Reason Podcast

The Real Constitutional Crisis Is Congress' Unwillingness to Do Its Job: Podcast

From Syria to spending, the legislative branch has lost all interest in performing its basic constitutional functions.


Another week, another volley of American bombs on a Middle Eastern country that wasn't remotely posing a direct threat to the United States. By letter of the law, Congress is supposed to provide the necessary authorization to use force, but if any single pathology marks our crappily governed 21st century it's the legislative branch's full-scale retreat from anything that even resembles performing its basic duties.

So we maintain on the latest editors' roundtable edition of the Reason Podcast, featuring Katherine Mangu-Ward, Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, and me chewing on the news of the day/week. In this episode, that also includes James Comey's ABC interview on Sunday night, the latest in the Mueller investigation, President Donald Trump's caliber of insult comedy, Paul Ryan's failures, horror stories in advance of tax day, and a look at what cultural products the editors are binging on these days.

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Audio production by Ian Keyser.

"The First" by Scott Gratton is licensed under CC BY NC 4.0

Relevant links from the show:

"Trump Attacks Syria Without Congressional Authorization (or Clearly Defined Goals)," by Eric Boehm

"'Mission Accomplished'? Maybe Ask George Bush About That," by Stephanie Slade

"Rand Paul Worries Mike Pompeo Will Keep America in Afghanistan Even Longer," by Eric Boehm

"Rep. Justin Amash on Trump, Ryan, and the 'Stupidity' of How the Government Spends Your Money," by Nick Gillespie and Alexis Garcia

"Trump, a reluctant hawk, has battled his top aides on Russia and lost," by the Washington Post

"The Deep-State Liars of the #Resistance," by Matt Welch

"Republicans Have Finally Been Revealed as the Party of Fiscal Ruin," by Peter Suderman

"It's Good News for Libertarians When Paul Ryan Quits Congress," by Nick Gillespie

"RIP Miloš Forman, a True Hollywood Anti-Authoritarian," by Matt Welch

"Keynesian Economics in under 1 minute," via The Fifth Element

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What are we consuming this week?

Katherine Mangu-Ward

Nick Gillespie

  • Coachella performances