Universities Use DEI Statements To Enforce Groupthink
DEI statements are political litmus tests.

Yoel Inbar must not be allowed to teach psychology at UCLA—or so a student petition informed the California university's administration this past July.
Inbar is an eminent, influential, and highly cited researcher with a Ph.D. in social psychology from Cornell University. There is no question that he is qualified. Anyone worth their salt doing work on political polarization knows Inbar's name. Inbar also jumped through all the hoops UCLA put up for the job, including submitting a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statement, which is currently all the rage in colleges and universities. He even shares the politics of the majority of the psychology department. But on his podcast, Inbar had expressed relatively mild concerns over the ideological pressures that DEI statements impose and wondered aloud whether they do harm to diversity of thought.
As a result of this petition—signed by only 66 students—UCLA did not hire Inbar. And he's not the only academic this has happened to. Far from it.
DEI Statements Are Political Litmus Tests
Since 2014, an unprecedented number of college professors have been targeted, punished, or fired for what they said, published, or taught. Meanwhile, colleges and universities are becoming even less ideologically diverse than they already were. Professors around the country are reporting their speech chilled in an increasingly homogenous environment.
While you might expect universities to respond to this issue by making efforts to mitigate groupthink, the opposite has occurred. Over the past several years universities across the country have decided that it's time to add DEI statements as part of the hiring and review process.
And while some argue that DEI statements are not litmus tests, we think that defies common sense and the evidence in front of us. Take this statement from Vassar College's Office of the Dean of the Faculty: All department and program hiring for tenure-track and multi-year faculty positions are requesting all candidates to submit a diversity statement:
This statement should provide the candidate's unique perspective on their past and present contributions to and future aspirations for promoting diversity, inclusion, and social justice in their professional career. The purpose of the diversity statement is to help departments and programs identify candidates who have professional experience, intellectual commitments, and/or willingness to engage in activities that could help the College contribute to its mission in these areas.
Even if you completely agree with the importance of DEI, there really isn't any reason to ask a potential physics professor, for example, to discuss their prior, past, and future "intellectual commitments" to "social justice." That is, unless you're looking to test their political outlook as a condition for their employment. The purpose of DEI statements is obvious, and professors themselves know it.
In 2022, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) conducted a survey of 1,491 university professors to gauge their attitudes toward free expression on campus. About 50 percent said they believed DEI statements are political litmus tests that violate academic freedom. Ideological minorities on campus agree at even higher rates than that: 56 percent of moderates and 90 percent of conservatives.
That may not surprise you, given the ubiquity of DEI statements and the prevalence of social justice ideology on campus and elsewhere. What may shock you is that in another study, about 23 percent of tenured or tenure-track professors said that they saw DEI statements as ideological tests and that their use in this way is appropriate.
Let that sink in: Twenty-three percent of surveyed university professors had no problem admitting they endorsed behavior that was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. In its seminal 1967 decision in Keyishian v. Board of Regents, the Court held that academic freedom is "a special concern of the First Amendment, which does not tolerate laws that cast a pall of orthodoxy over the classroom." They extended this protection even to speech that was arguably "treasonable," "seditious," or "advocat[ing] the overthrow of government by force."
In the past, the Supreme Court has struck down far narrower litmus tests than this expansive review of candidates' "commitment to social justice." We have little doubt that the kind of DEI statements being unleashed on potential faculty members right now would be found unconstitutional as well. But a 2022 report by the American Association of University Professors found that 46 percent of large institutions surveyed already use DEI criteria in their tenure standards. An additional 36 percent are considering doing the same. In universities across the country, unconstitutionality seems to be of little concern.
One common defense of DEI statements is the claim that there are any number of valid answers to that prompt, and the applicant just needs to show interest in some sort of diversity—be it political, socioeconomic, regional, or religious diversity. FIRE's Nate Honeycutt, also a founding member of the Society for Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science, decided to test whether this is actually true.
He conducted a series of experiments where faculty were randomly assigned to evaluate one of a number of different DEI statements: one focusing on race and gender diversity, one on socioeconomic diversity, one on viewpoint diversity, and another on rural diversity. He found that DEI statements failing to discuss race and gender were penalized—even if they did explicitly address another form of diversity.
An amazing 35 percent of faculty who evaluated a diversity statement advocating for greater socioeconomic diversity said they would not recommend that the candidate advance for further review. That means an effective rejection of people who would argue that socioeconomic diversity is the most lacking kind of diversity in elite higher education today.
Worse yet, 52 percent of faculty who evaluated a diversity statement advocating greater viewpoint diversity would not recommend that candidate for advancement. That means advocating for diversity of thought and opinion could often actually hurt your employment prospects in academia.
And we know that evaluators actually are eliminating candidates solely based on their diversity statements. A self-survey conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, found that, during a search for faculty in the life sciences department, 76 percent of applicants were eliminated solely on the basis of their diversity statements. Another departmental search found that the number was 78 percent. Through 800 pages of "Diversity Faculty Recruitment Reports" from Ohio State University, John Sailer of the National Association of Scholars discovered that "racial diversity was touted as a tool to achieve viewpoint diversity, but viewpoint conformity often served as a tool to meet de facto quotas." Among other examples, Sailer notes that "a committee searching for a professor of freshwater biology selected finalists 'based upon a weighted rubric of 67% research and 33% contribution to DEI,'" and that "for a search in astrophysics, 'the DEI statement was given equal weight to the research and teaching statements.'" Sailer correctly points out that this "would strike many as a poor metric for judging astrophysicists."
Running the Gauntlet
Imagine you're an independent-minded high schooler who longs to be a famous scientist one day. You don't consider yourself a conservative, but you're highly critical of lefty groupthink. By today's standards in higher education, you're labeled a conservative, and therefore you will find a shocking number of hurdles between you and your dream.
First, you have to get through high school, where you may already feel pressure not to express the wrong views in the classroom. A 2022 survey by Sam Abrams and Next Gen Politics found that 60 percent of high school students have felt they could not express opinions because of how students, teachers, or the administration would respond.
Now it's time to apply to your dream school: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Many of the schools on your application list require you to fill out a DEI statement. All of them ask for a personal statement too. You know it's in your best interest to conform politically, because professors are willing to openly admit to discriminating against more conservative viewpoints.
The data are there to support your concerns that such statements are an ideological hurdle. One study of American faculty found that 22 percent were willing to explicitly discriminate against a Donald Trump supporter in a hiring decision, and nearly half of the graduate students surveyed endorsed ousting faculty members who expressed conservative views.
Numerous other surveys have found similar results. That means having any contrarian view is a big risk from the moment you enter higher education's application process.
But let's say you pass that hurdle and make it into MIT. You've landed in perhaps the greatest science university in the entire world, only to find the environment on campus quite chilled. MIT came in 136th of the 248 schools listed in FIRE's campus free speech rankings.
As one member of the MIT class of 2023 put it, "I never feel like I can express my views around my classmates, even a lot of my close friends. They frequently talk about how evil all conservatives are and even talk about how they'd wish they'd all just die."
FIRE's rankings rely heavily on student surveys, which found that at MIT:
- Sixty-nine percent of students are uncomfortable "publicly disagreeing with a professor about a controversial topic."
- Fifty-nine percent of students are worried about damaging their reputations because someone misunderstands something they've said or done.
- Forty-three percent of students are uncomfortable "expressing [their] views on a controversial political topic to other students during a discussion in a common campus space, such as a quad, dining hall, or lounge."
Despite overwhelmingly reporting a chilled environment on campus, your fellow MIT students don't have such a great record on free speech themselves. Only 49 percent say it's never OK to block students from attending a speech. And just 26 percent of your classmates say it's never okay to shout down a speaker.
While this social pressure alone is enough to silence most people, your school and many others have also set up bureaucratic systems in the form of bias response teams—often including a hotline you can call at any time to report your classmates and professors for offensive speech. In a survey of over 2,000 undergraduates published this summer, over 70 percent said a professor or class instructor should be reported to the university for saying something offensive. FIRE's 2022 survey of professors found that one in six were threatened with punishment or actually investigated for their speech. And students experience a similar climate.
In a more recent FIRE survey of 2,000 students, nearly one in 10 students say they were disciplined or threatened with discipline for their expression and almost two in five say that something they have heard someone say on campus is an "act of violence."
As an MIT student, you will surely be aware of prominent geophysics professor Dorian Abbot's canceled speech about exoplanets. Why was he disinvited? Because in summer 2020 he wrote an op-ed in Newsweek arguing that promotions should be based on merit rather than race. Affirmative action has nothing to do with exoplanets, but MIT canceled the event anyway.
You may have heard about cancel culture and the myriad unhelpful ways of thinking and arguing that make social media and our public discourse a nightmare to deal with. Well, they're also thriving on your campus. But, hey, let's say you made it through and dodged all the attempts to tear you down so far.
The next stop on the road to becoming a professor is applying to Ph.D. programs. Good luck with that! Here comes another round of DEI statements—which, again, are evaluated by faculty who are willing to openly admit they would discriminate against their political opponents in the evaluation process. And since college faculty and administrators overwhelmingly lean left—and since your criticisms of lefty overreach will be coded as "right-wing" or "conservative" by most, if not all, of them—this means your application is in dire straits.
But let's say you manage the minor miracle of clearing that hurdle into a Ph.D. program at a top school. What's next?
You'll continue to face all the previously described pressures to conform or be silent—but this time in an even less politically diverse environment. At MIT the faculty liberal-to-conservative ratio is only six to one, so count yourself luckier than most. At Harvard, in the College of Arts and Sciences, it's a whopping 27 to one. A survey last year put it at 56 to one.
Now it's time to start doing some student teaching. This is an easy time to get canceled, though, considering that at MIT:
- Thirty-eight percent of faculty believe the administration is "not very" or "not at all" likely to defend controversial speech.
- Forty-one percent of faculty believe the administration's stance on free speech is "extremely" or "somewhat" unclear.
- Forty percent of faculty were "more" or "much more" likely to self-censor on campus in summer 2022 compared to before the start of 2020.
- Thirty-seven percent of faculty believe that requiring a DEI statement with a job application is a "justifiable requirement for a job at a university."
Here's something you probably don't know unless you've learned it the hard way: There are secret hearings at universities all over the country, and too often they are focused on investigating and/or punishing professors for protected speech.
The Kafkaesque nature of these hearings has been highlighted by authors such as The Atlantic's Anne Applebaum and Northwestern University media studies professor Laura Kipnis, in her 2017 book Unwanted Advances. Readers may recall that Kipnis was herself subjected to a secret hearing after she published an article saying Title IX was being used to squelch speech on campus. Ironically, she was subsequently investigated by Northwestern's office of Title IX.
With that ever-present threat, it shouldn't be a surprise, then, that faculty reported enormous concerns over academic freedom in FIRE's most recent faculty survey.
A whopping 91 percent of professors said they were at least somewhat likely to self-censor in their speech on social media, in class, in their publications, or online. (Compare this with the 9 percent of social science faculty during the Joseph McCarthy era who answered yes to the question, "Have you toned down anything you have written lately because you were worried that it might cause too much controversy?") The survey also found that:
- Sixteen percent said they had either been disciplined or threatened with discipline for their speech, teaching, or academic research.
- Twenty-nine percent say they'd been pressured by administrators to avoid controversial research.
- Seven percent said they had actually been investigated for speech. Extrapolate that to the population of professors across the country and that equals tens of thousands of professors.
If you've gotten this far in your quest, that means you've managed to get through another round of personal and DEI statements, navigated a system that allows your coworkers and students to anonymously report you, avoided cancellation attempts online, and have somehow overcome the growing tendency among scientists to self-censor—as a recent Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study by Cory J. Clark, Lee Jussim, FIRE's Komi Frey, Musa al-Gharbi, and others outlines. Where do you go from here?
If you're somehow not totally sick of this venomous environment and still want to continue in academia, you'll probably want to become a faculty member. Good luck getting tenure! It's increasingly rare, and the process is entirely opaque. That means those biases against you can be confidently aired and the rationale behind decisions kept entirely secret. As the internet writer Tim Urban told us, "The entire purpose of tenure was to protect faculty from mobbish fads, and what we're seeing today is faculty being left unprotected by a mobbish fad. Completely defeats the purpose."
We think the odds you get through the tenure approval process are probably pretty low. But you've been a miraculously successful hypothetical thus far, so let's just say you do.
You'll then find that your tenured status actually provides less protection to your academic freedom today than ever before. Since 2000, a total of 60 tenured professors have been fired for speech that is—or in public settings would be—protected by the First Amendment. More than two-thirds of those firings have happened since 2015 alone. Tenure is increasingly toothless.
It seems like just about everyone is coming for your academic freedom. Even representatives of the American Association of University Professors—a group meant to support you—are agitating for a more constrained view of academic freedom that would make it even easier than it already is to get you fired.
In the extremely unlikely event that you make it to tenured professorhood with your independent mind intact, your research will still be called into question. If anything you discover is too controversial, it might not get published. The journal Nature Human Behaviour has admitted as much with its dedication not to publish anything that could subjectively "harm" certain groups. Just as the academy operates under a social-reputational system for hiring and promotion, it does for publishing as well.
Even if you do manage to somehow publish controversial research, be prepared to be labeled as "right-wing" and face the possibility of cancellation. Alternatively, you may have your work entirely ignored, misinterpreted, suppressed, or metaphorically "burned." And if you manage to anger the right wing instead, watch out also for professor watchlists and religious nonprofit organizations that could target you.
The Case for Nonconformity
Conformity in higher education is a serious problem begging for reforms. We need a system of academic advancement that is nonideological enough that, at every stage, it encourages professors and students alike to do what the 1974 Woodward Report at Yale so loftily outlined:
The history of intellectual growth and discovery clearly demonstrates the need for unfettered freedom, the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable. To curtail free expression strikes twice at intellectual freedom, for whoever deprives another of the right to state unpopular views necessarily also deprives others of the right to listen to those views.
Unfortunately, Yale, the very university which commissioned this report, has drifted far away from that ideal in the years since. For that matter, most of our elite schools come nowhere near meeting these lofty goals.
If we want a better society that produces better solutions to the problems it faces, we need to be teaching nonconformity at every single level of the education process. Not even our most sacred cows can be spared from devil's advocacy and thought experimentation.
Yet our education system is incentivizing conformity and groupthink. Unless this environment drastically improves—and quickly—we shouldn't be surprised that trust in the accuracy of professors' and experts' findings diminishes. Mistakes abound when groupthink goes unchallenged.
"Where all think alike," the essayist Walter Lippmann once wrote, "no one thinks very much."
This article was adapted from The Canceling of the American Mind by permission of Simon & Schuster.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "The Conformity Gauntlet."
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"I never feel like I can express my views around my classmates, even a lot of my close friends. They frequently talk about how evil all conservatives are and even talk about how they'd wish they'd all just die."
News for ya, bud. Those aren't your close friends. Those aren't friends at all.
Just call the bias hotline and report them for making you feel unsafe.
Thats what they want you to do. So the schools can remove you for exposing their biases.
"They're just expressing support for the Palestinian people!"
Why is woke, cancelling, censorship groupthink a thing?
What’s the point, some twisted misconception of altruism?
No, once it is “normal” to coerce people by destroying them for their opinions and ideas, doing so can be controlled with money once again giving more power and control over everyone to the wealthy.
Like all the wealthy Jewish Harvard donors who cancelled the president for not supporting Israel enough.
What position of power couldn’t a Jew hold and be untouchable under threat of anyone being cancelled as an antisemite.
Jews in Israel are boldly committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Gaza with the unconditional support and funding from the US under exactly the same environment.
The answer to your question lies in the very first line of this story. An accomplished professor could not hold such a position at UCLA because of his wrong-think on diversity.
