In Little Rock they Love the Gov'nor (Ooh hoo hoo!)


The movie Footloose taught us that, with a little help from Kevin Bacon, conservatives too can dance. The "Brooklyn State of Mind" open-air festival held in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge at Fulton Landing on Wednesday afternoon reminded us why they probably shouldn't.

Of course, given what I typically look like on a dance floor, I probably shouldn't talk, and between the gorgeous day, the costumed performers, jugglers, and (crucially) free Boston Lager, even my snark circuits were running on relatively low power.

The main attraction was the band Capitol Offense, playing some familiar classic rock—and mostly southern rock—standards. The singer forced my to reconsider my lifelong commitment to free speech, but bassist Mike Huckabee is pretty competent. He's also governor of Arkansas.

The snark circuits do briefly reactivate when Huckabee introduces the Three Dog Night song "Joy to the World" by saying "this is what there's gonna be when we reelect George W. Bush on November 2nd." In the original context, after all, the phrase is celebrating the coming of Christ, which even if you're pro-Bush seems excessive. "Sweet Home Alabama" gets a slight tweak, which I'm not sure whether or not to read as incongruously pro-Clinton or not: Instead of a reference to Watergate, we get "Whitewater may have bothered some, but does your conscience bother you?" Anyway, decent chops for a politico's side project, and they mercifully refrained from covering "Let the Eagle Soar."