How Georgia's Outlandish Ballot Access Law Is Protecting Marjorie Taylor Greene (and the Two-Party System)
A ballot access law meant to block Communists has become an obstacle to third-party politics.

"You're running against MTG? I would be so happy to sign this!"
Sometimes, all Angela Pence has to do to get some attention is mention the name of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R–Ga.), the first-term congresswoman and conservative firebrand who's made a name for herself by trafficking in conspiracy theories. This is Greene's district, but it's not her crowd.
We're at a Pride event in the small city of Rome, Georgia, the largest population center in the state's sparse northwest corner, and Pence is trying to collect some of the roughly 23,000 signatures that she'll need to qualify for the ballot. So, technically, she's not running against Greene just yet, but she's trying to.
The exuberant petition-signer is Janet Gabler-Bearoff, a Pennsylvania transplant who now owns The Frisky Biscuit, a sex shop and personal wellness center in Rome. She's incensed about the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, announced just the day before the Pride event, and Pence shares the frustration. "We're going in reverse," the prospective candidate says, nodding along as Gabler-Bearoff fills out the form that might help get Pence on the Georgia ballot in November. "Prohibition isn't going to fix anything; it never has."
Pence says she's "an anarchist at heart." America needs more immigration and a government that's less eager to control individuals' decisions, she says, whether that's a question about who to employ or who to marry. Her politics were activated by the Republican Party's turn towards authoritarianism in recent years—like many Americans, she couldn't bring herself to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2016—and she's no longer willing to believe conservatives who use the lingo of limited government while pushing for a more powerful state. She sees that tendency in her own representative in Congress.
"The people [in northwest Georgia] want a message of individual freedom and they want a smaller government. But if they don't have the choice to pick me, they'll vote for someone who is speaking to the message of liberty but at the end of the day isn't truly for individual freedom," Pence says of Greene.
Before Pence can get a fair shot at challenging Greene, she has to overcome America's toughest ballot access law—with a petition threshold that no independent or third-party candidate has successfully surpassed since the 1960s. To qualify, she has to collect more than 23,000 signatures from residents of her congressional district.
It's a law that was originally passed to keep out candidates believed to be advocating for overthrowing the American government. Ironically, that law is now protecting Greene, one of Congress' loudest cheerleaders for former President Donald Trump's attempt at subverting the results of the 2020 election.
So far, courts have upheld the high barrier to entry in Georgia's congressional races on the grounds that it keeps out unserious candidates and avoids confusing votes. A case challenging the threshold could be headed to the Supreme Court later this year, but not soon enough to help Pence.
But if Pence isn't a serious candidate, it might be fair to wonder how to categorize Greene, who has claimed 9/11 was a hoax, that John F. Kennedy Jr. was murdered by Hillary Clinton, and that COVID-19 lockdowns are comparable to the Holocaust, among other things. But Greene has one thing Pence doesn't: the nomination of one of the two major parties.
Pence's campaign is likely doomed anyway—Georgia's 14th congressional district is one of the safest Republican seats in the entire country. But it's one thing to lose because voters preferred someone else. It's quite another to lose because the supposedly neutral arbiter, the state government, says you can't even try.
The deadline for Pence to submit those signatures arrived Tuesday.
Banning the Communist Party
If Pence could jump back in time exactly 100 years, she'd find a much different set of rules governing who could appear on the ballot in Georgia.
The state's first ballot access law was passed in 1922, according to political historian Darcy G. Richardson, and it ensured that independent candidates, as well as the nominees of any political party, were entitled to a place on the ballot without having to pay any filing fees or submit petitions.
Of course, Georgia in 1922 was not a beacon of democratic enlightenment for a variety of reasons. Women had only been given the right to vote two years earlier. Black people and other racial minorities were subject to near-total disenfranchisement. A permissive ballot access regime existed, perhaps, because a combination of strict social norms and other official policies effectively kept out anyone who might challenge the political status quo.
And when a new political party did challenge that system, it was quickly met with some sharp elbows.
In 1940, when the Communist Party of the United States sought to place its candidates for office on Georgia's ballot, Secretary of State John B. Wilson intervened. He unilaterally barred Earl Browder, the party's presidential nominee, and all other Communist candidates from the ballot. "It would be against public policy to place on our ballot the names of candidates of a party which seeks to overthrow our democratic constitutional form of government," Wilson said, according to an Associated Press report from August of that year.