Like all the wealthy Jewish Harvard donors who cancelled the president for not supporting Israel enough.
That's a nice bit of revisionism. The donors got pissed off at the school president's cavalier attitude toward students wanting the mass murder of certain groups and whether this violates any sort of campus code. It's impossible to see Gay or any other academic suggesting that such a call against any other group would have to be seen in 'context.'
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I was so proud, at the time, 30 years ago, that MIT accepted my application, even though I knew there was no possible way I could afford to attend. Now, I'm glad I didn't go.
It’s too bad you could not go 30 years ago. In 1993, MIT was still one of the best universities in the world for engineering and the hard sciences. Now, that’s diluted with all this DEI stuff at best. At worst, you might be trying to learn Calculus, Physics, and the necessary engineering calculations from someone who thinks math is racist!
Finally, even if a recent MIT graduate somehow learned the hard disciplines and grinding work habits needed to be a good engineer, I would not want to drive across a bridge designed by someone with the “mental flexibility” to tamely go along with the assertions of DEI. They might think that wishing for a higher yield strength of steel can make it so.
Yup. Either get new friends or stop being retarded.
One of the things that drove me off of most social media was the change -- and it was palpable -- around 2015. I started seeing, after 2012 or 2013, a lot of individuals repeating the very offensive rhetoric you'd normally hear from politicians.
Politicians used to do this because they had to signal strongly to get it out to their constituents in the pre-social media days. Like kabuki theater, they're over emoting so you can read it from the back of the room, or in their case from the home district 1500 miles outside the beltway.
But when it is done locally, especially with the massive increase in white guilt and white hate, you'd see "friends" on the face book basically attributing my not wanting to vote Hillary to nothing but vile, horrific things. Calling me racist to my face is grounds for a bloody nose, so when people would loudly proclaim that I either followed the Democrat party line or I wasn't their friend, I'd unfriend them. Likewise, the people whose feeds were all politics all the time got muted.
I had only a handful of "friends" on facebook left, so I just stopped bothering. If you are stupid enough to call all middle class white men evil (racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, nameyourphobic) in front of me, you're either too stupid to be my friend, or you truly believe it and you're now my enemy.
I will not be called vile names and be friends with that person.
Add to that the fact that social media is so heavily manipulated, it's nothing but a toxic pit of social filth. So why be "friends" with anyone there?
I got thrown off Facebook before it was cool. I never tried to get back on. I don't miss it at all.
Diversity means agreeing with me but not looking like me with the university elites.
Why not just lie about everything you think? Lying's more fun than frankness anyway.
Our society has become so accustomed to expecting dishonesty that frankly admitting the truth confuses the hell out of them.
I once was experimenting with using recycled vegetable oil to run my diesel truck. I was trying to MacGyver some shit together and short story I set my rental house on fire.
It wasn't too much damage and I had to end my experimenting but when I called the insurance people they asked what happened. I told them I had set my house on fire. Anyone who asked about it from that point on I made no excuses, I simply said, yup. I set it on fire. For SCIENCE!
The funniest thing was people were so ready for excuses and lies that they had no response to my honesty. The honest truth confused the hell out of them.
If you lied your way through college, I expect those habits would carry over into your work on the job. That might make you a successful salesperson (although not a "good" one), but for the salespeople to have something to sell, there must be people who are bluntly honest about their designs and production processes.
StArT yOuR oWn CoLleGe
In all seriousness it may come to that, and rightly so. You'd probably be able to build a very strong faculty from the outset.
Jordan Peterson has done that and Elon Musk has talked about doing that. Watch establishment fascism close ranks and refuse to hire students or recognize diplomas. Watch Media Matters and other Democratic Party slur factories like the SPLC and ADL run yet another campaign against them.
This is the way.
Well, his college isn't yet launched, AFAICT. I think I'd prefer a college set up by Ackman or Haidt, though.
Your outrage at events that haven't happened is noted.
But the conjecture is not unexpected as those groups already do that to any school NOT in the orthodoxy.
Your outrage at events that haven’t happened is noted.
Do you imagine there's been no resistance to Peterson's efforts? Musk is being sued by multiple government agencies. Fuck off slaver.
"Your outrage at events that haven’t happened is noted."
We've watched politics corrupt of our university systems for decades, it's revealing left wingers still pretend it's not happening.
Way to go Sgt Schultz.
Starting your own college is very difficult and of little value in the first place. It would be much better to expend that energy re-taking the state university systems in red states from the far left. They have far more impact than a tiny new college will ever have even if it is successful, and you have allies in the existing structure willing to help.
The Young Americans for Liberty is doing exactly that. They've had some success pushing back at the left. More than one would expect from a relatively small group of college kids.
All of this leftist authoritarian group-think is helping The TrumptatorShit to re-take power and to eliminate democracy! And for THAT? I HATE (or at least oppose) these bastards more than I can say!!!
(PS... "Non-white and non-east-Asian people are FAR more diverse and worthy, than white and east Asian people. That's why we need more of the former, and less of the latter." Would that serve validly as a core principle of a DEI statement?)
Proposed DEI statement #2: “I favor intellectual and social diversity. Therefore, I am in favor of tolerance and non-discrimination, with regards to both of the following: Those who want to exclude from polite company, those whose thinking and speech differs from that of the majority, and those who do NOT favor such exclusiveness, intolerance, and discrimination.”
Wow... You really are a contradiction. "MORE diversity!" ... "Non-white and non-east-Asian more worthy" ... "Trump might win elections!" ... "And for that I HATE democratic elections"...
You're a racist who hates democracy -- while you blindly blame others for being racist and hating democracy. Leftard Projection exhibit #158437860327643902.
Just the same-shame ass YOU said, "And for that, I HATE clear and data-driven thinking, and I LOVE lying in order to create strawmen! AND I agree with Dear Leader that SOME votes are far, FAR more worthy than others!""
MORE self-projection? At least you censored your racist who hates democracy out of there on 2nd run projection.
University's are religious organizations.
Everything else is secondary.
Everything else, including the proper use of apostrophes. (Or should I have said apostrophe's?)
More ?blessings? of Commie-Education.
Well this is how it works. Leftards run around pointlessly and insignificantly blaming people for EXACTLY what they plan to do ... then they do it.
- They run around accusing everyone of being selfish and greedy ... then they selfishly and greedily commit gov-'gun' armed-theft.
- They run around accusing everyone of being racist ... then they implement racist legislation.
- They run around accusing everyone of being sexist ... then they pass a sh*tload of sexist legislation.
- They run around blaming the right for the debt ... then they write/pass the largest debt bills ever to hit legislation.
- They run around accusing the right of being Nazi's and electing Hitler ... Then they praise [Na]tional So[zi]alism and more E.O. from the King.
You can pretty much place bets that whatever a leftard is complaining and blaming they themselves are going to do. It's leftard self-projection 101.
Well this is how it works. Leftards run around pointlessly and insignificantly blaming people for EXACTLY what they plan to do … then they do it.
That's how the dialectic works--you claim an oppressor exists that's oppressing you, until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy so that the revolution becomes justified.
DEI Statements Are Political Litmus Tests
I have no problem with universities having political litmus tests.
I have a problem with taxpayers sending money to such institutions, in the form of grants and student "loans". I have a problem with governments giving special status to such institutions in the form of "accreditation" and "government expert panels".
Fully privatize higher education, separate universities from the state, and this nonsense goes away. Without full privatization, you're rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
But then how can we have a state religion?
I have a problem with governments giving special status to such institutions in the form of “accreditation” and “government expert panels”.
"Dear Colleagues,"
Any university that uses "secret trials" should 1. Loose all federal funding
2. Be subject to corporate income tax and property tax.
Any university
that uses “secret trials”should 1. Loose all federal funding 2. Be subject to corporate income tax and property tax.You should have gone all the way and used the strike-through font on the extra O in loose.
But universities generate positive externalities.
First, they produce educated graduates, who then (presumably) go on to successful careers with above-average pay (and above-average tax bills), not to mention being community leaders.
Second, they produce research and innovation which is often turned into useful products that the public at large benefits from.
So from the university's point of view, from a purely economic perspective, they are generating excess public benefits. Why shouldn't they be subsidized at least to some degree?
It is just the flip side of the argument about negative externalities, that's all.
Lol. There goes that radical individualist again!
Chemjeff establishment collectivist
Cartman Retarded Imperialist
He keeps getting pissy when we don't "respect his authorutah!"
Except now they also produce indoctrinated graduates, who infiltrate the corporate world and bring their anti-capitalist agendas with them.
First, they produce educated graduates, who then (presumably) go on to successful careers with above-average pay (and above-average tax bills), not to mention being community leaders.
Do they? With the number of people currently complaining about student loans, I'd say they're not going on to successful careers with above-average pay. Hard to do that when your a grievance studies major working as a barista at Starbucks. It's one thing for most science and engineering majors (which have a great ROI), but quite another for most liberal arts degrees that aren't even worth the paper they're printed on. Those folks would be better off skipping college altogether.
Yeah, but I think enough of them go on to real positions where they ruin everything.
I've my doubts. Unless they have lawyers to force employers to hire them they are like evangelical Christians, they can't keep their mouths shut about their beliefs. Odds are they will pontificate about their crap at the interview and their resume silently slides to the bottom of the pile. Thus another liberal arts major finds their career in fast food.
It's fucking hilarious that you don't even realize that your positions completely contradict your handle.
The innovations they create in their labs are not given to society for free. You have to license their discoveries and pay a healthy fee for the privilege. They make good money on their innovations, they don't need taxpayer funding.
Most of those things aren’t “public” benefits.
But even if they were, fuck subsidies for any company (and by subsidies I mean actual money payments, not reduced tax burdens).
And regardless of all of that, if you’re taking public monies, you don’t get to have litmus tests or teach commie bullshit (unless it’s in the context of why it’s as evil a political ideology as Nazism).
"But universities generate positive externalities."
People who think votes for the far left think so anyway.
Universities no longer produce educated graduates, they produce indoctrinated ideologues incapable and uninterested in rational thought.
Their only research is into how to call their political enemies racist and fascist, which we hardly need more of.
It is revealing to note how this supposed libertarian accepts claim of positive outcomes funded by other people though. When you read his comments there seems to be a distinct difference between what he actually believes and libertarianism.
And they also produce negative externalities, like creating a generation of activist educators and administrators who push DEI and other woke bullshit on everyone.
It's unfortunate when a ostensibly libertarian publication such as Reason decides to jump on right-wing bandwagons. That really doesn't help us activists here in the trenches who work day in and day out to try and tell people that the libertarianism is neither conservative nor liberal.
There are a lot of right-wing universities in this country, many run by religious zealots, that are just as intolerant as the universities mentioned in the column - but conservatives who are going apoplectic over DEI (because god forbid, someone gets to run something in this country who isn't straight, white and male) never mention those colleges run by religious nutjobs.
It’s far more unfortunate that steaming piles of lefty shit see the DEI requirements as ‘right wing bandwagons’. Fuck off and die in a fire; make your family proud and the world a better place, asshole.
That's rather excessively cruel to the firefighters that are going to have to clean her up. A zip tie around the base of the throat would work just fine, and if she lays down on a tarp beforehand, there won't even be a mess on the floor when her bowels let loose after death.
The stylings of all-talk right-wing culture war casualties as they comply with their betters’ preferences and await replacement are always a treat.
As are slack-jawed hicklibs when they get the Full Kent State.
Needs more homophobia!
How does Claudine Gay's boot taste like, slaver?
Those colleges are an extreme minority.
All others are exclusively left wing.
Those "right-wing" universities are very open about promoting a faith-based religious work view. Let me know when any of the Ivy League colleges do that.
And fuck off with the "someone gets to run something in this country who isn’t straight, white and male" meme. Academia has twisted itself inside out to put women and POCs in charge. How is that working out?
Brand new 737s are falling apart mid air.
That's how it's working out.
Falling apart?! This isn't just the avionics problem with the Max from a while back? Crazy. Got a link? My dad is a plane nut. 😀
The 737 Max problem had to do with software written to make the controls of the plane mimic the controls of previous 737 versions despite engine modifications that changed the plane's center of gravity. This was supposedly done to keep the cost of training new pilots to a minimum, a major selling point for foreign sales. The accidents all involved foreign pilots with minimal training. Also, the software was supposedly developed in India by "cheaper" engineers. I worked in Aerospace and these were the rumors spread throughout the industry.
I haven't followed up much on this so if anyone has greater knowledge, bring it here. Stories about plane crashes mutate faster than the COVID virus.
And the way I recall, there was a weird software interaction when the plane came with some features but not others, as if the assumption was that everyone would buy the full package of offered features.
There are two angle of attack sensors, one on each wing. When the airplane is in a turn, these will (correctly) read differently. If the angle becomes too high, the wing stalls; due to the unbalanced engine mounting, this may come on too strong to overcome with the normal flight controls. To prevent such stalls, the software takes the higher reading (because that’s where the risk is) and if needed drives the fore-and-aft trim to apply more nose-down force.
The sensors are vanes that sticks out in the airflow. Someone working around the airplane can bump one and bend it so it is stuck reading the maximum angle. If you take off with this condition, the software will take the highest reading from the defective sensor and soon decide it has to drive the nose down, further and further. The pilot must quickly recognize this problem, shut down the software, and fly the airplane manually. The foreign pilots did not recognize the problem, so their two airplanes flew into the ground while they were still trying to overcome the software by pulling the control yoke back.
If their training was so deficient, I don’t know if they could successfully land that unbalanced plane manually, but it’s clear they never got far enough through their troubleshooting list to even try it.
But marketing’s final contribution to this was to save a few dollars by making the cockpit display that showed both angle of attack readings and lit an alarm light if they differed by too much _a cost-added option_. The crashed airplanes had the basic display that only showed one reading with no alarm, which would delay the time for a pilot to realize there was a broken sensor.
I think that in addition, the software should have detected an unreasonably large difference in the readings, cross-checked against other flight conditions to decide which one was bad, and gone with that while telling the pilots about the problem aloud. But there are also hazards in having the software try to handle exceptional conditions, because AI still often degrades to "Artificial Idiocy" – e.g., the Airbus that tore its tail off trying to respond to icing on the speed and altitude sensors. Boeing prefers to rely on the pilots - which is why marketers telling customers they didn't need to retrain their 737 pilots turned deadly.
There was a story in Daily Fail today about the window of one just blowing out mid-air. So it's not just a software issue for training, it's structural, too. Another reason to avoid flying if at all possible.
They have windows bloeing out during flight?
2 month old 737.
It's a model that has a port that can either be a door or a panel with a window. Alaska airlines had one with the panel/window instead of the door. When they got up to 16000 feet it blew out. Sucked an apparently empty seat out, but no fatalities.
Thanks for the summarized version.
Wow. NTSB is going to have things to say about that.
Haha. Bloeing.
Thanks for that. Reading it, it's an emergency exit door that is needed for the maximum number of passengers the 737 can be configured to carry. The Alaska Airline plane had a less dense seating arrangement, so the airliner can be evacuated in the required time limit without this door. Boeing deactivated the door, removed the handle, and didn't paint the markings that show it.
But I guess either it wasn't deactivated enough, or there was a defect that let it break loose.
Not being religious to the desires of the left seems to always be right wing to the acolytes
And when you ask guys like Anastasia Beaverhausen (Shrike) to define what they mean by "right-wing" they refuse because they know it's just name calling.
Libertarian =/= someone getting to run something (education) in this country. That would be gov-gun authoritarian. dipsh*t.
Libertarianism is not anarchy. Thoughtful libertarians understand that there is a role for government in society. That requires thoughtful considerations of whether or not coercion is justifiable. Not just reactionary “gov-gun bad hurr durr.”
That requires thoughtful considerations of whether or not coercion is justifiable.
