Against Scientific Gatekeeping
Science should be a profession, not a priesthood.

In March 2020, the iconoclastic French microbiologist Didier Raoult announced that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine had cured all 36 COVID-19 patients enrolled in his clinical trial. Many of Raoult's colleagues rejected his conclusions, arguing that the trial was too small and noting that it was not randomized and controlled. But as the deadly coronavirus spread rapidly throughout the world and governments responded with draconian lockdowns, public attention was quickly drawn to the chance that a common and inexpensive drug might rid the world of the danger.
President Donald Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine as a "game changer," which raised the ire of many medical and public health experts. Without randomized controlled trials, they complained, it was irresponsible to prescribe the drug for infected patients. Under pressure from Trump, other Republican politicians, and conservative pundits, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nevertheless issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for adding hydroxychloroquine to the strategic national stockpile of COVID-19 treatments.
After numerous randomized controlled trials failed to demonstrate the drug's effectiveness, the FDA revoked the EUA, leaving the national stockpile with 63 million unused doses of hydroxychloroquine. Florida's Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, had purchased 1 million doses for the state's stockpile, which likewise remained unused.
There is a difference, however, between the claim that a drug has been proven not helpful and the weaker claim that it has not been proven helpful. Despite the failure to validate Raoult's claims, many Americans believed that hydroxychloroquine's potential benefits outweighed its minimal risks. Exercising their right to self-medicate, some people infected by the coronavirus continued to take the drug.
The hydroxychloroquine brouhaha illustrates the roiling conflict between the scientific establishment and its uncredentialed challengers. Because the internet has democratized science, the academy no longer has a monopoly on specialized information. Based on their own assessments of that information, lay people can chime in and may even end up driving the scientific narrative, for good or ill.
Meanwhile, the internet is developing its own would-be gatekeepers. Those who oversee the major social media platforms can filter information and discourse on their platforms. Pleasing the priesthood enhances their credibility with elites and might protect them from criticism and calls for regulatory intervention, but they risk being captured in the process.
Challenges to the priesthoods that claim to represent the "scientific consensus" have made them increasingly intolerant of new ideas. But academic scientists must come to terms with the fact that search engines and the digitization of scientific literature have forever eroded their authority as gatekeepers of knowledge, a development that presents opportunities as well as dangers.
Experts, Yes; Priesthoods, No
Most people prefer experts, of course, especially when it comes to health care. As a surgeon myself, I can hardly object to that tendency. But a problem arises when some of those experts exert outsized influence over the opinions of other experts and thereby establish an orthodoxy enforced by a priesthood. If anyone, expert or otherwise, questions the orthodoxy, they commit heresy. The result is groupthink, which undermines the scientific process.
The COVID-19 pandemic provided many examples. Most medical scientists, for instance, uncritically accepted the epidemiological pronouncements of government-affiliated physicians who were not epidemiologists. At the same time, they dismissed epidemiologists as "fringe" when those specialists dared to question the conventional wisdom.
Or consider the criticism that rained down on Emily Oster, a Brown University economist with extensive experience in data analysis and statistics. Many dismissed her findings—that children had a low risk of catching or spreading the virus, an even lower risk of getting seriously ill, and should be allowed to normally socialize during the pandemic—because she wasn't an epidemiologist. Ironically, one of her most vocal critics was Sarah Bowen, a sociologist, not an epidemiologist.
The deference to government-endorsed positions is probably related to funding. While "the free university" is "historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery," President Dwight Eisenhower observed in his farewell address, "a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity." He also warned that "we should be alert to the…danger that public policy could itself become captive of a scientific technological elite." Today we face both problems.
The Orthodoxy in Earlier Times
The medical science priesthood has a long history of treating outside-the-box thinkers harshly. Toward the end of the 18th century, Britain's Royal Society refused to publish Edward Jenner's discovery that inoculating people with material from cowpox pustules—a technique he called "vaccination," from the Latin word for cow, vacca—prevented them from getting the corresponding human disease, smallpox. Jenner's medical colleagues considered this idea dangerous; one member of the Royal College of Physicians even suggested that the technique could make people resemble cows.
At the time, many physicians were making a good living by performing variolation, which aimed to prevent smallpox by infecting patients with pus from people with mild cases. Some saw vaccination as a threat to their income. Thankfully, members of Parliament liked Jenner's idea and appropriated money for him to open a vaccination clinic in London. By the early 1800s, American doctors had adopted the technique. In 1805, Napoleon ordered smallpox vaccination for all of his troops.
Half a century later, the prestigious Vienna General Hospital fired Ignaz Semmelweis from its faculty because he required his medical students and junior physicians to wash their hands before examining obstetrical patients. Semmelweis connected puerperal sepsis—a.k.a. "childbed fever," then a common cause of postnatal death—to unclean hands. Ten years after Semmelweis returned to his native Budapest, he published The Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever. The medical establishment rained so much vitriol on him that it drove him insane. (Or so the story goes: Some think, in retrospect, that Semmelweis suffered from bipolar disorder.) He died in an asylum in 1865 at the age of 47.
The "germ theory" anticipated by Semmelweis did not take hold until the late 1880s. That helps explain why, in 1854, the public health establishment rebuffed the physician John Snow after he traced a London cholera epidemic to a water pump on Broad Street. Snow correctly suspected that water from the pump carried a pathogen that caused cholera.
Public health officials clung instead to the theory that the disease was carried by a miasma, or "bad air." The British medical journal The Lancet published a brutal critique of Snow's theory, and the General Board of Health determined that his idea was "scientifically unsound." But after another outbreak of cholera in 1866, the public health establishment acknowledged the truth of Snow's explanation. The incident validated the 19th century classical liberal philosopher Herbert Spencer's warning that the public health establishment had come to represent entrenched political interests, distorting science and prolonging the cholera problem. "There is an evident inclination on the part of the medical profession to get itself organized after the fashion of the clericy,'' he wrote in 1851's Social Statics. "Surgeons and physicians are vigorously striving to erect a medical establishment akin to our religious one. Little do the public at large know how actively professional publications are agitating for state-appointed overseers of the public health."
Heterodoxy Finds a Welcome Environment
Advances like these made the medical establishment more receptive to heterodoxy. As new knowledge overthrew long-held dogmas in the 20th century, scientists were open to fresh hypotheses.
As a surgical resident in the 1970s, for example, I was taught to excise melanomas with about a five-centimeter margin of normal skin, the theory being that dangerous skin cancer should be given a wide berth. A skin graft is needed to cover a defect that size. This approach was never evidence-based but had been universally accepted since the early 20th century. In the mid-'70s, several clinical researchers challenged the dogma. Multiple studies revealed that the five-centimeter margin was no better than a two-centimeter margin. Now the five-centimeter rule is a thing of the past.
For decades, physicians thought the main cause of peptic ulcer disease was hyperacidity in the stomach, often stress-related. In the 1980s, a gastroenterology resident, Barry Marshall, noted the consistent appearance of a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, on the slides of stomach biopsy specimens he sent to the lab. He suspected the bacterium caused the ulcers. He ingested the bacteria, which indeed gave him ulcers. He then easily cured himself with antibiotics. By the early 1990s, several studies had confirmed Marshall's discovery, and today Helicobacter pylori is recognized as the cause of most peptic ulcers.
"Off-label" use of FDA-approved drugs is another path to medical innovation. When the FDA approves a drug, it specifies the condition it is meant to treat. But it is perfectly legal to use the drug to treat other conditions as well. Roughly 20 percent of all drugs in the U.S. are prescribed off label. That practice is often based on clinical hunches and anecdotal reports. Eventually the off-label use stimulates clinical studies.
Sometimes, as with hydroxychloroquine, the studies fail to validate the initial hunches. But sometimes evidence from clinical trials supports off-label uses. We surgeons use the antibiotic erythromycin to treat postoperative stomach sluggishness. Lithium was originally used to treat gout and bladder stones; now it is used to treat bipolar illness. Thalidomide was developed to treat "morning sickness" in pregnant women. Because it caused horrific birth defects, it is no longer used for that purpose. But thalidomide was subsequently found useful in treating leprosy and multiple myeloma. Tamoxifen, developed as an anti-fertility drug, is now used to treat breast cancer.
These are just a few examples of the rapid advances in the understanding and treatment of health conditions during my medical career, made possible by an environment that welcomes heterodoxy. But even health care practitioners who recognize the value of unconventional thinking tend to bridle when they face challenges from nonexperts.
Today the internet gives everyone access to information that previously was shared only among medical professionals. Many lay people engage in freelance hypothesizing and theorizing, a development turbocharged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Every physician can tell stories about patients who ask questions because of what they've read on the internet. Sometimes those questions are misguided, as when they ask if superfoods or special diets can substitute for surgically removing cancers. But sometimes patients' internet-inspired concerns are valid, as when they ask whether using surgical mesh to repair hernias can cause life-threatening complications.
It may be true that, as American science fiction and fantasy writer Theodore Sturgeon said, "90 percent of everything is crap." But the remaining 10 percent can be important. Health care professionals who see only the costs of their patients' self-guided journeys through the medical literature tend to view this phenomenon as a threat to the scientific order, fueling a backlash. Their reaction risks throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
The Return of Intolerance
It is easy to understand why the scientific priesthood views the democratization of health care opinions as a threat to its authority and influence. In response, medical experts typically wave the flag of credentialism: If you don't have an M.D. or another relevant advanced degree, they suggest, you should shut up and do as you're told. But credentials are not always proof of competence, and relying on them can lead to the automatic rejection of valuable insights.
Economists who criticize COVID-19 research, for example, are often dismissed out of hand because they are not epidemiologists. Yet they can provide a useful perspective on the pandemic.
"Many epidemiological models are simply focused on disease spread assuming behaviors undertaken by the population," Cato Institute economist Ryan Bourne notes in his book Economics in One Virus. "They do not allow us to balance the full range of costs and benefits of decisions to mitigate disease spread, [or] to consider how these broader costs and benefits themselves influence people's decisions to interact….Economic insights are therefore hugely important both in making broader evaluations of decisions and highlighting where the simplism of the modeling can lead us astray."
Scott Atlas, a former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford Medical School, has published and critically reviewed hundreds of medical research papers. He is a member of the Nominating Committee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. Yet when Atlas commented on COVID-19 issues, the priesthood and its journalistic entourage derided him because he is "not an infectious disease expert"—as if a 30-year career in academic medicine does not provide enough background to understand and analyze public health data. Why? Because this physician had the temerity to contradict the public health establishment. "He's an MRI guy," Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University's School of Public Health, told NPR. "He has no expertise in any of this stuff."
The dangers of credentialism are apparent in other fields as well. Although David Friedman earned a Ph.D. in physics and never took a course for credit in either law or economics, he spent part of his academic career teaching law and economics at Santa Clara Law School. George H. Smith, despite never graduating from high school, published The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism through Cambridge University Press. The late Roy A. Childs Jr., who never graduated from college, was a major intellectual contributor to the libertarian movement in the second half of the 20th century.
Meanwhile, we physicians like to ask, "What do you call the person who graduates last in his medical school class?" The answer: "Doctor."
Still, it is certainly true that lacking a background in a specific discipline can impede critical analysis of scientific studies by laypeople, making them more vulnerable to quacks and charlatans. Training in the discipline can make it easier to detect "cherry picking" of data and anticipate alternative interpretations of the evidence. Experts are experts for a reason. The question is how we can maximize the benefits of scientific democratization while minimizing its costs.
Politics and the Science Priesthood
When COVID-19 struck in early 2020, the Trump administration responded in a schizophrenic manner. The president deferred policy making to federal public health officials while criticizing and questioning them from the sidelines, almost as if he were a spectator instead of the chief executive.
Trump's public health team consisted of Deborah Birx, an infectious disease specialist who was in charge of the White House Coronavirus Task Force; Anthony Fauci, an immunologist who directed (and still directs) the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Robert Redfield, an infectious disease specialist and research virologist who headed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and then–Surgeon General Jerome Adams, an anesthesiologist. The team favored broad restrictions on economic and social activity to reduce virus transmission, even though the scientific consensus as recently as 2019 was that large-scale lockdowns do not control the spread of respiratory viruses.
Trump openly expressed skepticism toward this approach. The conspicuous schism between the president and his public health team helped create a starkly polarized debate in which political allegiances dictated people's positions on COVID-19 issues, even on empirical questions such as the effectiveness of face masks.
When Trump, eager for a quick resolution to the public health crisis, touted hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic agent, the medical profession's usual openness to off-label drug use suddenly seemed to disappear. Anyone willing to entertain the idea was immediately perceived as an ally of the medical ignoramus in the White House. Trump supporters who shared his desire to end pandemic restrictions, meanwhile, seemed to reflexively favor the drug. The chaotic way in which the proposed treatment was addressed wasted valuable time and money.
Politics and tribalism also contaminate discussions of ivermectin. Several limited studies suggest the drug might be effective in preventing and/or treating COVID-19. But since ivermectin has been touted by Trump supporters, including people opposed to vaccination, it has been unfairly and inaccurately mocked as nothing more than a "horse dewormer." A large randomized controlled trial underway in the United Kingdom should help resolve this debate.
The politicization of COVID-19 science was also apparent in the reaction to a prominent skeptic of lockdowns. In early March 2020, John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Stanford and an icon of the movement for evidence-based medicine, published an essay in STAT titled "A Fiasco in the Making?" The subhead warned that "as the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data."
Ioannidis argued that school closures and other lockdown measures could inflict great harm. Before imposing unprecedented restrictions, he said, public health officials should wait for more data.
Ioannidis' political views are unknown. But his essay jibed with the skepticism expressed by the president and many of his supporters. The heretofore revered epidemiologist therefore was pilloried by the medical science priesthood and its supporters in the media. The Nation published an article calling Ioannidis' work a "black mark" on Stanford and implying it was influenced by corporate sponsors.
Another example: Vinay Prasad, an oncologist and epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, is a leading critic of face mask mandates. He has opined on the subject for popular medical websites, and he co-authored a Cato Institute review of the relevant literature, which found no evidence that cloth masks are effective in reducing transmission of the virus—a position that even the CDC has at least partly accepted. For this Prasad was subjected to personal attacks by peers. Some disseminated out-of-context screenshots of his Twitter feed, tagging his employer and accusing him of being indifferent to death.
Or consider the reaction to the Great Barrington Declaration, published on October 4, 2020, by Martin Kulldorff, then a professor of epidemiology at Harvard; Sunetra Gupta, a professor of epidemiology and immunology at Oxford; and Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford professor of medicine with a Ph.D. in economics. The statement, which was eventually endorsed by thousands of medical and public health scientists, including the recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in chemistry, noted that broad lockdowns entail large costs and advocated a more focused approach that would let those least vulnerable to COVID-19 resume normal life as much as possible.
The authors of the Great Barrington Declaration represent a range of political ideologies. But because they opposed the policies favored by the public health establishment and received applause from people aligned with Trump, they were vilified. An editorial in the journal Science-Based Medicine said they were "following the path laid down by creationists, HIV/AIDS denialists, and climate science deniers."
The medical priesthood was still seething a year later, when the surgical oncologist David Gorski and the Duke University public health professor Gavin Yamey published a scathing ad hominem attack on Kulldorff et al. in BMJ Opinion, calling the Great Barrington Declaration a "well-funded sophisticated science denialist campaign based on ideological and corporate interests." Kulldorff promptly responded with a fierce rebuttal in Spectator World, stating the BMJ attack "urges people to use 'political and legal strategies' rather than scientific argument to counter our views on the pandemic."
In December, the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), where the Great Barrington Declaration was drafted and signed, released some revealing emails that it had obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. "This proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists who met with [Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar] seems to be getting a lot of attention—and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford," then–National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins wrote to Fauci on October 8, 2020. "There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises. I don't see anything like that online yet—is it underway?"
Behind-the-scenes maneuvering no doubt also played a role in the attack on Atlas, whom Trump invited to join his coronavirus task force in August 2020. Since Atlas had repeatedly criticized lockdowns, that decision seemed like a deliberate poke at Birx, Fauci, and Redfield. They waged an email campaign aimed at discrediting Atlas as "dangerous and a true threat to a comprehensive and critical response to this pandemic." The private and public assault on Atlas drove him to resign just a few months later.
"The fact that the acceptance or rejection of science is increasingly determined by political affiliations threatens the autonomy of scientists," the Harvard science historian Liv Grjebine noted in a May 2021 essay for The Conversation. "Once a theory is labeled 'conservative' or 'liberal' it becomes difficult for scientists to challenge it. Thus, some scientists are less prone to question hypotheses for fear of political and social pressures."
While "science cannot thrive under an administration that ignores scientific expertise as a whole," Grjebine wrote, "neither can it thrive if scientists are told which political and moral values they must embrace. This could slow down or even prevent the emergence of new scientific hypotheses. Indeed, when scientists align themselves with or against political power, science can easily lose its most important asset: the ability to encourage disagreement and to raise new hypotheses that may go against common sense."
The Role of 'Misinformation'
One cannot ignore the role of social media in all this. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are private property, and the owners have the right to decide what sort of content they will allow. But the major platforms, like the mainstream news media, tend to align themselves with the science priesthoods. They therefore are inclined to suppress scientific heterodoxy—a tendency encouraged by the Biden administration's explicit demands that they eliminate COVID-19 "misinformation," including content that is deemed "misleading" even if it is not verifiably false.
Cultural and ideological affinity with the priesthood might partially explain this alignment. While many of the tech entrepreneurs didn't acquire academic credentials, they see themselves as new members of the intellectual elite. In addition, both Republicans and Democrats in Congress have spoken of the digital media as "the wild west," each seeking to regulate it to their own advantage. By forging an alliance with the scientific priesthood and academic elite, tech entrepreneurs might strengthen their position against political assaults.
This helps explain why Facebook used "fact checkers," Twitter applied warning labels, and YouTube removed posts that questioned the lockdown policies advocated by the public health establishment in the pandemic's early days. Yet, in recent months it has become acceptable in polite society to criticize school and business closures and other lockdown measures.
In October 2020, Twitter took down a post by Atlas, while he was a member of Trump's coronavirus task force, for citing published scientific literature that questioned the efficacy of masks. Twitter claimed Atlas violated its policy by sharing false or misleading content related to COVID-19 that could lead to harm. In describing the incident, CNN reporters Jeremy Diamond and Paul LeBlanc wrote: "The message pushed by the controversial neuroradiologist [i.e., not an epidemiologist] goes against guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." While studies on the benefits of masking remain inconclusive, a consensus has since emerged that cloth masks are, as CNN medical analyst Leana Wen said, "little more than facial decorations."
Perhaps the most egregious example of digital media doing the dirty work for the priesthood is the suppression of talk about the potentially embarrassing source of the COVID-19 virus. Efforts to suggest the source was a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" by pundits and suppressed by social media gatekeepers. After The Wall Street Journal reported in May 2021 that intelligence sources believed a lab leak is a plausible explanation that deserves further investigation, Facebook lifted its ban on posts that mentioned the theory. Twitter, on the other hand, refused to commit to what it would censor on the subject. By summer 2021, a consensus emerged among scientists in the academy and the media that the lab leak theory was at least plausible and should be explored.
