that the British company could stoke conflict and even open hostility against the Dutch, and have the Royal Navy come to enforce British supremacy. And then the only people in Britain who could actually develop Indian shipping and Indian industry was that company and its shareholders, there was no private investor who could enter into the market.
That’s simply not a historical example of someone trying to exercise free market principles. It was a crown endeavor from the very start. It was “Private,” in the same way that public utilities in the US are private companies.
Maybe learn real history rather than ideological history
", the Southern filibusters, the hacendados, United Fruit,... etc. I like the idea of another experiment"
William Walker, the first Filibuster to fall into the hands of the Honduran Army was executed by firing squad with British approval.
It seems he borrowed one of Commodore Vanderbilt's ships without asking.
Property development on the Misquito Coast got off to a more promising libertarian start in 1690, when the mainland harbor northwest of Roatan was rechristened "Bahia de las Piratas."
If State Rep. Bomgar feels so strongly about freedom, then why doesn’t he practice what he preaches right there in his home state? Or his home county or home town? There’s more than enough room in this country for Free State Project II. I find it highly suspicious that this project is being grown outside US borders. I know there are tons of folks who subscribed to the original principles of FSP (before the Ian Freeman-type wackadoodles took over) but have absolutely no interest in moving to a snowbound northern state.
Jonestown Two, Electric Boogaloo
For sound economic perspective go to https://honesteconomics.substack.com/
Unless you have an article on how a free city could work, no!
And yet these idiots thought the ZEDE law and agreements would protect their land and rights.
Look, to a certain extent I'm in favor of what they were trying. But it was blatantly obvious from second one that they were doomed as soon as the political winds in Honduras shifted.
Indeed. They chose poorly.
I wish them luck. But the fact that Bomgar is "a Mississippi state representative" doesn't inspire confidence. Then again, he doesn't talk the way I would have expected a politician from Mississippi to talk. How does he propose to divide his time between Próspera and Mississippi?
He's decided not to run for re-election.
Turns out Bomgar isn't even his real name; it's some sort of odd stage name (like when Gary Hart changed his name decades ago).
What one of these projects needs is the technology to create manmade coral islands like Red China is doing in the South China Sea. Or perhaps it could be built with modular offshore platforms that can attach to each other, with clear bottoms to allow the sun to shine through for plankton to feed fish, which, in turn, could feed people.
If it were in international waters totally out of jurisdiction of existing Nation-States and could develop defenses against both individual piracy and invading Nation-States, it would have a better chance of not getting foundered and floundered by Statist interlopers.
Isn't this exactly what the Seasteaders are trying to do, or do you mean something else?
It would be a scaled up, mega-scale version, and a different technology in the case of man-made coral islands.
I never understand the libertarian fascination with places like this. I guess I understand it because many right-libertarians are also Objectivists who fantasize about wealthy people buying the right to organize a plutocracy where they set the rules, and only they and people they approve can live in.
But there is very little different here than wealthy people who have the privilege to live on yachts and do what they want in international waters, or buy private islands and pay police to look the other way when they Epstein underage girls.
It doesn’t solve anything for the rest of the world, it is just another sign of wealthy people being able to buy the life they want and escape the things they find troublesome.
Fwiw, for the most part the people trying these various "libertopias" out are not wealthy... a lot of times they are sucked in precisely because they are promised a low cost of living: no taxes, cheap 3rd world labor, etc.
Why can't anybody write a critique of libertarianism that *doesn't* involve sex with "underage"? Because actual sex with "underage" is very minor and usually DOESN'T involve Libertarians.
nobody goes after "age of consent laws" like libertarians, what the hell are you talking about? Only Republicans are more pro-pedophile
There are many age restriction laws, not just involving sex. Why are you obsessed about sex? There are age restriction laws to vote, to drink, to get married, to run for office, to buy a gun, to serve in the military... ALL of which are random and arbitrary and decided upon by bureaucrats. Libertarians support none of these!
That's not what the Kleptocracy-edited Libertarian platform said after women's rights were thrown under the bus to please Christian National Socialists. It explicitly demanded that child molesting be not merelly legal but even compulsory, as in the 1990 Fort Freedom writeup. The new version still includes but says to pay no attention to those demands. See for self: https://tinyurl.com/zvn9hhdw
Not many French libertarians are heading to Madagascar.
I am guessing when Ms. Castro gets rid of the zone, she will not pay the $10B nor will she care what the US thinks any more than the Venezuelan bus driver does. This will be a failed venture but the ruling Honduran elites will have a new playground.
The totalitarians will not allow this to stand. They CANNOT, because whenever there exists a counter example to their claims their system of compulsion and abuse is "better" than freedom, they are revealed as pathological abusive liars. However, they will let it go for a little while to increase in value before they engineer an excuse to confiscate the whole thing.