I see you've gone full jeff. Supporting state and institutional coercion. Does this also apply to when the state and institution is wrong? It explains a lot of your views and acceptance of narratives. Such as you demonstrate in this thread.
Coercion is not a principle for the intelligent. Facts and truth don't require coercion. The fact you think it justifiable is very telling. It also explains why you had no problem with censorship pushed by government until you realized your facade of i dependent thought would be lost if you didnt admit to it.
Freedom is freedom in all things. Government can exist, but should be utilized solely to protect rights, not influence or coerce.
But you've gone full jeff. Meh.
In some cases coercion is justifiable.
For thoughtful people who are interested in a book on the subject written by a couple professors who regularly attend Freedomfest, check this out.
That of course does not mean you, Jesse.
Supporting state and institutional coercion.
That is you, Jesse. Did you vote for Trump? Then you voted for 'state and institutional coercion'. Don't you continually harp on the idea that we need more border security? That is 'supporting state and institutional coercion'.
Everyone who is not a pure anarchist supports 'state and institutional coercion'. So get off your high horse, it isn't that high after all.
"Then you voted for ‘state and institutional coercion’."
That's right, Jeff. Trump's the one with the vaccine mandates, firing military personnel and closing the northern border.
A vote for any politician who has the least chance of winning is a vote for state coercion.
Government can exist
How do you propose to fund this government, Jesse? Taxes? That is supporting "state and institutional coercion".
But I think we can all agree that any random President, taking money from the public Treasury (or, more accurately, increasing the debt the government is obligated to repay) that was never authorized by the peoples’ Representatives, as required by the government charter said President was selected under, to pay off the loans of his supporters, is one coercion too many.
Obama normalized judicial fines going to liberal activist groups as parts of settlements despite all civil fines being required to go to the Treasury.
"thoughtful consideration" --- Guns don't make sh*t so their only practical purpose is to ensure Individual Liberty and Justice for all. The first actually requiring gov-'guns' against authoritarians not for authoritarians.
Yes, libertarians generally believe there is some role for government. But that role isn't "running things".
Name 5 right wing collages
The gop presidents playing poker is one of the collages.
Any 5 episodes of South Park.
^ Poster intentionally leaves out the *PUBLIC* Universities part to obscure the distinction between the few private religious universities (the Left loves religious freedom but not for Christians) and the MANY secular public universities using DEI for ideological cultural Marxism.
OP is a liar.
Private universities are running under the same neo-marxist critical theory crap that the public ones are.
This isn't an exaggeration, either. Pull up the websites of just about any private university and they're all mouthing the same Current Year boilerplate.
Wow. Whataboutism. How about looking at the merits of the article since a huge majority of universities do not fit your whatabout. Key point, DE&I as applied is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
That really doesn’t help us activists here in the trenches who work day in and day out to try and tell people that the libertarianism is neither conservative nor liberal.
You know what doesn't help libertarians? Leftist pricks like you.
Likewse, who says libertarianism isn't liberal? It's remarkably liberal.
This argument is stacked with strawmen.
People have forgotten what "liberal" means. Progressives are the most illiberal of all.
Progressives are the most totalitarian prudes in America, it would seem. So much so, that old school liberals that got purged from places like the NYT the last few years are considered "right wing" by them, and the defending the notion of free speech is anathema.
Progressives are the most totalitarian prudes in America,
You cannot have a libertarian society without a prudish culture. It is private prudishness that makes imposing norms and behaviors via the state unnecessary.
In fact, the problem with progressives is that they are shameless and libertine.
Sure, by the definition s from the time of Thomas Jefferson. The language has unfortunately "evolved" or as I prefer devolved. Now it doesn't mean the same thing. Just like Atheist has become "raging leftist asshat who hates his Christian parents" liberal has come to mean "moderate marxist". Don't like it? Well you should have helped us stop "decimate" from devolving to a synonym for "devestate". The devolution to grunting and pointing is well on its way now and we can't stop it.
That's really only American politics, though. And a lot of progressives and marxists are explicitly anti-liberal (and use the word).
There are a lot of right-wing universities in this country, many run by religious zealots,
Hahaha, bullshit. Academia is almost exclusively leftist, as study after study on political donations and party affiliation proves.
You're not fooling anyone with this "fellow libertarians" nonsense. If you want to run a dialectic, try not to be so obvious about it. The sweeping generalizations and false dichotomies aren't fooling anyone.
Religious schools and colleges publicly express their biases. Leftists constantly try to get the courts to intercede and force the Alphabet mafia into those schools. Their fight is to maintain their superstious biases against a wave of leftists trying to change them.
The left meanwhile sets in their schools and colleges never publicizing their biases and in fact going to great lengths to hide them. They also constantly fight to keep government money flowing into their schools while denying the same money to religious institutions.
The hypocrisy is actually disgusting. I'd never send a child to a religious school but I support their right to exist and keep out those who aren't in step with their beliefs.
I wouldn't go to a religious college or send my son to one. But for all the religious BS they push I'd doubt he'd have to take a "don't rape women" class or put up with a feminist who teaches a humanities course on the comic Bitch Planet.
I guess it's a choice between the kind of garbage classes you have to take to get a degree.
There are 6,000 colleges in the US. But according to the left the handful of private religious institutions are the problem. They never stop the propaganda.
wrong place
Yes, Sevo the Pedo, Hippo in a Speedo, you ARE in the wrong place! You need to go BACK to all of the other bums in gay ol' San Fran!
Hey Smegmalung!
Don’t you have more important things to do, instead of thread-shitting here? As San Fran’s foremost homeless hobo, couldn’t you be doing your “squeegee” racket, fighting with the other bums, pooping in the streets, and yelling insane, deluded insults at passers-by?
Smegmalung’s next gig in Gay Ol’ San Fran: Burglary, which San Fran’s media suggests should now be tolerated!
San Francisco Chronicle ripped for asking if residents should 'tolerate burglaries'
Next on the Hit Parade for the San Francisco Chronicle: asking if residents should tolerate (even celebrate maybe?), not just burglary, butt also 'child buggery' by Super-Perv-Predator-Sevo the Pedo, Hippo in a Speedo, AKA “SmegmaLung”.
Speaking of "wrong place", it's the wrong commenter. How unoriginal, NaziSqrlsy. It might be worth an F- at best.
I am a wrong commenter, not because of the facts and links that I bring, butt simply because I am of the "wrong tribe" in the eyes of the mouth-breathing morons! We already know this, Insane Wonder Child, we already know it!
Too bad grading scales don't go negative for your lack of imagination and your pointless, mindless, asinine drivel that somehow drooled out of your mouth and onto the keyboard.
Do you recall the awesome enchanter named “Tim”, in “Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail”? The one who could “summon fire without flint or tinder”? Well, you remind me of Tim… You are an enchanter who can summon persuasion without facts or logic!
So I discussed your awesome talents with some dear personal friends on the Reason staff… Accordingly…
Reason staff has asked me to convey the following message to you:
Hi Fantastically Talented Author:
Obviously, you are a silver-tongued orator, and you also know how to translate your spectacular talents to the written word! We at Reason have need for writers like you, who have near-magical persuasive powers, without having to write at great, tedious length, or resorting to boring facts and citations.
At Reason, we pay above-market-band salaries to permanent staff, or above-market-band per-word-based fees to freelancers, at your choice. To both permanent staff, and to free-lancers, we provide excellent health, dental, and vision benefits. We also provide FREE unlimited access to nubile young groupies, although we do firmly stipulate that persuasion, not coercion, MUST be applied when taking advantage of said nubile young groupies.
Please send your resume, and another sample of your writings, along with your salary or fee demands, to ReasonNeedsBrilliantlyPersuasiveWriters@Reason.com .
Thank You! -Reason Staff
So you formally surrender, twerp? Too bad I have to grade your asinine copypasta as a √-1.
Spastic asshole gonna spaz.
Sadly, in public. Like a hobo masturbating on the subway with his own feces.
I thought he usually ate those feces.
He licks his hands afterwards.
As a result of this petition—signed by only 66 students—UCLA did not hire Inbar.
Publish their names, so everyone knows to avoid them after graduation. That definitely sounds like someone I would not want to hire by accident.
Accountability is racist!
Well, what can I say. After the last several years, I've just accepted that I'm horribly racist, and I'm OK with that. It's not like there's any path to being deemed not racist, including death, so I might as well just go on with life.
I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally.
thats actually not a bad idea!
In the interests of transparency any petition should be published at all universities for all to audit.
The insurrection narrative is an excellent example of progressive, mouth breathing, double digit IQ groupthink.
The "Lying in court is a GOOD thing" narrative is an excellent example of troglodyte, mouth breathing, double digit IQ groupthink.
https://reason.com/2022/02/11/sidney-powell-disowns-her-kraken-saying-she-is-not-responsible-for-her-phony-story-of-a-stolen-election/ (Yet another Powell article)
Sidney Powell Says She’s Not Guilty of Defamation Because ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Have Believed Her ‘Outlandish’ Election Conspiracy Theory
Which particular lies are you wanting to hear and believe today, hyper-partisan Wonder Child?
WHY do you evil people love it SOOOOO much when lawyers LIE in court? Is it the lawyers that You love, the lies, or both?
Conspiracy theories or cunt-spermacy theories; which appeal to ye the MOISTEST?!?!? And twat does Spermy Daniels say about tit all? Are Ye Perfectly titillated yet?
Spermy Daniels for Der TrumpfenFarter-Fuhrer’s new VEEP!!! Government Almighty KNOWS that The TrumptatorShit will need MANY-MANY (affordable) criminal defense lawyers, and Spermy Daniels can attract MANY “Pro Boner” lawyers!!!
The stolen election narrative is an excellent example of Trumpian, mouth breathing, double digit IQ groupthink.
Yes. In order to have independent thought you must ignore all the illegal election changes, evidence of ballot harvesting, statistical anomalies, the dems bragging about how they fortified the election, illegal millions sent to dem led liberal election offices, etc. The only rational argument is to believe that 2020 was the cleanest election ever and to trust the state blindly.
Where do you get the overalls for your strawmen?
No, in order to have independent thought one must consider whether or not the outcome would have been different without the things you mention. A thoughtful person capable of independent thought, as opposed to someone so emotionally invested in Trump that they are incapable of rational thinking, must conclude that while the election was not perfect, the imperfections would not have changed the final result.
Lord, can you people ever stay on topic?
It's Sarc. He's here to drink Colt 45 and start fights, and he's all out of malt liquor.
BS.... Trump won by a landslide on election day by in-person ... until mystery after-hour ballots got counted while Live TV deleted Trumps vote counts. You try selling more BS.
Good point. There's no evidence that people on the left ever claim there was a stolen election.
In regard to when Hillary lost, I agree with you. It was not her turn.
In regard to the most recent election, groupthink created “cleanest election ever.”
Chumby, was the 2020 election "stolen" from Trump? Yes or no?
The 2020 election looked too much like a banana republic election for me to say what the actual outcome was.
If someone takes a shit in your Wendy’s chili and serves it to you, I’m not sure I’d refer to it as chili anymore even if you still eat it.
Chumpy Chump ALSO believes that the insurrection was a "false flag" operation done by Antifa!!!
More than half of Republicans still believe debunked conspiracy that Capitol riot was Antifa plot
Poll reveals 55 per cent Republicans believe left-wing protesters led Capitol riot
(WHY can they SNOT see that the whole deal was done by that them thar Lizard People?!?!?!)
I see you made the Squirrel hungry.
The 2020 election looked too much like a banana republic election for me to say what the actual outcome was.
What *specifically* makes you question the results, to the extent that you believe that the "true" result may have been that Trump won?
Ballot harvesting, ballots showing up in boxes late, closed door counting, and states changing election laws without following their prescriptions to do so. But other than those, yeah, cleanest election ever.
So you don't have anything specific, just general grievances. You have no idea how many ballots may have been harvested, or showed up late, or counted behind closed doors, or even if any of that led to fraud, but you seem to think that the fact that it existed at all means that Trump really won?
I am under no illusions that there were some problems with the election, and the people saying "cleanest election ever" are probably wrong. But I also think that ANY problem with the election, no matter how tiny, is going to be blown up and exaggerated by Team Red in order to push a "stolen election" narrative.
I also think that the right-wing media machine is now going to push a "stolen election" narrative whenever Trump is losing, or has lost, an election, regardless if the election really was stolen or not. So the media machine is going to continue to exaggerate every instance of electoral irregularity whenever Trump is losing, to get you to believe that "the election was stolen", which generates demand for their news product, so they can just claim that they are delivering 'what the viewers want'. In a post-modernist sense, they are manufacturing a stolen election via their reporting.
You can't tell me if there were 10 or 10,000,000 ballots that were affected by 'ballot harvesting' or 'closed door counting', nor does it matter. All that matters is that you believe that the "real outcome" is still in doubt.
"Still the man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest."
...This will probably stay this way for a LOOOONG time... The TRIBE demands shit!
(At least Chumpy Chump The Clump clings to the RIGHT Tribe! That, no one can deny!)
There have been details posted in the comments that you have previously ignored, gish galloped away, or strawmanned. I’m not writing a book as a fool’s errand.
My standard of care is each eligible citizen shows up to their polling station, if they choose to vote, and casts one vote. The local decisions here are made that way. I don’t get “my way” all the time but respect the process and outcome.
The 2020 election was as secure as the southern border where my conclusion is as originally posted: it mimicked a banana republic and I can’t draw a conclusion as to an outcome without those issues.
No, that is a copout. You have no specific examples that you wish to share. Those examples that were shared by others, it is telling that you choose to believe those over the mountain of evidence on the other side which demonstrates that fraud had a negligible impact on the results of the election, and certainly not enough to change the presidential winner.
My standard of care is each eligible citizen shows up to their polling station, if they choose to vote, and casts one vote.
So no absentee voting in your world?
The 2020 election was as secure as the southern border
That is because YOU CHOOSE to believe dubious and speculative evidence claiming the existence of massive fraud, and YOU CHOOSE to ignore the mountain of evidence that says, while it wasn't the "cleanest election ever", those claims of fraud are at best exaggerated and at worst are downright false.
You're a dupe and a fool.
Is it your claim that ALL of the mail-in ballots in 2020 were the result of fraud?
An observation.
Local decisions here are made by the folks that attend the meeting. People from other areas don’t get to vote in person and don’t have a mechanism to proxy vote by mail. We had one election where about ten percent of the attendees neither lived nor owned property here. They were escorted out prior to that vote. Nobody was shot.
I don’t agree with your partisan opinion.
Mail in ballots don’t provide a secure standard of care.
chemjeff radical individualist 1 hour ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Is it your claim that ALL of the mail-in ballots in 2020 were the result of fraud?
What a stupid disingenuous question.
Jeff always goes to strawman arguments nobody is making because his own position is untenable. If he admits to there being illegal rule changes or any fraud then he can't demand no audits ever occur.
Fuck you Lying Jeffy.
No, fuck you and your continual harping on 'electoral fraud' which has been shown time and time again to be minimal. NOT ZERO, but minimal. When you and your team continue to bring up small problems and magnify them and exaggerate them as if they were democracy-ending megaproblems, that is wrong and corrosive to our Republic.
You remember Ken Shultz? He was DELIGHTED to see the claims of electoral fraud continue to be repeated over and over again, *EVEN IF THEY WERE FALSE*. Why? Because he wanted to undermine the legitimacy of Biden's presidency. He was willing to undermine LEGITIMATE elections with FALSE claims of fraud because a candidate that he despised won. Is that you? Because that is starting to sound like you and your team.
You live in Michigan, right? Here is what I found with regards to Michigan:
There was Antrim County, where the poll workers incorrectly programmed the machines. They fixed the problem, they rescanned the ballots, then they hand recounted every ballot. They did all that well in time for the certification, but it took two more years of lawsuits for the matter to be finally dropped.
