The Last Liberal
Bill Maher on weed, wokeness, and 30 years of free speech

In December, the public research firm WPA Intelligence came out with a small survey with potentially huge—and widely ignored—implications for institutional media, entertainment, and government.
Asking 1,000 registered voters which of eight listed media personalities they trusted, the firm found podcast iconoclast Joe Rogan—who has been serially singled out by the Joe Biden White House for COVID-19 "misinformation"—in second place with 36 percent, just edging out former Fox News host Tucker Carlson's 35 percent and Daily Wire impresario Ben Shapiro's 33, and far ahead of the industry-respected CNN anchor Jake Tapper (23 percent).
In first place, with 40 percent, including the highest ratings of the group among political independents? Comedian Bill Maher.
Maher, whose 22nd season of HBO's Real Time debuted January 19, the day before his 68th birthday, finds himself in an unusually important position in American discourse as he enters a 30th consecutive year hosting a political talk show on TV. As elite journalists increasingly shy away from "platforming" allegedly dangerous conservatives, Maher eagerly slings the bull with the Steve Bannons and Vivek Ramaswamys of the world. As late-night comedians elicit "clapter" for their dutiful swipes at Donald Trump, the HBO host still aims for actual laughs, in part by making his own political side uncomfortable. And in an era when both left and right are abandoning bedrock Enlightenment values of due process and free speech, Maher has become one of the most insistent (critics would say hectoring) voices for old-school liberalism.
"It's a small band of us," Maher says at the Beverly Hills Hotel's famed Polo Lounge, "but we're the ones who haven't gone insane, and people know it."
Maher is stubborn, tolerant, energetic, and a tad eccentric. He brought a dropper of organic water flavoring to lunch, explaining: "Am I a chemist? Have I vetted it? No, but I really believe them. And Aaron Rodgers texted me and said he's doing it." Over the decades he has been one the most influential public figures to normalize the recreational use of marijuana, sitting on the advisory board of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). Twice during the 2023 Writers Guild strike he came close to breaking ranks and bringing his show back sans writers, as he had in 2008.
As a potentially insane 2024 election year wheezes into gear, Maher is calling for Biden to step down, gearing up for a comedy tour titled "WTF?" releasing a book collecting his editorials over the past two decades, and continuing his popular new video podcast Club Random, where he gets high with celebrities and tries not to talk about politics.
Reason's Matt Welch sat down with Maher on January 5 to talk about his career, the state of free speech, and wrestling with such characters as Kanye West.
Reason: How often are you stoned on Club Random?
Maher: Oh, constantly. The whole point of the show is I'm completely stoned. And I'm not hiding it.
Who's the best stoned interviewee? Who has just lost it so far?
Probably Kanye, but we never aired that one.
You're suppressing sweet Kanye material!
Oh, I would've been canceled. I mean, I try to resist bending the knee—I think I do it better than almost anybody else in media—to the woke shit, but sometimes, you know, you will just be canceled.
We did that right around when he was first starting ranting about the Jews. I wanted to have him over to instruct him, in a nice way. Everybody else was yelling at him, and that's not the way to get through to somebody. And he's a sweet guy—I mean, he's not a terrible guy. He is a narcissist in the sense of the last thing he would ever think to say to me was, "What's going on with you?"
But I did, I think, get through to him about antisemitism. I don't know if it stuck. Apparently it didn't, because he said things since like "I like Hitler," so.
He was on time, very normal. I think he had been thrown off social media, so he had no outlet and he wanted to go to a few places and get his story out. And he was cool; we laughed our asses off for a couple hours and smoked a lot. And I tried to explain to him about people who are successful in business—you know, that's capitalism. They're going to be rough in business. It's just capitalism, and Jews are good at it, so maybe that's why you're beefing so much about it.
But it was still risqué enough that you didn't want to—
No, it wasn't just that I didn't want to get canceled. It was that I thought giving him, with the level of his antisemitism, more oxygen—no, I didn't want to participate in that. I was hoping I could get him to recant, basically, and I could not. I got him to listen, and then we'd go onto something else and laugh and laugh and laugh, and then it would just sort of like come back again, and he would say something. I'd be like, "Now Kanye, OK, there's that Jew thing again!" So I thought I had a noble purpose, but then when it did not come around to what I hoped: No, I'm not going to help him. That's just a bridge too far.
I want to talk a bit about the program that you do on television and look on its history, because you're in year 30 of doing political comedy.
Thirty consecutive years on TV: That's a lot! It's amazing that it gets no coverage in the mainstream media. Really, that's not a story? I know I'm a bad person because I don't bend a knee to the woke doctrine, but wow, that's a lot to look past.
I don't know, in your age and decrepitude, whether you remember where your memory was 30 years ago—
It's not the age, it's the pot!
But when you were starting [Maher's previous TV show] Politically Incorrect, and to the extent that you had a mission of what you were doing besides getting laughs and getting ratings and getting renewals, what was that mission? And how has that changed over the years?