The outcome of the 1940 presidential election in Georgia was never in any serious doubt. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt won the state's 12 electoral votes by getting more than 84 percent of the popular vote—a tally that was actually slightly worse than the percentages he'd received in 1932 and 1936. Nationally, Roosevelt easily defeated Wendell Willkie to win an unprecedented third term.
What happened in Georgia in 1940 was not an isolated incident. Several other states similarly barred Browder and other Communist candidates from seeking office. That followed close on the heels of federal action like the 1939 passage of the Hatch Act, which forbade the hiring of public employees who advocated for overthrowing the government, and the establishment of the House Un-American Activities Committee, which would play a prominent role in America's "Red Scare" era.
After the election, Wilson asked the Georgia legislature to pass a law granting his office the authority to determine which candidates and parties could qualify for the ballot. Instead, three years later, the state legislature adopted a new set of ballot access rules.
Now, candidates for any political party that received at least 5 percent of the vote in the last election would be automatically included on the ballot without petitions or filing fees. Anyone else would have to collect signatures from at least 5 percent of the registered voters in the territory for which they were seeking office—for a congressional candidate, that means all the signatures must come from voters in their district.
The new rules were undoubtedly an improvement over a system where everyone was nominally allowed to participate but the secretary of state held the power to unilaterally bar certain parties. But, for Richardson, the motivation behind the 5 percent signature threshold is clear.
"One of the purposes, if not the primary purpose, of Georgia's 5-percent petition requirement was to discriminate against the Communist Party," Richardson testified to a federal court as part of a 2017 lawsuit attempting to overturn Georgia's ballot access requirements. He pointed to a 1943 Atlanta Constitution article that drew an explicit connection between Wilson's anti-commie crusade and the new law. "No other justification for the petition requirement is apparent in the historical record," he told the court.

In the decades since it was originally created, the barriers created by the law have only gotten higher. Candidates originally had until 30 days before the general election to collect and submit signatures, for example. The deadline is now mid-July. The signatures must be notarized. Candidates must pay a $5,000 filing fee in March, which is not refunded if they don't get enough signatures to qualify.
The thresholds are so high that no independent or third-party candidate has appeared on the ballot in a Georgia congressional race since 1964, with one exception in 1982. That year, the rules were temporarily suspended because district lines in the Atlanta area had to be redrawn by court order shortly before the election.
Every other state in the country has had at least one independent or third-party candidate qualify for the ballot in the past six years, according to Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News who has been tracking developments in this niche political space for decades. In Georgia, you have to go back nearly six decades.
"There has never been any state that made ballot access totally impossible for such a long period of time for a single office," Winger tells Reason. "It is unlike anything else you'll find in the whole country."
The High Cost of a Third-Party Campaign
Pence doesn't campaign like someone whose chances of even qualifying for the ballot are on the low side of slim-to-none.
When I caught up with her on June 25 at the Pride parade in Rome, she was gleefully embracing the underdog role. "We're here to fuck up the system," she tells one attendee who was thrilled to sign a petition for a candidate challenging Greene. But there's no hint of a snarl in Pence's manner as she makes her pitch to everyone from a local drag queen in full regalia to a pastor protesting the event.

Pence exudes the boundless optimism of someone relatively new to politics—she's never run for office before and didn't think much about politics until the 2016 presidential election. By 2020, she was helping organize and plan events all across the South for Libertarian presidential contender Jo Jorgensen.
Other ventures have been far more successful. Pence is a mother of eight children—"If I can deal with eight kids, I can deal with Congress," she quips—with a ninth due in January, a detail that throws her robust campaigning into a whole new level of impressive. She's also a certified doula who has helped several other women through the birthing process. And she owns an apothecary shop in her hometown of Chickamauga. The tattoo on her right arm—a pair of pointe shoes with the words "fighters keep fighting" intertwined in the ribbons—is a reminder of an earlier career as a professional dancer and the grit that career path, like this one, required.
But this is a fight Pence isn't going to win. The deck is almost comically stacked against her. In addition to the legal hurdles created by Georgia's ballot access law, there's another complication: The state's redistricting process ran longer than usual in Georgia last year. A judge didn't give the official go-ahead for the congressional map drawn by state lawmakers until February 28. As a result, the signature-gathering period, which ended on July 12, was shorter than usual.