The Heritage Foundation has a list of actual fraud prosecuted in Michigan pertaining to the 2020 election. There were a total of 5 cases affecting maybe a few dozen ballots. It was wrong, but it was also nothing that would have changed the outcome of any election, let alone the presidential election.
Then there were all the lawsuits that Trump filed alleging fraud, but they were all dismissed or dropped, because either they were moot or they were frankly crap, full of speculative accusations rather than proof of fraud.
Then there was the signature verification lawsuit, Genetski v. Benson. There the Secretary of State issued a rule that the signatures on absentee ballot *applications* be considered presumptively valid; that rule was deemed invalid (after the election) because it didn't go through the proper rulemaking process. Okay, wow, your team won! But these were signatures on the ballot *applications*, not the ballots themselves, and no one could prove that any illegal ballots resulted from it, only that the proper procedure wasn't followed for establishing the rule.
So that is the fraud that occurred in Michigan in the 2020 election. But to hear your team talk, the whole election was stolen by Democrats in Detroit.
Oh but wait, I didn't bring up all the 'fraud' in Detroit! Well, where was it? I am sure you believe it exists, but if it exists, why hasn't anyone been able to find any proof of it? And if you even try to cite Gateway Pundit I will just laugh at you.
So yes, there was some fraud in Michigan, it was very small, it did not change the outcome of any election. It was wrong that there was any fraud, but it is also not a problem that threatens the integrity of the vote, and you and your team should stop acting like it does.
Haha Lying Jeffy, I’m not reading that. Let me repeat myself:
Fuck you Lying Jeffy.
This comment shows that Troll Mac hasn’t even listened to a single argument anyone he disagrees with has made. He’s a dishonest cunt.
Nope, it shows that I know what you are. Lying garbage.
btw-Lying Jeffy is probably a fed. It's the only explanation.
Well fed.
Creamjeff: What *specifically* makes you question the results
Chumby: Ballot harvesting, ballots showing up in boxes late, closed door counting, and states changing election laws without following their prescriptions to do so. But other than those, yeah, cleanest election ever.
Creamjeff: So you don’t have anything specific, just general grievances.
Lol. Pure Chemjeffery. It's like he thinks were on the phone and Chumby's post fades away so he can imply whatever he wants and nobody will notice.
Chumby could have written absolutely anything and it wouldn't have changed Jeff's canned reply one iota.
I mean, I am on my phone, but it's one of the newfangled ones and I can scroll back up.
You can’t tell me if there were 10 or 10,000,000 ballots that were affected by ‘ballot harvesting’ or ‘closed door counting’, nor does it matter. All that matters is that you believe that the “real outcome” is still in doubt.
No, we can't tell you, which is why the actual outcome of the election is in doubt.
It's not in doubt. Joe Biden won. The election was not "stolen", not by voter fraud.
How do you know?
Lying Jeffy works for the government.
Case in point:
We have heard a lot about potential fraud in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania. But there is another state election that was even closer than the one in Michigan, and about as close as the one in Pennsylvania. And that is North Carolina. There, Trump beat Biden by about 1.3% out of about 5.5 million votes cast. Going by the numbers, there was about as much opportunity for fraud there to change the result as there was in Michigan and Pennsylvania. But strangely, we never hear about instances of 'electoral irregularities' from North Carolina pertaining to the 2020 election. Why not? It's because Trump won that state.
Team Red, and the right-wing media, and people like Jesse, are not interested in "election fraud" as an abstract principle. They are only interested in using it to try to convince people like you that their guy should win. How many times have Jesse or any of the other "we just want clean elections" crowd ever stopped to demand an audit of North Carolina's results? Hmm?
This comment shows that Lying Jeffy hasn’t even listened to a single argument anyone he disagrees with has made. He’s a dishonest cunt.
I was wrong. Jeffy's a fed,
USA "democratic" erections aren't perfect? Who knew?!?! When did they know shit, and WHY didn't they tell us earlier!?!?
"Team R" these days, shit seems, has NEVER hear of "The enema of the good is the Perfect"! This is why I think that "Team R" fanatics should STOP EATING, and pronto!!! After all, people get sick and even DIE, every day, from food poisoning!! "Food" is a dangerous, imperfect "thing" and idea, ya know!!!!
Did North Carolina have any of the issues that Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, or Pennsylvania have? (Illegal election changes, mass mail in ballots, paused counting, etc.)
No? Well there’s your answer as to why.
He knows this. All this information has been presented to him repeatedly. He doesn't care. He's a liar. Lying is what he does.
North Carolina did switch to no-excuse absentee voting for 2020. And the NC Board of Elections extended the deadline for receiving absentee ballots by mail, much like what happened in Pennsylvania. So yes, there were issues in NC. All the criticisms of "voter fraud by mail" or "ballot harvesting" or whatnot apply just as much to NC as it does to PA or MI. In fact, NC had a voter ID law, but for 2020 they loosened the requirements of this law.
There was one lawsuit about the NC election changes, which was rejected. That's it. No three-year campaign of grievances about "election fraud" in NC. Gee I wonder why.
You know the issues in Pennsylvania and the rest go well beyond mass mail in ballots.
But I will say fuck North Carolina just as I said fuck Texas for allowing drive through polling.
17500 illegal ballots in Fullerton county alone
15,973,345,987 faked, illegal votes for The Donald-Farter-Fuhrer, on The Planet of the Lizard People alone, dontchaknow?!?!?! Cast by DEAD Lizard People, even!!!!
That's just the number of times you've rammed Tim's wand up your ass.
Yes, but that somehow doesn't count because fuck you, that's why.
Chumpy Chump belongs to the Trumpaloo Tribe, so OF COURSE Trump's erection was stolen! (At least, in Chumpy Chump's mind, it was stolen, even though Chumpy Chump won't admit it. In reality, Chumpy Chump's MIND was stolen!)
The Sad Saga of the Stolen Erections
And lo, it came to pass, that Tim the Enchanter blew upon His Magic Flute, and led me to a secret cave (the Cave of Caerbannog), whereupon mystic runes carved into the very living rock foretold of a day to come.
This sad, sad day has now manifested itself, just as foretold. The Promised One had been delivered to us, and was to fertilize His Queen, Spermy-Stormy Daniels, in an amazing scene; a glaze of Vaseline. Their offspring were to be called Strumpets… Which is a concatenation of Stormy and Trump. They were to number in the millions… About 332 million; enough for all residents of the USA to be issued one Strumpet per each resident, to sit on his or her right shoulder, and make sure that each resident stayed WAAAY Righteous. Each Strumpet was to progressively exert more and more Righteousness Control over each resident, by covering them in Strumpet Vines.
Sad to say, the Bad Bider-Grunch stole Trumpsmas AND Trump’s Erections! The stolen erections prevented the birth of the 332 million Strumpets, in the world’s WORST mass murder (genocide) so far! Even Saint Babbitt could NOT save the Strumpets!
This is the Sad Tale of the Demise of the USA!
Raising the white surrender flag due to your own ideology, ignorance, and idiocy there, Sqrlsy?
He always brings up Tim when he ragequits.
But not the 2016 stolen election, we mean the 2020 kind.
I'm so old I remember when sarc pretended to oppose whataboutism. But then it's not like we expected sarc to apply the standards he attacks others with to himself or his team.
New Trump kino just dropped.
That was hilarious.
Lol. And it’s Still a better choice than the 17 sustainability goals.
It's Jan 6 so pouring one out for Ashli Babbitt, who was Ashli McEntee when I knew her. This picture was taken during the deployment that we were both on, where I worked with her. She was a really good dispatcher and replaced the 22 year old lesbian with a pixie cut from arizona who kept getting in fights with dudes on the radio.
She had this pseudo jersey accent and would flail her arms around wildly at the smoke pit, ranting about this or that. She liked trouble, and sometimes this was good and sometimes it was bad. A lot of the time she'd be taking on something small as a huge crusade and we'd all be annoyed and tell her she talked too much.
But for the problems nobody wanted to fall on the sword for, she was always willing to be the person to say something. We had an XO who was doing a lot of belligerent shit to the squadron that was making everyone miserable. She was on a gate one day when he came to do a post check, she asked him if she could speak freely and he made the mistake of saying yes. She took his ass to the woodshed in front of a bunch of us, I was watching from the overwatch tower. That dude didn't leave his office for the rest of the deployment, she really handled business.
She probably shouldn't have been messing with that window in the door to the capitol, but it was also an unnecessary use of force to shoot her. She had 3 capitol police tactical officers with long guns standing right behind her at the time that she was shot, like within 12 feet of her on her side of the door.
She had great respect for the capitol police because she spent a good chunk of her career, including when I met her, in the Washington DC Air National Guard as Security Forces. More than half of those guys are Capitol Police as their full time jobs, many of them were her friends.
This iconic picture that liberals kvetched about as "militarizing the capitol" during the Trump admin? Where Libs were saying they were everything from Blackwater to death squads? That was Ashli's guard unit, called up during the BLM protests in DC.
McEntee wasn't a danger to anyone in the capitol, the worst she would have done to the Senate is browbeat them into submission like an angry housewife.
The least-covered police murder of the year by Reason. If an unarmed protestor at any other "mostly peaceful" protest had been murdered by a cop, Reason would have run weekly stories for months. And several more cities would have been burned to the ground.
Or if they'd even been arrested in an "unmarked van".
I still remember the caterwauling over uNmArKeD vAnS!
"Take this statement from Vassar College's Office of the Dean of the Faculty: All department and program hiring for tenure-track and multi-year faculty positions are requesting all candidates to submit a diversity statement. This statement should provide the candidate's unique perspective on their past and present contributions to and future aspirations for promoting diversity, inclusion, and social justice in their professional career. The purpose of the diversity statement is to help departments and programs identify candidates who have professional experience, intellectual commitments, and/or willingness to engage in activities that could help the College contribute to its mission in these areas."
You have to be an idiot, or a liar, not to recognize that most of our universities have become seminaries for the Church of Woke. Just like all religious institutions throughout human history, some might tolerate more secular staff and instruction, but they make it clear that the faith is central. And anything that challenges the faith is prohibited.
Even the engineering school my son attends keeps trying to get him to take the "don't rape women" class. A class only men have to take. I wonder if he identified as gender neutral person would they stop bugging him?
The DEI policies sound like a bad fit for universities where students should not study in an atmosphere of group think.
The DEI policies seem to work much better in the corporate world, where they originated, and group think is de rigueur. They let the corporate boardrooms appear to be inclusive and diverse, but the underlying ideology remains unchanged. The fact that we're railing against DEI in education, but not in the corporate world shows the success of the idea where it counts most.
The DEI training in the corporate world took its cue from academia, not the other way around.
"The DEI training in the corporate world took its cue from academia"
Perhaps so, but the corporate world has implemented the philosophy more successfully, and with a greater effort. There are several organizations like FIRE which counter DEI in academia, where groupthink is anathema. I don't know any such outfit that combats it in the corporate world. Do you?
This is also false as corporations have already began dismantling DEI while academia has had a form of it for decades.
The funding may have dropped somewhat, but that's a far cry from DEI and HR departments 'being dismantled.' Are you against DEI in the corporate world? I thought you'd support seeing superficial changes, like more variation in the skin color of employees, while the underlying ideology, what counts in the end, goes unchanged and unchallenged?
This is the jackoff trueman; NEVER expect anything like a cite, but keep in mind:
mtrueman|8.30.17 @ 1:42PM|#
"Spouting nonsense is an end in itself."
Perhaps so, but the corporate world has implemented the philosophy more successfully, and with a greater effort.
No it hasn’t. The same thing happens in the corporate world with this as happens in academia. In fact, it’s the biological foundation of academic thought now.
There are several organizations like FIRE which counter DEI in academia, where groupthink is anathema.
Not based on anything I've seen in the last 30 years, and that includes multiple professional conferences where academics are predominant.
” The same thing happens in the corporate world with this as happens in academia.”
You mean the imposition of group think? Unlike in academia, this is a feature rather than a bug in the corporate world.
"Not based on anything I’ve seen in the last 30 years,"
I don't know what you've seen. Care to elaborate?
You mean the imposition of group think? Unlike in academia, this is a feature rather than a bug in the corporate world.
Academia is just like this.
I don’t know what you’ve seen. Care to elaborate?
Academics spouting the same Current Year catchphrases in presentations and conference materials that happen to be fashionable at the time.
“Academia is just like this.”
That’s why there is push back, like in this article or in the activities of groups like FIRE. Group think is bad for scholarship. In corporate governance, group think is rewarded with money and status – two different worlds with two different stances towards group think.
"Academics spouting the same Current Year catchphrases in presentations and conference materials that happen to be fashionable at the time."
I suspect that's always been the case. Academics are human beings.
That’s why there is push back, like in this article or in the activities of groups like FIRE.
FIRE's not an academic organization. In fact, it's not part of academia at all. If there's pushback, it's not coming from within.
Group think is bad for scholarship.
It is bad for scholarship. But it's SOP for academia now.
In corporate governance, group think is rewarded with money and status – two different worlds with two different stances towards group think.
Claudine Gay was named President of Harvard and will still keep a job there making nearly $1 million a year. Looks like she's been rewarded plenty for her part in it.
"FIRE’s not an academic organization. In fact, it’s not part of academia at all. "
I never claimed FIRE was an academic organization. I claimed it opposed group think in academia.
"If there’s pushback, it’s not coming from within."
Because of group think. You could have got that from the article.
"It is bad for scholarship. But it’s SOP for academia now."
The good news is as long as students can still read, they can learn. More good news, I'm sure that all colleges have a few excellent teachers dedicated to their students. Bad news is for too many students, education is more about cr
"I never claimed FIRE was an academic organization. I claimed it opposed group think in academia."
This is what progressive doublespeak looks like.
"This is what progressive doublespeak looks like."
This is what reactionary group think looks like. You clearly haven't thought this through for yourself. Do so now, please, and then respond.
I never claimed FIRE was an academic organization. I claimed it opposed group think in academia.
Which is a misdirection, since there's no opposition of group think within academia itself, which is what I actually said.
Because of group think. You could have got that from the article.
Yes, I said there's no pushback in academia because of groupthink. I realize you're trying to claim the opposite, but that's not the case.
The good news is as long as students can still read, they can learn.
They aren't reading anything beyond the approved syllabus and parroting back what the professor says in lecture.
"Which is a misdirection, since there’s no opposition of group think within academia itself, which is what I actually said."
There's probably some opposition within academia. No opposition sounds like a sweeping generalization. But the point is irrelevant. My contention was the lack of opposition to group think in the corporate world, not academia.
"Yes, I said there’s no pushback in academia because of groupthink. I realize you’re trying to claim the opposite, but that’s not the case."
You've clearly misunderstood my original post. I beg you to re read it carefully.
"They aren’t reading anything beyond the approved syllabus and parroting back what the professor says in lecture."
That's their choice and not my problem.
There’s probably some opposition within academia.
Barely, and those who do either know to shut up or are quickly ostracized.
You’ve clearly misunderstood my original post. I beg you to re read it carefully.
You said it was more prevalent in corporate culture because it is the biological foundation of it. I said that it came from academia to begin with, and corporations simply adopted it.
That’s their choice and not my problem.
Which means what you claimed, isn't actually happening.
"You said it was more prevalent in corporate culture because it is the biological foundation of it. "
I wrote that group think is a better fit in corporate culture.
" I said that it came from academia to begin with, and corporations simply adopted it."
Corporate human resources departments and sensitivity training have been around since the mid 60s. The term DEI didn't appear until sometime in the early years of this century. But the whole issue of who came first is irrelevant to the point I made:
Group think is bad in the academy.
Group think is good in corporate culture.
"Which means what you claimed, isn’t actually happening."