What the Public Health Priesthood Got Wrong
During the last two years, public health officials got a lot of things wrong, although it remains to be seen if they will ever admit it. Multiple studies, for example, have concluded that there is little or no evidence that shelter-in-place orders and other lockdown strategies had an important impact on COVID-19 infections or deaths. Other research has shown that such restrictions disproportionately harmed the young and the poor.
Public health officials criticized Kuldorff et al. for stressing natural immunity's role in protecting against infection. On January 19, 2022, the CDC publicly acknowledged that during the delta wave, natural immunity had offered better protection than vaccination. The authors of the Great Barrington Declaration had been largely correct.
Policy makers also emphasized vaccine development and vaccination at the expense of therapeutics. With the emergence of the omicron variant, vaccines were less effective in stopping viral spread, although they remained quite effective in preventing severe disease. Therapeutic medicines would come in handy now that we are facing an endemic, highly contagious virus. And with a renewed appreciation for therapeutics, it is baffling that public health officials emphasize the new Pfizer and Merck antivirals while ignoring fluvoxamine, a safe antidepressant drug approved in 1994 that, according to randomized controlled trials, rivals the antivirals in effectiveness.
Public health officials were wrong to issue one-size-fits-all vaccine recommendations. Since the public is now privy to the same information as professional scientists, people understand the importance of infection-induced immunity. They see the same hospitalization and fatality numbers that officials see. They know which groups are most vulnerable to serious illness and which groups are more susceptible to vaccine-induced myocarditis and other complications. Vaccine recommendations can and should be more nuanced.
To be clear: As a physician, I have no doubt that the mRNA vaccines are both safe and highly effective, especially for the age group most at risk. But when public health officials and the intelligentsia portray people with legitimate questions and concerns about the vaccines as "anti-vaxxers" or "COVID deniers," they undermine public trust.
A Little Tolerance Goes a Long Way
Just as public health officials must abandon a "zero COVID" strategy and accept that the virus will be endemic, the science priesthood must adapt to a world where specialized knowledge has been democratized. For scientific knowledge to advance, scientists must reach a rapprochement with the uncredentialed. They must not dismiss lay hypotheses or observations out of hand. They must fight against the understandable desire to avoid any hypothesis that might upset the health bureaucrats who control billions of research grant dollars. It is always useful to challenge and reassess long-held premises and dogmas. People outside of a field might provide valuable perspectives that can be missed by those within it.
Openness to unconventional ideas has its limits. We don't take flat-earthers seriously. Nor should we lend credence to outlandish claims that COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility, implant people with microchips, or change their DNA. There are not enough hours in the day to fully address every question or hypothesis. But a little tolerance and respect for outsiders can go a long way. If those habits become the new norm, people will be more likely to see rejection of challenges to the conventional wisdom as the objective assessment of specialists rather than the defensive reaction of self-interested elites. Science should be a profession, not a priesthood.
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The science is settled enough for you to have to Obey, but changes enough to protect Our Rulers from accountability.
I don't think you understand the modern (and ancient) regime. Our rulers are infallible. Accountability does not apply to them. Modern science simply has to reflect whatever is expedient for ruling the masses.
Scientists and philosophers are better than priests.
The disciplines of science and philosophy, properly applied seek to define reality, truth without bias.
Priests simply worship doctrine that they believe to be true.
When belief is allowed to define reality, reality becomes meaningless with the existence of conflicting beliefs.
Get your head out of mysticism. Sharing information that can be refuted if false on the internet represents the greatest advancement in the history of human communication. The first tool of knowledge.
Pretending "politically correct philosophers" who throw the word 'science' out more often than priests doesn't make them any better than priests... It FACT it just makes them MORE DISHONEST and DECEPTIVE...
And exactly as 'Skeptic' calls it; The Regime is the 'infallible' doctrine. Has been for many years.. Just try to *real* 'scientifically' justify the smoking doctrine.
What makes you believe that to be true?
Obvious reality.... Something long forgotten and replaced with indoctrination fairy-land tales and B.S. mob orthodoxy. Which seems to always be the end result of [WE] mobs packing around Gov-Guns... People start to care more about their "religion" and in the Power of enslavement by legal Gov-Guns than they do about principles of Individual Liberty and Justice.
Truth is reality.
I asked how you discern “obvious reality” from misinformation.
What makes you believe anything to be true?
Men have a penis. Women have a vagina. Two penises can't make offspring any better than two vagina's. After 50-years of global climate scary theories; the weather is still not ending the world and killing everyone as a matter of fact it hasn't changed hardly at all (Just Open the Door and See).
I do 'believe' in things; like defying obvious realities is idiotic and *real* science is repeatable and predictable. However; also the 'belief' that established science is still no excuse for a Nazi-Regime Dictatorship. Those who tote that line have plenty of other options to relocate too. Taking-over the USA because they're too lazy to move is not only retarded but an oxymoron.
No answer eh?
When someone can’t or won’t explain why they believe anything to be true, why would any rational person believe anything they say is true?
Because *real* rational people don't need a Dictator to think for them but instead know how to acknowledge reality.... But you don't have to believe me; you can just keep being stupid -- just don't be stupid with Gov-Guns..... 🙂
What makes you believe that to be true?
Start creating money from home. It is a terribly nice and simple job. I am a daily student and half time work from home. I made $30,000 last month on-line acting from home. (ui70) Everybody will do that job and make additional money by following this:-
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Scientists set contraband scientists on fire over heliocentric theories since they believed parallax verified their views.
Lysenko created a false branch of science for political reasons.
Scientists are just as fallible as others.
Won't even bother with your philosopher bullshit. Lol.
Do you think you’re trying to refute what I said?
“ The disciplines of science and philosophy, properly applied seek to define reality, truth without bias.”
That’s what I said. Try to refute that.
Unfortunately, science and philosophy properly applied isn't what we have now.
It’s what I have because I choose it.
Who particpates in those disciplines dummy? Scientists and philosophers. All disciplines can be corrupted through group think and politics. We have seen it time and time again.
Get out of here with your idealism based bullshit.
What makes you believe that to be true?
How do you know you even exist?
The scientific method and logic.
Could I be wrong, sure, nothings perfect but it’s the best indication of reality that we humans can perceive.
What makes you believe you can do any better?
Speaking of Herr Misek…. You know who else cultivated a band of corrupted ideological zealots and set them on the unassailable pedestal of The Scientific Priesthood?
I also said,
“ Sharing information that can be refuted if false on the internet represents the greatest advancement in the history of human communication.”
Cite when you or anyone else have ever refuted anything I’ve said. I’ve said a lot.
I mean you deny photos, eye witness accounts of thousands of people, confessions, dead bodies, mass graves, buildings where atrocities occurred, etc etc.
Youre not a rational person dipshit.
I deny what has been refuted with logic and science.
I have presented evidence of that logic and science.
If you think it’s misinformation, refute it. Bitch.
You present conspiracy theories about Jews.
What does logic say about those?
I have presented evidence of that logic and science.
If you think it’s misinformation, refute it. Bitch.
Youre actually the only person here more delusional than sarc.
Sucks to be you if you can’t refute delusions.
Yes, bring out the ubermention - your one lost Red Cross memo that proves it was all the Jews.
You're a fucking joke, Misek. Follow your leader.
If there’s a joke in your tragedy it’s that you’re referring to evidence you can’t refute.
In the absence of opposing evidence, it must be truth.
I have Hitler's tongue, amputated shortly before he suicided like a bitch, preserved in a jar which I keep under the latrine.
Refute it, bitch.
I don’t deny it.
I don’t care that you masterbate while French kissing it either.
You do want to deny my evidence that you can’t refute.
The problem is yours.
Where in the name of primim non nocerewere Singer and Cato when Trump's posse of fever-swamp escapees, including one bona fide witch doctor, came to Capitol Hill to chant the praises of Alt. Med as the pandemic erupted ?
Covid and climate contrarians gave Darwin deniers a real run for their money by touting lethal doses of truly dangerous drugs:
Alt medicine? Like 'two weeks to stop the spread'? 'social distancing'? *Masks*? Made out of t-shirts. Where BLM riots aren't super spreader events but attending church outside is?
Take two biodynamic placebos and call CVS in the morning
Obviously didn't read the story or didn't understand the author's point.
When you've lost
"In March 2020, as the pandemic began, Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the president of the United States, explained in a 60 Minutes interview that he felt community use of masks was unnecessary. A few months later, he argued that his statements were not meant to imply that he felt the data to justify the use of cloth masks was insufficient. Rather, he said, had he endorsed mask wearing (of any kind), mass panic would ensue and lead to a surgical and N95 mask shortage among health care workers, who needed the masks more. Yet, emails from a Freedom of Information Act request revealed that Fauci privately gave the same advice—against mask use—suggesting it was not merely his outward stance to the broader public.
Although some have claimed that the evidence changed substantively in the early weeks of March, our assessment of the literature does not concur. We believe the evidence at the time of Fauci’s 60 Minutes interview was largely similar to that in April 2020. Thus, there are two ways to consider Fauci’s statement. One possibility is, as he says, that his initial statement was dishonest but motivated to avoid a run on masks needed by health care workers. The other is that he believed his initial statements were accurate, and he subsequently decided to advocate for cloth masks to divert attention from surgical or N95 masks, or to provide a sense of hope and control to a fearful and anxious public.
[additional examples of government lies omitted, see the article:
We worry that vaccine policy among supporters of vaccines is increasingly anchored to the irrational views of those who oppose them—by always pursuing the opposite. Exaggerating the risk of the virus in the moment and failing to explore middle ground positions appear to be the antithesis of the anti-vax movement, which is an extremist effort to refuse vaccination. This seems a reflexive attempt to vaccinate at all costs—by creating fear in the public (despite falling adolescent rates) and pushing the notion that two doses of mRNA at the current dose level or nothing at all are the only two choices—a logical error called the fallacy of the excluded middle.
Noble lies—small untruths—yield unpredictable outcomes. Nietzsche once wrote, “Not that you lied to me, but that I no longer believe you, has shaken me.” Public health messaging is predicated on trust, which overcomes the enormous complexity of the scientific literature, creating an opportunity to communicate initiatives effectively. Still, violation of this trust renders the communication unreliable. When trust is shattered, messaging is no longer clear and straightforward, and instead results in the audience trying to reverse-engineer the statement based on their view of the speaker’s intent. Simply put, noble lies can rob confidence from the public, leading to confusion, a loss of credibility, conspiracy theories, and obfuscated policy.
Noble lies are a trap. We cannot predict the public’s behavior, and loss of trust is devastating. The general population is far too skeptical to blindly follow the advice of experts, and far too intelligent to be easily duped.
Finally....a doctor who gets it.
I think most doctors get it, but the media gatekeepers keep them away from the microphone.
Who do these doctors think they are? Medical experts? Biologists?
Most physicians are utter midwits who make their prescribing decisions based on things they learned 40 years ago in a barely-remembered med school class or what the pharma reps are currently pushing them to prescribe. Don't ascribe to them any good faith. Most of them are line toeing retards.
One of the more disconcerting realizations of adult life is that there is no profession where someone deserves the assumption of high intelligence
Sadly a side-effect of modern Commie-Indoctrination ?Education? where everyone must be indoctrinated for over 1/2 of their study life (see GE requirements).
I find most physicians, especially general practitioners, are generally beleaguered and want to get through the day and cure the patients in front of them. They have no interest in the larger scale issues as they are trying to take care of their patients and keep the lights on.
The political groups, on the other hand, are primarily composed of physicians who do not actively see patients. This leads to a strong drift between the actual medical body and the vocal medical groups.
This is the case for a broader swath of professions than MDs. Engineering practice is now dominated by licensing boards run not by practicing engineers but rather by academics from universities. Medical licensing boards are run not by practicing doctors but rather by academics from universities.
The priesthood of academia has been capturing the levers of political power for quite some time now. It is not for the betterment of the public.
Public health is only tangentially related to medicine or science.
A major component of public health is propaganda: making the bulk of the public behave in a way that serves the greater good, as best understood in the moment. The advice that public health dispenses is not the same advice that your doctor might give you personally. Also, they are a government bureaucracy just as blame-averse as any other. So:
- If they were to wait for the science to be settled, real damage would be done to, well, public health.
- If they were to wait for the science to be settled, they would be skewered for "not doing enough."
- Without settled science to guide them, they apply heuristics and their own expertise to figure out what they think we, as a group, should do, to maximize our mutual benefit. In the past, we have respected that expertise enough to go along with their recommendations.
- Divisive partisan politics visibly influencing public health positions erodes that respect and confidence that the public has granted them in the past.
- With neither settled science nor respect for their expertise on the part of the public, they have to be creative in persuading us to do what (they think) we need to do. They must say persuasive things, whether those things are true or not. They must keep us scared. Lives are at stake!
- They are abetted in this propaganda exercise by a certain personality type that wants to be led, and will vociferously support the pronouncements because of their apparent authoritative source.
- They are abetted in this propaganda exercise by the media breathlessly "reporting" each pronouncement (that is to say, trying to be the first to repeat each press release), but without any real critical review.
So I think articles like this kind of miss the point.
A major component of public health is propaganda
The only component of public health is propaganda. There is no step in the scientific method that says "for the greater good", no conclusion reached that is false because it only applies to a minority of individuals.
Everything outside of math and chemistry is propaganda. Some of it benign, some good. Some.... Well, good intentions and all that.
Physics is propaganda?
Biology is propaganda? It is used sometimes for propaganda, but the actual science isn't. In fact these days, progressive propaganda tends to ignore biological science more than it embraces it.
Hey, we might agree that many people might be better off in some way if people with power or influence deliberately manipulated their emotions, including with propaganda, i.e. lies.
But that sounds like the opposite of libertarian, so get lost.
"Without settled science to guide them, they apply heuristics and their own expertise to figure out what they think we, as a group, should do, to maximize our mutual benefit."
Except this is not what happened.
Known junk science (masks) was pushed in a conflicting fashion against published research. It was denied the virus was aerosolized. CDC still is withholding the bulk of Covid data from the public.
Informed consent never was offered.
The mask situation is illustrative. Early on, "our mutual benefit", that is, the collective benefit to society, was seen as preserving mask protection for medical providers by keeping civilians from draining the market, and risking losing doctors and nurses to the virus early on. So hence the first mask lie. There was little actual mask data back then. Note too that "our mutual benefit" is not to be read as "your personal benefit."
Then later, when masks and evidence were more plentiful, I think masks were pushed more as a psychological crowd-calming strategy: yes, you could do something to control your own destiny.You were not completely at the mercy of this virus. (Also, I think, to avoid the "not doing enough" criticism.) So another lie, this one with actual mandates, despite the contradictory evidence.
The point is that the public health establishment is the VERY LAST place one should look to for scientific gatekeeping!
After saturation at ~15minutes of use, masks likely increase aerosolization of particles.
"Furthermore, no studies to date have considered the masks themselves as potential sources of aerosol particles. It is well established that fibrous cellulosic materials, like cotton and paper, can release large quantities of micron-scale particles (i.e., dust) into the air."
Love the quick switches between "aerosols" and "particles."
They could be trying to make a distinction between dry particles such as cotton or paper fibers and aerosolized liquids.
Unfortunately while they mention performing tests at 30-35% humidity and 53% humidity they don't note differences between the two. As air becomes dryer it's more likely that liquids will get smaller and lighter as volatile liquids evaporate which makes them more subject to Brownian motion while dry particles won't. Likewise as humidity goes up both liquid and dry particles are more likely to build up, increasing size and mass which would increase the rate at which they precipitate out of the air.
There was nearly 100 years of mask data regarding respiratory viruses. What the fuck do you mean there was no research?
Even if as you say the benefit was keeping masks for healthcare workers - there was still no informed consent. That was gatekeeping at work.
Ed, I don't understand how you can put out three examples of public health establishment gatekeeping and then the last place to look for it is in public health establishment.
My sense is that the default assumption (by media, at least) is that public health SHOULD be the gatekeepers, the one source of authority about the science and what we all should do in the face of the virus. I'm trying to say, no, they should not be.
Ah, the "nobel lies"...
When experts or agencies deliver information to the public that they consider possibly or definitively false to further a larger, often well-meaning agenda, they are telling what is called a noble lie. Although the teller’s intentions may be pure—for example, a feeling of urgency that behavioral change is needed among the lay public—the consequences can undermine not only those intentions but also public trust in experts and science. During the first year of COVID-19, leaders were faced with an unknown disease amid a politically sensitive election in the era of social media, and the preconditions for noble lies became especially fertile. Not surprisingly, we witnessed several examples. More than anything, these examples illustrate the destructive potential of such lies.
You have valid criticisms against how COVID-19 has been handled, but public health in general has a long history, including big successes such as the elimination of polio.
Prevention of spread of diseases is one of the more legitimate functions of government.
prevent or manage? new zealand and aussieland tried to prevent... they only delayed its spread. and their 'management' techniques were downright 'rooseveltian'
either way - in the former case that doesn't appear to be what they were doing, and in the latter case their 'managing' techniques and results appear to be [at best] crap.
Agreed, but public health has lost its credibility, and hence it's ability to be as effective as it once was. Not sure the success of polio would be possible today. (Though people were much more scared of polio, because they were pretty much all touched by the tragedy that it caused. Covid mitigation measures came before most of us were touched by covid; it didn't feel as real as the polio threat did.)
I don't think it's covid per se that is the root of the change in public health's trustworthiness... I think it's the politicization of (everything).
And the current CDC leaders being poor communicators and not realizing it, and their condescending decision to try to manipulate information to get people to behave in certain ways rather than just giving the information straight.
Plus your White House coming down hard on anyone challenging them. So really, this is all your fault.
So people repeatedly getting caught being dishonest aren’t taken seriously? It’s a good lesson you won’t learn.
Noble lies—small untruths—yield unpredictable outcomes. Nietzsche once wrote, “Not that you lied to me, but that I no longer believe you, has shaken me.” Public health messaging is predicated on trust, which overcomes the enormous complexity of the scientific literature, creating an opportunity to communicate initiatives effectively. Still, violation of this trust renders the communication unreliable. When trust is shattered, messaging is no longer clear and straightforward, and instead results in the audience trying to reverse-engineer the statement based on their view of the speaker’s intent. Simply put, noble lies can rob confidence from the public, leading to confusion, a loss of credibility, conspiracy theories, and obfuscated policy.
Noble lies are a trap. We cannot predict the public’s behavior, and loss of trust is devastating. The general population is far too skeptical to blindly follow the advice of experts, and far too intelligent to be easily duped.
Of course, when the first polio vaccine maimed 200 children it was pulled from the market and we took another 20 years before it was widely distributed, let alone mandated.
I agree! That's why all immigrants, migrants, and temporary workers should be screened for disease instead of released into the interior. I'm glad you agree!
Actually, public health doesn't have that long of a history. It really didn't start to form until the late 19th, early 20th century and it's track record is mixed at best. Some success, such as elimination of malaria and yellow fever in the US, and some drastic failures COVID-19 being the latest example.
As for stopping the spread of a pathogen, I don't agree that is a function of government. Pathogens evolve to be transmitted. Occasionally, we can halt the spread of a pathogen by removing a vector, or by eliminating susceptible hosts through vaccinations. In many more cases, it's virtually impossible to half the spread of a pathogen. At best, you may be able to mitigate damage through targeted quarantines and the like, but stopping the spread entirely is beyond our current science.
