Another Fuel-Efficiency Dream Dashed


While it sounds like it works on similar principles to any number of miraculous devices from millionaire playboy inventor Anthony Stark–it allegedly shoots "holographic frequencies into the gas tank and changes the molecular structure of the gasoline"–old-fashioned fuddy-duddys are saying, according to this report from the Denver Post's site, that the marketers of a new "SmogBuster Fuel Disk" that allegedly improves gas mileage and helps clean the air must be huffing gas:

"It doesn't work," says Dr. Terry Parker, a physics professor at the Colorado School of Mines. Parker and graduate student John Dane of the chemistry department tested the device…."It's clear that it's just a sticker and nothing else," Dane said.

Back to my so-far fruitless search for the guy who invented a car that runs on water, but alas has been intimidated by ExxonMobil thugs into hiding.