And because some of the lines shifted around, some of the people Pence is asking to sign her petition don't know which district they live in (if they ever did).
That makes the toughest ballot access law in the country an even higher barrier.
Even if a candidate (and volunteers) can get 10 signatures per hour, getting to 23,000 would take more than 2,300 hours of work. "Then, the elections office is going to tell you roughly half of them are not valid signatures, so you really need 46,000 signatures—which takes 4,600 hours," says Ryan Graham, a former chairman of the Libertarian Party of Georgia. "If you wanted to pay professional petitioners to do it, it would cost roughly $3 per signature and total around $138,000. And that's just to get on the ballot before you even get to focus on campaigning."
At the Pride festival in Rome, I see the struggle of gathering signatures up close. It's a process. One of the volunteers helping Pence is carting around a series of clipboards—different ones for different counties. Pence approaches someone and makes her pitch. The would-be signee has to provide their name, in print and cursive, then an address and phone number. Failing to get any of those details right—or if they can't be verified later by the bureaucrats who will process the signatures after the July 13 deadline—means the effort is wasted.
After several humid hours in Rome, Pence has a dozen or so signatures added to her tally. Coming to an event like this is important, in Pence's view, because Democrats aren't going to win in Greene's district—a district Trump won by more than 50 points last year despite narrowly losing the state as a whole. There is one trying: Marcus Flowers, a 46-year-old army veteran has raised millions of dollars and attracted widespread media attention for his quixotic and unorthodox campaign against Greene.
A Libertarian might not have much of a shot, either, but the party can present a different sort of ideological competition. Even, perhaps, a true vision of small government and tolerance for differing views, Pence says.
On Tuesday, Pence and her cadre of volunteers officially hit the end of the road. They gathered about 5,000 signatures before it was done, but didn't bother submitting the pile of paperwork since it was nowhere near enough to make the cut.
But it very nearly could have been.
An Unconstitutional Burden
A year ago, it looked like Georgia's ballot access law was headed to the junkyard.
"Even reasonably diligent political-body candidates who have expended considerable time and resources have failed to access Georgia's ballot," concluded federal Judge Leigh Martin May in a March 2021 order that invalidated the state's 5 percent ballot access threshold for being overly broad and unconstitutional. That ruling was a huge victory for the Georgia Libertarian Party, which had launched the federal lawsuit in 2017. Legal documents detailed no fewer than 27 different third-party congressional campaigns that had tried to qualify for the ballot since 1982. All had failed.
An even bigger win followed in September. After asking the state to submit alternative ballot-access rules, May ruled that the 5 percent threshold should be lowered to 1 percent—the same threshold that is applied to prospective statewide candidates. Practically, that meant that congressional candidates would have to gather between 4,600 and 6,500 signatures (depending on the number of voters in the district) to qualify for the ballot, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
"This remedy would alleviate the unconstitutional burden imposed upon plaintiffs, while safeguarding the state's interest in preventing ballot crowding and frivolous candidates," May wrote in the second ruling.
If that were the final say in the matter, Pence obviously would have had a clearer path to a place on the ballot this year.
But the state appealed Cowen v. Raffensperger to the 11th Circuit, which in January reversed May's ruling and left the 5 percent requirement in place. The ballot access requirement, wrote Judge Britt Grant for a three-judge panel that heard the case, aids the state's interest in avoiding "confusion, deception, and even frustration of the democratic process."
Try telling that to anyone who has to navigate it.
"You can quote me on this: That's complete bullshit," Pence says of the court's rationale. How can it be confusing voters when most people don't know the contours of the state's ballot access laws, she wonders. "It's obvious what it really is; it's a way to keep us off the ballot."
The case could be on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Plaintiffs have until July 29 to file a certiorari petition with the high court, Ballot Access News reported in May. Angela McArdle, newly elected chair of the Libertarian National Committee, tweeted on Tuesday night that the party is preparing an amicus brief in the case—a good indication that a petition to the Supreme Court is coming.
Ballot access laws that treat independent and third-party candidates differently always raise questions about fairness. Why should one party be treated differently than another in the eyes of the state?
