Bloomberg to Endorse Clinton at DNC, Obama Half-Brother Voting Trump, Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan, Iraq, Germany: A.M. Links
YouTube Michael Bloomberg is set to endorse presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention, which begins today. President Obama's half-brother, Malik, say he's voting for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Glenn Beck says he's probably going to vote for Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson.
- In the wake of a massive DNC e-mail leak, Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced she would resign after the convention.
- ISIS claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing in Kabul that killed more than 80 people, while at least 21 people were killed in a suicide bombing in Baghdad. In Germany, a Syrian suicide bomber near Nuremberg killed at least one person and injured about a dozen more at a music festival, while earlier in the day a Syrian refugee hacked a pregnant woman to death and injured two others in Reutlingen. The prime minister of France said the country needed a "deep change" in its "security culture" after last week's truck attack in Nice that killed more than 70 people.
- Syrian government airstrikes reportedly hit multiple medical facilities in Aleppo.
- A Democratic state representative in Massachusetts wants hate crimes protections extended to cops.
- Former number one overall draft pick Ken Griffey was inducted into Cooperstown along with Mike Piazza, the lowest draft pick ever to join the Baseball Hall of Fame.
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