Brett Kavanaugh

What Did We Learn from the Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation?: Podcast

On the market for political combat and the lack of interest in the Afghanistan War


||| Emily Molli/NurPhoto/Sipa USA/Newscom
Emily Molli/NurPhoto/Sipa USA/Newscom

The bruising fight over the narrow confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is not going away. Republicans are gloating, Democrats are trial-ballooning impeachment and re-thinking the American structure of government, and both sides are claiming increases in voter enthusiasm. Just maybe, argue Katherine Mangu-Ward, Peter Suderman, Nick Gillespie, and yours truly in the Monday editor-roundtable edition of the Reason Podcast, this is the market for political combat at work.

Besides chewing over the many post-confirmation arguments, the quartet also discusses the 17th anniversary of the Afghanistan War and other grim policy fails that few can hear under all that shrieking. Also: Scooters!

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Audio production by Ian Keyser.

'Two in The Back' by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under CC BY NC 4.0

Relevant links from the show:

"The Senate Votes to Confirm Brett Kavanaugh," by Zuri Davis

"Brett Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed, and Liberals Should Blame Michael Avenatti," by Robby Soave

"Jeff Flake and the Hated—Yet Vital—Libertarian Center," by Matt Welch

"The Case Against Court-Packing Revisited," by Ilya Somin

"Your Vote Doesn't Count," by Katherine Mangu-Ward

"Immigrant Girl Will Be Deported Because Adoptive Father Missed Deadline While Serving in Afghanistan," by Nick Gillespie

"Worldwide Refugee Population Hits All-Time High, U.S. Intake Reaches All-Time Low," by Matt Welch

"In Afghanistan, We Persist in Futility," by Steve Chapman

"Another Grim Report About the Afghanistan War. Is There Anyone Who Cares?" by Ed Krayewski

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What are we consuming this week?

Katherine Mangu-Ward

  • Tried all the scooter brands in Washington, D.C.

Peter Suderman