The problem is media has so pushed the idea of one of the lead characters becoming infected by a virus and the rest of the characters working overtime to find a "cure", only to have them use an experimental vaccine just before the last commercial break, miraculously saving the characters life, that the public has come to expect this. First of all, that isn't how vaccines work, secondly, that isn't how it actually goes in real life. People still talk about the President "stopping" the virus. As if that was even possible. We judge our politicians and government on a rubric that is, in most cases, unrealistic.
No, what the government can do is patrol the border, inspect possible carriers, institute monitoring areas, provide recommendations but that doesn't insure the pathogen still won't spread. You can do all of those things and still do no good. The idea that the government can stop the spread of a pathogen is completely uninformed and the fact that so many people believe they can is part of the problem. The sooner Americans learn that the government can't fix every problem (let alone learn the government generally makes things worse) the quicker the country can get back on track.
Yes but... That all took place at the same time as that whole Tuskegee experiment kerfuffle. Sorry, they still like to call it a "study" and not an experiment but both are equally as close to the truth. I think the most accurate designation would be "job security via depraved indifference".
Is this back to the 'government exists to protect us' idea?
Because it doesn't. It even tells you itself that it has no obligation to do so.
“Prevention of spread of diseases….”
Another person who really needs to be led. By the way, how’d that work out, mike? Do you think that their prevention measures were “legitimate”?
Haha. Never mind.
Sell your Individual Souls to the [WE] foundation; because you don't own you, [WE] own you........
You missed the most important part.
Literally arguing that honesty is the worst policy is literally arguing that truth has no place in public policy and the hoi palloi are to be treated as ignorant pigs while ignoring the fact that actual pigs are likely more intelligent than that.
And yet that seems to be the position that the public health establishment finds itself in. They are desperate to save lives and to not be blamed for deaths (in that order, to give them the benefit of the doubt). The media gives them the equivalent of a bully pulpit. Politicians offer enforcement of their recommendations through mandates. They need a compelling case. The truth is often not motivating enough.
Unfortunately the 'public health establishment' is nearly a perfect dichotomy and their aims are exactly as you say. There is the worker side and the directorate side, the workers no doubt want to save lives while the directorate wants to avoid blame. Unfortunately the narrative falls to the directorate side which is much more biased on obscuring the truth because "reasons".
“….. a certain personality type that wants to be led…”
Lol. So you’ve met joe Friday and jfree?
To be fair and balanced, there are also some doctors and-or scientists who say and write things that are demonstrably true, yet (most of) the public resists their messages BIG-TIME!!! (Partly, I blame HollyWeird).
Two examples listed below:
“Helminthic therapy” is of interest to me; so is “radiation hormesis”.
On radioactive wastes (ionizing radiation), Google “radiation hormesis”, and see USA government study of the Taiwan thing (accidental experiment on humans) at … Low-dose radioactivity is actually GOOD for you! Seriously!!!
On “helminthic therapy”, AKA gut parasite worms are GOOD for you, too, see (USA government again) or others …
Well anyway, WHAT is a summary of what I am saying? I thought I heard you asking about that, through my tri-cornered aluminum-foil hat, as I am sitting here…
HERE is your summary: Hollyweird is WAY off base, with their horror movies! A Giant Gut-Parasitical Radioactive Teenage Mutant Ninja Tapeworm would be GOOD for us!!! Bring it ON, ah says!!!
Oh you mean like those many of studies that showed no link between smoking and lung-cancer and got pitch-forked by racketeering lawsuits.
Which is freak-en hilarious because the same entities pitch-forking that science had the exact same *real* science sitting in their own drawers...
Science should be a profession, not a priesthood.
Fuck! No. Science should be a familiar habit, like tying your shoes or figuring out the best way to get to work. Even if you're a bank teller, you should have the ability to elucidate the facts, decipher patterns, and act accordingly.
But that familiar habit, for which many people, especially children, show natural tendencies, also requires some other fundamentals, like consistent objectivity and avoidance of emotional and partisan thinking. Those are not natural and much harder for most people.
like consistent objectivity and avoidance of emotional and partisan thinking
But still/again, not professional training, credentialing, or profit motives. Those may work but being objective shouldn't be, and shouldn't need to be, a profession.
Perhaps we should not need recognized, and professional, objective thinkers, but in a world (as always) awash with emotions and tribalism, it might be helpful if not occasionally critical. You inspired a dim memory of the "fair witness" from Heinlein.
Perhaps there could be a class of people who investigate and report on thins, to aid in the dissemination of information. They would be able to interrogate people presenting ideas to make them defend them. Most people don't have time to dig and investigate some of the bigger public questions because they have their own jobs and concerns. People who get paid to go out, gather information, and then to share that information with a wider audience in an unbiased manner could be extremely valuable.
I wonder what we could call this class of people, some new professional calling whose job is to provide clear and truthful information to the public.
We call them insurrectionists, though "traitor" or "racist/homophobe/transphobe/misogynist" are also acceptable.
Maybe "anti-vaxxer" or "Russian propagandist" too.
You forgot Trumpista.
And climate denier.
You know what other name we could LITERALLY throw in?
Damn, you're right.
I'm too forgetful sometimes!
That's one of my nitpicks with the article. The internet didn't "democratize science" because it was never a restricted field. It's a process, and anyone can do it. Literally anyone. Backyard inventors who follow the scientific method can come up with illuminating new insights.
And that's the value of it-it's never been restricted to a selected class or priesthood. You don't need magic knowledge or a license; any asshole can run an experiment.
I don't disagree with you. But I think the point is that data are available quickly from multiple credible sources that were not available to the laity in the days before the internets. You had to have access to publications that were either expensive or hard to come by.
One of the things the "expert" establishment is learning the hard way due to covid is that a lot of us in the unwashed masses outside academia are, in fact, extremely data literate. A group of intelligent, literate, amateurs with an open mind is actually better at ferreting out trends from data than most experts, in no small part because they're not hyperfocused on whatever their field of expertise is.
So, no, you don't need a license. In fact, the higher up the educational scale you go, the more specialized you get. Hyperspecialization, like having a Phd in a narrow field, could be horrible for public policy, it's not a big picture credential. It's an "I've got a hammer, everything is a nail" credential.
YES! It is a mistake to think of someone with an advanced degree as being better educated than you.
In general, as one progresses from an undergraduate degree (a general degree) to masters and then PhD, you "learn more and more about less and less until you know everything about nothing".
This is a cute saying full of truth. Getting a terminal degree (PhD) in Immunology does NOT make you and expert in immunology, it makes you an expert in ONE SPECIFIC THING in immunology. In terms of immunology as a general field that "expert" probably does not know more about it that someone with a Biology degree.
Science is a process, anyone that thinks otherwise should kill themselves
And the thing about science is that it literally only has value because anyone can engage in it. If you don't believe in gravity you can test it yourself. If you don't believe the Earth is round, you can test it yourself. You don't have to accept the liturgy. Science is a process wherein, if you conduct an experiment properly and follow the steps, any person, regardless of training or skills, can conduct the same experiment and get the same results.
I fucking love science.
This is possibly the first time I've seen that phrase and not immediately gagged. 😀
History shows that people who defy the current scientific orthodoxy often find themselves imprisoned or worse. Today, you'll be deplatformed if nothing else.
It should be a way of life... Unfortunately, I think that line of thinking is how it became a religion.
Science should be a familiar habit, however, a solid background of knowledge is really beneficial to conducting adequate research. Not a huge fan of credentialism, but there is definitely a difference between worshipping credentials and obtaining the necessary education to understand, interpret and apply scientific knowledge. And the current state of scientific education in public education, and in most universities, outside the solid sciences, is frankly troubling.
If "government experts", backed by the fascist social media propaganda machine, tell you that the sun rises in the east, it is best to get a compass and check for your self for 30 days or more.
We do know this: Fauci is a liar who lies about his lying.
Fauci belongs behind bars.
He belongs at the end of a rope.
Two ropes. With two horses at the other ends.
Four, one for each limb? Send him to the four winds, Crom!
Do I hear 6?
Change ‘rope’ ‘to ‘hooks attch3d to chains’. Then outsource his punishment to the Cenobites. Ideally, his suffering would be legendary, 3rd in Hell.
I know truckers, we can borrow power units. 😀
Anecdote. A friend of mine came down with in December. Bad response. Went to the hospital twice with no help from them. I contacted another friend who was a vocal part of a group who had recovered from Covid and had advocated for using the HCQ. He had a supply, got it to my friend and recovery was quick afterwards. My friend claims the HCQ was key to his recovery. At some point, anecdotes become data and patterns. I have a hard time believing HCQ and Ivermectin are not effective to a portion of the population at the correct time (early) during an infection.
Ivermectin has been proven very effective at early infections or as a prophylactic. The Queen approves.
Ok, so, the last thing I'd seen on that said that the news station that put that clip together had used the wrong footage and it was actually a mistake. Did that, itself, turn out to be false? Or where are we at the update cycle on this?
Is the current understanding of reality that the Queen of England did, in fact, take Invermectin for Covid? I hate that I have to even ask that question... *facepalm*
I think its OK to ask that question. If you buy the commemorative COVID queen plate, you might have a problem.
You're right, they walked that one back. I'll need a new joke to fill the void, damnit.
Yes, the queen was treated with but they're not reporting it anymore.
You can treat 100 people with off-patent Ivermectin for $10, while the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the most profitable pharmaceutical products in human history.
Ivermectin is now part of the prescribed standard treatment in Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina and all of Africa.
Twelve studies have demonstrated its overwhelming efficacy. Here's one of them:
(Edit: For some reason this rag has just started censoring this particular link, which is obvious because I've posted it without issue here before.
Remove the (dot)s and spaces.)
www (dot) cureus (dot) com/ articles/ 82162 -ivermectin-prophylaxis-used-for-covid-19-a-citywide-prospective-observational-study-of-223128-subjects-using-propensity-score-matching
Ivermectin has demonstrated different mechanisms of action, coronavirus infection and COVID-19-related comorbidities.
Prophylaxis combined with the known safety profile of ivermectin
Study to evaluate the impact of regular ivermectin use on subsequent COVID-19 infection and mortality rates.
Prospective, July 2020 and December 2020
Inviting the entire population of Itajaí to a medical visit to enroll in the program, Ivermectin was offered as an optional treatment to be taken for two consecutive days every 15 days at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day.
Study analysis consisted of comparing ivermectin users with non-users using cohorts
223,128 citizens of Itajaí considered
159,561 included in the analysis
113,845 (71.3%) regular ivermectin users
45,716 (23.3%) non-users
Of these:
4,311 ivermectin users were infected, (3.7% infection rate)
3,034 non-users (6.6% infection rate)
A 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate
Risk ratio (RR), 0.56
The regular use of ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality
25 (0.8%) deaths in the ivermectin group
79 (2.6%) among ivermectin non-users
RR, 0.32
p less than 0.0001
When adjusted for residual variables, reduction in mortality rate was 70%
Hospitalization rate
There was a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate
44 in the ivermectin group
99 in non ivermectin users
After adjustment for residual variables, reduction in hospitalization rate was 67%
p less than 0.0001
In this large study, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.
The two major studies the cdc used to dismiss ivermectin was for late stage covid which anti viral are almost never used for.
And the people that did the cdc studies flat out said they designed the test for hcq and ivermectin to fail
There really needs to be a bribery investigation done on the CDC. And not just because of Covid, there's been problems there for decades now.
Or just toss the whole Gov-Gun toting ability of the CDC (i.e. Not part of "Government" which is Guns)... After all; when did 'science' need the force of Guns at their helm?
I fortunately don't have to worry about the state of medicine today as I stay perfectly healthy by rigorously sticking to my recommended diet of 12 servings of carbohydrates a day and religiously avoiding eggs, fat and coffee.
I am sure that most of us would worry less if we consumed half a case of beer each day.
A complete superset of twelve ounce curls.
Half a case ignore science: there are 24 hours in a day, and 24 beers in a case.
If 24 is good - 48 is better.
Four 3-packs of 24 ounce Modelo Chelada and The Science is SETTLED! And it’s little TM too!!
The Standard American Diet is killing folks.
Oh wait; Is that the 'new' science... I can't keep up.
Even when the government said HQC wasn't effective they admitted the risks were minimal. Taking it was like your grandmother giving you chicken soup to cure your cold. "It should help, and it couldn't hurt!"
Forbidding something that wasn't going to cause measurable harm because it might not help was just an exercise of power. Gatekeepers of Medicine.
Don’t forget the Orange Man Bad factor for demonizing it.
No kidding. As soon as manipulators on the left recognized COVID as a lever to remove Trump, almost everything in government and media polarized around health "policy" and public reaction.
Is hydroxychloroquine forbidden, or do you just have to find a doctor and hospital willing to subscribe it? There's a difference.
i believe in canada its forbidden
Many doctors refuse to prescribe it dumbass.
Many doctors are not able to prescribe it because their governors and state health regulators made it illegal to do so as well. Mikecasmic is just a lying cunt.
It was banned in many states, including mine. Anything else you want to lie about while I'm here so I can stuff it up your ass?
The bureaucrats in Michigan made it illegal to prescribe.
Face it. For most humans, righteous partisan morality is everything. It defines what they "know", and how they react to information and other people, typically as noble allies or as evil enemies. Objectivity, reason, and independent thinking are not only diminished; they are actively suppressed as expressions of heresy and sedition.
And all of science, including medicine, has become more ideological. In my almost 40 years of post-PhD career, in both academia and industry, I have seen increasing numbers of colleagues abandon the ideal of political neutrality in favor of activism, which is perhaps fine for their personal lives but not when it distorts the science they do.
Being that less than 50% of eligible voters show up at the polls, I seriously doubt that most humans are partisan. I'd wager that a good half of all humans don't give a flying fuck about partisanship. Though for the ones that do (yes BOAF SIDEZ), it's practically a religion.
Reminds me of conversations I've had with Christians who insist that I, an atheist, must have faith in something. I tell them no, as an atheist I have no faith. Period. And they say no you worship something! You worship humans! You're a humanist! You worship the devil! You're a satanist! You must worship something! What do you worship?!?!!?
It might be that most people are partisan and lazy. They do not have to be card-carrying, marching party members to be partisan. By nature, humans tend to think tribal. Given that innate quality, parties, religions, nations, etc. only have to reinforce us vs. them.
"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."
-Robert A. Heinlein
I'd say that those who want people to be controlled are the partisans who only argue about what is to be controlled and by whom, and then there's the rest of us who have no such desire.
Yeah I noticed how little interest you had in controlling other people when you spent a year and a half literally insisting that anyone who didn't strap 2 nappies to their face was personally responsible for killing your grandmother, you mendacious fucking twat.
Hi Tulpa.
Hi Sqrsly! Is your imaginary wife still dying in the hospital because Ron Desantis wouldn't let her nurses receive the COVID job?
In case there are idiots out there who believe the trolls, what this twat said is a lie. Like the other troll posts.
What I did say was that the point of the masks was to prevent saliva droplets from going into the air, droplets that could potentially get someone sick. The point was to counter the strawman argument that masks filter out individual viruses. Based upon the known science at the time I said wearing masks in nursing homes and other places where frail people congregate is a good idea, but I never advocated for mandates.
So stick it up your ass, troll.
No it isnt. You attacked everyone saying they shouldn't be required defending it if it was even 1% effective people should do what you want. See conversation here.
The only ones you ever attacked were those against mandates dumbfuck.
Oh look. Another liar. I won't even bother to read that troll shit.
Shut your lying fucking mouth or name the place and I'll shut it for you you cowardly belly crawling bootlicking Nazi faggot. Still not a joke. Never was. Any time, any place, your choosing. And no, I'm not going to blow you in the gloryhole of a boomer rock concert.
I literally linked your past statements retard.
This calling people liars who directly link past conversations is hilarious.
I never claimed you did you drunken illiterate piece of shit. What you did is claim that anyone who refused to comply with the mandates already in place was not only, quote, "a dick", but was also personally responsible for other people's deaths, including your own grandmother. Who I'm sure was dead long before, given your advanced age.
So fuck yourself up your lying ass. If you want to stick it up my ass, name the time and place and bring your big boy panties. Might want to ease of the HRT first too. I'd hate to be accused of abusing a woman when I knock your head off your shoulders and shit down the hole.
Props. This place needed a new level of foul-mouthed abuse to mix shit up.
Let me guess; Your partisan favor is the Democrat...
I see it now; That 100% contradiction between what you advertise and what you vote for.
I think you are right in general about the average person being apolitical. I can imagine it wouldn't seem that way for a person hanging out in academia, though.
Most people don't give a shit.
Political junkies are not the norm.
Why do you always have unbelievable stories regarding things you believed a priori?
I assumed you worship the bottom of a liquor bottle.
Since you don’t believe in God, you must be able to define it. What is this God you don’t be,I’ve exists?
I've always argued both atheism and theism requires faith. You can neither prove nor disprove the existence of a supreme being, partially because it's impossible to prove a negative. A theist has faith a supreme being exists. An atheist has faith that a supreme being doesn't exist. Agnostics allow that a supreme being may exist, but there hasn't been enough proof to conclude one way or the other.
From a purely scientific standpoint, i.e. is the hypothesis testable and the results repeatable, agnosticism is probably the most scientifically sound of the three schools. I realize I can't prove the existence of God and my faith is not scientifically sound. But neither is atheism. This always pisses off atheists, who believe their faith is scientifically founded.
They retort, invariably with can you prove God exists, and I admit I can't. I also point out they can't disprove God exists. This always leads to an assertion that since I am the one making extraordinary claims, the duty of proof is on me. I point out that there is nothing more extraordinary in claiming there is a supreme being than in claiming there isn't, that agnosticism is the most scientifically valid stance. Since we can neither prove the existence or non-existence of a supreme being, that neither a stance for or against belief is scientifically founded. Nothing science has discovered proves a supreme being doesn't exist, or that he/she/they/it exists.
Evolution, I accept the scientific consensus that it exists, but if a supreme being created the universe, couldn't they have utilized evolution? The Big Bang theory (which ironically enough was actually first proposed by the Catholic Church), ditto. Physics, chemistry, age of the universe and our own solar system, ditto. But what about Genesis? I believe, as do many Christians, and theologians, that Genesis isn't meant to be taken literally, that it is an analogy and, like the Book of Job, a morality tale. I often get told this is a cop out, but it actually follows closely with Biblical and Rabbinical tradition. Jesus Christ rarely gave direct lessons, instead he utilized morality tales, parables. Actually, the concept of taking Genesis literally was always a fringe belief. Yes, some clergy have always pushed this, but it was never the mainstream doctrine until recently. And even today isn't the doctrine of the majority of Christians.
Given that half the population (US) doesn't even bother to vote, they don't seem very partisan.
I was with you til the end. The Infertility crowd was fairly mainstream. How do we determine who to be intolerant of?
Why can't we all just admit that Covid is a messy, complex phenomenon that will cause strife no matter what. We can't sit around and debate every decision indefinitely. You either lockdown or not. You mass vaccinate or not. Some measures need to be adopted en masse in order to work. By giving equal credence to contrarians we effectively decapitate a whole swath of effective possibilities.