But leave aside the question of fairness for a moment. If Georgia's ballot access scheme is constitutional, as the federal appeals court has said, then it would be equally constitutional to replicate it in every other state. And if that were to happen, then it's possible that no third-party or independent candidates would ever qualify for the ballot again. Isn't that a detail that should be part of any court's analysis of how this law operates?
Winger breaks down the math. If Georgia's ballot access law were replicated across the entire country, a third party that wanted to run a candidate in every statewide race (to say nothing of congressional races) would have to gather more than 10 million signatures. With the laws as they currently stand, that figure is a less extreme (though still outlandishly large) tally of about 541,000.
If a presidential candidate had to collect more than 10 million signatures to get on the ballot, everyone would rightfully recognize that as an insane and anticompetitive barrier. Well, an equivalent barrier that's been set in front of Angela Pence—and anyone else seeking to run for office in Georgia outside the two-party duopoly.
And don't expect relief to come from the regular lawmaking process. "The state legislature does not seem too interested in making it easier [to qualify for the ballot]," says Charles Bullock, a professor of politics at the University of Georgia.
Bullock explains that the law is more than a bit self-serving, especially in light of Georgia's rules that require candidates to get at least 50 percent of the vote to win an election—if no one does in a general election, there's a runoff between the top two candidates. From the perspective of the Democrats and Republicans in the Georgia state legislature or in Congress, then, allowing more third-party and independent candidates on the ballot would only increase the chances of requiring a run-off. And who wants to deal with that annoyance?
But a proper democratic system shouldn't prioritize the interests of two political parties at the expense of competing ideas. It shouldn't exist for the purposes of making elections as neat and tidy as possible. The goal is to translate the will of the people into an elected body of representatives—and outlandish barriers to ballot access stand in the way of that goal.
The people of northwest Georgia might very well choose to keep Greene in Congress no matter who runs against her. In all likelihood, they will. The district is rated R+27 by the Cook Political Report, making it the second-most Republican district in the state (surpassed only by the neighboring 9th district) and among the safest Republican seats in the whole country.
But Georgia's ballot access laws, ostensibly created in the name of protecting American democracy from those who would subvert it, have accomplished the opposite. They are an incumbency protection scheme meant to limit the field of acceptable candidates. As lawmakers in Washington, D.C., and Atlanta take stock of how election laws need changing to protect the country's foundational principles, laws like this must be part of that conversation.
Having failed to qualify for the ballot, Pence is mulling a write-in campaign in the fall. After all, there's still a chance that Greene could be tossed off the ballot or otherwise disqualified from office for her role in the January 6 riots, Pence reasons. (Some of Taylor Green's constituents unsuccessfully sought to have the congresswoman barred from running for office over her alleged involvement in the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.)
If that happens the race comes down to Pence vs. Flowers….hey, stranger things have happened in American political history.
For now, though, she's satisfied with this first step into politics.
"I don't see this as a failure. It was always such a long shot," she told me on Tuesday. "I got to talk to hundreds, thousands of people about what a third-party candidate has to do to run for office here. It means something to get that message out."
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I have a lot of thoughts here. The ballot stuff is very frustrating. Also, every time I read about Pence and hear her talk I find her more of an empty shell. That quip of "I've had 8 kids, if I can deal with them I can deal with Congress." is vapid. Though good on her for having a big family, that's rare today and a great joy.
If she is serious about this at all, I hope she runs for some sort of local office after this. Maybe even a state office. Instead, she appears to be running a vanity campaign.
Final thought on the ballot access. I don't like them, but I'm increasingly concerned I might be wrong on that. Boehm has the line, "They are an incumbency protection scheme meant to limit the field of acceptable candidates." I believe that is true. The government works to protect itself. I have begun to wonder if we should lean even more heavily on "if it ain't broke don't fix it." though.
I see the changes to party primaries on the Republican and Democrat sides, and can easily view that as a means to less professional candidates who are popular among those who vote in primaries but not the general electorate. We've seen that over the last decade. I wonder what this change might bring about. Pence doesn't seem that bad to me, but I'm increasingly moved towards a belief in an almost radical calcification of government.
I don't know.
"The people [in northwest Georgia] want a message of individual freedom and they want a smaller government. But if they don't have the choice to pick me, they'll vote for someone who is speaking to the message of liberty but at the end of the day isn't truly for individual freedom," Pence says of Greene.
