'This Building Has Caused More Problems Than It Solved'
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on schooling during COVID-19, the future of higher ed, and why her cabinet department probably shouldn't exist at all

Betsy DeVos became President Donald Trump's education secretary on February 7, 2017, following Vice President Mike Pence's vote to break a Senate deadlock—an inauspicious first for a Cabinet-level confirmation. Furious opposition to her nomination came from the nation's teachers unions: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten called DeVos an "ideological" opponent of public education.
But DeVos' tenure has shown that she's an ideological opponent, not of public education, but of public education managed by federal bureaucrats. And she includes herself in that.
"I would not be at all unhappy to work myself out of a job," she says.
A former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, DeVos was known as an advocate for vouchers, charter schools, and more educational options for parents well before President Trump offered her the nation's top ed job. These issues became even more relevant in 2020, after the coronavirus pandemic forced schools to close or go virtual, leaving millions of families in the lurch. With teachers unions all over the country fighting on behalf of their members to stop schools from reopening, many parents might be feeling ideologically opposed to the K–12 status quo as well.
While school choice is DeVos' signature issue, her tenure as secretary will probably be best remembered for implementing significant changes to Title IX, the federal statute that prohibits sexual harassment and discrimination in education. During the Obama years, heavy-handed guidance in the form of a "Dear Colleague" letter from the federal Office for Civil Rights caused colleges to abandon norms of due process in sexual misconduct hearings. DeVos spent two years writing a new rule that would restore basic fairness to these procedures. It formally took effect on August 14.
Much like DeVos herself, the new rules are a lightning rod—and deeply unpopular with a host of policy makers and advocates who say the secretary is callously making college campuses less safe for women. Sen. Patty Murray (D–Wash.) has accused DeVos of "silencing survivors." The activist group Know Your IX predicted that sexual violence would increase as a result of the administration's actions.
In August, Reason's Robby Soave interviewed the secretary in her offices at the Department of Education in D.C.—a building that "has done more harm than good," according to DeVos. "I view this department as one that probably never should have been stood up," she says.
Reason: COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis. So many school districts have to make difficult choices. But at the same time, many experts think it's really important for kids to have in-person learning. Here in Washington, D.C., they're not going to reopen schools until at least November. What should schools be prioritizing as they make decisions on whether to reopen?
DeVos: I think they should be prioritizing getting kids back to school in person. The data suggest that in most places across the country, it's perfectly safe to do so, and in fact, they should do so. Arguably, it's more unsafe for the kids not to be in school by multiple measures, whether it's mental health, social-emotional growth, academic growth. We know for a fact that there are places where children are being harmed because they're either left alone or they're with someone who is harming them. The notion that getting back to school—we all say when it's safe—but it's been elusive to find out from some people what they deem safe.
It would be one thing if we knew the disease would be completely eradicated by January 1—maybe you would just say, "OK, no school this semester." But it's never magically going away.
And kids are only 5-year-olds once, or 8-year-olds. You miss those months or that time period, you can't ever get that back. That's a significant part of the kid's life.
Can virtual learning ever work for kids of that age? Can you teach a child to read or to do basic arithmetic through a screen?
There are kids for whom distance learning, virtual learning, works very well. But for most kids, they need to be together with other kids. They need to be with their peers, with their teachers. The reality is that families ultimately need to have more choices to do what's right for each of their children.
If there's anything that this pandemic has shown us, it's what I've been talking about for decades: Kids have got to have more choices, and the whole K–12 system has got to be changed to allow for and facilitate those kinds of choices on the part of parents.
The same kind of educational regime doesn't work for every single student.
Right. I think we're going to see inevitably a lot of changes that parents will develop on their own. We're never going to go back to K–12 school as we knew it, I don't believe. But the ones that I feel most heartbroken about are the [disadvantaged kids] for whom I fought for 30 years, who aren't going to have those same opportunities right now. That's an injustice that I simply find untenable.
A lot of the opposition to in-person learning in public schools is coming from teachers unions right now. Many parents who don't have the financial resources for private or pod-based learning are frustrated by that. Do you share those frustrations?
Yes. They're not only fighting it but making parents who are trying to figure out something that's going to work for their children feel guilty in doing so. Again, I think this whole situation is pointing out the need for the system in general to be changed dramatically. The teachers unions have clearly laid their cards out. They are about protecting a system and protecting adult jobs. They're not about doing what's right for children.
Their most persuasive argument would be, "Well, we have to advocate on behalf of our older teachers or immunocompromised teachers." Do you think maybe those people should not return to work?
There are undoubtedly families for whom having their child in a distance learning environment is the right answer for that child. Well, there's no reason why those older teachers or immunocompromised teachers couldn't be teaching those children remotely. But that should be the exception, not the rule.
Congress' pandemic relief plan included $13 billion for schools. Can you talk a little bit about how those funds are being allocated? Some have said you have allowed them to be spent in a manner akin to vouchers—to go toward options other than traditional public schools.
We've got a small portion of that $13 billion that is going into some competitive grants to introduce some more imaginative solutions in K–12 schools. Then the governors also got $3 billion to use as they see fit in their states to meet the needs of kids because of the virus. We're seeing some real good creative approaches to that.
A couple of the governors have decided to do microgrants to families, which will address some of these issues very directly. Parents who decide they want to put a little micro-school together, maybe this can help defray some of their costs. And the same thing for those who decide they want to homeschool. But we've also seen that in the states where the governors are doing that, they're immediately being legally challenged by those who want to see the one-size-fits-all system continue to prevail.
There was a story local to Massachusetts, where the Department of Children and Families had put out some guidance to teachers saying that as they're doing virtual learning they should ask kids, "Did you have breakfast today?" or "How's your mental health?" The concern being, you could ask some 6-year-old, and maybe he forgot to eat breakfast, and now there's going to be a child services investigation.
Obviously, there's genuine abuse that people need to be vigilant for. But that level of inviting the state into people's homes starts to worry me as a libertarian. I'm concerned that at this stressful time for parents, you're just giving them another thing to worry about.
Absolutely. Or Tennessee, where there was a school district that sent out notices to parents asking for a waiver to ensure parents wouldn't eavesdrop on their children's classes. This is ridiculous. Or the Denver school board, who sent the letter to all of their families saying, "We highly discourage this pod formation. And by the way, if you do form a pod, don't unenroll your child, because we need that funding." It's just….
Heads you lose, tails I win.
Some parents during this distance learning experiment have perhaps seen the quality of the curriculum.
Or lack thereof. I think parents are much more aware of their children's education today than they were six or eight months ago. Whether they have a robust curriculum; whether they're learning things that they personally feel are consistent with their own family's values. There's a lot of concern on the part of a lot of parents.
You are someone who has advocated for more choice, more local decision making, in education. But then you were thrust into the role of national education official. It had to be tempting to use that position to really push local governments to implement more of the ideas that you have. But your idea is that there shouldn't be some person in charge of telling everyone what to do. Do you ever feel this tension?
I do. The previous administration went exactly the opposite direction and overreached in multiple areas. Much of what I've had to do is come back and undo a lot of that. But at the same time, there are plenty of folks who've been critical of my not implementing all kinds of conservative policies that, in my view, would be desirable for students and their families. But I think my [approach] here has been one of restraint, and that I believe is ultimately a big accomplishment.
I view this department as one that probably never should have been stood up. I think there are ample arguments for it having gotten more in the way of students and their futures than actually being any kind of value-add.
Should the Department of Education be abolished—or gradually abolished, perhaps?
I would not be at all unhappy to work myself out of a job. I think that states and local communities and, most importantly, the family has to be the epicenter of these decisions. The 40 years since this department has existed, there's been over a trillion dollars spent to close the achievement gaps. They haven't closed one little bit. They've only opened in multiple areas. So why would we continue to advocate for doing more of the same thing and expect something different?
President Trump announced an executive order in March 2019 on campus free speech. For people who want colleges and universities to be more respectful of free speech, should the direction to do that come from the federal government?
I think it's more about pursuing egregious complaints about the lack of respect for free speech—making examples of those institutions that deny it for whatever purpose—than to try to regulate it. Because if we tried to regulate free speech in the manner that we think appropriate, it would undoubtedly get twisted in a future administration to do just the opposite.
So much of this rhetoric and so much of the cancel culture…well, I think you can draw a direct line back to the previous administration in this building really helping foster a lot of what we see today in college campuses. I think even beyond that, the abject failure of the K–12 system to ensure students have a well-rounded understanding of American history and civics—we see students today that have no idea what the Lincoln-Douglas debates were, much less even knowing who Lincoln or Douglas were.
We're seeing the results of a lack of education, a lack of understanding, a lack of preparation. I think what I have tried to do here is ensure that the rules that we have put forward, or the ones that we have pulled back on, have respected constitutional protections and have pointed to the fact that the public sphere is where these debates have to happen. We have got to protect people's rights to have those debates.
It's not just conservative speakers and conservative professors getting shut down by their students. There are plenty of examples of a professor saying something "anti-American," and it gets recorded, and then there are conservatives calling for the person to be disciplined. It's not like this only exists on the left, right?
That's true. But I think there's a greater preponderance of it on the left. If you really embrace and respect freedom of speech, then you have to acknowledge that some of the things you hear from someone else you're not going to like, and that's OK. But you have to be able to deal with it, and debate it, and discuss it. We don't see nearly enough of that, primarily on one side, but I think it is a broader issue.
On the higher-education front, many kids are discovering that if you went into debt to get a degree, and it does not qualify you for the job you expected, maybe it wasn't worth it. This speaks to concrete government policy: the subsidization of student loans. Is that something the government should be doing?
I think it's a very valid question and one that needs to be wrestled with going forward. There are far too many students that are taking on inordinate amounts of debt for programs that aren't compensating at the kind of level that you would expect. But one of the things that we've done that I think has been very useful and will become increasingly useful is [providing] the additional information on the college scorecard by field of study at every institution. What it costs and what you're going to earn the first year upon graduation, based on real data from students who have completed those programs.
