EPA Announces Power Plant Rule Repeal, Feinstein Is Running for Re-Election, Germany to Limit Refugee Numbers: P.M. Links
Alex Edelman/ZUMA Press/Newscom Environmental Protection Agency Secretary Scott Pruitt told miners today he was going to repeal the Obama administration rule limiting carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
- Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who is 84 years old, will be running for re-election. People wonder if she'll be challenged from her left (most certainly) and whether that challenge would accomplish much (probably not, thanks to California's top-two primary system).
- The federal waiver of the Jones Act in Puerto Rico has expired and won't be renewed, meaning they'll be paying much higher prices than they need to be to import goods to recover from hurricane damage.
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed to new limits on the number of refugees the country would take each year as a compromise to help form a new post-election government. The new limit will be 200,000 annually.
- Richard Thaler, author of Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, won the Nobel Prize for Economics. Read a Reason magazine review of the book and his brand of government social paternalism here.
- There are probably more opinions about Columbus Day than there are people who actually get the day off from work.
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