Steven Collis researches and teaches on religion law, productive discourse, and other First Amendment topics. He is the founding faculty director of the Bech-Loughlin First Amendment Center and its Law & Religion Clinic. Before joining Texas Law, he was a Research Fellow in the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School. His scholarly work has been cited by Supreme Court justices and published in various law reviews and in his book Deep Conviction. Professor Collis is also the author of The Immortals, Praying with the Enemy, and Habits of a Peacemaker, which provides habits for developing the skill to engage in productive discourse about hard topics. The American Library Association has praised him as "a much needed voice of reason and compromise."
On the Missions of Academic Institutions
As long as academic institutions place social justice goals ahead of truth seeking and knowledge creation, they will lose the respect of the public and will not live up to their potential.