I suspect that if used well, it's going to weed out a lot of really bad programs. Schools are going to conclude that they should no longer be offering them—at least, they should conclude that. Students, I hope, will conclude that pursuing them is not going to result in what they hoped and will perhaps choose something different.
At least not if you're going to have to go $50,000 or $100,000 into debt for it.
Right. Again, I think COVID is going to reveal a lot of other alternatives and options. It may be a certificate program or shorter-term learning of something that is going to get you into a job more quickly than perhaps sitting out and waiting for your higher-ed institution to decide they're going to conduct in-person classes again. There's been very strong growth in a lot of these online schools in the last number of years.
I think that's going to only increase as students decide to either spend a whole bunch of money to go to a school "in-person" but remote vs. doing something at your own speed. Online learning for a college student is a significantly different proposition than a kindergartener.
Let's turn to Title IX. This has been perhaps the major initiative your administration has undertaken: reforming how sexual misconduct adjudication happens on campus. These are changes that are very popular with certain civil liberties groups but have also been wildly unpopular with victims' rights activists. What was your thought process for deciding that this was a fight worth having? Did you know how controversial it was going to be?
Well, I knew anecdotally coming in about the problem that the [Obama administration's] "Dear Colleague" letter had resulted in. As soon as I got a broader understanding of the horrible results that were being realized across the country, it was clear that it was something that I was going to have to tackle. Doing the right thing for students is what I'm here for. It was clear that that had to be dealt with in order to ensure we were doing the right thing for students.
Was the "Dear Colleague" letter characteristic of the approach the previous administration took with education matters?
The Obama and Biden administration was all about getting headlines and talking a good line but not about getting results. Well, they did get results, but they were unjust results. We know that because more than 170 [Title IX cases] have been overturned, and that's just a representative sample of, I think, what's really going on.
I remember one of the roundtables that I had in preparation to going out and doing the rulemaking. It was a young man who went to a college in Georgia. He had actually worked for a railroad for a number of years, and I think had been in the military at some point, then had gone back to school as a little bit older student and was just a few weeks shy of graduation. Suddenly, he was informed via an email on his computer that he could not step foot on campus any longer.
There was a campus-wide alert sent out saying, "This is a dangerous person." He was charged with sexual assault, and he had no idea who was bringing the complaint, what he had done, what happened. And that went on for years, actually.
I'm pleased to say, now, I understand he is in his final year of law school. I don't think he's ever gotten full justice from his college, but there were folks who heard his story and helped.
Was there any group or individual response to the reforms that has really surprised you, either positively or negatively?
How can the [American Civil Liberties Union] call themselves the ACLU and file against this, specifically against due process protections? But it wasn't a surprise. They've shown themselves to not exactly be for civil liberties.
Could a new administration just say, "Nope, we're going back to the old 'Dear Colleague' Title IX standard as soon as the administration changes"?
Well, the only way it could be done is through a Congressional Review Act or reregulating, which would have to go through the whole [Administrative Procedures Act] process again. I think it would be very hard to turn back. It, obviously, would be terribly ill-advised, because what we have here is a very well-thought-out, balanced, fair rule that treats everyone rightly and fairly.
Have the last four years gone by quickly for you?
Well, it's only been three and a half, but it has gone very quickly. The temptation for anyone in this role is to implement policy that is reflective of your political persuasion or philosophy. I don't think that's the right way to approach policy, particularly from this building. I think I've continued to be very circumspect about that, because I know what I had to come in and undo. This building has caused more problems than it solved.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity.
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One of the biggest mistakes Jimmy Carter made was the creation the department of education. Maybe number two after banning the reprocessing of nuclear fuel.
FFS. You goddamn R's continually recreate history. Carter only created the DoE by consolidating EXISTING federal agencies. Indian schools, DoD schools, civil rights stuff re segregation/busing, GI bill and student loans, etc.
It was Reagan who expanded the DoE by federalizing stuff that had never been federal before. Specifically by gutting the interstate compact on education in 1982. For the purpose of a)creating a crony opportunity to privatize testing and b)attempting to undermine state/local public unions by federalizing/politicizing education so that R's could plant an education stake in the culture wars.
Fail to understand that and its easy to understand why R's are such fucking hypocrites when it comes to reducing the centralization of governance in DC. Now - yapping on about how important it is for EVERYONE to embrace 'school choice' - as yet another avenue of privatization and cronyism.
And you're saying that consolidating those things and giving them an independent Department status, staffing them with entrenched bureaucrats, creating congressional committees in both houses devoted to overseeing it (and financing it), and making that an easy target for teachers' unions to exploit--all of this was a good thing in your mind?
That doesn't make any sense.
"No method of procedure has ever been devised by which liberty could be divorced from local self-government. No plan of centralization has ever been adopted which did not result in bureaucracy, tyranny, inflexibility, reaction, and decline. Of all forms of government, those administered by bureaus are about the least satisfactory to an enlightened and progressive people. Being irresponsible they become autocratic, and being autocratic they resist all development. Unless bureaucracy is constantly resisted it breaks down representative government and overwhelms democracy. It is the one element in our institutions that sets up the pretense of having authority over everybody and being responsible to nobody.
----Calvin Coolidge
He could have been talking about Jimmy Carter's Department of Education specifically.
P.S. The Department of Human Services is also a cookbook.
P.P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
“No method of procedure has ever been devised ..."
Good job Ken Shultz! My favorite related quote is... paraphrased...
"Bureaucrats dream of systems so perfect, that no one will have to be good." (My paraphrase).
"By dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good."
Don't trouble yourself by thinking about judgment / choices / discretion / subtleties! Just FOLLOW THE RULES!
Carter only created the DoE by consolidating EXISTING federal agencies. Indian schools, DoD schools, civil rights stuff re segregation/busing, GI bill and student loans, etc.
Wow, you're such a fucking worm-tongued weasel, J(ew)Free.
Carter took a bunch of unrelated federal programs and placed them under the authority of a department he created along with a pile of brand new authority, and you're trying to play that off as a consolidation of existing departments?
Fuck off, liar.
It's time for you to go back to Stormfront, and take your goose-stepping pal, Misek, with you.
The reason I’ve been given that a Canadian like yourself is so interested in, and such a conservative partisan in, American politics is that Canadians are affected by American foreign and economic policies.
And now it turns out you are a hyper-partisan about US education policy. Weird.
The political events of 1848, 1968, and 2016 didn't happen in a vacuum. Everybody everywhere in the developed world has been having the same arguments at the same time for hundreds of years. That's because economics, demographics, technological change, etc. happens to all of us at more or less the same time. Why would the view or the issues be so different from Toronto?
The revolutions of 1848 happened for more or less the same reasons at the same time--all over the world.
The student protest movements of 1968 happened the same way. Vietnam was a big deal in the U.S., but they were protesting against other things in Germany and other things still in Mexico City.
Was the election of Margaret Thatcher so different from the election of Ronald Reagan?
Weren't Brexit and Trump both populist revolts against the elite?
Why shouldn't people in Canada be interested in what's happening in the U.S. and what should happen and why? Do they not also need to consider global warming, immigration, the emergence of China, the economic forces unleashed by technology, the regulation of social media, as well as questions of taxes and spending, too? Do they not have a foreign policy--all in the same world we live in, too?
Interested, yes. Obsessed with and partisan, weird.
It says something about you that you think being well informed is an "obsession" and "weird."
It explains why you're constantly begging people to do your work for you.
The obsession is Mother’s Lament, who says he is Canadian, caring so much about American partisan politics that he comes to this website and spends a significant part of his day, every day, arguing for American conservatism and Trump, even matters like education that are internal politics.
It is odd.
Damn son you ARE obsessed.
She’s sick. Mother’s Lament should consider a restraining order.
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"The British knowing about Germany is weird" could be the dumbest take in the history of takes.
I quit working at shop rite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I’m working online! My work didn’t asd exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier So i try use.
Here’s what I do.......>>>><<<<< Making money
What's weird is caring about what Canadians do.
In general, I don’t. But Mother’s is here every day arguing with me.
And how many days running has your obsessed ass complained about it? 8? 10?
So stop being wrong.
Start making extra income Earns upto $550 to $750 per day by working just online. I have made $28K in this month by working online. Its a simple and easy home job and even a little child can do this job online and makes real money….. WORK24HERE
Youre still on this idiocy of saying Canadians can't comment?
His obsession with it is weird.
I quit working at shop rite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I’m working online! My work didn’t asf exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier So i try use.
Here’s what I do.......>>>><<<<< Making Money
Next you’ll say I’m practicing censorship. I never said Mother’s should not be allowed to comment.
Nah you just think being infomed is weird and have to bleat it at us every day for months.
You just wade into every thread saying he should not be commenting.
It weird that people in a country affected so strongly by American political and cultural trends are interested in the operation of the major American indoctrination process?
Most Canadians live within a 2 hour drive of less than 100 miles from the US mainland border. It’s unsurprising that they should be familiar with US issues.
What’s weird is your continued xenophobia.
It's not really xenophobia.
It's just cheap shots.
White Knight is a lazy thinker and this is all that they've got, bitching about somebody's nationality instead of crafting a rebuttal.
CACLLs here are so above taking cheap shots.
Her hatred of Canadians extends to infants! A truly sick person.
Remember when you tried claiming the direct quotes you made about Rittenhouse spending time in jail and illegally caring actually meant you didnt say those things? Yeah you say a lot of stupid shit when you start back tracking. Which happens a lot.
The White Knight
October.22.2020 at 3:18 pm
It means conservative and conservative-leaning libertarian, and I coined it..
Well, for one it would be CCLL, because you elide the A and two, it's fucking cringe.
Why the heck would I leave the 'A' out. It's what makes it pronounced like "cackle".
CACLLs have a lot of rules about acronyms. Only Canadian officials are allowed to coin one. And now articles have to be elided.
Only Canadian officials are allowed
Bitching about my nationality is really the only tool you have. Thank goodness you don't know my race or you'd be screaming about that too.