Just vapid. There's so many things one could say to criticize Greene in real ways. Saying "they really want me, but they're only settling for her because I can't get on the ballot" is zero-calorie commenting.
At least she's running against Greene. Takes some stones to run against the darling of the GOP.
If she's gathering signatures at a Pride Rally, she's not running against Greene. Greene's voters don't own sex shops and go to pride parades.
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I wrote a way too long response to this, but deleted it as I'm really trying to rein in my bloviating.
Running against MTG will likely cost her nothing, she is not even likely to get on the ballot and all her fans quoted above are democrats who like her because they thing libertarians are just republicans. From this, she has now gotten two gushing articles about her in a national magazine.
What would have taken stones is to actually try to effect change where she could have, working as a small official and building up recognition until she could meaningfully compete. She did not. She instead went from nothing to running for federal office.
Finally, here is her platform:
It speaks solely in platitudes, and I cannot track down any actual hard positions she has about anything. I do not believe she even bothered to do the basic homework. That MTG is also bad, does not justify her badness.
Pretty long interview. She is vapid, but not entirely bad. A couple disqualifying positions though.
If she doesn't get the signatures then she doesn't get the signature, and if she does but doesn't get the votes then she doesn't get the votes. It's no skin off your back.
You're acting like she is committing the gravest of sins merely by running for office. Our system of government allows any citizen without a felony record to run for office. That's just the way it is. If you don't like it you don't have to vote for them.
She is running for office dummy. Nobody is stopping her.
“If she doesn't get the signatures then she doesn't get the signature, and if she does but doesn't get the votes then she doesn't get the votes.”
And now, Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handy.
Now do the MI GOP front runner for governor being DQ'd for signatures.
Her website is pretty empty. Just boilerplate libertarian buzz words with no substance.
And if you think MTG voters would vote for you IF ONLY you were allowed on the ballot, then go campaign and get signatures from them. I promise you, MTG voters are not hanging out at Pride parades and sex shops.
Ditto. As BUCS says, she is not a serious candidate.
And what is wrong with making it hard for candidates to get on the ballot? If a candidate can't get enough signatures, and can't afford the filing fees, they won't win the election either. Some will say they might be fringe candidates who polls show are popular -- but then they should be able to get the signatures and pay the fees.
There must be hundreds of ideas for changing how elections are handled. But making it easier for fringe candidates who have no chance of winning and little chance of being spoilers is just a bandaid.
I still like the idea of more people being included in the conversation. I think there is something valuable in having a fringe candidate asking questions during a debate, even if they don't ultimately win they can help push the topics. Hank Phillips (I think it was that Hank) used to make this point, and I think there is something to it.
So, I'm sympathetic to the main complaint here. I just think the argument made is weak.
My particular libertopia elects the top three vote winners in each district, and legislators don't get just one vote -- they proxy all the votes they got in the election. Each voter also gets a chance to drop a name in a volunteer box, probably their own, but no matter; one name is chosen at random as a fourth representative, who proxies all remaining votes.
Some districts might elect 3 Dems, or 3 GOPs. No matter. One thing I like is that this proxying business encourages people to vote. I live in California, where the Dems have a super majority in the state legislature and the Dem President and Senator candidates always win. Hardly worth voting for them. My system would make it worth while, not just from possibly electing one GOP, but also reducing the votes proxied by the Dems.
At the same time, limiting it to three prevents fringe representatives from acting like they are the king makers. Lumping their votes in with the volunteer still gives the fringe a voice, but all lumped together, and absolutely unpredictable.
Almost as valid as this article.
Notice how a law passed by Democrats is protecting MTG, no mention of it protecting Hank Johnson, who makes MTG seem like James Madison
Do not get Reason hyperventilating over Mises Caucus but praising this utter non-entity.
Cntrl f: whisconsin green party 2020 election
No results
Way to continue to be a disingenuous progressive shill bojem
Would be nice if Reason put a limit on how much bullshit any writer can pack into one article.
It's on the priority list, right after the edit button.
Compare and contrast headlines:
"Elizabeth Warren Wants To Shut Down All of the Country's Crisis Pregnancy Centers"
"How Georgia's Outlandish Ballot Access Law Is Protecting Marjorie Taylor Greene (and the Two-Party System)"
But one example of the overarching editorial slant.
