Romney Up by Seven in Florida, Turkey May Be Signaling No-Fly Zone, Clashes in Cairo: P.M. Links
Your afternoon links
A new poll shows Romney up by seven in Florida even as another says Hispanic voters prefer President Obama to Romney by a 3-to-1 margin. Lindsay Lohan also endorsed Romney, because unemployment is too high.
- Meanwhile in California, two incumbent Democrats pitted against each other under the state's new top-two system nearly started fighting at a campaign forum despite sharing most of the same positions. The crowd appeared to urge them on.
- A secret service agent was found passed out drunk in Miami, became combative when asked if he needed help and was arrested.
- Turkey may be beginning to enforce a no-fly zone over the border region in Syria as it scrambled jet fighters after a Syrian military helicopter began bombing Azmarin, just five miles from the Turkish-Syrian border.
- At least a hundred people were injured in clashes between supporters and opponents of the Egyptian President in Cairo. Mohammed Morsi has served a hundred days in office.
- The Chinese author Mo Yan, this year's recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, expressed hope that his fellow countryman, the dissident Liu Xiaobo, will be released from prison. Mo is a member of the ruling Communist Party
- The French government supports an intervention in Mali. They're willing to train and equip African forces but won't commit troops of their own.
- Prince Roy of the micro-state of Sealand died this week at 91.
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