Dan Carlin on Podcasting, History, and Hero Worship
"The past is there to teach us what can happen," the Hardcore History podcaster tells Reason's Nick Gillespie.

In March, Reason's Nick Gillespie talked with one of the great pioneers of podcasting:Dan Carlin, the host of Hardcore History. Carlin's deeply researched and urgently delivered takes on everything from Julius Caesar's wars in Gaul to Imperial Japan's horrific conquest of Asia are downloaded by the millions. Gillespie and Carlin discussed how to understand the moral choices made in the past, how Carlin would update his 2019 book The End Is Always Near in light of COVID-19, and whether we can really learn meaningful lessons from history.
Reason: Who are your listeners and what do you think they're getting out of the show?
Carlin: I don't ask them questions about themselves or delve into who they are or what they make or where they live and how old they are and what their religious beliefs are. But the podcasting tools that are out there now give us more information than they used to. When we started, I feel like it was much more U.S.-centric, and now the international audience is growing more.
To give you a real answer, though, I don't know a ton about the listeners, and I don't want to. I feel like their privacy is valuable to them like mine is to me, and what the podcasting services give us is enough.
In 2019, you came on this podcast to talk about The End Is Always Near: Apocalyptic Moments from the Bronze Age Collapse to Nuclear Near Misses. This book came out just a few months before COVID became the latest apocalyptic moment. Did you feel like you were conjuring up material for the paperback version?
To be honest, I know the standard technique is to claim credit for all these things, but really I was one of the last people on the bandwagon of saying we're vulnerable to another pandemic. I mean, there were a lot of people running around for years saying, "Warning, warning, warning." We had near misses. It didn't take a genius to see that coming. I do think the timing was just a little weird.
Were people more interested in what you were talking about during the pandemic or less, or did you notice any difference?
We did well during COVID, and we've seen a drop-off since, but I think it's because people are back at work. One of the real benefits of audio over video is that you don't have to watch something and you could be mowing the lawn or ironing a shirt or making dinner and still have the ability to multitask. So during COVID, people took the opportunity to listen to what we were doing while they were doing something else. Or we were just a good time waster, right? My shows are long.
Is history the story of massive forces that sweep over whole periods of time, or is it about heroic individuals who changed the course of history?
I think there's a little bit of an axis of two lines crossing. One line is the personality of the people involved, and the other are the events, the trends, the forces of the times we live in. When those things intersect, I think that's when you hit that sweet spot.
I try to get some perspective by imagining somebody else in a role. If Richard Nixon wins the '60 election and he's the one handling the Cuban missile crisis, does it go the same or does it go differently? Or better yet, what if the Cuban missile crisis happens a few years earlier and you have Gen. [Dwight D.] Eisenhower in the White House?
If you say, "Hmm, I don't think it does turn out the same with those other people," well, then you can say that having [John F.] Kennedy in the White House at that time and under those circumstances actually made history go in a different direction than it otherwise would.
Do you have historical figures that you consider heroes?
Oh, man, I should have a ready answer to a question like that, shouldn't I? It's funny, but off the top of my head, no one comes immediately to mind. But that's not because there aren't people that I greatly admire. Personality-wise, I am not much of a hero worshiper. Sometimes I look at people and I just wonder if I could have done what they did. People in the civil rights struggle in the 1950s and 1960s—when you look at the death threats that those people got, I always ask myself, "Would I have forged ahead knowing that people are talking about hurting my kids or firebombing my house?" To me, rather than the hero side of it, sometimes I measure myself against these other people. So there's admiration there, but not hero worship.
Daniel Akst wrote a book called War By Other Means, which was a study of conscientious objectors during World War II. Looking at those guys and what they put up with, it was like being a mile underwater with the pressure on you to just cave. It's pretty remarkable. I think we tend to think that we're going to be the person who stands out in a crowd, but we're probably kidding ourselves.
If nothing else, it's the old line of, "These are the times that try men's souls." You look at these kinds of things and you just go, "Hmm, would I have been the one to shelter a Jewish person in occupied Europe?" Those are the tests. You don't know until you get there. When I read these stories, rather than hero worship, I sometimes feel a little shamed by the whole thing and worried about how I might react in the same situation.
You define yourself as a pessimist—or maybe you're a realist—but one of the things that your podcast shows again and again is that all societies collapse. All civilizations end at some point. I also hear you talking about how things get better. When you think about something like COVID happening, do you feel like we've gotten to a better place, or are you a long-term pessimist but a short-term optimist?
To me, that's kind of a macro-micro question. I think on a micro level, an individual human level, there are always bad places to find yourself: bottom of the economic scale, trapped in a murderous dictatorship like North Korea. There's awful places to be in any period in history, and they're probably equally terrible to some degree or another.
On a macro level, there are obviously times and places that are better than others, right? So I think that sometimes you're lucky to find yourself in a nation that's technologically sophisticated and wealthy on the macro level of things: health care if you get hurt, not too many invasions during your lifetime.
Nothing lasts forever, whether it's good times or bad times. I'm 58 years old right now, and life is good, but you can't help but notice when you're 58 that life isn't going to be good forever. I don't think that's being pessimistic to just know that all good things must pass, and hopefully all bad things must pass, because change is inevitable.
Is world history ultimately military history? Or is it the history of trade? Or maybe migration? Where do you see those lines intersecting?
Sometimes I'll do speaking engagements with schools, and you'll have middle school or high school students that really don't want to hear some guy talk to them about history. What I try to teach them is that because of the way history has to be segmented into so-called important events or important dates, that's a construct of historians. What choice do they have? Imagine writing the history book of everything. You can't do that, right? So the main thing that historians try to do is find out what's important. Even these chapters where we decide one era has ended and another began is part of the human construct of just trying to organize everything that's ever happened.
What I tell students is that you don't necessarily have to understand when Columbus stumbled upon the Americas. That's an important event according to somebody else. If you're interested in motorcycles or fashion or dentistry or dogs, there is a history of that and that's part of the past, too. There is no rule about what's important in the past. What's important in the past is what is important to you. The most important thing in my mind, and this is what I tell the students, is context and understanding how things go from where they were to how they are.
If you're interested in motorcycles, find the first motorcycle ever built and find the one that just came out yesterday, and then trace the development from one to the other. You start to see the process of change in historical development and how things move over a course of decades. That teaches you the idea of the history of moving events. Then ask yourself, when you're looking at these different motorcycles over the different eras, why they are the way they are. It teaches you the context that creates the circumstances about how these new motorcycles get developed, why they have these new features, these new parts.
So between the two of them, the context and the idea of historical change, you are getting the most important part. People are going to forget 1492 the minute the test is over, but they're not going to forget the important parts of context and the historical change process if they learn it with something that they're already interested in, that has a past that's as much a part of the grand history of things as anything else is.
The past is kind of an infinite attic where you can rummage through and construct a lot of different stories that help you make sense of where you are, who you want to be, and where you want to go. Do you feel like people are cognizant of that?
I feel like we've never been more likely to judge people from the past by current modern moral sensibilities, which is something that obscures the past rather than illuminates it.
I had a professor once who was so good at trying to get us to put ourselves in the shoes of people from the past. He'd ask the question, "When they do things that we think are despicable now, was that their goal? Were they trying to do despicable things?" We were talking about people who tried to convert natives to Christianity, and the current line of thinking was that this was an awful thing to do. We were destroying native cultures and belief systems, forcibly taking them away from their families, and teaching them the white man's religion. We can determine now that that was a huge loss in terms of what those people could have preserved and passed on to their children and all these kinds of things, but was the goal at the time to do something negative? He said, "No. You have to look at the way those people who did the converting saw the world."
You could see it with the Spanish when they came to the New World. If you literally believe that your view of religion is correct and that there is a fiery place called Hell that you will go to if you don't believe what they tell you to believe, and then they convert somebody to believing that, then they think they've done a good thing. Now, that doesn't mean they have done a good thing. But when we look back on the past and judge people, we do so because every generation before us has done the exact same thing. We judge people based on our own modern sensibilities, and then we infuse people in the past sometimes with sort of evil overtones that if you could bring them back in a time machine would confuse and befuddle them—not because they didn't do something that we could objectively look at today and say is bad, but because that wasn't their goal at all. They thought they were doing good.
The reason I bring this up is because it's very possible, in fact almost inevitable, that the same thing is going to happen with us. In the future, they're going to look back on us and absolutely demonize us for any number of things that we couldn't possibly know. I mean, airplane travel, eating meat, experimentation on animals.
A good example is somebody like Winston Churchill. If you're raised in America or England, you love Winston Churchill: He was the man who saved the West during World War II. But if you're from the Indian subcontinent, you have a radically different view of Winston Churchill. We shouldn't pretend as if one side or the other doesn't exist. We should really sit with the complications and try to work things out rather than dismiss the things that we have to work to understand.
We should point out that Churchill lived long enough and was involved in politics. He didn't die until 1965. He was born in the 19th century and was active politically almost that whole time. So we're talking about a figure that spanned the British Empire at its height to the postwar British coming down from imperial heights. Contextually speaking, he had detractors during his lifetime and political career. Before the Second World War broke out, there were a lot of people that thought he was a warmonger.
So that's a wonderful example of what we were talking about earlier, when the axis gets crossed between the individual meeting the proper time and place. And Churchill knew it. I think he said if he could go back in time, he would always choose May 1940. That was his moment, and he knew it.
But to me, someone like Churchill, you have to ask yourself how much that guy could have been different given where he came from—his influences growing up. How much did that guy have any agency in thinking any differently?
I don't want to write off good and evil in the past, because if you take this too far the wrong way, it makes you not able to judge Hitler or Stalin. So we have to be careful. But at the same time, I do try to sit there and go, "OK, these people are all products of their time and political and social environment and the civilization they came from, and we have to take that into account too."