Well, it's in the title, Politically Incorrect. That was not a phrase at the time. But that was really what it is. Political correctness, even in the early '90s, was starting to be out of control.
And also funny to make fun of.
Exactly. I mean, it was a nice barn to throw stuff at; you couldn't miss if you were honest about it. It was a zeitgeist, a feeling in the culture that the political correctness was going too far. And I thought maybe I could put a stake in its heart. And of course, just like the Kanye thing, completely failed, because it only metastasized and got worse. Incredibly worse.
I remember when I started editing Reason in 2008, the phrase and the concept of political correctness felt like a '90s thing. Your show came out. Comedy Central was very much in the thick of it; the South Park guys came out right around then. And even some of the early online media felt a little post-partisan, like had David Horowitz and Camille Paglia writing as columnists.
The Huffington Post!
Right? When Arianna was still almost a right-winger.
Yes. And I was very, I wouldn't say involved on an official level, but she was a very, very—and still is a very, very—close friend. And I think it was Andrew Breitbart, he's a byword now for ultra-conservative, he was one of her friends and was on the project. So, come on, man. I mean, when they say, you know, "You've changed." I've changed? Come on. Things change.
So I was talking early in my editorhood to Greg Lukianoff from [the free speech and civil liberties advocacy organization] FIRE, who you had on recently. Back then FIRE was still just doing campus stuff and hadn't expanded.
Yeah, there's a little cadre of you guys—you and him and Bari [Weiss] and Andrew Sullivan, who are just so great that you exist in this culture, because it's a small band of us, but we're the ones who haven't gone insane, and people know it.
In talking with Greg in those days, they'd been tracking this stuff on campus, and I was like, "OK you guys are fighting in education, but didn't we win the politically correct wars in the '90s?" And he's like, "You are so wrong about that." It's just that we stopped talking about it as a country, but meanwhile all the institutions got totally infected.
They really did. And that's how you wound up with college campuses being Team Hamas. "Hey liberals! Let's get behind the most illiberal people in the world! Let's get with the people who put a bag over women's heads and make them have a male guardian if they want to leave the house." I could never have predicted it. So insane.
Since you have more proximity to and grounding in the left of the center of the median, do you have a working theory of what the hell happened?
That's a great question. I mean, I know there are people who think that it's a deliberate communist infiltration; that I find hard to believe. But I do think it starts with stuff in the universities. As I called it in an editorial recently, that's the mouth of the river from which all the nonsense comes. Which is how we saw what we saw post–October 7 on the campuses, and the Harvard president resigning, and so forth.
I was recently remembering the Ari Fleischer quote, where he was asked about your comment not long after September 11 about the comparative cowardliness of Americans sending bombs from afar. His response when asked, "What do you say to Bill Maher's quote," was, "Americans have to watch what they say." Which was not great! It was not great for the spokesman of the president of the United States to say that as a general thing, or even as a specific thing.
Everybody on the left was on my side. As they should be. And that should pertain to both sides, left and right. It was wrong when someone from the right said, "Americans should watch what they say," but who are we really watching what we say for now, more than anybody? The left. That's who you have to watch what you say around.
Look, it's not like cancel culture doesn't exist on the right. I've pointed out before: Nobody got canceled harder than Colin Kaepernick. OK? So it happens both ways. But it's more of a left thing. People are much more afraid. Obviously people in the public eye even more so, but even just around the office, people are worried: "I have a thought; just safer not to say it." And that's a bad place to be.
I referenced the Ari Fleischer quote on CNN recently, in an amazing segment from a few months ago in reaction to one of these court cases that went against the Biden administration for trying to suppress speech, especially COVID-related health speech and "misinformation." I sat with a panel of journalists who were all just shaking their damn heads at the judge not allowing the Biden administration to crack down on all these lying misinformation people. As I was saying on CNN, I couldn't believe that we got to this point where journalists are cheering on the White House engaging in actual censorship, saying from the same podium that Spotify really needs to do more to crack down on Joe Rogan, that there's a dirty dozen list of people who spread the most misinformation about COVID.
Misinformation. One of the other most weasel fucking words. Whose misinformation? These people—the "science" people—have no idea what science is, that it's something that's tested every day. Otherwise it's religion. What they're talking about, what they have is a religion. Ridiculous.
I think of the survey that they did about COVID in 2021, where something like almost 50 percent of Democrats thought that if you got COVID, there was a 50 percent chance you would get hospitalized, when it was actually more like 1 percent. Obviously, that tells you something about a media bubble on the left also. I mean, that's some crazy misinformation. So maybe a quarter of the country, half of the liberal side of the country, is going around with the idea that half the people who get COVID go to the hospital. Of course they're going to believe in crazy stupid overreaction tactics to deal with this. So nobody has a monopoly on misinformation.