We need to be just as critical of the contrarians who lack good reasoning skills or use bad data. Case in point, Trump. I agree that science has a priesthood problem. Foucault told us that from the left decades ago. But a bigger problem is a demagogue who just wants to maintain his power base. A bigger problem is a culture of podcasters and bloggers who rely on views to keep their income streams a float. They stake out contrarian positions that become their brand and hold onto them come what may. This is just as powerful a bias as the biases that run through our mega-Pharma companies and their deference to shareholders and profits.
LOL at the Trump reference.
I see the word Trump in his post, but I have no idea what purpose it had to any of his points.
OK, TDS-addled pile of shit:
"...Why can't we all just admit that Covid is a messy, complex phenomenon that will cause strife no matter what. We can't sit around and debate every decision indefinitely..."
Correct: We should have told the tin-pot-dictators to fuck off on day one' no debate required.
"...We need to be just as critical of the contrarians who lack good reasoning skills or use bad data. Case in point, Trump. I agree that science has a priesthood problem. Foucault told us that from the left decades ago. But a bigger problem is a demagogue who just wants to maintain his power base..."
We really need to be critical of TDS-addled piles of lefty shit and ignore what they post.
Stuff it up your ass; your head wants company. Fuck off and die.
It's so very, very hard when you agree so strongly with individual liberty but you just have so very, very man concerns, isn't it you fucking bootlicking Nazi piece of subhuman shit?
Do you faggot cornholing sacks of donkey cum actually think anybody buys your shit?
For weeks, US media has been happy to take photos/video/claims produced by Ukraine government officials and present it as verified fact. They've abandoned all journalistic standards to assist the propaganda efforts of a foreign government openly lobbying for US military action
Oh! OH! Look!
nardz finds some new tweet supporting his BFF Putin!
Stuff it, asshole.
Putin is an asshole, and worse besides.
Does being an asshole automatically make someone wrong? You're talking like a Democrat.
Sqrlvo has transitioned into full sarcasmic
Fuck you. I've been refraining from being a dick to you since you started talking about stuff other than conspiracy theories. I'd be happy to be a dick again if you want.
Post the list, sarcasmic!
You aspire to be a dick, sarcasmic. You're more like a cunt, except lacking the depth and warmth. If we move about 2 inches over we're much closer: an asshole full of shit.
Lol. No you haven't. You were attacking him just last week.
What a chronic liar.
Never go full sarcasmic. Liver damage is real.
He literally just pastes the same nonsense phrases into the reply box every time he sees your name regardless of the link, what it says, or anything else. He's a 75 year old boomer cowardly faggot who wants to send somebody else's kids to go die in a war when he was too chickenshit to participate when he had the chance. In other words, the common American chickenhawk. Nothing like becoming a supporter of literal fucking neo-Nazi militants armed to the teeth with western technology in your dotage, eh you cowardly little limp dick old piece of shit?
Well put
Sqrlvo must be pissed someone might doubt his masters.
Such a vile eunuch.
My God you people don't understand! Government experts are disinterested! That means they have no personal feelings, interests, goals, agendas, or anything else! Once they work for the government they become angels! Their word is the word of God! Jeez!
Seriously though, I've been listening to George Will's Conservative Sensibility (yes yes I know many Trumpsters hate him because he called Trump "crybaby in chief") and this is exactly how he describes Progressives. They wanted an administrative state run by supposedly disinterested experts who write, enforce and adjudicate law with no accountability at all. No separation of powers. That prevents things from getting done.
And that's exactly what we have.
"crybaby in chief"... Looked it up (thanks!).
I will (I George Will?) have to save this link!
Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers.
I don't really give a fuck about that anymore. Meet the new boss...
Here's a link without a paywall.
PS, I like to use the "Brave" browser. It suppresses a LOT of ads! Also if launched in the "private window" it is VERY good at bypassing pay-walls! One of the few pay-walls it will NOT bypass is the "Wall St. Journal"...
Actually the article I linked was about Will's article, not the actual article. Still it helps explain why he is so hated by Trump-Republicans (I refuse to use the word "conservative" to describe Trump fans).
Commendable stance! "Conservatives" used to believe in "conserving" the older ways, when and where the older ways have "stood the test of time", and that's all very well and good. Sad to say, many FORMER "Conservatives" now no longer even believe in conserving DEMOCRACY ITSELF, for the Love of Government Almighty, and for cryin' out loud! Democracy is to be replaced by The Cult of Trumpocracy!
(We need two or more viable political parties, to keep each other in check, and many sensible folks can no longer stomach the "R" Party... It needs fixed... Or replaced!)
Conservatives are constitutionalists. They want a government that provides an environment where people are free to pursue happiness without government interference in the manner of their choosing as the Founders intended.
Trumpistas only care about winning. They're not constitutionalists or conservatives.
The good guys are the ones who go to jail for lying on secret FISA warrants to protect us from those dastardly Trumpistas who hate the constitution and conservatism.
Isn't it amazing that sarcasmic never heard of George Will during his 45 year career utterly beclowning himself publicly until he found out 5 years after the fact that he's an orangemanbad aficionado and suddenly he loves warmongering neocons?
No kidding. He even claimed Will was one of the few true conservatives completely ignorant than on 2018 will campaigned against all Republicans, not just trump.
Sarc is a leftist who refuses to admit it.
Oh look. More personal attacks. It used to be that you could tell a leftist because they attack the person, not what they say.
Now you can't tell the difference between a leftist and a "conservative."
All you do is throw shit. Are you calling yourself a leftist?
Most ‘Trumpistas’ are so because they want to be left the fuck alone by the government.
No, they want to BE the government! They think that Der TrumpfenFuhrer will reward them with "sloppy 5,432nds" access to Stormy Daniels!
So many of us fantasize that our support of those who we think is (or will be) the “winner” will earn us the support of the “winners” and their spoils.
See “the night of the long knives” at… Ernst Röhm (head brownshirt, street brawler, for Hitler) thought his support of Hitler would leave him sitting pretty. So sorry, Ernst Röhm, Hitler had another thing coming for you…
Right here on comments, we see the same thing. The “brownshirts” of the commentary (Nards, etc.) try to brownshirt their enemies off of the comments board, tell their enemies to commit suicide, and other “street fighting”. They, I suspect, expect payback (war spoils) from “winning” Orange Hitler, just as Ernst Röhm did from “winning” Hitler.
They and their ilk, too, have another thing coming… Orange Hitler will throw them under the bus, the VERY first instant that Orange Hitler finds it to be convenient to Him… Just as Shitler-Hitler threw Ernst Röhm under the bus!
You better hurry, sarcasmic. He's only been out of office for 2 years.
Butt... Butt HE will return to us all soon... ***IF***...
MyPillow Guy Punts Timeline for Trump Retaking Power as Conspiracy Theories Get Wackier
The Lord Trump didn’t return to us as scheduled, but the Second Coming is now re-scheduled. You can TRUST us THIS time, for sure!
The Lord Trump DID return to us faithful ones, but He did it in an invisible way! Hold strong in your Faith in Him!
The Lord Trump didn’t return to us yet, this is true! It only did NOT happen because YOU were not faithful enough, and didn’t send Him enough donations!
The Lord Trump didn’t return to us yet, but He DID miraculously protect us all from the VERY worst forces of Evil, which is Der BidenFuhrer! Hold fast in your Faith… Lord Trump will come back VERY soon now! Especially if you send Him more money!
The Lord Trump moves in Mysterious Ways! All will be revealed SOON! Especially if you have Enough Faith to DONATE till it HURTS!
Wouldn't it be easier to just paste in the 2 year old Salon articles and save the other 6 paragraphs of your deranged ranting like a 9/11 Truther, sarcasmic?
Who cares how old truth is? Has the leopard changed its spots yet?
WHEN is Der TrumpfenFuhrer taking back His Big Lie? Was it mind control from the Lizard People that MADE people vote WRONG?
This is such a weird virtue signal. Does it make the other rabid anti trumpets moist?
Another whole thread of sarc talking to his sock. Why?
I now have sqrlsy, sqrlvo, & sarcasmic muted.
Makes for a much, much more intellectual thread.
Conspiracy theories are intellectual. Ha!
Tell us all about those incoming indictments, sarcasmic. It's Mueller time! The walls are closing in! It's the beginning of the end!
You hang on his every word.
Because sarc is a narcissist.
He can't even spell narcissist. He's a drunk. A welfare-leeching, self-confessed drug addict loser who lost the wife and children he abused. He'd need another 35 IQ points to even be sentient enough to become a narcissist.
Hi Tulpa!
“Dear Abby” is a personal friend of mine. She gets some VERY strange letters! For my amusement, she forwards some of them to me from time to time. Here is a relevant one:
Dear Abby, Dear Abby,
My life is a mess,
Even Bill Clinton won’t stain my dress,
I whinny seductively for the horses,
They tell me my picnic is short a few courses,
My real name is Mary Stack,
NO ONE wants my hairy crack!
On disability, I live all alone,
Spend desperate nights by the phone,
I found a man named Richard (Dick) Decker,
But he won’t give me his hairy pecker!
Dick Decker’s pecker is reserved for farm beasts,
I am beastly, yes! But my crack’s full of yeasts!
So Dear Abby, that’s just a poetic summary… You can read about the Love of my Life, Richard Decker, here:
Farmers kept refusing to let him have sex with their animals. So he sought revenge, authorities say.
Decker the hairy pecker told me a summary of his story as below:
Decker: “Can I have sex with your horse?”
Farmer: “Lemme go ask the horse.”
Farmer: “My horse says ‘neigh’!”
And THAT was straight from the horse’s mouth! I’m not horsin’ around, here, no mare!
So Richard Decker the hairy pecker told me that, apparently never even realizing just HOW DEEPLY it hurt me, that he was all interested in farm beasts, while totally ignoring MEEE!!
So I thought maybe I could at least liven up my lonely-heart social life, by refining my common interests that I share with Richard Decker… I, too, like to have sex with horses!
But Dear Abby, the horses ALL keep on saying “neigh” to my whinnying sexual advances!
Some tell me that my whinnying is too whiny… Abby, I don’t know how to fix it!
Dear Abby, please don’t tell me “get therapy”… I can’t afford it on my disability check!
Now, along with my crack full of yeasts… I am developing anorexia! Some are calling me a “quarter pounder with cheese”, but they are NOT interested at ALL, in eating me!!! They will NOT snack on my crack!
What will I DO, Dear Abby?!?!?
-Desperately Seeking Horses, Men, or ANYTHING, in Fort Worth,
Yours Truly,
R Mac / Mary Stack / Tulpa / Mary’s Period / “.” / Satan
It's weird how triggered you get when someone personally insults sarcasmic who definitely isn't you and is a totally and completely different person.
Ever since sarc muted me I get SQRLSY comments instead.
And he brags here about all those things in his eternal victim signaling here.
Anyone notice how good the threads were the last few days without him throwing shit at everything?
1/ While the ancients did not understand the mechanisms of infectious disease—they knew nothing of viruses and bacteria—they nevertheless figured out many ways to mitigate the spread of contagion during epidemics.
2/ These time-tested measures ranged from quarantining the sick to deploying those with natural immunity, who had recovered from illness, to care for them.
3/ Lockdowns were never part of conventional public health measures. In 1968 1-4 million people died in the H2N3 influenza pandemic; businesses and schools never closed, and large events were not cancelled.
4/ One thing we never did until 2020 was lockdown entire populations, including healthy individuals. And we did not do this because it does not work.
5/ In 2020 we had no empirical evidence that it would work, only flawed mathematical models whose predications were not just slightly off, but wildly off by several orders of magnitude.
6/ The devastating health and economic consequences were not the only major societal shifts ushered in by lockdowns. Our ruling class saw in Covid an opportunity to radically revolutionize society.
7/ Recall how the phrase “the new normal” emerged almost immediately in the first weeks of the pandemic. In the first month Anthony Fauci made the absurd suggestion that perhaps never again would we go back to shaking hands. Never again?
8/ What emerged during lockdowns was not just a novel and untested method of trying to control a pandemic by quarantining healthy people. If we view lockdowns outside of the immediate context in which they supposedly functioned in early 2020…
9/ …their real meaning comes into focus. Changes ushered during lockdowns were signs of a broader social and political experiment “in which a new paradigm of governance over people and things is at play,” as described by Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben.
10/ Perhaps without realizing it, we just lived through the design and implementation of a new political paradigm—a system that was for more effective at controlling the population than anything previously done by Western nations.
11/ Under this novel biosecurity model, “the total cessation of every form of political activity and social relationship [became] the ultimate act of civic participation.” (Agamben)
12/ Even the pre-war Fascist government in Italy, or the communist nations of the east, never dreamed of implementing such intrusive restrictions.
13/ Social distancing became not just a public health practice but a political model and the new paradigm for social interactions, with a digital matrix replacing real human interactions, which were then regarded as fundamentally suspicious and socially ‘contagious’.
"Safe and effective."
5.3.6 postmarketing experience:
1,291 listed adverse effects covering nearly 9 whole pages.
The jab has more reported deaths (undercounted by 99%-87%) than ALL OTHER VACCINES COMBINED. Current VAERS totals for deaths: 26,396 and all AEs: 1,205,755.
Based on reporting from Israeli and UK medical agencies, those fully boosted and compliant are about 300% MORE likely to catch new strains.
And the injection that we are told will stay at the injection site and harmlessly degrade in a matter of days does none of that.
Within 48 hours the jab has distributed through your body, primarily settling in ovaries and bone marrow. mRNA particles still are found up to 60 days later, as methylpseudouridine not only endures, but eludes immune phagocytosis. Oh, and when the shot reaches your liver, that RNA converts to DNA and has all the mechanisms necessary to permanently encode itself in your genome.
Meanwhile, deaths ROSE after the introduction of the "vaccine."
Amongst those least likely to die of the virus, 25-40s, excess mortality peaked at about +80% last year, ~+35% peak in the earlier, notably more deadly strains.
Oh, but it was with the best of intentions... BULLSHIT. There were plenty of internal and external warnings about the Covid drugs being an unprecedented risk, and it was well known that mRNA drugs had never fielded a successful product because the adverse events caused more harm than the diseases they attempted to treat.
"Bio distribution" of the mRNA vaxxes is likely the key to the issues folks are having. A "normal" vaxx stays in the arm getting the muscles cells to express the viral material that is then coded for by the immune system and destroyed...who cares if a few deltoid muscle cells get reclaimed by the immune system. A different matter if the lipid nanoparticles settle in your heart or lungs, then express the spike protein in your heart/lung tissue, etc.
It's more than that, and getting worse in the actually licensed drugs. Pretty much every part of the packaging is harmful to you.
Specifically, the RNA configurations predominantly displayed in the drugs are methylated, which both last longer and suppress your immune system - good for delivering exogenous genetic material. Concentrations of methylpseudouridine are nuts in Cominarty.
Still trying to wrap my head around it all:
Most of all, you've GOT to watch out for the Lizard-People-designed mind-control micro-chip nano-particles in the vaccines!
Alarming number of Americans think vaccines contain microchips to control people
One-fifth of respondents believe it is “definitely true” or “probably true” that COVID-19 vaccinations contain government-issued microchips.
By “normal vaxx” do you mean a traditional vaccine, because those don’t get your cells to express anything — they just introduce dead or weakened viral material directly.
Caw caw!
"normal" vaxxes don't leave the injection site, the lipid nano-particles do leave the injection site.
I think some of this may be because most of us have stopped needlessly testing. And don't run to the hospital with a runny nose.
Certainly. But the margins are high enough that behavioral trends, or changes in bookkeeping still cannot account for it.
I need some graphs of gov't interest in reporting Covid cases from before and after BadOrangeMan, because standards changed a lot.
yea the jury is still out on "safe and effective". Some worrying trends in highly vaxxed areas. The data in the UK (the best data set in the world, imo) shows an acceleration in case rates that is directly correlated with the number of doses - more doses, more infections. The US data is hopelessly corrupted mostly due to categorizing folks that are within two weeks post dose as unvaccinated. The well known immune system suppression of the mRNA vaxxes immediately post dose results in outcomes that are misattributed to the unvaxxed.
You are not considered vaccinated UNLESS:
1. Current on all boosters.
2. It has been MORE than 2wks since injection and LESS than 6 wks since injection.
So, there is a period of 4wks where you can be fully vaccinated. Every other incident is attributed to unvax.
Florid-Duh will show us The One True Way!
Florida School Run by Idiots Says Vaccinated Students Must Stay Home for 30 Days After Each Shot
This is the same school where a teacher told students not to hug their vaccinated parents for more than five seconds.
(End subtitles and excerpts).
See? We are ALL data-driven by now! My data says the OTHER (evil) tribe believes in vaccines, so MY tribe must BAN and SHUN the BAD tribe (and their cooties) as much as possible!
The unvaccinated are now CLEAN and the vaccinated are UNCLEAN! Civic-minded BAD! Afraid of micro-chips in vaccines GOOD! Black is white, and good is evil!
Galileo agrees
Yeah, but how many TV appearances and Twitter followers did he have?
He had the most appearances, and the most followers of his day.
It's not the debate that is of concern. It should be welcomed. It's that the regime side decides that opposing viewpoints must be censored and alternate treatments must be made illegal.
Yes. And give a sound kick to the nuts for anyone who says science is settled.
Can I also suggest a slap on the head for anyone who says they believe in science?
I still believe in real scientific methods... Just because one set of asshats went all culty doesn't mean the rest of the literature is garbage.
But yes, anyone who says they have faith in The Science would deserve.
Anyone who says —or worse, posts a lawn sign saying”—“I believe in The Science” has automatically earned TBS (The Bitch Slap—Trademark still pending)
Scientism is a secular religion that puts total faith in government "experts" who are believed to have no self interests, agendas, or aspirations. They believe that people in government are angels with no desire to keep or increase their power and influence.
As opposed to experts and scientists in the private sector who are evil monsters that can't be trusted because they only care about keeping and increasing their wealth and profits.
Brief reminder that this is the same self-confessed drug addict alcoholic homeless welfare queen who spend a year and a half shitting his pants over COVID and blaming anyone who refused to comply with ridiculous mask mandates of being personally responsible for the deaths of others, including his dear sweet grandmother.
Wow. Beautiful ad hominem. The rest of your fellow trolls will be impressed.
I know it's embarrassing when your lunatic fringe Branch Covidian past comes back to haunt you now that the narrative has changed and the latest ActBlue PDF tells you COVID is over and we've never been at war with Eastasia, but do you really have to compound it by still failing to comprehend what "ad hominem" means after a decade of having it explained to you?
Intelligent and benevolent people do NOT listen to what Bud Pac says... 'Cause Bud Pac tortures the Christian babies to death, and then drinks their blood!
(Sinking, we are, now, to Bud Pac's lowest of low levels. Passing through the event horizon, into the all-consuming, thirsty void... The unquenchably thirsty black-hole void, of the so-called "mind" of Bud Pac.)
To wrap your mind around this, start here… M. Scott Peck, the People of the Lie,
People who are evil attack others instead of facing their own failures. Peck demonstrates the havoc these people of the lie work in the lives of those around them. He presents, from vivid incidents encountered in his psychiatric practice, examples of evil in everyday life.
Hopefully anyone with a brain (we know who that excludes) will read his posts and ask themselves "what the hell is wrong with this guy?"