How do you decide what you're going to get into? "Supernova in the East" is a real achievement. The "Celtic Holocaust" series is amazing too. Do you go looking for these horrifying episodes in the past, or do they find you?
Well, first of all, you're really kind. I appreciate that. If I'm interested in it, that right there is requirement No. 1, because we don't have scripts for these shows. I just go in and record it. So it's based on inspiration. If I'm not into the topic, it just doesn't work. You would hear it in my voice, right?
It's also why I can't talk about certain things. I'll get requests like, "Can you please talk about 17th century India?" I'll have to say no because I don't know anything about 17th century India, and I couldn't learn enough about it in the short span [of time]. It's funny, the listeners think it's forever between shows, but if you're trying to educate yourself from ground zero, it's a short amount of time. So all of these topics we choose, the No. 1 requirement is that I have to be interested in them. No. 2 requirement is I have to have some foundation of knowledge that we can then build upon. So all these topics that we do shows on, I knew something about before we did them.
As far as what I'm interested in, well, a lot of these stories you may have noticed have what we call "philosophical spines." The ancient historian Thucydides said that history is philosophy taught by example.
We did one called "The Destroyer of Worlds," which was about the early years of trying to live with nuclear weapons. The spine in that one is: Can human beings learn to live with the power of their ever-evolving weapons system? So even if you manage to live with what we have today and design systems and safeguards and everything, what happens when you invent the next most powerful weapons system after that? So that's an idea, a philosophical question that runs through the entire show.
Most of the shows we do—I don't want to ever have a formula or a format, so sometimes we switch it up just to be different and get out of the sameness of it all—but most of the shows have a philosophical throughput idea that we're trying to explore. A lot of times that's the first thing that makes me go, "Aha. Well, this would be a good thing to talk about because exploring that philosophical throughput idea would be interesting."
The last thing is more of a practical thing. I try to look at the archives the same way I look at history, trying to imagine it 10 or 15 or 20 years from now, and ask, "Do we have a nice mix?" We usually keep about 10 shows free, and then we move them to the paid archive after four or five years. I try to make sure we have enough subject matter diversity in the 10 or so free shows so that if you didn't like "Supernova in the East," which was about the Second World War in the Pacific and Asian theater, do I have a couple shows then from widely differing periods? So you could go, "Oh, I'm really not interested in that. But I like the idea of the Romans and the Celtic people, so I'll listen to that show." So there are some attempts to try to switch it up a little bit in terms of historical periods or throughput ideas.
What would you say is the happiest show that you've done?
That's a trick question, isn't it? I did one once called "The Organization of Peace" that was about the League of Nations. The whole League of Nations thing is this almost rainbows-and-unicorns attempt to try to imagine a better world through a shared understanding that we had just been through the worst war in the history of the world and we never want to go through that again. There were so many fun aspects of it, like the idea—it was never this major League of Nations proposal—but the idea of Esperanto and that we have to have human beings communicate better if we want to avoid the kinds of things that happened before. So there's a lot of hopeful stuff in that show, because the League of Nations itself was almost a naive attempt to hope for a better world and try to figure out what the heck would be involved in working toward it.
What's the function of history for you?
I truthfully look at it more like the past is there to teach us what can happen. You have examples of the worst-case scenario.
What the past doesn't teach are the kinds of lessons that most people want it to teach. For example, you'll often hear someone say something like, "We know appeasement doesn't work, because look what happened with Hitler in the 1930s." But that's not what history teaches you, because you're not taking into account the variables. First of all, Hitler's a person. All dictators are not exactly the same, and all circumstances aren't exactly the same. So you can't turn around and say, "We learned from Munich that you can't appease dictators, therefore we shouldn't appease Saddam Hussein because he's going to act exactly like Hitler acted. We know that because Hitler acted that way." It doesn't work like that.
What history really teaches you is how, contextually, things get involved. When we see, for example, rights being taken away from people in a society—like political parties being banned, or safeguards that keep people from being able to be thrown into prison without any sort of due process—I think history teaches you what's going to follow next in most of those cases. Usually, that doesn't teach you anything specifically. It teaches you generalities.
Now, the [George] Santayana quote about if you did not learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it: I think it doesn't work that way, because we take the wrong lessons. I think people use history to have it prove what they want it to prove. There's an old line that even the devil can quote scripture for his purpose, and history is far more subject to that than biblical narratives are.
So that's why I think you have to be careful about this idea about history teaching x, y, or z and become suspicious of the teacher that teaches you that. Give it a sideways glance and ask what the person trying to teach you about the past is trying to get you to understand.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "'The Past Is There To Teach Us What Can Happen'."
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Sorry, Dan Carlin lost all credibility when he and his Italian friend spent an entire podcast saying that the Nazi party was a right wing party. His WW1 podcast series was great, but how can you believe any of his judgments when he says stuff like that?
It shows a superficial parroting of history books, and for some, that's all they want. Why read a half dozen books when one podcast can summarize them all?
Marxism is all about destroying capitalism, and socialist states are famous for nationalizing businesses.
What industries did Hitler nationalize that standard histories don't tell us about? What policies did he enact in order to dismantle German capitalism?
There's no practical difference between seizing the factories and just telling the owners what to do on pain of having them seized.
Property ownership is not about possession nearly so much as control.
I think a lot of investors would disagree with you.
Scenario A: We seize your factory.
Scenario B: We direct your factory's operation, but you still keep the profits from it.
Hermann Rauschning, for example, a Danzig Nazi who knew Hitler before and after his accession to power in 1933, tells how in private Hitler acknowledged his profound debt to the Marxian tradition. "I have learned a great deal from Marxism" he once remarked, "as I do not hesitate to admit". He was proud of a knowledge of Marxist texts acquired in his student days before the First World War and later in a Bavarian prison, in 1924, after the failure of the Munich putsch. The trouble with Weimar Republic politicians, he told Otto Wagener at much the same time, was that "they had never even read Marx", implying that no one who had failed to read so important an author could even begin to understand the modern world;
Hitler believed in revolution. Something he shared with Marx, but only few others on the right. I don't think the similarities go much further than that. Hitler was not particularly interested in economics, and Marx didn't go in for eugenics, or see any advantage in returning to a pre-capitalist era. During his time serving in WWI, Hitler was noted for carrying around and readings books by Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. Not Marx or any of his followers.
Retarded or parody?
As I said before, you should read more history. You don't seem to know much about either Marx or Nazi Germany. Learn about Stalin's Russia, too, if you want to know about leftist dictatorships and how they differ from Nazi Germany.
Meanwhile, if you have anything of substance to offer besides bluster and name calling, please give it a try. Your shtick until now is not persuasive.
Hitler was a leftist. The primary difference between the Nazis and the communists was who got to run things, not so much how they would be run. Hitler wanted to be in charge and centralize power in Germany instead of deferring to Moscow.
But you will never admit that fundamentally, you and Hitler wanted the same kind of governance. Not surprising, as you are an inveterate liar.
"Hitler was a leftist. "
That's called 'begging the question' - the fallacious attempt to pass a conclusion off as one of the premises. It's not persuasive. Try some history instead.
"The primary difference between the Nazis and the communists was who got to run things"
There are more important primary differences. Private property vs. public property. Nationalism vs Internationalism. Anti-semitism vs. anti-bourgeois. The fuehrer prinzip vs. democratic centralism.
Your primary difference, who got to run things, is trivial by comparison. Under Naziism, Nazis, under Communism, Communists. What exactly are you trying for in this argument, fallacious from the get go?
"But you will never admit that fundamentally, you and Hitler wanted the same kind of governance. "
I can't take you seriously. Do a little studying and maybe you'll have something interesting to say. There are lots of books on the subject, and evidently lots of podcasts, too. Go for it. It's a fascinating period of history.
Hitler was a progressive in his own day, pushing The Science of the 1930s, opposing free speech, preaching socialism and corporatism, eugenics and the bureaucratic state, opposing traditional religion and blaming everything on the 30's version of Israel.
Now he was definitely not a 60's style leftist who valued free speech, civil rights and were antiwar, but he was a 2024 type self-styled leftist who only give lip service at best to those things and are often openly hostile.
What part of National Socialism do you not understand?
Mussolini was a Fascist socialist.
Hitler was a national socialist.
Communists are international socialists.
The only difference between Nazis and Communists is how the control the means of production: either thru confiscation (Communists) or diktat (Nazis). That is a distinction without a difference.
They both want to control the world by conquest and puppet sycophants.
"Hitler was a progressive in his own day,"
German progressives back in those days were drawn to the Communist party or Socialist party. Hitler was part of the Freikorps, responsible for assassinating progressives like Rosa. Hitler was a reactionary, that's why he railed against Jewish Bolshevism every time he spoke in public. I really don't see how you can twist these facts to make Hitler a leftist, when pretty much everything he did was counter to the leftist program.
" but he was a 2024 type self-styled leftist who only give lip service at best to those things and are often openly hostile."
2024 style leftists promote rights for transexuals, and gays. They promote immigration, abortion, bicycle paths, leftists, etc. Hitler purged and murdered gays and leftists and Jews, he stressed racial purity, militarism, and allowed German industry the freedom to continue as usual and reap the profits.
It's trueman, so I'm going with "retarded".
The Nazi’s were socialist of the national kind. Not to be confused with the international variety, but still fruit of the same poisoned economic left tree.
Industry was left in private hands. Even in places like Auschwitz were some 30,000 Jews were employed by companies like Siemens, Mercedes and the like. Companies that made a profit producing consumer goods for consumers and weaponry for the government, just like in the US and everywhere else in the planet today. Government in Germany was involved in the economy, like the construction of the autobahn system, just like it was in the US with the interstate system. But the manufacture and sale of cars was a private matter. Again just like the US today.