CACLLs have a lot of rules about acronyms
Despite how you sputter, nobody's stopping you from forcing your own little creations. But, by the same token, you can't stop us from pointing out how sad and pathetic it is to do so.
No taking his entire full quote put of context. WK says you can't use his own words against him!
Your flag waving "Yur not allowed to be interested in owr stuff" is getting pretty old.
Unless you're catastrophically ignorant about Canada, you'd know that Canada copies the US in practically everything. There's nothing weird about being concerned with cancer at it's source.
Why don't you get to the fucking point and tell me exactly what you're trying to say.
“Unless you’re catastrophically ignorant”
She is.
"Wow, you’re such a fucking worm-tongued weasel, J(ew)Free."
Comparing him to Misek is one hell of a slur. Where did he express any anti-Semitism? I've missed seeing it in his prior posts.
Now and then. It usually starts with a legitimate anti-Israel rant but it then devolves into anti-Semitism.
Nor can he point to such a post because it doesn't exist. Same as the 'he projected millions nay billions of dead from covid'.
You know what you are.
FFS. You lefty shits are continually making asses of yourselves.
Crawl back in your hole; the flu is still here.
Leftitarians have had a pretty bad week. If not year.
Always angry on a Sunday, a Sunday, a Sunday. Also angry on a Monday, a Monday, a Monday.
Why are you sharing your emotional problems with us?
He has nothing better to do today until he learns the new talking point to defend biden.
Always stupid, every day of the week.
Fuck off and die.
Lol. The self proclaimed "classical liberal" defending a) Carter and b) the fedralization and coalescing of education under the federal government.
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Wow. What an enlightened, intelligent response.
Well, deserved, besides.
That's not recreating history. He eliminated all those competing organizations and created the DoE to replace them.
Because 'efficiency'.
Turns out, government doesn't know what its doing and having just the DoE rather than a hodge-podge of separate agencies, each able to try out different things - rather than putting out a single diktat to the entire country - was working out better than consolidating everything under one roof.
Something to consider when it comes to healthcare, no?
It was REAGAN who eliminated the competition. Not Carter. Carter merely consolidated federal agencies. For example - the Lanham Act of 1941 provided federal funding to local schools impacted by kids of military at areas with big bases. Administered by DoD. Other agencies administered by Bureau of Indian Affairs, Justice, State, HEW, etc.
It was the interstate compact on education that was in fact the competition for those 'education' issues that were executed/administered by the states themselves. But that - as required by the Constitution - requires Congress to create. IOW - a legislative branch action but NOT executive branch administration. So no mandates and no executive branch bureaucrats in DC to do anything. The entire interstate compact is run by people seconded from the various states.
At that time, the primary budgeted function for that compact was testing. The states THEMSELVES had the desire (dating from the 1960's or 1950's) to test. Partially for benchmarking - partially for placement of students relocating from one state to another. But those are quite limited in scope.
Because that compact was run by people seconded from the states by their governors, the testing (NAEP) was pretty much run by education bureaucrats in those states. And wasn't necessarily 'consistent' from state to state. That what happens with an interstate compact because there are no 'mandates'.
The National Commission on Excellence in Education (with its Nation at Risk report) was the vehicle to market centralization of education to the American public - and specifically targeting 'testing' as the means by which 'success' would be measured at the national level. And the outcome was that DC would appoint the ETS (a private non-profit previously known mainly for SAT testing for College Board) to run the NAEP and the states themselves would have little/no input.
"Carter merely consolidated federal agencies..."
Thereby 'merely' creating the DoE.
Got it.
Did your mommy let you out today?
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And DHS was a consolidation of EXISTING federal agencies as well, JFart. What's your fucking point?
The United States Department of Education (ED or DoED), also referred to as the ED for (the) Education Department, is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government. It began operating on May 4, 1980, having been created after the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was split into the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services by the Department of Education Organization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.
That's a complete lie.
Nope that would be supporting Billy beer
That was actually a bright spot in the Carter administration.
My wife bought a 6 pack. Thought it would be a collectors item someday. Nope. Finally ran out of beer money and choked it down. The cans were worth 60 cents in Michigan money. A beer money nest egg.
This Libertarian Moment brought to you by #OrangeManBad and the Deplorables who supported him over the pants shitting objections of Reason.
You're welcome.
Orange Man Bad and the Deplorables sounds like a good name for a band.
shorten it to BOM and the Deplorables. (BOM-bad orange man)
Lead singer could do blue man group like makeup, but orange.
The rest of the group could go village people with different deplorable stereotypes.
Dept of Education educates no one.
Carter's other stupidity the Dept of Energy.
Dept of Energy was created to make the US energy independent. We spend $30 billion a year and energy independence was achieved without them by improved fracking techniques developed by private industry. Since the goal has been achieved no thanks to the agency it should be eliminated.
I have no problem if they want to get rid of the Department of Education just as long as they do not touch the Department of Redundancy Department.
I'm new to this publication and I've read just a few articles. I was immediately impressed by the intelligence of the comments but found this intelligence only lasted for typically 2 comments before it devolved into cat fights going on for hundreds of replies and quickly getting off topic thus rendering the thread pointless. Seemingly, it's the same people pulling each other's hair article after article. Just drivel, denigration, detritus, and dung. Tell me how many of you have changed the opinion of another person? Tell me how many of you have at least gotten a reply of, "Hmmm, you may have a point there"? I have no interest in following a publication with the readership I see. I encourage you to remain steadfast to your principles and apply even more effort into your discourses. It will keep the vitriol from spreading any further in this world.
So long.
Well, they still have most other free publications beat. Once in a while there's a dialogue here between commentators. Just skip the thirty insults. Many, many other sites it never gels into dialogue at all. And some of the insults here are funny, which is beyond the scope of most of the insult-dealers at the other free publications. I'll take occasional dialogue and a few funny insults. Most comment sections have to be drained and rinsed of crap anyway; at least this one there's something good left once in a while.
Not every article but once in a while someone posts something very interesting. I don't know about changed my mind, but expanded the possibilities, yes, for sure.
They won't try to keep you, though, so happy trails, I suppose.
"I would not be at all unhappy to work myself out of a job"
This sentence, in a nutshell, perfectly describes the problem we have with the federal administrative state. Their orientation is exactly opposite of this. Bureaucrats are all about preserving turf, avoiding direct accountability, staying in their lane; that is why it is so inefficient and little gets done.
Sometimes I am hard on Soave. This is not one of those times. This was an excellent interview, and most of all, a fair interview. Thank you Mr. Soave, for that. I thought Secretary DeVos' answers crystallized the difference between a libertarian approach, and a 'one size fits all' approach that Team D is in love with.
Secretary DeVos is right, the delivery of educational content has changed for all time. We are never going fully back to where we were.
PS: Joe Biden is corrupt AF!
I agree. Fruit Sushi did an excellent job here.
PS: Joe Biden is a seriously corrupt motherfucker.
Wiki already tagged it as a 'right-wing conspiracy' apparently.
Fruit Sushi's very first comment was wrong: "COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis.".
No, the lockdowns are an unprecedented crisis.
Why do right wingnuts hate government provided education? Oh, I remember now. They need an ignorant American populace to vote them into power. How else could one look at the US homicide rates and believe that people have a right to weapons of mass destruction? How else could one believe that life begins at conception instead of post-birth + a few days? How else could one believe that GMO food is safe and just as healthy as organic food. Why do you clingers want to stand in the way of progress?
Also, right wingnuts and libertarians want to KILL OFF most of the educational pipelines which educates (among many other caring professionals) PHYSICIANS who PROTECT us all, from, for example, incompetent, DANGEROUS use of highly complicated medical implements of destruction, if not properly used, WITH a prescription!
I speak of the dreaded "lung flute"! Children of Government Almighty, I BEG of you, in these dangerous times, to STAY YE SAFE from the Flute Police!
To find precise details on what NOT to do, to avoid the flute police, please see http://www.churchofsqrls.com/DONT_DO_THIS/ … This has been a pubic service, courtesy of the Church of SQRLS!
Believe it or not, you are correct. Conservatives and libertarians abandoned the elite educational institutions of this country to liberals and are now paying the price. They could have remained and fought in the marketplace of ideas but they surrendered and thought that a few crazed liberals in the gender studies department would have no influence in the real world where capitalism and the bottom line were king. With no institutional counterbalance to critical race theory, why do you think WOKENESS has gone mainstream?
"...why do you think WOKENESS has gone mainstream?"
Due to a common problem in humans which I think is one of THE biggest mental-moral-spiritual afflictions that one can find... Self-righteousness, hypocrisy, mental-moral posturing and preening. A good and funny (but serious) fairly long book-long treatise on the matter (and associated matters), see (I recommend it MOST highly) Peter McWilliams, "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do", https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/192976717X/reasonmagazinea-20/
Fuck off racist.
Dude when you show up I scroll down.
He’s a cohesive mass of garbage that somehow became pseudo self aware.
You mean the university hiring boards that promoted a 95% hire rate based on political leanings? Yeah. Totes the fault of non woketards.
Sometimes people say "educational institution" = "marketplace of ideas."
Those categories intersect but are not identical.
I would say the fight did continue in the marketplace of ideas, but educational institutions are businesses and subject to that other marketplace too.
American universities had problems going back decades. Professors retiring in waves has tended to mean that the hiring goes in waves, which means certain ideologies get fossilized into departments. At some point subsequent to the McCarthy era, universities became magnets for folks with left politics. That was well underway in the 1990s when I got there. When the last old faculty died off, who replaced them?
We also have the media revolution to thank for a lot of it.
I don't blame conservative or libertarian faculty members. By the 1990s there may have been very few of those remaining outside of religious institutions and most have retired by now except probably out of the sciences there may still be a few.
I did not think that religious universities would one day become the bastions of preservation of dialogue and open inquiry, but there you go.
The real question is, do you shove your flute up your ass first, so it has the taste of poo while you’re playing it?
No, that’s you.
Lol. God you're such a leftist retard. Explain to me how woke theory stops cancer shit for breath.
