The Best of the Worst of 2014: Don't cops have better things to do?


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Yes most violent crime in America goes unsolved, but what's a cop to do when there are so many unlicensed strippers, unbuckled motorists, and unticketed drivers brazenly flaunting their fuzzy dice?

In 2014, cops could have spent a helluva lot more time busting murders and rapists, but they decided to do stuff like this instead.

Check out The Best of The Worst of 2014: Don't cops have better things to do?

2 minutes, 6 seconds.

Follow the show on Twitter (@DontCops), and submit your nominees for next month.

"Don't Cops Have Better Things to Do?" is written and directed by Ted Balaker (@tedbalaker). Produced and edited by Matt Edwards (@MattChrisEd). Music by and "The Contessa" is by Maurice and the Beejays (Magnatune Records).

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