How often do you get accused of "platforming"? When Politically Incorrect started, one of the things that was refreshing about it was that it was a place where people with different points of view about politics could laugh and talk about it as if they were real human beings. I just presumed that everyone would be copying that model, but it seems to have run in the opposite direction now, where just the idea of even a straight-news television program having people who have different political views seems odd.
I had [Ron] DeSantis and Ted Cruz on this year, and Bill Barr. And yes, to answer your question, I can think of two people—and I won't say who they are; one of them is pretty famous—just yelling at me in an email about that. And my answer to that is: Fuck off. You know what? You live in your ivory tower. I'm going to talk to everybody in the half of the country that you find is so deplorable. They're not going to self-deport, even if they are deplorable.
And some of them are! And some on the left are deplorable too, and incredibly obnoxious. That's the country!
When historians look back in a hundred years, if we're still here, I don't think they're going to divide the country like we do into these two camps. They're going to say: As a people, they were obnoxious. It happens in different forms on both sides. As a people, they didn't believe in science. On the right, they think global warming is a hoax or whatever nonsense they believe about that. And on the left, they think men can have babies. That's what they'll say. They'll say, "As a people, they just lost their shit."
Do you have a special sense of either foreboding or humor, even if it's a little bit mordant, about 2024?
I think I'm where a lot of people are: I wish Biden would step aside. Well, first, I wish Trump doesn't win, but he totally could, and it's looking more like he will. But a lot can change in a year. We haven't had any of his trials—although if the January 6 commission and the media and everything else haven't changed people's minds about liking him, I think these trials are only going to make him look like a revolutionary leader. All you have to say is, "The people who put me on trial were corrupt!" And then your ignominious behavior becomes a badge of honor. So whether the trials are going to help or hurt him, it's hard to say. I think it'll be about a draw, and then it'll really be a referendum on which side is crazier.
And both sides have a case, although I always fall on the side of "Trump of course is truly crazy." He's stupid and crazy. They're two completely different things, but he has both of them. I'm even more worried about the crazy side, but crazy photographs, insanity photographs, it's compelling. And when he shows up, come on, people are going to cover it, watch it. It's not going to be boring. And in this unfactual society, I don't think any of the issues really are what most people vote on anyway. It doesn't really matter what any of them say or do, because they each have their own media sources, who are in the business of feeding back to their audience what they want to hear.
Trump has been so weird for comedy. He's inherently funny—as a comedian, he's got really good laugh-out-loud timing. But also as a character, he's funny. And yet for institutional comedy, for Saturday Night Live comedy, I think he's been terrible. Why? How did they screw up such an obvious thing?
I must say first, the guy on Saturday Night Live who does him now [James Austin Johnson] is genius at it. So much better than any of the other people who did him. Alec Baldwin's not an impressionist; he did a passable job, but it was just a vehicle to put stupid words in Trump's mouth, which, who can't do that? I mean, I don't disagree with the spirit of it; it just gets old. But this guy captures what I was saying a minute ago, the insanity. He captures that he is insane, because he talks exactly the way Trump sounds: stream of consciousness, one thought ping-ponging to another one that may or may not be connected. That's what kills me. That's the best thing they do on that show.
That's good. But generally speaking, and not just to single out SNL, late-night comedy overall has, at least for my taste, and maybe you have a different opinion—
Oh, no. I don't really want to talk about it, because I get in trouble if I start talking about other people doing political comedy on TV. Let's just say: There's a place for everybody, and everybody's super talented, and they're just doing different things!
But one way that I find there to be this weird separation, is that there's a demonstrated audience for what you do. There's an audience for Bari Weiss, Andrew Sullivan, us, people who are doing similar things. And they give us feedback that is similar to the feedback you get as well. And then if you look in the world of comedy, the places where comedy is institutional, they seem to be losing audiences. But the individuals who are out there on Netflix, and who've gone solo? The people who don't give a fuck are out there killing it. Why such a split? Why is it so that the institutions can't recognize and learn from the people who are killing it?
It's my mouth-of-the-river theory. The mouth of the river is the elite colleges. Those spoiled kids who go to those elite colleges who do nothing but complain about privilege while they lead the most privileged life possible. They have the ultimate privilege, which is the ability to spout nonsense without any sort of consequence and to believe in impractical things. So that's who goes to those colleges. It's a very small world in that world. The same kind of kids who go to the same kind of schools, same kind of neighborhoods they grew up in, go to these colleges. So they're in this sort of bubble where they're feeding this stuff to each other.
Who knows where the actual origin is. It's kind of like AIDS: Was it a monkey? I don't know. Something like that. Maybe this was a monkey; I don't know. But then they go into media, so now they have the bullhorn, right? So it's not a big number of people, but it's the people who are controlling it.
When I first received your show thousands of years ago, I took it as this new thing, and I'm sure you felt it as a new thing, a new kind of genre. But now I wonder: Was it also maybe the last of an old thing? You ever look at those old Merv Griffin clips, or—
David Susskind?
Exactly. Or Dick Cavett: Let's just get John Lennon on to talk about crazy shit with someone over here.