Do you just like to pick meaningless and stupid fights, for no good reason? You have the thin VENEER of an egghead (links and the APPEARANCE of deep thinking), but you TOTALLY lack the humility required to admit error! THIS describes YOU!
9 Signs To Spot A Cerebral Narcissist & How To Deal With Them
1. They need to appear more intellectual than everyone else.
Cerebral narcissists will use complicated, technical words in a regular conversation; always finds a way to refer to books, authors, and theories by name; or talk constantly about ideas framed as new and cutting-edge.
End import.
Back to you needless and arrogant, fight-picking, name-calling post in response to mine: You LIKE having to get PERMISSION from Government-Almighty-certified "experts" to blow on a cheap plastic flute? The USA is the ONLY nation in the world that is this stupid! The USA has LESS "lung flute freedom" than ANY nation on the planet, presumably including North Korea! If you LIKE being enslaved to the "medical experts" in the USA, why don't you self-export to North Korea, and leave the rest of us to fight for REAL individual freedoms?!?!
Fuck off racist.
You are right. You are meaningless.
You are ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS RIGHT! Especially about lusting for ever more and more and more POTUS-powers for the Trumptatorshit! It is looking fairly likely that the Trumptatorshit will give way to a Bidentatorshit quite soon. 2 and 3 days before the beginning of the Bidentatorshit, will you STILL be lusting after an ever-growing set of POTUS-powers for the Trumptatorshit?
Inquiring minds want to KNOW, JesseSPAZ!
October.25.2020 at 1:04 pm
And you're a racist.
Orangemanbad, Sqrls.
Ask, and ye shall receive wisdom! Knock, and the doors will be opened wide for ye! The pearls will ye verily be cast even before the swine! Now it is up to YOU, having been led to the water, whether you will DRINK deeply, or if ye will just horse around!
Orange Man bad?!? He BAD, all right! He SOOO BAD, He be GOOD! He be GREAT! He Make America Great Again!
We KNOW He can Make America Great Again, because, as a bad-ass businessman, He Made Himself and His Family Great Again! He Pussy Grabber in Chief!
See The Atlantic article by using the below search-string in quotes:
“The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet” or this one…
He pussy-grab His creditors in 7 bankruptcies, His illegal sub-human workers ripped off of pay on His building projects, and His “students” in His fake Get-Rich-like-Me realty schools, and so on. So, He has a GREAT record of ripping others off! So SURELY He can rip off other nations, other ethnic groups, etc., in trade wars and border wars, for the benefit of ALL of us!!!
All Hail to THE Pussy Grabber in Chief!!!
Most of all, HAIL the Chief, for having revoked karma! What comes around, will no longer go around!!! The Donald has figured out that all of the un-Americans are SOOO stupid, that we can pussy-grab them all day, every day, and they will NEVER think of pussy-grabbing us right back!
Orange Man Bad-Ass Pussy-Grabber all right!
We CAN grab all the pussy, all the time, and NONE will be smart enough to EVER grab our pussies right back!
These voters simply cannot or will not recognize the central illusion of politics… You can pussy-grab all of the people some of the time, and you can pussy-grab some of the people all of the time, but you cannot pussy-grab all of the people all of the time! Sooner or later, karma catches up, and the others will pussy-grab you right back!
Fuck off racist.
Orangemanbad, Sqrls.
All of the encyclopedic, exhaustive reams and reams full of knowledge about the scummishness of Dear Leader? Trumpistas say, “Do NOT study up on that! Don’t trouble your pretty little head about it! Stay ignorant of the details, and I will summarize ALL of that for you! It amounts to ‘Orange Man Bad’, is all!”
What next? Don’t bother with the books and documentaries and museums about the Holocaust! Here, lemme “summarize” it all for you: Mustache Man Bad!
Another summary then for you: Trumpistas Pro-Ignorance!
We ready said you were meaningless sqrls. You won the argument. Sheesh. Stop proving how meaningless you are.
Still scrolling.
Who is the "we", Kemo Sabe? You, and all the voices and vices in your head? Kick OUT those vices if you know what is good for you! ESPECIALLY self-righteousness! Start here! M. Scott Peck, The People of the Lie, https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0684848597/reasonmagazinea-20/
Youre still here acting meaningless?
You really should kill yourself. No one could possibly ever love you.
Because government-provided education is indoctrination Look up the history of government-provided education -- it is all about indoctrination. Families had been providing education for their children for years without government schools. A lot of the impetus for government schools was to get rid of Catholic and other inappropriate religious schools.
If you want to talk about government-funded education, that's a different matter. Again, it was and is unnecessary; if poor farmers and immigrants could provide an education for their kids, we can today too. But government funding is not nearly the problem that government provision is, and you show your ignorance by conflating the two, just as you damned statists conflate society and government.
You often see public schools defend the average inferior scores of their students on standardized tests when compared to kids in religious schools by pointing out that public schools teach kids with all sorts of problems associated with their lower socio-economic status--kids that can't afford to go to religious schools.
You never see religious schools defend their lower test scores on average compared to public schools because the religious schools always outperform the public schools on average, so there's no need to defend them.
P.S. Private schools also cost less per student on average.
P.P.S. Joe Biden is corrupt AF.
Hi Shreek.
Did you even read the article?
It's hard to imagine someone doing a better job than Betsy DeVos, and I shudder to think what the progressives will do in her position when they get the chance.
When I think of all the excellent policy COVID, the lockdown economy, and Trump's demeanor are making people ignore this election cycle, it's really too bad.
Getting a Secretary of Education like this doesn't happen by accident, and we purposely won't get one from a party that's as beholden to progressive ideology and the teachers' unions as the Democrats.
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
How about something educational? Such as:
* Teaching Evolution
* Teaching Sex Education
* Teaching Gender Identity
* Teaching Climate Change
* Teaching America's Racist History
* Teaching how algebra and grammar are racists constructs
* Teaching how capitalism has lead to the deaths and exploitation of millions
I can't tell if this is sarcasm, so I invoke Poe's Law.
Either way, it's definitely ridiculous.
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
Maybe you should explain how Biden is a crook instead of behaving like a low-level functionary in the ministry of truth. Does it have to do with forged emails and pedophilia, perhaps? Lay your cards on the table, we’re all adults here.
forged emails
“A repair-shop order from April 2019 contains Hunter’s name and what appears to be his signature. The shop owner supplied a subpoena showing the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December 2019. And the Biden campaign hasn’t said the emails are phony.
. . . .
According to the emails, both Bidens were in line in 2017 to benefit from a deal with CEFC. One email appears to identify Hunter Biden as “Chair/Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC.” It also refers to financial payments in terms of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Fox News says it has confirmed the veracity of the email with one of its recipients and that sources say the “big guy” is Joe Biden. An August 2017 email from “Robert Biden” (Hunter’s legal first name) crows that the original deal was for $10 million a year in fees, but that it had since become “much more interesting to me and my family” because it included a share of “the equity and profits.”
—-Wall Street Journal
Neither Joe Biden nor Hunter Biden have denied the authenticity of the emails or their contents to the best of my knowledge.
By calling Joe Biden a crook, I'm not even contradicting Joe Biden since he hasn't denied the authenticity of the emails or their contents. If he denied either one, there might be some question, but since he hasn't even addressed them, it's reasonable to conclude that Joe Biden wants us to elect him despite unaccounted for evidence that he and his son are crooks.
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
First of all, you're lame. You really are. Your name is lame. The way you write is boring. You're the last person I'd listen to even if you made sense which you occasionally do
Does the term ad hominem fallacy mean anything to you? It's like the first thing they're supposed to teach you when you learn about critical thinking.
The repair shop order from April 2019 contains Hunter Biden's name and signature regardless of whether I'm lame, my name is lame, or I'm boring.
The shop owner has a subpoena from December 2019 showing the laptop was seized by the FBI regardless of whether I'm lame, my name is lame, or I'm boring.
The emails appear to say that Hunter Biden was getting money for both himself and Joe Biden from a foreign venture in China regardless of whether I'm lame, my name is lame, or I'm boring.
The Biden campaign hasn't denied the authenticity or the content of the emails regardless of whether I'm lame, my name is lame, or I'm boring.
Until Joe Biden denies the authenticity of the emails or their contents, it is reasonable to assume that it's because he can't deny their authenticity or their contents (or not) regardless of whether I'm lame, my name is lame, or I'm boring.
In fact, your comment doesn't do anything to even challenge the facts I've presented at all!
. . . and that's true regardless of whether I'm lame, my name is lame, or I'm boring.
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook regardless of whether I'm lame, my name is lame, or I'm boring.
"The emails appear to say that Hunter Biden was getting money for both himself and Joe Biden from a foreign venture in China regardless of whether I’m lame, my name is lame, or I’m boring."
The emails show that Hunter Biden and "the big guy" were getting money. One business partners says "the big guy" is Joe Biden. Another partner in the venture says Joe Biden wasn't involved.
Joe Biden has denied involvement in the Chinese deal.
"Another partner in the venture says Joe Biden wasn’t involved."
Do you have a link to that?
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
Let's be frank. Do you believe that?
The Biden family were getting unbelievably favorable business deals, and there is an anonymous "big guy". Do you have any rational doubts that the big guy is also a Biden whom they were scared to put his name in print? At some point, any other conclusion just becomes unbelievable
Ben of Houston,
And they keep issuing non-denial denials.
1) The Biden campaign denies that they're part of a human trafficking ring.
2) The Biden campaign denies that Joe Biden ever entered into the deal.
Neither of those denials answer the central questions of the emails.
1) Are the emails authentic?
2) Do they dispute the contents of the emails--do Hunter Biden's emails not say what they reported to say?
If they refuse to dispute the authenticity of the emails, then it's reasonable to suspect they're authentic.
If they refuse to dispute the content of the emails, then it's reasonable to suspect the contents are as reported in regards to "H" and "The Big Guy".
It is reasonable to believe that Joe Biden is a crook until or unless he denies or disputes one or both of those things.
“Joe Biden has denied involvement in the Chinese deal.”
Really? I fully expected him to immediately make a public confession, lay out the master plan, and turn himself into the DOJ.
