Reason Podcast

Oops, I Did it Again! (TSA Version–With Remy)


HD Video Download

Remy gets the TSA boy band together to give their twist on the Britney Spears hit.

Runs approximately 2 minutes.

Written and performed by Remy. Music tracks and background vocals by Ben Karlstrom. Video by Meredith Bragg.

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To see more Remy/Reason TV videos, go here.


I think I did it again
I just saved the world
You're welcome, my friend

Oh baby, I've
groped so many kids
by patting them down
I just received this

A four-ounce tube of toothpaste?
No ain't nothing getting past me
Well maybe, maybe

Oops, I did it again
I missed all their bombs
they got on the plane
oh baby, baby
Oops you think I'm the one
keeping track of the guns
I'm not that competent

"Of the 70 weapons they tried to sneak past, you missed 67
leaving you incompetent at the single task we gave you
Is there a reason we shouldn't fire you?"
"Well, I identify as competent."
"Why didn't you say so…"

Oops, I did it again (Oops I)
I missed all their bombs (did it again, missed their bombs)
they got on the plane (I got lost)
oh baby, baby (I'm not that bright, baby)
Oops you think I'm the one (Oops you)
keeping track of the guns (gave us the GDP of Guam)
I'm not that competent