You prove yourself to be an inveterate liar over and over as above. Refusing to admit your past shit throwing while claiming victimhood in every thread. You also claim no cop has ever treated you well. Despite most people having had at least one good interaction.
At some point realize you're the piece of shit. Okay?
Speaking of...
Don't read the troll posts. Neither should anyone.
I always wonder what is wrong with you, sarc.
For fucks sake, just mute them and move on.
You aren't that bad of a poster, and reasonable people could give a fuck if you're fat or an alcoholic if you have something interesting to say. So engage with them.
If you're sqrl then you are some kind of deranged autistic genius.
Sqrl reminds me more of hank Phillips tbph.
But seriously, mute them and move on.
The Science.
Well that settles it!
"It's not the debate that is of concern. It should be welcomed. It's that the regime side decides"
+1000000000000000000000 - pegging it on the head....
There's a reason the U.S. Constitution never granted authority for a CDC, HHS, etc, etc,etc (too many to name) health agencies.
You can hear the start of the Sacramento mass shooting in this video
The Biden administration is considering a concession in the new Iran Nuclear Deal that will remove Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps from the U.S. designated terrorist list, which will allow terror-tied Iranians to enter the country.
Will they work for Koch industries for low wages? That’s all that matters.
Does Koch need a squad of righteous enforcers?
Jesus fuck, this clown parade is insane.
Nardz just muted me for telling him that people see patterns that aren't there.
So I returned the favor.
The comments are much easier to read without his long Twatter posts.
You should try it.
To be fair, obsessive self-congratulatory mental masturbation is as close as someone with sarcasmic's extremely limited intellectual capacity can hope to come to having an actual idea.
I too often reply to people with total and complete non-sequiturs to broadcast the fact that I have muted other people, and then ascribe viewpoints to them based on what I obsessively imagine they may be saying about me, and then stalk them with a sockpuppet account and reply to all of their posts, while frequently forgetting which handle I'm posting from and making myself look like a total and complete cock when I post the wrong copypasta on the wrong account.
love my friend here, but the left doesn't need to beleive dumb shit, they just need to weaponise it to achieve political ends. most of them literally don't care whether it's true. they don't care. it doesn't matter to them. you must let that sink in. truth is irrelevant to them.
Not trying to sound like an advertisement, but a week before the article about Unmasks I met a friend who had one. I could actually understand his speech while he wore it. So I just bought a few.
Your therapist is not your friend. Stop paying them and see what happens.
Some people need therapists as friends. Also insurance agents, car salesmen, and drug dealers.
Well I was going to report back to say if they're as good as advertised, but if you're going to be a dick about it I'll keep my findings to myself.
Oh no!
What kind of a dumbass wears a mask that has absolutely no function at all?
Nice way to perpetuate the madness.
The same kind of dumbass that spent a year and a half strapping 2 nappies to his face and insisting that anyone who didn't do likewise was, quote, "a dick" who was personally responsible for the deaths of others, including his grandmother. In other words, sarcasmic.
At least 7 conservative radio hosts and anti-mask advocates have died from COVID-19 after bashing the vaccines
Intergalactic or Cosmic-Karmic ironic coincidence, maybe? Or candidates for Darwin Awards?
BTW, I am STILL waiting for “the science” concerning sneeze guards at the salad bars, to be settled! Meanwhile, “R” party governors are getting ready for FORBIDDING sneeze guards at the salad bars!!!
Who volunteers to eat what MAY be mucus from strangers, on their salads, in double-blind, MASSIVELY statistically significant studies, to settle this, for once and for all? Because I just KNOW, oh so VERY well, that once the “science” is settled, there will be NO tribalistic ideologues who will dispute these findings! We are ALL data-driven now!
Another guy who doesn’t understand the difference between bacteria and viruses.
So you're OK with me sneezing all over your salad then? 'Cause the "science" isn't yet firm, Oh Data-Driven Wonder Child?
U can spit on the food and still nothing would be passed onto those eating it. Your understanding of viruses could fit on the head of a pin.
The Phucko Knows
And please clarify (***IF*** you are against having me sneezing on your salad)... Is it the viruses, the bacteria, or the Evil Microchips from the Lizard People, in my sneeze, that you object to? Have the Lizard People provided any relevant data for us to consider, here? For those of us to like to at least PRETEND to be data-driven?
Trust the science, except when it tells you that masks are useless for preventing the spread of respiratory viruses.
It's weird how you keep replying to all of my posts directed at sarcasmic. You know, since you're totally not him and this definitely isn't one of his socks despite you accidentally posting your Sqrsly copypasta on your sarcasmic account on at least a dozen different occasions.
Stupid is as stupid does. I am opposed to ALL willful (deliberate, arrogant) stupid, no matter WHO the stupid is directed against!
You resent the hell out of the fact that many other people are flat-out, better, more honest people than you are, right? More “live and let live”, and WAAAY less authoritarian?
From the conclusion to the above…
These findings suggest that we don’t need to downplay personal triumphs to avoid negative social consequences, as long as we make it clear that we don’t look down on others as a result.
SQRLSY back here now… So, I do NOT want you to feel BAD about YOU being an authoritarian asshole, and me NOT being one! PLEASE feel GOOD about you being an evil, lying asshole! You do NOT need to push me (or other REAL lovers of personal liberty) down, so that you can feel better about being an asshole! EVERYONE ADORES you for being that asshole that you are, because, well, because you are YOU! FEEL that self-esteem, now!
Third reminder that sarcasmic spent a year and a half wearing a mask, demanding that everyone else wear one too, and saying that anyone who objected to wearing a mask on individual liberty grounds was, and I quote, "a dick" and was personally responsible for the deaths of countless others, including his grandmother.
And now here he is signaling his virtue by paying money to wear a fake mask even though they are no longer required anywhere.
Trigger warning (for sqrlvo)
Think of the crash of 2008 as Stage 1 of the Reset agenda; the globalists were getting cocky and were ready to unveil their plans to the public.
Lagarde’s discussion at the WEF was also held around the time that Klaus Schwab was introducing his 4th Industrial Revolution concept, which is a little more forward with what the globalists really want. He talks excitedly of a true “global society” and a world in which people turn to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a better means of governance. He even suggests that laws would eventually be dictated by AI and that courts would be run by robots.
Of course, he admits that this cannot happen without a period of economic deconstruction in which people and governments will have to choose between sacrifice for the sake of stability or continued pain in the name of holding on to the “old ways.” Look at it this way: The Great Reset is the action or the chaos, and the 4th Industrial Revolution is the intended result or planned “order.” That is to say, it’s a new order created out of engineered chaos.
Yeah, it sounds like bad science fiction, but remember these are the people that enjoy the undivided attention of many of our political leaders and they rub elbows with the central bankers at the Federal Reserve. I’ll say it again: The proponents of the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution, who want to completely undermine and reconstitute our society and way of life, are close partners with our national leaders and the very bankers that could force such a reset to happen through a deliberate collapse.
Have you been listening to 'Coast to Coast' again?
You're really desperate to pretend other people lack the ability to recognize patterns.
Know your limits, don't project them onto others.
We're hardwired to see patterns, which means we often see patterns that aren't there. Google apophenia.
Here it is in a sentence:
"Conspiracy theories are the most common example of apophenia—people seeing meaningful patterns in events or information that are likely completely unrelated. UFO cover-ups, Bigfoot conspiracies, paranormal experiences are all examples of apophenia."
Cut your throat.
Grow up.
Coming from the pathetic boomer drug addict and alcoholic who brags about renting an AirBNB and attending a Ministry concert, this is fucking rich.
"Cut your throat."
Nardless The Nadless Narcissistic NAZI Has Spoken! In an INTELLECTUAL manner, ass it advocates should be done!
Nardless The Nadless Narcissistic NAZI, drinking Nardless The Nadless Narcissistic NAZI Insanely-Mad Kool-Aid in a spiraling vortex of darkness, cannot or will not see the Light… It’s a VERY sad song! Kinda like this…
He’s a real Kool-Aid Man,
Sitting in his Kool-Aid Land,
Playing with his Kool-Aid Gland,
His Hero is Jimmy Jones,
Loves death and the dying moans,
Then he likes to munch their bones!
Has no thoughts that help the people,
He wants to turn them all to sheeple!
On the sheeple, his Master would feast,
Master? A disaster! Just the nastiest Beast!
Kool-Aid man, please listen,
You don’t know, what you’re missin’,
Kool-Aid man, better thoughts are at hand,
The Beast, to LEAVE, you must COMMAND!
A helpful book is to be found here: M. Scott Peck, Glimpses of the Devil
Hey Nardless The Nadless Narcissistic NAZI …
If EVERYONE who makes you look bad, by being smarter and better-looking than you, killed themselves, per your wishes, then there would be NO ONE left!
Who would feed you? Who’s tits would you suck at, to make a living? WHO would change your perpetually-smelly DIAPERS?!!?
You’d better come up with a better plan, Stan!
I wonder which blog sarcasmic picked up his new buzzword from. Expect him to use it about 395 times over the course of the next 3 days.
Seriously dude, people have been ranting and raving about this stuff for as long as I can remember. It's all ways imminent. And it never happens. Not trying to make a personal dig here. Do some research on pattern recognition. We're not as good at it as most of us would believe.
Your dumb ass apparently doesn't realize these people are quite open about their intentions.
Learn to read or shut the fuck up.
It's fucking pathetic how much of a piece of shit you are that you try to derail any awareness of this shit.
You actively aid in taking people's freedoms.
So what if there are people who want that stuff to happen? Doesn't mean it will. Intentions and ability are different things.
And like I said, I've been hearing and reading about this stuff for a good twenty years. It's always around the corner but never happens. Like practical AI, cold fusion, or a practical electric car.
I need to know my limitations? No, dude. You need to know yours as a human being. Me saying you see patterns that aren't there isn't me being a dick. It's me pointing out that you're a human being with a mind that is primed to see patterns that aren't there.
That's not to say that all perceived patterns don't exist. Just that many don't. And the more farfetched they are, the more likely they exist only in your mind.
And like I said, I've been hearing and reading about this stuff for a good twenty years.
Make that thirty years. Fuck I'm getting old.
And drunk.
Mostly drunk.
Mammary-Fuhrer the Perfect Necrophiliac is drunk... On Her Own Perfection!
Compared to you and sarcasmic I'm a fucking work of art.
Written like the Truly Perfect Narcissist that You Are, Oh Perfect One!
Thanks, Sqrls. Even a diapered downs syndrome kid can feel superior when you're around.
It's not happening
It's happening but it's not what you think <- You are here
It's happening and that's a good thing!
I can't wait until a Republican gets back in office so sarcasmic can believe that everything the government says is a lie and there are high-level conspiracies involving Russian hookers and secret Alfabank backchannels lurking around every corner.
He is already quoting George Will like he is the messiah. Of course using books on tape since he is functionally illiterate and incapable of understanding what he reads.
Let me stress here that this is not personal, Nardz. Do some research on pattern recognition. We're remarkably good at seeing patterns that are there, but we're also good at seeing patterns that aren't there. You, me, everyone.
Like when you spent 5 years credulously insisting that Donald Trump was a Russian intelligence asset who was working for the Kremlin to cover up a secret video tape of him getting peed on by Russian hookers in a Moscow hotel room?
You're done, sarcasmic.
You've been muted.
Waste someone else's time.
Sarcasmic shits out 9 fucking posts to distract people and obscure explicit WEF plans for governments to take our resources and freedoms.
Keep believing the bullshit. No skin off my nose.
How many things have you been completely wrong about this year again?
Trying to keep it under 100 so not including the last 4 out of 5 years?
Muted by someone who aspires to be a mass murderer. How touching.
Piss off, troll.
And here you are obsessively replying to every one of his posts AFTER he muted you and AFTER you claimed you muted him.
I'll return the favor. Then these comments won't be polluted by your Twatter nonsense.
Now if only ML, JA, RM and the rest of the insult trolls would put me on mute I'd have a lot less grey clutter on my screen.
Just think how much cleaner your screen would be if you stayed at Democratic Underground instead of shitting up threads with your half dozen sockpuppets at
I like showing you to be the hypocritical liar you are.
"ML, JA, RM and the rest of the insult trolls"
The only troll here is you and your ᛋqrlsy sock, you abusive piece of shit.
August.12.2021 at 4:45 pm
I only show up to watch the clowns duke it out while tossing in this or that provocation. Bread and circuses. This is a circus.
Oh, if only you could run at the mouth on whatever subject the sibilant strains of syphilitic synaptic seranades were twanging away at and nobody would call you on your bullshit...
April.3.2022 at 12:06 pm
I now have sqrlsy, sqrlvo, & sarcasmic muted.
Makes for a much, much more intellectual thread.
Nadless Nardless the Narcissistic "intellectual" NAZI responds to Sarcasmic, who has been "muted"!
Nadless Nardless the Narcissistic NAZI apparently has the supernatural Gift of STILL hearing those who have been "muted"! God or Government Almighty or SOME sort of supernatural Power has FAVORED Nadless Nardless the Narcissistic NAZI!!! ALL HAIL Nadless Nardless the Narcissistic NAZI!!!!
Nardz isn't a Nazi, you are. Here's the proof:
September.30.2020 at 12:53 pm
Yes! This FURTHER proves that Hitler was NOT a racist!
Since even Hitler wasn’t a racist, we can pretty firmly conclude that racism isn’t a “thing” at all!
November.1.2020 at 8:51 am
Here, this is a pretty good match! Every asshole is a good, right, and TRUE, benevolent asshole! ―
“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see I was right.”
― Adolf Hitler
November.15.2020 at 3:00 pm
Flute Police are authorized to use everything up to and including field artillery, and nuclear weapons, to enforce The LAW, dammit, citizen, so OBEY!
Unauthorized civilians are NOT allowed to play the WRONG kinds of flutes!!! Capisce?
“Germans who wish to use cheap plastic lung flutes should join the SS or the SA — ordinary citizens don’t need these deadly lung flutes, as their having cheap plastic lung flutes doesn’t serve the State.”
― Heinrich Himmler
Mother’s Lament
Bimbosday, 43 Bimbobember 2020 at 6:66 PM
I lust after being abused by power-mad politicians, because I am power-mad myself! And I suffer under the utterly stupid illusion that power-mad politicians will feed me, like a doggy under the table, a wee few, tiny scraps of their vast powers. Biden came up here to Canoodlestanistanistanistanistan to noodle me and my poodle, and give me nookie, with my Wookie and my bookie, but all that Biden would do, is smell my hair! So I lust after Der TrumpfenFuhrer to come up here and grab my pussy good and hard!
And now you're being an "identity thief". I thought you swore you were against that?
YOU, Perfect One, are a Perfect Moron to NOT see the differences here!
Mammary-Necrophilia-Fuhrer, Supreme Demonic Director of Decay, Destruction, and Death, will now SPEAK! HARKKK silently and RESPECTFULLY, all ye lowly heathens, as She Directs Death, and announces WHICH few of us MIGHT deserve to live, and WHO all deserves to DIE-DIE-DIE!!!
“You should really join ᛋᛋqrlsy, ᛋᛋhrike. You two goosestepping fascists offing yourselves would definitely be a mitzvah.”
-Quote MammaryBahnFuhrer the "Expert Christian Theologian"
So Mammary-Necrophilia-Fuhrer, Supreme Demonic Director of Decay, Destruction, and Death... WHEN are You going to STOP stealing the IDs of Your victims, and then posting kiddie porn in THEIR names, and then blaming THEM?
Inquiring minds want to KNOW, dammit!
Here's a question. Why do you imagine I'm going to be insulted by being called "Perfect One"?
Because compared to you we all are.
Here's another question. Why do you imagine I'm going to be insulted by being called "Expert Christian Theologian"?
Because compared to your ignorant ass almost everyone is.
Perfect One can not STAND the fact that I am a better person than Perfect One!
We can pick and chose our Bible verses to justify ANY evils we WANT TO justify! And YOU equate "fashionable theology to justify ANY evil shit that I want to do" with Your fashionable hairstyle and whorestyle! Got the right fashionable BELIEFS, and so then The Internet Cesspool Queen can do WHATEVER she wants! Your BELIEFS will protect You from the consequences of Your evil actions? Do You not GET this, Oh Fashionable Queen of the Internet Cesspools?
"By their fruits, you will know them", is something that Jesus said. DEEDS, not "Magic Beliefs"!
So Great Theologian... How about Your DEEDS? Like identity theft? Was it YOU who stole "Buttplug the First"'s ID, to post child porn under his ID? How can we know either way, for SURE (how can we believe any denials that You might make), when you steal IDs, and implicitly in doing so, deliberately LIE, for malicious purposes? Stealing another person's ID is something that I would NEVER do!
So tell me again about Your Superior Theology?
PS, You (Oh Queen) are apparently saying that it's OK to act HOWEVER YOU WANT, and get a "free pass" with Your Magic Beliefs, fashionable hairstyle and whorestyle, etc. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!!! Your Magic Beliefs DO NOT protect You from the consequences of Your evil choices!!! If You drink a gallon of whiskey every day, is God going to forgive You because You have Magic Beliefs? AND give You Your healthy liver back? Have You SHOWN this to be true? Or do You know ANYONE who has demonstrated this?
If You spit in the faces of ALL of Your friends, will You have any friends left? You're not married, are You? Is this perhaps the pay-back that You have earned by being a Perfectly Superior One, in the face of EVERYONE that You meet? Can you NOT see my basic point, that Your Magic Beliefs are ZERO protection from "karma", or, "what comes around, goes around"?
A quick unmute of the shit eater reveals to me he doesn’t know what the definition of perfect is.
HOW does one bring to another person's attention, that they are selfish, smug, self-righteous, and EVIL, w/o hurting Their Precious Baby Feelings? If ANYONE can figure this out, Oh Perfect One, it has GOT to be YOU! So PLEASE let me know?
That didn't make a lick of sense, Sqrlsy. "Herp derp No U!" isn't an explanation.
Evil assholes can never see their own evil. It is part of the affliction.
Nothing to see here. Definitely not an organization for the wealthy elites with nebulous tendrils of influence at the center of widespread policy changes with an uncanny resemblance to what they directly say at meetings...
They basically own all anglosphere governments, and a lot more
Public and private sectors. The list was a great Who's Who of media.
That list is incomplete based on what I've read on the WEF website itself. Tulsi Gabbard just got scrubbed when they removed Putin, but Dan Crenshaw is still there but doesn't appear on your list.
Need a community spreadsheet...
So nobody thinks it's weird that the Biden family is neck deep in Ukraine and we keep sending them billions of dollars?
Covering their tracks.
The #namblaleft is feeding minors a drug developed to chemically castrate adult males (primarily pedophiles). That drug prevents children from developing adult sexual characteristics, keeping them in a kind of suspended animation, perpetually trapped in broken children's bodies.
so you're saying a drug created to "solve" the problem of pedophilia is actually being used by groomers to trap children in a childlike state of sexual development, preventing them from going through the natural bodily changes that make them unattractive to pedophiles?
Everytime some science trusting, PhD-having, do-gooder libtard tries to guilt you into suppressing your gag reflex to just "hear them out" re "problem solving" & "harm reduction" re pedophiles, pls remember that type of technocratic bullshit is how puberty blockers became a thing
There are two excellent harm reduction methods available for paedophiles: castration and execution have no recidivism.
Follow the regime changers!