Here is your claim.
"“They aren’t reading anything beyond the approved syllabus and parroting back what the professor says in lecture.”
That's your claim, not mine. What students are reading and what they parrot back to their professors is no business of mine. My claim was that if they wanted to learn, they can read books and seek out decent teachers.
I wrote that group think is a better fit in corporate culture.
And I countered that it's far more prevalent in academia.
Corporate human resources departments and sensitivity training have been around since the mid 60s. The term DEI didn’t appear until sometime in the early years of this century.
The former came out of left-wing theories perpetuated in academia. The latter is just the most recent variant of academia's cultural marxism, adapted to be insinuated via modern administrative structures.
Group think is bad in the academy.
It's also entirely accepted in the academy.
My claim was that if they wanted to learn, they can read books and seek out decent teachers.
These are sweeping generalizations that deliberately omit academia's radical left hivemind.
Nobody "took their cue" from anyone. The companies were infiltrated by indoctrinated college grads, one HR department at a time.
The companies were not 'infiltrated.' They hired the staff they hired under their own initiative.
So long as you consider caving to raving activists and a global cartel of financiers wielding liquidity like a club as acting “under their own initiative”.
They can choose to cave or not to cave. The choice is entirely theirs. These companies don't have to hire college graduates, they could do all their training in house on their own dime if they chose to.
It’s their own initiative to cave to coercion!
Yes. The choice is theirs.
Bullshit. The choice is their stockholders pressuring the board of directors to force this DEI crap onto the companies. Big money Marxists (the more equal animals) invest with a plan to control, not to profit financially, so when the time comes to pay dividends their profit is political and they don't care about filthy money.
We've already established you haven't a clue what a Marxist is.
And yes, companies hire whom they want. Nobody is coercing them into hiring employees they don't want to hire. Exxon is one of the major companies. Can you identify the Marxists on their board? Didn't think so. How about the names of Exxon employees the company was coerced into hiring? Again, no.
You need to calibrate your bullshit detector.
""The DEI policies seem to work much better in the corporate world, ""
The corporate world
Apparently we don't have the list of clients from Epstein because the FBI lost a safe containing cds named with girls and client on each cd.
This just highlights that the FBI needs additional funding.
They need more money so that they can more successfully conceal their actions.
Let me guess. The FBI lost that safe in a tragic boating accident.
Rusting next to all my guns.
Tom Elliott
Biden brags about pro-Trump protesters being sentenced to 840 years in prison (video)
Sarc applauds loudly.
Hey look, it's Jesse being dishonest.
Biden is bragging about the prosecutions of the pro-Trump protesters *who broke the law*. Shouldn't people who break the law at a minimum have their day in court, Jesse?
For what it's worth, it is rather unseemly of him to be bragging about this. I would not have done this.
But maybe you can be honest for once and state the truth of what he said.
Glenn Greenwald's breakdown.
"More afraid in the halls of our government than fighting in Iraq."
And now Glenn Greenwald isn't being honest either.
He is downplaying and minimizing the violence that did occur on that day, and he is outright lying when he said that "not one" of the protesters wielded a weapon in the Capitol. That is just flatly not true. They may not have had guns, but they used flagpoles, blunt objects, other sorts of items AS WEAPONS.
But he is being honest here when he claims that if you have to lie about an event, it's because you're trying to propagandize the public about it.
So Team Blue is obviously guilty of this when they continually refer to the entire lot of protesters as "insurrectionists" when, MAYBE, only a small handful deserve to be given that label.
But Jesse, and Glenn Greenwald, and Trump, and Team Red generally, are also guilty of this when they refer to the protesters as "tourists" or "peaceful protesters" or other such descriptors which intentionally seek to downplay the havoc and chaos they caused on that day.
Glenn Greenwald is just as guilty of being a propagandist about Jan. 6 as Biden is. That is why he can't be trusted as a *news* source.
Combined, all the J6 protestors carried fewer actual weapons than this guy:
Jeffy, your lying and attempt at a narrative is just plain dumb.
And here is a more egregious form of Greenwald's dishonesty:
He notes that "a couple" of Capitol Police officers died by suicide after Jan. 6. But then he says "who knows why, suicide is very difficult to assess".
The actual number is four, and fuck you Glenn for trying to obfuscate why they chose to kill themselves. At least with one of them, we have a pretty good idea why: it was because he was distraught over the events of that day.
Glenn Greenwald is smart enough to know this, but he chooses to obfuscate, and lie by omission, about the four officers who committed suicide, because he has a narrative to push. So fuck Glenn for trivializing the deaths of these four men for the sake of his fucking narrative.
it was because he was distraught over the events of that day.
IOW, he had no temperment to deal with the not-even-worst case scenario.
Should have hired better cops.
And 4 protestors died on that day. One from being shot while unarmed. One from being teargassed and beaten by cops. Two more from “medical emergencies” likely exacerbated by the tear gas.
So 4 protestors dying made it a "deadly insurrection."
And yet no one remembers the firebombing of DC in March of the same year. Worse than combat in Iraq indeed.
Yes we know. You prefer Glenn Greenwald's lies and half-truths over reality.
Greenwald isn’t the one lying here, Lying Jeffy.
Glenn Greenwald is smart enough to know this, but he chooses to obfuscate, and lie by omission, about the four officers who committed suicide, because he has a narrative to push. So fuck Glenn for trivializing the deaths of these four men for the sake of his fucking narrative.
It was sad that they committed suicide.
DoJ allows Hunter friends who worked for Burisma yo retroactively register as foreign agents over 8 years later. Without charging them under FARA. Was not allowed for Flynn or Manafort.
They have truly given up on even the appearance of a single set of laws for the country at this point.
I hope you didn't just notice this fact. It's been that way for a long time. Money talks, bullshit walks.
In Case You Missed It: Trump ballot access issues will be heard by SCOTUS on February 8.
Inbar is an eminent, influential, and highly cited researcher with a Ph.D. in social psychology from Cornell University. There is no question that he is qualified.
I mean, his Ph.D is in Social Psychology, as you say, and there's some concerns about whether anything in the field of psychology meets appropriate standards of science.
Given that Psychology has reversed course and declared that gender dysphoria is no longer a delusion, even though it meets every one of their criteria to be considered as such, yeah I think 'some concerns' is the nicest possible way to say that.
Why is the sixth paragraph all one big, unattributed quote?
Dr. Gay moonlighting for extra cash?
This is probably too local to rate mention on a Saturday:
"Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Trump Appeal of Colorado Ballot Ban"
"WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court agreed to hear former President Donald Trump’s appeal of Colorado’s landmark ruling that he’s an insurrectionist and unfit for public office.
The court set an expedited schedule for the case, with oral argument on Feb. 8. A decision could come within days or weeks of the arguments..."
I said it first.
Missed it, happy to hear it.
U.S. Government Sued For $30 Million Over Ashli Babbitt's Death
Judicial Watch, a conservative organization, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government for the wrongful death of Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran who was killed on January 6, 2021 by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
The lawsuit claims the officer who shot Babbitt, Michael Byrd, was negligent and “ambushed” her.
The U.S. Department of Justice did not bring charges against Byrd. U.S. Capitol Police did not take action against him. Byrd has since been promoted.
Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said, "Judicial Watch and our supporters are honored to represent Ashli’s steadfast widower Aaron Babbitt and her estate in this legal action. Ashli was shot in cold blood, and the rule of law requires justice for her."
Here's how one obnoxiously arrogant piece of shit sees it:
SRG2 12/23/23
“Then strode in St Ashli, clad in a gown of white samite and basking in celestial radiance, walking calmly and quietly through the halls of Congress as police ushered her through doors they held open for her, before being cruelly martyred for her beliefs by a Soros-backed special forces officer with a Barrett 0.50 rifle equipped with dum-dum bullets.”
Why not just load her in a gas chamber, you slimy pile of Nazi shit?
Nobody would be calling her Saint Babbitt if you and your Church of Trump hadn't canonized the martyr by ranting about her during any discussion of a police shooting since J6.
Unarmed woman shot by police despite 3 other officers within 5 feet of her deserves to be mocked because you hate her and anyone who doesn't follow the leftist religion of Trump hate.
sarcasmic 3 days ago
Flag Comment Mute User
I’m saying that some people are so despicable that I’d rather disagree with them then have something in common with them.
I'm mocking you, not her.
Fuck off and die in a fire, steaming pile of lefty shit.
Stuck in California 7 hours ago
“I never feel like I can express my views around my classmates, even a lot of my close friends. They frequently talk about how evil all conservatives are and even talk about how they’d wish they’d all just die.”
Fuck off and die in a fire, steaming pile of lefty shit.
Quick point of order.
Why did you attribute a quote to me that was, in fact, from the article above? None of those words were mine, the ones I wrote you seem to have truncated.
Either quote me correctly, or don't quote me at all.
An unarmed protestor murdered by police doesn't have to be a saint. You don't even have to agree with the reason she was protesting to take offense at her murder, or find her blameless in the events of that day. Police officers should be trained to subdue unarmed protestors without shooting them with real bullets.
Nobody would be calling her Saint Babbitt if you and your Church of Trump hadn’t canonized the martyr by ranting about her during any discussion of a police shooting since J6.
You made this up to justify your celebration of the state murdering your enemies. I hope your hole in the woods is as small as your intellect.
About time.
The guy was holed up with limited visibility, facing a crowd of rioters who were smashing windows and barricades, and his only knowledge of the situation was what he was hearing on the police radio. Based upon that it was obviously a cold blooded ambush. He should be tried for first degree murder since he must have been planning it for weeks. Hurr durr.
More proof you didnt actually watch the video you lied about watching.
You mean where disembodied hands with a gun reach out from a place with limited visibility and fire a shot? That one? Or the one you watched where he forced her to knees before executing her with a shot to the back of the head?
The guy was holed up with limited visibility, facing a crowd of rioters who were smashing windows and barricades, and his only knowledge of the situation was what he was hearing on the police radio.
I completely agree with this assessment. Limited visibility, limited awareness of what was going on, used deadly force. Do we accept that as a justified shooting in other circumstances?
Do we accept that as a justified shooting in other circumstances?
Rational people would say yes.
It doesn’t pass a standard of care. This is adjacent to the White Mike argument regarding, “She might have been armed and how could the hero in blue know that she wasn’t?”
The guy had 2 windows and was less than 10 feet from Babbitt. Sarc just refuses to watch the fucking video.
You do realize he's agreeing with me, right?
And even if he actually believes his bullshit of limited visibility...
Imagine defending a cop shooting blindly into a crowd. Lol. This makes his stance on the topic even more evil.
Good point. Wish I'd written something like exactly what I did write in order to make that very point.
Imagine defending a cop shooting blindly into a crowd.
It's not a good point. That is not even close to an accurate analogy to what the officer did. The mob was smashing through windows, and once they were successful, the officer shot the first one who managed to try to leap through, who happened to be Ashli Babbitt. It was not "shooting blindly into a crowd".
Your tribalism has forced you to defend a cop shooting an unarmed woman.
She was the aggressor and part of a larger mob that had already committed a great deal of violence that day and was intent on doing more. I don't second guess his decision to act in his own self defense or in the defense of those whom he was charged to defend. If anyone else were in that same situation, I doubt you would either. It is only because (a) it's a cop, and (b) the woman was a Trump supporter that you are questioning this at all.
Do we accept that as a justified shooting in other circumstances?
When it comes to self defense or the defense of others? The libertarian instinct ought to be on the side of the defender, not the aggressor, and not to try to second-guess the defender's split-second thoughts and actions.
Except we don’t accept that standard for other police shootings…
Lying Jeffy and sarc have given up all pretense of libertarianism if Orange Man Bad is involved.
Trump broke a lot of people. Even Penn of Penn and Teller broke because he hates Trump over Celebrety Apprentice. He was advocating Libertarians vote for Clinton. I stopped listening to his podcast after that. There is no reason Hillary "Banana Republic Queen" Clinton should be voted into any office much less the highest of them all.
Steaming pile of lefty shit sarc:
"It's OK to shoot first and ask questions later if you hate Trump"
Fuck off and die in a fire, asshole.
Unarmed civil trespass does not resort to the use of deadly force. But keep going with the groupthink narrative.
You're smarter than that, which tells me you're lying and you know it.
The guy was holed up with limited visibility, facing a crowd of rioters who were smashing windows and barricades, and his only knowledge of the situation was what he was hearing on the police radio.
Yeah, smart enough to note your prevarication.
Fuck off and die in a fire, asshole.
Some people aren’t smart enough to escape the groupthink narratives. If you ever manage, I suggest reading about the Non-Aggression Principle.
Ashli Babbitt and the crowd of rioters were the aggressors here violating the NAP. The officer use lethal force in defense.
Her murder doesn’t pass the standard of care for using lethal force. Deescalation and non-lethal methods would have been appropriate and had been used fairly effectively up until that point as displayed in the video.
As I wrote above, when it comes to matters of self defense, we tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the defender, and not continually second-guess his split-second decisions in the moment.
Sure we can look in hindsight and say that he could have done a lot of things differently. Maybe he should never have drawn his gun in the first place. Maybe there was a way for him to talk the mob out of bashing in the windows and trying to do whatever they were going to do once they had breached the barricade behind the doors. But as a general rule I don't begrudge a defender from using an appropriate means to defend himself.
If you look at the video, the officer shot only once the window had been fully broken and Babbitt had started to climb through the window to the other side where the officer was, with gun drawn. She and the rest of the mob were not deterred by the barricades, they were not deterred by having a gun pointed at them. I am doubtful that "deescalation techniques" would have worked. But I also was not there in that moment, and I think that if any of us had been in that same situation that the officer was in, each of us probably would have done the same thing in self defense.
No “we” don’t. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You are working backwards. I hope you never carry in public because you’ll risk shooting someone that did not deserve it.
She was unarmed in a public space. Deescalation and non-lethal is what is called for in that situation, not going to the tool.
Deescalation had been working fairly effectively.
Had any of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing protesters been unarmed, shot and killed, I would have called that murder too.
No, I am not "working backwards". I'm applying standard thinking on self-defense to this situation.
You’re working backwards. An unarmed protester in a public building does not warrant using deadly force.
As someone who has ended a situation where a person was being killed from a deadly threat by discharging a firearm, taken firearms self defense training that includes legal and illegal SD use, and weekly follows self defense shooting situation analyses I disagree with your pontification. I have had times where I could have applied your standard which would have resulted in a person that didn’t deserve getting shot getting shot and me likely be incarcerated for it.
READ the below and hang your tiny brainless, power-lusting shit-head in SHAME for always taking the side of Trumpanzees, power-luster-pig!
https://www.jpost.com/international/kill-him-with-his-own-gun-dc-cop-talks-about-the-riot-655709 also https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/04/28/michael-fanone-trump-gop-riots/
‘Kill him with his own gun’ – DC cop talks about Capitol riot
DC Police officer Michael Fanone: I had a choice to make: Use deadly force, which would likely result with the mob ending his life, or trying something else.
“Pro-law-and-order” Trumpturds take the side of trumpanzees going apeshit, making cops beg for their lives! For trying to defend democracy against mobocracy! Can you slime-wads sink ANY lower?!?!
Well, rather punish the lawbreakers, instead of having them grab your gun, so that they can “kill you with your own gun”!
What happened to the “back the blue” and “lawn odor” wings of “Team R” anyway?
PS, mob violence and mob property destruction are both always wrong… Except when MY Tribe does it! Think Boston Tea Party!
Me? Given my druthers, I’d rather have the thugs steal my TV and my expensive sneakers, than steal my democracy! My TV can be easily replaced! Democracy? Not so sure about THAT one!
The threat is NOT yet over! Not by ANY means!
Trump’s $100 million threat to democracy
And you are second guessing split section decisions made in self-defense.