But he denied involvement, so there’s no way it could be true.
Ken, you are always a pleasure to read. You should be told more often that you are a good writer. And thinker.
So yes, Pod is a 14 year old girl.
"First of all, you’re lame. You really are. Your name is lame. The way you write is boring. You’re the last person I’d listen to even if you made sense which you occasionally do."
This from either pod or a pod-impersonator whose best years of his life were the last three in 6th grade.
Joe Biden has denied that he met with Pozharskyi, and has denied his involvement in the Chinese energy deal -- which would be a denial of the two things in the contents of the emails that he is accused of.
Neither of which speaks to the authenticity or the content of the emails.
Because the deal didn't go through (for reasons that had nothing to do with either Biden) doesn't mean that Hunter Biden wasn't influence peddling on behalf of his father.
Two questions for the Bidens:
1) Are the emails authentic?
2) Do you dispute their contents?
Nothing you've said answers the questions.
Nothing they've said answer the questions.
Are those Hunter Biden's emails?
Did he make a deal to take millions in Chinese money and hold millions more for his father?
Whether the deal didn't go through is immaterial.
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
Did he deny the meeting happened at 5:15PM?
If you can't figure this out on your own, there's no hope for you. No one is obligating to explain what's right in front of you. Also, if you think expressing an opinion about Joe Biden is like working for Minitrue, then you've never read or understood Orwell.
yeah, i was thinking that his post was outing himself as a parody acct.
*This* post?
You guys couldn't tell that he was a troll a long time ago?
This website is populated with many very dumb people who are under the impression that they aren't nearly as dumb as they actually are.
Particularly some of the columnists
Fuck off Shreek.
You’re joking.
The POTUS is supporting school choice, freedom of speech and his head of the Dept. of Education is bringing up the idea we don't need it. It's hard to recall any congressmen who've stuck their neck out to support school choice in the past 40 years. Or done anything about freedom of speech on campus.
Libertarians should be elated, as I am. But the TDS is strong.
DeVos is easily the most libertarian SOE since the department was created. And yet libertarians are rushing to vote for Biden, at least Reason libertarians. Gorsuch and Barrett are easily the most libertarian judges nominated in decades. And yet libertarians are rushing to vote for Biden, at least Reason libertarians. Robby did a great job here giving this very impressive woman a voice at a libertarian website without any of the to be sures that usually contaminate his articles. The guy that hired this lady has done more for libertarians than any of his predecessors. And yet libertarians are rushing to vote for Biden, at least Reason libertarians. Not to mention the fact that Joe Biden is a crook.
You have no imagination, then. She's there because of her family’s money and despite her lack of experience or education. Wake me when you interview someone who isn't dumb as a rock.
An assault on public education by Trump cronies!
This is why Biden (*cough* Harris) is the libertarian choice.
The fox (DeVos) is guarding the hen house (public education).
If only it were true, she'd have gotten rid of the damned chicken coop.
But then, your sexist limitation to a hen house is all too typical of a statist like yourself.
Oh the confusion being sown by your ridiculous comments. Biden/Harris as the libertarian choice? Nothing libertarian in there authoritarian platform.
As for the assault on public education.... I agree it is. And I agree with that assault. The public education system is a terrible monopoly that only exists to protect itself. We need to support the students, not the system, then education will improve.
>Biden/Harris are authoritarians
Sure Billy....I guess you think seat belts are totalitarian regulations too.
They are. They do nothing to increase public safety, only to limit personal freedom.
The comment is a joke in response to the fact that many Reason staff are voting for Biden/Harris.
Many? Like two. I’ll go back and find the tally if I have time, but you are being dishonest here.
So we're they.
Six for Biden, two of them being tentative maybes.
Voting for Biden:
Maybe Biden:
So WK lied twice?
Woah, what is the deal with the comment URLs.
They hate liars like you.
"The White Knight
October.25.2020 at 12:14 pm
Many? Like two."
So before you even checked you decide to lie.
"The White Knight
October.25.2020 at 12:19 pm
So you admit you were lying like they were.
Count again. It’s 5. Maybe ask someone to read it slowly to you.
Six for Biden, two of them being tentative maybes.
Voting for Biden:
Maybe Biden:
I didn’t count Boehm. So yeah, as many as 6.
This is where I’d normally say “Damn Dee, you got embarrassed again!” but apparently Dee doesn’t get embarrassed by saying dumb shit, so I won’t bother.
Yes, I admit I must have counted wrong.
Dee, seriously, just shut the fuck up. You’re wrong all the time!
You lied.
Are you going to apologize for calling me dishonest?
I apologize to you for saying you were dishonest.
I think you may not have noticed the sarcasm that the good Rabbi and I have been indulging in.
If you have to tell people it's sarcasm, it isn't.
Well that makes zero sense. You seem to have confused "sarcasm" with "joke" from the original aphorism.
No SQRLSY you're just stupid.
Referring to an anti Semite as Rabbi, even in jest, is offensive.
Man. Spot on sarcasmic impression.
"Furious opposition to her nomination came from the nation's teachers unions: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten called DeVos an "ideological" opponent of public education."
If holding ideological beliefs about public education is a crime, then what about Weingarten and all other teacher union leaders?
Obviously, to religious zealots the crime (and sin) comes from questioning the orthodoxy. And that is the core problem with all progressive/activist/woke politics. They have defined a set of proscribed views and opinions that must be embraced and enforced. Any dissension is heresy--no thinking required (or allowed). The Enlightenment is dead.
We're firmly in the grip of the Endarkenment now.
What ever happened to Billy Beck?
And is The White Knight the reincarnation of Scott Erb?
Oh, yeah
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
Betsy DeVos 2024?
A public intellectual like AOC is more worthy of the office of President of the United States than a grifter who inherited their wealth. And I'm not referring to Trump with that statement.
"A public intellectual like AOC..."
Thank you for that. Now I have to clean coffee out of my keyboard.
Rabbi, you really don't do this as well as OBL. Maybe try another shtick.
Disagree. The Rabbi is a man of the cloth and likely has the deity's email address. His shtick is a blessing. OBL is just some guy.
Referring to that piece of shit as a rabbi is offensive.
Oh, it's a sarc account, like OBL. I get it now.
The Rabbit Harvey is hit and miss.
Rabbi, you really don't do this as well as OBL. Maybe try another s
It's Shreek.
The schlemiel would not understand a schtick from a loch in kup.
You’re mixing dialects like a foreigner.
Where in the Constitution does it put education in the hands of the Federal Government???
"We the People" (in 1787) wrote a 'Supreme Law' OVER our government and everyone of us should expect our government's to be governing by OUR rules! It was NEVER the plan to have government making their own rules.
It is practically impossible to amend the constitution now. If we can’t fix its problems, we have to treat it as something less than holy writ if we want to survive. We may be able to manage that with a fairly traditional interpretive regime, but the “good” news is that the Barrett wing is not interested in any way in being more faithful to the document than the liberal wing. They will just say they are. They are going to interpret it one way or the other, and it should go without saying that James Madison did not intend for it to produce a theocracy.
Joe Biden is a crook.
"It is practically impossible to amend the constitution now. "
It's so broken it created the freest most prosperous nation in the world. Oh wait; maybe it's not broken at all; maybe the ignorance of it is what is "breaking" this nation!!!
But the dear champions of mobs-rule will stuff the supreme court with liars and crooks to "fix it" by utterly ignoring it and today is that "fix" -- starting with the precedence of FDR and now Obama and the new "bailout" commie-money precedence; Environmentalists, Anti-Capitalists, Anti-American... A failing retirement plan, a debt too large to pay, freedom out the door...
The [WE] foundation 'fixed' it alright. They turned the best nation in the world into one headed straight towards being the worst.
They don't seem to care one-bit if they break the very law this entire nation was founded upon.
You mean like when Roberts saved Obama's ass with the penaltax?
It’s hard to amend the constitution because of movement progressive like you. If it were left up to non progressives (real Americans) it would be slightly more feasible.
Your problem is that you want no rule of law. You want the rule of progressives. This is why you hate the constitution so much.
General welfare. There are no practical limits.
..of???? ...of??? WHAT???? That is the most basic corrupted manipulation game ever to hit people's illiterate brains.. Pop-out words entirely out of context and pretend they mean anything they want it to....
The power to tax for the General Welfare of the United States (government). It's freak-en blatantly obvious being a power to tax as well as EVERYWHERE in the Constitution the 'United States' is the NAME of the federal government. There is not 'Federal Government' in the Constitution but there is 'States' and 'People'.
Liar and Crooks and Corruption; whatever it takes to CHEAT!
Her "ideology" starts and ends with her desire to extract public dollars to her prize schools. It's not that the fed hands out dollars- it's where to. She's just another grifter like all the rest.
Welp, Jeff'ss definitely not predictable as usual.
We can always trust him to come in and start lying about the actions and motives of anyone to the right of Pol Pot.
Lying Jeffy is a leftist, who lies about being a leftist.
How dare schools that prepare students better be able to take students from failing schools to make those students better as well.
The average charter school gets about 15% less per student and does a better job fuckwit.
The private high school I attended took in about half as much money per student as the local school districts, and operated with a surplus.
Easily Trump's best cabinet level appointment, imo.
"We love her for the enemies she has made."
Really, all the screeching about her from the left isn't why I like her in the position (though it doesn't hurt either). I think her views and actions are about the best a liberty-minded individual could ask for to fulfill a role that shouldn't even exist in the first place.
"The activist group Know Your IX predicted that sexual violence would increase as a result of the administration's actions."
Whenever a progressive issues a dire warning it just sounds like a threat.
Keep up the good work, Robby
Like they're doing with the election. Crazy shit I'm reading.
Antifa attacked a Jews for Trump vehicle procession in NY.
Trump supporters blocked a masked Biden supporter from a polling place in Florida.
Seattle’s LGBTQABCDEF commission wants the city’s first lesbian mayor to be fired for not being woke enough.
Yes, the US has a few crazy things these days.
Republicans put a half-educated, superstitious, parasitic, anti-government crank -- an advocate of nonsense-teaching schools -- in charge of public education. This is one of the reasons they will be replaced at the levers of American government soon by better citizens.
I expect the reckoning to be particularly forceful in the context of education.
The march of liberal-libertarian progress across decades has become so standard, so relentless, so inexorable that some might find it boring -- but perhaps not the conservatives whose wishes and efforts get stomped by that improvement. Their crankiness indicates they are still engaged.
You're more repetitive than Sqrlsy.
Have you ever thought about communicating ideas instead of just buzzwords and pomposity?
Orangemanbad, Mamma? How often have you written that? Pot calling kettle black? Hello? Need some more wisdom today, thirsty horse who won't drink, when led to the water?
Serious question: how often do you eat poop? Is it like a fetish that you do occasionally to get off, or more like a daily habit?
Serious question: have you ever considered growing a brain, or some ethics, or getting a life, other than being a thread-shitter?
“Dear Abby” is a personal friend of mine. She gets some VERY strange letters! For my amusement, she forwards some of them to me from time to time. Here is a relevant one:
Dear Abby, Dear Abby,
My life is a mess,
Even Bill Clinton won’t stain my dress,
I whinny seductively for the horses,
They tell me my picnic is short a few courses,
My real name is Mary Stack,
NO ONE wants my hairy crack!
On disability, I live all alone,
Spend desperate nights by the phone,
I found a man named Richard Decker,
But he won’t give me his hairy pecker!
Decker’s pecker is reserved for farm beasts,
I am beastly, yes! But my crack’s full of yeasts!
So Dear Abby, that’s just a poetic summary… You can read about the Love of my Life, Richard Decker, here:
Farmers kept refusing to let him have sex with their animals. So he sought revenge, authorities say.
Decker the hairy pecker told me a summary of his story as below:
Decker: “Can I have sex with your horse?”
Farmer: “Lemme go ask the horse.”
Farmer: “My horse says ‘neigh’!”
And THAT was straight from the horse’s mouth! I’m not horsin’ around, here, no mare!
So Decker the hairy pecker told me that, apparently never even realizing just HOW DEEPLY it hurt me, that he was all interested in farm beasts, while totally ignoring MEEE!!
So I thought maybe I could at least liven up my lonely-heart social life, by refining my common interests that I share with Richard Decker… I, too, like to have sex with horses!
But Dear Abby, the horses ALL keep on saying “neigh” to my whinnying sexual advances!
Some tell me that my whinnying is too whiny… Abby, I don’t know how to fix it!
Dear Abby, please don’t tell me “get therapy”… I can’t afford it on my disability check!
Now, along with my crack full of yeasts… I am developing anorexia! Some are calling me a “quarter pounder with cheese”, but they are NOT interested at ALL, in eating me!!! They will NOT snack on my crack!
What will I DO, Dear Abby?!?!?
-Desperately Seeking Horses, Men, or ANYTHING, in Fort Worth,
Yours Truly,
Mary Stack / Tulpa / Mary’s Period / “.” / Satan
You didn’t answer my question. I’m gonna assume fetish, cause it seems like eating poo every day would have killed you by now.
Hey now! He pulled his face out of his shit bucket to post that!
Orangemanbad, Sqrlsy.
“Orange Man Bad” as a summary from conservatives, of page after page after page, detail after detail, testimony upon testimony, of HOW and WHY Orange Man is a lying hypocritical narcissistic and corrupt, self-centered weasel, who is ruining the good reputation (for years if not decades) of the USA, internationally, shows the utter contempt that conservatives hold the rest of us in! “Here, dummy, I can summarize ALL of the encyclopedic knowledge that has been gathered concerning Der TrumpfenFuhrer, so that YOU (dumbshit) will NOT have to trouble your pretty little head, studying all that boring stuff! It just amounts to Orange Man Bad, end of story!”
Don’t study medicine or boring medical texts… I will summarize it for you! “The human body is made of icky pus and smegma, slimy blood and mucus, and icky poop!”
Law summary: “He or she who habeas the corpus, must take proper care of it.”
Computers? Stop studying, you fool! “Learn to code; garbage in, garbage out; just be logical!”
Electrical Hardware Engineering? “Don’t stick your diode in an anode! Sparks is as sparks does!”
And then conservatives and other Trumptatorshit worshippers and ignorance worshippers have the NERVE to say, “We need more SKILLED AND TALENTED immigrants and fewer ignorant ones coming into the USA!”!
Nothing is as stale as “orange man bad”!
(With the implied idea being that “anyone who says bad things about Orange Man, no matter HOW long and well-documented the list of Trump evils may be, such bad-things-sayer must be a stupid moron”).
Albert Einstein delivers a long lecture with 553 equations and tons of evidence. Conservative moron will say that Einstein said “stuff and stuff is relative”, and walk smugly away, thinking that they have “summarized” Einstein!
Conservative moron will tour Holocaust museums and “summarize” by saying “Mustache Man Bad”!
Fucking stupid, smart-ass moronic conservatives STOP smugly posting “Orange Man Bad”, and I will stop posting my reply!
Does it make you sad you've spent near a decade crafting this persona for it to be reduced to shit eating and racism?
Wow, what clever wit! Did your mommy help you write that, JesseSPAZ?
Scrolling again.
Gaear Grimsrud has learned to scroll! And Gaear Grimsrud needs to let us all know! Gaear Grimsrud deserves a big cheer, a hug, and either some ice creak, or maybe a lollipop! And some sticky little stars on Gaear Grimsrud's papers! Yeah Gaear Grimsrud!
Was that a yes?
Why don’t you just eat a big bucket of shit, and then after you’re stuffed, go ahead and kill yourself.
Amen! We need secular Jewish intellectuals, like Michael Bloomberg, to run America instead of these backwater Protestant yokels.
Or papist yokels like ACB.
When does Cuomo/DeBlasio go after Bloomberg? Isnhe last on the list?
Bloomberg's a trusty. He'll play Judas Goat and then Kapo until it's his turn in the oven. If he's loyal he hopes they'll kill him last.
JesseSPAZ? Isnhe hair-color REAL, or Isnhe hair-color out of a bottle? JesseSPAZ will keep us all guessing, Isnhe real-hair-color or Isnhe fake-hair-color?
(JesseSPAZ's brain, on the other hand, lots of in-the-know folks KNOW that THAT is fake!)
Back to being meaningless i see.
Oh Deeply Meaningful One.... Humble weedhopper here... Will Deeply Meaningful Wonder PLEASE explain, what is the meaning of "Isnhe"? Is it related to the sound of one hand clapping? Or the sound of JesseSPAZ the Greatest, patting itself on the back?
"Particularly forceful" reckoning?
Are you suggesting guillotines, or firing squads?
Gravity or gunpowder?
But if we have something approaching normal democracy that means Republicans don’t get their way. God is a Republican, Art.
"But if we have something approaching normal democracy that means Republicans don’t get their way"
October.25.2020 at 1:59 pm
It is practically impossible to amend the constitution now"
Also Tony
August.28.2013 at 12:18 pm
If Rosa Parks had the right to sit at the front of the bus then nobody would know her name. The whole point was that she didn’t have the right at that time.
If the Jews had a right to life during the Holocaust, there wouldn’t have been a Holocaust. The whole point is that they had no rights in the most unimaginably horrible way.
You do get that this is almost totally substanceless semantics you’re obsessing about?
A lack of a belief in magic prevents me from saying people have innate rights, but if you want to talk about it that way, it really doesn’t change the political discussion. One thing I will say is that I believe it is more respectful of the concept of rights to recognize that they were extremely hard-won and must be vigilantly defended.
Pure evil.
Tony rephrased: All the theological hair-splitting in the world, and all the high-blown fancy legal talk, about my "rights", means nothing, if the Trumptatorshit, or the Bidentatorshit, or ANY other dictatorshit, comes up and shoots me in the head! "Might makes right" is the thinking of dictatorshits everywhere! And the utterly hide-bound ideological idiots who show up on these pages, day after day after day... MOSTLY of the right-wing flavor... Have NO genuine respect for REAL rights, or individual freedom! Tony has more REAL respect for humans rights... Tony is a left-winger that I don't agree with? Yes, a lot of times! But he is NOT evil like you lusters after the Trumptatorshit are!
Orangemanbad, Sqrls
Pussy-grabbing doesn’t work in the long run!
In plain language for stupid people: Other people are smart enough to figure out that you are an arrogant, greedy-pig, selfish asshole, if you regularly act like an arrogant, greedy-pig, selfish asshole. After they figure that out about you (whether you are a person or a tribe or a nation), they are NOT likely to treat you very kindly! What comes around, goes around! So… If you have a clue… Do NOT act like an arrogant, greedy-pig, selfish asshole!
Any other stupid questions?
Here’s the latest about Trump’s history as an arrogant, greedy-pig, selfish asshole…
“ENLIGHTENED” self-interest is in YOUR best interest, in the long term! (As well as in the interests of others). Trump is too stupid, greedy, and full of false pride to see that… How about YOU, Mamma?
Orangemanbad, Sqrls
"Pussy-grabbing doesn’t work in the long run!.."
Neither does dragging the same, damn strawman around, spaz.
Fuck off and die.
Sevo, please read carefully, then repeat it after me. I bet you can learn this if you try really hard!
In plain language for stupid people: Other people are smart enough to figure out that you are an arrogant, greedy-pig, selfish asshole, if you regularly act like an arrogant, greedy-pig, selfish asshole.
Fuck off and die, spaz
Oh, and, for your entertainment, spaz cites "Business Insider" in an article now ~9 months old.
Yep, real block-buster there, spaz.
Fuck off and die.
Hihn is dead. Will Squirrely be next?
PS: Joe Biden is corrupt AF!
Breathtakingly humorless and devoid of a pulse as always. You’re too fly, Arty McFly.
So you're saying the public schools failed them?
All I know what we've done to children during this hysteria is cruel and unusual punishment.
The [WE] foundation never should've gotten that kind of power(gov-guns) over everyone-else's children.
Fail to even try to manage a deadly pandemic? Yes, people should hang.
He saved 2 million based on the original projection.
Explain this article from March to me, Tony:
Maybe tell us all what the best case scenario was?
If you don't factor in all the old people Coumo murdered, it looks like the US beat even the best case scenarios.
You’re absolutely insane.
You’re disingenuously tossing out early predictions as if they somehow excuse Trump of his stated policy of ignoring the pandemic because he’s bored of it. And the quarter million lives lost, a rate nowhere else to be seen in the world. And hey, he survived it, so what more is there to talk about?
When I saw the headline that Ohio State head coach Ryan Day apologized for not taking a knee in the game against Nebraska, my first thought was, "Why should anyone apologize for not disrespecting our national anthem?"
Of course, that wasn't what he was talking about.
Has anyone asked Kamala Harris yet whether she plans to kneel during our national anthem in protest if and when she becomes our Vice President? That something the voters should probably know about now--in addition to the question of whether Joe Biden or his son is denying the authenticity or contents of the recently released emails indicating that both of them are crooks. For some reason, no one in the media seems to be asking the candidates any of these questions. Until we get a denial or an explanation, it's hard NOT to conclude that Joe Biden is a crook.
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
>Watching football
>Supporting Ohio State
LOL! Your best post ever!!!
There is no reason to play the national anthem at football games. It is a football game. Watching one now. Bengals and Browns. Jeez I win and lose no matter what.
Crappy song anyway. I like America the Beautiful, the Ray Charles version better.
To hear a libertarian talk about what an individual chooses to do or not do in response to the anthem is collectivist faux patriotism. Do whatever you want. I do not care.
p.s. Jo Jorgensen is on the ballot in all fifty states.
I don't care about American patriotism and think it gets kind of culty now and then. However, by the same token taking a knee is signaling that you think you're virtuous but are really an oikophobic asshole.
It's all about hating the proletariat.
Haute bourgeoisie and lumpenproles getting off by spitting in the face of the working class and their symbols while imagining they're saints for doing it.
You can sit, nobody should have to stand, but if you take a knee you deserve to be mocked for what you are.
"There is no reason to play the national anthem at football games."
There is if the people buying tickets and tuning in on TV like it.
"There is no reason to play the national anthem at football games."
Is pleasing paying customers not enough of a purpose for you?
P.S. Joe Biden is a crook.
Trump is actually taking your tax dollars and funneling them into the Trump organization.
So at least some part of Hillary's plan made it to the White House.
When was the last time Biden donated his salary back to the federal government like Trump? Asking for a friend...
Go back to Russia you poodle.
Betsy DeVos is more libertarian that virtually all of Reason's writers.
DeVos is no libertarian feminist.
That wasn’t what was posted. Are you on medications? Maybe change the dosage.
Let me draw you a map. go northeast to latest, drive down to any ENB column. Stop on her handle. Read the last line of the first paragraph.
Oops! Go northwest to latest.
"Elizabeth Nolan Brown is a senior editor at Reason, where she writes regularly on the intersections of sex, speech, tech, crime, politics, panic, and civil liberties. She is also co-founder of the libertarian feminist group Feminists for Liberty."
But muh norms... TPP and refugees...!
You know Biden is going to lose. Trump may not break 300 but he’s gonna get more than 270. And when that happens expect a very large police and guard presence to deal with the last remnants of the violent left. Your time is over.
Open wider, clinger.
You will comply. As usual.
No, you will comply. As usual.
You're claiming victory for clingers in the culture war? You figure bigotry is coming back, superstition is set for a revival, ignorance will prevail, backwardness is rallying in modern America?
Creationism, gay-bashing, school prayer, criminalized abortion, dismantling of environmental protections, the end of Social Security, preservation of a white majority . . those are your predictions for the American future?
I expect ample delusion among ostensible adults who claim to believe fairy tales are true, but an expectation that conservatives will reverse the tide of the culture war seems goofy even by clinger standards.
"You’re claiming victory"
"You’re claiming victory for clingers in the culture war? You figure bigotry is coming back, superstition is set for a revival, ignorance will prevail, backwardness is rallying in modern America?"
No, we're pointing out that you are full of shit and strawmen. Unfortunately, they took the place of whatever you once had which passed for brains.
Fuck off and die.
Open wider, Sevo. Shoving commences in three months, and you will comply. Losing the culture war has consequences, much like being a slack-jawed, anti-social, right-wing incel.
When Pres. Biden puts Barack Obama on the Supreme Court, will you
1) whimper like the little pansy you are,
2) bluster about how you're going to start a civil war with your popgun,
3) visit the Volokh Conspiracy in hopes it publishes a racial slur to make you feel better, or
4) all three?
You seem to be getting nervous...
Regardless, make the world a better place, lefty shit, fuck off and die.
"When Pres. Biden puts Barack Obama on the Supreme Court, will you..."
Oh, would this be the 'Constitutional scholar' who was photo'd smoking a joint, and then claimed it wasn't HIS job to reclassify weed:
"Obama Confused About Power to Reschedule Pot, Advocates Say"
" Marijuana advocates point to the U.S. Code and say that's not entirely accurate.
The 1970 Controlled Substances Act, which created five tiers of restricted drugs, says the attorney general may "remove any drug or other substance from the schedules if he finds that the drug or other substance does not meet the requirements for inclusion in any schedule."
If a substance is banned by international treaties – as marijuana is – the law grants the attorney general the power to place it "under the schedule he deems most appropriate."..."
"Not entirely accurate" = fucking liar or ignoramus, pretty much like you, lefty shit.
Fuck off and die.
Should have been shut down a long time ago. No Constitutional justification. Republicans have had their chances.
Powerless, disaffected, anti-social, ignorant malcontents are among my favorite culture war casualties.
The Revolutionary War (Which instituted the Constitution) wasn't a "culture war".
You like yourself? Your posts indicate otherwise.
The Trump administration has decide, purely as a result of the president’s laziness as far as I can tell, to go for a “herd immunity” strategy (more correctly called a “maximum death” strategy) for covid, so any member of the Trump administration should be aware that their marching orders are to persuade parents to send their children to schools for the express purpose of getting infected, for their teachers to get infected, and for them to get infected themselves. Infect everyone and let God sort it out is actually their covid plan right now.
Maybe a couple of companies that exist to parasitize public education can make a buck or two as well!
The President has very little to do with pandemic responses. All the lockdowns have been governors and mayors.
Well, according to a (run-of-the-mill) SF lefty, he should be 'coordinating' stuff!
IOWs, lefty shits like Tony are fully aware that his options are limited and the greatest mistakes are those of lefty shit governors and mayors, but, dammit, ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!
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Next to nominating Supreme Court Justices, DeVos has been one of the genuine bright spots for the Trump administration.
Public sector unions should be illegal. They are as crooked as the Bidens.
Kinda funny watching a noted shit poster here trying so hard to get noticed and failing over and over again here.
Tony, White Knight or Sqrls? They're all failing pretty hard today.
Think he meant JFree.
Joe Biden finally comes clean
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said.
Of course we've known that since at least 1962.
Well as long as it's inclusive voter fraud.
Full context, where Biden is clearly taking akin anti-fraud. CACLLs be dishonest:
Dan Pfeiffer: One final question for you, Mr. Vice President. This interview is going to come out tomorrow, which is early vote day. And so I'm going to ask you a two part question, which is what I think President Obama used to call pulling a Chuck Todd. So part part one: what's your message to the folks
who have not yet voted or do not yet have a plan to vote? And, part two, for the folks who have already voted, the 50 million Americans who've already voted, what can they do over the last 10 days to help make sure that you're the next United States?
Joe Biden: Well, first of all, you know, what really rankles my opponent is I say that the thing that bothers them most is he's not a patch on Barack's jeans. I mean, Barack is one hell of a president. And I
tell you what, man, what an honor it was, I think you guys believe it, too, to serve with him. An incredible honor. And I'm not being solicitous. I really mean that. He had more integrity in his little
finger, than most people have in their whole body. And he had a backbone, like a ramrod, has one. But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven't voted yet. First of all, go to iwillvote.com to make a plan. Exactly how you're going to vote, where you're going to vote, when you're going to vote. Because it can get complicated. Because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote. Particularly people of color to vote. So go to iwillvote.com. Secondly, we're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people
from voting by implying that their vote won't be counted. It can't be counted. We're going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it's going to overwhelm the system. You see what's happening now. You guys know it as well as I do. You see the long, long lines in early voting. You see the
millions of people have already cast a ballot. And so, don't be intimidated. If, in fact, you have any problem, go to and I don't have the number, but it's 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them answering the phone. If you think there's any challenge to your voting, go to 833-DEM-VOTE. Dial those letters on your phone that will get
you the assistance that we have already put in place.
Full context. Everyone knew he misspoke. They are making fun of him idiot.
"CACLLs be dishonest"
The White Knight
October.22.2020 at 3:18 pm
It means conservative and conservative-leaning libertarian, and I coined it..
I love how this entire article conveniently forgets DeVos touting For-profit colleges that scammed thousands of students to the point that she and the Department were directly charged from the Federal Government to reimburse the scammed students and she continues to fight against it in violation of Federal Law.
DeVos doesn't care about education. She cares about making money.
God I love how triggered the left gets. Trump is just awesome and everyone he picks makes the liberaltards heads explode. Give us four more years, two more supreme court picks, and get the House back and we'll end the far left wing forever. If DeVos can end the union gridlock in education and depose the leftist educators that would be the whipped cream on the sundae of your tears.
And I will personally enjoy Biden winning, the Senate flipping over to Dems, and all you Repubs can do is cry and whine about "Communists!" taking over America.
The Dems are more national socialist than communist.
We are your betters. We have been shoving progress down that whimpering, bigoted throat of yours for so long as you have been alive, clinger. Your choices are suicide or compliance. Either way, I will be content.
Rev. Arthur L. Kirkland
October.25.2020 at 10:27 pm
"We are your betters..."
Is that the "we' who were certain that miserable fucking hag was gonna win, you pathetic piece of lefty shit?
