
Brickbat: Nose for Trouble


Fort Worth, Texas, officials have agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by a man who had his nose broken by a police officer in 2017. Police had responded to a call that someone was being threatened by someone with a kitchen knife. Bodycam footage shows Jose Vasquez was standing outside the home when police arrived and appeared to toss something aside. He was standing with his hands raised, holding a beer can in one hand, and surrounded by police officers when Officer Justin Landon stepped forward and punched him. Landon took a photo of Vazquez after the punch and showed it to other officers. In his report, Landon said he used an open hand strike, and also said he was too close to use his Taser. The police department has refused to say whether Landon was disciplined. Vazquez, who was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, died of COVID-19 last year. The terms of the settlement were not announced.