Christopher Steele, of Dossier infamy, is back on TV today suggesting that any resolution to the war can't "include Putin" -- he then proposes the idea of Putin being assassinated
How is that guy still not in jail?
He wants Putin assassinated.
What covid has taught me is if propagandized effectively, a majority of people would would absolutely be supportive of a mass genocide plan.
Everything is justifiable.
Just following orders.
We're all in this together
Wait, you mean Germans in the 1930s didn't just all spontaneously collectively wake up one day and decide that continental conquest and genocide were worthwhile policy objectives?
Says the boners-for-Putin brigade, the church of Covid-19.
You motherfuckers committed genocide against yourselves. You are the dumbest people to ever roam the earth, including the so-called Dark Ages.
Now do AIDS, you butt fucker.
It's amazing to me that Fauci is personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of gay men in the US, but here's Tony sucking his metaphorical cock.
Isn't Russia a socialist nation?
So broken.
“You motherfuckers committed genocide against yourselves.”
Which of the times I died the last few years would be part of this genocide? Because you realize that genocide means every really died, right?
Oh that’s right, you’re a totally dishonest piece of shit that constantly makes up bullshit for the sake of your narrative.
Mar 30:
Ru troops leave Bucha
Mar 31:
Mayor of Bucha announces town 'liberated', makes no mention of atrocities.
Apr 1/2:
Azov Nazis enter Bucha
Apr 3:
Ukr MinDef publishes video of 'Russian' atrocities
Specifically, Semmelweis ordered his students to treat their hands with a chlorinated lime solution. They had been washing their hands, but when they went directly from examining pathology specimens to obstetric patients, regular washing wasn't enough to detoxify the heavy dose of often pathogenic bacteria they were thereby transmitting. Chlorinated lime, which had come into use to deodorize inanimate materials like corpses, was thought, accurately, to be harsh on skin, and it was thought to be a bit much to ask students to make their hands a bit sore and smelling like bleach as they approached their patients. So the objection to Semmelweis's order was not as unreasonable as it might seem from the description.
The skepticism about John Snow's cholera hypothesis was also not unreasonable. It had been observed that the disease was distributed geographically, so aerial transmission was a reasonable hypothesis. Additional evidence was that gastrointestinal disease did seem to occur more in areas with foul odors, while there did not appear to be anything different about waters being ingested that connected to cholera, while other illnesses were known to be produced by water which appeared injurious on inspection. What Snow had going for him was more sophisticated statistical techniques that more closely correlated the incidence of the disease to water wells than to mere proximity or air flow. Since these techniques were not widely known at the time, his math was unconvincing to many scientists.
Jenner made another observation that, had it been more widely known, might have increased skepticism about the value of vaccinia for smallpox prophylaxis. Jenner noted that, in addition to preventing smallpox, his vaccinations produced temporary improvement in and/or resistance to A WIDE VARIETY OF OTHER illnesses, infectious and non-infectious! There had been no such evidence seen of better health among the milkmaids and other animal handlers from the cowpox they were exposed to occupationally. Now we're beginning to better understand this non-specific immunity in its widespread manifestations. However, then as now, the medical community and people in general were skeptical of supposed panaceas, because they seemed too good to be true. Publicity about this effect of the inoculations would have hurt the reputation of the smallpox prophylaxis.
Similar non-specific effects probably occurred from variolation as well, but they were not noted that we know of. (George Washington is a famous example of people variolated in their youth.) Those variolated were probably so keen on looking for symptoms of smallpox that they ignored other markers of illness or lack thereof.
.@SecretaryPete: “Even if all the oil we use in the USA were made in the USA, [...] until we achieve a form of energy independence that is based on clean energy created here at home, American citizens will still be vulnerable to wild price hikes.”
Could he be any dumber?
Maybe he could "debate" Kamala?
I keep rereading it and it still makes my jaw drop.
Can we send Pete Antoinette back on maternity leave?
Asea to stomach ulcers, that's a good example of how much harder it is to reintroduce a scientific hypothesis that has once been rejected on the evidence. H. pylori was not the first infectious agent to have been suspected to cause peptic ulcer. Similarly with the return of the microbial hypothesis of dandruff. Dr. Bassett faced a lot of resistance (heh) to his use of electric polarization in healing, because of previous association with quackery due to overpromotion of such notions in the early days of electricity applications. Similarly continental drift.
Oooo, I hate when a touch pad causes the cursor to drift and I don't see where I've spuriously added letters! "As", not "Asea".
"practices general surgery"
Surgeons are the least knowledgeable practitioners of medicine, their skill set is limited to cutting and sewing, that of an every day housewife. Yet they are the most effective when it comes to curing the patients who come under their care. Those who practice internal medicine are more knowledgeable but less successful. More knowledgeable still are the psychiatrists, who have even less success. The most dimwitted doctors are the anaesthesiologists, who often come by their positions thanks to family connections.
Actually, the surgeons skill is in knowing where to cut, and how deep; followed by knowing where NOT to cut.
Likewise, the anesthesiologist is not skilled for putting you to sleep, but for being sure you wake up again.
"but for being sure you wake up again."
With luck, AFTER the surgeon is done with his cutting and sewing.
The most dimwitted doctors are the anaesthesiologists, who often come by their positions thanks to family connections.
That would explain why they're the person in the room with the biggest paycheck.
In my experience, there’s a dumber tier: sleep specialists. You have trouble sleeping, I’ll send you off to get a sleep study then subscribe CPAP. Why can’t people just get a CPAP machine without a prescription — then sleep doctors wouldn’t be able to control access and make a living off of a fairly simple treatment for a not that hard to diagnose ailment.
I have insomnia but it's not because of sleep apnea. So one of those machines wouldn't do me a bit of good. I have no idea if using one without needing it would cause harm. Perhaps it would and that's why they're prescription.
You have insomnia because you're an angry, bitter alcoholic. A visit to Alcoholics Anonymous would help you far more than a CPAP.
Turns out that a hard day's work sitting in your section 8 apartment with 3 masks strapped to your face waiting for the doordash guy to bring your White Castle and your weedman to drop off the ounce that constituted half of your last SSI check doesn't tucker you out at the end of the day.
I can’t see how they could cause a lot of harm. They just make it so the person gets more air down their gullet.
Maybe it could cause dependency? I dunno. I'm not going to look it up because it doesn't effect me.
My doctor said he could prescribe me Ambien or something, but it wouldn't help me sleep. I'd still wake up a dozen times every night, I just wouldn't remember. I don't like that idea.
Yeah, the aim is to be well rested, and have physical and mental energy each day. The sleep is in service to that.
But dealing with insomnia can be hard, and, of course, depends on what is causing you to have it.
Lifelong regrets and alcoholism are a bitch.
Leave it to the world's leading fucking midwit to have absolutely no clue about medical specialization and the training involved. Any 90 IQ boob a year out of med school fresh off their residency can go hang out a shingle as an internist as long as they parked their ass in class for the requisite time. The guy who yanked my wisdom teeth did a 4 year residency after dental school and holds 3 board certifications, including anesthesiology. There's a reason he makes 3x as much as my GP, who is board certified in internal medicine and is basically useless for anything besides writing a prescription for antibiotics or statins and writing referrals to real physicians to actually treat illness.
Dr Singer talks about the chaotic response of the Trump administration to the pandemic, and I don't think you can minimize the impact this had. The former President had no idea on how to address the issue and ended up dividing people rather than bringing them together. In situations like this people end up protecting their own turf rather than working together on a common consensus solutions. This then leads to idea of gatekeepers.
My beliefs on the former administration's failures were crystalized after the President assigned VP Pence the lead in address the pandemic. I have no doubt that Pence would do a better job, than the President. But following the VP appointment the President stepped in. He could let Pence be seen on the press briefing rather than himself.
Yes, lockdowns, masks, mandatory injections, vaccination passports, all the things trump objected to are his fault.
The one thing he did endorse was the virus itself.
How does it feel to be on that team?
Tony; straight out of left field.
More like straight off the short bus.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to hearing Tony explain that one.
Did he put it on billboards on his properties or something? I don’t really understand what you mean.
More died under FJB's watch.
More died under FJB's watch.
Take some time and read the article. The former President's response to the pandemic was chaotic, I believe the author used the term schizophrenic to describe the response. If you want the job of being President, then you have to lead. It is clear that the skill of leadership eludes the former President.
As for things you mentioned it is unclear what he thought about any one of them because he never seemed to have the same message two days in a row. I recall him telling people they should where masks, but then said that he himself would not wear them, of course until he had to do so.
It was chaotic because whenever the former president responded with an idea it was immediately dismissed and the opposite or nothing recommended. It was nonsense from the start. All around. Someone shouted pandemic in the empty theater and the media ran with. It ran rampant in NYC and then the exodus from NY spread it through the eastern port. In the west, Chinese travel, an element Trump actually called to put a stop to, presented in the NW and spread through that side. The lockdown response was stupid. If we had not locked down and stopped counting cases the virus would have worked its way through the country and been done by Easter, as predicted. (Maybe through summer in the warmer states). The death count has now been shown to have been manufactured along with a number of other lies. Yes, that was chaotic but no, it was not the former president's cross to bear alone.
Perhaps. but w/o the lens of your well-documented bias, this is not the issue you make it out to be. It also has not a fucking thing to do with the problem of gatekeeping and credentialism in regard to the response to covid, dim bulb.
Nobody cares what you have to say about anything, shreek. You are a pedophile who posted child porn at and got your Sarah Palin's Buttplug sock banned and an entire comments section and article nuked. Why the fuck do you still show you kiddie fucking face around here? Nobody takes you seriously. You're a joke. You're less than human. Killing you wouldn't rise to the level of murder, that's how worthless your life is. If you ever get caught you'll get fucked up the ass with a shiv until you're dead. Shut the fuck up, crawl back under your rock, and be extremely grateful you're allowed to live.
Nor should we lend credence to outlandish claims that COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility, implant people with microchips, or change their DNA.
Oh yeah smart guy? Prove it doesn't! You can't! That means it's true! MAGA 2024!
Or you could just release the data from the clinical studies that conclusively demonstrate no reproductive harm despite specifically excluding pregnant women. Instead of burying it for 75 years. Seventy. Five. Fucking. Years. Jonas Salk didn't have to bury his research for 3/4 of a century, sarcasmic. People who didn't spend years 2-10 of their life eating paint chips, years 11-16 of their life huffing paint and dropping out of high school, and years 17-60 of their life addicted to drugs and alcohol working as a fry cook between stints of homelessness might wonder why the fuck the safest, most expensive, most widely-distributed pharmaceutical product in history can't be clinically evaluated until the lifespan of an average American male has expired.
Is the world's premier medical research publication, the British Medical Journal, to MAGA for you sarcasmic?
“a host of poor clinical trial research practices occurring at Ventavia that could impact data integrity and patient safety,”
“We also discovered that, despite receiving a direct complaint about these problems over a year ago, the FDA did not inspect Ventavia’s trial sites,”
(Ventavia is the research company that conducted the trials of the Pfizer Covid vaccine)
Or from Pfizer's own submission to the FDA?
According to the Pfizer document titled Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Records Reports, in just the first 90 days of the vaccine’s roll out under the FDA’s EUA – from December 1st. 2020 – February 28th, 2021 – there were tens of thousands of reported adverse reactions, including over 1200 deaths.
The report only included adverse events to the vaccine that researchers considered “serious cases,” there were thousands more submissions that were left out of this data.
Any cases deemed “non-serious” would be processed within 90 days, but this report was released before 90 days of Pfizer’s vaccine being available had even passed.
“Due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received for the product, the MAH has prioritized the processing of serious cases, in order to meet expedited regulatory reporting timelines and ensure these reports are available for signal detection and evaluation activity.
Non-serious cases are processed as soon as possible and no later than 90 days from receipt. Pfizer has also taken a multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports.”
In all, Pfizer's report states that there were a total of 42,086 case reports of individuals who had an adverse reaction to Pfizer’s vaccine in the first 90 days.
The fact that Pfizer and the FDA deliberately hid this information from researchers worldwide should land them all in jail.
Here's the BMJ's link because Reason was censoring it for some psychotic reason. Seriously, this is the publication that every doctor on the planet has to read as part of their professional development, but it's verboten for Reason. What's fucking next. Banning Gray's Anatomy?
www (dot) bmj (dot) com/content/375/bmj.n2635
Huh, I struggled posting BMJ a while back but figured it was my phone fighting the board again.
Why the fuck would they block those links?
Same for me, just tried to post that link and it got swallowed
Maybe without the protocol...
If this works, the whiny reason filter bitch doesn't like the world wide web
This one's clickable too, so just skip www. next time
Ok. Huh.
Minor fact check, from early in the article:
President Donald Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine as a "game changer," which raised the ire of many medical and public health experts
What Donald Trump actually said. "I think it's going to be very exciting. I think it could be a game changer-and maybe not! And maybe not! But based on what I've seen it could be." This is after he'd spent a while explaining that if it doesn't work, it's not a big deal because it has mild side effects so it's likely not harmful to anyone, and less risky than scrambling for a new medication.
This rather restrained endorsement of a possible treatment was somehow portrayed as him being reckless and irresponsible. Even people who defend him forget just how cautious his support for it was. Even when he was taking it, he said, "Maybe it doesn't work, maybe it does nothing. I hope at some point not to be taking it. But it's been FDA approved for 40 years and is a safe drug, a good drug. Lots of frontline workers have been taking it."
He was being irresponsible, and in the quotes you just quoted he was stepping way out of his lane of expertise and promoting an iffy treatment as a “game changer”. (Well, he doesn’t actually have a lane of expertise, except maybe as a TV reality show host.)
I mean, I'll agree from a libertarian standpoint that government shouldn't be telling people about medicine at all, to the degree that medical licenses are bullshit. But Trump was simply sharing information and did so cautiously and with caveats from people who were asking; it makes him essentially a private citizen.
I don't know how you can call it irresponsible even slightly. He didn't say it was, he said it could be. And he couched his language very carefully. If anyone was irresponsible, it was the media that misquoted him for sensationalism.
For Mike and his idiot brethren, anything that trump did or didn’t do or maybe thought about or didn’t think about is bad.
"...I don't know how you can call it irresponsible even slightly..."
I do. The commenter to whom you are replying is a TDS-addled piece of shit.
Mike Liarson is a squawking bird named Dee with a really bad case of TDS and should be treated as such.
Yeah he should have relied on experts like Dr. Fauci who spent a decade and a half pushing AZT onto AIDS patients despite its demonstrable lack of efficacy, sending faggots scrambling to Europe to get actually effective AIDS treatment.
"He was being irresponsible"
How was he "being irresponsible"? You always issue these declarations without ever explaining why.
"way out of his lane of expertise and promoting an iffy treatment"
That's an awful lot to infer from the statement "I think it's going to be very exciting. I think it could be a game changer-and maybe not! And maybe not! But based on what I've seen it could be."
And by the 'top man' logic you're employing here, you shouldn't hold an opinion as to whether or not it's 'iffy' either.
You're so incredibly dishonest and hypocritical all the time, Mike. How do you even stand yourself?
'How do you even stand yourself?' He's a smug lefty dickhead?
This is the Branch Covidian version of the "fine people on both sides" lie.
What Trump *actually* said is irrelevant to TDS-addled piles of shit.
I understand emotional blind spots and prejudices, but it's not really relevant to me. I'm just interested in being truthful whenever possible, and avoiding lazy, unexamined narratives.
Me, too. But I see something in these comments all the time that isn’t lazy narratives, instead it is going to great mental expenditures to excuse Trump for being a childish, moronic, megalomaniac .
Why? Why this drive to give this one reprehensible person a third and fourth and fifth chance?
But I see something in these comments all the time that isn’t lazy narratives, instead it is going to great mental expenditures to excuse Trump for being a childish, moronic, megalomaniac .
Whether someone behaves childish is an opinion statement. Whether someone is moronic is an opinion statement. Megalomania might be factual but it's largely going to be speculative without a proper examination.
Regardless, none of those three mean anything if he's actually right or justified at any given time. It doesn't matter if he's a moron or childish, if what he actually said is being misrepresented, it's untruthful.
What I've seen during the past 6 years is people being untruthful when it isn't even necessary. There's a great deal about Trump to dislike, there's a lot of things he says that are bloviating and self-aggrandizing. He's so easy to mock. But that's why people use the term TDS-instead of basing criticisms in reality and using a factual basis, they've had to lie and manipulate to make him look worse because they're desperate for something sensational. It's a blind spot that seems to make people abandon any semblance of rationality.
“It doesn't matter if he's a moron or childish, if what he actually said is being misrepresented, it's untruthful.”
Dee thinks it’s justified to lie about Trump for the sake of defeating his evil.
Orange-dick-suckers will NEVER stop sucking orange dick!
Der TrumpfenFuhrer ***IS*** responsible for agitating for democracy to be replaced by mobocracy!
A list of the times Trump has said he won’t accept the election results or leave office if he loses.
Essential heart and core of the LIE by Trump: “ANY election results not confirming MEEE as Your Emperor, MUST be fraudulent!”
September 13 rally: “The Democrats are trying to rig this election because that’s the only way they’re going to win,” he said.
Trump’s constant re-telling and supporting the Big Lie (any election not electing Trump is “stolen”) set up the environment for this (insurrection riot) to happen. He shares the blame. Boys will be boys? Insurrectionists will be insurrectionists, trumpanzees gone apeshit will be trumpanzees gone apeshit, so let’s forgive and forget? Poor Trump was misunderstood? Does that sound good and right and true?
It really should immediately make us think of Krystallnacht. Hitler and the NAZIs set up for this by constantly blaming Jews for all things bad. Jew-haters will be Jew-haters, so let’s forgive and forget? Poor Hitler was misunderstood? Does that sound good and right and true?
Saying it’s not acceptable to lie about someone is sucking their dick?
I guess to a pathological liar, that makes sense.
"But I see something in these comments all the time that isn’t lazy narratives, instead it is going to great mental expenditures to excuse Trump for being a childish, moronic, megalomaniac ."
(NOT in reply to ATM, but to the muted asshole)
No, steaming pile of lefty shit, that's a lie. What you see is folks calling you on your inability to tell the truth regarding Trump.
You are a dishonest, TDS-addled, pile of shit; simply too stupid to realize how stupid you are.
The below poetry is dedicated to Super-Perv-Predator-Sevo the Pedo, Hippo in a Speedo,
AKA “SmegmaLung”!
Sitting on a park bench
Eyeing little boys with bad intent
Snot's running down his nose
Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes
Hey, SmegmaLung!
Drying in the cold sun
Watching as the frilly panties run
Hey, SmegmaLung!
Feeling like a dead duck
Spitting out pieces of his broken luck
Oh, SmegmaLung!
Sun streaking cold
A hateful man wandering lonely
Insulting others the only way he knows
Brain hurts bad as he tries to think
Goes down to the bog to spread his stink
Feeling alone
The army's up the road
Salvation a la mode and a cup of tea
SmegmaLung, my friend
Don't you start away uneasy
You poor old sod
You see, it's only me
By you insulting me,
The rotting goes to thee!
Why did you respond "me too" to this?
That is unquestionably untrue. Was that honestly your opinion of your own views?
Liarson, you almost never post factual information and constantly ghost when confronted with your bullshit.
You are not a Libertarian.