Yeah, that's what I was doing with Politically Incorrect. I was bringing back something. I never claimed I invented the idea of having different people on this show at the same time—talk shows had moved away from that. So it was in a way a renaissance of something from the antiquity of television.
I of course took it to a different level. It was sort of a designed train wreck, that show, right? You were supposed to have Bob Dole on with Carrot Top because the idea was they both get to vote, so they both really have the same power, or whatever. And so that was the charm.
It was also a silly show in many ways, because that often rendered just silliness. But it was a comedy show. First of all, it was a half-hour long minus eight minutes of commercials. We had 22 minutes for four people plus me to talk, minus a monologue. I mean, you couldn't really get too deep into a lot of issues.
So Real Time comes on. More space, more serious-ish. More explicitly political.
The difference was there wasn't Carrot Top. And I say that as someone who loves Carrot Top: He's a super smart guy but not right for sitting on a panel. It's people like you now. In the old show, we were always trying to have and needed celebrity value. There are some celebrities now, but there are very few, and they are almost never on the panel. This is a team of thinkers.
So 2025, what are you going to do? Do you want to keep doing this?
I'll probably do it until they kick me out. I can't think of a better job.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity.
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Not a lot of choice there. True, it is difficult to poll with selections from a long list, and even ranking 8 is pretty long for a poll, but don't be surprised by the results when you force choices from a list that short. One alternative would be free choice, asking the respondent to name people without promptingl in a sample of 1,000 that's not an unreasonable way to proceed to get significant numbers.
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Despite his claimed openness to all sides, Maher egged on leftism and has been solidly leftist, and now that it's gone way too far he's all shocked and dismayed.
This. He cheered 0n 90% of it then got upset at the last 10%
Yup. And he was always the first to put out the Tony argument that, "listen, who cares, they have good intentions and its just crazy college kids doing this stuff in universities, this stuff doesn't matter or affect anyone"
He was told many times about the slippery slope he was on and the unintended consequences of this stuff, but kept writing it off. And now his side, the left, is calling him a right wing Nazi.
Even just a couple years ago he was praying for a recession and for the economy to shit the bed, under Trump, if it would get him out of office.
He's just mad that more extreme lefties no longer have use of him and would march him to the gulag in a heartbeat for wrong think now.
He's a hardcore leftist and a right wing Nazi at the same time?
Please explain how Socialists are right wing.
I’m responding to “And now his side, the left, is calling him a right wing Nazi.”
edit: Which is an odd statement if you think about it. If his side hates him, then wouldn’t that mean they’re not his side?
It's not that hard to understand.
sarcasmic 54 mins ago
The thing I’ve noticed about political tribalism is that people will find themselves drawn to a tribe over one or two issues that are important to them, then they must adopt and defend everything (or everyone) else the tribe stands for. Or else. Individual thought is only allowed within narrow limits. Go beyond that and you get drummed out.
There is nothing more laughable than bill maher trying to pass himself off as anything other than a hatefull extreme authoritarian communist shill for the democrat party.
He's never had an original thought.
other than communist... i agree.
people are throwing around 'communist' so much these days it has as much meaning as nazi, fascist, or reasonable democrat
Very simple. Bill maher IS a Communist. He is dead set against allowing the right to private property, unless you are a member of the elite ruling class.
You can cite somebody and not agree with what they say.
I can quote Hitler's speeches. Transcripts exist. Does not mean I agree with them.
God you're fucking stupid. The man has been a creature of the left for decades cheering their every abuse and excusing any action but he found a cynical limit and is now being attacked by his former allies. None of that means he's anything but a leftist.
he’s a lefty progressive that is aware enough to see at least the worst excesses of his tribe and he is desperate to save them from themselves.
He motivation is to save power for the progressive left, not to save America.
He does not believe in any freedoms that go against his vision of a reconstituted America
I don't think that's his motivation. I think his motivation is to stay in the spotlight and he finally decided we'd made it to the point where he could stir up some controversy poking at some woke excess without being cancelled.
He's motivated to make money and keep his fame. He's a total media whore, through and through.
without being cancelled and without hurting his tribe – because noone he pursuades to be reasonable [a relative term for progressive (D)’s] does he expect to flip for repubs
If he thought it would hurt dem chances he wouldnt be saying any of this on his platform - he'd just complain to people he associates with privately.
That's right. He was spewing leftist shit for 25 of his 30 years on the air. And now he realizes that the left is full of sh*t. He is not a conservative or libertarian (except for the MJ); he is a social democrat.
he came close to breaking ranks
What a brave little man. He came close to breaking ranks. Imagine that. In what a 5-month strike!! So brave!!
And he is deep in the throes of TDS. And Matt is sucking his dork all the time. Ugh!
If you turn around and face the opposite way that everyone else is facing... right wing.