Libertarians my ass.
"Janet Gabler-Bearoff, a Pennsylvania transplant"
In Georgia, the correct term is carpetbagger.
On a different note:
"Now, candidates for any political party that received at least 5 percent of the vote in the last election would be automatically included on the ballot without petitions or filing fees. Anyone else would have to collect signatures from at least 5 percent of the registered voters in the territory for which they were seeking office"
"Ballot access laws that treat independent and third-party candidates differently always raise questions about fairness."
So ALL candidates need to show that 5% of voters are interested in their being on the ballot, either by a prior vote, or by a signature. How is the treatment different?
Because it's easier to get that 5% in the voting booth, with voters' identities pre-vetted, than to have to go around with a petition and notary, and then post-vet the signatures, to get it.
Yeah, it's a thing to allow for the status-quo to have an advantage. Which I don't like.
Yes, far from optimal. But they managed to do it at least once, to make the status quo. They're still having elections. So obviously it's doable.
No, the party has to show, when Dem’s lose, if they get 5% of the vote, their candidate will be on the next ballot, even if it’s a different t person.
If you're not voting for Marjorie Taylor Greene, then why do you hate America?
Given what her opposition has been doing in the House for the last few years, your question is more valid than you think.
If Democrat vs. Republican is just the way Georgia wants to work the election, rather than that actual political parties exist, why doesn't everyone just run as a Democrat, Republican, or both? What are Georgia's rules for getting onto the ballot as a candidate in their primaries? They must be much easier.
I noticed no articles condemning California that has a single party system
You are being too kind. Junta is a better description for CA.
The exuberant petition-signer is Janet Gabler-Bearoff, a Pennsylvania transplant who now owns The Frisky Biscuit, a sex shop and personal wellness center in Rome. She's incensed about the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, announced just the day before the Pride event, and Pence shares the frustration. "We're going in reverse," the prospective candidate says, nodding along as Gabler-Bearoff fills out the form that might help get Pence on the Georgia ballot in November. "Prohibition isn't going to fix anything; it never has."
So do people who leave California take their politics with them or not?
As soon as Ms. Gabler-Bearoff moved to Georgia incidents of batteries getting hucked at baseball players went up 68%. So, Pennsylvanian's certainly bring their culture.
Uh, did you read your quote? She's from... wait for it... Pennsylvania!
He's extrapolating you dolt.
But this is a fight Pence isn't going to win. The deck is almost comically stacked against her. In addition to the legal hurdles created by Georgia's ballot access law, there's another complication: The state's redistricting process ran longer than usual in Georgia last year. A judge didn't give the official go-ahead for the congressional map drawn by state lawmakers until February 28. As a result, the signature-gathering period, which ended on July 12, was shorter than usual.
Political parties are a social construct. If she can't get on the ballot as a libertarian, identify as a Democrat and run for office in that party.
Prove me wrong.
She's politically NONBINARY, you bigot.
I just looked up the rules for getting into a primary, and they look similar in form but may require fewer signatures than for the general election:
However, that's for state and county elections, and only for those who plead poverty and hence are unable to pay a filing fee. Presumably the filing fee is what nearly everybody chooses to file.
However, municipal elections don't even necessarily require a fee or petition, just whatever the rules of the party require:
So just look up the party bylaws, and you have your path to run as a Democrat or Republican for municipal office. Couldn't be too hard, since I don't hear of their leaving both parties' nominations blank.
This actually happens, but the party will know and won't support you. Still better than running as a independent. But then again, there is a certain contingent of voters for whom a true non-party independent is a plus. They'll never win outside of a local council race of course.
I know a conservative who ran for mayor as an independent, and people still looked up his registration history to make sure he wasn't a Republican. He won. And then everyone was pissed that he was a conservative. Even though he kept nothing secret. But that can only happen in a non-partisan race.