You are not open minded.
You do not follow science.
You're just another useful blue idiot.
President Donald Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine as a "game changer," which raised the ire of many medical and public health experts. Without randomized controlled trials, they complained, it was irresponsible to prescribe the drug for infected patients. Under pressure from Trump, other Republican politicians, and conservative pundits, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nevertheless issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for adding hydroxychloroquine to the strategic national stockpile of COVID-19 treatments.
Really? this is your first go-to example of unsciencey behavior? Seriously? We've got an absolutely target rich environment here, and this is where we go first.
While studies on the benefits of masking remain inconclusive, a consensus has since emerged that cloth masks are, as CNN medical analyst Leana Wen said, "little more than facial decorations."
Not really that inconclusive.
Oh, and guess who's scrambling for the reasonable middle ground? That's right, Leana Wen, who is on my personal top ten list as defendants in the upcoming COVID Nuremberg trials:
You know, it's funny, I've had this post in the can for a while but haven't had a chance to post it, but since we're taking some time to talk about how unsciencey the whole covid panicdemic was, I'll throw this at y'all.
As Vinay Prasad has correctly stated, masks against covid are largely an unknown factor until the CDC or WHO does a clustered randomized control trial-- which they refused to do.
However, there WAS an RCT that was done some years ago in Bangladesh during a previous flu outbreak. And despite my harping that both cloth AND surgical masks are useless, the study actually found that surgical masks were effective. So I've been quietly wondering for almost a year why the left never cited this study as their slam-dunk. I think I know why, and it comes down to two reasons.
1. The RCT done in Bangladesh did find that surgical masks were effective: about 11% effective. While 11% is not nothing, it's not the high-fiving, two-fisted jam at the buzzer that the branch covidian left are comfortable touting. Especially when they've been spewing ridiculous numbers like 55% effective and so on based on completely flawed studies. Essentially, 11% is just too low a number for them to crow about.
2. The RCT in Bangladesh showed something else that they would have been too scared to draw attention to, even if they'd have been happy with the 11% for surgical masks. It showed that cloth masks were 0% effective-- having the exact same outcomes as people who didn't mask at all. So basically, they'd be citing a study that showed the mask that Anthony Fauci himself has been wearing on national television for the last two years as completely useless. It shows that the preferred type of masks for school children is having no effect at all. And that's just something they don't want to touch with a ten foot pole.
Bottom line, they were willing to throw an 11% effectiveness for surgical masks under the bus rather than have to confront the reality that the mask their favorite leaders preferred, the mask they've been sticking on their toddlers was utterly useless.
One study isn't proof.
Furthermore, for COVID, this doesn't matter: masks may slow the spread, but they don't eliminate it.
You can see this by looking at how different countries fared under different policies: draconian lockdowns just flattened the curve but didn't change any outcomes. Flattening the curve is useful when your emergency rooms are overcrowded, but if you flatten more than preventing that, you end up causing a lot of harm for no benefit.
Well, that's just the case, isn't it. Even if there were some kind of mask out there that was 55% or even 90% effective at stopping transmission, and everyone wore such masks correctly at all times, it still wouldn't make a bit of difference in "stopping the spread."
Masks would have to be practically 100% effective for that to happen.
Because the left never felt that mask wearing was more than a minor inconvenience.
The only interesting question is whether you actually believed mask wearing to be the harbinger of the death of individual liberty, whether that belief was implanted by your media diet, and what the difference really is in the end.
A yellow star on your jacket is a minor inconvenience
A yellow star is less of an inconvenience than a mask.
It's good to identify the contagiously diseased.
They did the yellow star thing at a Catholic school in Howard County, Maryland called St. Louis Elementary School.
I kid you not. Kids who had gotten vaccinated received a little smiley-faced sticker on their masks so they could be told apart from the unvaccinated. It only lasted a day because parents absolutely flipped out over it.
Says the childless buffoon who lacks any empathy whatsoever except to excoriate those who aren't complying with useless rules.
Tony is a typical progressive: any imposition on you is negligible as long as he can imagine a benefit for "good people".
It was an imposition on everyone. Your suffering was not greater just because you whined louder.
So you admit it was unnecessary suffering and theatre, but it's OK so long as we all suffer together?
Except the Sophistocrats, of course. Masks are for servants.
I'm saying the only difference between you and normal people is that you cry like a bitch more.
So deplorable to kick up a fuss about your friendly totalitarian government controls. They only want what's best.
Was the trial done against an aerosol-borne virus?
That's the other kink in the narrative that was resisted; droplets can be stopped by a mask very effectively, but aerosols cannot.
this is a great piece - but so funny to see how Reason authors must show fealty to the Koch Bros. and thus Pharma - must hold the line on HCQ and Ivermectin not working, must pledge allegiance to the Vaccine. Even if it directly contradicts the theme of the essay they're writing.
The whole lesson of Covid is that WE don't need to wait for double-blind, large-scale, randomized trials of existing meds. We the people - we the patients. Credentialed doctors of the orthodoxy like the author like to wait for them. That is the way the medical orthodoxy ignored the efficacy of things like cannabis, acupuncture, meditation, etc. for 100+ years.
....and we certainly don't need to wait until the "endemic" state of a pandemic to use therapeutics! What an outrageous line that is. Of course the proper time for therapeutics is as soon a patient contracts a virus - not some imaginary benchmark or "endemicity" set by a medical priest like the authos.
Politics and tribalism also contaminate discussions of ivermectin. Several limited studies suggest the drug might be effective in preventing and/or treating COVID-19. But since ivermectin has been touted by Trump supporters, including people opposed to vaccination, it has been unfairly and inaccurately mocked as nothing more than a "horse dewormer." A large randomized controlled trial underway in the United Kingdom should help resolve this debate.
And we'll just ignore the very large Brazilian study that showed it was effective because we're all friends here. Unsciencey indeed.
There's 5 dozen studies showing ivermectin being efficacious as a prophylactic and early treatment. It's only when they use it on patients already dying from ventilator-induced ARDS in the ICU that they can claim it's utterly ineffective. Even in that scenario, it has the benefit of being no more or less effective than remdesivir with the minor improvement of not causing renal and hepatic failure in a third of the patients who receive it.
Yeah, but the packaging for Ivermectin is more expensive than the drug. Literally. Where's the profit in that?
Why, in the brand new totally-not-ivermectin drug from the makers of horse paste.
"...That is the way the medical orthodoxy ignored the efficacy of things like cannabis, acupuncture, meditation, etc. for 100+ years."
Not sure about cannabis, but you are full of shit regarding acupuncture and meditation.
Peddle your hippy bullshit elsewhere.
No, there are demonstrably positive and predictable effects from each of those options.
Most of the world has been alive and healing longer than the system of western medicine existed in all its arrogance.
Holy crap dude... Doubling down on accupuncture?
It works, though.
I hate needles and cannot relax for acupuncture myself, but I have known several people who regularly were treated by it and continually asserted positive results. Visibly so, in straightened spines and ease of mobility.
This has been trialed to death. Placebo effect, 100%. They have trialed with fake needles that have super glue tips so you can't tell you didn't get needles, even if you are the one doing the accupuncture... Works like a champ.
Also.... Don't go to a chiropractor. You can get the same results with a massage therapist for less and not have to innundate yourself with pseudoscientific nonsense.
Ok, reason is blocking my link.
But because I care about you and your health, here is what you need to do...
Google "science based medicine acupuncture".
The top link should be a great intro to the topic, and then an index of dozens of links to specific reports.
I don't use Google.
But the NIH thinks there's something to it. Like how herbalist remedies keep turning up with "new" biological compounds that do exactly what those kooky old bats said. Odd, that.
So, you agree it works, but take offense with the methods?
At this point I say be my guest. Start ingesting arsenic for all I care. It does a body good.
Does this mean you'll leave people alone and quit being a totalitarian sociopath?
Also, midterms still are gonna hurt. No amount of apology or deflection will change that.
Hey @Disney wanna explain why Minnie’s dress is a penis? And why is Mickey is looking at it and not Minnie?
More than subliminal I would say.
Lmao at the Obama response.
Bahahahah on that note goodnight.
[Related meme]
The libertarian answer to this is the correct one: individuals and property owners decide which experts to trust and what choices to make. For COVID-19, that means: everybody decides for themselves whether to get vaccinated, and restaurants, shopping centers, and apartment complexes decide whether to allow or not allow the unvaccinated on their property.
As usual, Singer already accepts the collectivist and nationalist decision making process. Singer and the Cato institute can go f*ck themselves with their leftist, collectivist ideology. Stop pretending you are libertarians.
Aren't you people the least bit embarrassed that your 21st century version of being suckers for snake oil is, essentially, being suckers for actual snake oil?
Snake oil, says the guy wearing his cloth mask.
Tony, what "snake oil" do you think I am a "sucker" for?
Literally, the only thing I advocated is that you decide what does or doesn't go into your body. That is, in your case, Tony, you should be able to shove cocaine up your nose, semen up your butt, and marijuana into your lungs, or not, as you please.
Do you have a problem with "my body my choice", Tony?
What's the death toll from snake oil? Is it even in the tens of thousands?
In God we trust, all others must bring data.
What a horrifying shitshow this article is!
"Can't we be just anti-intellectual enough to keep burning oil until we discover the scientific means to keep my brain cryogenically preserved? I'll need that extraction money in my immortality."
--Charles Koch
Does that about sum it up? Jesus fuck. Gatekeepers in science? What a concept. Let's just quickly flip the pages past the differences between the priesthood and science; minor matters, surely. The point is, there are people claiming to be experts, and as a red-blooded meat-eating American, I don't need to know shit to make rules for everybody else! Knowing shit is for homosexuals.
The scientific method? Never heard of it. It's a priesthood. Metaphors are... *like* reality, so in other words pretty much the same thing.
What makes you believe that to be true?
You are all kinds of fucked up .
You really need to calm down. This kind of stress isn't healthy.
If it makes you feel better: nothing you do will have any effect on outcomes at any historical scale.
"Knowing shit is for homosexuals"
Not in your case. I've never seen anyone here as scientifically, historically and economically illiterate as you. And that's saying something because this place hosts shrike and sarc.
Yes, Tony, you have never heard of the scientific method.
Scientists shouldn't be making rules for everybody else; nobody should.
It's difficult to cope with the reality that your priests lied to you this whole time, I know.
If you cry harder, it drowns out the cognitive dissonance.
It's possible that science regularly participates in globally coordinated misinformation campaigns, or it's possible that the political right does this. The way to know is that one is science and the other is assholes.
Or we can look at reality in front of our face and realize this bullshit was squarely in your leftist ballpark, as "Democratic" governments used a panic to push totalitarian controls on their populace.
Or there was a pandemic that killed a million Americans, and the slightest attempt at mitigating even more death was met with politically opportunistic bitch crying from the likes of you. It's all about perspective.
5.5% died OF Covid, per CDC death certificate review.
I seem to recall most of the autistic screeching from the left. Right mostly just wanted to be left alone.
Oh hey, and how did the left react when Trump tried lockdowns, restricting travel or saying hello in the morning? How about when he expedited vaccines?
You mendacious fuck.
“Are you a biologist?”
Democrats destroyed every last pinch of the word 'science' clear back with Al Gore who started legislating the 'end of the world' conspiracy theories.
Now it's just settled in the Nazi Indoctrination Camp; People will kill earth in 1980,81?,85,95,01,00,05,?30? unless the Nazi's get MORE control. There's no such thing as male or female.
What's really baffling is how indoctrinated people buy such crazy ridiculous 'science'? At least religion has to be 'faith' based; The new science is down-right a violation of obvious reality.
I can't help but wonder why people will go full retard to conform to their tribal identities. But then I remember psych studies that show how people will mimic clearly wrong answers in order to be like the Cool Kids.
+10000000... Exactly...
Sell your Individual Souls to the [WE] foundation; because You don't own You, the [WE] foundation does......
JUST IN - Germany: Grocery giant #Aldi is raising prices on 400 products by up to 30% starting tomorrow and expects other discounters like Lidl, Edeka, and Rewe to follow suit.
Reason/Soros hardest hit
BREAKING: Victor Orban just won a super majority in Hungary to remain Prime Minister. His restrained approach toward Russia/Ukraine only helped him.
I'm starting to wonder about him. Orban's all in with the WEF.
How so?
I don't know much about him, but the policies he ran on are good stuff.
He's one of the WEF's "fellows".
People think that the WEF is in alliance with the left. It's not. It's about obtaining power for the political and economic elites and disenfranchising the proletariat.
They'll use the left and right, monarchists, socialists, communists, capitalists and populists to achieve and concentrate that power.
Viktor Orban declared victory over six foes in his speech:
1) The "left" at home
2) The "international left" abroad
3) The Brussels bureaucrats
4) George Soros
5) The international media
6) Volodymyr Zelensky
Fuck the Europhiles.
Good news, Buzzfeed News is collapsing, they eliminated their News App, and layoffs imminent.
Bad News: Reason is hiring.
Buzzfeed News was bleeding red ink since day one.
And like three days ago, the unionized "jounralists" said they were going on strike to protest job cuts. No sense of reality whatsoever.
lol, here's to hoping they close while the twits are striking.
If you're going to dream, dream big. Here's hoping space debris hits the building when they all are back on site. They may have family who love them, but by their work, they have been shown to be truly shitty people.
Workers have no sense of history.
Striking to prevent layoffs?
Science has ALWAYS been inseparable from politics. The biggest issue NOW is that basic facts and the means by which they are verified/refuted is now not merely inseparable from politics but wholly contained within politics.
"Always"? Like under Charlemagne? During the Roman Republic? During the reign of Ramesses?
In reality, unless you are a socialist/fascist/progressive who thinks it's his job to design and shape society, science has almost nothing to do with politics.
^THIS... There is no 'if science says' exemption in the U.S. Constitution.
I take it this is a mealy mouthed admission that you've been full of shit for the entire pandemic, but want to say you were misled by Trusted Sources into denying the evidence repeatedly thrust before your lying eyes?
In my job search, I've been disappointed to discover that there are more jobs teaching biology than researching biology. This is a hallmark of a field that relies on building a reputation rather than doing useful things.
Sad to say, jobs requiring biology degrees pay very poorly. To get a GOOD job related to biology, you MUST have a PhD! Even a (bio) Master's degree helps you with VERY little above and beyond (better-paying than) bartender! And within the field (genetics for example)... Ditto! A close relative of mine learned this the hard way!
Your close relative could have easily learned this the easy way by looking at career prospects before going to graduate school.
Not so easy. It depends on where you look. There are a ton of companies and educational institutions promoting the "desperate need" for more STEM workers, implying that it's easy to get a job in STEM.
If you have a PhD from a prestigious university in a field with high demand yes it's certainly easy to get a job in STEM. If you have a BS from an average university with average grades you have you might have a tough time.
In reality, the "STEM worker shortage" narrative is largely intended to reduce labor costs of STEM employers via increasing H1B and other visa numbers.
There are tons of companies promoting wonder diets and get rich quick schemes. I'm sorry, but as an American, you better learn to identify such nonsense in high school or you are in for a world of hurt and disappointment that you only have yourself to blame for.
Biology is not such a field. Hence my comment: "Your close relative could have easily learned this the easy way by looking at career prospects before going to graduate school."
I don't expect high school students to be experts on planning their entire life path and being able to discern valid advice from distortions.
I do expect educational institutions and employers to be reasonably honest in what they're telling people.
It's hard to go through life if you're not able to trust anyone.
That's why high school students are minors and have their parents involved in their decision making processes.
You'll be sorely disappointed then.
Yes, that would be hard. Fortunately, most of us have parents, close relatives, spouses, and close friends who we can trust.
If you put your trust into corporations, educational institutions, or other strangers, you are a fool.
I'll make an exception here -- a BS in bio can often land a pretty good career in sales. I see a ton of people in industry making six figures with only a bachelors degree and it's usually because they're selling something or are on-site technicians employed by vendors. Although I'm seeing more and more people with advanced degrees filling these roles these days...
We teach Euclidean geometry to all high school students, yet there is almost no research in Euclidean geometry because there is little new to discover, not because Euclidean geometry is "relying on building a reputation".
If you went into biology hoping to land a research job, you made a bad career choice; that's on you, not on anybody else.
There are still some unsolv ed problems, such as the perfect cuboid problem.
That's a problem in number theory, not Euclidean geometry.
Not in this case....
I have an undergraduate degree in biology. Even way back when I graduated, there were way more people interested in bio than there were jobs. Most biology jobs are either technical, meaning you can do them with a few months of community college training, or they are highly specialized, meaning you need post graduate training.
The BS in biology is a stepping stone, not a destination. There are way more of those than there are jobs for people with that generalized knowledge. So those jobs pay crap.
I know. I got a job doing paternity tests coming out of undergrad while waiting for my grad school position to start. Most people doing the wet bench work were techs from a local community college training program run by the industry. The few college grads were like me, cycling through, or they were masters degrees doing more sensitive techniques like western blots.
I got $7.35 an hour, including a shift differential for working at night. That was about double the minimum wage. But it was crap pay, and it wasn't going up much from there without an additional degree.
Even a master's doesn't get you much. You can work in a research lab for relatively low pay, you can do environmental studies for relatively low pay.....
Basically, you have to go into healthcare to make decent money.
Or you could suck up to political powers and live the rest of your years on federal grants.
No, with a BS in biology, you would be ineligible for the vast majority of grants. Read what he wrote again: the BS degree doesn't get you terribly far (in academic medicine in particular). It's sad but true.
The people applying for these federal grants you refer to are PhD and MD (and MD/PhD) investigators for the most part. And only a tiny subset of them are on soft money anymore. There is pretty significant isolation between your pay and the accumulation of federal grants.
(and in my case, I barely go for federal grants -- the paylines are too low and the funding isn't high enough... preparing an R01 is a massive, massive pain in the ass -- there are much better ways to fund your lab)
Today the internet gives everyone access to information that previously was shared only among medical professionals.
Ha! That's one of the reasons I avoid docs unless it is absolutely necessary. As a curious child I read the Taber's medical dictionary, my mom's early '50s nursing textbooks, a remainder table Gray's Anatomy and the PDR. I didn't have to "study up" before going to the doc, I just remembered all that shit. Most really hate it when you ask intelligent questions or, worse yet, correct them. The Greek and Latin I picked up from the Taber's really helped with standardized testing vocabulary too. As long as it is multiple choice I know what all the words mean.
Ixnay on alkstay like that.
No need to be a igpay about it!
Fuck Zelensky
Zelensky says Biden needs to deliver jets and missiles to prove commitment to Ukraine
"We're more than happy to accommodate you, Mr. Zelinsky. How do you intend to pay for that? The US accepts gold, commodities, US dollars, territory, and mineral rights. Please note that territory and mineral rights will be steeply discounted given the location of your country and the fact that it is currently engaged in a hopeless war."
"Just raise taxes on Americans, c'mon man!"
15 "Fully Vaccinated" players unable to finish Miami Open
Is this widespread clutching at their chests a covert sign of support for Ukraine to bypass tyrannical censorship at sporting events?
Heart attacks for heroes.