An unarmed protester in a public building does not warrant using deadly force.
Have you even seen the video? She had a gun pointed at her, the rest of the crowd was yelling "he's got a gun", she smashed through the window and tried to cross over the barricade ANYWAY. They were the aggressors. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to the defender here acting in self-defense, just the same as I give the benefit of the doubt to a person defending his/her home against an intruder. I don't know the specifics of whatever personal situation you are referring to, but if it was a case of you making a split-second decision to act in your defense or in the defense of others against a violent mob, and you thought in the moment that it required deadly force, all else equal, I would give the benefit of the doubt to you too.
You clearly have no idea about self-defense or use of deadly force. Go get training and level yourself up. Or waste people’s time with bad analogies, pontifications, gosh galloping, strawmen, or sea lioning.
This is truly amazing.
At no point was Babbit, or indeed the rest of the mob, a danger to Congressshitters. Hence Judicial Watch's lawsuit.
Nor did they represent anything like a "danger to democracy"; they were as likely to levitate the capitol as they were to "overthrow an election".
So much bullshit from lefty shits...
If a mob tried to break into your house, and you used lethal force to stop them from breaking in, your claim of self-defense would be eminently justifiable. If later on some district attorney claimed "oh, but you were never REALLY in danger, look, no one in the mob even had a gun!", you would rightfully complain that your decision in the moment should receive the benefit of the doubt since the mob was attacking YOUR house and it's your right to defend that place.
Horrible pivot. Private residence ≠ public space. Not even close. Go fucking learn something. Start with “castle doctrine.”
Nuclear weapons sites are "pubic property" also. Should mobs of crazed, gone-apeshit Trumpanzees be allowed to storm and throw "mostly peaceful" hissy fits on nuclear weapons sites, then, also, Oh Great Genius?
That is what is going on here. The officer was acting in defense of the lives and property that he was hired to protect.
You don’t understand this concept.
He understands just fine. Some lives are more important, some are less. You're trying to convince him to adhere to a moral baseline. But he's a relativist. You might as well be speaking Chinese.
Fuck you. That is not at all what I meant and you know it. The moral standard here ought to be to respect the inherent self-defense rights of ALL PEOPLE, and not hold officers to a LOWER standard just because they are wearing a badge.
We hold public property to higher standards than private property for a reason.
It's because we all pay for it, and the security detail.
In defense of what? Doors and windows? Do police normally shoot vandals?
In defense of what? How about in defense of law and order, peaceful transitions of power, decency, civility, obedience to the USA Constitution, and even… Dare we say it… Democracy instead of mobocracy?
Humans like believing. Humans like tribes. Thus humans like religion. What is amazing is when humans can avoid religion. At least we had a couple of centuries of western culture at least occasionally free from religion.
Religion is fine so long as it doesn't start wielding gov-'guns' as the leftard-religion has been doing all along.
The Church of Trump is a great example of this. It's followers believe some really stupid shit.
Youre just a clown now.
You turned Saint Babbitt into a religious martyr, and I'm the clown? Please.
Yes. As for your approach to "Saint Babbitt":
You made this up to justify your celebration of the state murdering your enemies. I hope your hole in the woods is as small as your intellect. - R Mac
Where "now" equals "the last five years", I suppose...
Care to post an example of belief? Or does your brain just knee-jerk emotional conclusions without any reason?
I honestly don't mind some religions in which they have significant beliefs about acceptance and forgiveness. Peace and love are also very useful pillars for religion. Post-Reformation Christianity and Buddhism are two religions I see as largely societally beneficial.
The problem is that there's a lot of people who avoid organized religions but still are psychologically drawn to the trappings of religiosity: community, adherence to doctrine, denunciation of heresy, repudiation of sins. But the structure isn't there, there's no absolution, forgiveness, there's no proper framework for keeping peace in the community.
And worse, they can't recognize that they are acting religiously instead of rationally.
Not sure what is different between an evangelical blaming all evil on the devil and sarc and other leftists blaming all evil on Trump or Whiteness.
Not sure what is different between an evangelical blaming all evil on the devil and JesseAz and other Trumpians blaming all evil on Biden and Democrats.
The difference as has been pointed out to you time and time again. Trump supporters don't blame all evil just well deserved evil. You tried this crap on the Cares Act and Bump stock bans and not a single Trump supporter had good things to say about either one.
You're self-projecting your [WE] leftard/identity-gangsters identity is all that matters onto everyone else.
"And worse, they can’t recognize that they are acting religiously instead of rationally."
Watermelons, for example.
That was indeed the very group that came to my mind first, yes 😉
There are actually two issues here: if it were simply the good of the academic environment at each private institution of higher learning separately that was important, it would not matter what kind of conformity – or lack of conformity – was being imposed on the faculty. After all, if each university imposed a different bias then it would become “transparent” and new faculty and students would have a range of choices of socioeconomic and political biases to choose from. As in almost everything else, a “free market” in higher education would provide the best possible solution. But that’s not the case here as the vast majority of students and faculty are participating in fully or partially tax-funded institutions where a socialist and social justice agenda is being enforced.
The second issue here is that the ramifications of severely biased groupthink are not just at the institutions of higher learning themselves, but that they extend out into government, business and society generally. I believe that that situation has extended and deepened the polarization in the culture wars due to the cancel culture fallout disproportionately damaging non-socialist and non-partisan victims, forcing them to retaliate in increasingly desperate ways, escalating the conflict outside the realm of polite discourse and endangering the peace.
On the bright side people aren't clay to be molded into shape and then set permanently in place by fire.
People think for themselves. Lots of people can see right through the bullshit they're being fed and rise above it. Others learn through life experience that much of what they were taught was bullshit. Yes many do stay indoctrinated for their whole lives, but not all.
That might be true of students, but how about potential faculty losing opportunities for failing to abide by irrelevant DEI-imposed standards?
They should know what environment they're putting themselves into when they seek a career in academia.
They DO know! If your career and employment opportunities were severely restricted by the arbitrary entrenched authorities, you might not be quite so cavalier about this particular situation methinks.
That is sad and weird take. A back and forth with you is pointless but I’ll ask you to consider the constitutional aspects of DE&I as practiced.
It's no secret that academia is a very political environment where anything other than leftist groupthink is not tolerated. It's been that was for a couple generations at least. So anyone who seeks that out as a career should know what to expect. Yes it is sad. But it's also true.
Although I agree, your “bright side” is not nearly enough to offset the extreme stress placed on students and faculty while they are otherwise engaged in teaching, studying, research and publication. The benefits of free inquiry in general are obvious, but the damage of cancel culture was becoming increasingly severe until the victims started fighting back recently, extending the damage to both “sides” in the culture wars and worsening the collateral damage generally. Since the groupthink is deeply entrenched in academia, I confess I see no obvious solution, and we’ll probably have to let the scenario play itself out. While all this is going on, the deteriorating quality of research and education will limit the expected benefit to progress for all of us.
Since the groupthink is deeply entrenched in academia, I confess I see no obvious solution, and we’ll probably have to let the scenario play itself out.
I think what's going to happen is other colleges are going to start springing up that are less friendly to the bullshit. Accreditation might be a problem, but only if students want to transfer credits or employers insist on graduates from an accredited university. Regardless competition will sort it out.
"...The second issue here is that the ramifications of severely biased groupthink are not just at the institutions of higher learning themselves, but that they extend out into government, business and society generally..."
Brendan O'Neill has some comments on that and where such group-think may lead us:
Briefly, it is anti-progress, everywhere and always.
Thanks! A truly great speech!
It moves offensiveness from a fault to be merely accepted to a virtue which needs cultivation.
Examples: sarc and SRG2 need to be labeled, loudly and constantly, as complicit piles of lefty shit for supporting the murder of that woman.
It is my JOB (and yours, and yours, and yours) to make that clear!
Thread on origins of "insurrection" description related to January 6.
Like all bad things, it started with Mary McCord nine months before J6. She claimed Trump's April 2020 tweets to "liberate" three states from COVID lockdowns represented an "incitement" to "insurrection."
Of course, the FBI helped McCord advance her claim: governors in 2 states (MI and VA) would be part of the FBI concocted plot to "kidnap" and "kill" anti-Trump governors:
Well, marvelous. That's in the wrong place...
Further proof, as if you need it, that the "mostly peaceful" riots of 2020 were part of a regime-back colour revolution on American soil. These cheques are payments for services rendered, and down-payments on further pro-regime chaos in the year to come.
Boy, it's hard not to notice when reading through this that colleges are already operating on fascist ideology.
Political oaths of fealty, anonymous reporting of diverging thought, and internal 'courts' that can try and punish you without due process.
It's the model they are teaching their graduates to follow when they get out into the real world, and to be perfectly frank we're already seeing the fruits of that labor in the news every day. It's even considered to be the new moral thing to do, which is perhaps the most terrifying thing of all.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis
I've been reading a history of the student movement, red guard, and struggle sections in the Mao revolution...
So many parallels to today's environment. Reliance on kids. Constant canceling of independent though and individuals. Working for the state. Group think and ideals. Fear of rocking the boat and standing up.
One of the reasons I believe the left wants to remove guns and ability to defend oneself is so they can utilize these tactics more forcefully.
Cipolla talked about idiots, bandits, and helpless people. The intelligent folks should endeavor to avoid all three.
"Boy, it’s hard not to notice when reading through this that colleges are already operating on fascist ideology. "
What you describe is already long been in play in the corporate world, where DEI was originated. It is not surprising that it has moved to education. but heartening that there is push back against it. Too bad we accept it in the corporate world where groupthink has always been encouraged and rewarded.
In 2003 it was estimated that corporations in the United States spent $8 billion annually on diversity. After the election of Donald Trump and the ascent of the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, Time magazine stated in 2019 that the DEI industry had "exploded" in size.[20]
DEI did not start in the corporate world. Why are you saying outright false information?
And stop copy pasting shit.
You are not subtle in your retardation.
He is only here to spout nonsense. He has stated his motivations prior. Almost any way to derail a conversation to protect his leftist religion.
"Almost any way to derail a conversation to protect his leftist religion."
Anything embraced and promoted by America's corporations is not part of my leftist religion. The DEI agenda is all about superficiality - skin color, ethnicity, etc. The underlying ideology remains unchanged and unchallenged. Hence the popularity of DEI in the corporate world. Take off those petty bourgeois blinkers you're so attached to and you'd soon see the truth of it.
There's a very strong reason he gets called "misconstrueman" here.
Where it started is not the issue. It’s where DEI thrives unopposed. That’s the corporate world. In academia there is push back against DEI, this article, for example, or FIRE. No push back for the same ideology being implemented in the corporate world where group think is prized and rewarded with money and status.
In the corporate world, the more common name for DEI is the often Human Resources Department, and these have been around since the mid 60s, and steadily growing. Don’t let yourself be confused by the names, as it’s the intentions and influences that are important.
I will not stop copying and pasting shit. It is a convenient time and effort saver.
Thanks for the update Claudine Gay. I will continue to call you out for being a weasel with no original thoughts.
You are the self hating son of Claudine Gay and Adolf Hitler. You wish you were a weasel.
Im just going to assume you found this somewhere and copied it without understanding.
You may be onto something. Sounds like something a weasel would do.
He's being too kind, comparing you, asshole, to a weasel. Fuck off and die, asshole.
"Where it started is not the issue. It’s where DEI thrives unopposed..."
When you're caught lying through our teeth, point over there!
What you describe is already long been in play in the corporate world, where DEI was originated.
Where it started is not the issue.
Yeah, suddenly when your fake-ass marxist framing is called out as fake, the claim isn't actually important anymore.
"Yeah, suddenly when your fake-ass marxist framing is called out as fake, the claim isn’t actually important anymore."
It's important enough for corporations to spend billions on DEI and HR departments. And true fake-ass marxists were never fooled by the notion that putting a black man on a corporate board was tantamount to putting a true fake-ass marxist on the board. Only fake fake-ass marxists like Beverly D'Angelo of White Fragility fame, for whom the whole thing was a grift for her and an exercise in ass covering and ideological control for the corporations that hired her.
It’s important enough for corporations to spend billions on DEI and HR departments.
That wasn’t your contention, though.
Beverly D’Angelo of White Fragility fame
You mean Robin D'Angelo?
Misconstrueman can't even get his own narrative and propaganda right.
"That wasn’t your contention, though."
My contention was that DEI initiatives are a much better fit for the corporate world where group think is expected and rewarded.
"You mean Robin D’Angelo?"
Very likely. The book is not one I'd recommend.
My contention was that DEI initiatives are a much better fit for the corporate world where group think is expected and rewarded.
It's a false contention.
It's a trueman contention. And you can't or won't argue otherwise. This where you respond with insults and schoolyard taunts. Take it away...
It's a sweeping generalization without any sort of empirical evidence. There's no need to argue against that kind of question-begging.
"It’s a sweeping generalization without any sort of empirical evidence. "
Before you said it was false. Now it's merely a sweeping generalization. How long will it be before it has your whole hearted support?
Before you said it was false. Now it’s merely a sweeping generalization.
Why not both?
How long will it be before it has your whole hearted support?
Depends on if it hurts the left.
Let me explain how corporate DEI happens.
Step one. Big money Marxists assemble an investment fund and buy a significant amount of stock in a target company.
Step two. They get small money Marxists to buy into the fund so they can acquire even more stock in other targeted companies.
Step three. They use their influence on board members to get them to push for DEI bullshit in the company and for them to fill their HR departments with Marxists.
Step four, they show other Marxists theor success and raise more money to buy stock in other targeted companies and push those boards to hire more Marxists into their HR departments.
Step five, while the companies they are trying to control still are paying dividends that money is used to buy into more companies.
Step six, rinse and repeat.
Do you know what a Marxist is?
Learn about the Frankfurt School of thought.
You realize that this is how one distances themselves from the problem.
"I never supported this stuff, it started in corporate America!"
"You realize that this is how one distances themselves from the problem."
It's not my problem and it never was my problem.
Lying IS your problem, shitbag.
The antidote to omnipotent busybodies is a free market. Of course there is no such thing as omnipotent humans, so Lewis was engaging in a bit of dramatic effect there. A free market in business enterprises allows for the competition between and amongst organizations of differing operational philosophies resulting, one would hope, in the least oppressive regimes becoming the most successful in production and profitability. Likewise, a free market in education and educational enterprises. But only Constitutional limitations on government authority, firmly insisted upon by the enlightened self-interest of a vast majority of the citizens can enable free markets in anything and everything else. The only hope now is that the current culture warriors realize eventually that that game has no winners, only losers.
"A free market in business enterprises allows for the competition between and amongst organizations"
Is that what you are supporting? Under DEI regime, the two groups in competition are America's whites versus America's non whites. And demographic trends tell us that the non whites are winning an will continue to win. But the real winners are the corporations who are happy to fan the flames of culture war as the best way to forestall a class war. Which they'd lose.
"The only hope now is that the current culture warriors realize eventually that that game has no winners, only losers."
Agree with one small caveat. There is a winner. See above.
"There is a winner."
Disagree. First of all the culture war is not over yet so there cannot be a winner yet. And secondly (and more importantly) the culture wars have not, so far, been fought in a vacuum, since government authority has been heavily weighted on the DEI side.
But finally, I disagree that it is whites versus non-whites. The culture war I was referring to is social justice versus liberty.
Wow, my Reason cups runneth over in Kultur Warr... so we ARE fighting this, or are we outsourcing it when we can?
Yes, outsourcing. I'll take it.
Sad that this article is so many years late, doesn't go deep enough in describing the current state, and isn't written by one of their own. Small kudos for printing it, but it is such and indictment of Reason that this is the first article truly addressing the problem
Ramaswamy wants the US out of NATO
Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has told multiple people he would withdraw the U.S. from NATO as president, the furthest anyone vying for the Oval Office has gone on the idea of ending America’s role in the alliance.
