Yes, Black NYU Students Demanded Segregated Housing. No, the University Didn't Agree to It.
"NYU does not have and will not create student housing that excludes any student based on race."
Two black students at New York University created a petition calling on the administration to designate racially-segregated housing for black and "black-identifying" students. But contrary to viral social media claims, NYU has not agreed to this demand.
"NYU does not have and will not create student housing that excludes any student based on race," John Beckman, a spokesperson for the university, told Reason.
The students who authored the petition, Brenah Johnson and Nia Robertson, told Fox News that "NYU is a predominantly white institution, making it very difficult for Black students to connect or find community, especially when incidents involving racism occur." They said their proposal was "not about exclusion, but rather creating a space where Black students can feel included."
But despite what the students said, the petition—which was signed by 1,000 people—inarguably uses the language of exclusion. It specifies that the housing must include "floors completely comprised of Black-identifying students with Black Resident Assistants." If a proposal requires that certain floors only include back students, then it is a proposal for racially segregated housing.
This aspect of the story, which appeared all over Twitter on Monday, is accurate. But it is not accurate to say that NYU has acceded to the demand. In fact, the administration has unambiguously rejected it, according to Beckman.
The confusion was created in part by an article in The World Socialist Website, which rightly criticized the students for advancing "the interests of a very small, privileged layer of the population." (As a socialist publication, TWSW sometimes criticizes the progressive left for being preoccupied with issues unrelated to class.) Here is how TWSW summarized the issue:
On July 20, Washington Square News, the weekly undergraduate student newspaper of NYU, published an article titled "Student-Led Task Force Calls for Black Housing on Campus," in which they reported on the university's willingness to help implement residential communities open solely to "Black-identifying students with Black Resident Assistants." Since then, the university has officially given the project a green light, aiming to have NYU's first segregated residential floor established by Fall 2021.
The underlying article, in the student publication Washington Square News, is extremely biased toward Johnson and Robertson, and thus they are not really pressed on whether their proposal calls for black-only housing. The general thrust of the article is about the need for greater protections for students of color:
During their time at NYU, both students came to believe that the university does not adequately provide for its Black students.
"There is nothing to protect us," Robinson said. "Literally no systems in place. What do you do when your professor is racist and wants to take it out on your grades? Microaggressions in classroom discussions?"
Johnson herself worked in housing as a Residential Assistant and noticed that the housing system did not meet the demands of Black students.
"As a former RA, we spoke a lot of language around being diverse and forming communities, but we never talked about its application and how different students may want to be included in different ways," Johnson said. "Housing felt like the first place to make a tangible start."
These experiences prompted Johnson and Robinson to start the student-led task force called Black Violets, a group calling for measures to protect Black students on campus. The group has gained traction through various petitions advocating for more Black professors in the Department of Politics and first-year exploration floors dedicated to Black housing, among others.
Beckman told the student paper that NYU looked forward to working with the students to implement some of their goals. In a statement to Reason, he clarified what he meant.
"Earlier in the summer, a group of Black students reached out to NYU's Office of Housing and Residential Life and applied to establish an Exploration Floor around the themes of Black history and culture; NYU has about 30 themed Exploration Floors," he said. "During the course of the discussion about the application process—which is ongoing—the Housing Office staff made clear that all Exploration Floors must be open to applicants of all races and backgrounds."
Racially segregated dormitories have become a common demand of some student activists; these activists evidently think that race-specific housing would reduce racial turmoil on campus. In reality, such housing arrangements might very well increase tensions by heightening group identity. They are probably illegal, and ill-advised in any case.
It's a shame that some progressives think racial segregation is an idea whose time has come again. But thankfully, NYU has rejected this proposal.
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I can't believe that the administration at NYU would be so racist that it would refuse to racially segregate its student body. It's 2020, people.
Low scores=micro aggression.
Nano aggression.
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"“There is nothing to protect us,” Robinson said. “Literally no systems in place. What do you do when your professor is racist and wants to take it out on your grades? Microaggressions in classroom discussions?”
The Klan is so powerful they are even occupying NYU professorships. Wake up sheeple.
Can you give us the criteria for judging?
I like not knowing specifics
What do you do when your professor is racist and wants to take it out on your grades?