Hitler even privatized the financial sector, with hundreds of regional banks which under Weimar were state owned.
Private hands which bowed and scraped or lost possession. If you think that's a difference, you are retarded, ignorant, and stupid.
Can you name a company that 'lost possession' under the Nazis? Jewish owned businesses aside, I don't think it happened. Siemens, Mercedes and other concerns thrived under Naziism, under the same management that ran them during Weimar period. Now, turn to the Soviet Union, and you'll see a completely different story. As different as day and night, right and left.
Daily reminder that 100+ billion people have lived and died before you were born. And 99.999999999% were "right wing extremists" by today's standards. If they were alive today they would be even more pissed off than you are. And they would be unbelievably violent.
Imagine 100+ billion people smiling upon you from heaven as you fight leftist scum.
This is why I don't believe in reincarnation.
Just like there is "social liberalism" and "economic liberalism", just like there is "social conservatism" and "economic conservatism", there is also "social fascism" and "economic fascism".
"Economic fascism" is the marriage of the state and private industry. That is a left-wing economic ideology.
"Social fascism" is based on rigid hierarchy, social conformity, and traditional gender roles. That is a type of social conservatism.
So fascism was both left-wing and right-wing at the same time, in this manner.
Both teams think they have the monopoly on finding some aspect of some evil ideology in the other team which they then use to claim the other team is just like those evil people of the past, and they both get mighty pissy when it's done back to them.
Odd that the two true libertarians claiming to be the center spent weeks calling Trump Hitler for using the words blood or vermin. Almost like your principles don’t apply to you both.
Plus everyone sees your obvious bias so you are only fooling each other.
But a large part of this is you two falling for common narratives devoid of actual knowledge. Many have posted here the primary documents from the Nazi party from speeches to essays written by their party. Yet you all have fallen for the Nazi right wing narrative despite the actual original sources. Because neither of you are intellectually curious. Youre just narrative pushers.
"despite the actual original sources."
Taking these original sources at face value is an error that only an amateur historian would make. Or someone with an agenda. The Nazis initially did recruit some socialists like the Strasser brothers, perhaps attracted by the 'original sources' that caught your eye. But subsequent actions proved the hollowness of these sources, one of the Strassers was evicted from the party and exiled to Switzerland, the other was murdered.
Example of retarded leftist rationalizations. Primary sources are bad, someone’s opinion on those sources good. And your biggest proof is power dynamics in a political authoritarian party. Lol.
Or parody.
Just because a source is primary doesn't make it truthful. Bad faith in politicians is par for the course, as you well know. A good historian is constantly interrogating the sources (primary or otherwise) he comes across. It's extremely naive or disingenuous not to.
Retarded or parody?
Historians begin research with a thesis or base assumption more often than not. Yet you claim their opinions of materials are more truthful. Man you leftists are dumb.
The point is historians don't believe everything they read is true. They exercise skepticism. They know human nature and human weaknesses. Time you learned them too. You'd be a better person for it.
Reminder James Lindsay got me in kamph published by replacing jews with the patriarchy
Well, given recent events (and activist tantrums), Jews might be worse than the patriarchy again. And the "respectable" humanities journals might publish Mein Kampf as originally written (if a trans-black-Muslim claimed to be the author).
Social fascism is largely a leftist construct. We see this in real time with your wokie fellow travelers. They are leftists, as are you.
Just admit what you really are.
Should I "admit what I really am" before or after you "take off the gloves"? Besides, if I'm not really human, what difference does it make if I admit anything or not?
I guess if you take communism as far to the right as is possible, you get fascism. Nazism isn't as far right as Italian fascism. It's to right of regular socialism, which is to the right of pure communism. I'd say if your whole picture is progressive collectivist leftism, it's center right.
Europeans like to point out, even our democrats are to right when compared to European political parties.
Just combine communism with a significant degree of nationalism, and you get what most people call fascism. No genocide necessary--just define the in-group and degrade (or expel) the out-group. Just like US progressives try to do.
And I don't know if that is left or right. The commie part is certainly left. Is nationalism, really groupism, necessarily right? And even if it is, does it cancel or overwhelm the commie left component?
That's not me. It's Jeff spoofing as me.
Thats my guess.
He is angry you saw him defending migrant child rapists.
Illegal alien child rapists are precious to Jeffy.
Thanks. But I will stand behind my point that fascism, the social or economic kind, is not necessarily "right".
I am me
Fuck off, you.
Nah, Jeff is a lefty faggot.
And a conniving sophist Fatfuck. Not really even human. Just a pseudo sentient blob of living shit.
Is everybody flagging that comment?
Not that Reason gives a crap, but about the only think I think worth flagging on this forum is shitheels who impersonate others.
"the Nazi party was a right wing party."
Hindenburg and Papen certainly thought so when they made Hitler chancellor. Do you know something they didn't?
Retarded or parody?
You decide. First though, read some history. You evidently have no idea what you're talking about.
OK, so what makes fascism "right"? Is is the idea of government control of commerce? Is it dedication to a core group (and disdain for some target group)? Or is it just that you don't like it, don't like right-wing ideas, and just bundle them together?
"OK, so what makes fascism “right”?"
Looking to the past for inspiration. Same as what makes MAGA, recovering past greatness, a right wing movement. Much the same with Mussolini. Leftists like Marx saw the march of history into the future as their salvation, and the past was 'a nightmare from which we must awake.'
" Or is it just that you don’t like it"
It's true I don't like fascism. I still have hope that we can make a better future and overcome the past.
Looking to the past for inspiration.
All historians are now right wing said the retard.
The founding fathers all took inspiration from the past. Looking at Greece, magna carta, and all forms of government.
Your definitions for things are just retarded.
"The founding fathers all took inspiration from the past."
They were Liberals. They wanted a future better than the past - which for them meant obedience to the Crown. 'No thanks,' they said, 'we can do better.'
Are you seriously claiming the woke climate crowd want a better future, when all they know how to do is destroy? Whether it's art or power grids or freedom, all they want is to destroy.
"Are you seriously claiming the woke climate crowd want a better future, when all they know how to do is destroy? "
Yes, I am claiming the woke crowd want a better future. But I'm not seriously claiming anything. You should know me better than that by now.
"Whether it’s art or power grids or freedom, all they want is to destroy."
Nice. The whole damn system is disgusting and corrupt. Your problem is you don't think we can manage anything better. That's the hallmark of conservatism.
You did not respond to his question. Your premise is bullshit, and you can’t back it up. Instead you attempt to draw spurious parallels with MAGA. When in fact you democrats are truly brothers in arms with your Hitlerian forebears.
" Instead you attempt to draw spurious parallels with MAGA. "
It's not spurious. Both MAGA and Naziism are of the right. Hence the hearkening back to a glorious past.
"When in fact you democrats are truly brothers in arms with your Hitlerian forebears."
Fascism, Liberalism, Communism all arose from the period of the Enlightenment, about 300 years ago. They all share a common background. Democracy is much older, going back the ancient Greeks, at least.
Oooh, that's clever. Nazis are right wing, MAGA and the Nazis are of the right, therefore Nazis are right wing.
"Oooh, that’s clever. "
It's not clever. Just look past the dishonest rhetoric and focus on their actions and beliefs. Did Nazis privatize industry? Yes! Did Nazis allow profits and private property? Yes! Did Nazis exterminate the officer class and aristocracy? No! Were the Nazis internationalists? No! Did the Nazis erect statues to honor Karl Marx? No! Did Nazis name streets and buildings after Rosa Luxembourg? No! Did Nazis fund the communist party in China? No! Did Nazis make abortion easier for women? No! Did Nazis stress racial equality? No!
I could go on, but it's not clever, just basics available to you and the reading public.
Thanks pee wee herman. Youre spouting nonsense as usual. Now you go to the nuh uh you argument.
Nazi party was a right wing party
Of course Nazis were right wing. There are not enough of you uneducated MAGA idiots around to rewrite academia/history.
Shrike do you find it odd the only sourced information here is linked above and disagrees with your ignorant leftist lies?
No matter how many times you repeat this lie, it will never make it true.
Why Are We Socialists by Joseph Goebbels
We are socialists because we see in socialism, that is the union of all citizens, the only chance to maintain our racial inheritance and to regain our political freedom and renew our German state.
Socialism is the doctrine of liberation for the working class. It promotes the rise of the fourth class and its incorporation in the political organism of our Fatherland, and is inextricably bound to breaking the present slavery and regaining German freedom. Socialism, therefore, is not merely a matter of the oppressed class, but a matter for everyone, for freeing the German people from slavery is the goal of contemporary policy. Socialism gains its true form only through a total fighting brotherhood with the forward-striving energies of a newly awakened nationalism. Without nationalism it is nothing, a phantom, a mere theory, a castle in the sky, a book. With it is everything, the future, freedom, the fatherland!
The sin of liberal thinking was to overlook socialism’s nation-building strengths, thereby allowing its energies to go in anti-national directions. The sin of Marxism was to degrade socialism into a question of wages and the stomach, putting it in conflict with the state and its national existence. An understanding of both these facts leads us to a new sense of socialism, which sees its nature as nationalistic, state-building, liberating and constructive.
The bourgeois is about to leave the historical stage. In its place will come the class of productive workers, the working class, that has been up until today oppressed. It is beginning to fulfill its political mission. It is involved in a hard and bitter struggle for political power as it seeks to become part of the national organism. The battle began in the economic realm; it will finish in the political. It is not merely a matter of wages, not only a matter of the number of hours worked in a day — though we may never forget that these are an essential, perhaps even the most significant part of the socialist platform — but it is much more a matter of incorporating a powerful and responsible class in the state, perhaps even to make it the dominant force in the future politics of the fatherland. The bourgeoisie does not want to recognize the strength of the working class. Marxism has forced it into a straitjacket that will ruin it. While the working class gradually disintegrates in the Marxist front, bleeding itself dry, the bourgeoisie and Marxism have agreed on the general lines of capitalism, and see their task now to protect and defend it in various ways, often concealed.