Seriously? You're saying you've never heard a Republican support a welfare program?
he's being called a nazi by the true believers that are even further left of him, because he calls out the left sometimes, and recently also had the audacity to call out Hamas/palestine for being a theocratic anti-liberal shithole that is absolutely in the wrong for their terrorist attack.
With the left, you are either a good soldier repeating every current day talking point, or you are 'alt right' 'right wing' and of course, a nazi
With the left, you are either a good soldier repeating every current day talking point, or you are ‘alt right’ ‘right wing’ and of course, a nazi
And with the right, you are either a good soldier defending everything Trump, or you are 'leftist' 'RINO' and of course, a nazi.
whatever you need to tell yourself sarc
Only the left is tribal, but not the right. Because you're not a tribalist. They are, but not you.
Glenn Greenwald is none of those. Neither is Matt Taibbi. Haven't seen Schellenberger praising Trump. Never saw Jordan Peterson doing so. Bari Weiss has not that I have ever seen.
None are RINO nor Nazis.
For that matter, calling someone a RINO doesn't mean they are Leftist, just that they aren't a "real" Republican. And I don't see people on the Right calling other people on the Right Nazis.
And I don’t see people on the Right calling other people on the Right Nazis.
The neocons are certainly slinging around the "fascist" label a lot these days, as it's the go-to pejorative of their current leftist masters.
When the Republicans are watching tens of thousands of Democrats in the streets everyday screaming for the eradication of the Jewish people, I'd say the Republicans are on pretty solid ground using words like "Fascist" and "Nazi".
Exactly. Now, they do get called "Nazis" or "fascists" by the far Left as insults as those seem to be their go-to insults of choice.
Exactly right.
compare (source):
Nazis are leftist. It’s a form of socialism. I know you’re. Stupid, drunk pussy, but goddamn, do try and keep up a little.
Maher is a shill and my guess he shills for the MIC and their propaganda division. I mean that’s who owns the media, that’s who has the business relationships with the colleges, that’s who is the beneficiary of a trillion a year budget. It makes sense that they would take what sunstein was doing and figure out how to steer the masses in any direction they want.
Maher knows this, but he pretends it’s the aristocracy.
He was still pushing Russia and the pee tape a year or two ago
Maher lives in a news bubble. Only gets his news from left wing sources (which include NYT). He's started to realize it after some guests brought receipts and called him out on things.
The dude is wearing makeup.
They all wear makeup, where have you been ?
On TV you must wear makeup or else you look so pale...white people at least.
And the "feature" highlighted is that his bubble isn't the size of the 5th fleet that he can't steer. He's Quint from Jaws. He's still referred to as a "Comedian" despite the fact that he hasn't done comedy as recently as Rogan or Adam Sandler or Kevin James, people whom others generally refer to as "Actor" or "YouTube Personality". Maher is less of a comedian than Ellen Degeneres or Rosanne Barr, maybe even Ricki Lake, Dr. Phil, or Jerry Springer.
Are usually have my tablet with me when I’m expecting such a debate. Really pisses people off when you can just make a quick Internet search and find proof that what they are saying is bullshit.
'...I'm shocked, shocked, to find that liberalism is going on here!...' Captain Bill Renault Maher.
So Ben Shapiro and Tuck Carlson 2nd and 3rd and somehow Biden and a Democrat trifecta won the presidency? I guess the sample purposely left out all those mystery mail-addresses the election got.
Bill Maher pisses off the Wokes on the right and the left and us individualists have to like him for that.
Youre a globalist liberal racist acolyte. Not an individualist. You defend one of the main pushers of collectivism and ‘elite’ authoritarianism.
Yes, I am a classic liberal and globalist. I am truthful. You're a conservative but you're ashamed of it.
And Ayn Rand is no "collectivist" you moron.
You’ve never ayn rand before. This has been shown many times.
Your diety supports DEI, censorship, and control. You aren’t a classical liberal dumbass. You spend half your time here defending soros and globalist single party control, 25% of your time defending Joe, and 25% being racist and posting child porn.
Globalism is as far away as one can get from being an individualist. It removes power from the individual from the furthest point. They seek to control the lifestyles of every individual. Literal top down design.
It is why they push so much for censorship of even true things if it goes against their demands.
Shorter Jesse: That's not what you think! This is what you think!
Poor sarc.
The WEF literally had a conference a few days ago talking about how wrongthink needs to be shut down.
Pour Sarc.
Pour Sarc.
Poor brain damaged Sarc.
"Wokes on the right "
Ah, so the word "woke" has completely lost all meaning now. Good to know.
Isn't it amazing how they self-project everything ... always...
You should see Jesse and Mothers Lament screaming like hyenas when one of their black Republican stick figures is criticized.
Everyone here criticizes black politicians, black culture, and the DEI/affirmative action BLM victim culture for legitimate reasons.
You throw out actual old-timey racist tropes and insult against politicians that specifically stray from the democrat plantation and have the audacity to have any other opinion.
These arent the same thing, and you know it
Nobody cares if you criticize black politicians.