True. And it's not just girl-bullying, leaf-banning, asset-confiscating Trumpanzee totalitarians either. Ever since Hirohito bombed Singapore and Hitler helped Spain defeat Comrade Orwell, junta caudillos are all God's Own Caudillos--so stamped on coin and engraved on walls. Reaction to them along the widthless monofilament LeftCenterRight teeter-totter Needle of Kleptocracy lifted the Mao-Stalin-Kruschev end because that's all the alternative there is Looter Lineland Altruria. We've seen how "both" alternatives react to the 1972 LP Platform.
It'll go as well as when glibertarians took over Grafton, NH (google it, don't forget to include the word "bears").
You have such a threadbare, shitty, unworkable ideology it's insane
I have read of this and luring dangerous bears into an area where humans live is a violation of the Life, Liberty, and Property of the individuals who live in the area.
In addition to civil and criminal penalties for those who lure dangerous bears into an area, one Libertarian solution to Grafton NH would be a privately-owned store specializing in selling locking garbage disposals, surveillance cameras and microphones, chemical and electronic bear repellents, and, as a last resort, 12 Gauge shotguns and Double-Aught Buck shotgun shells, plus meat-processing and taxidermy services.
How’s that sound, Glibertine? It would also be a great solution for Grafton, NH and every other human space that gets invaded by bears, dears, moose, mountain lions, racoons, opossums, and other disease-carrying, dangerous animals fawned over by Eco-Wackos.
Finally! We either have a second straight up commie martyr infiltrator or Tony has changed socks. It's a change from God's Old Prohibitionist infiltrators grooming youth for Christian Hitlerjuged and AfD Deutsche Madchen remakes. And let's not even get into their stories about how National Socialism would have could have handled the Communivirus, electrified the border fence into another Honduran-evaporating Old Sparky and put a pitcher of Marge Greene-Teeth on every can of Thud Blight!
Still waiting for Trump to drain the swamp and create MAGAstan, aren't you?
Glibertarian Party, it looks like you are yet another person who's been misled by the propaganda about what happened when a few hundred libertarians moved to the Grafton, New Hampshire, area. I'll give you a link below that describes how there had been an explosion of the bear population in the area prior to those people moving there, which was the major cause of the issues there. Bears had been almost eradicated in New Hampshire several decades ago, but then the state decided to allow their population to grow. And it did!
From the article linked below:
"By 2018, the state considered the bear density to be too high in almost every county. In the wildlife management region that includes Grafton, Groton and Canaan, bears outpaced population targets by more than 50%."
You know, sometimes facts and context are important. Just reading some leftist website that says "the libertarians moved there and then suddenly bears attacked", and believing that simplistic story, and believing it invalidates libertarian thinking, is not an intelligent approach.
Actually, most of the libertarians who moved there were doing things to try to drive the bears away. The one person most responsible for attracting bears, the Donut Lady, was already living there when the libertarians moved in. She was not one of the libertarians who moved there as part of the Free State project.
As noted above, there had been a huge increase increase in the bear population, much higher than expected in the Grafton area, when the libertarians were there. Add a few hundred people - even 300 random people - and there will be some conflict between humans and bears. Since then, there have been bear attacks in other parts of the state not near Grafton. Correlation is not causation. There have been 19 bear attacks in the state of Washington over the past 50 years, long before any near Grafton. Should we hold Democrats responsible for those attacks in wWashington State?
I have a place in the Appalachian mountains, in an area that is fairly libertarian, where we maintain our roads using voluntary donations and run a volunteer fire department on donations, and we have a few knuckleheads who feed bears. We tell them not to do it. There's going to be at least one person like that in every crowd. It's not unique to libertarians.
I bet what you read about Grafton did not note that New Hampshire has long been a libertarian state and it's ranked in the top 10 in the country in terms of human well, based on the quality of life, education, crime rate, etc. California could learn something by looking at New Hampshire. High taxes and high progressive regulation drive people away. It's funny that socialists give libertarians a hard time about a bear attack, but they downplay or excuse the one hundred+ million people killed by socialist /communist dictators. It's hard to take them seriously.
I should add that no one in my area has been attacked by a bear, even though the local road maintenance, fire department, etc. are funded by donations and run by volunteers, i.e. in a libertarian way.
So a Mississippi politician and a bunch of wiIly orientals would have us believe junta-ruled Honduras' GNP roolz and its opportunities for unmolested libertarian colonization are... whut? Door #1: Second only to Steven's Tennessee unarmed Christian Farm communism? Door #2: Better'n David Koresh's armed Christian communism or, Door #3: As fool-proof as Timothy Leary's Hotel Catalina psilocibina paradiso? Who are these creeps and what have they done with Zach Weissmueller?
It is important to note that this experimental utopian community is not being constructed on the Honduran mainland where poverty is rampant, but on the island of Rotan. That is already a haven for the more wealthy and is separated from the teeming masses by 30 miles of water. I might be impressed if they had attempted to locate this community on the mainland.
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