Attn: LA Reasonoids! Double Book Party, Sept. 29!


What: Reason magazine and the L.A. Press Club invite you to a party celebrating the publication of Choice: The Best of Reason, edited by Reason editor-in-chief Nick Gilllespie, and "This Is Burning Man," by Reason senior editor Brian Doherty…

When: Wednesday, Sept. 29, from 6 to 9 p.m…

Where: Maple Drive Restaurant, 345 Maple Dr., Beverly Hills. Cash bar, complimentary hors d'oeuvres. Valet parking available on Alden Dr. (just west of Maple)…

WHY: Because in the last 10 years, Reason magazine has been instrumental in reframing the traditional left vs. right divide to that of choice vs. control. Because the San Francisco Weekly recently described "This is Burning Man" as "arguably the best prose ever written about the 18-year-old festival"…

RSVP is a MUST, by Sept. 26, to: or call Mary at (310) 391-3325.