They must be black republicans or libertarians.
I can’t speak for the entire university, but when I attended NYU law in the early 1980s, all grading was anonymous. The purported reason was specifically to prevent professors from “retaliating” against students who took controversial anti-capitalist positions in debates during class. Of course, the real reason was to prevent brown nosing students from getting better grades due to their brown nosing.
At any rate, the chances of an NYU professor “retaliating” against somebody for being black are about the same as the chances of Bruce Hay being considered an expert judge of character.
Hey, I worked hard to brown nose! Literally, some of these professor's assholes were tight as hell. Had to lube up my nose three fucking times to even have a change of penetration.
That's not work to you
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Who appointed this judge? I don't remember a meeting.
What do you do when your professor is racist and wants to take it out on your grades? Microaggressions in classroom discussions?
Agree to sleep with them?
Ahhh, yeah.... you’ve sorta gotta be... how do I say this.... not unattractive to be able to offer that bribe.
"Black Identifying"
It's free to join the commie party. The long term cost is high.
Rooms reserved for Rachel and Shaun.
"NYU is a predominantly white institution, making it very difficult for Black students to connect or find community,..."
What, blacks don't have any identifying physical characteristics by which they could spot each other in a crowd?
Gays have gaydar. Don't blacks have [somethingsomething]-dar?
Jeeze, exactly! Gay or Jewish or some others you might not be able to tell, but isn't Black pretty obvious?
And YES, Robby reported on it like it fucking mattered.
And YOU commented on it like Robby's article mattered!
But maybe he used an ad-blocker. Who's the Monica Lewinsky now?
The fact that they got a thousand people to sign a petition calling for racial segregation of housing is significant enough to put out and worry about.
At least it says something about the students at NYU.
Perhaps everyone who signed the petition was white... or should I say White, since we now seem to be capitalizing Black (see the article).
After changing its usage rules last month to capitalize the word “Black” when used in the context of race and culture, The Associated Press on Monday said it would not do the same for “white.”
It does matter. It shows us that our priorities are out of order.
Before any racism issues are solved, we first have to find out how education is inversely proportional to iq all the sudden.
We took it for granted that all the adherents of religion who have recently disaffiliated were just gonna assimilate as normal people. That’s proving to be a huge mistake. The believers simply switched teams from religion to politics.
Now we’ve got entitled, non submissive sheep running around without the fear of god to guilt them into keeping their heads down and enduring. Without clergy to complain to, who the fuck you think is gonna have to hear it now?
What are we gonna do with all these fucking believers?
They'll learn to be submissive, keep their heads down, endure once the new order that they so desperately wants takes over. Unfortunately for them, they picked a religion that historically and somewhat paradoxically goes after it's own adherents first.
What do you do when your professor is racist and wants to take it out on your grades? Microaggressions in classroom discussions?"
Sure, that happens.
More realistically what happens when professors are left wing and take it out on your grades?
Transfer to an engineering school in the south.
Not sure about that. Last article I saw reported the SJW virus pandemic at Georgia Tech.
Left wingers are racists, and they always have been. Marx was particularly virulent, and you can ask any minority living under the CCP yoke what it's like to be ruled by them if you're not Han Chinese.
The democrats end goal is always public whether they do it through the KKK or through social justice.
It's okay to seperat the students based on race, as long as they are equal. It's only fair to have them be seperat but equal
Like The Offspring says, You Gotta Keep 'Em Separated
It goes down the same as the thousand before
No one's getting smarter
No one's learning the score
Your never-ending spree of death and violence and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope, tie your own rope, tie your own...
> NYU is a predominantly white institution
In a predominantly white country? How dare they!
It's not even true! NYU — at least if we're talking about students rather than faculty — is only about 1/3 white!
Black students just wanted to isolate themselves from the SJWs infesting that campus. Fortunately the SJWs know what's best for black people, and were able to stop it.
We aren’t racist enough. We need to honor the idea of racism. White people should not attend BLM rallies because it makes blacks look like there isn’t any racism - how inconsiderate can white people be?
The least we can do is allow for segregation so they can have SOMETHING to complain about. Jesus fuck.
It can be the George Wallace Memorial Dorm, colloquially known as The Projects.