We are socialists because we see the social question as a matter of necessity and justice for the very existence of a state for our people, not a question of cheap pity or insulting sentimentality. The worker has a claim to a living standard that corresponds to what he produces. We have no intention of begging for that right. Incorporating him in the state organism is not only a critical matter for him, but for the whole nation. The question is larger than the eight-hour day. It is a matter of forming a new state consciousness that includes every productive citizen. Since the political powers of the day are neither willing nor able to create such a situation, socialism must be fought for. It is a fighting slogan both inwardly and outwardly. It is aimed domestically at the bourgeois parties and Marxism at the same time, because both are sworn enemies of the coming workers’ state. It is directed abroad at all powers that threaten our national existence and thereby the possibility of the coming socialist national state.
This is exactly what I was thinking of when I made my post upthread, but herr misconstrueman thinks we all need to learn some history.
It tells me that either he is a propagandist, or an ignorant fool.
Ina any event, not someone worth listening to.
"Across the political spectrum, Americans assert that any form of White racial consciousness or solidarity is despicable. Whites, therefore, have tried to keep their end of the civil rights bargain. They have dismantled and condemned their own racial identity in the expectation that others will do the same."
— Jared Taylor, "White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century."
America has been balkanized for years and continues to fragment demographically.
Demography is electoral destiny.
BIPOC communities vote based on ethnic interests, while Whites vote along ideological lines.
BIPOC interests are tangible, economic, and ethnically motivated. White interests are intangible, moral, and premised upon a colorblind idea of America that doesn't exist.
Karl Marx: white guy
Vladimir Lenin: white guy
Josef Stalin: white guy
I am conflicted as a Secular Humanist Capitalist.
Western Civilization is the father of individual rights and liberal secularism. So therefore it is superior. But if you say so you become what the MAGA Cult and lesser people call an "elitist".
What a quandary.
MAGA, the same group that continues to complain about the left’s attempted destruction of Western civilization?
lol, ok.
I know you are too stupid to understand this but two opposing political philosophies can have the same goal for different reasons.
Like MAGA we liberal secularists want to preserve Western culture. I just see Western culture as secular humanist. MAGA sees it as Christo-Supremacist.
So then they wouldn’t call you elitist for holding that position.
Of course, as you’ve shown over the last decade +, you are a demshill and a globalist, not a classical liberal by any stretch of the imagination.
He’s also stupid, and a child molester.
Attempted? Have you been to California lately?
It’s not dead yet
It would be easier to realize you're not elite shrike. A common dumbass who supports democrats and whomever they tell you to support.
You would support lysenkoism if the dems told you to, see covid science.
Shrike and Sarc will be chained together in the gulag moaning "If only Comrade Stalin knew".
They think that devils reward their tools rather than throwing them away when they're done with them.
You nailed it. Getting rid of the radicals is one of the first steps to consolidating power and sending the message that no one is safe if they dissent.
Never thought I'd be agreeing with Jeff, but Chad doesn't realize that everything he hates was the machinations of white people.
Herbert Marcuse: white guy
Adorno: white guy
Michael Foucault: white guy
Jacques Derrida: white guy
Jeremy Corbyn: white guy
Bernie Sanders: white guy
Pierre and Justin Trudeau: white guys
Biden: white guy
The Clintons: white guys
Adolph Hitler and pals: white guys
Fidel Castro and Che: white guys
Yuval Noah Harari: white guy
Jacinda Arden: white guy
Anthony Fauci: white guy
George Soros: white guy
Bill Gates: white guy
Klaus Schwab: white guy
Every evil, creepy, totalitarian philosophy being pushed by the aristocracy right now was originally conceived and advanced by Western white guys.
Sure there may be non-white parasites using those social and political theories, like Ibram X. Kendi, but postmodernism didn't originate in Nigeria and communism didn't originate in China.
Yes, Western white guys are responsible for most of the worlds advancements in the last five hundred years, but they're also responsible for most of its pathological ideologies.
Rich, powerful white people are responsible for why nonwhites vote ethnically and whites don't because that's how they want it. They've spent decades in refining and pushing ethnic grievances as part of their war on the working classes.
Forgot The Bush’s and most of the Neocons: white guys
Irrelevant, but whatever you gotta tell yourself to keep denying reality I guess.
Literally what your whole fucking post was about, Sarcasmic II.
Keep sucking chemjeff's dick then
Let’s not beat up on each other. Whatever our individual differences, none of us want to see a leftist authoritarian regime destroy our constitutional republic.
Instead, take it out on Sarc, Mod, Jeffy, Shrike, etc.. Those miserable leftist fucks have had it too easy here. We coddle them. Time to take the gloves off.
Take em off faggot
Fuck off, Jeff.
You can't defeat a leftist authoritarian government without admitting their nature or the position you're in.
We have been trying colorblind equality and denial of group differences/interests for 50 years.
It has led us here.
It has led us here, because it was a psyop designed to reduce white people, and it has done so.
Nobody else follows it.
We have DEI, feminism, Pride, mass immigration, welfare dictating our way of life.
All given power by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, corrupted courts, mass media, corporate America, and an educational curriculum aimed at inducing guilt in white people from childhood.
It is wrong, cruel, and unprecedented in human history.
It has led us here, because it was a psyop designed to reduce white people, and it has done so.
A psyop perpetrated by rich white men you fucking dunce.
"White people" aren't the target. The middle class/working class/plebians/free people are. They want to farm humanity like cattle.
They purposefully sow racial discord as part of their modus operandi, and you completely fell for it. Good job, freethinker.
Can't help but blame white people and ignore current conditions can you.
You'd sacrifice yourself and everybody you love for the boomer civic faith.
It's why you keep using nAzIs as your go to boogeyman instead of Stalinists or Leninists or Maoists.
"I hate the system, but it wouldn't lie to me about history and the white man's (guilt) burden!"
A 20-year-old white man today was 16 when his rulers locked him up for a year while they spent an entire summer worshipping black men.
Yes, they have nothing but contempt for your libtard beliefs.
Yes, they're radicalized.
Absolutely pathetic.
You're why the left wins.
Parroting racial bullshit to own the libs?
What bullshit?
Do you dispute that different races have different traits in general- that is, do you think all humans are blank slates that are randomly created without any hereditary traits?
Do you dispute that white people are targeted, and don't aspire to "colorblindness" or outgroup preference?
Do you dispute that other ethnic groups, for example blacks who vote 90% and jews who vote 70% dem, do not look to politics from a perspective of tribal self interest?
Is reducing the white proportion of the population something to be opposed?
Genetics is a real thing. It has a bit of randomization to it, but generally, you're going to strongly share traits of your parents.
But "race" is a pseudoscience. Your DNA is your DNA, it's the DNA of that guy over there who comes from the same town as you, or who has the same skin color as you. Not all people from Brazil are the same, nor are all people from Colombia or Kenya all the same either. People don't group up along "gene pool" lines. Plus these things have been mixed not just for a few generations, but going back thousands of years. East and West Africans have European ancestors, Europeans have African ancestors, African Americans generally have SEVERAL European ancestors.
Drawing these big groups and making group judgments about them is a problem because people are not their group, they are not their race, they are not their nation. People are individuals and responsible for their own choices and values. I don't accept this racial collectivist shit when it comes from the left, and I'm certainly not about to accept your mongrelization bullshit. Feel free to call me a progressive or a shitlib or whatever, I'm happy to distinguish myself from whatever the fuck you are.
Why do black people dominate Olympic sprinting?
Black people vote Democrat 90%+
Jews vote Democrat 70%+
Single women vote Democrat 68%+
You're saying we can't make any predictions about the likelihood of any individual fitting one of these demographics votes Democrat?
Some of that is heavily weighted by geography.
Black people vote Democrat 90%+
Jews vote Democrat 70%+
Single women vote Democrat 68%+
You're a fucking parody at this point. That's absolutely nothing to do with DNA, or genetics. Maybe 100 years ago ignorant people believed there was some sort of inherent virtue tied into bloodlines and genetics, but that was eugenicist trash.
You're pathetic.
The OP was about every demographic group except normal white people pursuing politics that bring, at least ostensibly, tangible benefits specifically for their demographic.
You'd like to talk about anything but that, because you think it would be wrong for white people to consider themselves a demographic with particular interests.
Your civic religion won't allow such wrongthink.
Ask yourself why you have such self-hating double standards.
Literally every people on earth but whites act tribally..
99.999999999999999% of humans that have ever existed act tribally.
Literally only whites of the last 50 years have rejected tribalism.
Why is your approach of rejecting observable evidence and conclusions based on generalization superior to all humans who have come before you?
Do you realize the narcissism that takes?
Ancestry literally has a business of determining ethnicity from dna
You're why the fucking left wins. In the last year you've decided to become a left-winger's stereotype of what the right is.
You've gone nuts. You post Misek-type shit and argue like Sarcasmic now.
Keep thinking that while you share beliefs with chemjeff.
You can't come up without anything beyond "blame whites for everything" so you completely ignore the points being raised and fall back on weakly crying rAcIsT.
Fuck you, Nardz. You're not the last freethinker.
You've become a gullible catch of the day for the globalist human farmers, because you completely fell for their racial animosity game.
Your high self-regard for your own ideological purity let you get fooled. Next time you call someone a dupe look in the mirror first.
You're literally siding with chemjeff in this discussion.
