Trump Tried to Fire Mueller, Self-Driving Cop Cars Are Coming, Beware of Women With 'Snake-Filled Heads': A.M. Links
Album / Joseph Martin/Newscom President Trump reportedly ordered Robert Mueller's firing last June but back down when the White House counsel, Donald McGahnn, said he would resign rather than do that.
- Ford just filed a patent for a self-driving police car.
- Panera is lobbying the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to narrow its definition of what can be called egg.
- A Republican candidate for the Missouri Senate has gained national attention for a rant about how modern life is full of women with "snake-filled heads" who try to tempt good girls like his daughters to "become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils."
This is a smart, thoroughly reported feature on the state of conservative political magazines in the era of Trump: The @senatorshoshana cameo is great.
— Source Close to Peter Suderman (@petersuderman) January 25, 2018
- "Facial recognition technology is improving, and the law enforcement community has been taking notice." Matthew Feeney explores what that might mean for border security.
Trump, on CNBC: "I'm a free trader, I'm a fair trader. I'm all kinds of trader."
— Olivia Messer (@OliviaMesser) January 26, 2018
- President Trump is using his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to talk about how "America is open for business."
- Does the Oakland Police Department ever do anything right?
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