With a Bull Connor memorial fountain, right out front.
Are the two petitioners related to George Wallace? “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” One would that sorry history remained firmly in the rear view mirror.
Did they say anything about having their own drinking fountains?
Yeah, let's start with that. Baby steps.
For now. But for how long? Universities have a habit of caving in once there is any sort of protest...
"racially-segregated housing for black and "black-identifying" students."
What's a black-identifying student? Is that like trans people?
They're more like those guys that sneak into your bedroom to eat your dick. Specifically, they're insane, unreasonable, and cause separation.
Dickless Tony, if you're reading this, I told you to keep your windows and door locked. I fucking told you. Now all you can do is take it--never to give it again. ;_;7
They probably mean someone who is part black, part some other race, but refers to themselves as black.
Rachel Dolezal or Shaun King
"NYU is a predominantly white institution, making it very difficult for Black students to connect or find community"
This is such absurd BS. NYU, like all big colleges, not only goes out of their way to "diversify" their student body, but has multiple black student groups (and asian groups, and lgbtq groups, and jewish groups, and muslim groups, etc etc). And it's been like this for decades, btw.
If you can't "find community" in a melting pot like NYU, it's a YOU problem, not a "wypipo" or "systemic hu-r-r-r-racism" problem.
If you can’t “find community” in a melting pot like NYU
NYU? They're smack in the fucking middle of New York City.
If they can't find "community" in one of the largest cities in the world, they won't be able to find it anywhere other than back in the South, which is where most of the country's black population is concentrated.
Next they'll want their own drinking fountains and exclusive rights to ride in the back of the bus.
When walking down the street, throngs of white people should cross the street out of courtesy. So the few black people having trouble finding each other don't get lost in their midst.
NYU caves in 5...4...3...
Two black students at New York University created a petition calling on the administration to designate racially-segregated housing for black and "black-identifying" students. But contrary to viral social media claims, NYU has not agreed to this demand.
Phew, thank God, we can all rest easy knowing the culture is moving in the right direction. Because this is the FIRST time I've ever heard of such a demand.
If I were being charitable, I'd say it's probably good to push on social norms every now and then. See where the fault lines lie and if the suppositions still hold water.
On the other hand, I see generations of blacks being treated as pariahs (even moreso than the are now) after this as an ever-growing list of demands starts draining available empathy, and it is easier to ostracize them as a whole.
That push on social norms goes both ways.
This is some bs! I would bet that if white students asked for segregated housing, not only would their demand be rejected, but the students who created the petition would be expelled and everyone who signed would be either expelled as well or at a minimum required to complete a white fragility diversity reeducation program. And they would all be canceled on social media and likely threatened with violence.
I hung out and around NYU and lower Manhattan from my early teens until I left NY in my 30's, and never had a problem finding plenty of other black people to hang with, along with people of many other ethnicities. If these kids are having such a hard time finding other black people to connect with in NYC, they may be wasting their time and tuition in college. Also, NYU less than 35% white. They make up the single largest ethnic group, but approx 2/3 is a combination of other ethnicities and races.
Here's is an excellent commentary on the state of "Student Protests", past and present, contrasting the two eras, where one wanted freedom of speech, and to be treated like adults, whereas the modern variety wants segregated spaces, and to be protected from views and opinions they don't like.
Note... video is from *clears throat* four years ago. Four. Years ago.
"...If a proposal requires that certain floors only include back students, then it is a proposal for racially segregated housing..."
This should not be hard to understand, but I hear only the right is racist.
Only whites.
All whites.
According to some leftists on the internet, only whites can be racist, because only whites like Obama and Kamala Harris have any power.
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Robby Soave, the California universities you previously wrote about as having "segregated" dorms ( are also technically be open to all, just like what NYU is proposing. Why do you now claim that what NYU is doing is not segregation? Regardless of the legal nuances, which NYU is clinging to, in practice the program will lead to segregation.
So this is what happens when you have nothing to complain about - just insist things go back to the old way when you did.
Bring back segregation? George Wallace in his grave smiling saying he should have been elected in 1972.