When you decide that "Hey, let's do some 'Amos and Andy' shit involving Tim Scott or Herchel Walker!!" that people find you to be a BIGOT.
Which you are, mind you.
They are the black face of white supremecy
the classic im rubber and youre glue strategy
You? An Individualist?
You’re a leftist global Marxist and a child molester.
" . . . because he said things since like "I like Hitler," so."
Which one? The historical one, or the orange one?
Hitler is a concept.
December, the public research firm WPA Intelligence came out with a small survey with potentially huge—and widely ignored—implications for institutional media, entertainment, and government.
“LOL! My echo chamber told me what I wanted to hear, but I couldn’t hear it without my hearing aids in, so I turned the volume up.” – Matt Welch
Bill Maher occupies that not even dimly lit or brilliant space between Larry King, Gary Shandling, Richard Lewis, and Jon Stewart. Remember who forgettable Richard Lewis was? Yeah, Maher's not even that talented. He’s not edgy. He just doesn’t have enough of an audience that he has to tow the line like people like Stewart and Colbert.
Colbert does not HAVE to toe the line. He's too idiotic to not simply parrot whatever his writers say.
I still laugh that Greg Gutfeld, with no real celebrities, beats his show in viewers.
And Gutfeld isn’t even on a major broadcast network.
Real Time with Bill Maher is currently the #1 most popular show on HBO and 202nd overall on TV, watched by a total number of 685,000 people (0.22% rating, down -11% from December 15, 2023) as of the daily audience measurement on January 19, 2024. Real Time is hosted by William Maher (68).
That poll must have eliminated everyone who doesn't have cable and doesn't have HBO.
Real Time with Bill Maher is currently the #1 most popular show on HBO
That's only because House of the Dragon isn't on right now.
"Nobody got canceled harder than Colin Kaepernick."
Sure, totally the same thing. Because somebody paid to throw a pointy ball getting told to STFU about politics excuses wholesale expulsion of media and academic counter-revolutionary voices.
Kaepernick needs to look in the mirror and his black panther wannabe girlfriend to see why he was canceled.
The Ravens would have signed him way back when but girlfriend, aka Angela Davis Jr, called the owner a slave master.
The Dolphins also were looking at him, until he decided to be cute and wear a Che shirt to the press conference.
And that tweet by Nessa is particularly infamous because she called Ray Lewis a house nigger.
CK doesn’t want to play football. He wants to get paid millions for being a professional victim and leftist darling. He might have to produce results if he were still in the NFL.
Notably, he was already benched BEFORE he started getting political. He was a backup when his kneeling routine started, and it only ever brought him more attention (and endorsements) than he otherwise received. If he was “cancelled,” he wouldn’t have made more money out of it.
Again, suffering the consequences of your actions in real time is the weaselly, dishonest, leftist interpretation, exploitation of "getting canceled".
Again, I don't even like Justin Trudeau, but removing him from PM because he wore blackface in 2001 is cancelling, and literally retarded. Fair game to say it makes him look like a hypocrite or dishonest or to point out the retarded direction in which the culture has shifted, but the idea that dressing up as Aladdin in 2001 would/should bar him from office in 2015 or later is literally unconscionable.
Kaepernick taking a knee for no real reason at all and, when he gets put on the spot, says "Uh... I took a knee because, uh... racism!" and his employers told him to shut up and quit calling the owners, fans, and the rest of America racist, is not at all unconscionable and actually makes a lot of business sense.
Again, I don’t even like Justin Trudeau, but removing him from PM because he wore blackface in 2001 is cancelling, and literally retarded. Fair game to say it makes him look like a hypocrite or dishonest or to point out the retarded direction in which the culture has shifted, but the idea that dressing up as Aladdin in 2001 would/should bar him from office in 2015 or later is literally unconscionable.
Yeah, that fuckhead needs to be removed for his actions during the trucker strike and his general leftist retardation, not because he wore a costume a generation ago.
He's also corrupt.
Trudeau going in blackface should, if his constituents were honest and even remotely principled, cost him the election but not installing him or removing him, yeah, that's beyond the pale.
"Nobody got canceled harder than Colin Kaepernick."
Bill, uh, do you know what his stats were?
His average QB rating for his career was: 60.25
Blaine Gabbert, an AT-BEST mediocre QB (who beat out Colin for the starting position in SF) has a career QB rating of 71.7.
Colin was appreciably worse than a not-very-good QB who should never be a starter for an actual pro team.
Kaepernick called America racist and used the field and the league as platform to do it.
Implicit to the idea that he got cancelled is that the league or any employer owes their employees a platform. Which is almost the exact opposite of James Damore, Brandon Eich, or Nick Sandmann.
Maher has always been a no-talent, retarded leftist. The only reason Reason or anyone else is writing about him is because he's enough of a throwback that they think he, they, or both can salvage some credibility from the wreckage of The Left if Maher would allow them to hang out in his out-of-the-way shanty that is "surviving" the collapse.
