
The Slyest Operative in American Politics Endorses Gary Johnson


Political operative Roger Stone–who, in past lives was one of Richard Nixon's dirty tricksters, a close confidant of former HUAC lawyer Roy Cohn, spinmeister for Donald Trump's various presidential exploratory committees, pseudonymous male fashion columnist, Eliot spitzer's bete noir, and right-hand man to former New York madam-turned-gubernatorial candidate Kristin M. Davis–has endorsed Gary Johnson's presidential bid. 

In a post titled "The STONEzone endorses Gov. Gary Johnson for President," Stone writes about seeing Johnson debate nationally for the first time in Florida: 

The most interesting thing in the debate was the national debut of Governor Gary Johnson of New Mexico, a pro-pot, anti-war libertarian with a record of cutting taxes and spending and creating more jobs than Mitt Romney in Massachusetts or Governor Rick Perry in Texas. 

The STONEzone formally endorses Governor Gary Johnson for the Republican nomination for president in this very posting. Be sure to read this exceptional profile on Governor Gary Johnson from GQ.

This is one of the more novel endorsements I've seen, something the Johnson campaign apparently also recognizes, as they just sent out an email blast touting Stone's support. See Reason.tv's fantastic interviews with Stone, who has Nixon's face tattooed between his shoulder blades: 

And here: