Last Week's Top 5 Hits at


These were the most popular columns at last week:

America's Most Successful Stop Snitchin' Campaign: The failure to protect whistle-blowing cops is inexcusable, by Radley Balko (10/18)

Public-Sector Unions Choke Taxpayers: It's time for reform, by John Stossel (10/21)

The Man Who Could Really Fire Pelosi: Meet John Dennis, Nancy Pelosi's anti-war, pro-civil liberties, pro-gay rights Republican opponent, by Brian Doherty (10/22)

Rise of the Bitter Clingers: Understanding the Tea Party's appeal, by David Harsanyi (10/20)

Radio Theater: An all-star gallery of Republican politicians say they want to defund National Public Radio. We've heard that line before, by Jesse Walker (10/22)