The fact that Bill Maher has to point to Kaepernick no longer being in the NFL as an example of right-wing cancel culture is essentially proof that right wing cancel culture Doesn’t Exist.
And when I say it Doesn’t Exist, I don’t mean that there aren’t forces within right-wing circles that try, or have motivations to, or are sometimes successful at canceling people, it’s that compared to Left Wing cancel culture– if the two wings of cancel culture were NFL players, Left Wing Cancel Culture is a genetic super soldier made of from the DNA of Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Jim Brown, Joe Namath and Walter Peyton, and Right Wing Cancel culture is Colin Kaepernick.
Amd really what ‘right wing’ individuals or groups actually cancelled CK? Considering a large amount of the NFL owners and management are leftists themselves.
CK was a used up almost has been when he started his bullshit. He was on his way out due to mediocre performance and waning skills.
Maher is out of touch with reality. He struggled thru the whole interview to not come across as a useless woke leftist. He’s not even smart. He’s kind of a poseur - like Tucker.
The best thing to do with the left is to exterminate it.
I'll repeat what I wrote yesterday about America's Liberals. I even specifically mentioned Bill Maher, as a representative of the species. I was responding to a comment by CE:
“The Nazi sentiments and the calls for Jewish genocide seem to be coming mostly from the Progressive left”
And my response:
The real cheer leaders for the Jewish genocide come from the Biden administration, anyone who appears in the media, and most of the commenters here. I agree that the progressives have taken a sharp turn to Naziism, see the likes of the ADL’s apologetics for the Azov brigades, pundits like Bill Maher, RFK Jr, Hollywood celebrities etc. The ones who most faithfully support Palestine are Muslims or of the radical left, not mere ‘progressives.’
The good news is that this is mostly an American phenomenon. Put it down to another symptom of a depraved and declining empire. The rest of the world has little trouble in condemning the genocide.
Oh come on. They've only killed 25,000 Palestinians. It's not genocide until it hits at least a million.
American Liberals were referring to the Srebenica Genocide back in the day. Only 8,000 victims. The chief perpetrators Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic were tried and found guilty at The Hague. Their actions were also condemned by America's Liberals. The tide has turned and today they have come to support and promote genocide. Bill Maher is a perfect example.
You're correct.
The Jordanians in Gaza should be brought up on genocide charges.
"You’re correct."
I know I'm correct. What makes it clear is that nobody has refuted my comments. Bluster and insults are not a refutation.
—in second place with 36 percent, just edging out former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s 35 percent and Daily Wire impresario Ben Shapiro’s 33, and far ahead of the industry-respected CNN anchor Jake Tapper (23 percent). In first place, with 40 percent, including the highest ratings of the group among political independents? Comedian Bill Maher.
Survey was posted on December 22. I’m assuming it was taken shortly before it was announced. I’m guess… just guessing that Maher has lost some points lately because he’s become critical of orthodoxy since COVID began. Ie, if it’s 40 % now, I’m wondering if it would have been over 40% if that survey had been taken in 2017/18.
To Maher’s credit, he never would have been woke because as best I can tell, that never would have been his thing. However, if you watch certain old shows and clips, he was to woke as Nick Gillespie is to woke: For the first half dozen years of Wokeness rampaging through the culture, it was just something not to worry about, it was just college kids, man, they’ll grow out of it– the kids are all right, just leave them alone, man…
I occasionally get Maher clips in my feed- and given the nature of my feeds, they’re the ones where he rails against woke and his audience seems awfully quiet when he’s being critical.
However, if you watch certain old shows and clips, he was to woke as Nick Gillespie is to woke
Disagree. Nick is way more intelligent and funny... and that's not a compliment.
"I occasionally get Maher clips in my feed"
These days I'm getting flooded with hoof trimming videos. They are strangely compelling.
Interesting, I get those too.
Look, it's not like cancel culture doesn't exist on the right. I've pointed out before: Nobody got canceled harder than Colin Kaepernick. OK?
The fuck?
There is no logical way Kaepernick was "canceled by the right". There's no logical way. At a time in which large number of players were busy taking the knee, raising their fists for BLM, all sports networks and every sports franchise and sports league was openly supporting BLM, Kaepernick was the ONE that got "Canceled by the right"? Yeah, no.
I'm not a sports fan, but nearly every football fan I know, when Kaepernick's name comes up merely shrugs and says, "he wasn't a very good player."
Dumbfuck Maher probably has no idea that the Broncos offered him a job and a contract to be their backup and he turned it down, mainly because by that point being a professional race hustling victim grifter for the likes of Nike had become a far more lucrative gig.
I personally doubt that Maher really watches or knows anything about football. He seems more like a soccer guy. MAYBE he watches the Super Bowl because he wants to see the halftime show along with the rest of the girls.
Maher is a fairly ignorant person relative to his job. He usually looks like an ignoramus anytime there is a serious discussion in a real forum (I.e. not his show).