We are your betters.
No denial from Kirkland, insinuates he's the master race. Check.
"And I will personally enjoy Biden winning, the Senate flipping over to Dems, and all you Repubs can do is cry and whine about “Communists!” taking over America."
Along with the rest of the brain-dead lefty shits.
The left will always exist. Thank God, who would I have to laugh at without them?
Are you seriously arguing for public education at Reason?
Are you off to Mother Jones next to tell everyone how great unrestricted capitalism is?
"I love how this entire article conveniently forgets DeVos touting For-profit colleges that scammed thousands of students to the point that she and the Department were directly charged from the Federal Government to reimburse the scammed students and she continues to fight against it in violation of Federal Law..."
I'm guessing that this is bullshit right up there with 'Trump grabbed pussy!!!!!!'.
Got a cite, lefty shit? Or should we simply assume you're a whiny, loser, lefty shit?
His point has been roundly documented and is common knowledge among educated, informed, modern Americans.
You should learn to perform your own research, Sevo. You would become less stupid. Of course, that might interfere with remaining a bigoted clinger malcontent.
Abolish the unconstitutional Department of Education.
Take your best shot at that, M L. Keep us posted on your progress.
Joe Biden finally comes clean
“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said.
All posting the same talking points, I see.
Lefty shits offering nothing in response other than misdirection, I see.
The claims lefty shits call "talking points" are what intelligent people call "evidence" lefty shit.
I thought this was a joke making fun of Biden’s misspeak to contrast him with noted elocution master Donald Trump.
No, Joe Biden did not confess to a massive voter fraud scheme on a popular podcast.
...yet it seems that he did. Weird.
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Hey, everybody! Woo-Hoo!
WK found a Politico article (so we know it isn't biased at all!!!!), claiming that a Ukrainian who was in trouble 'heard about this stuff' a while ago, there fore........(something).
And besides:
"...Democrats and former intelligence officials have raised questions about the Biden documents, alleging the leak of the materials could be part of a wide-ranging Russian effort to interfere in American politics on Trump’s behalf..."
Does it take tiny hands to grasp at straws that thin, lefty shit?
White Knight doesn't begin to do you justice: Lefty Imbecilic Shill suits you far better.
Hunter Biden should be worried, because after the clingers lock Hillary up, find Obama's birth certificate, get to the bottom of Benghazi, build the wall, and get Mexico to pay for it, the Incel Army is going to cause some real problems for Hunter Biden.
Three more months, clingers. Then, the reckoning.
New troll, or old one equal in parody?
Regardless, fuck off and die; make you dog and family happy and the world a better place.
I choose to continue to shove progress down your racist, ignorant, whimpering throat, clinger. And there is nothing you can do about it other than to continue to comply.
You get to whine all you want, though, so long as you continue to toe that line.
There may well be enough slack-jawed, drooling lefty shits hoping for free shit to elect that slack-jawed, drooling lefty shit as POTUS. Hey, there were sufficient slack-jawed, drooling lefty shits to elect that scumbag FDR to four terms, even after it was obvious he was circling the drain. Lefty slack-jawed imbecility is more wide-spread than intelligent people assume; the rev, tony, turd, kill.., pod, JFree, jackass, and so forth.
We can only hope that there is an examination of the issues rather than the bullshit claims, and the votes are cast such as to recognize that Biden's promises are but more of "FREE SHIT IF YOU VOTE FOR ME" and make an intelligent choice.
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I wish people would realize school choice would be much more popular without the stigma of ultra conservative christianity. If you want your kid to go to a religious school that's your choice. Pay for it yourself. Zero tax dollars should go to funding religious schools. Freedom of religion means freedom from religion.
My jewish friends get pissed when conservatives say the US was founded on "Judeo-Christian values." Jews have a huge variety of beliefs just like christians. Mostly the don't like being lumped together with ultra right wing loons.
The folks who believe the first ammendment shouldn't restrict religious displays by the government on government property as long as none are resticted. For example a nativity scene at city hall is ok as long as there's a menorah or some shit? In reality that's not feasible. You need to allow my religious symbol to be displayed as well. A sign that says "Fuck Mormons," is how my religion celebrates the holidays. My satanist buddies would need their "hail satan" sign displayed. Hell we're easy going compared to most folks. We don't have any religious holidays used to skip work. If I'm a public employee and want to work on Christmas I can't. That's bullshit.
"If I’m a public employee and want to work on Christmas I can’t. That’s bullshit."
My boss gives me 280 hours of paid time off. That covers sick, vacation, and HOLIDAYS. I get to choose when to use them. At the end of the year he pays me the balance. Sounds good? Well kinda sucks because if want to take 4th of July off, it will cost me 8X my hourly rate. I guess it depends on how much I like my family in a given year 🙂
My point is CHRISTmas is a christian holiday so it shouldn't be a government holday. It's unconstitutional. If Christian public employees want to take it off they should, but I should be allowed to work on December 25th if it would of been a regular workday. Fourth of July isn't a religious holiday, so it's not unconstitutional for the government to close for it.
I still can't believe conservative Christians claim they're targeted, discriminated or oppressed or some shit.
Cry more, bitch.
"I wish people would realize school choice would be much more popular without the stigma of ultra conservative christianity."
I wish more people realized that their personal bigotries aren't really shared by average people--and should be embarrassing.
This is like saying that public schools would be more popular with racists if they were segregated--you should be ashamed of yourself.
Why should public policy cater to the stupidity of bigots?
I wish ultra conservative Christians would stop claiming to make up the majority of the country, but at the same time claiming to be an opressed minority. Neither are true.
If anyone should be ashamed is Mormons and the folks who defend them on these comments. They worship pedophiles, and many people on here stick up for them. For shame.
Cry more, bitch.
Gotta ask
What percentage of people who want school choice, want to do so because of religious reasons? Basically find a way for the government to pay for all/most of it. I understand that this is a big reason behind home schooling.
The religious schools shouldn’t get a dime from the government. Subsidized college loans are why the tuition shot up so fast and expensive. The same would happen to private school tuition if they collected government funding. Bad enough they get government paid transportation and books.
Government should give the money to the parents of any kid as a tax credit. Schools shouldn’t get a dime from government. Not even public schools.
It's important to remember a couple of things here.
1) The government doesn't pay for anything. Taxpayers do.
The budget for your local public school is coming from property taxes, sales taxes, and other taxes that are being paid by people who, for instance, send their kids to religious schools rather than public schools or don't have children. If they're forced to pay for schools they don't use, how fair is that?
2) Private schools, especially religious ones, both cost less to operate per student and get better outcomes on average than public schools.
When you take an average kid out of a public school system and send him to a religious school, you're actually saving the taxpayers' money. You can even set the size of the voucher substantially below that of the cost of teaching an average kid in a public school to ensure that you're saving the taxpayers' money when they leave the system.
The emergence of homeschooling online has made this even better. If you're giving parents a voucher to use an online school that doesn't have the overhead of a physical facility and the outrageous pension obligations of the teachers' unions, you're saving the taxpayers' a tremendous amount of money per student when each student is enrolled in an online school.
The public school is both the option with the highest cost per student and the system with the worst student outcomes on average. It should really only be reserved for handicapped children and special cases.
Meanwhile, trapping children in a system with the highest costs and the lowest outcomes isn't just expensive and stupid, there's also a moral component. Some of these kids are disadvantaged, suffer from problems associated with their socio-economic status, like gangs, etc., not to mention are dealing with challenges like racism. Trapping them in lower outcome, higher costs schools when the taxpayer could save money by sending them to better schools is morally wrong. The reason the teachers' unions oppose choice is because they're trying to maximize the number of students attending public schools so that the schools need more dues paying union members on their payrolls.
Public schools fund the transportation and books used by private school students in their locality. So the private schools don’t have to count it as an expense of theirs, so they can have lower per-student cost.
If public schools didn’t have to pay any textbook or transportation costs, their per-student costs would drop considerably.
It should be noted that districts SHOULD be offering taxpayers refunds for the absent expenses of transportation, heating, and building security where there’s no in-person education being attempted.
Funny how they’re all hanging on to that money.
It may be true that public schools fund transportation and books for public charter school students. Public charter schools can definitely be set up to punish the districts that let them exist.
But a true private school is not funded by the public districts. (Hence why some private schools do not have any transportation or lunch program.)
What, no mention of how she's been sued over her department refusing to do it's duty regarding loan forgiveness?
The article really should have concluded with a,
"and if you want more of this pro-libertarian examples of government, vote Trump"
Otherwise, vote Joe "more corrupt, less alcoholic than Hillary" Biden for increase statism and progressive control of your lives.
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"The unifying theme...is the order and disorder of the universe", say the con artists of the mind.
There is no disorderly 'verse. The 'verse is orderly. It is our minds that are disorderly, mistaken in our understanding, and often cognitively crippled from early childhood by indoctrination.
Psycho-epistemology is the most powerful tool humanity possesses. It may be used for the benefit of all or for the benefit of a few at the expense of all, in the long run. The latter is happening, worldwide, in every nation. And it is justified by propaganda, not by experience or history.
Force rules politics, and faith excuses it. This is not communicated widely because it would weaken and eventually destroy the present political paradigm, allowing the alternative, freely chosen, non-violent politics, based on reason, rights.
If our species is to survive, this fact must be communicated to enough people so the healing may begin and the minds of children enhanced, allowed to develop naturally.
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The article really should have concluded with a,
“and if you want more of this pro-libertarian examples of government, vote Trump”
Otherwise, vote Joe “more corrupt, less alcoholic than Hillary” Biden for increase statism and progressive control of your lives.
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The article is referring to a government building. That argument can be applied equally to nearly every such building. The purpose of most government departments and programs is not to solve the problems they were created to address, but to perpetuate them and ultimately preserve their underlying bureaucracy.
She needs to step aside in favor of somebody who actually cares about the United States, its citizens, and our children. The Federal Government has done much for education of our children, especially those who don't have privilege or money. But since she has both, she has no clue. Yet another reason we need to get Trump out of office.
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