You're parroting the James Lindsay pussylib talking point that noticing race is a psyop.
How communist of you.
The psyop is getting you to believe you're guilty of being white, that tens of thousands of years of humans evolving in different environments had no impact on types who have only been interacting for a tiny portion of history, that everybody's beliefs before boomer Civil Rights Act worship were all stupid, and that any group other than whites will act against their tribal identities and bow before your blank slate view of humanity.
No group of people has ever before been as tolerant, non-racist, and magnanimous as modern whites.
What they've been met with for 50 years of outreach is having their hand slapped away and being spit on.
And you're here crying "don't notice reality, it's all 'rich' people's fault" everyday.
"I'm fighting against totalitarian antihumans because I also call those who disagree with me Nazis!"
Hey, I agree with myself.
We also agree Jeff is a faggot and spb2 is a klansman.
The most effective way to defeat the left is to make sure there are no leftists.
Correct, but some shitlib faggots here can't tell the difference between friends and enemies.
I don’t always agree with you, but that doesn’t matter, as it is unnecessary to agree on everything. You obviously have intention of supporting efforts to promote or install a Marxist regime that will end the Constitution. Jeffy, Sarc, shrike, and Co. do.
They are the enemy. We should all attack them. Not each other.
Time for the final solution.
Fuck off, Jeff.
"no enemies to the right"
Nardz isn't an enemy, he's been duped by your masters.
All that takes is not agreeing with their beliefs and framing.
When it's convenient for you Civil Rights Act worshippers and BLMpalestinian fanatics, jews count as white.
Yet you're also the first to kvetch when jews aren't treated as special, superior people chosen by God above all others.
"Demography is electoral destiny.
BIPOC communities vote based on ethnic interests, while Whites vote along ideological lines.
BIPOC interests are tangible, economic, and ethnically motivated. White interests are intangible, moral, and premised upon a colorblind idea of America that doesn’t exist."
Just post one example that refutes this point, a point which is simply the honest conclusion of any unbiased observer.
The left's/establishment's/centrists' belief system:
The arrogance of this Supreme Court to think it knows better how to rule our lives than actual experts is infuriating.
Uncle Ernesto's Oceanview Helicopter Tours needs to come back.
System grants its reward for carrying out government policy.
Raissa Kengne has been deemed mentally "incompetent" to stand trial.
This is the female Cameroonian immigrant that went on a shooting spree targeting White co-workers in midtown Atlanta back in Aug of 2022.
She shot 3, killing 2.
A black woman who shot people? White victims?
According to ML and ATM its meaningless and completely random, every moment is born anew ex nihilo
Craft that strawman, Sarcasmic 2.
Everybody can read the thread, prog
Of course all knowledge is history. None of us could invent everything we know by ourselves from birth. That's why you can drive a car erratically while texting on your iPhone, and your dog can't.
But looking forward, with reason and objectivity, is just as important as looking backwards. Plenty of historians use what they see as history to distort the future, e.g. Howard Zinn.
The problem, as seen above, is that today's historical knowledge is one of narrative building. For some reason in the last 3 decades people have gone away from primary sources to collective sources. Wikipedia is a glaring example of this, where articles will utilize articles or text books over primary sources. We are seeing historical revisionism a la Stalin in real time.
But is that really a new phenomenon? I do think anthropologists and linguists are at least partially correct that humans invented and developed language largely to communicate narratives, and that legacy is still hard-wired in our brains. Objectivity takes both unnatural intent and effort.
I know when I was going to school I was always taught to use the primary source when it existed. Wikipedia was banned from research. For encyclopedias we were told to use them as discovery to the primary source.
“I was always taught to use the primary source when it existed. Wikipedia was banned from research.”
That’s a very good lesson. But you go too far. Using a primary source is fine, very commendable, but believing it, swallowing it whole and taking it for gospel is a mistake no reputable historian would make.
Retarded or parody?
You and myself are so close to to the light.
Fuck off, Jeff.
History has always been about constructing a narrative to explain past events, often in an attempt to steer human behavior moving forward. The difference is that the most recent narrative is antithetical to what made Western civilization ascendant for the past 2500 years.
Almost parallels religion sometimes.
Where's re ecog?
Fuck off, Jeff.
Fair is fair.
I believe that Hindu predated Xtianity.
Just dump the 10 Commando-Fascist Laws. They offend me as a human.
Hinduism does pre-date Christianity. However, the Bhagavad Gita probably doesn't predate the 10 Commandments. I say "probably" since there is some ambiguity when it comes to estimating the dates of really old texts, especially since they both began as oral tradition.
while Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world
the word Hindu is found as heptahindu in Avesta – equivalent to Rigvedic sapta sindhu, while hndstn (pronounced Hindustan) is found in a Sasanian inscription from the 3rd century CE
Okay. The religion followed the word origin 3rd century.
Good call.
Hinduism is a construction of colonial British in the past 3 or 4 hundred years. Prior to the British, India was awash with various independent sacred texts and traditions. British scholars unified them under the rubric of 'Hindu' for their own convenience. Before the British, no Indian called themselves 'Hindu.' The word originally refers to the Indus river.
^ This to the extent that the idea Hinduism as a unified religious philosophy was formulated during the British Raj.
Some South Asian religions under its umbrella are impossibly old. Some of the South Indian indigenous tribal beliefs might be older than the Vedas or maybe even Andronovo.
On the other hand most of the stuff used in Western Yoga dates to the 50's.
Perhaps interest in the West for yoga can be said to begin in the 50s. But the goal of yoga, seeking unity with the world, the practice and theory – maintaining poses and channeling the life force – goes back thousands of years. Western innovations like yoga pants, plastic mats or ‘doga’ (yoga with dogs) are trivial additions.
No. The entire philosophy taught in Western Yoga was ginned up by B. K. S. Iyengar, who stole his brother-in-law's ideas and then cribbed most of the poses from the calisthenics illustrations in the British Army's exercise manual.
That doesn't mean that there wasn't many types of real Yoga done in India that are ancient. Just that Iyengar's invention was unrecognizable from the real thing, through his efforts to make it palatable to sixties wine moms.
" through his efforts to make it palatable to sixties wine moms."
I got the impression that 'Western Yoga' put its emphasis on mastering increasingly difficult postures. Making yoga more physically challenging than the Indian variant, while downplaying the metaphysical aspect. So, palatability in this instance seems to go in the opposite direction - you dismiss and trivialize Western practitioners as 'wine moms,' yet Western practice seems more physically demanding than the Indian varieties.
While in India I ran into a photographer on assignment from a Korean sports newspaper to capture the full inventory of poses, some of which were absurdly difficult. He couldn't find suitable practitioners to demonstrate the hard ones, even though some were renowned gurus. Maybe he should have been looking in the West.
Western practice seems more physically demanding than the Indian varieties.
Yes. Because it's largely British Army calisthenics, whereas the original stuff was poses considered nonsense by most Indian gurus.
So of course army exercises are going to be more demanding than some ancient meditation poses.
You are 100 times smarter than Jesse and rmac. I've been giving myself way too little credit.
To be fair, I've never thought that I was a racist.
Fuck off, Jeff.
Here comes the theocracy.
Can teachers still promote BLM and climate catastrophism?
As long as they don't read Snow White to children and it has been approved by whatever level dems control per jeff.
Yes, and 93 genders and defacing the pride flag is blasphemous.
Not teaching the curriculum should indeed cost them their license.
Don't know why you think that's controversial.
I'm with you on this. If you want your children to learn about the Bible, send them to Sunday School.
The inverse of this, however, is that you should be straightforward about the fact that the founding generation were almost exclusively Christians, and from Christian backgrounds, and that the backdrop of ideas like the Establishment Clause in the 1st amendment was the protestant Reformation. Even the value of religious tolerance is a trait we could say is inherited from the Romans, while the Catholic Church is also a significant legacy of the Roman Empire.
History is complicated, so to some extent, you do need to talk about how religion affects the world.
Yes, if we have to have government schools then I would prefer a minimum of theology. But I want that to apply to all organized belief systems, even the "secular" ones.
Good, it isn’t the role of teachers to decide what they feel like teaching. They’re hired help.
Some ideas for celebrating the end of Pride Month: Pride Lasers
Even better: Skid marks on holy crosswalks.
If he was 200 lbs. heavier, and the corpses were of prepubescent children it would likely be you.
Nardz or Misek? You make the call
Sounds like another color on the rainbow flag to me.
If he just ejaculated on the corpses it would have been okay, right?
Gold Star families a little irked that Biden claimed no troops died on his watch.
Are they angry that Donnie called enlisted men “losers” and “suckers”?
(According to 4-star General and Trump Chief of Staff)
Yeap. Biden got called out for that lie as well. Glad you could repeat his lie for him.
I will trust General Kelly over the pathological liar on anything.
Yes. We know. You push any dem narrative. Even when you have those who are now anti trump like Bolton come out and say it never happened.
Kelley's cohort also lied yo Trump regarding Syria. And bragged about it. Lol.
General Kelly is now well paid by the dem apparatus to push this story. He was the likely source of the original debunked Atlantic story. He has been all over corporate media as an anti trumper. Of course you support the narrative machine lol.
You would be pissed off too if you spent your career in the military defending your country only to have Donnie call you a loser/sucker.
Doesn't address any of my points regarding the truthfulness of the claim. Does support my assertion you only care about the political narrative.
Except you're lying.
Kelly said he heard the story from anonymous people. He never heard it himself. There is no source. The Atlantic made it up.
Everything you clowns say are lies.
Cmon now. Jeff calla this ar best unconfirmed so The Federalist listing it as a lie is proof the entire list is false.
You can tell the democrat clowns are flailing hard since the debate.