Yeah, Kaepernick was canceled so hard, the sports media spent the better part of a decade with their tongue up his rectum, with Nike subsidizing his lifestyle so he can push his anti-white, anti-US ethno-nationalism.
He didn’t finally lose his cultural credibility until he pulled that stunt about four years ago where the NFL actually sponsored a skills day for him to show off for multiple teams, and he played his typical reindeer games and tried to get it relocated at literally the last minute. I have more respect for a drug-addicted idiot like Johnny Manziel, because he at least showed he loved the game enough to play anywhere that someone would take him, no matter how obscure the league might have been. Kaepernick still thinks he should be a NFL starting QB long after the league figured him out and he ended up on the bench.
The absolute last thing that dickhead or his camp really wanted was to get an NFL deal, because he would have been exposed instantly and humiliated. Nike knew he had a lot more marketability as a martyr than as a shitty backup QB.
The best Maher moment by far was Hitchens flipping off his audience.
That shit is eternally hilarious, even if Hitch was doing it in the service of a dumb cause like US military overseas adventures. At least he was doing it from a place of principle; Maher's audience have always been a bunch of left-wing seals looking for applause lines.
Just like that bug eyed cunt Oliver's audience.
Aw, "overseas adventures" - what a cute euphemism. You must be a war mongering idiot.
Lol. Are you retarded, doc? In what world did reds comment read like anything but a mockery of “overseas adventures”?
AKA: interventionist military activity. Dumbass.
Hitchens was a quite reasonable atheist. He saw the danger of Islam and desperately wanted it eliminated.
He despised Islam because of all the bullshit his fellow authors had to endure for having spoken out about how psychotic the religion was. If you can find any videos of him talking about Islam do watch them. He doesn't hold back.
If only the governments of the first world would drop a pair the size of Hitchens' and seriously work to end the threat of Islam instead of bowing and scraping to that basket of mideval idiocy.
Fuck that noise. Hitchens lacks the brains and/or balls himself. There is one force that capably swept Islam entirely out of Western Civilization, in the name of Western Civilization, and Hitchens et al. consider their having done so to be among the darkest eras of human history and a black spot on the human soul.
He/they don't want to get rid of Islam they, like children, just wish it didn't exist or, assuming they are adults and the intellectuals they claim to be, want people to so fervently agree with them that they would lay down their lives for no higher purpose than to exterminate Islam.
They’ve got a point - it’s a toxic cult that has grown too big and needs to be put down. It’s just business. The species and Islam are incompatible. One has to go.
No it was Jon Stewart telling everyone that china leaked covid.
>>WPA Intelligence came out with a small survey with potentially huge—and widely ignored—implications for institutional media, entertainment, and government.
six of seven people who care is 85.7%
>>Nobody got canceled harder than Colin Kaepernick.
lol canceled Nike gave Colin a $30million no-show job. Jim Harbaugh was offered Protected Status so hard he outwardly cheated in college football and was awarded the National Championship and was awarded a new job in the NFL ... which is run by Roger Goodell who was offered Protected Status so hard he runs an obviously fixed professional football league to generate billions for the Protectors.
He's said numerous times he'd rather have been able to finish his playing career than any stupid corporate money. But I guess the "libertarians" don't actually believe in the First Amendment. Too busy sucking on your guns.
Fuck you. How's that for First Amendment?
"He’s said numerous times he’d rather have been able to finish his playing career than any stupid corporate money. But I guess the “libertarians” don’t actually believe in the First Amendment. Too busy sucking on your guns."
Perhaps he should have been a, you know, good QB and not a mediocre one who had one good season.
He was given chances and decided not to. And as I pointed out earlier, he was appreciably worse than Blaine Gabbert who is simply not good at all.
But I guess the “libertarians” don’t actually believe in the First Amendment.
Knowing it and not believing it would still put them above this idiocy.
You're like the retards that walk into a private restaurant, start screaming at customers and being borderline violently disruptive and, when the cops show up, start screaming "MUH 1A!"
He did finish his career - right where he belonged, on the bench.
I thought that other grifting anti-"woke" POS, Tim Pool, had already claimed the "right-wing chuds' favorite liberal" title.
Please leave the CHUDs out of it.
Maher is a f*cking idiot. He thinks "the kids love Hamas." GTFO with that crap.
The left sold out and became the quasi religion of "Liberalism", when they literally became like churches as non-profit corporations. Back in the sixties they were sincere and had good intentions. Now as corporations they have all the same benefits as churches. Don't pay taxes, don't produce any product, and don't perform a necessary service. All while doing minimal work by manipulating believers into spreading their message for them and bringing in more donations.
Calling it "not-for-profit" is a lie though. Real corporations share their profits with share holders. The profits these SJW churches bring in goes into the pockets of their preachers and small staff. All so they can keep asking for more tithes. Parasitic!
Bill Maher is a complete fuck-tard poseur. Who's the dumbass that green-lighted this interview?