Local authorities' initial plans for a nine-day staggered lockdown in Shanghai have already been dashed, as we reported earlier that the entire city is now under some level of lockdown, despite authorities' promises that the eastern half of the city would see restrictions eased on Friday. And while the CCP scrambles to bring more hospital capacity online to treat the desperately ill (including primarily those who are suffering from non-COVID maladies), locals are complaining that authorities have resorted to separating sick children from their parents in the name of the lockdown.
Just In: Entire City Of Shanghai Placed Under Lockdown - BBG
Military (PLA) has been mobilized into the city, including with cargo flights and medical staff.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaks in video message at the #GRAMMYs
"Our musicians wear body armor instead of tuxedos. They sing to the wounded, in hospitals..."
"...and our opposition leaders are appropriately deplatformed..."
Dr. Mengela I mean Dr. Fauci, at any other time would have been arrested a tried for mass murder. Fauci's entire career has been one of grifting, fraud and corruption. How much of a kickback does he get from Pfizer?Or Moderna?
That little gnome needs to be retired and then forced to face charges of mass murder.
I'm surprised to see he has the gall to come out of hiding and announce another round of lockdowns may be coming even after all the American people have been put through because of that grifting bureaucrat.
Pfuck Pfauci!!
As a lupus patient, I have been on hydroxychloroquine for the last 7 years. I also have been taking a zinc supplement for even longer.
Y wife came home from work with Covid-19 and I got it 6 days later. Her case lasted about 14 days. Mine lasted 3 days, plus 2 more of a slight headache where I took acetaminophen.
A study of one, no scientific proof. It is what it is.
My fellow lupus patients were concerned about availability of the drug due to the government’s big orders, but that was short lived.
I’m no Trump fan (not at all!), but his administration did do everything you could ask for, from ordering mass doses of any and every possible treatment, to pumping $billions into the research that brought us vaccines well ahead of the schedule the priests claimed possible. Trump administration also bought futures contracts on hundreds of millions of doses of those vaccines, that Biden was able to hand out.
Science is objective, people are not. Scientists are people.
Science became broken in WW II, when Einstein and other prominent scientists invented the Bomb and then lobbied for it to be kept under control of scientists after the war. It’s the first case of scientists putting politics above objectivity that a I know of. As government became bigger after the war, the power that political scientists (I do not mean those who study political science!) achieved changed what science is, and should be, about.
I'm afraid Jeff Singer overlooked the elephant in the room: money. Most of these phenomena aren't so mysterious when you realize the money to be made by selling someone, especially government, on a particular product, which entails denigrating doing something else.
Yep, lobbyists influence congress which influences agency research funding and which individual grants get funded which means what scientists publish needs to conform to what they want to hear. Outside or unorthodox views are not welcome to say the least.
I address this below in my much longer comment, but this really isn't true. Sure, some basic scientists rely heavily on grants that are often too conservative in their judgement (having served on study sections I know this all too well) -- but many of us do not. Particularly clinician-scientists whose funding primarily comes from clinical care even when they allocate most of their time to research. Two of the biggest myths in academic medicine are: 1) publish or perish, 2) federal grants run the show. I mean, it's true for SOME people, particularly junior investigators or faculty at smaller unheralded institutions, but it's hardly a general truth. Yet some people want to paint the situation as a bunch of us fighting for low-payline grants and willing to do anything to get them.
Purely objective science has never really been practiced since scientists and doctors are humans with their own biases and tribal identities and this will certainly influence how they interpret their results. It’s sad that the tribe who claims to love “science” the most scorns anything that does not echo what they hear from Pope Fauci and blessed as the truth by NPR/CNN/WaPo.
Nothing is perfect. Good people do the best they can.
Properly applied logic and science indicates the best perception of reality that humanity is capable of.
What makes you believe that you can do any better?
Saying "attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science" as Dr. Fauci did is not a good person doing the best they can to apply logic and science. It's a person with great power using that power to censor and silence free speech.
Fauci. Don't question the great and powerful man.
Except when it comes to Jews, right, Herr Misek?
Fuck off troll
That's why the entire literature is examined and further tested. The power of numbers.
“After numerous randomized controlled trials failed to demonstrate the drug's effectiveness, the FDA revoked the EUA, leaving the national stockpile with 63 million unused doses of hydroxychloroquine.”
This was obvious and deliberate sabotage. Every one of the APPROVED “trials” had several things in common. First, they were all conducted on late stage hospitalized patients well into the “cytokine storm.” They already knew from trials on SARS that it would be ineffective then. Second, the trial sizes were all small enough to allow any positive result to be dismissed as “statistically insignificant.” Later work evaluating the results of ALL of these trials as if it were a single trial revealed a statistically significant benefit. Finally, the biggest “trial” was an uncontrolled, empirical “natural experiment” involving nearly a billion people - in every country where parasites are an unending problem and people routinely take HCQ (or Ivermectin), the disease never to this day became a problem.
These drugs were not 100% effective, even when combined with zinc and other agents know to help. However, it seems quite likely that they were suppressed for political reasons (to enable emergency approval of the alleged vaccines), and thus millions of people died as a result of corrupt politics, making them mass murderers.
No one can get rich on an approved drug out of patent.
Always follow the money.
What a laugh.
None of the 'repurposed' drugs worked on COVID *at-all*, regardless of what 'phase'. They simply have no antiviral properties.
Further, the idea that 'the disease never became a problem' in places (not named 'India') where parasitic infections are common is misguided at best.
Such places tend to have poor infrastructure and will undercount 'a problem' massively simply because only a fraction of deaths/sickness are ever examined formally & documented. Also, far more limited contact with the outside world makes many of them naturally 'distanced'.
Further, your understanding of 'staistical significance' is off it's rocker: In a small trial, a small positive result may be found statistically significant whereas the same number of positive results in a larger one would not...
At the end of the day, 'COVID alt-facts' were driven by a desire for the experts to be wrong & a willingness to promote any theory that might make them wrong, not by said experts actually being wrong...
Yeah... Not so much. Ivermectin acts as a protease inhibitor, diminshing or stopping viral replication. It has been shown effective, when prescribed in early infection or prophylactically, against Covid, SARS, Zika, West Nile, HIV and others.
As many people have linked medical studies already, I invite you to simply scroll up a bit.
And if you mean Uttar Pradesh in India... Did you know the entire population was given Covid care kits that contained the dreaded horse paste? They have shockingly low rates of infection and harm.
Did you know America has one of the highest Covid rates?
HCQ doesn't work and risks heart damage and arrhythmias per the scientific literature and COVID. We don't need a law. These decisions are up to physicians. 90%+ won't prescribe HCQ. We already have monoclonal antibodies...and vaccinations.
If a physician prescribes HCQ and the patient is injured or killed, they or their family can pursue legal action.
The Feds needed a single voice in messaging. Not Dr. Fauci as an NIH administrator, although he's been correct virtually all of the time. Not the CDC as it is political. But the Head of the new Pandemic Team. One voice. One message. One policy. that's how pandemics are managed successfully: Norway, Denmark, South Korea.
The treatment of Fauci shows that essentially anyone who became 'that voice' would be villified if his messaging failed to jibe with the re-election interests of Donald Trump.
We could have gone with the commander of USAMRIID/Ft Detrick just as easily as Fauci... Or the chief of infectious disease research at any given prestigious university or nationally known hospital (Mayo, Johns Hopkins, etc)....
But if that person did not tell us to ignore the virus, take off our masks & open everything up ASAP before November, then that person would be treated as the devil-incarnate, woven into all manner of crank conspiracy theories, and so on....
What ither oandemic did we di these things?
This article is almost amusing in it's wrong-ness and dated information...
Where we are now is:
1) Scientific study has once-and-for-all disproven both ivermectin & HCQ.
2) The 'lab leak' theory has been completely discredited. DNA research has proven the wet-market theory correct.
3) Lockdowns did not significantly impact the spread of the disease among the still-interacting-in-public population, BUT they worked very well for individual people who actually locked down ' making 'lockdown' a valid strategy for white-collar workers, to buy time until a vaccine was available.
4) Research has shown that vaccine-induced myocarditis is both not life-threatening, and less common than infection-induced myocarditis.
5) Advocates of 'natural immunity' ignore that in order to get natural immunity you have to *get COVID* - which exposes you to risk of 'long COVID', a higher risk of myocarditis than if vaccinated, and *death* (not a concern with the vaccine).
The entirety of the 'resistance' to the mainstream view on COVID has been driven by politics - specifically in the US by those upset that most Americans do not share their enthusiasm for more Trump.
It's not that Dr Fauci was wrong - it's that following his advice was not what Donald wanted to do for fear of it hurting his campaign...
It's not that the vaccines are actually dangerous, or that there is an actual problem with masks - it's that the wrong political 'team' supported these things.
It's not that the lab-leak nonsense was credible, it's that such a theory allowed Trump fans to blame China and the medical establishment (on the bonkers theory that post-SARS coronavirus research was a disguised Chinese bio-weapon program) for the pandemic....
1) No comment - I don't know much about those theories.
2) SOURCE(s)? Wikipedia page concludes "British intelligence agencies believe it is "feasible" that the virus began with a leak from a Chinese laboratory.[30]" It sounds to me like the lab leak theory is viewed as unlikely but certainly not "completely discredited" as you say.
3) Depends on what your definition of "worked very well" is. If you're only definition of "worked very well" is measuring COVID deaths then you're correct. If you're definition of "worked very well" is minimizing damage from COVID then the lockdowns did a lot more harm than good - ruining a year+ of education, preventing medical exams, shutting down businesses, causing mental health issues, increasing obesity, etc. etc. etc.
4) I don't know anything about that so no comment.
5) How do you know they ignore that? Depending on one's age and COVID risk factors avoiding the vaccine and risking COVID might be a reasonable choice.
DAVE_A People like you who insist that the popular opinion must be correct and that all dissenting voices should be silenced are the ones who are against science.
Real science involves constantly questioning our understanding of the world and updating theories when warranted.
Yeah, questioning and questioning until you are proven right. Keep questioning till we're all dead of old age, in other words.
You people got everything wrong. You will always get everything wrong, because you insist on supporting a political team that exists to sell you shitty pillows.
Really? How's 2 weeks to flatten the curve? Mask efficacy? Vaccine efficacy?
You're so full of shit.
With an undercount estimated to be between only 1%-13% of actual cases, VAERS has reported about 26k deaths from the vaccine. There are more than 1.2m adverse events reported.
Both totals are higher than all other vaccines combined, since 1990. Cumulative comparison.
Pfizer's own documents list 1,291 different side effects and have recorded 1,223 deaths in the first 90 days of rollout. Of 270 pregnant mothers, 32 were tracked through birth. 28 of those had fetal death.
CDC reports you are MORE likely to catch Covid in the first 2wks of a vax/boost, and correspondingly counts you as unvax during that period. Likelihood of severe illness (not immunity, or lack of transmission) is only claimed during wks 2-6 after last injection.
UK and Israel are reporting 90% fully vax clogging hospitals and mortuaries. The rates put the fully vax at 3x more likely than unvax.
Oh, and the jab that was supposed to stay in your bicep and degrade in a few days actually distributes throughout your body, lasts for up to 60 days, and has been shown to convert to DNA in the liver, which is also was never supposed to do.
mRNA tech has never fielded a drug where the side effects were not worse than the disease.
Dave_A putting his faith in Lysenkoism on full display.
Wrong and dated information, like every assertion you've made? This isn't the place to be an ignorant and stupid asshat, asshat. If you have proof supporting your spurious nonsense, provide, so we can laugh at your bs citations, instead of merely laughing at you.
This is an excellent article. As a professional scientist (not priest) at a major US academic institution, I'd just like to add one thing before the natives get too restless though (I haven't scrolled through the 518 comments yet, but I can imagine what they say...).
The most vocal scientists, particularly the ones associated with governments, are not speaking for the majority. And no, we are NOT threatened by those people, and no we are NOT held to task by our employers or by the government via the NIH, etc -- contrary to popular opinion. The reality is that most of us, particular in clinically-oriented science, are NOT slaves to the almighty R01 and we do not demonstrate our worth by getting NIH grants. I mean, it's always nice to get funding wherever you can get it, but I think I speak for the majority when I say that the vast majority of us do NOT succumb to scientific dogma due to fear of reprisal. Where I sometimes see this is with junior faculty and postdocs who do actually have something to lose. I'm tenured. Academic freedom is very real for me. 🙂 (sex scandals, etc, notwithstanding...)
And this is why I'm in this job. I can research whatever I want and pursue funding however I'd like. And many of us feel that where we make the biggest mark is to actually be professional contrarians. This is by definition the antithesis of "dogma".
So I don't disagree with the author per se, but just want to add context that those who are clamoring for government funding or who seem like they are towing the party line (so to speak) are often the more junior scientists.
This whole “cathedral” lean of modern Libertarianism is short-sighted, and forces an ‘us vs them’ narrative counter to the hyper-individualism of personal freedomists. In the modern world there is no “us” or “them”. Y’all are still pushing 1s and 0s when the democratization of data has broken the world into qubits!
I don’t think it’s responsible for the author to play “good or ill” when he proved that - yes, in fact - hydroxychloroquine was a bad idea once we used the scientific method. It is not responsible for a “Dr” to play all wishy-washy with “do no harm”. Freedom is freedom, and the freedom to dedicate your life to the sciences is an effort an individual makes that gives them credence over and above the keyboard Kafka’s that have infiltrated this once-great magazine.
For shame Reason! You’ve turned into a bunch of click-baiting, mouthbreather-coddling, nonquantifiable justification for your weak sauce argument-peddling jackasses.
the problem here is an extension of the general societal problem we have right now..... polarization.... it isn't that there are gatekeepers, it is what they gatekeep and why.
where things went off the rails with the pandemic was not one incomplete study or another that reputable scientists tried to downplay because the data was insufficient for the overblown conclusions lay people tended to jump to.... it was when Fauci lied for reasons that had nothing to do with science. that masks could make some difference is pretty common sense.... but he chose to say he didn't think they would make any difference because he was afraid there would be a run on masks resulting in a shortage for hospitals. of course, about half the population started buying masks anyway, so the lie failed in it's objective.... and when he got caught in the lie a few weeks later, the "official experts" lost all credibility. he openly admitted that he was not telling the truth for reasons that were not based on science. half the population refused to listen to anything else that came from the experts, the whole conversation around the pandemic instantly became political, and even trying to focus on the science became all but impossible.
while i won't find myself aligning with the people who will believe every harebrained thing they see repeated on twitter, i do understand how it happened, and i will grant that Fauci should have been fired on the spot for that lie. the primary function of the experts in a pandemic is informing people of the conditions, risks, and actions individuals can take to respond to the pandemic. for that to happen, they have to be able to instill absolute trust...... after being caught in that lie, Fauci became impossible to trust, and the whole apparatus became hard to trust because they kept backing him. you have to be able to trust the source. they have to be giving facts without regard for anything but the facts. once he showed that was not what he was doing, people rejected even the legitimate gatekeeping.
Every job is a priesthood. As a lawyer, my job is to convince people we aren't all ambulence chasers or charge exorbitant fees for little results.
I met an electrician who said his calling was to convince people that having an all-electrical house was superior to using natural gas/propane for heating, cooking, hot water, and drying clothes.
Because so many evangelical Christians think the Big Bang, dinosaurs, evolution, and medicine are hokum created by non-believers, of course scientists have to treat their profession as a priesthood. Personally, I prefer the term "calling," since I am a staunch Protestant.
My wife is an IT project manager, and it is surprising how many people in IT don't see the value in project management. They think hardware installations and software upgrades are just thrown together of forced to work with the figurative hammer. She considers herself called to spread the "good news" about project management.
Leading off with Diddier Raoult is revealing of Singer's standards. Raoult's study dropped everyone who developed symptoms. This is a deeply flawed study. The lesson I take away from it is that the lay public need guidance, information from experts to help them decide what claims are useful and what claims are baloney and potentially dangerous. When decision based on bad information can impose a cost on others or a burden on the public, we need gatekeepers. And yes, behaving badly in a pandemic imposes a cost on others, potentially the ultimate cost of death. Your liberty gives you no right to imperil my life.
"Your liberty gives you no right to imperil my life."
Your cowardice gives you no right to rob my freedom.
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that scientists, like politicians are all crooked liars and bums.
Scientists are like anybody else: fallible, ignorant, and primarily driven by self-interest and economic incentives.
There's nothing wrong with that: over the span of decades and centuries, as a whole, we still make progress. Scientific results that are a couple of generations old and have been replicated thousands of times are likely to be valid.
There is a serious problem when individual scientists are consulted as experts and when experimental results from recent decades are used as if they represented truth; the problem is compounded when the results come from fields where there are a lot of variables and/or where independent experimental replication is impossible (e.g., climate, economics, socials science).
Ok, so we now know Fauci is a chronic liar and criminal (if anyone still has doubts read “The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr) and we're dealing with systemic "Scientific Gatekeeping." But let's.... THINK.... now....
What do these facts, in conjunction with similar evidence, mean really? What does it squarely point to? What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that?
Here's the answer, here's what that ULTIMATELY means...
It means that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world -- the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable (see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” ... ).
And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is (see cited source above).
But rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains.
"2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into...3 shots to feed your family!" --- Unknown
““We’re all in this together” is a tribal maxim. Even there, it’s a con, because the tribal leaders use it to enforce loyalty and submission. ... The unity of compliance.” --- Jon Rappoport, Investigative Journalist
No, it doesn't mean that at all. Psychopaths are naturally attracted to leadership positions, and non-psychopaths are naturally incapable of spotting them.
Furthermore, there is no "mafia", "network", or "conspiracy", this is simply people acting in their rational economic self-interest when in positions of power.
The only solution to this is for people not to give others significant power over their lives. You know, like in a libertarian state and under the original US Constitution.
'member when Reason was pushing itself as the "logical" "we believe in facts" conservative voice? I 'member.
Given how much the so-called ‘experts’ have gotten wrong time after time (hand washing, social distancing, masks, vaccine efficacy, transmission and infection protections, etc.) why do we still call them experts? Why don’t we go back and identify the ones who were actually right and call THEM the experts and the call the rest ‘self-identified’ or ‘alleged experts’ in the name of accuracy? They remind me of the ‘climate change experts’ like Al Gore et al who make outlandish prediction (New York under water, etc.) which NEVER come true but still are somehow treated has credible. We grade our children in schools; why do we not grade our adults? All because you have a college degree doesn’t make you right.
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The lesson that I would have thought Reason should draw from all this is that government control of science and medicine is deadly dangerous and must end as soon as possible.
Doc Singer, in my profession, we also say 'What do you call the person who graduated bottom of the class from Med School,' but very likely for very different reasons. In an article about gatekeeping and credentialism, that's still that one enormous blind spot, innit? As for your assertion 'There are not enough hours in the day to fully address every question or hypothesis,' if, in your case you are not in the OR, then there damned well better be time, if the decision will impact not merely public health, but quaility of life -individual freedom. The past two years have amply demonstrated this 'not enough time' thinking when there was clearly enough time, in the face of a health emergency made much worse by self-importance and political bias in not just the sciences, but in medicine.
"As a surgical resident in the 1970s, for example, I was taught to excise melanomas with about a five-centimeter margin of normal skin"
Sure you don't mean 5 mm margin? If the melanoma were on the back of the hand, or on the forearm, how would you even manage a 4-inch diameter excision? (5 cm margin about a point source roughly translating to a 4-inch diameter circle)