Review: The Crown Pits British Tradition Against Reform
The lightly fictionalized historical drama shows that it’s hard for staid institutions to grow and change with the times, especially when they aren’t forced to.
Netflix's lightly fictionalized historical drama The Crown examines the British monarchy through its longest-serving chief, Queen Elizabeth II. The series delves into the role of institutions and whether it's best to modernize or to maintain tradition. Elizabeth and Prince Charles attempt modest modernizing reforms, but more often they acquiesce to custom. In The Crown's fifth season, the royals face the growing sentiment that their role is antiquated. While Elizabeth and Charles wonder whether the monarchy should change, Britons debate whether it should exist.
Elizabeth denied her sister the right to marry a divorcee—and until this season denied her son the right to divorce—because as Britain's sovereign, she also heads the Church of England, and is nominally vested by God with her authority. Neither Elizabeth nor Charles considers an alternative because their entire existence is bound up in the religious belief that their roles are predestined.
The monarchy is not the only stodgy institution, ordained from on high, whose foibles are explored in season five: As Princess Diana prepares to go public with her grievances against the royal family, the chairman of the BBC resists any programming too critical of the monarchs. He sees both the monarchy and the publicly funded BBC as inextricable from Britain's national identity. (The BBC was breathed into existence by a royal charter.) The Crown shows that it's hard for staid institutions to grow and change with the times, especially when they aren't forced to.
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Except the staidness of that institution makes it a bulwark of British society in the face of the pathologies, perversity, and narcissism of modern times. Queen Elizabeth is largely beloved. Megan Markle and her servile husband are...not.
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The British royal family:
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I'm a republican, if you're going to have a state. So, I don't have much sympathy for the British monarchy. But, this is one of the most asinine takes on it I've read in a long time. Of course a constitutional monarchy isn't amenable to passing fads. That's sort of the whole point of it. It's supposed to serve as the avatar of the national identity. Having it "change with the times" is to deny any central and unchanging identity to be an avatar of.
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