
Now Playing at Reason.tv: In Search of Bill Clinton—A Q&A with Clinton biographer John Gartner


Bill Clinton is the self-proclaimed Comeback Kid of American politics. Indeed, every time it seems that he is finally out of public view, he comes back with a vengeance, the electoral equivalent of a herpes infection that can be managed but never quite fully eradicated.

With Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) rumored to be named as President-elect Barack Obama's secretary of state, how should we evaluate the legacy of Bill Clinton? The latest book-length treatment of the is John Gartner's In Search of Bill Clinton, a heavily researched psychological profile of the former president that, among other revelations, names Clinton's likely biological father. (Go here to read a review of the book by reason's Nick Gillespie that originally ran in The New York Post.)

Unabashedly positive toward Clinton, Gartner, a practicing psychologist and author of the best-selling The Hypomanic Edge, nevertheless reveals what makes Bill Clinton tick—and explode with a disquieting regularity. Given the current situation, will Bill Clinton be able to stand a situation in which he is near the White House once again but playing a supporting role at best?

Earlier this fall, Gartner sat down to talk with reason.tv. Click above to watch a seven-minute interview that discusses Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky, his foreign and domestic policies, and more.

And click below to watch Gartner, along with Alternatives to Marriage's Nicky Grist, mix it up with reason's Michael C. Moynihan and Nick Gillespie on the reason.tv Talk Show.