When your brainwashed to believe every white person is a racist, this is the result. Tell these two to open a history book, blacks risked life and limb to end segregation. What’s next “blacks only” water fountains and lunch counters??? MLK is rolling over in his grave.
blacks risked life and limb to end segregation.
Crackers too. Two of the three men murdered in Mississippi during the Freedom Summer campaign were whiteys.
Haha, a petition demands racist housing for blacks AND black-identifying students. Haha, f'ing ridiculous. That sums up the stupidity of the racist Left and racist BLM.
Surely this is Onion material! Shall we call blacks, I mean African Americans, Negroes again as well? Things are getting very fucking confusing.
"The students who authored the petition, Brenah Johnson and Nia Robertson, told Fox News that "NYU is a predominantly white institution, making it very difficult for Black students to connect or find community, especially when incidents involving racism occur." They said their proposal was "not about exclusion, but rather creating a space where Black students can feel included."
Seems to me if NYU is predominantly white, it shouldn't be difficult at all to find the black students to connect with each other.
"NYU does not have and will not create student housing that excludes any student based on race," John Beckman, a spokesperson for the university, told Reason."
Yes, there are lots of other ways to introduce segregated housing.
The purported reason was specifically to prevent professors from “retaliating” against students who took controversial anti-capitalist positions in debates during class satta Of course, the real reason was to prevent brown nosing students from getting better grades due to their brown nosing. very nice
News Flash-College students ask administration for stupid shit.
Really. Isn't this what college students have been doing since at least the 17th century. This is not news. This is day to day life of college administrators. The only thing newsworthy is that in 21st century we are expected to take the request seriously
Segregated or specialized dorms..... a fine idea whose time has come. And passed. I got stuck in a "pre-med" dorm because my major was bio, so of course, I was pre-med. What other reason would there have been to study biology?
What a dumassed idea that was (the dorm part, although even then a degree in biology was starting to loose its value). Several hundred uptight type A's (well, in fact most of them were pre-med hopefuls) all bouncing off of each other. Bad idea. Almost as dumb as sticking all of the Black students in one dorm, or all of the Gays, or all the Jews. Brilliant. Isn't University supposed to be about opening up the mind and learning new stuff?
(Aside, there was one segregated dorm for language majors, operated as an immersion program. I think you had to be an advanced student, and there was a general prohibition from speaking English. Looked like it was working as best I recall, but again, my memory is flauty. )
Faulty, like my spelling.
Sticking all the gays in the same dorm could lead to a lot of late-night cram sessions.
Wait!!! Blacks demanding segregation? Has hell frozen over?
Lame idea by two students, good decision by NYU. Move on to the big problem at hand -- ending what remains, and it's a lot, of white-inspired and directed racism (against Black people, in particular, because of what they and their forebears have had to deal with since our country decided that the pornographic horror of Black chattel slavery was a morally acceptable crime to commit in order to get free labor for white cotton farmers and their associates). If you're white, make something happen in your family, among your friends, on the job, in the bars you frequent. Declare yourself anti-racist, loud and clear. Don't allow them to use racist terms. Tell them to get off it, appreciate what white privilege means, even if they've never expressed a wink of racism in their lives, and to understand that Black people have been here for longer than any but a handful of white traders and sailors in the 16th century. Ask them who is more American than Black Americans? Who has done more to help build America at unimaginable cost to their dignity and dreams? And why are they still struggling for the freedom and equality that every American is granted from birth by the U.S. Constitution? Give them a short history of Black people in America to read. Get them to help make America great for the very people who helped to make it exactly that but have yet to reap the full benefits of its wealth and power.
Move on to the big problem at hand — ending what remains, and it’s a lot, of white-inspired and directed racism (against Black people, in particular, because of what they and their forebears have had to deal with since our country decided that the pornographic horror of Black chattel slavery was a morally acceptable crime to commit in order to get free labor for white cotton farmers and their associates).
Some one want to build Factory ?
Apparently it's necessary to remind 'reason' of the difference between de jure and de facto. Of course the 'exploration floor' will exclude Whites and Asians, and very likely Latins. How else can it be 'about' blacks?
This comment not approved by Silicon Valley brain slugs.
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This is so delicious! Let's apply the same "request" to all public housing. This will avoid racial profiling because everyone will be black - Just give the address.