Those damn Authoritarian Republicans are at it again! They exist in a state that was once 85% Democrats who passed this crappy law. Then they had the nerve to authoritarianilly dictate that 9 judges shouldn’t make up laws for everyone, that voters should choose who make laws. After authoritarianally deciding the government shouldn’t be able to lock you down on your homes.
it’s like Germany in the late 30s
Closer to Italy, but - - - - - - - - - -
'...Going in reverse..' i.e. from a (Libertarian) majority of 5 people no one elected deciding and legislating from the Bench, to an authoritarian Republican majority of millions of individual voters deciding an issue. '...Prohibition didn't stop Murder, Rape Arson and double parking, so why on earth should voters be able to decide what, if any laws they want for abortion...' The district has 725,000 people and they are complaining about 5% or getting 23,000 signatures in an age of mass communication. Go figure.
23,000 signatures required is roughly 1/3 of what the D who opposed MTG in 2020. If you assume the only signatories who want more choice are those who didn't vote DeRp, then 23,000 is about 10% of those who mostly didn't even vote.
That said, it's pointless to spend even a nanosecond spinning wheels re ballot access in those DeRp-only shitholes. Go muni/county only - put good governance/process stuff in the platform so that it gets advocated everywhere - and build from there.
But if Pence isn't a serious candidate, it might be fair to wonder how to categorize Greene,
Honestly, I had trouble doing much more than skimming past this bit of tripe. Greene is the duly elected representative of her district, a district that Boehm acknowledges agrees with Greene's politics. Essentially, he's responding to that with little more than a thinly disguised sneer. He's effectively saying they're somehow less than deserving of the franchise, that they're not "serious" voters.
>> sneer
MTG did not vote for Biden as "the lesser evil", so she's clearly more on the ball than Boehm.
Wait until you hear about what’s happening to ballot access for the Michigan governor’s race!
One more thing:
The exuberant petition-signer is Janet Gabler-Bearoff, a Pennsylvania transplant who now owns The Frisky Biscuit, a sex shop and personal wellness center in Rome.
When your profiled target voter is a sex shop owner from Pennsylvania at a gay pride event whose big issue is abortion in a district that is R+27, ballot access is the least of your problems.
Republicans don't use dildos?
Although I don’t live there any longer, this is my hometown. They desperately need MTG to get out of office. I still know lots of people who support here, although none of them can give me a good reason why.
You'd prefer representatives who ignore FBI malfeasance and political persecutions?
The reason why is obvious. The alternative is a Democrat. Biden is the best of the best of the Democrat field. Who would vote for someone similar to Joe "big guy" Biden or worse other then loony lefties that vote as they are told? MTG is not the person the left's lapdog fake news spins her to be. As a rule of thumb, the people the left disparage the most and go after the hardest are usually the best people to vote for.
I agree that the media is appallingly biased, but you don’t need the media to see that MTG is a terrible combination of crazy and stupid. There are plenty of videos of stupid crazy shit coming out of her mouth. She’s telling you she’s a loon.
She is the one, along with Massie, demanding Congress actually record votes. They avoided that while blowing through trillions in COVID relief. That puts her in the top 5% of worthwhile Congresspeople.
And I see you have no coherent reason why not.
>>But if Pence isn't a serious candidate
we'll write a third piece about her.
also MTG is a bit of a marketing fail it doesn't flow like AOC ... she'd be more personable as Margie Green without losing the provenance with the full formal name or MTG abbreviation ... my .02
Large Marge.
tell 'em Large Marge sent ya.
REMEBER: Reason Magazine abandoned reason once Trump, a non-establishment politician got elected so it should come as no surprise they would try to rash talk other non-establishment politicians like MGT. REASON MAGAZINE is now a part of teh establishment and as such it's their job to discourage any non-establishment candidate. If you want to know what Marjorie Greene Taylor is really like watch teh episode of TimCast where she was a guest. After being on teh show Tim Pool himself said he was surprised at how very different she was from how the media (including Reason Magazine) was portraying her.
Fuck off you lying prog. If you had to get signatures for every race you'd have a shitload of duplication when it came to something like the Presidency so you're either dishonest and pushing an agenda or you're stupid when you directly compare that 10 million number. Also, if you gathered signatures for a senate seat you'd automatically have enough for a number of house seats so your 10 million is overinflated.
Ultimately the State has some interest in presenting candidates that are selling something people are willing to buy, if you cannot get people in the district to hear you out you're not going to do a good job representing them.
Well it prevents having 500 names on the ballot for each race. Personally I think if you want the job submit your name and pick one at random would be a better system.
