"I Can Breathe": Pro-NYPD Demonstrators Rally, Clash with Anti-NYPD Protesters


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About 100 pro-NYPD demonstrators rallied outside New York's City Hall tonight, some wearing shirts reading "I Can Breathe" in response to similar Comic Sans-fonted t-shirts bearing the dying words of Eric Garner, "I Can't Breathe." 

Among their complaints was a lack of appreciation for the dangers of police work, despite recently released FBI statistics showing it has never been safer to be a police officer and crime rates ar historic lows; insufficient respect for police authority, and a perceived lack of support from New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The NYPD used barricades to cordon off their supporters from anti-police brutality counterdemonstrators, though some of the latter did enter the space of the former, leading to some fiery exchanges. 

About 3 and a half minutes. 

Produced by Anthony L. Fisher. Camera by Jim Epstein. 

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