I never claimed that the entire list is false. Only that some of the entries are false. Even DesigNate below agrees with me that one of the Federalist claims of "lie" is itself a lie, the one about the "trillionaires".
This fucking debate man. I guess it works where act blue has 20 socks to say "Yeah! So true!" after anyone posts this kind of shit, but it reminds me of Simone in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
"Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."
Online trolls 4 years later: "He was dying. It was proven!"
It’s not fair to characterize it as a lie. They didn’t lie about him saying it. There’s a world of difference.
Should also add we have video of Biden calling them stupid bastards lol.
I mentioned this the other day.
For a damaging story about a Democrat like Biden to be true, DNA must be found on a blue dress. It’s not enough to have video evidence. It’s not enough to have a computer, a cache of validated emails, thousands of affadavits signed under the threat of perjury. There must be actual DNA. If the bad guy is a Democrat, there must be Blue Dress Proof.
For a damaging story about a Trump to be true, nothing has to be true at all. Third-hand hearsay about suckers and losers, hookers and pee, or a sarcastic tweet or phrase taken out of context can make even the most absurd conclusion be portrayed as fact and conveyed as truth in perpetuity. If the bad guy is a Trump, no proof is needed.
It is totally unfair that people tend to believe unflattering things about a guy who has the morals of an alley cat.
But enough about Alexander Hamilton!
Edit: Seriously, why does anyone post Monica Lewinsky, think that is some kind of slam?
a guy who has the morals of an alley cat.
Do alley cats fondle children and try to "inappropriately" shower with their teenage daughters?
Do alley cats set up a family business around peddling influence and taking bribes? Do alley cats insider trade? Do they make their entire fortune before politics or during?
Do alley cats run scam prosecutions against their political opponents? Do alley cats employ the Director of the FBI, the Deputy Director of the FBI, the Chief of the Counterespionage Section of the FBI, the Director of the CIA, the Director of National Intelligence, and members of the Justice Department and the State Department to gather dirt on members of the opposition political party in an effort to ensure his former Secretary of State wins the Presidency? Do alley cats use a bogus file of fiction bought by their candidate’s campaign to mislead a judge so they could spy on the nominee for the other party and then pressure a probe after their opponents victory?
If it's alley cat vs the Cosa Nostra, I'll take the alley cat any day.
Debate fallout continues.
People be aksing questions: Should I vote for a pathological liar convicted felon or a brain-dead walking corpse?
(CNN official lie count was 30-9 but Joe's lies were just muddle-headed stupidity - for example the "no soldiers were killed while during my term". Why would he voluntarily point out his SLOPPY PULLOUT? Stupidity is why.)
1- pathological liar/convicted felon
2- brain-dead walking corpse
Giant Meteor
The corpse is protecting your pedo porn people, duh.
Reminds me of a question I have - when will the Biden campaign go Joe Dirt and publish ads that show Donnie and Jeff Epstein partying together at Maro-Large-O whilst pointing at chicks and yucking it up? Throw some of Donnie's rape victims in and add a little Stormy.
Just go GOP style - like Lee Atwater would.
Oh I am sure they will. There will be another "October Surprise" moment along the lines of the pussy-grabbing tape, but worse.
It’s been 8 years of them blowing their load prematurely out of their sick hatred of one man. I seriously doubt they have the stamina to delay gratification that long with any kind of real bombshell.
Now a fake bombshell ala the dossier? That’s 100% possible.
There isnt a single false narrative you won't blindly pushed. You've been given the eastern truth multiple times, Trump kicked him out of a party for hitting on a younger lady. And then ignore all the dem CEOs and politicians actually connected to him like the Clintons.
I posted 20 lies yesterday, all of them clear and cited, for Biden. Lol. Good work shrike. Push that narrative!
I'm using the official CNN Lie-O-Meter.
You nutjobs can't count. You somehow think that the 13 million bpd of oil production of 2023 was LESS than any of Fat Donnie's years 2017-2021.
What makes CNN official? This could be the most retarded statement ever made here. Please, explain just these 20.
Small-minded Jesse will continue to push those "20 lies" as fact even though several of the items on that list are not lies, and are in fact the Federalist being dishonest themselves.
Yes jeff. I note how you disputed the lies you disagree with. Lol. And then went with yet another ad hominem to justify it.
Must pain you that multiple reason writers have or do now write for them.
Oh. You respond below. This will be amusing.
And many of Trump's lies were obvious exaggerations, by someone who is prone to hyperbole. His intent was to emphasize his points, not convince people that his numbers are accurate.
Here's my list of Biden's lies that night. Now where is yours on Trump?
And don't you dare pull something so fucking stupid as trotting out a prediction about a plan and calling it a lie again, unless this time you can prove Trump has a fucking crystal ball, and can see the future and already knows his prediction won't happen.
Biden's lies that Biden knew were lies:
1. "Suckers and losers" lie
2. "Hitler did good things" lie
3. "Fine people" lie
4. "My son died in Iraq" lie
5. "I capped insulin at $15" lie
6. "I capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200" lie
7. "Retaliation" lie
8. "Trump said he would be a dictator" lie
9. "No soldiers died on my watch" lie
10. "Border crossings fewer than Trump" lie
11. "Unemployment was 15% under Trump" lie
12. "Trump wants to get rid of Social Security" lie
13. "Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes" lie
14. "Trump said inject bleach" lie
15. "Border patrol endorsed me" lie
1. “Suckers and losers” lie
I've discussed this one already.
2. “Hitler did good things” lie
This is the same category as above. John Kelly, his former chief of staff, said that Trump said that. Of course Trump denies it and it doesn't seem to be written down anywhere. So again it is uncertain whether that quotation is accurate.
3. “Fine people” lie
You're right, that was a lie.
4. “My son died in Iraq” lie
No - he immediately corrected himself, and said that his son died BECAUSE of Iraq. I think he is thinking it was because of the burn pits.
This is what Biden said:
What got me involved to run in the first place after my son had died, I decided – in Iraq – because of Iraq, I said, I wasn’t going to run again.
5. “I capped insulin at $15” lie
You are right, it was $35. Although I think this can be chalked up more to a faulty memory than to a deliberate intent to deceive.
6. “I capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200” lie
What is your evidence to support your contention that this is a lie?
7. “Retaliation” lie
What are you referring to here?
8. “Trump said he would be a dictator” lie
That wasn't even brought up in the debate. You are gaslighting.
9. “No soldiers died on my watch” lie
You're right, that was a lie.
10. “Border crossings fewer than Trump” lie
No, that wasn't the claim. Biden's claim was:
I’ve changed it in a way that now you’re in a situation where there are 40 percent fewer people coming across the border illegally.
And I don't know if that is true or false - and just remember, people claiming asylum ARE NOT ILLEGALLY HERE. So please back up your claim.
11. “Unemployment was 15% under Trump” lie
The unemployment rate in April 2020 was 14.8%. That is 15% if you round up. So, not a lie.
12. “Trump wants to get rid of Social Security” lie
You're right, that is a lie.
13. “Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes” lie
This is more in the "misleading" category than an outright lie. Billionaires do pay 8.2% in taxes - if you include unrealized capital gains as income. Of course the tax code does not count unrealized capital gains as income. But if you did, that is right. It is more about playing fast and loose with the numbers.
14. “Trump said inject bleach” lie
Yeah he did, actually. This is what Trump said on April 23, 2020:
15. “Border patrol endorsed me” lie
You're right, that was a lie.
So now, you see that I agree with some of the claims that you have said where Biden lied, you tried to sneak in a few completely false claims that weren't even discussed, such as the 'dictator' comment. And when I posted a very obvious lie that Trump said yesterday, you refused to acknowledge it.
You are the partisan asshole here.
<14. “Trump said inject bleach” lie
What Trump described is an actual medical procedure called Bronchial Lavage:
“This procedure washes out mucous casts, which are then aspirated through the same catheter. It has been
suggested that a mucolyticagent or detergent could be used in the lavage fluid.”
Bronchial lavage in the treatment of obstructive lung disease:
That wasn’t telling people to inject bleach. Jesus H Science.
Inflation was 9% when he got into office.
Added most jobs in history.
IRA reduced inflation.
He doesn't lie. (My favorite)
He defeated Medicare.
I saw that list of lies. Here it is, for everyone to see.
About half of them are either taken out of context, ridiculous nitpicking, or counted as a 'lie' even after Biden corrected himself.
For example, Lie #7:
That's an absurd nitpick, and it isn't one that you would hold against Trump were he do to the same.
Lie #10:
The authenticity of the quote is still in doubt. All Snopes said was that there was no physical record that he said it. It doesn't mean that Trump never said those words. It can't be a lie if the truthfulness of the statement is still in doubt.
And for Lie #16 (Beau's death) and Lie #19 (Trillionaires), it is actually the Federalist which is being dishonest - in those cases, Biden said something wrong but then immediately corrected himself. The Federalist counted those as lies without noting the correction.
Now Biden did say a bunch of lies, that is true. The big one was about "no service members dying" which is clearly false and understandably offensive. But it wasn't 20.
It can’t be a lie if the truthfulness of the statement is still in doubt.
Lies are binary, fucktard.
A lie is a false statement with an intent to deceive. A statement cannot be a lie if it is not yet known whether that statement is true or false.
Or someone can simply be wrong.
True. It's not a lie if it's merely an incorrect statement without an intent to deceive.
Weird how this new narrative only exists now to defend Biden.
Isn't it weird how dictionary definitions of words are now 'narratives' to 'defend Biden'?
You called a prognostication about a potential plan a "lie" yesterday, you disingenuous garbage.
The only way your claim could've been possibly true is if you can prove Trump has a fucking crystal ball, and that he saw the future and already knows his plans won’t work.
Can you prove that?
Didn't fucking think so.
And now you have the balls to be pretending that you're on the side of dictionary definitions?
