Publisher's Notes


• IFRS, NOT IRS: In the June issue of REASON, Publisher's Notes referred to Individuals for a Rational Society (formerly the New Right Coalition), and incorrectly listed its initials as IRS. In fact, the group is known as IFRS, so as to avoid confusion with an older, better-known organization. REASON apologizes for its error, and commends IFRS for its recent activities on behalf of libertarian principles.

This spring IFRS members have garnered excellent publicity in the Boston area, via appearances on TV talk shows and delivery of replies to broadcast editorials. Chairman Gordon Nelson's 5 April reply on WBZ-TV (condemning government welfare programs as legalized theft) drew the greatest listener response in the station's editorial history—so great (and apparently so sympathetic) that WBZ aired its own reply to Nelson's reply.

Those interested in learning more about IFRS can contact the organization at 330 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA 02116.

• VITAMIN BAN FOLLOWUP: In REASON's June issue, an item in "Trends" discussed the FDA's campaign to seriously restrict the availability and potency of vitamin and mineral supplements. REASON has now learned that Rep. Craig Hosmer has introduced a second bill, HR 6044, cosponsored by a number of other Congressmen, which would amend the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act so as to prohibit attempts by the FDA to ban the sale of truthfully labeled vitamin and mineral food supplements for reasons other than safety and fraud. REASON urges its readers to ask their Congressmen to support HR 6044.

• THE CASTALIAN: Last month, we announced the reorganization of REASON's poetry department, with Wendy McElroy as new poetry editor. We noted that Ms. McElroy also co-edits a literary quarterly, but misspelled the name of the magazine. Those who have enjoyed Ms. McElroy's poetry in REASON and are interested in obtaining the new quarterly may subscribe by sending $5 (one year) to THE CASTALIAN, P.O. Box 75182, Los Angeles, CA 75182.

• SCHOOLS FIGHT THE STATE: The Santa Fe (New Mexico) Community School is a private school which has filed suit to challenge the regulation of nonpublic schools by the State Board of Education. This case is now on appeal to the New Mexico Supreme Court. One important outgrowth of the suit has been the recent formation of the National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools (NALSAS), "to fight bureaucratic State harassment." NALSAS is intended to be a national information and legal services center to research, coordinate, and support legal actions involving nonpublic educational alternatives. Questions, problems, ideas, support and donations should be addressed to Ed Nagel, NALSAS Coordinator, Box 2241, Sante Fe, NM 87501 87501. (Please mention where you learned of this project.)

• REASON ASSOCIATES: We extend a warm welcome to the following new Reason Associates:

Sustaining Member: J.W. Sanders, Toronto, Ontario. Supporting Member: James Zikratch, Riverside, CA. Regular Members: E.R. Mauldin, Fort Worth, TX; Jane Hansen, Barrington, IL; Karl J. Bray, Salt Lake City, UT; James D. McCawley, Chicago, IL; Paul Hyer, Los Angeles, CA; David E. Long, Brookline, MA; Robert D. Kuhn, Lakewood, OH; Mike McMaster, Chilliwack, British Columbia.

The growth of Reason Associates helps cover the cost of REASON's promotional campaign aimed at nonlibertarians.

All Reason Associates receive a membership card, a handsome membership certificate, and a free one-year gift subscription (for the person or institution of your choice, e.g., your favorite library). In addition, Regular Members ($25/year) receive a free autographed copy of the Reason Press paperback edition of John Hospers' LIBERTARIANISM, while Supporting Members ($50/year) receive an autographed hardcover edition of LIBERTARIANISM. For Sustaining Members ($100/year), Reason Associates provides an exclusive bound edition of Volume III of REASON magazine. Also, all categories of Reason Associates are eligible for discounts on various books and pamphlets. If you have been considering joining Reason Associates, send in your check today!

• NEW JOURNAL: Volume 1, Number 1 of the WASHINGTON AND LEE COMMERCE REVIEW, has recently appeared, dated Winter 1973. Edited by William G.K. Merrill, the REVIEW is devoted to "the analysis of issues and trends in business, politics, and economics," from what appears to be an explicitly free-market, individualistic point of view. The initial issue includes a reprint of Murray Rothbard's classic "What Has Government Done to our Money?" Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell's now-famous memorandum of "The Attack on the American Free Enterprise System," a discussion of the totalitarian Presidential Executive Order 11490, and an article by Antony C. Sutton summarizing his research on western technology in the Soviet Union. The semiannual review costs $5.00 per year, and is available from Box 215, Lexington, VA 24450.

• LAW & LIBERTY PROJECT: The Law & Liberty Project of the Institute for Humane Studies has been progressing in a variety of areas, under the direction of Davis Keeler. Using a strict definition of "libertarian" (as distinct from "traditional legal conservatives"), a directory of libertarian lawyers, law professors and law students has been compiled, with over 120 names listed so far. Fellowships and publications are also planned, and it is contemplated that a one-week short course for attorneys will be offered during the summer of 1974. For further information, contact Law & Liberty Project, Institute for Humane Studies, 1134 Crane St., Menlo Park, CA 94025.

• SUBSCRIBER QUESTIONNAIRE: We have included a subscriber questionnaire in this issue, on pages 35 and 36. We urge each subscriber to fill it out (anonymously) and return it (postage-paid) promptly.

• COMING NEXT MONTH: REASON's September issue will feature a thoughtful discussion by Professor John O. Nelson comparing the success of socialized economies in producing war goods with their failure in producing consumer goods. Other provocative articles and features are also scheduled for next month's issue, including Dennis Chase's analysis of the newspaper business and the revolutionary role played by The Wall Street Journal. If your subscription is up for renewal, extend it now and you'll be sure of receiving all of REASON's forthcoming issues—including an upcoming Special Issue on Ayn Rand.