Reason Morning Links


Obama condemns Iranian government's crackdown on protesters, while Ayatollah Khamenei vows not to yield "at any cost."

The LA Times reports that the latest California budget is filled with accounting gimmickry that understates the severity of the state's financial crisis. Thank goodness the state isn't a private company, or all of this would be greedy and dishonest.

White House plants Huffington Post reporter at Obama press conference yesterday, arms him with scripted question*, Obama calls on him. Related: Huffington Post's coverage of Jeff Gannon.

Obama promises to "absolutely reform health care" by the end of 2009.

– British philanthropist pays $165,000 for a CD of love songs sung by Mikhail Gorbachev.

(*Correction: The question was sent in by an Iranian citizen. So while it was pre-arranged, it was inaccurate to say it was scripted.)