Last October, Ramaswamy told POLITICO the idea of the U.S. leaving NATO was “reasonable,” but stopped short of supporting taking the U.S. out of the 31-nation bloc. Such a move would hobble the alliance and threaten NATO’s ability to serve as a credible deterrent force against Russia. It could also usher in the largest transatlantic crisis in decades, leading to questions from Europe, North America and even Asia about America’s willingness to defend or support allies in moments of need.
The remarks made to different groups experts and supporters, detailed to POLITICO by three people familiar with his comments, signal NATO’s days may be numbered if Ramaswamy or someone who shares his general worldview, like former President Donald Trump, wins the election in November.
- reported by Bellum Acta
Ramaswamy wants the US out of NATO
The Cab Driver's face of White Supremacy.
"Ramaswamy wants the US out of NATO"
Sure he does.
He also wants to beef up the "quad," a kind of anti Chinese NATO that's been around since Obama and Trump's pivot to China.
Sounds good to me.
It's supposed to sound good. You're not supposed to believe it, though. By the way, I have this slightly used bridge in Brooklyn I'm thinking of selling. Interested?
Such a move would hobble the alliance and threaten NATO’s ability to serve as a credible deterrent force against Russia. It could also usher in the largest transatlantic crisis in decades, leading to questions from Europe, North America and even Asia about America’s willingness to defend or support allies in moments of need.
The very notion that America needs to protect those allies stems from those allies not being able or willing to defend themselves in the first place. For all intents and purposes, NATO is merely the U.S. armed forces with a different logo spray painted over the U.S. Army logo.
"NATO is merely the U.S. armed forces with a different logo spray painted over the U.S. Army logo."
Is that paint made by the American companies that fund congressional campaigns, and provide sinecures for retired generals?
"The very notion that America needs to protect those allies"
You have much to learn. In racketeering circles, protection is only a pretext.
>Universities Use DEI Statements To Enforce Groupthink
DEI statements are political litmus tests.
No, no, no, guys - its academic freedom! That's why conservatives should leave the poor universities alone!
# of black faces at Reason: ___
Say what you will, Reason puts its money where its mouth is when it comes to DIE bullshit.
These two clingers mention UCLA, Vassar, Berkeley, Ohio State, MIT, Harvard, and Northwestern, while referring to FIRE surveys that fault the likes of Harvard, Yale, and Penn.
These partisan culture war casualties conspicuously disregard Wheaton, Cedarbrook, Franciscan, Grove City, Liberty, Biola, Regent, Ouachita Baptist, and more than a hundred similar censorship-shackled, dogma-enforcing, science-suppressing, academic freedom-flouting, speech code-imposing, nonsense-teaching conservative-controlled campuses. These disingenuous misfits also do not mention the continuing national wave of conservative censorship campaigns.
I recognize that these clingers feel compelled to flatter the right-wing donors who fund their disingenuous polemics. Their funders get tingles when FIRE cherry-pickers criticize our nation's strongest research and teaching institutions, which conservative slack-jaws resent because conservative schools are fourth-tier (or worse) hayseed factories with lousy reputations, mediocre students, nondescript faculties, sketchy accreditation, and laughable curricula.
FIRE is entitled to act in this manner. Better Americans should disrespect and discount FIRE for disingenuous, paltry partisan polemics.
If it hurts your side, hicklib, it's automatically good.
Liberals can't defend their increasingly shitty ideas, arguments, and policies in an open environment. It's that simple.
That explains why conservatives turn every campus they get their hands on into a flaming shitstorm of censorship, dogma, viewpoint discrimination, speech codes, bigotry, hiring discrimination, conduct codes, statements of faith, bullshit-based curricula, admissions discrimination, suppression of science to flatter nonsense, additional bigotry, low ranking, loyalty oaths, childish superstition, belligerent ignorance, and rejection of academic freedom.
Carry on, clingers. But only so far as better Americans permit.
sorry hypocrite but
DEI statements = loyalty oaths
What is your opinion of conservative-controlled, dogma-enforcing, bigoted, nonsense-teaching schools?
Cite and link, degenerate hicklib?
Conduct your own basic research concerning obvious points; a bigoted, worthless culture war reject could learn from the experience and improve.
I do research, bigoted hicklib. I find your side in the culture war to be ignorant and lacking.
Sounds like a rural religious school education talking.
We never should have been gracious enough to grant accreditation to those nonsense-teaching redneck factories.
The "rural religious school education talking" doesn't teach nonsense like the idea that a man can become a woman or vice versa just because of feelings in the brain. Such schools are more deserving of accreditation than Harvard at this time.
They are at least honest about their faith based curriculum. You don't get ambushed by some Jesus freak demanding you conform to their ideology halfway through your freshman year.
What I find interesting is how leftists keep trying to get their alphabet Mafia types into those religious schools. With the multiple court cases the leftists file you'd think they want the education offered by those religious schools.
Above idiot confuses liberals with left-wingers. DEI litmus tests are a left-wing idea, not a liberal one.
Above idiot thinks supporting Soros buying off the DNC, pushing censorship, pushing laws that favor his investment, sows urban violence and violent activist groups is liberalism.
Even if your representation of my views were accurate, you have conceded the point that DEI litmus tests are a left-wing idea, not a liberal one. Glad we agree.
I'm not a fan of ideological litmus tests in most any workplace, really, let alone the university, but the authors here could stand to be a little bit more honest in steelmanning the opponents' arguments that they are arguing against.
For example:
This could be right, but there is also a very reasonable alternative explanation: while the discipline of physics is, of course, not primarily concerned with issues of social justice, physics *professors* can have a role to play in matters of social justice in how they approach their classroom instruction, what research projects they pursue, and who they recruit as physics majors and physics students in their research labs. In this sense, the topic of social justice can be applicable to every department on campus.
You're really not being fair to the students here. This survey question (btw, where is the survey instrument that was used?)
had as a response that it is *NEVER* okay to block students from attending a speech. *NEVER* is a very absolute condition, and even among the free speech absolutists among us, I am sure each could come up with a very hypothetical situation where we would at least be tempted to shout down the speaker: what if the speaker was the love child of Stalin and Hitler advocating for violence against you or your friends? And MIT students, I imagine, are pretty bright and they can see through the consequences of responding *NEVER* to a survey question like this. Viewed in this light, the fact that 49% nonetheless answered *NEVER* is actually a very positive sign. If you want to get a better handle on the general sense of free speech attitudes on campus, you should probably include those who answered "rarely" or "almost never" to a question like this. My suspicion is that the authors did not include the "almost never" respondents in with the "never" respondents because the sum of the two would constitute a majority, probably an overwhelming majority, of the students on campus, which would go against the narrative that the authors are wishing to make here.
physics *professors* can have a role to play in matters of social justice in how they approach their classroom instruction, what research projects they pursue, and who they recruit as physics majors and physics students in their research labs.
Religion, ladies and gentlemen.
For example, universities could simply reduce the requirements for students of color to pass their physics and engineering classes.
I mean, who doesn't want to drive on a bridge constructed by someone that failed every class but still graduated! Not to mention we definitely want rockets and missiles built by people who were at the bottom of their class. It doesn't matter if they work or not, what matters is that they feel good about themselves.
Plus, since it's well established that people of color are far less intelligent and have no actual agency it's really a requirement for a white savior to elevate them.
Or, they could enforce superstitious dogma and accept -- if not mandate -- "just because" as a persuasive -- if not controlling -- argument among gullible conservative slack-jaws who believe fairy tales trump the reality-based world.
With a large side order of disgusting, obsolete right-wing bigotry, of course.
Fuck off and die, asshole bigot.
How is what I wrote above "religion"?
What I mean is, suppose you are a physics professor giving a lecture on classical mechanics. If when giving an example, you could either use gendered language and culturally specific details that not everyone in the class might understand, or you could try to use non-gendered language, and use details in your examples that are not so culturally specific and everyone in the class is more likely to understand.
How is it "religion" to say that, if you teach at a university that has international students, try not to use examples that only the domestic students will understand?
It's simple:
By professor's selectively choosing their successors, they are practicing religion, not education.
It's basically priests choosing their acolytes. Marxism is a modern Judeo-Christian theological construct at its core, just with the Yahweh/Jesus stuff taken out.
By professor’s selectively choosing their successors, they are practicing religion, not education.
So all hiring committees are religious in nature? How do you think professors get their jobs, anyway?
So all hiring committees are religious in nature?
Yeah. Starting with radical Gen-Xers taking over the hiring committees and weeding out anyone who wasn't spouting Current Year research.
So I was thinking the other day, is there some libertarian statement of principle that all of us, or at least 95+% of us, could agree on? Does such a thing exist?
Let me try this one:
"Every living human being has inalienable rights with which he/she is endowed simply by existing."
Is this a statement where all, or nearly all, of us can agree on?
We may disagree on precisely what those inalienable rights are, or when or how they become conferred upon the individual, but can we at least agree with that statement above?
So I was thinking the other day, is there some libertarian statement of principle that all of us, or at least 95+% of us, could agree on? Does such a thing exist?
75% of Americans agree that there should be limits to abortion... so there's that.
And it's pretty evenly split in the libertarian camp, so yeah.
The non-aggression principle is on line one. The vast majority of people agree with it, and a tiny minority of people follow it.
Unfit for Duty
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized on New Year’s Day, but the Biden administration didn’t disclose it until Friday evening, NBC News reports.
Washington "refuses to say how serious his condition was or why he was not able to perform his duties.”
"Lloyd Austin was hospitalized on New Year’s Day,"
Caught a bad case of antisemitism from close contact with a checkered scarf.
Rob wears a checkered scarf? If so, perhaps to hid a checkered past.
Watch it burn.
Imagine you're an independent-minded high schooler who longs to be a famous scientist one day. You don't consider yourself a conservative, but you're highly critical of lefty groupthink.
What do "famous scientist" and being "highly critical" of social/political positions (left OR right) have to do with each other?
Just do the science. If someone asks you a science question, answer it. If they ask you a social/political question, just remember the simple rules of polite conversation. Three subjects you never discuss in mixed company: religion, politics, and other people's children.
The problem is that we've transformed society into a bunch of preening arrogant jerks who, because they have an open microphone to everyone, worldwide that they feel compelled to broadcast their hot takes on any/all subjects to anyone who will listen. And, at the same time, we've become a bunch of hypersensitive pansies who can't stand to be disagreed with even slightly.
I have a really good buddy, known him for decades. He hates sports. He doesn't watch games, he doesn't have teams, he doesn't give a single care about them whatsoever. But you know what he did every morning before he retired? He'd open a newspaper and turn to the sports section before anything else. He'd get a few talking points - and then he'd have all the polite conversation he needed to get throughout the day among coworkers and clients who, as it was, often talked sports around the water cooler. Simple, innocuous, inoffensive conversation that nobody takes too seriously.
Polite conversation. That's what we've lost in Western Society. We're so busy acting like we have the solution to all the world's problems, and that everyone else can't wait for us to tell it to them. It's turned people into insufferable jackasses who can't stand being offended, but can't wait to offend everyone else.
The scientist doesn't need to concern himself with conformity. He needs to concern himself with science, and simply remember the rules of polite conversation in mixed company. It's no different than what we say when Hollywood celebrities get up and pontificate during their awards - "Nobody cares about your cause. Shut up and act."
As the article says, you need to write diversity statement at almost every step of the process to becoming a professor. You want to study pure science *without* becoming a professor? Good luck making a living and good luck getting access to the facilities you need.
Just ChatGPT that. It's not like anyone's actually reading it.
In a world painted with a myriad of colors, each hue contributes to the beauty of the canvas. My life, too, is a mosaic of experiences that I bring to your diverse academic community. As an individual shaped by various facets of my identity, I believe in the power of diversity to enrich the educational landscape.
Growing up in a multicultural environment has given me the privilege of witnessing the convergence of different traditions, languages, and perspectives. My family, originating from different parts of the globe, has instilled in me an appreciation for the beauty of cultural diversity. I speak multiple languages fluently, effortlessly transitioning between them, bridging gaps in communication and fostering understanding.
Moreover, being a member of an underrepresented community has fueled my passion for advocating for equity and inclusion. I have actively participated in community service initiatives that aim to break down barriers and create opportunities for individuals who might face systemic challenges. Through these experiences, I have developed a keen sense of empathy and a commitment to fostering a sense of belonging for all.
My academic journey has been marked by a curiosity to explore diverse fields of study. I have delved into courses that span cultural studies, science, and the arts, seeking to broaden my understanding of the world. This interdisciplinary approach has not only expanded my intellectual horizons but has also equipped me with a holistic perspective that I am eager to bring to your academic community.
As I reflect on my journey, I recognize the importance of creating spaces where individuals from all walks of life can come together to learn, share, and grow. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the diversity of thought, experience, and background at your esteemed institution.
In conclusion, my commitment to diversity goes beyond merely acknowledging differences; it encompasses a genuine celebration of the unique qualities each individual brings. I am eager to contribute to the vibrant tapestry of your academic community, bringing with me a wealth of experiences and a dedication to fostering an inclusive environment for all.
Took literally 10 seconds.
"Took literally 10 seconds."
Waste of time.
Lip service to the cult.
Yeah you're right. We didn't talk about religion and politics in social situations and we actually managed to respect people we might disagree with because they were good people. An asshole, like me, might write an angry letter to the editor and some other blowhard could take the opposite view but we could show up at the same party and have a beer together. It was an informal system that forced people to confront their opinions outside of their comfort zone. Didn't have to change any minds. Just made the world a little more civilized.
In a strange way, DEI statements represent an admission of failure by universities’ administrations. If universities were genuinely able to implement a DEI policy in any effective and intelligent way, they would only need the administrators to abide by DEI guidelines. But requiring faculty to pass litmus tests, they’re saying, in effect, that they’re unable to do their own jobs without the assistance of the faculty.
Years ago, Morgan Stanley in London had a seminar on interview protocols – what questions could you or could you not ask interviewees? The guiding rule was that you could not ask a question that was unrelated to the interviewees’ ability to do their job. A similar idea wrt hiring decisions should be at work in academia. “Enforcing” DEI principles is not the job of faculty.
And on the third anniversary of Jan. 6, 2021, here is Salon's take.
Of course they continue with the whole "they are all insurrectionists" narrative, which is false. However, they do have one good point:
They are right here, but it's not just a segment of Republican voters who want this. There's a whole lot of voters on all sides who don't really care about 'democracy' as an abstract principle, they just want to keep their heads down and live their lives and if that happens as the result of democracy or dictatorship it doesn't matter all THAT much to them.
That is sad, and that has to change.
Really, Salon’s take, Jeffy? Why don’t you just come out of the closet right now and admit you’re a Democrat.
They won’t mind an autocratic government or a despot, if they can just be assured they have a place to live and can exist from paycheck to paycheck.
As I wrote the other day in response to sarc, maybe if the Optimates weren't so corrupt while wearing the trappings of Our Democracy, they wouldn't make a dictator who will stop their abuses seem like a reasonable alternative.
This bullshit made me laugh, too:
Trump’s disinformation has been so successful, that despite the well-known and publicized facts, a recent Washington Post-University of Maryland poll shows that 25 percent of Americans say it is “probably” or “definitely” true that the FBI instigated the attack on the U.S. Capitol, Jan. 6, 2021. This horse crap has spread even though Trump and his allies – including former Attorney General Bill Barr, controlled the Justice Department and the FBI at the time of the insurrection. Another way of looking at it is that a quarter of the people in this country – according to that poll – believe that the government-run by Trump started the insurrection, and yet they don’t think Trump had anything to do with it.