Fuck you, shill.
See, there you go. You cannot even admit the very obvious truth that Trump is lying about how tariffs work. He made a prediction based on a lie about tariffs. That is the lie. You refuse to admit it and instead want to lawyer it to death to try to score some technical ‘win’. Because you are more interested in defending Trump than seeking the truth.
The only way your claim could’ve been possibly true is if you can prove Trump has a fucking crystal ball, and that he saw the future and already knows his plans won’t work.
That is a misleading way to describe what Inmate No. P01135809 said. This is what Inmate No. P01135809 said, about tariffs on China:
There is no way that tariffs will force China to pay us money. Because that is not how tariffs work. That is the lie.
It would be like if I said "Here, ML, if you take this pill, you will lose 300 pounds and be a handsome sexy man and you won't be an asshole anymore". That is also a prediction, but it is a prediction based on a lie because there is no pill that can possibly produce that type of change in any human being let alone you. So it is a lie. It is a false statement intended to deceive you. Same with Inmate No. P01135809.
“You cannot even admit the very obvious truth that Trump is lying about how tariffs work.”
See, there you go lying about the mechanisms again. I’m against tarriffs, but you’re lying that they don’t work period. They’re wrong in principle but they actually do the protectionist job intended 8/10 times. To say they don’t “work” is a lie. They work just fine but are wrong in principle, and damaging in the bigger picture in the long run.
Trump’s tarriffs will work as intended, contrary to your prevarication, although they will be ultimately damaging to the market down the road.
And you knew this, but you’re a liar. Are you really this stupid? Did you really think that would work?
“Inmate No. P01135809”
Are you really trying to gloat about your Stalinist show trials here? On an ostensibly libertarian site?
“That is a misleading way to describe”
No. It is NOT fucking “misleading” you weasel. It’s a perfect description of what you’re attempting to do.
Your whole argument has gone from lying about Trump to lying about tarriffs. Incredible.
It would be like if I said “Here, ML, if you take this pill, you will lose 300 pounds and be a handsome sexy man and you won’t be an asshole anymore”. That is also a prediction, but it is a prediction based on a lie"
This is bears in trunks retarded and also a lie because most tarriffs do the job intended, just like a cigarette will cure a nicotine fit.
Like sex, jeff thinks lies are fluid.
You have fluid sex? No wonder you post here so often. You can't find a partner who is also into "fluid sex".
And here jeff denies biological sex.
Biden calling out Trump for a border crossing policy that was started when HE was Vice President, and continued well into his term as POTUS is absolutely disingenuous and not a nit-pick.
The authenticity of the quote is still in doubt. All Snopes said was that there was no physical record that he said it.
So there's no record of Trump having said it, plenty of people around Trump deny he ever said it, and there's no proper source for the original claim. Repeating it when the overwhelming weight of evidence is that Trump did NOT say it is still a problem, not a nit-pick.
Biden calling out Trump for a border crossing policy that was started when HE was Vice President, and continued well into his term as POTUS is absolutely disingenuous and not a nit-pick.
Oh sure it's disingenuous. But it's not a lie that Trump separated families and put kids in cages, even if the Federalist thinks it is a lie to refer to a 'chain-link enclosure' as a 'cage'.
But it’s not a lie that Trump separated families and put kids in cages, even if the Federalist thinks it is a lie to refer to a ‘chain-link enclosure’ as a ‘cage’.
Okay, that's a fact-checking standard you could use. If you're going to establish that as your standard, you'd better be able to apply it the opposite way when fact-checking Trump.
Look at you trying to rationalize away a lie Joe told. Those chain links were around centers including beds. They were housed as family units for fucks sake. Does a cage describe a campus with toys, television, games sports, good where individuals can freely walk around while awaiting adjudication, especially when any of them could leave at any time to return to Mexico?
Talk about disingenuous bullshit.
Should also add the separated children were unaccompanied minors crossing with adults or groups who were not related. So what the fuck are you talking about?
That is flatly not true. Under Trump's original 'no tolerance' policy, all children were separated, even the ones traveling with their relatives.
And just to make the point: You are shamelessly lying about easily verified recent events in order to defend Trump and to defend putting kids in fucking cages, deliberately separated from their parents as an act of purposeful deterrence. That's the hill you've staked out for yourself here.
“One of the dudes just jerked off on her, and besides she was probably drunk”, is a super weird hill to “stake out for yourself”, Jeff.
And thank you for reminding me how much your 'concern for the children' is just a lot of bullshit. I will remember next time, you and your team start bloviating about banning drag queen story hour, or banning books from school libraries, or banning this and that, 'for the children', that you and your team are totally comfortable deliberately separating children from their parents in order to 'teach them a lesson'.
Like with Team Blue, you only use 'for the children' as a facade of an excuse to justify your real motivation, which is to control people.
Oh, fuck you, Jeff. Playing “revere the weirdo drag queen” with captive schoolchildren is a little bit different than “well, we snuck across a border, we knew there could be consequences, and we were inconvenienced for a little while.”
What a fucking idiot. How do you not know how badly you’re being played? God damn man, get some self respect.
They were housed as family units for fucks sake.
This is you being dishonest.
There were two Trump policies: one that was the 'zero-tolerance' policy, where the kids were separated from their parents. After public outrage, that was replaced by the second Trump policy, which did house family units together. You are being dishonest by conflating the two together.
Find it so weird that jeff claims to not be a Democrat, like shrike, but will fully believe every unverifiable narrative as fact. While defending verifiable lies from Joe.
What Jesse said about me:
will fully believe every unverifiable narrative as fact
What I actually said:
The authenticity of the quote is still in doubt.
He is shameless.
It is confession via projection. Jesse is the guy around here who actually does believe every unverified narrative as fact - as long as the narrative is critical of his opponents.
Which narrative jeff? The ones pushing the narrative is democrats, Joe, and The Atlantic. I've refuted the fucking narrative with contemporaneous witnesses. Shrike is pushing the narrative. Youre defending the narrative as not being provable to be debunked.
How fucking retarded are you? Aren't you always crying it is on the accuser to prove an assertion? Yet here you want to call it unverified if the defenders can not prove it with some form of tape? Kelly wasn't even there. He admits it was 2nd or 3rd hand. Those there say it never happened. Yet you push the narrative that neither side had plausibility.
You really are one retarded fat fuck jeff. Lol.
Which narrative jeff?
Well let's see - let's start with the one under current discussion, that Biden told "20 lies" based on that Federalist article, that you clearly didn't even bother to read yourself, or if you did you couldn't figure out how to sound out the words.
Good puppy. Defend the guy defending migranr rapists. Lol
defending migranr rapists
Another lie. You are the supreme liar around here.
And your other narratives Jeffrey? Is that the only thing you've ever said?
#7 isn’t a nitpick, it’s a lie AND it’s a misdirection from the fact that the fences were built and started being used when Joe was VP.
#10 is hearsay from a disgruntled anti-Trump general. Seeing as there is no evidence, it’s at best an assertion and at worst a bald faced lie.
I love that you spent the time to pick apart the article on Biden but just take at face value the 30-9 claim by CNN. Stuff like that might be why people call you a leftist/say you support Democrats.
For #7, the nitpick is that apparently the Federalist thinks it is a lie for a 'chain-link enclosure' to be colloquially referred to as a 'cage'. Biden's statement is that Trump was “separating babies from their mothers [and] putting them in cages”. That is a true statement regardless of who started the program.
For #10: is repeating a rumor the same as lying?
And no I don't support Democrats, I just enjoy tearing down right-wing falsehoods. It's so easy and there are so many of them.
And Trump telling 30 lies in the debate sounds entirely believable. Actually I'm surprised the number was so low.
"For #10: is repeating a rumor the same as lying?"
It is if you don't say it's a rumor.
Biden lied because he didn't say "I heard Trump said" which would have been true, but would have also diminished his smear.
By unequivocally saying "Trump said" he told a purposeful and deliberate lie.
Eh, I don't know. Again the point of a lie is the intent to deceive. If you have a good reason to believe the rumor is true, then repeating the rumor isn't a lie, it is repeating something that you have a good faith reason to believe is true.
“a good reason to believe the rumor is true”
Their “good reason” is the same as it was for believing he called Nazi’s fine people after Charlottesville and for believing he told people to inject bleach and/or aquarium cleaner: Abject hatred of Trump.
good faith reason to believe is true.
You think repeating a baseless rumor you heard about someone you already wanted to smear is "good faith"?
See, this is why I call you evil.
Jeff claims half, then posts 2.
Then jeff calls them out of context, despite agreeing with shrike on the narrative about calling troops lovers. Lol.
Calls a truthful lie a nitpick as his only real example. Defends the losers comment despite multiple people including those who dislike Trump saying it was never said.
Jeff you debunked zero of these. Are you retarded?
For Lie #19, when Biden said "1000 trillionaires" and then immediately corrected himself to say "1000 billionaires", should that be counted as a genuine lie? The Federalist thinks so. Do you agree?
If he immediately corrected himself, then no, that’s not fair to call it a lie.
Unless the context was, “I wish there were 2000 billionaires” fuck that old asshole.
I’m guessing that was not the case.
Jeff claims half, then posts 2.
I said "about half", I posted commentary about 4 of the lies, and I also used the phrase "for example" meaning that my commentary was not exhaustive about the whole list.
When you wrote "then posts 2", that is a lie right there.
despite agreeing with shrike on the narrative about calling troops lovers.
I'm sure many troops are lovers. What are you getting at here?
And what the hell is a "truthful lie"?
Are you more unhinged than usual this morning?
I posted 20 lies yesterday
Not your record though.
Uh oh. The democrats are flailing.
It amuses me how you, sarc, and Jeff just retreat to using bald assertions others are lying as you provide no actual counter.