Jan 6 was neither an insurrection nor unconstitutional.
It would've been a whole lot cooler if it was.
" of Congress' loudest cheerleaders for former President Donald Trump's attempt at subverting the results of the 2020 election."
Talk about trafficking in conspiracy theories. What's next Trump paying Russian hookers to pee on the bed? Go watch "2000 Mules" and stfu.
The 30-year-old, blue-haired entrepreneur and mother of eight, Pence failed to get the necessary number of signatures to get on the ballot and even if she had MTG would still be elected again.
A blue haired candidate may appeal to the fringe loonies but in a Conservative district it is a sure path to defeat. Why all the hoopla and a long article like this about a candidate that stands no chance? The idea she wants to change Georgia law just to accommodate and the court cases she brought seems more like a lefty then a Libertarian candidate.
Hopefully with 8 children she will at least get past the 15 year old cool blue hair and become a responsible parent. Her older offspring probably cringe when introducing her to their friends.
Every state has laws rigged to protect the 2 party system and make all the other parties work hard to get on the ballot. Our voting system is simply rigged. No way around it. It's just a sham to me really. And everyone just looks the other way. Even the media ignores it. So, when I vote, I just look as it taking my time to flush my vote down the toilet voting for the 3rd party candidate while giving a big FU to the Dems and Repubs.
Yes, let voters have the chance to reject this loon at the ballot box (I mean the libertarian).
"After all, there's still a chance that Greene could be tossed off the ballot or otherwise disqualified from office for her role in the January 6 riots, Pence reasons."
You can just *feel* her enthusiasm for ballot access! (although she'd have a point if Greene was actually an insurrectionist)
Are we to exclude candidates who don't have a realistic chance of winning? Maybe Democrats should be excluded from the ballot in Greene's district, I mean, how realistic are a Democrat's chances there? And while we're at it, keep Republicans off the ballot in Los Angeles.
The point of a ballot isn't to steer the voters away from the bad candidates. Or the fringe candidates. Or what have you. The point of a ballot is for the voters to record which candidates they support.
And anyway, if you want to steer voters away from bad and fringe candidates, why are Democrats and Republicans given access to the ballot?
Oh, yeah, and another thing - we need to re-examine this whole petition-requirement business. Instead of haggling over 1% versus 5%, let's look at reality. We've seen petition signatories get harassed for daring to wander off the plantation. Sounds like a chilling effect. And a place on a ballot is basically advertising - would the government-owned billboard be allowed to refuse advertisements it doesn't agree with? What about the First Amendment? Like other advertising, charge a fee so long as its nondiscriminatory and actually bears some relation to the extra costs of having the extra name on the ballot.
(Presidential elections are different because a state legislature might choose to reserve to itself the power of appointing electors, thus cutting the voters out of the loop. And if they can do that much, it means that anything more they allow to voters is an issue of grace and favor - e. g., designating two candidates and having the voters choose between them).
Missed that quote from Pence.
Her problem is not ballot access. It is that MTG has it and she cannot qualify. Situations reverse and she would not give two shits.
Much like most "Libertarians".
Mises Caucus is the only hope that useless party has.
Pence doesn't seem to think very highly of the people she says she wants to represent. It seems she is more interested in representing herself than the ones in that Georgia district. Greene was elected by the people and they seem to want to keep her as their representative. Why doesn't Pence move to an area that is more in line with her politics and petition to represent them instead.
While the law might be unfair to new challengers who have no political party to do the legwork for them, it isn't unconstitutional. States are empowered to craft their own election laws. If you don't like the laws that the Democrats enacted in Georgia, then try to get them changed by the legislature. It isn't the court's duty to do that; going crying to the court is the least democratic way to change laws.
I would contend that a state can no more discriminate against minority political parties than it can discriminate against a minority race.
If they keep a party off the ballot because it's associated with an unpopular race, that would be unconstitutional. So why can they keep a party off the ballot because of the unpopularity of that party's platform? Or because would-be petition signatories don't want to get doxxed and harassed?
"The would-be signee has to provide their name, in print and cursive, then an address and phone number. "
That's awkward. Georgia's public schools don't teach students to write in cursive anymore.
The Libertarian candidate for Senate in Georgia is very similar to Angela Pence: very woke and very pro-immigration.