This asshole wouldn’t be saying this if he didn’t believe that the whole deal with Comey and the FBI brazenly lying on FISA submissions, or their little entrapment operation on Gretchen Whitmer, or Peter Sztrok and Lisa Page plotting to prevent Trump from taking office, hadn’t been memory-holed.
Or this bullshit:
For the first time since 1814, the Capitol was breached.
Just a reminder that Brian Karem's side bombed the Capitol twice in the last 50 years. This Squealer-ass journoscum needs to get the taste slapped out of his Boomer mouth.
Or this bullshit:
He does not deserve the White House, and all the charlatans in the Republican Party who support him deserve nothing less than to join him in prison – or at the very least minimum wage jobs in a sweaty fast food franchise. They too are traitors to democracy, common sense, critical thinking, education, liberty and civil rights.
This journoscum asshole is saying every member of the GOP that votes for Trump is a traitor and deserves to be thrown in prison, just like any other leftist who's worked himself into a lather about their latest bete noir.
I didn't even vote for Trump and won't this time for reasons I've already explained, but rhetoric like this makes me hope he wins if he gets the GOP nom. Brian Karem is a cockroach who needs to get squashed like one.
Universities also pop out "land acknowledgement" statements, ostensibly to remind everyone of which Indigenous tribe, err, nation, lived on the lands now occupied by the university, at some arbitrary point in the historical past. But without, somehow, ever deeding the land back to them.
Not all of them. Some of them require obedience to sacred ignorance and dogmatic bigotry -- the conservative-controlled schools, naturally.
Better Americans can't withdraw accreditation from those nonsense-teaching hillbilly farms soon enough.
Fuck off and die, asshole bigot.
We've gone from "thoughts and prayers" to "get over it".
Yeah, we probably shouldn't get over the fact that the troon menace is starting to target kids in schools with actual guns, instead of merely convincing them that they need to cut their genitals off.
Too many Americans are in the habit of getting over shootings and killings in the ghetto.
Remember Izaiah Carter?
I would have liked to have been there, just so that when they read the names, I could have read the list with my son’s name on it,” Michelle Hines explained to FOX45 News.
Michelle Hines’s 16-year-old son, Izaiah Carter, was gunned down in March 2023 outside Patterson High School. His death marked one of Baltimore’s first juvenile homicides during a year that proved historically deadly for the city’s youth.
Izaiah Carter (Courtesy: Michelle Hines)
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“It’s not personal when you have a bunch of city leaders or officials saying their names,” Hines added.
As part of the city’s annual candlelight memorial at the beginning of each year, a comprehensive roll call of murdered victims is recited.
Hines’s son was one of the 263 murdered in Baltimore in 2023.
RELATED | Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott touts reduced homicide rate but citizens question feelings of safety
Wednesday’s 40-minute vigil was kicked off with a speech by Mayor Scott.
As we hold space tonight for those we lost, let us acknowledge, also, that we were able to make progress in saving lives through our shared efforts throughout Baltimore,” Mayor Scott said. “We know in 2023, Baltimore, as a city, saw our largest single year drop in homicides, and while we understand and know that one life is one too many, we will continue to push so that every single year, Baltimore becomes a safer place to live.”
Both Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley and the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement Interim Director Stefanie Mavronis followed the mayor’s lead in their speeches during the vigil.
“Good evening, as the mayor mentioned, together, we have been able to achieve the largest single year reduction in homicides in terms of lives saved since the early 70s,” Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley kicked off his vigil speech.
Baltimore City's 2023 Vigil of Remembrance (WBFF)
Mavronis spent the first few minutes of her remarks thanking violence intervention workers without acknowledging violent crime survivors or victims.
“Your efforts do not go unnoticed and are the reason Baltimore experienced the historic declines we are talking about tonight,” Mavronis said.
Hines described Scott administration’s rhetoric as tone-deaf.
To me it seems like they were more [t]here to tout on the fact that crime has been reduced. It’s kind of like a deflection so people will not be as upset as we are because of all of these crimes, because of all of these deaths,” Michelle Hines decried to FOX45 News.
When Mayor Scott was campaigning in 2020 for his current seat, he assured voters he would swiftly act to lower the city’s stubbornly high murders.
“I will aim to reduce homicides by 15% each year in my term, getting us below 300 homicides in my first year as Mayor,” Mayor Scott said during his 2020 election.
Mayor Brandon Scott during Baltimore City's 2023 Vigil of Remembrance (WBFF)
During his first year as mayor, homicides rose to 338. Mayor Scott’s second year in office saw a slight decrease to 330 lives lost.
ALSO READ | Debate continues over who's responsible for bringing Baltimore's annual homicides below 300
While last year's homicides saw a 20% decrease, other crime categories, like vehicle thefts, skyrocketed to triple digits.
Mayor Scott faces a challenging primary battle in May. Mayor Scott’s top opponent, former Mayor Sheila Dixon, has criticized the incumbent's crime and management performance.
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According to recent polling, Dixon’s strategy is proving effective. She holds a 39-to-31% advantage over Mayor Scott.
Meanwhile, as Michelle Hines prepares for the first-year anniversary of her teenage son’s murder, she continues to question Mayor Scott's sensitivity to crime victims.
“What about all of the deaths that did occur. You guys [city leaders] just named 200 plus people [murdered], and we’re talking about ‘we’re working together’ and ‘we’re a great team,’” Hines told FOX45 News.
Hines questioned, “When were they a great team?”
This is a great point actually. I have mentioned Jamiel Andre Shaw, Joseph Arthur Swift, and Stephanie Kuhen in comments on previous posts. Irt looks like many, many people got over their murders.
Ghetto school shootings are mostly drive-bys. We had two at Aurora Central and Hinkley High Schools in 2021 within a couple weeks of each other.
Fortunately, dingers can't shoot.
Yep. No one wants to mention them, even though they are far more common than the typical "mass shooting" that hits the news cycle. I made a mention of it once after a suburban school shooting on FB, and got called a racist merely for being concerned. Wouldn't the real racists dismiss ghetto mass shootings and focus only on the suburban/rural ones?
OT. Zeroheadge had a j6 debate. Arguing for the right was
1. Alex Jones. Okay
2. Darren beety. Okay
3. Glen greenwald? Really he is right wing now? The gay guy that supports massive social welfare is right wing? My how the Overton window has shifted
Someone else mentioned this up thread.
Liberal *IS* right wing to modern progressives.
That said, Greenwald beats most on the left (what used to be the left) to argue that position. Even if he's not conservative, he has a healthy disrespect for power and understands corruption and propaganda better than most.
Well, nowadays you can get called a socialist or leftie by supporting capitalism and being biased in favour of free trade, because of the re-defining of political terms after Trump by Trump supporters. Pro-Trump: right-wing. Anti-Trump: left-wing.
It wasn't right vs. left. It was paranoid vs. non-paranoid.
And I am watching this debate now. Holy shit is it a shitshow. Alex Jones needs to be slapped so hard until he sits down and shuts up and lets anyone else get a word in edgewise.
3. Glen greenwald? Really he is right wing now? The gay guy that supports massive social welfare is right wing? My how the Overton window has shifted
Truth is a right-wing construct.
Truth is white supremacy.
Happy Orthodox Christmas
Orthodox Christianity is a bit of a mystery to me. It's all Easter Tuesday and Good Thursday Afternoon and Merry January 7th.
CEO of United Airlines announces that pilots will now be hired on the basis of race and gender.
When people said, um, isn't experience and pilot skill the most important factor, his response was: “Some of the reaction to it, I think, shows that the country has further to go than I, perhaps, appreciated. But it means that taking action is even more important.
Yeah... so glad I don't fly anymore.
I'd like to thank Greg and Rikki for a great article. It really highlights the offence of DEI and other political groupthink. The ending is superb:
"Where all think alike," the essayist Walter Lippmann once wrote, "no one thinks very much." You must conform to the leader.
It is overstated, but this is a classic example of Orwellian behavior. The question is: is this the animals revolting against farmer Jones or the animals turning on themselves? Either way, why is there such blindness towards authoritarian principles? That is the path we are on. The left has completely embraced it. And in a different way, the MAGA class on the right embrace group think too. Make it stop.
I used to interview students for Harvard admissions. This year they are desperately short of interviewers. I felt I had to decline as I was not sure I could honestly recommend Harvard any more. Harvard has a code word for conservative applicants. They are labeled “immature”. This guarantees they won’t get in
Brigham Young might deserve accreditation.
Might not.
Do you know how much superstitious bullshit and pathetic nonsense someone has to claim to believe to become influential at Brigham Young?
I sense the American mainstream will reconsider accreditation of nonsense-teaching, science-disdaining, bigot-ridden schools at some point.
Authoritarian conservatives hardest hit.
Which is great!
The anti-religious bigotry on display here by Kirkland and KAR is absolutely dazzling in its ignorance and callowness while lacking in originality, and can be summed up as mere unenlightened idiocy by a couple of hicklibs waiting to be replaced by their betters.
Which science? The science of the Alphabet Mafia? The science of global catastrophe that has failed to generate a correct prediction for the last 40 years? The science of cutting an 9 year olds sex junk off?
Two asshole bigots supporting each other.
Fuck off and die, both of you.
People are entitled to believe and speak as they wish. Those are important rights; gullible, childish dopes who believe fairy tales are true have rights, too.
Competent adults neither advance nor accept superstition (nonsense)-based arguments or positions in reasoned debate among adults. This includes ostensible adults, even in the most desolate, conservative, uneducated spot one might find.
I've actually met Brigham Young students. My son had a summer internship at a foundry in Utah, one of the cities in the metro area around the college. He sublet a place from some BYU students and had some Mormon roommates.
I found them to be decent kids. My son is still in contact with them. They are well mannered and fun to hang out with, according to my son. A college full of kids like that is a good start. So what if they believe in magic underwear. They arent assholes about it.
You probably do, KAR.
Fuck off and die, asshole; make your family proud.
That dumb statement isn't borne out by the actual facts, KAR.
That asshole needs to fuck off and die.
Why would anyone discuss rocks or "genetics" when they could be assessing (and educating others with respect to) the eternal benefits of magic underwear?
Superstitious slack-jaws are among my favorite culture war casualties, and not just because they tend to be bigots and hayseeds.
You mean superstitious like yourself, Kirkland, believing in Marxist fairy tales that never come true no matter how much you repeat them and chant their incantations?
Idiots like you can't be replaced by your betters soon enough.
Your magic underwear might be too tight today, clinger.
Your magic underwear might be too tight today, clinger.
Not as tight as the soothing knee on your neck is going to be, hicklib.
Superstitious slack-jaws are among my favorite culture war casualties, and not just because they tend to be bigots and hayseeds.
My favorite culture war casualties are the troons and pooners who 41% themselves, and not just because they tend to be deviants and pedophiles. Their hicklib allies will be joining them soon enough.
Can you or Kirkland point out where precisely the "America hating Christian Nationalists" are in any of these tenets? I found this instead:
We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
None of this sounds like anything you claim BYU or its church to be. Clearly you and Kirkland have not done any research. Both of you are simply lying by this point. Repent.
Are you a superstitious clinger, too?
Since when did you become anymore than a childish gullible dope, Kirkland? You do know that idiots like you will be replaced by your betters soon enough.
We know you are, Kirkland.
Nice try, but it's your side that does child porn. Ask your butt-buddy Shrike sometime how he got his original SPB name banned.
I was smart enough to pick the winning side of the American culture war.
I don't take credit for avoiding being a disaffected, bigoted, on-the-spectrum faux libertarian right-winger, though . . . avoiding autism was an accident of birth. Most of you awkward, antisocial, on-the-spectrum assholes were born at 4th-and-35.
Except BYU has Anthropology/Archaeology disciplines, as well as genetic science.
There's no greater collection of sexual predators than your allies in Hollywood and the teaching profession.
Sorry the facts don't fit your groomer loving narrative.
No one respects BYU’s science depts.
I see we're speaking in the royal sense, here.
You don’t care because they’re America hating Christian Nationalists like you.
LOL, please, your side doesn't even like this country. The elegant proof is in just about every university campus which is the subject of this article.
You only care when it gives you a chance to gay bash.
Maybe the faggots that do so should not diddle little kids, then.
Your side keeps ending up on the wrong side of these things. Why do you think it will be different this time?
Because historic determinism is a fake ideology, and the culture war doesn't have to stay cold to prove that.
Since when are people in Hollywood my allies?
Since you autistically rant about Mormons.
I’ll take teachers over pervert idolizing groomers any day.
Distinction without a difference.
Continue on with your culture war. It’s going to be satisfying watching you backwards rubes get crushed.
LOL, yeah, that's why your side is so desperate to take our guns away. Ask any GWOT veteran how those assumptions turned out.
You keep referring to my side, but most your assumptions about “my side” are incorrect.
No, they're dead-on.
How does raising awareness about Mormons beliefs, practices, and history make me allies with folks in Hollywood?
It shows your manic double standards.
You’re defending people who believe they’re more righteous than you because their skin is lighter than yours FYI.
False consciousness is also a fake belief.
It’s going to take a lot of work, but it’s possible to drastically reduce the amount of abuse between teachers in students.
No, it's not.
You don’t give a shit about kids.
You don't give a shit about anything.
Well you better home school your kids then. I’m sure they’ll end up as educated and well adjusted as you.
And that’s a good thing–he knows how to separate facts from lies, unlike you or Kirkland.
They can be the anti-government bigot whose coworkers hate them. Just like you!!!
Read this: “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.” – Joseph Smith
Where’s the “anti-government bigot” in any of this? Just how are people who follow the passage above deserving of scorn by their fellow employees? Because you don’t like their beliefs? Well, go and take a look at yourself in the mirror before you make outrageous claims about a religious group. You are not telling the truth.
Ok? I’ll admit I am stupid for arguing with a backwards rube like you.
That “backwards rube” knows about the facts better than you do, including on the Mormons. Of course you’re stupid to argue with Red Rocks White Privilege, because you simply stood no chance.
I recommend slowing down and enjoying life. Because if you keep up this culture war and civil war stuff your life is going to go to shit pretty quick.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Attributed to Edmund Burke
You’ve been the aggressor this whole time Lynn, as has Kirkland. Both of you refuse to let go of the past and the ensuing grudges you hold. That is why you two get labeled as hicklibs. You both rejected Christianity but couldn’t leave it alone with your years of lying about it and throwing dishonest smears towards its adherents. You want the government to suppress this religious group, and likely other religious groups as well. That’s a blatant violation of the NAP, and we will not let you get away with it.
“And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” – Luke 6:31
There's no such thing as historic determinism, you slack-jawed, slope-foreheaded hicklib.
Someone who constantly belches about "superstitious clingers" should probably exercise a bit more self-awareness, but that never was your side's strong suit. Being a socially maladaptive, thoroughly delusional waste of carbon molecules tends to do that.
It sure will be nice once we clear out all the xenophobic, Christian Nationalist groomers and there’s more elbow room for All-American joes like myself.
Not nearly as nice when we clear out the slack-jawed, slope-foreheaded hicklibs and there's more elbow room for All-American joes like myself.
You get called a hicklib because you and Kirkland refuse to let go of the past, refuse to let your grudges, and have been constantly hostile towards "clingers" for practicing their religious beliefs, and ultimately want the government to suppress them. We will call you out for what you do.
Sex abuse is no more likely to occur in the LDS Church than in schools, government programs, daycare centers, Hollywood, etc. But that doesn't fit your narrative, nor does it confirm your straw man propositions.
We are fast to denounce Shrike and continue to call him out to this day, unlike you. That’s hardly “defending sexual predators”.
We also weren’t the ones that defended Cuties, a film that blatantly sexualizes children; that film and its ensuing defenders was entirely from your side.
You’re honest about wanting to outlaw your political and religious enemies by forcing them to go underground. That’s something neither you nor your family should be proud of.