I'm fine with voting for Chase Oliver.
Not the pathological liar or the brain-dead corpse?
What are you - a fucking communist?
Yes. He is a communist.
Interviews and newly unearthed records reveal FBI program to stage Nazi rallies under then-Director Robert Mueller
This was the subject of Part 1 of The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory
Did you know ADL trains every new FBI agent on their role as protectors of the American people and the Constitution?
False flags are part of the lawfare because idiots like shrike and Jeff above blindly push the narratives. See above. See the number if hate crime hoaxes. That even got its own database.
The credential is the sacred totem which confers authority for the managerial elite
The institutions that bestow those credentials are their high places, you don't reform the high places of false gods, you tear them down
Expertise continues to exist, but it ceases to be the definitive authority, the single source of knowledge, the only basis on which decisions are made
This sounds terrifying, even to many on the right, because they have bought into the regime's political formula
Hey look, I found footage of Nardz's family reunion.
Another fun analysis for sarc, jeff and Eric Boehm. Both of who think tariffs are the biggest tax on Americans while also ignoring things like leftist DAs not pursuing shop lifting.
Tarrifs cost roughly 51B a year in fees. That’s a lot. Yet the same people screaming against this cost generally rage against cops for arrests of shoplifting. So what is the cost of shoplifting to corporations?
The National Retail Federation has previously stated that shrink accounted for $112.1 billion in losses in 2022, up from $93.9 billion in 2021. Failed progressive policies have sparked unprecedented levels of theft.
So double the cost of the price increases due to tariffs. Odd they still promote this type of consumer tax while raging against a much smaller cost. Wont even mention the regulatory costs.
And before satc and Jeff lie, no I do not support protectionist tariffs, but am fine with retaliatory tariffs as I dont support disadvantaged markets.
Having said that, their hobby horse is dwarfed by other policies they ignore or openly support. Regulatory costs being the highest hidden tax to consumers, something Joe is openly pushing along with democrats.
So you compare apples and oranges and conclude that tariffs aren't so bad. Got it.
no I do not support protectionist tariffs
But, you'll just vote for the guy who does. Got it.
Reason writers voted for the guy that supports them. FFS...
But as you once spoke a crystalline truth in a thread the other day, Reason ain't doctrinaire libertarian.
Reason writers voted for the guy that supports them.
You mean, based on the poll from 2020? The one in which the overwhelming majority of Reason writers said they would either vote for JoJo or not vote at all?
Yes that one. According to the narrative they all supported Biden, no matter what they actually said.
Another strawman from you two, aka a lie.
This is especially fucking hilarious as those you are crying about are the ones who constantly link the article you retarded fucks. Lol.
Here you go:
Alissi: Jorgensen
Bagge: Jorgensen
Boehm: Not voting
Britschgi: Nobody
Brown: Jorgensen
Ciaramella: Biden
Dalmia: Biden
Davis: Jorgensen
Doherty: Nobody
Gillespie: Jorgensen
Mangu-Ward: Not voting
Monticello: Not voting
Osterhoudt: Nobody
Poole: Trump
Riggs: Biden
Shackford: Jorgensen
Slade: Undecided
Soave: Jorgensen
Suderman: Nobody
Sullum: Jorgensen
Walker: Jorgensen
Weissmueller: Biden
Welch: Jorgensen
Wolfe: Nobody
So, out of those 24, we have:
10 for Jorgensen (42%)
8 for nobody/not voting (33%)
4 for Biden (16%)
1 for Trump (4%)
1 undecided (4%)
So yeah, totally "everybody" voted for Biden. Sure.
You are becoming an absolute master of proving my point.
I say 'Reason writers voted for the guy that supports them', you say, "nuh uh" and proceed to produce a list of reason writers that voted for the guy that supports them.
oh fuck, not Zeroheade and The Federalist on the same day. Just stop it Jesse. Have you no shame?
If you link the Gateway Idiot Pundit you should be shunned for life.
Give him time, it's still morning in Arizona.
Which fact is wrong in the post Jeffrey?
Is this all you retards have left? Just deny reality while simping for democrats?
Sorry I dont post Salon or dark Brandon praising Daily Beast.
Who cares? It's a stupid argument. Comparing tariffs to shoplifting? Next, will you be comparing sales taxes to jaywalking?
Which facts are wrong jeff?
How dare someone make an economic argument comparing two different items that raise consumer prices.
This is so fucking pathetic. You know this comparison is valid but never got your Salon talking points which is why you attempted to attack the source.
You want honest arguments but this is all you are. Someone whose only talking points are what ACt Blue sent them, what Sulu said, or what Katie Hill said.
You really are pathetic jeff lol.
Does shoplifting increase prices on goods, yes or no jeff?
This is your version of "bears in trunks". Sure, let's compare shoplifting with tariffs! They both raise prices? Okay, then let's compare sales taxes with jaywalking. They both raise prices too! Or let's compare income taxes with rush hour traffic. Sure why not! They both raise prices in some indirect way! "If you oppose sales taxes but say nothing about the horrors of rush hour traffic it means you're a total hypocrite!!!" No, it means that intelligent people understand when a comparison is just batshit crazy.
Lol, chemjeff just zinged sarc.
Tariffs and shoplifting both cost the seller (one through taxing their imports and one through reduced inventory that’s already been paid for and is now a net loss). Both costs are going to get passed on to the end consumer.
Sales taxes don’t really increase the seller’s costs, seeing as they're just acting as a de facto collector for the state.
Jaywalking does fuck all to increase the businesses costs.
Shrike joins jeff in ad hominem attacks because they love their narratives, not facts.
What facts are wrong shrike? Jeff can't answer. Maybe you can.
Let's compare income taxes with rush hour traffic!
Regarding the lies - I don't believe Joe was lying. It was worse than that. It is abject senility.
Donnie knows he is lying. He is speaking to his base - dumbasses. Therefore when he lies about energy independence he knows they believe it.
Joe's two worst "lies" were entirely self-inflicted. It's like he was coached on the Sloppy Pullout and Laken Riley to give some nuance if needed.
And then he brought the shit up himself. They must have been horrified - NO JOE. DON'T GO THERE IF YOU DON'T NEED TO !
Pure senility.
Talking points are out! Just ignore he has repeated the same lies for 3.5 years.
If you guys want a history podcast that will blow you away-- and entertain you at the same time, I strongly suggest Tom Holland's podcast The Rest is History.
I cannot recommend this enough.
What does Spider-Man know about history? He's just a kid.
Thanks Tony Stark.
I hear his engineering podcast is pretty good
Steve Bannon, Inmate No. 05635-509, is apparently very concerned about the quality of his new roommates.
Incidentally, perhaps we ought to start referring to Trump as Inmate No. P01135809.
That's right, gloat about your political prosecutions and Stalinist show trials, you totalitarian simp.
I'm sure you somehow think the libertarians scrolling through will agree with you.
You’re gonna need to start referring to him as the president.
So yeah, I think Inmate No. P01135809 is probably going to win, because of this:
That is who Trump is - "strong and wrong". Or at least he portrays himself as "strong" even as he is screaming "I'm a victim!" with every other breath.
I liked it better when you had Jesse on mute. Better to let his lies stand there without the dignity of a response.
What lies sarc?. Yours and Jeff's bald assertions are growing tiring. You both look fucking retarded today. But that is the norm.
Neither of you can make an intelligent argument so you scream lies. Lol.
Narrator - "But Sarc knew the actual liar here was him"
Oh, and suckhole your totalitarian pal, Jeffy, as you two gloat over politically motivated charges, you fascist simp.
I’m shocked that people would pull towards someone they think is strong and possibly wrong vs someone who is obviously weak and considerably wrong. Shocked.
The regime believes that if it can control the narrative, it can control reality. Hence the endless demands for censorship, the fake unreported crime stats, the revised economic numbers, the bogus experts, the phony dossiers, and false claims of disinformation. But once in awhile, reality pokes through the narrative mirage in such an obvious way that the truth can no longer be covered up or denied. And in that moment, the regime has no idea what to do. Practiced only in the art of dissembling, it panics, and the apparatchiks turn on each other. It’s fricking beautiful to behold.
Pushing “marginalized” groups to the fringes of society throughout history allowed society to not only survive, but flourish.
Now we get to see the consequences of celebrating, elevating, & empowering these people.
Nazi says what?
If anyone knows Nazis it'd be Jeffy. Are you trying to recruit?
Civilization vs Barbarism
I don't understand why all these leftist institutions are suddenly calling for Biden to step aside, as he's every bit as capable and competent today as he has been his entire presidency.
My suspicion is that the Obo machine sold their puppet, Joe, to the rest of the Dem's as a fall guy to be tossed under the bus at the right moment, except the Obo machine never intended to toss him aside because he's their puppet and allows them to keep firm control.
The election is getting closer and the signs are looking real bad for Biden's chances to be reelected.
Now is the time he's supposed to be thrown under the bus so the Dems can stay in power.
Unfortunately for them, they waited too long and the Obo machine seems to be renegging on their promise.
The rest of the Dems are now panicking because they don't think he can win, but they're stuck because he won't resign and still has the Obo machine behind him.
They got played.
Plenty of time left. This isn't over for the Dems. At this point in 2020, Trump pretty much had the GOP nomination locked up, but the Dems were still primarying and no clear winner had emerged. Yet, with Covid inspired mail in voting assisting them, they went on to win. Give it a couple weeks to simmer, and then the "Obo machine" could have Obama's 4th term all lined up nicely.
Yeah, it’s fun to think that they are stunned and in disarray, but it could be a head fake.
The Acolyte takes place 100 years before the original Star Wars, meaning the empire ethnically cleansed the galaxy into being 99% white